The Tripple X Ranch

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#1 of The Y-Series: XXX - Ranch

Got Bennettworks?

This story is an original work of erotic fiction by myself David C. Bennett, aka Damion St. James. The characters herein are my own creation and are not intended to represent anyone living or dead. These characters are my own personal property and are not open to free use, my explicit consent must be given in order to use these characters

This story contains the following:

Bare-Backing, Human-shaped penises, Creampies, Homosexual Sex, Nudity, Zoophilia, Body Piercings, Casual Sex, HIV, and other mature themes. If any of these offend you, please do not read. If you are underage, or not capable of consenting to reading this story, do not read it. Otherwise please enjoy.

Note: This series is the first randomly generated story series I've ever done, so it should make for some interesting scenes.

Further note: (This is a story of the Y-Series. The practices in this story are merely for the sexual gratification of the reader, and while I the author encourage barebacking, remember that bareback is risky as is sexual contact with someone HIV positive. The characters in this story are fully aware and consenting, and it's a good idea that you be too.)

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Bennettworks Proudly Presents...

A Y-Series production

The XXX Ranch


Dee Dean - A Timber wolf top/switch

Stan Hicks - A Mouse bottom

Xaviar Cross - A Horse top/switch

Rob Rockwell - A Pit-bull switch

And Judd Green - An Otter bottom

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Ah, I get a hard-on whenever I think about my home. The Tripple-X Ranch. Oh sure, you think that's cliché, well I don't give a fuck it's my ranch and I'll call it whatever I want. I may be 40 years old myself but I still got a lot of fire in me. My ranch is located deep in the heart of Kansas, just outside of Lawrence. I wanted as remote isolation as I could get for the kind or ranch I wanted to have.

When I was a teenager, one of my first pornos I got back in 82 was this porno of a bunch of guys, working in as little clothes or possible or even outright naked, and they all kind of constantly rubbed up on one another and ended up getting it on. It was rather hot I simply had to say. So I decided, I wanted to set up a ranch like that.

It took me a little bit, to find guys that were like minded to me. Guys that didn't mind the risk of bareback sex, constant sex, casual sex, or outdoor sex. But recently I was able to finance my venture and I bought the old Lazy J ranch and turned it into the Tripple-X and put advertisements out on every gay website I knew from to even I had no clue who would bite, but surely someone would.

Sure enough, Xaviar Cross was the first to come on down. At 40 years old he runs the horse stables, being a horse himself. He finds getting along with his feral cousins to be perhaps a bit easier than I'd expect...often finding him buried balls deep in one of my thoroughbreds.

The second to arrive was about 2 months later, little Stan Hicks the mouse. Stan was a kid out of college, young at 22 years old and just looking to find some safe people to come out to. Sam isn't really a heavy labor kind of a guy, so most often he handles my paperwork and my computer work, and tends the dogs and chickens.

The third guy I practically had to stop from beating my door down...and beating me off. Rob Rockwell the pit bull originally from New York had just moved from San Fransisco after finding out he was HIV Positive. When he heard about me and my ranch, he figured it'd be a great chance to get back into the game as it were. So I gave the 35 year old Pit-Bull a chance and he now operates my heavy machinery and is my mechanic.

The last, I actually rescued as it were. I used to date his brother before he died in a car accident. Jud Green. Jud was in a terrible relationship where he was being used and abused, and traded around like a prison bitch from felon to felon out of jail. Already suffering from HIV like Rob, Jud wanted a comfy place to stay while he got back on his feet. Incredibly young at only 17 years old, I'm glad to have this sexy kid around. Now that he's not getting gang-raped in some back alley in Atlanta anymore, he's more cheerful and eager for sex than ever. Of all of us, he's the only one in touch with his female side, avidly cross dressing, and thinking about a sex-change operation some day in the future. Jud's job is to clean up around the place - maid service and washing the animals and grooming them, as well as keeping the trucks clean.

Oh Me? You want to know about me? Ah well hell no problem. I'm Dee Dean, or DD as everyone calls me (though sometimes it comes out as Daddy). I'm 40 years old, and in extremely good shape. I graduated high school with honors, and attended Texas A&M's school of agriculture. I got my degree in farming and botany, with a minor in the performing arts with emphasis on modeling and dance. There was always a lack of Timber Wolves in production, and I thought it'd be fun to diversify my talents. From 22 to about 30 I worked two jobs in Topeka: The first was my full time job of being a ranch hand for the old Burning R ranch (before it burned down ironically), and working as an underwear model for several local ads and magazines. I dated off and on for a while but never really found commitment to be my thing. When I turned 30 I had enough money to buy the ranch and I started it up, doing most things by myself till my hands showed up.

Well now that you know about the cast, how about we get the show started? That's what you came to read abut isn't it? Hot gay sex? Well as P.T. Barnum once said "On with the show".

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Episode 1: A Better Mousetrap

I awoke that morning in the usual way: Naked and sprawled out on the bed with my face buried in my pillow. Semen was still caked on my rear from a guest I'd had over the night before. I'm a pretty strict top, but I don't mind letting someone dry hump my ass cheeks and unloading - especially the last part.

