Commission: Swelltering Heat

Story by Segremores on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective creator(s) as indicated by the copyright information following this disclaimer. This story is a commission, as such please do not repost or copy without my permission, or the permission of any other individuals whose characters have been mentioned within the story. Thank you.

Fernald belongs to his player. Derrick belongs to me. Segremores is me.


by Segremores Moon, a commission for Kooshmeister

To say that it was a hot day was an understatement. Desperately, Fernald reached to his old truck's climate controls to turn the dial and flip the switches one more time. As with every other attempt before, there was no hope of getting the Toyota's busted air conditioner to work this time. The tan squirrel sighed and wiped the back of his short-furred paw across his forehead to mop up a little of the sweat which had accumulated, finally spotting a good place to park his vehicle and rumbling to a complete stop.

"Just one more neighborhood, then air conditioning," Fernald told himself with weary determination. He straightened up as he stepped out of his sweltering vehicle's interior and looked himself over in the faint glaring reflection in the driver side window. The sweat was pouring out of him, soaking into the white of his once-crisp work shirt in conspicuous places. His chocolate hair had fallen out of its usual pristine comb, and though he tried to adjust it, it would not stay. His appearance couldn't be helped then, and he knew that he would have to sell himself all the more determinedly with his faith. Gripping his bible a little closer to his chest, he started to visit each front door in the little houses of the neighborhood...


"Oh, oh yes indeed," chuckled the big dragon as his eyelids slid open again to reveal dark green irises.

"What?" asked the pitch-black stallion who had just finished discarding his pants for his larger draconic friend. It was clear that the two had just agreed that something debaucherous should be occurring. A massively muscled, round-gutted dragon was reclining in the large couch in only a pair of ill-fitting boxers while the stallion was getting nude. Derrick, the stallion standing before his friend, was already achieving an erection by the time his pants hit the floor, letting his significant size harden from his groin like a swollen snake made of smooth black flesh. He gripped one of his large testicles, the one with strange markings on it, which seemed like white droplets tattooed one right after the other.

"Sorry, Derrick, I just had one of those feelings," Seg explained. He let his eyes travel over the length of horse meat in front of him and a wider smile slid across his broad dark muzzle. "You should sit down though."

"What? Why, you want to squat on it today, sir?" The stallion asked with a tilt of his head. He hesitated for a moment before doing as was suggested, and arranged himself on the other side of the couch. In this position, his balls tucked up under the base of his throbbing erection, which flagged like an eager telescope from his loins.

"No. Just wait for it... there we go," the dragon replied, his doorbell ringing to add a strange punctuation at the end of his sentence. "You stay here, I'll get it," he said and hefted himself up with a grunt of effort. That impressive russet bulk left a good divot in the couch as it rose, and when he stood his tail swished to stretch a little before he padded off to the front door.


Fernald was at the end of his exhausting day. The belligerent sun was at its zenith as he rang the last doorbell available in that neighborhood. Little pants came from his short muzzle, sweat dripped from the tips of his ears, and he was nearly at the point of praying to his lord for air conditioning, or even just a single ice cube to suckle on.

The last house on the block was an impressive one, larger than the others. It had the appearance of being custom-built for its occupant, rather than being the same cookie-cutter fit that the others on the block had. He didn't have to wait long before the door lock turned and the large oak surface opened inward. Fernald opened his muzzle to smile and greet his new 'friend' when suddenly a blast of cold air surrounded him. Whatever he was going to say died in his throat as that cool wind washed over him. He couldn't help but let his eyes roll into the back of his head for a moment, and allowed a shiver to run through him.

Seg watched the young squirrel with amusement. Indeed, it was quite an interesting surprise to see him standing there drenched in sweat and still doing his best to sell his beliefs door-to-door. He could see that the poor guy was clutching his bible. What a terrible day to be a salesman when none would listen to evangelical preaching in the heat. The dragon could also clearly see that the heat was indeed having an effect on the squirrel's form, for every inch of his clothing was soaked with sweat and his fur wasn't fairing much better. He allowed the guy to enjoy the little bit of air that leaked out of the large anteroom before finally clearing his throat.

A noise sounding very much like a throaty grunt startled Fernald out of his stupor. He jerked in place and focused his eyes on the large figure standing in the doorway. "Oh my..." he whispered as he looked up, and up, finally seeing where the large figure's eyes and smile were. Of course, on Fernald's way to looking up at those eyes, he had to pass by the undeniable bulge in the shorts that his draconic host was wearing, but he simply had to ignore that sinful bit.

