He's A Deep Sleeper

Story by GreenEyedTiger on SoFurry

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When a son who lusts for his father discovers that he is taking some sleeping aids, things turn a little bit frisky for them both...

So after quite the long, long, LONG absence from writing I finally managed to get a story fully completed. As per the usual warning if you are under 18 then do NOT read this story as it involves gay relations between a father and son. Hope you enjoy!

Small Edit: Not used to this site's new setup yet

He's A Deep Sleeper

"Take off the shirt...Come on..." A lithe looking panther stared outside of his room wearing nothing but his own fur. The nineteen year old was busy rubbing himself slowly as he stared at the object of his affection, licking his lips a tiny bit. Now it wasn't a neighbour he was watching far from it... The male he was staring at shared the same dark coloured fur that he did, though had much more muscles and a slight touch of grey. He knew it was sick and twisted but he couldn't help but stare at him... His dad was just really attractive to him. For the past two years he had made this his little ritual, to watch his old man do things like this. Be it him swimming in the backyard, or mowing the lawn he made sure to find a suitable spot to watch him from. Today he was busy mowing the front yard, wearing a muscle shirt and a pair of swimming shorts, working up a good sweat. The younger cat waited and hoped for that shirt to come off... but it never did as his dad finished up.

"Dammit..." He pouted slightly as he watched him head back inside, hopping off the computer chair and making his way to the closet to get some clothes, passing a mirror as he did so, stopping to glance as his decently muscled body, striking a small pose for fun before continuing. After settling on a pair of shorts and a tight fitting t-shirt he headed down the stairs waving at his dad who was in the kitchen fetching a glass of water. It was just the two of them that lived there, a rather nasty divorce had occurred a few years back after his dad had caught his mom cheating on him. In the end the judge gave custody to him, which the young male was just fine with. "Hey dad, whats gonna be for supper I'm starved."

"Told you to eat lunch Lucas, but you never did like to listen huh?" The older panther retorted after he finished the water, his shirt drenched with sweat.

"Oh come off it dad I wasn't hungry then." He stuck his tongue out playfully at his dad, who in return rolled his eyes and began looking through the cupboards. Lucas chuckled and walked into the kitchen with him to help look, when he spotted a small bottle sitting on the table. His natural curiosity kicked in as he strolled up to the table and picked the bottle up to read what it was for spotting his dads name, Keith, and what they were for, "...Sleeping pills?"

"Hmm? Oh those." His dad turned around and shrugged a little bit "My doctor recommended them to me, haven't been sleeping very well for the past couple weeks"

"Really? Heh that sucks old man!" He tossed the prescription over to his father who caught it with one of his paws and rolled his eyes at him again.

"Oh grow up Lucas, you try being stressed out at work one of these days."

"Yeah yeah yeah... I know, I'm looking for a job dad."

"Look harder." His dad was the one to laugh this time as he held up what they would be eating for dinner that night before heading over to the stove to get cooking. Lucas crossed his arms and sat down smirking some as he took a quick little glimpse at his dads rather fine looking ass.

~Sleeping pills huh... Hmm...~ The younger panther began to toy with a little idea in his head. He knew his dad generally was a heavy sleeper already... and those pills would most likely cause him to be out of it even more. A sly little grin crept up on his face as he began to plan out just what he would be up to that night...

**Later That Night**

It was stupid, it was dangerous, and if things went bad Lucas might be out on his ass... but he couldn't resist this. For the rest of the evening he had just been waiting and waiting for when he heard his dad getting ready for bed, which made his heart begin to race. When he had read the bottle of pills, it had mentioned after roughly twenty minutes they would kick in. It felt like it took longer than it should have as he watched the clock slowly move ahead, biting his lip. After roughly forty minutes had passed he figured it would be fine to go about his little plan.

Taking a deep breath he slowly got up from his bed and snuck out into the hall listening for any sign that his father might still be awake. Though when he heard nothing he continued his way slowly towards his dads room, gulping slightly. ~This is a one time thing... Just gonna go in there, have a little fun and that's it!~ He told himself as he reached the door to Keith's room, his heart racing. Carefully he put his paw on the door know and very slowly turned it, opening the door.

The only light that was shining inside the room came from his dads window where the moon bathed it in a dull light. He felt himself take a sharp breath as he moved his gaze over to where his father was sleeping, seeing him completely passed out with a simple light sheet covering him, which easily made out most of his muscles and most of all the bulge between his legs.

