Commission: The Sauna

Story by Segremores on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective creator(s) as indicated by the copyright information following this disclaimer. This story is a commission, as such please do not repost or copy without my permission, or the permission of any other individuals whose characters have been mentioned within the story. Thank you.

Inkra belongs to his player. "Big Seg" is me. All other incidental characters belong to me.

The Sauna

by Segremores Moon, a commission for Inkra the Blue Gator

Squeals of metal rubbing against metal echoed in the relatively-empty showering room. It's source was the turning of one of many knobs that controlled the hot spray from overhead shower nozzles, gripped by a large hand covered in rough blue scales. Inkra sighed as the last drizzles of warm water slid down similar scales which covered most of his body--aside from the pale-colored chest and belly scutes that covered his front. It had been a good, cleansing shower after a nice long workout at the gym.

It was Thursday evening, and the gym itself had been conspicuously empty. People clearly had better things to do than work on their bodies or run on treadmills for hours after getting out of their humdrum occupations. This thought brought the blue alligator's attention to his own form and he took a moment to glance down at himself. He admired his own massive form, mostly muscled aside from his enormous ball-shaped gut and accompanying fat that pads which clung to his hips and ass quite nicely. After giving himself a good, long look with his dark green eyes, he decided that he could probably quit going to the gym altogether for several months and still be happy with himself.

"What to do next?" he thought aloud, one of his big hands scratching along the small rough plates that crowned his otherwise unadorned head as he considered his options. He didn't have work the next day, so he could take the evening to himself and be as slow and lazy as he desired. The gym was still mostly empty, so perhaps he could make use of some of its other amenities? The sauna was always good, though always crowded on the more popular days.

He padded heavily to the massive towel basket, piled high with pristine-white towels which were folded neatly for all of the gym's patrons, and picked one of the larger fluffier ones to wrap around his waist and conceal his goods. Clothing was not allowed in the sauna room after all, as the heat and constant moisture tended to cause clothing dyes to fade or even bleed out onto the nice wooden benches that were built into the room.

Inkra's thudding footfalls scared the daylights out of a lithe-looking rabbit who had been standing at the door, fiddling with the timing knob for the steam room. "Oh shit, sorry, didn't see you there!" the short tan rabbit started in a voice that made the bigger blue gator chuckle and smirk.

"Don't worry about it, are you going in?" Inkra asked, tilting his smooth head to the side. The rabbit man definitely had a towel on too, but his fur was dry, indicating that he had planned to use the sauna and hesitated for some reason.

"There's.. uh... some guy in there already," was the reply, "he's sleeping," the rabbit continued when it looked like the bigger alligator was about to ask why that would have kept him out.

"Well as long as we're quiet... it ain't his steam room, is it?" Inkra snorted a little, gripping the wooden handle of the door and pulling it open to a wall of billowing steam. The rabbit had no choice, having to grip his towel as he was ushered inside by the larger male via a big blue hand on his shoulder. Both of them stepped into the room together and let the dim light and the hot steam envelop their forms thoroughly, door sliding shut quietly behind.

Inkra's eyes had trouble adjusting, but it did seem as if there was someone else in the room with them... someone enormous! His eyes opened wide in surprise as his vision adjusted. The dim light was slowly illuminating the general shape of an even larger and darker-scaled dragon who had taken it upon himself to lay on most of the tiered benches on one side of the steaming room. The other male's head bore long thick horns that jutted straight back and comically propped his head up against the wall. His long, thick wings lay haphazardly against the benches under his bulk, that tail of his left to twitch at the side.

A low, rumbling snore emanating from the creature's large chest and equally-massive gut indicated that he was, indeed, sleeping. Inkra and the rabbit got most of their enticing view much lower down on the dragon, however. Their eyes wandering to between his lazily-spread thighs where his towel had fallen completely away from all of his equipment, revealing a load of hanging meat.

Inkra's eyes lit up as his vision traced the low-hanging curve of balls stretched in a sack that could easily hold groceries instead of male fertility. Situated right above was a log of shaft which was soft at that moment, and laying fully over the curve of those testicles. The foreskin-shrouded head pointed at the bench directly underneath. If he wasn't mistaken, Inkra could have sworn that he could make out a more equine-shape to the phallus, which made him gasp.

His fellow gawker grasped what he was seeing as well, and voiced their observation first. "Oh my gods..." whispered the rabbit to the blue gator standing at his left, "Is that...?"

"Yeah, I think so," Inkra breathed quietly, realizing that the now very obviously tattooed dragon was none other than his favorite porn star, 'Big Seg.'