I opened my eyes and reluctantly rolled over onto my back. My morning wood sprung up into the air, and boobed a bit, before slapping back onto my midsection. Of everyone on the ranch, I'd have to say I'm in the middle as far as length and girth went. 8 inches long, circumcised, and adorned with a rather fine 6 gauge Prince Albert through my chalk white cock. It wasn't the only piercing I had either, I had a ring in my navel, rings in my nipples, and my entire right ear and right eyebrow adorned with various studs and bars. I was the bold one as it were.

I gave my cock a few strokes, and murred as I felt a release of pleasure through me, my left hand feeling the heat and throbbing blood pulsing through the symbol of my masculinity. My length was leaning towards the thicker side, at 1.75 inches in diameter. I measure constantly, always afraid I might shrivel up. When I was younger I saw all those cosmopolitan magazines that say "Sex after 30: New Miracle Breakthroughs!" and I always assumed my dick was going to shrivel up and never work again after my 30th birthday. But, I can assure you that it works, and it works often.

I beat my dick for as long as I dared, being a lefty I naturally used my left hand, stroking myself as I admired my own body, wallowing in a little self-worship. My body was the second most toned on the ranch. Rob had us all beat being an ex body builder and construction worker. Me I was nicely cut and toned but not anywhere near the steroid like body of Rob. My fur was a brick red in my wolf pattern, bleeding to a darker near black at my back and the top of my head, and stark white on the chest and groin and thighs, hands, and tail tip. My fur was much shorter than your average wolves, and I wore my hair shaved short, as did most of us here. I gave a groan, realizing that beating my meat just wouldn't be enough. I needed someone to choke down on my dick or an ass to fuck. I guess it was time to get dressed. (evil grin)

I slipped on my socks, my work boots and laced them up, and slipped on my denim vest, leaving a good 75% of my body exposed. This was damn near formal dress for me. I walked down the stairs, grabbing my white cowboy hat and placing it on my head, and I entered the Kitchen.

It was then that I saw my target...the young and attractive Stan. Stan was standing, looking over some paperwork in the kitchen, and by the looks of it munching at the same time on some toast he'd made. I paused to look at him, holding my naked dick in my hand and giving it some slow teasing strokes as I spotted my prey. He was wearing his wire-rimmed glasses, perfectly crafted to accent the curves of his face. His pretty pink eyes darting over the page. He wore a soft brown dress shirt which was opened in the front, revealing his skinny and twink like chest and torso. He was very boi-ish, and that's just how I liked this mouse. Below the waist, he wore a scant black thong, standing out against his pure white fur. His ass was nice and heart shaped, and toned. It was the only muscle on him really on his otherwise purely skinny form. The front of his thong was bunched out slightly with his own male hood, which in moments would be mine.

I moved behind the mouse, and pressed my erection between my butt cheeks, and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He made the cutest little eep and dropped the paper he was looking at, before melting into a murr and cuddling back against my strong chest and arms.

"DD you scared me for a moment..." He said cutely.

"Aw heck, me? Who else would walk up to you and press a nice boner like this against one of the sexiest asses on gods green earth at 8 in the morning?" I said in my thick southern drawl.

He shrugged and sighed, pulling my hands closer around him, as if my arms were some sort of garment. "I dunno, you had a guest over last night so I thought it was him. I'm comfortable with the rest of the people here, but sometimes those guests make me nervous."

I hugged into him and began to move my hands slowly across his skinny body, moving over his pectoral area and down across his tummy, then over his hips and thighs and back up to his stomach, each time avoiding his little pouch so as not to agitate him a bit too early. The mouse whom was excellent at making adorable noises of elation and cuteness, murmured and pressed fully back into me.

"Who, that guy? He's harmless, it's me and my dick that's gonna get you." I said as gave his tight cheeks a few dry humping strokes. Slowly my mouse began to bend over, presenting, and bracing himself against the counter.

"Well a mouse could feel trapped like this you know." he said, wiggling his ass against my rear. The feeling of the wiggling was sending just the vibrations I wanted down my length, and straight into my sperm filled balls. No seed of mine would ever take root in anything other than hot ass, I was sure of that.

"Oh is that right? Feeling trapped? How about now?" I asked, moving my hands down to his thong's hip straps and beginning to pull his garment down. Once I had it at his knees, I also pulled his shirt back, pinning his shoulders at his sides, bringing him to whimper once more, but this time in joy more than anything. He nodded his head and wiggled his rear a bit more, lifting his white mouse tail out of my way to give me access to his nude hole.

"Feeling pretty trapped now...nothing much I can do except throw myself on the mercy of a hungry wolf it would seem."

I grinned, and leaned in and gave him a deep tongue kiss. I locked muzzles with him, shoving my tongue as far into his muzzle as I could manage. He gulped and began to nurse on my tongue expertly and affectionately. My hand reached down and fondled his young cock, about 5 inches of uncut mouse meat. The smallest hung of all of us on the ranch, but by no means the least potent. Being the only circumcised man on the ranch I sometimes felt left out, but I never complained, I had plenty of cock to suck otherwise.

