Tending the dragon's heart part 1

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of Tending the dragons heart

Kudo's to the wonderful story 'Temeraire' for inspiring this story...get out there and read it!

A series in the making here...and please forgive any discrepancies in the dragons behaviour...I really have trouble getting into the mind of a 'simple' dragon.

Master/slave as in owning the dragoness. If you're looking for sexual slavery, look elsewhere.

Tending the dragon's heart part 1

"Why aren't you ready?!" Lyersen cringed as her rider strode out of the arched doorway towards her, entering her pen with all the grace and kindness of a hurricane.

It was a strange sight to see a towering golden dragon cringe before a slight, medium-built human, but cower she did, wings mantling and eyes wide in fear as she back ed up slightly in instinct.

"You know to be ready when I come! Where's your harness?!" He roared at her, and she cringed further against the wall as he stalked over to her and beat at her shoulder. It wasn't hard enough to hurt her physically, but it stung her emotionally, and she could almost feels tears welling up in her eyes.

"You took it off?!" He asked with quiet vehemence, dropping his voice and almost hissing at her.

"But Master...it hurts!" She replied in her defence, head downcast, blue eyes observing closely the brickwork underfoot. Her voice was high for her size, feminine, almost ludicrous for it to issue from such a large, carnivorous maw.

"It doesn't matter if it hurts!" Her rider yelled, striking her again, and then roughly taking the saddle and harnessing her with it, cinching the straps down as tight as he could, making her wince and hiss softly with the pain.

"If you didn't take it off it wouldn't hurt!" He barked, climbing atop her and jerking the reins commandingly, arrogantly, commanding her into the sky. She almost balked but obeyed, head downcast as she rose from the pens with mighty sweeps of her wings, the straps of her harness cutting into her scales with every stroke.

* * *

The teenager watched idly from nearby, tending to a collapsing wall with bricks and fresh mortar, as the rider landed again, and then dismounted, walking away from the dragon without a single word said to her.

Lyersen slumped pitifully onto the ground, head disappearing under one of her wings; tail thrashing the ground in her apparent sadness. A soft dragon-keen echoed from her pen, muffled almost completely by her wing.

The teen, Jaten, looked up curiously from his work, slathering the last of the mortar around the edges of the bricks that had been dislodged by an incautious sweep of a dragon tail. He stood and laid his trowel by the wall, intending to clean up later, and then stepped cautiously into the dragon's pen, clearing his throat to try and get her attention.

She uncurled slightly and asked a single, tremulous question, half hopeful, half fearful. "Master?"

"No. I am not your master, but I would like to know why you were keening...did you lost a friend in the fighting?" Jaten asked, feeling a tiny bit bolder and stepping a little closer, just out of reach of a tail-swipe, should the dragon take exception to his presence.

"No...I am a carrier dragon...I am unfit for fighting." She said forlornly, looking to the skies, where a full flight of twelve dragons circled slowly on air currents.

"Beauty such as yours must be guarded jealously." Jaten said quickly, and was pleased when the dragon curled up a little more, but this time in slight embarrassment, coughing and stuttering to try and cover it.

"N-no. Master says I am not pretty." She replied firmly, as if this made it true.

The human leant against the wall and then slid down it to a sitting position, staring at the dragon. "If your master said that they sky was brown, would you believe him?" He asked.

"...At sunset, the sky can turn peculiar colours, his eyes might deceive him, if he told me the sky was brown then I would believe him." She replied slowly, weighing her words. It was obvious that she didn't often get to have conversations with anyone.

"What if he said that two plus two equals five and a half?" He asked, unfazed.

"Master is smarter than I am, I would simply believe him." She said, snorting softly.

"Your master isn't so smart." He replied, frowning, standing and taking a step forwards, running a finger down the strap that held her harness to her side. "If he cannot see how much pain this harness causes you, then he must be stupid...or blind..." He said, and then started undoing straps. "Let's get this thing off you." He said gently to her, and she backed up a little, baulking.

"You mustn't!" She hissed. "Master forbids it!"

"Why?" He asked simply, staring up at her.

She opened her mouth to speak, and then just worked her jaw stupidly, unable to come up with a response. "Master is wiser than me." She stated firmly.

