Commission: House of Hunger

Story by Segremores on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective creator(s) as indicated by the copyright information following this disclaimer. This story is a commission, as such please do not repost or copy without my permission, or the permission of any other individuals whose characters have been mentioned within the story. Thank you.

Tannis belongs to his player. Segremores is me. All other incidental characters belong to me.

House of Hunger

by Segremores Moon, a commission for Prowler7

A firm, wet 'pop' sounded through the room as Tannis' slim coyote muzzle slid off of the blunt head of the cock he was sucking. Like a sweet lollipop, his tongue lapped out around the flared crown, especially around the pouting slit at the tip which had been expressing precum nonstop since he had started this conquest on his newest client. With a kiss to the tip of his swollen veiny plaything, his golden eyes glanced up to smile at his customer.

The bull who was very firmly attached to the cock which Tannis was tending so well, let out a low groan, licking his lips as he grinned back. "Damn, kid, you really are the best," he grunted out in his deep baritone, his massive bared chest and gut swelling and deflating with the rise and fall of each breath. "The other guys weren't kidding."

Tannis grinned at this. The slim, well-toned coyote nuzzling his customer's balls, then letting his nose slide up along the fat underside of that cock as he kept a firm hold on the base. "You are welcome, sir, I'm glad you hired me, your cock is fantastically huge," he replied with a grin flitting across the corner of his muzzle. His maw opened and he slid the thirteen-inch monster deep inside, all the way past his throat's grip. The bull's eyes went wide, thick fingers dug into the arms of the chair he was sitting spread-eagle within.

The coyote worshipped dick, he loved cock of all kinds, but the larger cocks were always the best. He had no idea what it was about the larger ones that were so much better. Perhaps it was the taste? Tannis' tongue slide across the head, rolling this way and that to collect the drooling precum and the taste of sweat from the tender flesh. Perhaps it was the weight? His hand gripped that base, squeezing it, testing its turgidity and its heft while his muzzle bobbed up and down its length with slow ease. Or perhaps it was the sheer volume they often issued at the end? With a loud bellow, the bulls' hands gripped Tannis' head. A thrust of the bull's hips jammed his meat spear down the coyote's throat, and Tannis simply opened his gullet to receive. Without hesitation, that massive penis gushed, pounding every shot of pure rich semen down the back of Tannis' throat.

Tannis couldn't help but let his golden eyes roll into the back of his head. This was the part he had been waiting for, the wonderful essence of bull now flinging itself into his stomach, filling it with every shot. "Mmmm...." is all he could say without the risk of drowning in bull spunk. Moments dragged by as the bull bucked and shot his load, until finally he was left sweating, panting, and fully spent, his cock starting to soften in the velvety grip of Tannis' maw.

Dutifully, the coyote pulled off. Bullcock slid out and plopped between its owner's legs where it belonged. Despite being spent and left to glisten with drool and whatever fluids it had drooled into Tannis' muzzle, it was a thing of beauty and sat throbbing between the bull's legs. Tannis could not help but stare at it for a while, not even noticing that the bull was handing him his pay.

"You know, if you're looking for big dick, I do know this one guy..." the bull rumbled, which snapped the coyote cock slut out of his daze. Tannis looked up at his spent customer with a curious eye, one raised fur brow.

"Yeah, there's this place that I know, you might not have heard of it before," the bull continued with a chuckle, handing Tannis his pay before putting his wallet away and starting to stand up out of his chair. "It's called the 'House of Hunger,' it's kind of like a club."

"Oh yeah, I've heard of that place, vore club, right?" Tannis replied. He had definitely heard of the depraved, almost evil act of consuming another whole and alive. He himself had been paid to eat someone else before, and despite it not being quite his cup of tea, he at least knew that it could be accomplished. "What about it?"

"Well, have you ever heard of the owner?" the bull continued, zipping up his pants and starting to slip on his coat. "The guy himself is massive, almost never leaves the club itself, or at least no one thinks he does... I've never seen the guy myself, but I hear he's so well-endowed that he can feed others to his monster without breaking a sweat." Tannis' eyes were wide at this, looking up at the taller bull in rapt attention.