~Oh god...~ His mouth already began to go dry from just that, he had always thought of sneaking into his room like this but never had the guts for it... The sleeping pills were what gave him the courage. He took another scan around the room and smiled when he saw them sitting on his dads night stand ~Perfect...~

He entered the room fully and quietly shut the door before he began to make his way over to the bed. Step by step he made sure to be as silent as he possibly could, his breathing light even though with the way his heart was racing he wanted to take deep ones. As he got to the edge of the bed he very slowly moved his paws towards the sheet that was covering him, gently pulling at it.

~Don't wake up, don't wake up...~ He bit his lip again as he gently pulled the sheets back watching first his fathers chest appear, followed up by his abs, ending with a pair of boxer shorts coming into Lucas' sight.

~Shit... If I try to pull them off he might wake up! Better just stick to rubbing him normally...~ He bit his lip as he watched his father's face thankful of his ability to see easier in the dark being a feline. Eventually the pesky sheet was fully off of Keith leaving him fully exposed, minus the boxers of course.

He felt his breathing get a bit short as he slowly knelt down beside his dad looking at him even more closely now as he licked his dry lips. Taking it slow, he reached up still watching him to make sure that he was out of it still, he moved his paw over his dad's chest before lightly touching it to see if there would be a reaction. When his breathing stayed the same, Lucas felt a bit more confident as he fully placed his paw onto Keith's soft black fur blushing softly as he felt the toned muscle that laid beneath it. It was almost unbelievable that he was finally touching him like this, deciding to keep going forward.

Still making sure to be slow, the younger male began to move his paw up and down over the older ones pecs, feeling out each and every contour of them, the firm taut muscle under that gorgeous fur. He continued this way for a good while, his eyes locked onto his father's face to make sure he was still asleep. Though when his paw brushed over one of the other panthers nipples he couldn't help but turn his gaze towards it instead. He'd always wanted to try pinching them and sucking on them, and now was as good a time as any in his mind.

One more quick glance up Lucas nodded to himself seeing his dad still sleeping as he moved a bit closer to the older males chest and began rubbing the soft nub of flesh with his finger, before giving it a nice pinch. His dad made a noise, causing him to look up in alarm... but it seemed like it hadn't broken his sleep at all. Taking a deep breath the cat made his next move moving up close to it and slowly dragged his tongue across the now pert nipple purring very lightly as he did so. It was even better than Lucas had imagined as he slowly wrapped his lips around it.

For a moment he didn't do anything but when Keith snored slightly, Lucas went to work, very gently sucking around it closing his eyes as he purred more. His tongue slowly danced along it as he teased the flesh, his paw making its way down to his fathers abs as he continued up on his chest. The youth was in heaven as he practically molested his father, his own shorts now tenting badly to the thoughts of what he was doing, his paws wandering over his father's body, his lips around his nipple, the scent wafting into his nose...

He blinked a little bit realizing something... This scent was an aroused scent. He pulled back from his dads chest looking at him expecting possibly the worst but no he was still snoring away. That meant this was actually getting him turned on while he was passed out. A sly grin came onto Lucas' face as he looked away from his father's face now down to the boxers which were now tenting slowly. He chuckled to himself wondering if his dad was backed up from lack of pawing due to how busy he was.

The thought alone was more then enough to drive the young panther into his next move, as he moved away from Keith's upper body and down towards his groin. The scent was even better up close, as he licked his lips slowly undoing the button on the front of the boxers and reached inside to find his prize. He gasped and blinked as he touched it... He was right after all, his dad had a huge fucking dick.

Feeling his heartbeat racing he gulped a little bit as he began to pull his paw back bringing the older panthers cock out with it, silently gasping as that dark ebony rod of flesh popped out and jutted up straight in the air. He wished he had remembered to bring a ruler with him, his dad had to be at least ten inches long and pretty damn thick, maybe around two and a half inches. Not wanting to waste time and risk his father waking up, the boy began to slowly stroke his long pole, watching his paw move up and down the sensitive flesh, listening to his father for any chance that he might have woken up.

However that didn't seem to be the case, the panther laying on the bed remained for the most part still minus the occasional hump into Lucas' paw, pre dribbling out from the tip helping the youth lube his father's cock up with ease. It felt so amazing to finally be holding onto it like this, he never wanted to let it go. Though tonight the panther decided to keep things simple to test the waters, just a hand job and nothing more.

