Gingerbread Man: 2109; Chapter 13, Secrets Revealed

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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This story is for those 18 years old or older

13: Secrets Revealed

Matt did everything he could to catch up with Feih, but not being fully familiar with the terrain and hampered by the bulk of his new weapon he soon lost sight of her. This allowed him time to come to grips with how quickly he had adapted to his new body: that it was responding as if he was naturally born to it. He also hoped that certain other parts of it body would respond equally as well when he finally caught up with her. That was when he began to recognize that he was nearing the area where they had their first act of physical love.

He arrived at the clearing seconds later and slowed to a casual walk when he saw Feih standing near its center with her back to him. He was within a few paces of her when she unexpectedly turned and warned him off with a low growl.

Startled by her defensive posture, he feared that he had displeased her with his inability to catch her until he saw her scanning the surrounding forest. He mimicked her actions and noticed that many pairs of eyes that were watching them.

Pumped up from the chase and the hormones that flowed through his body he dropped his weapon to the ground and roared out, "If any of you have a problem with my being Feih's mate come out and face me right now!"

His outburst surprised her; she could not believe that he had just issued a challenge to her entire family, but she felt pride when she saw him bare his teeth and ready himself to meet an attack from any direction. She smiled then emitted a short, harsh, almost canine-like bark.

He heard the watchers depart, then took a minute to calm down and relax. "Thanks, Feih." He turned toward her. "I don't know if I could have actually taken on any of..." he stopped when he saw that the only thing she was wearing was a smile; her new suit was on the ground next to her.

"That was a very impressive display." She walked toward him. "Can you impress me in any other ways?"

He forgot all about any worries he had about adapting to his new form, way of life or Feih's unstated motives for initiating his transformation and attempted to follow her example, but found, to his dismay, that he could not locate his flexible armor's hidden fasteners.

Feih tried not to laugh at his predicament and offered her assistance. "Let me help you with that."

The sensuous movements of her buxom form as she walked toward him and the strong feminine Dorzeli scent, the nuances of which he was able to detect with his new, super sensitive olfactory powers, soon overwhelmed his self-control and he reached out for her.

She put one hand on his chest to stop his advance and looked down. When she looked back up he saw broad grin on her face.

"I see you're eager to begin, but you'll injure yourself if we don't get that suit off. It can only stretch so far."

She moved hands to his neck and waist where her claws found his suit's hidden latches and with a quick twist the top of his suit peeled away from his body like a shed skin. He threw it off to the side, looked down and hoped that she would hurry and finish removing its lower half as he could feel it begin to strangle him. He gasped when it fell to the ground.

His increase in size to almost seven meters was disproportionate in comparison to the size of his penis; it was almost two times larger than it would have been if he had kept his human was at his present size. What did not surprise him was that his testicles were now internal, not unlike earth's reptiles and sea mammals. However, he found it curious that the information Jason had provided him indicated that they now occupied the exact same position as a female's ovaries. "I guess they don't have to be cooler than the rest of my body anymore."

His thoughts about this and other anomalies about his new form were driven from his mind when Feih knelt before him, took his human looking penis in her right hand and licked its head. This elicited a low rumble of satisfaction from his throat.

She smiled and grasped his penis with both her hands and started to pump him along his entire length. She laughed when she looked up and saw the look of utter satisfaction that was on his face.

She smirked at his reaction to his new size. "Don't look so pleased with yourself. My brother is much bigger than you." When she saw his eyes widen in horror she realized her mistake and eased his fears. "I've seen him fully aroused when he's been with others; we're not shy about such things in front of our loved ones." Her face became serious. "My people despise incest just as much as yours and for some of the same reasons."

Matt felt bad about thinking such thoughts and attempted to apologize, "I'm sorry, Feih. I didn't mean to imply that you and he..."

"It's all right," she said cutting him off. "I was careless with my words." She looked down at his throbbing love rod and so did he.

"I'm surprised that I was able to get you this far along so quickly." She looked back at his face with what he believed was a hint of doubt in her eyes. "Do you really find me attractive?"

He smiled and brought his right hand up and gently caressed the left side of her face. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his gentle caresses. "In spite of the fear I felt when we first met I knew then, as I do now, that you were one of the most beautiful beings in the universe."

She opened her eyes and said, "Then, my handsome lover, I will reward your honesty the best way I know how." She increased her pumping action and resumed lapping at his love helmet. He closed his eyes and growled and gritted his teeth at the intense pleasure that her actions were gave him.