"Have you ever seen it before?" he asked, almost unable to contain his excitement at the possibility of such a phallus' existence. "Ever seen a picture of it or anything?"

"No, like I said the guy keeps himself pretty well secluded. I've heard he even has body guards and personal servants or something," the fully-clothed bull said with a huff, still a little winded from the incredible talent of the eager little cock sucker. "From what I hear, you have to arrange for an audience with him and everything, get on some waiting list until he calls for you. If you're really that curious, just go visit the club yourself."

Tannis nodded and smirked, giving the bull's overburdened-looking pant bulge a nice little squeeze on his way out the door. "You be good now, big guy, and I'll see you soon?" he asked with a grin and a wink. The bull nodded back with an equally-big grin, before heading out into the crisp air of the night. *****

The 'House of Hunger' was fairly easy to find. Everyone knew where it was in the red-light district of the city. Of course it would be there, only the most lawless place in the entire world could possibly hold onto such debauchrous clubs and bars. Tannis had been misdirected a couple of times on his way to the establishment, asking directions received mixed results. Apparently there were quite a few popular places in the red-light district which were all just as infamous for the various proclivities of their patrons and staff.

Regardless, there he was, drink in hand, sitting at the bar which was tended by a large brontosaurus who was only wearing a pair of tight leather pants and a harness which strapped over his big chest and ball-round belly as if to try and contain his massiveness. Tannis grinned, looking over all of the enormous opportunities he saw before him. Huge guys were everywhere, some accompanied by smaller more timid-looking men and women of all shapes and species. None of the actual vore-related activities took place out there in the main bar and lobby, all of that would happen upstairs on the second floor, or out on the dance floor as part of some amazingly-elaborate sexual scene between two or more, where only one massively full male would leave the dance.

"I hear you're here to see Him," came a statement from his right. Tannis turned to see that a short, chubby bear was seated. The coyote was taken aback by what the other was wearing, a strangely outdated tribal look to the young bear, who had a necklace made of large uncut gemstones and skulls, symbols painted on or even into his fur.

"Yeah, are you... uh... his agent or something?" Tannis asked with a chuckle, eyeing the mostly-nude bear, a loincloth all that was preventing the coyote from getting a good look at whatever the ursine was packing.

"Something like that, what's your name? I keep the list, my name is Lukotis," the bear replied, offering one of his big open paws to shake, which Tannis shook eagerly.

"Tannis, I'd love to be on that list please," Tannis replied, excited at being this much closer to seeing what everyone was confirming must have been the biggest dick of them all. "How long is the list, will I have to wait?"

"Oh it's not too long, we usually go through the entire list every night with a few exceptions," Lukotis replied with a chuckle, as if laughing at a related inside joke he was remembering. "Right now, there are only two before you. Stay inside the club, and wait for me to come for you, if I can't find you then you can't get in to see him tonight." The bear finished as he got up slowly, his ponderous gut bouncing a little on his nice wide hips as he padded off to some other part of the club, winking at the coyote as he left. *****

Waiting, as it turned out, was much harder for the poor eager coyote than he thought it would be. Time passed in a crawl as he sat there at the bar, finally ordering a drink for himself to distract his mind by watching the massive swaying bulge that the bartender was packing, imagining himself sucking it down like the pro he was. When that was done, he got up with his drink and meandered, finding a nice place to sit and watch the other patrons. The atmosphere was so relaxed, he could see how one would easily be sucked into this kind of life. He could imagine himself coming here on occasion, nomming up some smaller slut, and growing a big gut after a few years from the constant consumption. Heck, the practice might even make him a better cock sucker for all he knew.

"KAYLES!" came a shout, Tannis' ears perking up as he looked around for the source of it. His eyes easily found the image of the tribal bruin, taking the hand of a lizard boy, who looked excited beyond belief. All of the patrons around him congratulated him as he was led away, clearly next in line to see "Him." Tannis swore under his breath. It had been two hours since the bear had talked to him, and if being led away was as obvious as this, then there was still one more person in line before him, and who knew how long that would take?