He purred to himself as he reached back into the other male's boxer shorts feeling around for his fuzzy balls cupping them in his paw as the one pumping away on his erection became quicker with the added slickness of his pre. By this point Lucas was as hard as he could possibly be in his own shorts, but he was gonna save that for later... For now the meat in his paws required his full attention.

For a good twenty minutes Lucas remained on his knees stroking his fathers amazing cock, breathing his scent in as he stained his own clothing with pre from how hard he was. Though much to the panthers dismay he heard his dad take a rather sharp gasp, mistaking it for him waking up at first, but when he felt the cock in his paw begin to throb he knew what was happening. Not long after he watched with amazement as his fathers cock began to shoot its load, at least seven large shots of hot and thick white panther cream shooting into the air before landing on Lucas' paw, and onto the sleeping panthers abs and boxers.

Taking a brief moment to look over his work, Lucas slowly pulled his paw away from his dad's now softening cock as he looked to the cum that had his his paw. He smirked to himself a little bit, as he slid the other paws out from Keith's boxers, pushing his cock back into them, though left the sheets off so they didn't get wet from the cum which he left on his father's body. He hoped his dad would think he just had a wet dream as he left the room as he had came, not making a noise.

As soon as he was out of the room he dashed back to his own and quickly stripped down, licking the cum off of his paw as he fell to the bed, planning his own fun for the rest of the late night...

**A few days later**

Keith yawned as he opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm clock going off, grumbling to himself that he'd forgotten to shut if off one his day off. He smacked it before sitting up slowly, looking down and blushing as he realized for the third day in a row now he had cum stains in his fur.

"For fucks sake... Are these pills giving me dirty dreams or what..." He rolled his eyes a little bit as he stood up and stretched, looking at how bad the mess was. He cringed a bit as it had dried making his fur a bit rough, annoying him greatly. "Guess a shower is needed..." He sighed as he stripped down and headed into the hallway towards the bathroom figuring that Lucas was still asleep.

Unluckily for him though as soon as he reached the bathroom, it swung open as his son left the room with a yawn, looking over towards his dad... Getting a good look at his bare self, not to mention how his fur looked. He was about to say something before Lucas began laughing and shook his head a little bit.

"Dad if you're gonna whack off before you go to bed you should clean up BEFORE you sleep you know." He just smirked at him a little bit before walking past him acting like nothing had really happened which surprised the older panther a little bit. He smiled slightly glad that it wasn't awkward for Lucas to see him like that as he continued right on his way into the bathroom.

Granted there was a good reason why the younger male didn't care about seeing his dad like that, after all he was the reason for the stains that were on his fur. As his dad walked off, Lucas quickly turned his head finally getting a good look at Keith's bare ass, wishing he could see it more often. Since beginning with the nightly hand jobs, Lucas found the lust for his dad was getting worse and worse, almost to the point he would just stare even when he could see. Hell it took will power to walk away from what he had just seen.

~Tonight's the night I step up my game... He doesn't wake up so it shouldn't be too big of an issue...~ He licked his lips a little bit as he heard the shower running, chuckling as he went to his room to get changed and head out... but the best part of the day would happen after his father was asleep again.

**That Night**

As he had been doing for the past three nights now, the youth slowly crept into his father's room a few hours after the two exchanged good nights. As always the moon provided a little bit of light for Lucas to see as he made his way towards his dad's bed smiling as he looked over the sleeping form of the older male.

"I think you are gonna like what I do tonight Dad..." He whispered almost silently as he stared at his handsome father, "I know I sure plan to enjoy it." Making quickly sure that Keith was out of it, he gripped the sheets and began to pull them back purring and grinning widely. He had grown to love this part, watching his father's bare chest come into sight followed by those abs... but tonight offered a little bit more of a surprise.

Lucas gasped a bit as he pulled the sheet away expecting some form of underwear to be in the way, but tonight it seemed like the heat of the day had won out, as his dad was wearing absolutely nothingexcept the sheet. He felt himself easily becoming erect from the thought that his dad was completely nude, everything on display for the horny teenager.

He had to take a moment to breathe and calm down as he stared at Keith's nude form, pushing the covers fully away as he took in every single detail of his body that had been hidden from view previous nights. Not wanting to waste any bit of this chance he quickly got onto the large bed, and leaned over his fathers crotch breathing in his scent. The scent seemed even better than usual tonight as he let out another soft purr reaching down to the male's body rubbing along his pubic fur, loving the soft feel against his paw pads.