"Your master is a fool." He said, stepping forwards and swiping neatly with his knife, severing the main strap that held the harness to her, causing it to fall to the ground with a dull clatter, revealing the red-tinged scales underneath, rubbed raw from the unyielding leather.

"Isn't that better?" He asked, quickly stepping back as she lifted a paw as if to swipe at him.

She lowered the paw slowly, and then gave a sound of relaxation, eyes closing slightly as she enjoyed the feel of being unbound. And then her eyes snapped open. "Master forbids it! Master will be angry with Lyersen! Oh what will Lyersen do?" She wailed, dropping to her stomach and burying her head in her forepaws, keening softly.

Jaten stared at her with raised eyebrows and then merely sighed, shaking his head and walking out, to find the harness maker. He couldn't force the dragon to go unharnessed, not when her rider would rebuke her for not wearing one, but he could at least make sure that she was comfortable in a harness.

* * *

Lyersen awoke to the heavy thud of her master's boots, and his sudden roaring voice. "Get up! We have work to do!"

She grumbled softly and climbed to her feet, crouching low in an awkward, uncomfortable position while he clambered up and slapped the heavy parcel over her neck, making her cringe as it hit one of the bands of pain that was caused by the chafing of her leather harness. AT least Master hadn't yelled at her for not having the harness. Someone must have come in when she was sleeping and put the new one on her. Certainly not master, he would not burden himself too much, she always knew he had some sort of injury to his body that made him ornery and unable to take large workloads, there was no other excuse for the way he was never around and never tended to her needs.

At least the new harness didn't cut into her body like a stripe of fire every time her master shifted his weight, and the flight was relatively easy, though her master did push her too hard. Maybe his injury made it hard for him in the saddle too?

* * *

The strange human was there again when she landed, she could smell him, as well as something else, something pervasive, something that filled her nostrils and clung to her tastebuds, making her mouth water. She hadn't been properly fed, her master only letting her take a single sheep from the hard. Perhaps he thought that because she was so small, barely big enough to handle a single human upon her back, that she didn't need much sustenance. Or maybe he couldn't afford to pay the bills for more sheep? After all, medicine for injuries was very expensive. The smell was cloying, and made her stomach grumble hungrily. A soft laugh came from the entrance as soon as her master had disappeared.

"I see you already know I'm here." The human said, stepping into view.

"Oh yesss...." She hissed in reply, eyes glowing as she sniffed deeply at the air, the scent having already put her at ease. "What is that you carry with you?" She asked, large head, by comparison to a human's, cocked to one side.

"I thought I might bring you something to eat, you seem to be not getting enough food." He said simply, holding out a large watertight bag filled to the top with what looked like the hearts or livers of large beasts.

The dragon positively drooled at these and almost took a step forwards, before restraining herself. "Master would not mind? What if this costs master money?" She asked anxiously.

"These are a gift, but I ask for something in exchange, I want to have a look at those marks on your body." He said, wafting the scent of the meat towards her with his hand. In his other hand he held a bag of medical supplies, carefully hidden from view.

"This will not cost master anything?" She asked eagerly, reassuring herself as she stared down at the meat hungrily.

"I daresay I could not deny such a fine beast her meal if I were a cold hearted man, and I am not, so, alas, you will have your feed." He said, smiling and stepping closer, reaching a hand into the bag and pulling out a meaty mass of food for her, holding it out in his now blood-stained hand.

She took it gingerly, not wanting to bite that hand that was feeding her, literally and figuratively, not while he still had a bag full of such delights, her long tongue snaking around his wrists gently as she tugged the morsel from his grasp.

"Why do you want to see my marks?" She asked curiously, head cocking as she swallowed her first little treat.

"I'm curious as to how you got them." He replied, holding out another chunk, forestalling her response.

She took her time swallowing, and then said simply, "my harness was not made properly by the harnessmaster, therefore it cuts into my scales."

"Then shouldn't it be taken off between flights?" He asked in the same tone.

She gave him a cold glare. "Master knows best. If master could take it off without causing himself pain, then he would. But I must suffer this small pain so master can relax and staunch his own."

He held out more meat, and she took it, crunching down on it while glaring at him, a subtle message in the action. "But then wouldn't your master like it if someone else could take off your harness and then put it back on for him? That way you could both avoid any unnecessary pain." He said carefully, tactfully.