"That lucky bitch," the white-furred rabbit who had been sitting in a chair across from Tannis grumbled a little, his ears drooping behind his back as he sat back down.

"Yeah, the list is short but it takes so long," Tannis replied, downing the rest of his drink as he sat back.

"You're telling me, I've been on it for three hours now!" the rabbit complained with a chuckle. The coyote's ears perked at this, looking the white-furred rabbit over as he realized he was sitting next to the only person between himself and his goal that night. A slow smile spread across his muzzle as he considered certain possibilities.

"It is a vore club, after all," Tannis muttered under his breath, the rabbit's head turning to face him with a curious expression.

"What's that?" The rabbit, Jake, asked him with a blink.

"Oh nothing, say you want to go to a private room or something? I know a fun little activity we could do while we wait..." Tannis asked, winking as he glanced down at the rabbit's modestly-bulging groin with a meaningful look. Jake got the message, smirking as he gave himself a grope.

"I suppose I could be persuaded to lighten the load a little, as long as I'm not late," the eager rabbit replied. He finished his drink and deposited the empty glass on a nearby end table before standing. His build was slight, smaller even than the amorous canine who was about to be very intimate with him. Hand-in-hand, Tannis led the rabbit upstairs to the second floor, choosing one of the many rooms marked 'unoccupied,' and closing the door to get to work. ***** Tannis was enjoying himself as much as he could given the size of the small pink member he was slurping on. His tongue lapped at the underside of the oozing bunny cock, swiping up the last few drops of seed which had taken the rabbit minutes to gush forth. He glanced up at his prey, smiling around that spent cock as he saw a very satisfied-looking bunny laying thoroughly on the bed, panting in delight.

With a slurp, his canine muzzle was off of the rabbit's cock, swallowing the last few drips and licking his lips. He moved down the rabbit's form, kissing his thighs first, then his knees, and with the help of his hands which held the back of those digitigrade feet, the rabbits toes. Jake was in lala land, completely oblivious to what was going on as his mind was flooded with all of those exquisite afterglow sensations. He hadn't even noticed when Tannis opened his muzzle, to gently pop open the hinge of his muzzle just like his very first vore customer had shown him once upon a time, and slid his lips around all six of the big bunny toes.

Jake stirred gently, his eyelids fluttering as he felt a strange sensation along his form. He mumbled to himself a little, eyes opening a little wider as he shifted in his position, trying to lift himself. "Mmm Tannis, that was awesome, I can see why..." He tried to say, finally lifting his head a little to see what was going on. His words were cut off by the shock of what he saw. Somehow, Tannis had managed to get his jaws open around the bunny, and was swallowing him down steadily. With a firm muscular gulp of his gullet, Tannis' lips slid up around most of the rabbit's chest. Reflexively, Jake's hands moved to Tannis' cheeks, pushing, trying to stop the inexorable draw of the coyote's hungry digestive tract on his smaller form.

"No, don't!" he whimpered and groaned out as Tannis' lips slid upward, just under his armpits, most of the rabbits form now encased in wet hungry flesh. The coyote had no idea that a live meal would initiate such a hunger in him when he was committing the act. It felt good, and so he eagerly swallowed again to force the rabbit's arms upward. Jake could not help but enjoy this at least a little. Sure, he had wanted this to be done by "Him," but this was just as good, and he found himself struggling less and less as Tannis packed him inside.

Tannis could no longer see the rabbit's face. His jaws and lips opened gently around the rabbit's head to swallow it down as well. The bulge travelled down his throat in a firm bulge as he worked in those long slender arms to the wrist. Tannis reached up, gripped one of those hands and squeezed it reassuringly. Jake was still very much aware and alive, even this deep inside the airless cavity of Tannis' insides, and his hand gripped back, before it was lost beyond those hungry lips.