She lapped up the steady stream of pre-cum that had begun to flow from him and used some to lubricate her efforts, but after an additional fifteen minutes she stopped and voiced a happy complaint; "I must be out of practice; you've lasted much longer than I would've expected."

He was barely in a rational state of mind when he managed to get out, "I'm not...complaining."

Feih's grin returned, "But we have a long day ahead of us and I have so much more I want to show you." With these last words he felt one of her tails snake its way up his legs toward his groin.

He braced himself for a repeat of what she had done to him on the previous night. Even so, he was not ready to for from where the stab of pain originated or the almost infinite increase in the sexual stimulation she was already giving him that pushed him to heights of sexual stimulation no human had ever experienced or could hope to withstand. It also caused an instant recall from the stored memory Jason had given him: he saw in an anatomy diagram that indicated that he had an orifice that no terrestrial male mammal should have. He felt as if his legs were about to give out when he realized what he may have become.

"I'm, I'm a..."

She did not slow her ministrations upon him when she alleviated his fears, "No, you're not a hermaphrodite like our ancestors were, although it's not unknown to happen to some us. You only have this..." she grinned and pushed her tail all the way in which caused him to cry out in joy from this new and powerful sensation. "Otherwise you're a true male in every other respect and I will prove that to you right now." She opened her mouth wide and clamped it down upon his shaft.

He almost screamed again when he thought of her sharp teeth; teeth that he had seen bite clean through enemy soldiers, sinking into him. Instead he only felt his pleasure increase as she bobbed her head up and down. With these two stimuli assaulting him, one familiar and one totally new, he could not hold out any longer. He pointed his face skyward, roared and explosively came into Feih's mouth.

She tried to swallow his entire load, but it came too fast and too high in volume for her to handle and not choke so she released him and allowed the rest of his plentiful seed to spray into the air.

He recovered just in time to see his last strong spurt shoot skyward. He looked down and saw no signs of tooth marks on him, a testament to Feih's skill, and that some of his cum had splattered onto her face.

"Now that was impressive." She followed up her compliment, which had caused him to feel a mixed sense of pride and embarrassment, with a broad smile. She then wiped some of his cum off with her left hand and used her long tongue to lick off the rest.

She lowered that same hand to her groin and mixed his cum with her own secretions, which had started to flow freely and surprised him when she brought the mixture up to her mouth, licked over half of it from her hand then held that same hand up to him. He tried not recoil in disgust.

"Please Matt. It'll make you stronger." She smiled and nodded when he looked at her as if she was joking with him. When he saw that she was not he bent down, tasted the mixture and found it to have a taste that was slightly stronger than her secretions from the night before; he lapped up the rest with an eagerness that pleased her. An instant later he felt his strength increase and his penis return to full rigidity.

He smiled as he realized from where he had received his increased stamina the previous night. She in turn licked any remaining trace from her hand and cleaned off his revitalized shaft.

He asked, "How?"

"Dorzeli, I believe you call them pheromones, are found in all of our fluids and not only attract both males and females but also heighten our already high endurance." She exhaled into his face before he could say anything else.

Like the taste of her fluids from the night before he found the smell of her breath was sweet and enticing, but now, as a Dorzeli, the effects of it were overwhelming. He wanted to mount her as soon as possible, but the slow withdrawal of her tail from his body reminded him of his new equipment and he halted any action he wanted to take.

"Was...was that what you were looking for last night?" he asked as he fought off the primeval urges that were building within him.

"Yes, but I should've known better than to assume that male humans would've been built the same." A look of concern came to her face as she resumed pumping him, "I hope that this won't affect our relationship."

To his amazement it felt to him as if she was doing it for the very first time. "No," he firmly stated, "I love you too much to let something even as significant as this come between us. I just wished that Jason had warned me about..." He couldn't finish; he had just lost the battle for control. He looked down at her and growled at her.

Feih released him with haste, turned around and went to all fours, raised her tails raised high and braced herself for a possible violent entry. She screamed with surprise when he drove his tongue deep into her sex and mercilessly probed her.

Her vaginal walls clamped down on him within seconds, but, unlike his arm the night before, his strong flexible tongue was unstoppable and he continued to stimulate her by forcing its way deeper into her hot depths. Minutes later she came again, but, unlike her earlier performance with him he did not miss any of her sweet love juice. The pheromone laden fluid served to further increase his lust and he licked with great enthusiasm at her clitoris which caused her to have several more climaxes. Only after her final scream for him to stop did he remove his long Dorzeli tongue from her body.