It was all Seg could do not to laugh. "Yes I'm up here, what can I do for you?" he asked, his voice possessed of a smooth, cloying quality.

Fernald was taken in, and began his shpeal as he had so many times before. "Hello sir, have you heard the word of Jesus, our lord and savior?" He asked without hesitation. The dragon did not reply, knowing that he wouldn't have to in this instance, and indeed Fernald continued on. "I have come seeking those who haven't heard, that all they must do is repent for their sins in this life, and ask for forgiveness of our lord in order to be taken into the kingdom of heaven in the next life," the squirrel smiled all the while.

Seg let his eyes wander past the squirrel. As predicted, no one was out and about on such a hot day. Everyone would be inside their homes to enjoy air conditioning at the very least. No one would see the squirrel enter his home. His eyes returned to the squirrel and, with a tilt of his bright red earfans, he realized that Fernald was still in the midst of his speech. Taking advantage of a second's break in the ramble, the dragon cut in smoothly. "You are interrupting me and my friend," he said simply, though with some force behind his words which silenced the squirrel. Fernald's shoulders slumped a little at the sound of those all-too-familiar words and he closed his bible again and prepared himself to be ejected from yet another doorstep.

"You look warm, please come in and relax for a little," the dragon said, stepping back and opening the door wider. Fernald's eyes lit up a little as the darker... and cooler... abyss of the house's interior yawned before him. He looked up at the dragon a little warily. He knew better than to simply go into strangers' houses. "C'mon, you'll get heat stroke if you don't cool down and get a glass of water or two... besides I'll make you a deal. I will let you preach to me and my friend, if you help us out with what we were doing before you rang my doorbell."

The squirrel grinned at this and nodded, stepping into the amazing cool as the door closed behind him. "Oh thank you so much, sir, you won't regret this, I promise you," Fernald said, excited to be allowed in and nearly overwhelmed both by his good fortune at finding one interested soul and at finally being out of the muggy heat.

With the portal to the hellish outside closed and latched, the dragon turned to his diminutive guest and smiled. Fernald gaped a little and looked upward to stare at that grinning face. He blinked just a little before clearing his throat, bringing his bible back to the fore and opening it to some of the more user-friendly reading material. There was a definite system that door-to-door evangelists had to follow in order to catch the interest of those who were 'on the fence' regarding religious matters, and despite how doubtful the success of converting the big dragon and his friend he was, Fernald definitely had the will to try.

What Fernald quickly found hardest of all, however, was keeping his eyes on the reading material and off of the dragon himself. With most of his host's body exposed save for what little the tightly-packed boxers hid from sight, the squirrel definitely had quite a bit to look at. His eyes followed the dragon as he walked in front of him, to lead him deeper into the chilled household. The squirrel followed along, starting his sermon already.

Derrick's head left cushioned leather as it lifted from the couch, ears turned toward the sound of a new voice as it approached. Seg rounded the corner from the hallway, giving the stallion a quick smile before he half-turned toward the entrance hall, where Fernald stepped into the living room. The horse smirked a little as the squirrel took another step and suddenly stopped talking altogether, giving a deep gasp of incomprehension at what he was seeing. Just as Seg had left him when he went to answer the door, Derrick was completely nude. The lapse of time had softened his impressive erection until it was laying lazily across his left thigh, but the sight of the dragon and the little 'morsel' he had brought back with him sent it surging to turgid life again.

"Derrick, this is our new friend Fernald," Seg rumbled, a smirk forming across his muzzle as he saw the reaction the horse was having to the arrival of this new development in their plans, "Fernald, this is my friend Derrick."

Fernald's wide eyes simply stared, specifically at the unreasonable length of meat jutting proudly from the stallion's groin. He could only stammer a little, turning back to the big dragon with a questioning look. When his eyes returned to the dragon, however, he saw that underwear had been discarded and he too, sported a massive erection. Several inches... maybe even feet... of primed meat now stared him down. "This is sinful!" Fernald squeaked, his voice full of uncertainty despite the words.

"Now Fernald, don't be silly, there is nothing wrong with taking a little enjoyment from life now and again," Seg replied with a grin. He stepped away from the staring rodent and returned to his seat next to the darkly-colored equine friend. Both males now relaxed before the squirrel with their members in full swell. "And you promised to consider my deal before you left, so will you be a liar in the eyes of your lord?"