The coyote sat back, his gut bulged hugely with rabbit meat which squirmed this way and that as it settled. A long, low burp issued from his jaws, and he could taste sweat, rabbit, and rabbit cum all in one lovely little concoction. "Urrrgh, good rabbit, now you just settle in there for me," he said soothingly to the slightly-squirming bulge in his belly, "I'm sorry I had to trick you, but hours and hours of waiting is too much for me, I need to see that cock now."

Jake almost seemed to accept this, and moved less as Tannis repositioned himself on the bed, laying down with his massive gut to rest it upon the bed as well. He was so tired from all the activity, it was time for a nap. It would be hours before the bear would come for him anyway... *****

"Tannis." The coyote heard his name which jerked him out of the dreamless snooze he had been taking. His golden eyes adjusted easily to the dim light of the private room he was still in, focusing on the large form of the tribal bear who was standing at the foot of the bed. "He will see you now, the person above you in line disappeared, must have gotten scared off or something," Lukotis explained, gestured toward the door with a motion of his head.

Tannis couldn't help but reach for his belly, rubbing it softly to see if the telltale sign of his misdeed from earlier was still present. Thankfully, it looked as if all but a modest bulge had disappeared to leave his trim middle just a little curved. The rest of the rabbit had been absorbed completely. He smiled at this, and stood slowly with a stretch of his limbs. "Lead the way, good sir," he eagerly moved past the big loin-clothed bear into the hallway beyond.

Lukotis closed the private room door and ushered the eager canine onward. The large hallway led to even more private rooms. Some doors were marked 'occupied' and from these moans, groans, and roars could be heard. Others were completely empty and unoccupied. Either way, Tannis counted at least thirty rooms in all, more or less. The hallway terminated in a staircase, flanked by a pair of what could only be considered guards. Two large smoothly-skinned dinosaurs of indeterminate species stood flanking the foot of the staircase, arms crossed over their bulky chests. They were both completely nude, and their cocks were fully hard. Tannis gawked down at both of their groins where massive, thick, veiny erections flagged proudly from their groins and kept erect by thick metal cockering surrounding the veiny bases. Ball sacks the size of large melons hung down to their knees, full and ripe as fruits.

"These are a part of His honor guard, don't be slow and waste his time, they will let you pass," Lukotis said standing just behind him, bumping the canine forward with his softly-furred gut. Tannis stumbled a little, sputtering as he nearly fell before those well-hung guards. Neither of them flinched even a bit, nor even spared him a glance. Dazed, Tannis moved passed, experiencing a flux of warm air that sizzled between the two guards on his way up the stairs. Step by step, he came to a massive pair of doors just beyond a landing.

He moved to knock, but heard a deep voice beyond the carved wood just as his fist met the door. "Come in," it said simply. Hesitating only a little, Tannis gripped one of the handles, and pushed inward to step into the massive room beyond.

'Opulent' was the only word that Tannis could conjure in his bedazzled mind. His eyes moved from one feature of the room to the other, looking at the massive plush couches of which there were at least three distinct ones, looking at the tapestries on the wall woven to depict some number of events either historical or fictional, looking at bookshelves full of large antique tomes, looking at statues and statuettes of various figures and scenes, displayed in cases or on small tables accompanied by chairs and lamps. Everything was intricately decorated here. His toes flexed unconsciously in the amazingly-plush carpet, making him sigh in enjoyment at the feel of the thick fibers between his toes. He took in a long, deep breath, smelling a spicy, masculine scent on the air.

A movement against the opposite end of the room caught his eye, and Tannis suddenly yelped as he finally noticed the owner of such opulent decor. A blush instantaneously came to the coyote's muzzle and his head dipped a little at his embarrassment. How could he have missed such a massive person? The being in the room with him was very obviously of draconic descent, black horns protruded from his smooth angular head, a thick muzzle curved into a smirk as green eyes examined him.