True to his name, this dragon was larger than most guys the gator had ever seen before, and depending on what porn one had watched, he was definitely more than capable-looking. 'Big Seg' was mostly popular on the vore circuits, and Inkra had many of the movies which had prominently featured this massive lug devouring one co-star after another, after another, after another. The very idea of standing in his presence made the gator's groin start to throb in response, having to turn his hips a little to hide it from his newfound rabbit friend.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day," said the rabbit, still stunned and unable to think of what to do next with such a find. The muscle-chub gator chuckled and elbowed him in the shoulder with a wink.

"I dare you to suck his cock," he chuckled quietly, still trying to keep the noise level down so as not to wake the slumbering giant of a porn star. His rabbit compatriot turned with a startled look up at the alligator.

"Whaaat?" he whisper-cried, "you can't be serious, that's practically rape! Even if he is a pornstar!" He replied, giving the slumbering dragon a sideways glance as he spoke. His own towel started to tent even despite this protest, which only brought a cute blush over his short tan muzzle and nose.

"C'mon, I dunno a man alive who would say no to a blowjob, and besides, the big guy is fast asleep," Inkra made his case, giving the tip of the dragon's tail an experimental--yet soft--kick to prove his point, "I doubt he'll even notice that it's going on. What other opportunity are you going to have to be this close to something like that?" He finished, gesturing at the very exposed loins laid out bare before them.

The rabbit's defense was waning fast and the big blue gator could see it in his eyes. Finally, biting his lower lip, he nodded. "Stick by the door, wouldn't be a good idea to be interrupted," he said, dropping his towel to expose the rest of his skinny yet toned form, average endowment swinging in arousal from his hips as he moved over to position himself between the dragon's sprawled legs.

Inkra obliged with a snicker and dropped his own towel by the door as he leaned heavily against it to keep it shut, just in case anyone were to try and walk in on the fun. This gave him the perfect vantage point to watch, as if the big porn star were once again putting on a show just for him or any one of his thousands of fans. As the rabbit sank to his knees on the closest bench and leaned in to breathe in the musky sweat from the dragon's groin, Inkra felt his own big pink cock rise to the occasion, peeking out over his own large, heavy balls. He could only afford to idly play with himself though, stroking his veiny prick and rubbing along the ridge of the head as he watched.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," sighed the rabbit as he moved in to plant a soft kiss on the dragon's dick, making it twitch immediately in response. The movement startled the rabbit, but he kept at it, only jerking slightly as the massive organ began to fill right there. It must have been trained well to respond to even the slightest stimulation. He could feel pounding of the dragon's big heart as it slowly forced more blood into that cock, making it rise in a lazy arch right there against and in front of the rabbit man. "Wow, it's even bigger... in person..." he sighed, opening his muzzle to lick across the foreskin while it pulled back to reveal a very equine flare, urethral opening glistening with pre already.

"I can't believe he's really doing it," Inkra groaned quietly to himself, stroking his fat cock slowly with firm yet gentle pumps of his hand and watching the show intently with lecherous eyes. He could see the rabbit really going at it, working a length that eventually became long and thick enough that it should have been attached to the groin of some draft stallion man rather than the dragon whose groin it claimed residence. Regardless, there it was, and there was the bunny trying to open his muzzle around the swollen head, only to realize there was no way he would pack it into his little mouth. "Lick it instead, give him a good hand job," Inkra suggested, only loud enough for the little rabbit to hear.

"Yeah, it's almost as big as I am!" the rabbit chuckled back at the fapping alligator over his skinny shoulder before returning to his work on that veiny shaft. His fingers stroked along the medial ring, he kissed the head and lapped up a few drops of the heady precum. Then, "Big Seg" moved a little, groaning softly in his sleep despite being completely out, which made the cock-sucking rabbit pause just long enough for his cock to swell a little more and kiss right at the rabbit's nose. What happened next was too fast to comprehend. One of the sleeping dragon's hands moved to the back of the rabbit's head, resting on it, then pushing firmly as the dragon groaned once again in his sleep, bucking those big hips toward his molester.

The gator's eyes opened wide at what he was seeing. The dragon's enormous cock suddenly took in that poor rabbit's face, then his entire head. It was unreal, watching vore porn right there in real life. He could see every detail in the dim light as the horsecock's flare opened to consume the hapless rabbit's entire skull, which left a bulge that began to travel down the underbelly of that ravenous dick. Even as the dragon's form started to settle again back into sleep, his cock was wide awake and beginning to make a meal out of the bunny. Ropes of precum oozed out of the enlarged slit as it sucked in those lithe shoulders and swallowed them inward.

