Parents Know, Love Grows (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 4)

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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Chapter 4 of Tales of Drake and Xello. Hmm, the parents find out so soon, and apparently the two are really falling for each other.

Xello looked into his mother's concerned eyes. "I need to tell you something important," he reiterated.

His mom stared back, sighed, and said, "Let's talk inside."

Xello nodded, and got out of the car. He dragged his paws on the ground, slowly making his way to the house. He opened the door, allowing his mother to walk in first. They walked into the living room, making their way to the couches. His eyes never left the ground. Their living room was very plain. They had a white leather couch, two white leather chairs, and a 42 in. TV on a glass TV stand. The walls were pale blue, the color the house was painted before they ever moved in. The carpet was a cream color.

Renee looked at her concerned son. His eyes had started to tear up. "What's wrong honey?" She said.

Xello looked up at his mom. "Mom," he said, trolling down his cheeks, "I don't know how to tell you this." His entire body was shaking. His tail was drooping. He took a deep breath. "Mom, I'm gay."

Renee started at Xello, and then started to stare at the ground. A tear formed in her eye. Her lavender eyes were losing their usual shine. She looked back at her son, her one and only son, her one and only gay son. "Are you joking with me?" She asked. Tears were rolling down her face. "Because if you are, this isn't funny."

"I'm not joking," Xello said as he started to cry. "I'm gay. I don't know why, I just am." He could contain himself anymore, his body was shaking. His tail was between his legs. He starts to cry into his paws, thinking that his mother would kick him out, or worse.

Renee stared at her son a bit longer. She wrapped her paws around her son, drawing him close. "Shh, it ok," she said, trying to comfort he son. "It's ok Xello. I love you, and I always will. You are my soon, gay or straight." She had tears running down her eyes, but she managed to smile at Xello. "Who's the lucky guy that gets to be with my son?"

"Drake," he said, choking back his remaining tears. "Mom, I didn't want to hurt you, and I decided the sooner I told you, the better." He was staring into his mother's eyes. Their shine had returned, filled with more love than he noticed before. "Don't tell Drake's parents. They don't know that he's gay, and he's terrified about what they will do."

Renee nodded, the smile fading from her face. "So, school has been canceled for the rest of the week," She said. "What are you going to do?"

Xello thought to himself for a moment, before saying, "Probably go visit with Drake, and see what I can help out with around their house." His mother's face was showing a lot of concern for him. "Don't worry mom. I'll be fine."

Renee nodded. She looked at her watch, and then said, "I have to go to work Just stay here today. Tomorrow, I can drop you off to visit Drake."

Xello nodded, and gave his mother a hug. She stood up and walked out the door, closing it gently behind her. Xello sat on the couch for another hour, just thinking to himself 'My mom is the greatest.' He smiled and finally decided to go upstairs and take a nap. He slowly made his way up the stairs, thinking about Drake and how he was doing.

When Xello reached the top, he walked down a small hallway, and opened the last door on the left. The door had a sign that said "Do Not Enter." He walked into his room. The room was painted white, which he hated, and the carpet was the same color as the living room. He never understood why the people that lived here before would pick such an odd color combination. His full bed was still a mess that he left it as from the previous day. The red sheets and comforter where barely hanging on the bed. He had a TV and a Wii in his room, across from his bed, but he never uses them anymore. His dresser was in the corner. He slowly took of his clothes, and threw them on the ground with the rest, and jumped on the bed. He fell asleep a few minutes later.

Drake laid in the bed in the hospital, while his parents kept talking to him. He was fine now, after having a few hours of sleep. His head had a large bandage on it from where he had hit the wall. His fur was cleaned while he slept. The bed was extremely hard, and he longed to get out of it. He wasn't paying any attention to his mom or dad, but was lost in thought about Xello. 'He truly cares about me.'

"Drake, the doctor said that he just wants you to stay the night here for observation, and then tomorrow you should be able to go home." His mother said to him.

Drake nodded as he heard his mom. "How bad is the house?" he asked. "I didn't get a good look when they were carrying me out."