When I broke the kiss, I looked down, my ring and cock head was right against the hole. I reached into my vest's pocket and produced a ketchup pack sized tube of lube, and tore it open, smearing it onto my length, a lewd wet slipping sound resounding in the kitchen mixing with Stan's eager whimpers of want.

"Going to fuck the Mouse?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied.

"Using a rubber?"

"Fuck naw, you know I don't allow those. Just giving you the courtesy of some lube." I said as I started to push a lubed finger into his rear. He gasped and suddenly thrust his hips forward against the counter, grinding his cock against the counter top. I was glad I had rounded counter tops, otherwise that could have been uncomfortable.

"So considerate for the trapped mouse." He giggled, and sighed, relaxing around my finger. I pushed in a second and and pumped a few strokes. I'd like to say we're all nice and virgin tight, but at the same time we're not but neither are we so loose that our holes flap in the breeze either. Well maybe Rob (grin)...

I lined up. This is what I loved about this ranch: Anywhere, anytime, was part of the rules of living here, as in you could wake up with a cock up your ass, and it was all fair game. Of course you always had the right to say no, we didn't want anything like that going around, but casual sex? I loved it. Once I was ready, my ring and cock head breached the 22 year old mouse, surrounding me by just the right amount of warmth and wetness and pressure I needed to start feeling good. Once there I gave a sharp thrust, and I was the rest of the way in, making my hot little trapped mouse squeal just how I liked it.

Each ass I fuck is entirely different, each has it's definite benefits and drawbacks. Stan's was wonderfully tight in one spot real deep in, and felt like a ring around my dick as I fucked, I loved it. I grasped his hips, and immediately started to pump into him. I looked down and watched my unprotected penis enter the mouse's rear, disappearing inside the nice warm ass and then reemerging for the most part reminding me just how good I was going to feel.

Stan cried out "Yeah...fuck your mouse...". I politely obliged, and I stated to pick up the pace a little bit, and started to become slightly less gentle about it. I pulled him back, and wrapped a hand around his length, my lube still covering my favored palm, and started to stroke his uncut length as my hips started to slam my prick deep inside the rodent's perfect little rear. His rear had the nicest bit of tug in it when I would slam my hips in and start to withdraw.

Stan's smaller mouse penis throbbed hotly in my hand and almost felt as if it was on fire. I could feel the heat coming from the rodent's wonderful length, and it was drawing my lust further and further. How could I not love this mouse? Wetly, my cock continued it's assault on his rear every little push and slip of my length sending great amounts of pleasure through me. I didn't know how much longer I'd last, but I'd certainly try. Every time I'd thrust in, he'd clutch at the ring in my cock and try to draw me even further inside of him.

"Oh God yes DD, I'm getting closer! I'm going to rip it everywhere!" he said, signaling that he was going to cum.

"Oh you're gonna cum are ya?" I said, throwing caution into the wind and slamming my barebacked cock as deep as I could into him. He made a loud pained grunt, but screamed out. "Yes! YES I'm gonna cum!"

I slammed my hips hard into him, gripping his hair now, tugging his neck up. I wanted to look at his face when he shot. Soon, I was rewarded with the sensation of searing hot semen splashing across my hand and the counter. "Ungggggg fuck yeah cum! Fucking cum everywhere!" I said into his ear, working my hips with a fury now that I could feel his chute clenching and throbbing around me. "Ung...Oh god yes..."

Stan was a big cummer, not the biggest cummer here, but he could certainly produce volume. His spray shot all over the counter and the floor, going all over the place thanks to my stroking. I felt like I was stroking a tube of hot oil with how slick and wet he was getting. His rear also was tightening, and holding my head in that special spot I liked so much. I was about ready to bust a nut myself.

"Ung I'm gonna do it in your ass...ready for it?"

"Uh huh! Cum in me DD." He begged, his voice quivering with excitement.

It didn't take me long at all, but I reached my gratification. My balls clenched and my tail raised high as I began to spew forth my precious life seeds into Stans ass. Stan, quivered and shivered atop me, responding incredibly well to my fluid beginning to fill his rear. I was among the biggest cummers on the ranch, but I was no where near Rob of Xaviar. Hmm...I'd have to fuck them later too.

I slowed, as my quart or so of semen filled him, the rest leaking out the sides and running down his legs. We both calmed down, while my cock throbbed in his ass.

We stood there, for I don't know how long, but the sensation of a warm ass full of semen around your morning wood, is truly the best part of waking up. I calmed myself, and leaned forward, and kissed Stan, showing him that despite the casual nature of our friendship, he was still cared for. The mouse slipped his shirt back over himself, and kicked off the thong I'd pulled down, and gave a long tender sigh as our tongues danced. I could taste the butter in his mouth and it was making me hungry...

After pulling off the kiss, he leaned forward and grabbed his plave of food. "Breakfast?" He asked, handing me a slice of toast.

"Hmm don't mind if I do..."

And the day has just begun! I'm just glad I was sure to check my mouse trap.

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