As always he took the time to slowly tease his sleeping parent, making sure to feel up his muscles at every spot his paw could reach, gently stroking and kneading them bringing a shiver to his own body at how they felt in his paws. Though tonight this was not what he was truly looking forward to as he got a little bit more daring, first lowering his own shorts off to leave him just as nude as the other panther.

Taking a quick look to Keith's face he smiled as he watched him sleeping peacefully before moving over him, flipping around so that the older male's sheath was right near his face in the standard sixty nine position. This position was one he always loved even though he knew his dad probably would not wind up sucking his cock suddenly, it was all the same to him.

Once he was ready, the young male leaned down and rubbed his nose against his balls slowly, inhaling their musky sent as he closed his eyes and dragged his tongue over them. As always his dad made somekind of noise but like usual never actually awoke from the boy's teasing. With delicate grace, Lucas continued to lap away at his fathers musky balls, tasting every bit of the male as he could, one paw rubbing his fuzzy sheath to help coax that massive cock out into the open.

It wasn't long before he pulled back and grinned seeing his prize, as hard as ever pointing straight up at him just begging for it... And Lucas aimed to please as he slipped his maw down, pushing his tongue forwards beginning to lick around his cock tip gently. This time it was more of a moan from his father than some random noise, but Lucas could tell he still wasn't awake. After all if that was the case he would have been forced to stop by now.

For a good few minutes he worked his tongue over both the tip of his cock, making it glisten with his saliva before he moved lower dragging his tongue from the very base of the large pole right back up to the cum slit lapping up the pre that was now dripping from his tip. While he had tasted this before, getting it right from the source was much more pleasing not to mention flavourful. It was enough for him to drip a little bit of pre right into his fathers open mouth without him even realizing that he had done so, yet even that did not disturb his slumber a single bit.

~Fuck... That's enough teasing I think it's time for the main event...~ The teen thought to himself as he stared down at the erection grinning widely wondering just how well he would do. Lucas opened his mouth as wide as he could, wrapping his muzzle around the older males cock tip purring deeply as he tasted his father's cock so fully for the first time. He went slowly as he did, taking inch after delicious inch of ebony panther dick into his maw, taking the time to suckle on it every few inches. He could tell this was driving his sleeping father mad as the pre he was leaking grew much more in volume, making the flavor of his dick that much better.

After a bit though Lucas could feel the cock touching the back of his throat, making him slightly grumble to the fact he couldn't fit it all, at least not without trying something else, but that would have to wait. For now he began to bob gently back and forth on Keith, closing his eyes and purring much louder as he dragged his tongue along the underside of his hot meat drinking down any pre that leaked into his mouth.

Inch by inch he purred deeply around every bit of his father's cock getting it as wet as he could while he slurped down his pre, taking a deep breath before trying to deep throat the massive member inside of his mouth. It took a few attempts though, having to pull off the first time as he gagged but his resolve won out as he finally felt that hot prick slip down his throat making his body shiver in delight as he swallowed around it.

In Keith's own mind a lewd sex dream had begun thanks to the teasing his son was giving him. Though it wasn't Lucas sucking his dick in the dream of course, just some nameless female... but all the same it drove the older panther wild with desire, causing his cock to throb in the boys throat the more he swallowed deeply around it.

With each throb, the youth knew what was coming as he began bobbing again using his tongue to tease the underside of the older male's cock, that being the last straw for Keith as he suddenly let out a loud roar. He knew it was coming but was quite unprepared for the amount of spunk that his father began to shoot straight down his throat, Lucas having some trouble drinking it down fully. After the first few shots he pulled off with a loud gasp, the rest of the panthers load hitting him on the face, and a bit more dripping down onto Keith.

The sudden facial was too much for the young male as he bit his lip holding back a moan as he felt his cock throbbing, quickly sitting up as to not coat his father's face with cum, and risk waking him up. Instead his white cream ended up landing all over the panthers chest and abs making him blush deeply as he realized what he had done. In the end though it made him chuckle as he licked his lips still tasting Keith on them.

~Well... He does seem used to waking up with cum on him, not like hes gonna know I did that...~ Lucas slipped off the bed slowly and stretched a bit as he wiped some cum from his face and stuck it into his mouth purring as he slipped out from the room once more, leaving his dad to sleep the rest of the night away.