His dad said, "It's very bad, and we won't be staying in it for a while. We are just going to go stay at your grandfathers till its repaired."

Drake frowned. He hated going to stay at his grandfather's place. It smelled funny, and his grandfather always bashed gays, saying how they should all be burned at the stake. "Can I stay at a friend's instead?" He asked.

Drake's mother, Carol, looked at him, confusion ran across her face. "Why?" she asked. "You always loved going to your grandfather's house as a kid."

Drake looked her in the eyes. He did love going to his grandfather a long time ago, before he realized that he was gay. "Because, grandpa's house is kind of far away from school," he said.

His father, Richard, nodded in agreement, then turned to his wife and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, and he kissed her on the cheek. "Who did you have in mind?" he asked Drake.


The both looked at each other and smiled, before both nodded. His mother said, "We just need to talk to his parents, to make sure its ok. If you cause them any trouble, or your grades slip any, you'll be at your grandfather's faster than you can say grounded."

Drake nodded. He then realized he never got Xello's number. 'How can I call him if I didn't get his number?' he thought.

There was a knock on the door. "Mr. and Mrs. Leer?" asked the voice on the other side of the door. "It's Dr. Trelway. May I come in?"

Carol walked over to the door and opened it. "Anything the matter?" She asked, looking slightly puzzled.

"No, just coming to check on Drake," Said the doctor. "Just making sure everything is fine. We're hoping to be able to release him tomorrow. But may I speak to you in private please?"

Richard and Carol looked at each other before walking out of the room. The door closed slowly behind them, leaving Drake completely alone. He rolled over in his bed, and stared at the wall. He had no clue what time it was, but the sun was out. 'I wonder what Xello is doing.' He thought, as he dozed back into a dreamless sleep.

Xello awoke a few hours. The sun was starting to go down. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, and looked at his clock. It read 4:30, and his mother would be home soon.

Xello slowly rolled off his bed. His cock was somewhat erect from the dream of Drake he was having. He smelled slightly of cum. He fur was wet and sticky. He smiled and thought, 'I guess I better take a shower.'

He walked over to his dress, and opened the top drawer. He drug around in there for a second while the slight scent of pine filled his nostrils. He grabbed a pair of red silk boxers, and slowly closed the drawer. He opened then next drawer down, and pulled out a black tee-shirt. He then pulled out a pair black pajama, and closed the drawer.

Xello, with clothes in hand, walked over to his bedroom door, and slowly opened it. He peeked down the hall, just to make sure his mom wasn't home. He quickly ran down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Xello threw the clothes on the ground. He walked over to the shower, turning the handle to get the water flowing. Stream erupted for the shower head, and quickly filled the bathroom. Xello put his paw into the water to check the temperature, and slowly turned down the hot water.

Once the water was where Xello liked it, he climbed into the shower, causing his fur to quickly become soaked. He reached for his coconut shampoo, and squeezed some on his paw. He gently massaged it into his fur, paying very close attention to his sheath. He cock started to poke out. Xello smiled. The scent of his coconut shampoo always made him feel better.

He slowly rinsed off the shampoo, making sure it was completely off before he reached for the matching conditioner. He was very liberal with the conditioner as he massaged it into his fur. He heard the faint sound of a car door slamming shut as he rinsed his fur. He turned off the water, and climbed out of the shower. He walked over to the cabinet as the water dripped from his fur. He opened the up and pulled out a towel, and proceeded to dry himself; his fur puffed out as a result.

Once Xello was as dry as he could get, he reached for his brush. He brushed his fur quickly, just enough to flatten his fur. He threw on his clothes, hung up his towel, and walked out of the bathroom, letting out what remained of the steam into the hallway.

Xello immediately smelled something delicious. He made his way down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen. They had a small kitchen. The tan tile floors and the white walls at least went together. The counters were made of granite. His mother was standing over a pot, stirring it as she added various herbs and spices. He saw an open can of tomato sauce sitting on the counters. "Are we having spaghetti tonight?" He asked as his tail wagged excitedly. Spaghetti was his favorite.

