
Story by Raziel dragon on SoFurry

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I short story in progress that im writing for a friend.

It was a clear night with a bright full moon. I sat up in my chair that I was lazing about in. I stood up and walked outside into the fresh air, filling my lungs with it. I stroll down the cobbled road and into the tavern where I see the usual sort. One in particular stands out though, I don't think I have seen him before, wearing a cloak to hide his obviously elongated face. I walk to the bar keep and ask about the mysterious stranger in the corner.

"Haven't seen him before, haven't got a clue. "My curiosity peeked as usual for a coon. I walk over and ask his name, not a word from under his hood, but he raises his head a bit and I can see some black and green features. He suddenly stands and walks around a corner, but when I did the same, there was not even a trace of the man. Could it be a figment of my imagination? I scratch my head and go to turn around when I'm caught from behind. I try to struggle, nut I'm no match for his superior strength. I manage to tear his sleeve a bit though and see the same black and green features. Puzzled as to who, or what, this is, I give up the struggle and let him drag me into the furthest room of the inn.

Once inside,he pushes me towards the bed and I stubble backwards, hitting an end table and falling to the floor... As I rise to my feet again, he has already shut and locked the door! I start to think of what to do and run for the window. With inhuman speed he is on my back and we smash through the window and onto the roof. I tumble a little further and roll off the edge but barely catch myself. Three stories above ground and it's and almost certain death or severely broken bones. Luckily, I'm not as helpless as I appear to be and dig into my pocket for the small blade I always carry on me.

With my free hand, I stab the roof for a better hold and dangle there for just a moment before kicking off from the wall and swinging up and over, back onto the roof. He may have caught me by surprise at first, but now I have the home advantage. I used to run on these roofs all the time as a kit (young raccoon). I'm bounding to and fro across the rooftops to the edge of the forest. I acrobatically flip from the roof to the nearest tree branch. Like they always say, you can't chase a coon in the forest. Well I make that statement true as I leap from the tree branch to the ground. I head towards a lake I used to swim in all the time before I was sent away for all this training, which has served me well.

As I near the lake, I do a double take as in the clearing I see the same cloaked being! "It can't be!" I say in disbelief. "Who are you?!" I demand as I get into my fighting stance passed down from generations... I assume a defensive stance and wait for an answer or attack. It bewilders me, but he seems to hold out his hand to shake mine, weird... I reluctantly back down and walk over to him to shake his hand. As our hands touch, I get this strange feeling I know this person from somewhere... in the past.

Its somewhat shocking that a name come to mind right away and I blurt it out involuntarily., "Duncan?! Can it really be you? How could you have survived that massacre so many years ago?" before I could get any replies, I'm strangely hugging him and liking it! This must surely be a dream I think to myself. What are the odds the one I grew up with and did everything thing together with could be standing before me?

I reminisce about a time when we had ran away together in fear we we going to get in trouble for something I don't recall. It was here that we really found what we really meant to each other that first time. I start to blush thinking of how it all happened. We thought we were clever to throw off our scent to and chasers and dove head first into the lake. We swam to the far edge where the waterfall continues its ceaseless cascade.

To our surprise and joy, there was a cave hidden just behind the waterfall. As we climbed inside we both caught a chill and decided to make a small fire. Seems all the supplies were already prepared as if some had been here not too long ago. I walked over to the fire pit and used the flint and rock to make a spark which Duncan expertly blew into a roaring fire! Even though the fire was bright and hot, we could not shake off the cold and both looked at each other nervously as we knew what we had to do. We decide to go to opposite ends of the cave and face away from each other. We quickly undress, throwing our wet clothes into a pile over by the warm fire. Luckily the firelight didn't reach either of us, and our modesty was safe, at least for now. With the loss of clothes and the warmth of the fire, I steel myself and walk back towards the light, trying my best to pretend this was ok. Duncan shivers in the cold a bit longer, then finally walks towards the fire as well. We both stood there for what seemed a long while as we knew each other well, but never beheld each other naked. It was an eye opener to see that Duncan was starting to rise a bit, maybe it was just all the excitement. Duncan's eyes grow wide and I'm uncertain why, but I'm getting the euphoric feeling over me that makes me feel good and dominant. Duncan soon points to a significant spot on me below my waste and I'm shocked to see that I'm fully at attention! Becoming a bit brash, I decide to walk towards Duncan, who is still hardening and backing away slightly. A grin must have crossed my face because the look on Duncan's face created some new ideas and images in my young head. I know that we had played with ourselves a few times in private and talked about it once, but this was a whole new feeling that I couldn't at the time describe. As Duncan backed away another step, he tripped over a bedroll that was left behind among the other supplies we found already. Luckily, it was cushioned and he didn't seem to fall hard. My heart jumped for a split second as his defenseless body fell, and I reached out too late to catch his hand. Laying there now, Duncan did nothing to move more in fear that something worse might happen where he wasn't looking. This euphoric feeling seems to cloud my mind a bit more as I beheld my best friend's naked body in the warm firelight. The unpredictable firelight creates shadows of our bodies in the cave wall that dance with grace even against the rough surface. I slowly kneel down to Duncan's side and stretch a hand out to his leg, pretending to check for a cut or bruise. As my hand touches his bent knee, and almost electricity runs through me and my hand continues onward as if it had a mind of it own. With almost no direct intention, my hand makes its way down his thigh and grazes past his genitals. Duncan inhales deeply and then relaxes a bit to the touch. I can tell he is still nervous, but I'm too rearing to go and want to try this new moment for all its worth.

My hand continues past the stomach and rests upon Duncan's chest as it rises and falls with a nervous shudder from within. I lean over and bring my head close to his as if I had something dire to whisper to him. Just looking into his eyes my instincts start to take over. Before I know it, our lips meet and my eyes close like I was falling asleep. I can't tell if he did the same, but his breathing starts to pick-up to match mine. Our lips' touching turns into a slight kiss that we had only heard about from stories the young adults used to carelessly talk about. I used to pretend I wasn't listening to their babble, but secretly taking in the info. Duncan seems to be going along with my advance and our kiss deepens. Our curiosity ascends to new heights as our mouths open and we begin the expedition into the other's mouth, touching every spot inside with our dueling tongues. With one hand on his chest, my free hand goes for the gold and reaches for that slender yet long member that for the first time in my life isn't my own. Duncan gasps into the kiss and all I can think of is repeating my previous action. My hand now tightens onto his shaft and begins a process I have only practiced on myself, moving my hand up and down slowly. Unseen, one of Duncan's hands grips the bedroll as the other fumbles around in search of my anxious member, and I'm filled with such a pleasure I have never felt before that I have to break the kiss to intake air deeply. As I'm forced to focus my attention on my own member, Duncan whimpers slightly as my hand has stopped on his. I open my eyes and look into his, as a grin appears across my face and I glance down at his cock and my mouth starts to salivate as if I was starving, and I was staring at a feast. Without another thought my mouth is pressed against the luscious head with a feeling I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams! Duncan involuntarily thrusts upward into my eager maw and soon swallowing it to its base. Duncan tenses up real tight for a moment as I hold still. As he starts to relax and his hips fall, I'm filled with an emptiness I long to recover and drop my head down. I start to move my tongue around in my mouth, tasting this new appendage and reveling its splendors. I can't seem to keep my head down for as long as I would like and raise my head slightly enough to breathe again, then descend upon my trophy. I notice a certain new taste starting to emerge during my quest and find out that the mountain is erupting in small doses; not large enough quantities to be the main event.

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