**The Next Morning**

"Mmm..." Lucas rolled around in his bed, the nights events never having left his mind even once as he tried to sleep. He was rather unsuccessful though, a pesky erection bugging him through most of the night and now early morning. He finally gave up on getting any sleep for now, planning a nap for later in the day instead as he laid there looking up at the ceiling "So... I gave him a blow job now... What next? More of them... Nah, I wanna do more..." He mumbled to himself as he plotted his next event.

Finally he smirked to himself as he stood up and headed out from his room to go and shower, having decided just what he would do. He would need to go out later to grab a little something to help him out though. First thing was first however as he strolled into the bathroom and stretched a little bit walking towards the shower and turned it on slowly.

Meanwhile back in his own room Keith woke up with a yawn as he slowly rose up from the bed, once again twitching from the feel of his fur being pulled from dried cum. This time all he did was chuckle as he looked down at the larger than normal mess, but after that dream last night he figured there would be something like that. He was quite glad he decided to sleep in the buff that night, he might have ended up making a mess in his boxers if he hadn't.

Cracking his neck the panther got out of bed and stretched a good bit... immediately regretting it though as he felt the fur getting pulled even more. "Ughh... I need to clean myself up before I do that again..." He mumbled to himself as he made his way towards the washroom as well... though heard the shower running. Sighing loudly he knocked on the door and shouted out to his son "Lucas! Are you gonna be long in there I need to shower!"

"Sorry Dad I just started! If you want we can share it haha!" In his own mind it was quite real, Lucas was rather hoping that the older panther outside the door would come into the shower with him, but the next thing he heard only served to make him pout.

"Very funny Lucas, never mind I'll just quickly clean my fur in the sink in the kitchen before I head to work!" He shouted back to him as he shook his head and walked towards the kitchen to get cleaned up. Not exactly the best way to get cleaned up but he really had no choice with his son in the shower. Moving over to the sink he started to scrub away at the cum stains just wondering why all of a sudden this week he had gotten so horny that he'd been managing to cum each night... Was it the pills?

As his father pondered what was causing this, Lucas realized his chance to see more of his naked father and in the daylight. Making sure to get washed up as quickly as he could, the young panther licked his lips thinking about Keith, though tried to not get a boner before he finished up his shower. As he got out he quickly grabbed a towel and began to head towards the kitchen as well, simply drying himself as he went, shouting as he walked into it "Alright dad I showered fast its all...yours..."

"Hmm? Oh uhh..." The older panther looked back over his shoulder to his nude son as he snapped out of his own thoughts, quickly realizing that like Lucas, he was not exactly dressed at the moment his bare ass easily seen like this. For a moment the two seemed to share quite the awkward moment, though unlike the older panther that was not the real case for Lucas as he simply faked it a little bit before laughing somewhat.

"Ah whatever I saw you naked yesterday... No biggie right?" He stuck his tongue out and wrapped the towel around his waist hoping that Keith had liked the look of his nude form, making sure that his abs and chest were still viewable as he walked into the kitchen. The older panther just blinked to the open side that Lucas was suddenly showing but figured they had been living together for a while, he was probably just comfy around him. He turned the faucet off as he finished cleaning up his fur and figuring since they had both seen each other nude already to just stay that way for now as he went about getting some eggs for breakfast.

That one threw the younger male off a little bit as he watched his father go about their daily morning routines but he smirked either way as he continued to stare at him... when he wasn't actually looking of course. He tossed the towel to the side smiling as he enjoyed this moment with his father, talking to him a little bit as he got their food ready.

"So do you work today Dad?"

"Hmm? Well yeah I do, I'll be leaving soon." He replied as he walked over to him placing a plate in front of him, though Lucas was more busy eyeing the plump sheath that was close to his head. He nodded a little bit watching as Keith took a seat opposite of him and began to eat, Lucas doing the same. "So what are your plans today?"

"Nothing special really, it's the weekend so I'll probably just go and hang out with some of the guys today."

"Just make sure to be back before supper then." Keith replied as he finished up his breakfast letting out a burp, getting a laugh from the both of them as Lucas watched his father get up from the chair and head to the sink giving him another good look at the older males firm toned ass. He licked his lips as he finished his own food and got up heading over to the sink as well to hand his dish to the slightly greying panther, 'accidentally' letting his paw brush up against his butt. Oh god it felt so good but he couldn't let it stay for long as he wished his dad a good day before heading off to his room.