She mulled this over as she ate, chewing thoughtfully. "I guess...master would be happy as long as I was harnessed before he came for the flights. I shall ask him."

"No!...I mean no," he said, softening his rebuke a little, "he doesn't have to know, it would just make him feel indebted to me, I will do this for free, and your master never need know, that way, everyone can be happy." He said tactfully.

"...I suppose you may tend me, and master is not to know?" She asked, looking down at him and gratefully taking the meat he offered. He moved forwards closer and stroked her shoulder gently, and then started to remove the harness, peeling it away from the wounds it had created. Even the new harness cut into her, due to the fact that the old wounds hadn't had time to heal.

"He doesn't need to know. Or he would feel indebted, like someone tending to his pet, and I do this for free, just to see you not in pain." He replied, gently removing the harness and tossing it to the ground, starting to smear soothing balm across the wounds, which he took out of the medicine bag he had bought along.

"That feelsss good..." She hissed, stretching out and burying her muzzle in the food bag, taking out more food, her muzzle getting covered in blood. "Why do you care about my feelings?" She asked suddenly, as though the thought had only just entered her mind.

"Well...why does you maser care for your feelings?" He asked, shrugging and smearing more of the balm across her scales.

She worked her jaw a few times, once more at a loss for words. The truth of the matter was, she had never actually known her master to demonstrate that he cared for her feelings.

He decided to change the subject quickly, so that she could cover her confusion. He knew full well what type of person her master was; it was obvious to everyone in the immediate area, and especially all the boys who worked around this area. But he couldn't just say that to her face, she wouldn't believe him, and would only tell him to leave, and then he wouldn't be able to ensure that she wasn't in pain.

"Do you like the food?" He asked suddenly, and she perked up instantly.

"Oh yes! It tastes far better than the stuff that master gives me! You must give him your secret!" She said brightly, smiling down at him and licking at the now empty bag, her long agile tongue flicking into the corners and clearing away all the tasty blood there.

"How about I just keep bringing it to you? That way your master wouldn't feel indebted to me for giving him the secret to really good food." He said reasonably, hoping she would agree.

"That sounds good!" She said brightly, nuzzling him warmly. "You are a very nice human! Much nicer than all the other humans I have met!"

He waited for a few minutes, ensuring she had forgotten about the comment, time spent rubbing more soothing balm into her numerous wounds, before he asked, "How many humans have you met?"

"Only you and Master!" She said happily, nuzzling against his hand as it started to rub balm into the wounds on her neck.

He couldn't help but smile. Maybe it wouldn't take too long for his plan to come to fruition.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked, frowning slightly in perplexion.

"I'm just happy. Are you not happy?" He asked, smiling at her.

She tilted her head to the side. "I have a new friend! I am happy!"

He patted her side and smiled again.

"When will you return?" She asked wistfully, licking his nose gently, which had the effect of bathing his entire face.

"As often as I can." He stated firmly, and the dragon smiled at him, nudging him affectionately.

* * *

He was waiting for her again when she landed, and she stepped forwards eagerly before her master had fully dismounted, making his footing unsure on the hard floor. His ankle twisted and an audible snap echoed around the pen as he clutched at his ankle, and then struck the dragons side as hard as could. "Besotted animal!" He barked, words tinged with pain.

She turned on him and hissed with pain, his strike catching her on one of her wounds, before she curled up into a miserable ball, head hidden under her wing as her master called for help.

It was ten minutes later, when her master had finally been taken away, that Jaten finally felt he could enter the pen, wafting the smell of meat towards her.

She lifted her head, pupils dilating as she could sight of him. "Friend!" She called, smiling, her sadness instantly forgotten.

"I saw what happened to your master." He said, though he didn't sound disapproving.

She still curled up again, staring at him with wide, fearful eyes. "Are you angry at Lyersen?" She asked.

"Yes, a little, you shouldn't have done that to your master...but I'm sure he won't be back for another week at least, maybe you'd like to have a nice bath?" She had curled a little tighter at the start of his sentence, but was positively quivering with anticipation at the end. "Can the food be brought with us? Will it just be the two of us?" She asked eagerly.

"Yes, and yes, so come on! Master won't even know." He promised.