"Holy fuck!" Inkra grunted. He couldn't help but spurt precum onto the ground in a gentle splatter as he pumped his member even faster, fingers flying across his own prick as he watched the dragon's cock devour someone whole.

Squirming was all the rabbit could do at that point. He coughed and sputtered in the airless environment of the hot, compressing confines within. That elastic urethra flexed around him and drew more of his form within. He couldn't speak, couldn't shout, all he could do was try to kick enough to alert either the gator or the dragon to his plight. He felt the massive flare slide down his midsection. It quickly swallowed him up to his hips as his head crammed deeper down that length, starting to push right into the dragon's enormous, hot groin. It was too late, and it just felt too warm to think. His form stopped struggling, as the rabbit gently accepted his fate with a big grin on his face.

From the outside, the big blue gator watched gleefully as the huge bulging horsecock slide widely around those hips, and claimed the rabbit's ass for itself. Greedily, and messily, it burped up air around the tail base of its victim and drew those idle legs deeper and deeper, until the feet gave a last wiggle in their freedom. With a wet burp, they disappeared into the gaping cum-slit. The rabbit was gone, nothing more than a bulge being tugged deeper down that big cock, and then finally gone altogether. All was silent again save for the gentle hissing of steam rushing into the room, the wet sounds of Inkra's cock slapping in his hand, and the gentle snores of the dragon who had miraculously stayed asleep the entire time.

"Nnnf... wow..." the big blue alligator groaned, gazing at the gaping cock which was still drooling copious precum onto the bench underneath it. A gurgle could be heard from the dragon's loins, making Inkra look up a little, and then a liquid rushing sound which stirred those big loins. Before his very eyes, the gator got to watch the consequence of cockvore, the dragon's balls filling and ballooning with the converted form of the rabbit, which made his sac hang even more heavily as those testicles bloated to twice their normal size in only a few seconds.

He was enraptured, waddling forward quickly to feel the last of his former gym buddy fill out those orbs. His big blue paws moved forward to cup the magnificent sac as it swelled just a little more, causing the alligator to sweat in lust and appreciation. He was so close to his orgasm, his pulsing pink cock harder than steel. It may not have been as big as that massive horse dick throbbing in front of him, but his cock was his own, and big in its own right. He gripped it, and looked over to admire "Big Seg" and his cock. Noticing the gaping, drooling cumslit, he grinned as an idea came to him.

The sounds of the dragon's snoring continued despite all that had happened, so Inkra figured he would be alright. Carefully, he maneuvered himself at the end of the dragon's drooling cock, lining his own smaller pink one to the open tip of the other's. Reaching forward, he gripped the dragon's copious foreskin in his hands and tugged to hold it in place, thrusting himself into the warm gripping heat with a loud groan. Pink flesh slid into black flesh, his cock fitting perfectly into the equine shaft. Inkra's eyes rolled up into the back of his head as he felt 'Big Seg' clenching around his shaft. That big cock must have assumed that Inkra's cock was yet another meal to devour.

The big blue male didn't last long, barely giving a single thrust. The intense erotic view of the rabbit disappearing down his favorite porn star's cock, mixed with the heat and the wet grip that surrounded his own sensitive meat sent him right over the edge. He squeezed the thick foreskin in his grip as his shaft pumped load after load of seed down the other scalie's cock. He gasped in surprise as the cock almost seemed to 'drink' his load down, balls continuing their earlier swelling as his fertility was added to the dragon's own, balls becoming heavier and more swollen with every clench of the gator's groin.

Orgasm was prolonged incredibly as a result, to the point where the gator's loins were dry-firing, having nothing left to give and forcing him to withdraw from that cock after only a few more seconds, his spent dick swinging free. He panted, squatting a little from how sore his loins felt, his view filled with just how massive those balls had become because of him and because of his rabbit friend.

Of course, the dragon was still fast asleep and oblivious to the world, giving the gator the opportunity he needed to escape before he could be awoken and questions would have to be answered. Opening the door to the sauna, he turned one more time to look back at his pornographic idol, grinning as he gripped the towel around himself and left. This time, the door closed with a loud 'click' behind him. The big dragon startled awake.


I awoke, still in the hot steam room, still alone. I yawned and stretched, all of my bones creaking from being in one position for too long. I must have been asleep for a while. When my head cleared, I could feel that my loins were aching, I must have been horny. Taking in the smell of wet musk and spooge confirmed my suspicion, since I must have been leaking precum all over the benches by now. Oh well, there was no one present. With a smile, I gripped around my cock and looked down at my... bloated sac.

"What the fuck?"

Commission: A Party To Remember

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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For Bigness Sake

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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The Whores

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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