Keith had blushed a little bit from the touch, but thought nothing of it as he cleaned the dishes in the buff, completely unaware that Lucas didn't head for his room quite yet. He had waited until his dad was finished before quickly manuevering to his room to get dressed for his plans for the day...

**That Night**

Lucas walked back and forth inside of his room looking down to the item he had purchased when he had been out earlier, his heart racing as he tried to decide weather or not he really should go through with what he was planning. In the end though he took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror nodding as he tossed the bottle of lube he had bought onto his bed, slowly stripping his clothes off. Tonight he was going to take that big dick that Keith had, he needed it badly.

Taking another deep breath, the younger male steeled himself as he grabbed the lube again and slowly crept into the hallway, looking around a little bit to make sure that his dad wasn't awake for any particular reason... Then of course he remembered the fact that his dad was taking those pills still. He chuckled lightly to himself, already feeling his own cock getting nice and hard as he walked over to the door of his fathers room, slowly stepping inside.

Tonight the moon barely cast any light inside of the room but he could easily make out the sleeping form of his dad, smiling to himself as he licked his lips again. Tip toeing his way over to the bed he quickly removed the sheets, once again greeted by the nude body of Keith. He growled slightly as a wide grin appeared on his face, loving that his dad was making this much more simple for him. He looked over him a little bit more before reaching over and stroked his sheath a little bit, shivering as he felt that thick cock inside begin to swell and slip out.

This was always his favourite part, but tonight he was quite sure that when he felt it hilted inside of him he was going to love it even more. As he slowly stroked him he popped open the bottle of lube and poured a good bit onto the emerging cock getting it nice and slick as more and more came into view. It seemed like his dad enjoyed the feeling of it even though he was asleep, cause his cock grew to full size much quicker than usual. Lucas saw it as a benefit though as he grinned more, making sure each and every inch of that thick proud panther dick was lubed up making sure to leave no part untouched by his paw.

Once he was sure that every bit of it was ready he looked up to Keith's face just to make sure once more. He knew this was dangerous and didn't want to risk his dad being awake during any of it as he took a deep breath, very slowly climbing up onto the bed watching his handsome features still. He could feel his heart racing as he moved over his father's lap looking back at the thick throbbing length of cock that was behind him. He couldn't help but grin to the thought of what he was going to be doing as he grabbed his bottle of lube and squirted some more onto a few of his fingers, hiking his tail as he reached back to get himself prepped.

He moaned softly as the cool liquid came into contact with his tailhole, smearing the slick substance all over the outer rim of it before gently pressing one finger into himself getting a quick gasp before a shiver of pleasure went through his body. He'd already tried this earlier in the day to make sure that he was ready for it, so his finger easily slipped in nice and deep for Lucas as he teased himself while looking at the older male sleeping peacefully below him. "Hope you love getting a ride dad..."

With one final deep breath he removed the finger from his pucker and licked his lips as he reached down with his paw and groped that big pole before he began to lower himself down towards it. ~Alright... Just need to keep it lined up...~ He thought to himself as he looked back still, making sure that he was motioning it correctly towards his tight hole. Though when he felt his father's hot tip come into contact with it he shuddered softly and felt a blush rise up on his face. Part of him almost couldn't believe this was finally happening, thinking it was just some wet dream... but as he felt that slick cock begin to push its way into him he knew it was real... and he fucking loved it.

For a moment he felt his legs go weak as the first bit slipped into him, grunting and growling softly as his virgin tailhole was broken by that thick cock, being an issue just to even get the tip inside of him. Lucas wasn't one to quit though as he pushed himself down further onto his dad's hot meat grunting as he finally got the whole tip inside of him. He took a moment to catch his breath, and let himself get a bit more used to the feeling of it as he started to slip more onto it trying to not moan too loudly as he felt inch by inch slowly slip further into him.

After about half of Keith's dick was inside of him, Lucas took another moment to let himself adjust to the size of it, not having expected it to be this hard to get it fully into him. He wasn't planning to quit though oh hell no, he finally was getting what he had wanted for years now... that thought alone pushed him forward as he took a deep breath pushing back with more force that before wanting to feel it balls deep inside of him. The young males own cock slapped against his abs as he pushed down with that kind of force but he was well rewarded as the last inches of his dad's cock finally sank into him, feeling his ass come into contact with the older males lap.