Tannis' eyes trailed down the dragon's form, absorbing what he could along the way. The creature's complete nudity made observation much easier, and the coyote could see every bit of the smooth russet flesh exposed to the warm air of the room. Here and there, the perfect smoothness of color was interrupted by intricate tattoos dancing along his frame. The dragon looked as if he were a body builder in the off-season. His massive form looked powerful and the muscles were clearly evident in his chest and arms and what Tannis could see of his legs. Such muscles were tempered with a layer of chub that softened them only a little, and his form was topped off with a big round gut that proved he was definitely the one who owned this vorish establishment. Sadly, in this position, the dragon's loins were completely hidden from the coyote's needy eyes. The tattooed dragon was lounging behind a large desk of some sort, most of his lower body hidden underneath aside from his right thigh which was cocked at an angle appropriate for his lounging posture.

"Tannis, is it?" the coyote heard his name in that deep voice. He looked up at the dragon's face once again, and nodded slowly with a grin. "Welcome to my club, you can call me Sir." The dragon slowly sat up, his huge form making the couch creak in protest as he obtained an upright posture, the pierced nipples on his pectorals flexed a little as they brushed the top of his big gut. "What can I do for you this evening, now that you've been waiting so patiently to see me?"

The coyote blinked and cleared his throat, taking a tentative step toward the owner of the club and trying to keep his cool demeanor about him. "Well, Sir, I'm here because you... well, I heard about you from someone I know," he explained, trying to find the right words. He doubted very much that the creature behind the desk would simply be willing to give him what he wanted if he just asked for it.

"Indeed, you heard bad things about me, I hope?" the dragon asked with a chuckle while leaning back in his seat. Tannis held his breath a little as the motion shifted the dragon's loins upward, bringing more of them into view. His breath let out again when everything just above where he imagined the base of the dragon's shaft would be was in view, hiding the prize tantalizingly out of sight.

"Oh yes, the worst things, things that an expert like me just had to investigate for himself," Tannis replied with a smile. He was starting to get a feel for how this game was supposed to be played, and decided to take another step forward for good measure. The dragon watched him impassively, drumming the blunt claws of his left hand on the desk a little and always keeping that smile on his face.

"So what sort of things are you an expert in, if I might ask, Tannis?" the dragon asked, his smirk back again as he looked over the coyote's form with his bright green eyes.

"Well, to put it bluntly..." the coyote began, taking a breath, "I'm an expert in the male phallus, and pleasuring it... and one of the two things I've heard, is that yours is a sight to behold." Tannis let his words slip out smoothly, using his most honeyed tone as he approached the opposite side of the desk. Even there, he was still unable to see any of the dragon's supposedly massive loins from where he stood, which was becoming frustrating for the poor canine.

"Oh I see, well then..." the dragon called "Sir" replied. With an effort that made the couch protest once more, and even made the ground under Tannis' carpet-buffered feet quake, the dragon stood. Tannis' eyes went wider than he thought possible as the russet package of the dragon appeared above the wooden desktop and then settled heavily on top of it.

True to his previous client's word, the dragon's package was larger than anything he had ever seen before. A log of flesh hung loosely from that groin, and jostled gently in between the crevice of a pair of balls that looked like they could each easily contain a small person curled up within. This gave credence to the idea that the dragon could, indeed, consume others with this package. Tannis' attention was much more focused on that cock though. It was a little odd to be sure, a very blunt shape to the whole thing, with a drooping foreskin surrounding the end of it. He wouldn't complain about that, however. Even soft like this, the dragon easily out-sized every customer that the coyote had ever sucked before.

"I know that this isn't all you wanted to see," the dragon suddenly said, reaching down around his heavy-looking belly to gently grope at his cock's base. The reaction to being groped was immediate, and with slow, titanic surges of growth and inflation, that cock began to balloon with erection. The observing coyote's knees went weak, bringing him to a kneeling position at the other end of that desk as the entire length of the desktop's surface was easily traversed by that erection, until it was throbbing above Tannis' head. Like a glorious zeppelin, it hovered above him under its own throbbing power.