"Yes, we are." Renee said, smiling at her son. She knew he loved spaghetti, and it was always easy to make after a long day.

"I was wondering," Xello said, "if you can drop me off at the hospital on you way to work tomorrow? I want to see how Drake's doing."

Renee smiled and nodded. She took a quick taste of the sauce she was making. She smacked her lips for a second, and then grabbed another pot from the cabinet. She walked over to the sink and filled it with water before putting it on the stove. She threw in some salt and turned the burner on high before going to sit down at the table.

Xello joined her at the table, and both just sat in silence. "Do you think Drake's right for me?" Xello blurted out.

Renee frowned. "I don't know." She said. "He seems like a good boy, but I don't know him well enough to say anything."

Xello frowned. He liked Drake a lot. Yet, he's only known him a day. All he thought about was Drake, and how he was doing. 'Maybe I'm rushing things with him,' He thought to himself

Renee walked over to the stove to check on the pasta. It was perfect, like always. She lifted the pot, and brought it over to the sink, where a colander was waiting. She drained the pasta, and gave it a quick rinse to prevent it from sticking. She looked over to Xello, who was already heading to grab a plate.

Dinner was quiet, unusually quiet for these two. Xello finished his dinner first, and went to sink. He rinsed off his plate and put it into the dishwasher. He looked back at his mother and said, "I think I'll go to bed early tonight." He walked up the stairs and went into his room. He lay in bed for a few minutes before falling asleep.

Drake awoke a few hours later in the hospital. His mother and father were having a quiet conversation in the corner. He stared at them for a few minutes, before saying "I'm hungry."

Both turned a looked at him. His mother got up silently and walked outside. His father just stared at Drake.

"Did I do something?" Drake asked.

Richard stared at him for another second, before saying, "The doctor said that Xello was your boyfriend. Is this true?"

Drake stomach dropped. He didn't know what to say. He did tell the doctor that Xello was his boyfriend, but why would the doctor tell his parents. Drake sighed and nodded, terrified of what his father might do.

Richard stood up suddenly, clenching his fists as he did. "You're my son," he said. "You're my only son. Why would you do this to me? Why would you choose to be a fag?"

Drake was crying. He knew his parents hated gays, and he knew they would explode when he told them. But for them to find out from someone else meant he couldn't tell them when he was ready. He muttered, "Sorry."

"Tomorrow," Richard said, "You're going to pack your stuff and leave. I don't want a fag under my roof." After that, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Drake sat there alone and in tears. He had no choice but to leave. He needed to talk with Xello, but how.

Just then, his mother came into the room, with a small box of food. She sat in on the table next to Drake, who had already lost his appetite. She sat down in the chair next to his bed. "You should go stay with Xello for a while," She said, "at least until I can calm your father down." She kissed him on the forehead.

"I don't know how to get in touch with him," Drake said, choking back tears. "We never gave each other our numbers."

Carol simply smiled. "I bet he's coming here tomorrow." She said. "I'll stop by before work, and talk with his mother about what's going on. Does she know that Xello's gay?"

Drake shook his head, and looked down. He had no clue what to do.

Carol kissed him again. "Don't worry, I'll just ask if you can stay there while the house is being repaired." She said, trying to calm down her son. "Don't worry, I'll be able to convince your father that there's nothing wrong with you being gay."

Drake smiled at his mother, and hugged her. He whispered in her ear "Thank you, mom."

"Now, eat your dinner before it gets even colder." She said.

Drake looked back at his mom. He asked, "Why did the doctor tell you I was gay? I only told him I was dating Xello so that he could come into the room while you two weren't here."

His mother smile faded. She said, "He wanted to know if you two were really dating. He wants both of you to get tested."

Drake frowned. 'Tested,' He thought. 'Why do we need to be tested? Not all gays are infected with diseases. We've only had sex once, and only with each other.'