He couldn't believe it, he'd actually done it... His dad's huge dick was resting fully inside of his now broken virgin hole, slowly leaking it's warm pre inside of him. His legs felt weak though, so he couldn't do too much yet deciding to let himself get some strength back before he started to ride him. Though that still didn't stop him from slightly gyrating on his lap as well as giving him a quick clench, gasping and moaning as he felt his cock shoot more pre from that alone.

However there was one thing that Lucas never took notice of when he had entered the room that night... The bottle of sleeping pills that were usually on the nightstand weren't there tonight. Keith had decided to see if it had been his medication that was giving him the wet dreams causing the messes every night. He still was a deep sleeper even without the pills, the lubing up of his cock not really enough to disturb him. Once Lucas had begun to push back on his cock though that's when the older male's sleep began to break as he felt a very distinctive pressure on his cock causing him to moan and gasp... That tight feeling he thought was just his imagination at first, but when he felt the clench that was all it took.

His eyes snapped open as he let out an even deeper moan, his head shooting up to see what was causing such pleasure... Two pairs of bright golden eyes met at the same time however as both froze in place. All Keith could do was stare at the sight before him, a panther, his SON, sitting ass naked on his lap, but he knew from the feeling that he was sitting on much more then just that... "L...LUCAS!?"

"D...Dad..." Lucas felt his mouth go dry as he stared at the older male that had shot up like that, fear keeping him in place not daring to move one bit. The two couldn't find the words to say to each other like this, each time one went to talk they stopped themselves. All they could do was sit there, as Lucas' tight tailhole continued to tease Keith's throbbing erection making it still leak pre into his boys hole even if he didn't want to.

"I... W-Why are you..." Keith finally started after a few minutes of the two just staying as still as they possibly could. However despite everything going through both of their minds, neither of their ebony coloured cocks had gone done. If anything they were even harder now...

"I...I'm sorry Dad I couldn't...I couldn't resist you anymore!" The younger of the two finally managed to blurt out as he tried his hardest to make his erection go away, but nothing he thought of would make it falter even slightly.

"Wait... Anymore? You mean that you've been wanting to do this for a while Lucas...?" Keith looked up at his son in surprise. He thought back to how the past couple days had gone, all of it making a lot of sense now as to why his son would never mind seeing him nude like that... "I...For how long Lucas?"

"Uhh well... For a few years now actually I...I have been spying on you a lot b-but only this week have I really tried stuff..."

"So you're the reason I've been waking up covered with cum then... Though uh... how tight you feel I am gonna guess you haven't tried this before...?" It was odd, he should have yelled at his son and gotten him off of his cock but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The way it felt was so good... Keith never knew what a tight tailhole could feel like before, even if it was his son's.

"Oh uhm... Yeah I just gave you hand jobs before... and a blow job last night haha..." He rubbed the back of his own head, extremely glad for the dark fur on his face as it hid the massive blush he had, though he was sure that Keith was probably having the same issue right now. Finally finding some strength again he figured it was time he got off of his dad's cock, knowing he was in for a world of trouble, hell he wouldn't be surprised if his dad kicked him out for this. With a deep sigh he looked away from him, mumbling sorry as he slowly began to lift off of his large cock, shivering from the pleasure of that in itself. What happened next though, he wasn't expecting as he felt two strong paws grab onto his hips, his eyes snapping right back towards his father's, "D...Dad what are you doing?"

"Call me Keith, we're both adults here right?" The older panther gently smiled up at his now confused son as he opened his mouth to reply, but the only thing he could do instead was gasp and moan loudly as Keith moved him right back down into his lap, moaning softly as he did. It was beyond wrong, the older male knew this, but deep down he didn't want this to stop. Lucas wanted to have sex with him after all... Why not try and indulge in this new taboo?

"O-Oh god Dad...I mean...uhm Keith..." He could only gasp as he felt himself being lifted back up on his father's cock reaching down to rest his paws on top of the other males chest as he looked at him blushing hard still. Slowly he felt himself being lowered back onto his thick pole causing him to growl in pleasure, shooting pre onto Keith's abs. This continued for a while, the older male slowly lifting him up as they stared at each other, making him sink back onto it, their moans filling the room as the sweet scent of sex became heavier and heavier around them both.

After a while, Keith began to growl with his son as he started to lift him up much more quickly, taking more and more of his cock out before slamming him back down onto it, roaring a bit as his cock throbbed and shot even more pre into the young male. Lucas could only moan with him, letting Keith take full control of the situation now as he clenched around his thick pole trying to milk it for even more of its pre "Oh fuck daddy... give it to me Keith..."