* * *

He took her to the waterfall near where the dragons were kept, but it was deserted this time of day, most of the dragons just coming back from a flight and wanting nothing more than food and sleep. Lyersen immediately jumped under the waterfall, sighing happily as the water washed over her healing wounds. Jaten had already unharnessed her.

She made her way over to the waters edge, where he was swimming in slow circles, her food in the bag. She sniffed at it a few times, and then nudged it softly, whining, trying to open it.

He was there in a few seconds, opening the bag for her and gently stroking her beautiful head.

"You treat me so nice." She murmured.

"Only what you deserve." He replied, stroking her eye-ridges gently, making her croon softly twist her head against his hand.

She shivered softly and flushed, her golden scales colouring as she shifted uncomfortably.

"What's the matter?" he asked, looking her over with concern.

"Master calls it...hate?...no...he said it was...heat!" She said, happy she had remembered it. "He says I'm not good enough for it though, he said I should ignore it...but it gets so hard...and you petting me is making it harder to ignore." She said with a soft whine.

He looked her over again, and leant down lower, under pretence of rubbing her front legs and neck, seeing that she was correct, between her legs was a long, puffy red slit, already dripping with moisture.

"Can you help with my heat?" She asked hopefully, whimpering slightly. "Master doesn't have to know. I'll give you something for it! Master won't even know! I have a coin!" She said, reaching under her wing with her muzzle and gripping a silver coin, placing it on the grass in front of him. He almost laughed, though he was breathing far too heavily for that. It was only a twenty cent coin, not even enough to buy a lolly.

"I could help you...but you have to promise me something, okay?" He said to her, giving her a serious look. "Your master can never find out, and you mustn't speak to anyone about it, understand?"

"Yes! I understand!" She squeaked, rolling onto her side in an instant and lifted her leg for him, revealing to him her long, draconic slit, dripping with her liquids, as she panted with anticipation.

He moved closer to her, leaning against her belly as he ran a hand from her knee to between her legs, gently stroking at her lips, making her quiver, her claws flexing, the tips almost digging into him, though she stopped them before that could happen.

"Lyersen enjoys that!" She said, panting softly and then arching her back, her wings quivering as a finger found its way inside her tight depths.

Jaten smiled and rubbed her clit gently with his palm as he fingered her, his own breathing hard and heavy as he shrugged out of his clothes, leaning down and lapping at her gently, making her spread one wing as far as she could, moaning loudly as a rush of her liquids spilled from her voluminous depths right over his face and neck.

He blinked a few times, and then smiled up at her, kissing her entrance once more before moving up a little higher, rubbing at her belly gently, his thumb playing with her clit as she tried to catch her breath, pleased with herself that she hadn't roared, though she had wanted to.

"Are you ready?" He asked, smiling at her and rubbing his erection along her slit gently.

"It's not over!?" She squeaked, eyes wide. She closed them suddenly and did roar as he thrust, pressing his cock deep into her comparatively large body, his hands on her belly as he started to thrust immediately.

She lifted her head, her eyes still closed, her nose almost touching his chest, allowing him to stroke at her face and neck as he thrust, the dragon panting, her breath washing over him as she moaned softly every now and again.

Jaten started to thrust harder and faster, and Lyersen began to gulp softly every few seconds, her toe claws extending as she tensed up, another roar erupting from her as she orgasmed suddenly, covering his length in her liquids as he thrust as deep as he could, a moan torn from his throat as he spilled himself within her, slumping over her belly unceremoniously.

They rested like that for nearly an hour, the dragon cooing softly as she felt the humans stream of warm cum start to trickle from her body, his hands still stroking her gently.

"Thank you!" She said brightly, as he drew himself clear, her nose nudging the coin towards him. He pushed it back with a smile, kissing her muzzle gently, his face covered in her drying liquids. She licked his face gently, but didn't object to taking the coin back, putting it back in her 'hoard' with glee, licking him eagerly.

"Now, your master can't know of this." He said firmly, rubbing her chin gently. "And if you keep the secret, then I'll help you next time you need help too. Okay?" he asked, and she nodded instantly and eagerly.

"Lyersen very much wants help in the future!" She said, nudging him affectionately and smiling. "You are the very greatest friend in the world!"

He smiled at her and rubbed her muzzle gently, kissing her nose, "And lets hope it stay that way."