Drake slowly ate his food as his mother left the room. It looked like turkey with gravy, but it tasted horrible. He ate about half before he set the rest aside. He lay in his bed, thinking about what he was going to do. He didn't have a home anymore. He began to cry as he fell asleep.

Xello awoke early the next morning. He looked over at his clock, which read 7:00. He slowly rolled out of bed, still in the same clothes he wore at dinner. 'I wonder how Drake is doing,' he thought as he walked over to his dresser. He grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a grey tee-shirt. He slowly stripped his clothes to change; his morning wood causing his boxers to tent.

Xello threw his clothes on and walked down the stairs. The smell of coffee filled his nose as he reached the bottom. His mother was sitting at the table with a coffee cup filled to the rim with coffee. "Morning mom," Xello said.

She looked over to her son, and smiled. "Good morning honey," she said. "We'll be leaving in about 20 minutes."

Xello nodded, and walked over to the fridge. He opened it, and grabbed the milk. He closed the door, and walked over to the cabinet to get a glass. He filled it was the milk, and put the milked back into the fridge.

Xello walked back over to the table, and slowly drank the milk. He stared at his mother, who was lost in thought. He took a long slip of his milk, and then asked his mother, "Is something wrong?"

Renee took another sip of her coffee, and turned to face Xello. "You still sure you want to go see Drake today?" she asked.

Xello nodded. 'She doesn't like the idea,' he thought.

Renee sighed. She looked at her watch, and looked back at Xello. She quickly drank the rest of her coffee and said, "Let's get going."

They both stood up and walked to the door. Xello opened it to allow his mother to exit, following quickly behind her. They got into the car and backed out of the driveway.

The drive to the hospital was very quiet. Xello wanted to know what his mother was thinking. The 20 minute ride seemed to take hours. When his mom pulled into the parking lot, they both got out of the car. "I just want to talk with his mother real quick." Renee said.

Xello gulped. They slowly made their way to the front door; Xello's tail was between his legs. When they walk inside, Drake's mother was standing in the lobby. She looked over at Xello and walked over to them.

Carol gave Xello a big hug, and whispered in his ear, "I know about you and Drake."

Xello gasped. He turned to look at his mom then back to Carol. "Mom, this is Carol, Drakes mom." He said. "Carol, this is my Mom, Renee. She knows that Drake and I are gay mom."

Renee shook paws with Carol, and smiled. "I just wanted to make sure that its ok for Xello to come visit."

Carol nodded, then let go of Renee's hand and looked at her for a second. "I have a favor to ask of you Renee." She said, with a very serious tone in her voice. "Drake's father doesn't want Drake at the house. I really hate to ask, but can Drake stay with you until I can convince his father that having a gay son is ok?"

Xello and Renee gasped. Xello looked at his mother, begging her with his eyes to say yes.

Renee frowned for a second. She opened her mouth twice to say something, but nothing came out. She stared seriously at Xello for a minute. She looked back at Carol. "I don't mind." She finally said. "Do I need to pick them up from here?"

"No, Drake's going to be released in a little while." Carol said. "I'm going to bring him back to the house, so we can quickly pack some of his stuff. He can drive back to your house."

Carol walked over to the desk and got some paper and a pen. "Here is my Cell number if you need to call me." She said, handing the paper to Renee.

Renee nodded, and wrote down her number. "This is the best way to get in contact with me." She said, ripping off the number she wrote down. "I have to go to work. Xello, you and Drake behave when you get home."

Xello blushed for a second. The joy of having Drake live with him was overwhelming. He barely noticed his mother leaving, "Have a good day at work mom." He said.

Renee smiled back and walked out the door, leaving Xello and Carol in the waiting room. Xello saw a lion walk through the doors a few moments later. The lion appeared to be Xello's age. He was muscular, and his mane was well groomed. He tan fun was kept short. He wore a Blue shirt and blue jean shorts. He had a worried look on his face.

Carol saw the lion, and waved at him. "Xello, this is Lein." She said. "He a good friend of Drake's that called about him last night. I told him to come up here today."