"Y-Yeah you like this huh? You love taking your daddy's dick don't you boy..." Keith was getting more into it himself as he heard his son speak like that, eventually sitting up keeping Lucas pressed against his lap as he pulled his son closer pressing their lips together hard. Lucas didn't mind this one bit as he wrapped his arms around Keith's shoulders pressing back firmly into it as he felt his father continue to hump him slowly while the two made out.

Light kissing soon turned to more as Lucas tilted his head and slipped his tongue out from his own mouth forcing it into Keith's who quickly accepted it as he wrapped his arms around the boy humping him harder and faster as the pleasures took both of them deeper into a state of euphoria. Neither of them thought it was going to be this good as they made out, their tongues wrestling in Keith's mouth as Lucas began to stroke along his fathers back dragging his claws along him slowly as the older male returned the favour with his own claws, slamming the boy onto his dick hard causing them both moan into each others mouths.

Eventually Keith began to shift them once again, making Lucas break their kiss as he gasped when he felt himself falling backwards. The next thing he knew he was laying on his back, his legs spread wide as his father lifted them up looking down at him with a wide grin. Lucas grinned right back at him and nodded enjoying this change in position, gripping the bed sheets almost right away as he felt Keith begin to slowly pull out, almost all of the way before slamming his whole cock balls deep inside of him once more, the young panther letting out a deep roar as his own cock twitched and made pre go flying onto his chest.

"Ngh...Take it you fucking bitch..." Keith growled much louder this time as he shut his eyes, picking up his pace as he fucked his son that much harder, gripping his legs tightly as he continued to thrust in and out of him, the lube mixed with the natural wetness that Lucas seemed to have making it very easy for him to go as hard as he pleased. The young male had no complaints as he took it either, roaring in a much subbier tone the longer he was taken by his stud of a father.

"Oh god daddy, harder! Fuck me like a real man Keith, god fucking yes!" Lucas arched his back and roared as loud as he could, his claws tearing slightly into the bed sheets as his cock twitched violently before thick white ropes of cum began to shoot from it thoroughly coating both his chest and abs, the hardest load he could ever remember having. Seeing his son coat himself like that was more than enough for Keith as he began to jackhammer him much harder, pulling almost all of the way out only leaving his cock tip inside before he roared back at Lucas slamming balls deep into him his own hot load of seed shooting hard into the younger male causing him to moan even louder than he already was.

For a good few minutes the elder panther growled deeply in pleasure as he humped into his son, fully unloading every bit of his seed into Lucas. The other male laid beneath him panting as hard as he could, his own spent cock still slowly dribbling out some cum before Keith finally stopped, collapsing on top of Lucas, joining him in the after glow of their heated session.

For roughly ten minutes they laid there together catching their breath, no words needing to be exchanged as they simply enjoyed the feeling of their bodies pressed together, the room filled with the scent of wild hot sex. Eventually Keith turned his head to meet his son's gaze again, a small blush on his cheeks once more as he thought of what he should say to his son, "So...Was I good Lucas?"

"Oh fuck Keith that was even better than I had imagine it could be..."

"Heh... Well for such a sudden wake up call I can't say I'm disappointed in the results... Never came that hard with a female." Both of them shared a small laugh as they thought about that, Keith leaning his head closer to Lucas' giving him another quick kiss before pulling back again, "So...Where do we go from here my boy?"

"Well..." Lucas looked back at his dad with a small grin on his face reaching up to rub one of his ears slowly, "I wouldn't say no to doing more of this with you... Ya know take our relationship to a little bit more?"

"So...Fuck buddies?"

"Mmm why not Keith? Like you said we're both adults... Maybe we could even be mates?"

"Uh..." Keith let out a small chuckle as he rested on his son, not planning to pull out for the night, wanting to feel him as close as possible, "We can talk in the morning... I'd say we both earned a day off tomorrow."

"Haha for sure dad... Maybe I can fuck you next time, I love your hot ass." Lucas bluntly stated as he reached down finally giving it a nice hard and firm slap like he had been wanting to for a good while now. Keith moaned slightly and smirked back at his boy before laughing a small bit.

"Hah we'll see about that boy..."

"Hey I got on your dick before you woke up... Keep that in mind Dad." He shared another laugh with him, the two eventually slowly passing out in each others embrace, neither of the two deep sleepers being disturbed for the rest of their night together.


Copyright: GreenEyedTiger

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