lMore then just friendsl lApartment 648l

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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NOTES! ^_^- Aight i suppose having a rocky beginning is better then having a rocky ending hopefully this series will escalate, also this chapter is longer *YAY LONGER!* so expect a disappointing cliffhanger most likely

if your not 18 you'll most likely avoid this warning, Thus I do not take responsible of your actions if you get caught/ are of age and don't like this story then it's completely your fault! not mine ^_^, because im not the one that clicked on something I hated/aren't allowed to view now am I :P?

COMMENTS!!!!, you get 10 xp! 10 xp =GOOD ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!!!! constructive criticism rocks well you get the idea? well I hope you do, comments are much advised! 0 people are blind and 1/10 people are "Psychotic" being different is what makes us normal.

Enough useless stuff you most likely won't read and to the story that you most likely will read (hopefully)

Also-These first lines do not define the quality of this story.


lApartment 648l


Lexiharin waited outside apartment 648, it wasn't cloudy but regardless of this, apartment 648 was in all its dark and rotting glory..from what it looked Lexiharins arrival at apartment 648 was nothing more then a a disastrous prelude to one hell of a long nightmare, this was of course in the terms of a horror movie.

As Lexiharin waited and became a bit impatient *the apartments gloomy look honestly wasn't helping* the door at last opened and there stood the wolf, the wolf was definitely taller then Lexiharin but aside from that he seemed surprisingly weak, Lexiharin reviewed in his mind the scenario of him and the wolf fighting....most likely it would be a draw.

The wolves eyes were black...he still had his iris'...only they were black...was a rather hollow feature that made Lexiharin have furthermore regret on his decision...

The wolf gazed dully at Lexiharin then finally spoke 'I figure your the ocelots friend?''

Lexiharin was still focused on the wolves dark eyes, finally though his mind recalled what the wolf said and Lexiharin replied.

''Yes I'm Lexiharin''

''I suppose thats good, but truthfully I don't like talking to people alot, considering you drove here though...would you wish to come in? you'll find the view inside more promising then out'' the wolf stood in silence waiting for a reply.

For someone that didn't like talking to people the wolf seemed promising enough to be polite, Lexiharin always pictured alcoholics differently so this as well was a shock...or perhaps the wolf wasn't drunk yet.

''Yes I suppose'' Lexiharin finally stated.

The wolf escorted his guest, Lexiharin in the apartment and once more Lexiharin found himself surprised...the apartment really did look better inside then outside, the room had Japanese light ornaments and Japanese tables and even a bar table and the walls were painted with beige and neutral colors...how the hell did he afford all this?

The wolf traveled over to the bar and started mixing drinks, Lexiharin decided the wolf wouldn't mind if he had a seat,there for Lexiharin sat on the cushion next to the square table.

Lexiharin was still intrigued by the theme the house had, this was obviously perfect to spark a conversation to get the know the wolf.

''I figure you like Japanese things?'' Lexiharin gazed at the wolf

''Yes, I don't like there anime or there music much but I find there home styling are alright, makes you kinda forget your in this rundown building'' the wolf appeared to be rummaging the cabinets.

After searching for his desirable the wolf finally claimed his prize, he pulled out a bottle of Rum and began to open it.

''Would you care for a taste?'' The wolf eyed Lexiharin.

''No thanks, I really don't drink'' Lexiharin replied.

''Whatever, more for me just because I like Japanese stuff doesn't mean I like there liquor, It doesn't make you drunk only tipsy''

The wolf at last seated on the cushion, he didn't appear to drink to much just more casually then a lot of people...

Lexiharin still did not know the wolves name, finally at last he found it was best to ask the wolf.

''What's your name anyway, I don't recall you telling me'' Lexiharin stared at the wolf.

''Oklain'' the wolf's tone returned to his standard mumble.

Lexiharin almost broke into a panic at the sound of this, but common logic obviously stopped him from doing so, clearly the Oklain that killed Sekhai's parents was still in jail and the Oklain that stood a front of Lexiharin appeared the same age as Lexiharin so he couldn't have killed Sekhai's parents around that time...and not to forget the fact the wolf was even weaker then.

''Does Sekhai know your name?'' Lexiharin questioned the wolf.

''Yes actually he does...why?'' Oklain took a drink from the hard liquor and stared at Lexiharin questioningly.

Lexiharin realized he just cornered himself in the conversation to tell Oklain that a murder of the same name as him killed Sekhai's parents...

''Well...does Sekhai ever speak to you much?'' Lexiharin asked.

''Not really...is this relevant to anything in particular?'' Oklain questioned Lexiharin looking puzzled.

''Well....'' Lexiharin stalled hopefully using this time to say what he was going to but in simpler terms...

''Well what?'' Oklain obviously was more impatient then Lexiharin.

''The person that killed Sekhai's parents had the same name as you...I'm not saying I think you did it though''

Lexiharin was relieved to see Oklain just continuing drinking rum at hearing this.

Finally after consuming a fair amount of the beverages contents Oklain began to spoke.

''Hmm maybe thats why Sekhai never speaks to me...''

''How did you become friends with Sekhai anyway, specifically if he never even speaks to you?'' Lexiharin asked Oklain curiously.

''Er...I'm afraid Sekhai will have to answer that'' Oklain considered to drink a bit more before Lexiharin would speak.

''You don't know?''

''Actually I do...'' Oklains voice was more curious then grumbled.