Xello shook Lein's paw. "Hi, my name is Xello. It's nice to meet you." He said, looking Lein right in the eyes.

Lein nodded. His tail was flaring around wildly. 'I've never seen this wolf before.' He thought to himself. 'His eyes are very strange.'

They let go of each others paw and stepped back. They looked at each other for a few moments before Lein asked, "How is Drake doing?"

Carol said, "He's doing very well. He should be down here in a few minutes."

Xello stared at the elevator. He couldn't wait for Drake to get down there. Each time the elevator would open, his tail would go wild, only to see someone else come out. He saw a mother tiger with her baby, another wolf with a cast, and a dragon with a sunken maw.

Xello sighed. Lein stared at him, not sure what to think of the new wolf. 'Is this Drake's new boyfriend?' he thought.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Drake finally came out of the elevator, riding on a wheel chair. He was rolled to the front desk. He didn't notice Xello, Lein, and Carol standing around in the waiting room.

Carol walked over to the front counter, and gave her son a hug. "Xello and Lein are here." She said smiling at him.

Drake looked around and saw them both standing in the waiting room. Xello was beaming, and Lein was looking at the ground. Drake chuckled. 'I don't know if those two will get along.' He thought. He motioned for both of them to come over.

Xello ran over, and gave Drake a big hug. "You mom told me what happened." Xello whispered in his ear. "And my mom knows as well."

Drake stared at Xello in shock. "You told you mom?" he asked.

Xello nodded, blushing. "She also said its ok for you to come stay with us." He said.

Lein walked over just then, embarrassed by the affection Drake and Xello were showing. "How you feeling?" he asked.

"Doing much better," Drake said as he stood up. "I keep forgetting your not use to two guys showing affection."

Lein nodded, and said, "Just don't kiss, and I think I'll be ok."

Drake and Xello both laughed. Carol stared at the three, and finally said, "We better get going. We need to get you packed before your father gets home."

All three nodded, and followed Carol out the door. Lein looked at the three and said, "I drove here. I'll meet you at your house Drake."

Drake nodded, and followed his mother to her car. Drake's mother drove a silver PT Cruiser. Carol unlocked the car. All three quickly got into the car, Drake and Xello getting in the back.

The drive to Drake's house was just as quiet as the drive from Xello's house. Drake reached over and grabbed Xello's paw. They looked at each other in the eyes. Drake leaned over and whispered, "I love you Xello."

Xello blushed slightly, and gave Drake a kiss. "I love you too." He whispered back.

Carol chuckled a bit and said, "You two look cute together.

"MOM," Drake shouted, both we blushing very brightly. They rode in silence the rest of the short trip.

When Drake and Xello got out, Carol looked at both of the boys and smiled. "I have to get to work," she said. "You father is going to be home by 4, so make sure your gone before he gets here."

Drake nodded, and walked up to the house. There were two oak trees on the roof. The damage looked very bad.

Lein pulled up, just a few moments after Drake's mother left, in an old red Ford S10. He shut of the engine and got out. He saw Drake and Xello kissing each other passionately. "Guys, can you not do that right now," He said, embarrassed by what he saw.

Drake and Xello back away from each other. They were blushing slightly. Drake finally said, "Let get this packing done quickly."

Both Xello and Lein nodded, and followed Drake into the remains of the house. The front door was unlocked. The site of the house was horrible. Tree branches were sticking through the roof. Water stains were on the tiles where the rain was at. The wall had a deep indention from where Drake hit it.

Drake frowned at the sight. He walked over to the stairs, slowly making his way up. Xello followed him shortly afterward. He had already seen the damage once before.

Lein was awestruck by the sight. He had no clue what to say. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He heard Drake's bedroom door close. 'I'll give them some alone time.' He thought to himself.

Inside Drake's room, nothing had changed, except that there were several boxes in there now. Xello's backpack was still sitting in the corner. He grabbed Xello quickly, and kissed him passionately. Xello murred in response. "I love you Xello." He said as he broke the kiss. "We haven't known each other long, but every second I'm with you makes me love you even more."