He moved into position to properly mount her, but stopped when he remembered what Jason had told him. He decided that he did not care what her true motivations were. He loved her and would provide her with what Hafnias could not due to his untimely death.

He growled, "For our children," and drove himself hard into her waiting vagina.

Tears of joy ran from her eyes as he humped away at her, for she now knew that he truly loved her by his willingness to sire her offspring.

Thirty minutes of feral bliss enveloped them he pounded away at her. Their growls and throaty calls warned any that could hear them that their lives were in peril should the two lovers be interrupted.

Then, without warning, Matt crossed his arms in front of her mid-section, took hold and squeezed her meaty globes and lifted her multi-ton mass completely off the ground until he was standing upright.

Some part of his mind realized that her true weight equaled the giant version of herself from the attack on the Soriss compound but it was suppressed when it felt like she weighed less than her appearance indicated even though her present size was still taller than him.

Caught off guard by his display of strength and the strange new position he had brought her into she struggled to free herself, Only when he started to thrust upward into her with ease did she surrender to her baser instincts.

He bounced her hard and fast and squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipplwes when he could with each upward thrust aided by his powerful legs until she gave off her loudest orgasmic roar of pleasure since they had started and clamped down on him so hard that he thought she would de-man him. He thrust upward one last time in response then joined her call of love and came. His body pumped one massive load of Dorzeli seed into her after another and exceeded his last load in volume.

Matt stopped when the throbbing of his cock eased and held her in place like for several minutes before he lowered himself enough so that Feih's feet touched the ground. Then, as an afterthought, he pushed back up into her one last time, which caused her to have a brief secondary spasm then he released her.

Panting hard, she stepped forward with a noticeable wobble to allow him to stand. He was shocked and deeply hurt when she spun around and turned on him.

He was barely able to evade her broad, claw first, swipes at him as she forced him back, towards the edge of the forest. Just when he thought that he would have no choice but to defend himself he saw that she was smiling. He grinned back and took a playful shot at her which would not have connected. She evaded with ease and he pressed his "counter-attack" when he saw that she enjoyed his response.

She took advantage of his relaxed attitude when he swung at her a second time; she dove beneath his guard, grabbed him by his sides and hoisted him into the air and increased her size until she matched the height she used to attack the Soriss camp and snarled, "Just remember: never do that in front of my family!"

He believed that he had grossly overstepped his bounds with her and that she may now see him more of a threat than a mate. His voice trembled with fear when he asked, "But I thought you'd enjoyed what I did?"

She frowned, lowered him to the ground, returned to her normal size and embraced him. "I'm sorry Matt, I didn't mean to frighten you and I did enjoy that...immensely. But you'll have to understand that I have to maintain my dominant status in our relationship if you're going to be accepted by my family." She started to gently caress his neck and face.

They separated and he nervously smiled at her. "Well, I guess it'll take me a while before I fully understand your culture, and I always did love strong women."

She returned his smile. "But if the day comes and you do successfully challenge me I wouldn't mind losing to you, but just remember," She carefully hooked the claw of her index finger under his chin, "I will not, as your people would say, 'pull my punches'."

Before he could respond to her implied threat she once again knelt before him, took his half-limp organ into her right hand and messaged it back to full hardness. This caused him to think, "Wow, feels so good. Just how many more times can I do this?"

"Why don't we go until exhaustion or hunger stops us?"

He looked down, surprised that she was able to hear his thoughts. She laughed. "I simply guessed what you were thinking from your expression. So," she continued with a hint of mischief in her voice, "Are you ready to explore your new limits?"

He nodded yes and hoped that his vastly increased Dorzeli stamina was up to the task. He found that it was as day turned into night and they collapsed from exhaustion near Dessla's equivalent of midnight.

After teaching him to hunt for food the following morning they started over again and continued to mate until the morning of their second day as a Dorzeli couple, when they received an urgent call from Jason. What happened after that is another story.


I would like to thank everyone who responded positively to this first story I had ever written (and re-written) since I discovered Furry in the mid-nineties. I never thought so many would even bother view this story. As I have stated in a few of my replies: this is not the end and more stories of Matt and Feih's adventures will follow and many questions that may have been left open will be answered (like Daihas' reaction when they finally meet).

Again I thank you.

Drakeil Braega