It was probably a secret, nothing more there for Lexiharin didn't ask furthermore...but one thing was curious on why Sekhai and Oklain being friends was to be a secret...

''I know a lot on this Oklain you k...erm by this I mean the other Oklain, the one thats the possible killer'' Oklains voice sound slightly more dignified.

Lexiharin glanced at Oklain ''Really? How?''

''Well for one I did a project on him, and when theres a killer with the same name as you,you kinda know about it''

The information of course intrigued Lexiharin, maybe this is why Sekhai was friends with Oklain, information.

''Do you know anything of him? like..was he just psychotic?''

''Enough things, and no I don't believe he's psychotic from what I hear he is a mob boss'' Oklains eyes began to flare slightly.

''A mob boss, He must be arrested for life then'' Oklain's face had almost no emotion.

''Actually...he's rich, he can probably pay his way out of jail,hell he'll probably be out 4 years after the murder..., damn I need a drink''

Obviously at this statement Oklain got up and went to the bar to get some more alcohol, He was almost as random as Sekhai, except of course Sekhai moved a lot more and did this only to change the topic.

''Do you want anything to drink yet? of course I don't mean alcohol though!'' Oklains voice called from the kitchen

''I suppose, do you have any pop?''

Lexiharin could hear furthermore rummaging, it was all to obvious to Lexiharin that Oklain was apparently checking for pop.

''Hey I actually have some...''

Oklain finally started to walk back to the cushion.

''You might wish to move a bit by the way'' Oklain smirked slightly.


''Well Lexiharin, if you sit like for a long time it happens to hurt your legs like hell, as well as make them stiff'' Oklain took a drink.

''I'll take that risk'' Lexiharin as well began to drink.

''Just one question...'' Lexiharin stopped drinking the pop and placed it down.

''hmm?'' Oklain looked towards Lexiharin.

''What makes you like drinking, I never understood how its addictive''

Oklain simply possessed the drink in his hand once more and drank more of it.

''If your asking why I suppose I can tell you, just don't try any of that intervention crap'' Oklain at last put the drink down

''A lot of people label me an alcoholic but I believe its a lie, I define an alcoholic someone that gets drunk every hour of there life, not someone drinking in there teen years and getting drunk occasionally, a lot of people try to change me because they consider me pitiful''

Lexiharin practically came to try and stop this wolf from being an alcoholic...maybe he was wrong about this...Oklain appeared kind and polite did he not? maybe the way they label alcoholics on T.V were completely wrong...

''Now why i like drinkin, I never got into it because of peer pressure, hell I'll be damned if I knew why i started it I suppose I simply enjoy a nice drink, I don't often drink to get drunk....well try to anyway'' Oklain took another drink from the liquor.

Lexiharin pondered on what Oklain said about the people that tried to change him....this made him feel guilty as hell, he shouldn't have come just to change someone else's life style, clearly Oklain was content how he lived...well Lexiharin could wonder that anyway, why did Oklain grumble all the time? and thus like a chain reaction his thoughts were triggered by another thing, Sekhai told him earlier that day something about Amber...maybe she tried to change Oklain.

Lexiharin decided it was time to stop straying away in his thoughts and actually ask Oklain of this

''Did you ever know an Amber?''

''do you mean the co-'' Lexiharin cut Oklain off

''Yes I mean the the Cougar''

''Yes I knew her once...why?'' this obviously intrigued Oklain there for Lexiharin decided to continue.

''Was she ever your friend or something close?''

''Actually we knew each other very well'' Oklains eyes may have been black but they actually seemed to have a bit light in them.

''I was once her boyfriend, we had to break up though'' Oklain grasped the liquor and drank it furthermore.

''two much differences?'' Lexiharin glanced at Oklain

''Nah!, why not ask Amber why? I'm not quite good at explaining it, now if you mind i have to put this away speak to me as you wish though'' Oklain got up to put the bottle away,Lexiharin decided to follow except...

''Dammit my legs hurt like hell'' Lexiharin strained to get up.

''I warned you about that'' Oklain stuffed the bottle in the cubert.

''I dont really know Amber so i doubt she'll speak to me'' Lexiharin replied

''Im sure she'll let you ask what you need to, especially if you tell her im related to it, when you have eyes like i do your never forgotten''

''is your iris' really black or are they just contacts?'' Lexiharin was finally able to walk again.

''There not contacts, I can actually see quite well in the dark, to bad I can't say the same in the daytime though'' Oklain appeared to look intrigued once more but at instead his gaze was upon fully on Lexiharin.

''um.....'' Lexiharin couldn't help but feel a bit awkward at what the wolf's curious gazes.

''I never noticed that your eyes were blue and green..'' Lexiharin could tell that Oklain was amused.

Lexiharin had to admit, as weak as Oklain looked despite his height he actually looked a bit bad ass...even if his personality wasn't aside of course from the constant grumbles which were and have been absent from the wolf for the following...and then it finally hit Lexiharin, he was unaware of what time it was there for he decided to check the time, It was 12:32.

''I'm afraid I must go, if you wish to see me just call 593-0140'' Lexiharin began to head towards but Oklain got up.

Oklain gazed at Lexiharin as he left and then suddenly raced to Lexiharin.

''You wouldn't mind receiving something...would you?'' Oklain smirked


Gasp what will happen next? COMMENTS PERHAPS ^_^?

(Yes I know....its annoying isn't it?)