Xello looked into Drake's blue eyes. They were full of love and passion. Xello eyes began to form tears. "I love you Drake." He said, choking back tears. "I love you more than anything else in the world."

Drake brought Xello into a tight hug. Both murring in pleasure of being each others arms. They kissed, murring even louder.

Xello broke the kiss, and whispered, "What is Lein comes in?"

Drake sighed. "I forgot he was here," he said. "Let's wait till later when we are alone."

Xello nodded.

A knock came from the door. Drake walked over and opened it. Lein stood there. "Are you two finished making out?" he said, slightly agitated.

Drake chuckled, and said "For now."

Lein sighed. He walked over the Drakes TV and started to unplug the cords. "We need to get this done quickly," he said.

Both Drake and Xello nodded in agreement. They set about packing up Drake's stuff. Xello worked on all of Drake's books, magazines, and computer equipment. Drake gathered up his clothes, and Lein packed up all of the games and gaming devices.

The room took about an hour to pack. They packed everything in silence. Drake let out a loud sigh as he put the last of his stuff in the boxes. "Now we have to carry all this out to my car," he said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Xello walked over and pulled Drake into a hug. "It's ok Drake," he whispered in his ear. "Everything will work out somehow."

Lein looked away. He didn't like the idea of two guys together. "Can you fit everything in your car Drake?"

Drake let go of Xello's embrace and looked at Lein. "I think so," he said. "Can you help carry some of this stuff?"

Lein flexed jokingly and nodded. He grabbed the first box, which was filled with Drake's clothes. He walked out the door, and carefully made his way down the stairs.

Drake and Xello laughed slightly. They both proceeded to grab a box and make their way down. Lein was waiting by Drake's car when they made their way outside. "It's locked," he said.

Drake reached into his pocket and grabbed his keys. He unlocked the doors, and the slowly loaded the boxes. It only took about 20 minutes as they weren't bringing the dresser, TV stand, computer desk or bed.

When Lein put the last box into the car, he turned to Drake. "I'm going to go ahead and go home," he said.

Drake nodded as Lein turned to his truck to leave. Drake shouted, "Thank you, Lein."

Lein nodded as he entered his truck. The engine revved and he pulled out. He drove off down the road and was soon gone from sight.

Drake and Xello sighed in unison. Xello turned towards the car and said, "We better get going, it's almost 2"

They climbed into the cramped car and slowly backed out of the driveway. Drake took a final look at the home he was raised in. He had a feeling he would never see it again.

Xello live on cherry blossom drive, which was across town. They rode in total silence. The ride was about 30 minutes. Xello was constantly staring at Drake. He noticed a few tears forming around his lovers eyes. He didn't know what to say to comfort him.

When they pulled up into Xello's house, they sat in the car for a few minutes. Xello leaned over and licked Drake and the muzzle. "Welcome home," he said.

Drake nodded and slowly got out of the car. He grabbed a box before he made his way to the door. Xello was close behind and opened the door for Drake to enter. He led Drake to his bedroom, and they slowly carried all the boxes to the room.

When they were finished, they sat on Xello's bed. They didn't bother unpacking the boxes as most of the stuff didn't have a place to go. Drake started crying. He was no longer a member of his own family.

Xello wrapped a paw around Drake, and whispered, "Everything will be ok."

Drake started to cry in Xello's chest. Xello wrapped his paws around his, pulling him close. Tears formed in his eyes.

Drake started to breathe easier, his crying was subsiding. He looked up at Xello, and gently licked at his maw. They leaned in closer and began to kiss. Their lips locked in love and passion for each other. Their tongues explored the other's mouth.

Xello broke the kiss, and looked Drake in the eyes. "Drake," he said, "I love you. I am here for you, and I always will be."

Drake hugged Xello tightly. He whispered very softly into Xello's ear, "I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being."