At full length, the meaty staff must have been at least three feet long, and at least the size of Tannis' head in girth. He looked up at its throbbing head, foreskin pulled back to show off an equine flare that should have been on a massive stallion, but which had managed to find its way onto this draconic beast instead. His muzzle gaped as he watched a bead of precum glisten at the protruding urethral opening, and then suddenly fall to splash onto his eager tongue. It filled his senses with incredible heat and desire. "Oh gods..." he groaned under his breath at the taste of spice and salt upon his palate.

"Yesss, now please, enjoy yourself," the standing dragon encouraged, his voice reverberating through Tannis. It was all he needed. His arms lifted upward to wrap around the cock just behind its flared head, and rub over the bunched foreskin at its crown which warmed the fur of his arms instantly. He could feel each pounding rush of blood through the phallus as it welcomed him, precum oozing from the tip in response to the sensation of another teasing it. Tannis kissed it softly, then opened his muzzle to let his tongue slather across the blunt head. He might have been unable to fit any part of it into his muzzle, but he still gave it his all and lost himself in the process.

"Tell me, little coyote, what was the other thing you had heard about me?" the dragon asked as Tannis stood to hug part of that cock to his chest and just let it drool onto his cheek as he nuzzled and lapped at it slowly. His eyes opened a little at the unexpected question, and a surge of excitement and embarrassment overcame him.

"That you could eat others with your cock," he replied without hesitation. It was too late for common decency now, and both of them knew what the other wanted. "Can I... feed your masculinity, Sir?"

"You may. Please remove your clothing first," the well-endowed beast replied, taking a step back and to deprive the coyote of his fleshy prize as it swung away to bob in the air in front of the massive dragon's groin. He moved to another side of the desk, watching the coyote strip from there, his cock bobbing in arousal right above the desktop as he waited.

Tannis practically tore the clothing off of his form. There was not much to remove. His open vest easily fell away to leave his upper half bare, and his belt slid to the floor as he burst the button trying to get his pants off over his own turgid erection. When he was finally completely nude, the dragon motioned to the desktop with a grin. "Lay back, I will take your face last," he said with a gentle rumble, always soft with his prey. The coyote slid up onto the smooth hard surface of the wood, and lay down facing upward at his predator.

Stroking his incredible length from base to tip, the dragon moved himself to the end of the desk where Tannis' feet were pointed. A wet dripping noise splattered across the desktop, which made Tannis look up to watch as the dragon's cock drooled even more copiously. A faucet turned on somewhere inside that groin, and now he was simply pouring the slick substance all over the supine coyote's form, as if to lubricate him for the coming act. Indeed, as Tannis' feet became particularly soaked, the dragon positioned the end of his flared cock-head at those toes, and eased them inside.

His golden eyes were wide the whole time, watching as that massive cock simply yawned around his toes. Tannis could hardly believe what he was seeing, only ever hearing of things like this in urban legend and rumor. He could feel it and see it now, watching as the intense heat of that cock's flesh slid upward to consume more and more of the coyote's footpads. Tannis couldn't help but flex his toes in excitement which caused the dragon to rumble softly from the sensation. That dick bulged along the underside as both of those coyote paws slid deep inside.

"Just relax, Tannis, let me take you," the dragon cooed with a warm smirk above him and took a step toward the desk. That step pushed his ravenous cock upward along the coyote's shins, and Tannis could only squeak in amazement as they slid down into that equine shaft with ease. In moments, it had reached his knees and move beyond. Another few steps, and the coyote could watch as the urethral opening gaped for his thighs, sliding them half-way inside. He could only moan out as hot fresh precum drooled down along his ass and over his balls, that huge head so close to taking his rear now.

"I have to make a confession, Tannis," the massive dragon smirked as his balls rested upon the desktop again, unable to move forward anymore, but still easily sliding the coyote down his length like a living sounding rod. "I knew who you were and what you wanted before you walked into my club."

Tannis looked up with a blush. Clearly his customer had come to warn the dragon of his coming or something of that nature. The thought was banished as the incredible heat and pleasure of that big cock suddenly slid over the coyote's hips and exposed length. Tannis watched as his meager phallus disappeared inside the much larger and more powerful one. He gasped at the sight of his entire lower half now being encased in raw cockflesh, devoured by the same masculinity that he had worshipped for so many years now.