They looked at each other, Xello's emerald eyes and Drakes blue were both saying the same thing. Drake spoke up first, "Yiff me."

Xello started to take of Drake's shirt. His cock was hardening. He felt it come out of his sheath. He threw Drake's shirt onto the ground, and bent over to lick his nipples. He sucked and licked, causing Drake to murr.

Drake unbuttoned his pants; his own erection was growing uncomfortable. He slowly worked them down, until he was in his blue satin boxers. His musk slowly filled the air.

Xello, not stopping from Drake's nipples, reached for Drake's boxers with his paw, and pulled them down. He slowly began to paw him off, pre barely coating his paw.

Drake moaned in pleasure. The grasp of his lover around his cock was exciting him further. He reached over to pull off Xello's shirt, slowly working it over his lover's head while he stopped playing.

Xello's shirt flew onto the ground. He stood up, and pulled of his pants and boxers at the same time. His musk filled the air. His erection was in Drake's face, some pre already dripping from the tip. He immediately began to suck on it. Xello began to moan in pleasure; the warmth of the maw around his cock was perfect. He said to Drake, "I want to suck you too."

Drake stopped for a moment, and laid down on the bed. Xello crawled over him, and positioned himself so they could both suck on each other. Both were moaning, as the other sucked.

Xello wasn't able to hold back. His orgasm was erupting violently. He shot his lupine seed into Drake's muzzle, who swallowed it greedily.

Drake tried to hold back as long as he could. He began to erupt as violently as Xello, his vulpine seed rolling into the back of Xello's throat, causing him to gag slightly. He swallowed every drop.

They laid there for a minute, panting hard and fast. Drake looked down towards his lover. Xello's eyes were pleading with him to come closer. Drake sat up and turned around, and lay there, facing his lover.

Xello leaned in and licked Drake passionately on the muzzle, as Drake whispered in his ear, "You want top or bottom?"

Xello stopped licking and smiled at Drake. "I'll let you pick," he said. "I like both."

Drake nodded, and said, "I'll be on top."

Xello quickly got on all four paws. His tail was wagging wildly in front of Drake. He felt his tail being grabbed and pulled up. Drake's tongue was working around the rim, causing shivers to run down his spine.

Drake began to force his tongue in further, causing Xello to murr. He slid is tongue in as far as he could. The taste wasn't bad. He soon pulled his tongue out, and positioned himself to yiff Xello.

Xello could feel Drake teasing his with the tip of his cock. It was barely poking at his hole, putting almost no pressure. He was murring loudly.

Drake leaned in close to Xello, and whispered, "Ready?"

Xello nodded. He felt a sudden sharp pain, causing him to yip loudly.

Drake stopped, and looked down at Xello, who smiled and nodded. He pushed a little bit further in, causing his lover to moan loudly. He kept slowly pushing in until he could go no further. He slowly pulled back out, trying to be careful not to hurt his lover any more.

The only thing Xello could do was moan is ecstasy. He yipped every now and then as Drake picked up speed, hitting his prostate with each thrust forward.

Drake's knot began to form. He reached around and grabbed Xello's cock, pumping it in rhythm with his own thrusts. His knot had reached its full size, and was trying to force its way into Xello.

With a final thrust, Drake's knot went into Xello, causing them both to cum. Xello's went mostly into Drake's hand, while Xello was being filled himself. They both moan very loudly as the orgasm went on. Both were in pure bliss.

Shortly afterwards, they both collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. Drake licked the cum off his paw, enjoying the second taste of his lovers cum in the same day.

Xello turn his head as much as he could. He smiled at Drake. "Why did you tie us last time?" he asked.

Drake licked Xello's muzzle. "I wasn't sure you were ready." He whispered. "I wanted to, but I wasn't sure you did. When you tied me, I felt bad for not trying to tie you."

Xello chuckled. "I didn't mean to tie you last time," he said softly back. "I just couldn't contain myself."

They lay there on the ground, cuddling close to each other. They were waiting on Drake's knot to go down, when they suddenly heard a knock on the door.