"And I know what you were doing while you were in my club too," the dragon said simply, his face suddenly losing its smile as he stared down at the coyote. Tannis' eyes went wide as he looked up at the dragon. There was no frown, no look of anger or even irritation with him, yet the dragon's face was frightening in its placidness.

"I... I didn't-" his words were suddenly cut off as one of the dragon's massive paws descended upon his face, muzzle squeezed closed as he felt a surge of warmth and movement down his body. He groaned in protest as he felt the dragon shoving him inside that massive phallus by his head, pushing him down and inside until his midsection was swallowed by dragon cock.

"No, you did, you deprived me of one of my meals for the night," the dragon replied, his voice still deep and still mellow, but it had taken on a cool even-ness that disturbed the doomed coyote. He whimpered into the massive paw as he was shoved again. Unable to see, he could only tell by feel that his body was now mostly inside of that devouring cock, his chest now deep inside, and the lip of the flare slid up to his armpits. Finally, the dragon let go, just in time for all of that powerful pitch-black flesh to surge upward in a firm clench. It dragged more of the coyote deeper inside and forcefully lifted his arms up above his head, which was almost to the point of disappearing inside.

"And so I must now spend my time punishing you for being so selfish and so impatient, traits which I can not abide in my meals... no, you will be waste," the dragon said, flexing again, the coyote's pleading eyes and muzzle suddenly slurping into equine cock. The dragon groaned to himself, sitting once more with his thighs spread around his package, balls hanging over the edge of the couch, cock protruding proudly and bulging with its latest meal. He grinned to himself as he watched those flexing hand paws try to grab at anything, only to slip inside his flare with a final slurp.

Somewhere inside all of that draconic flesh, Tannis could barely breathe, his lungs burned for air and made him pant in exhaustion. He struggled a little inside of that hot, all-consuming flesh. There was no way out though, he was going deeper and deeper by the pull of powerful muscles inside the dragon's groin. All he could see was darkness broken by brief glimpses of light through thinner portions of the dragon's massive body. Any sense of direction he had was drowned out by sliding through the massive groin, until he was suddenly deposited into a big roomy chamber.

The smell inside said chamber was terrible, like a men's bathroom. This realization caused the trapped coyote to groan out in terror and struggle even more. Valves in the chamber wall above him opened slightly to issue a spray of fluid all over him, which soaked him in something hot and acrid. The fluid got into his eyes, onto his tongue, through his ears. He couldn't see anything, and could hardly taste or smell.

The big dragon grinned, his phallus had returned to a resting state between his thighs, soft and placid once again. A nice big bulge above the base of his cock betrayed where the coyote had gone, his bladder feeling hugely full. He grunted, patting the bulge softly and using some of his internal alchemy for the next part of this process.

Within the dragon's enormously-stuffed bladder, Tannis felt sluggish and unable to comprehend what was happening to him, he looked around his form to watch a rising pool of hot liquid starting to rise around him, his form growing weaker and even smaller. With horror in his waning voice and on his disappearing face, Tannis tried his best to get himself out, but to no avail. In his last moments of wholeness, the coyote groaned and sank under the massive vat of piss he had now been turned into, the dragon's bladder filling with that pure liquid waste that had once been coyote.


He waited for almost a full hour, just to be sure there was nothing solid left in there. The huge dragon had only ever done this once or twice before in his long lifetime, but one bad experience with trying to piss solids was enough to convince him to be patient and sure. He stood slowly when he couldn't take it anymore, lumbering to the bathroom.

His bathroom was just as impressive as the rest of his living space, but he was used to it by now. He would probably take a nice bath in his enormous tub later, but for now... He gripped the base of his soft phallus, rolling the foreskin back to aim the head at the big toilet bowl, and released, letting a huge firehose-thick gout of pure golden liquid into the bowl. Minutes went by, gallons of fluid rushing into the bathroom fixture as the dragon groaned with relief. Like any other long piss, the dragon was grateful, and he flushed it down without preamble. It was just piss after all.