Fernald felt a little pang of guilt inside, both from the realization that the dragon was right and that he would be a liar if he simply fled like his morals were encouraging him to do, and from the sensation of his own maleness starting to fill his briefs with its arousal. He hunched himself a little to try and prevent either of the other nude males from noticing his awkward arousal, blushing a little in the mean time. "No, no I'm not a liar," he finally replied, licking his dry lips.

"We will let you tell us all about god, if you help us with what you interrupted here today," the big dragon stated in earnest. He pat the barely empty space on the leather couch between himself and the stallion, giving the squirrel a wink. "I won't even ask you to do anything you don't want to do, I promise."

The small guest was quiet. Only the sound of his heart pounding in his own ears and the subtle creak of leather from the heavily-laden couch in front of him broke the silence until he finally cleared his throat. "All... alright," he said with a nod, "what do I have to do?"

Seg patted the seat next to him once again. "Just sit here, open your bible, and start telling us all about Jesus," he replied simply, shrugging his broad shoulders a bit as if to say 'it's that easy.' Fernald nodded again and moved to the couch, his breaths came in short gasps as each inhalation took in the scent of two very-aroused males, which only made the strain in his underwear increase by some magnitude. Finally, he managed to sit between the two darker-colored behemoths. With a nervous throat-clearing, he began talking, like he was telling a story.

Both of the big nude males smiled at each other. With unspoken consent, they moved as one. Seg scooted himself closer to Fernald until his large side touched the preaching squirrel. It made the little guy jump a little, and he glanced upward. "What are you doing?" he asked in a wavering tone. Derrick moved up behind the squirrel as well, until both of them were sandwiching him in their massive forms, but only to the point where their combined warmth nearly blotted out the air conditioning and not to the point of discomfort.

"Just relax, cutie, keep reading, I want to hear about what happened at the resurrection. Why did the Romans crucify him in the first place?" the stallion asked, trailing a thick fingertip over Fernald's hip while the dragon started to unbutton his soaked shirt. He gasped a little but returned to his reading, trying to ignore what the two males were doing. Fernald's concentration became less and less coherent, and he would pause for seconds at a time as the two of them slowly undressed his overheated body. His shirt came off the easiest to reveal his lithe, boyish chest and skinny arms. His pants slid from his hips and thighs to show more of the same until he was sitting on the bare leather seat in only his strained briefs.

He suddenly stopped in the middle of talking about Judas, eyes lidden as if he were going to pass out from the situation. "I'm.. going to hell..." He gasped a little, a genuine worried look in his eyes. Seg slid Fernald's form toward him, until he was suddenly straddling the massive dragon's hips, and all he could see was the enormous length of that towering cock... which looked suspiciously equine in nature... looming dark and aroused over his form.

"Shhh, no no, you aren't going to hell, Fernald, there is no sin in enjoyment, and you can't tell me that you honestly do not want this," the big dragon replied in a soft, deep voice, smiling magnanimously to the rodent against his groin. Fernald blushed, but he couldn't think of anything to say in response to this revelation, and so silently reached for the meaty spire in front of him until both of his hands gripped the warm pulsing sides to give it a stroke.

"Oh lord, it's so warm and firm!" the mostly-nude squirrel gasped. His form involuntarily leaned up a little to give a tentative lick to the flared head at the end. A shudder passed through him at the taste of warm masculinity, the feel of his arousal pulsing against his own underwear made it hard to think. Then there was another cock there, Derrick wanted some attention as well, and the squirrel suddenly found himself wrapping his arms around both massive dicks, and bathing their throbbing undersides with his tongue to the tune of delighted moans from both of his hosts.

"That's it, Fernald, just like that, don't lose yourself quite yet though," Seg chuckled, leaning in to kiss his equine friend on the lips as they enjoyed the sensation of the awkward, uncertain licks of squirrel tongue against their erections. Their attention returned to the event between them, as a voice cried out in what was clearly joy and orgasm.

Fernald gasped again, squirming under those cocks as his groin pulsed and loaded his underwear with squirrel cum. He groaned loudly while his eyes rolled into the back of his head from the sudden and unexpected pleasure which ended all too soon. It left him panting between the two males who looked down over his form. "I'm s..sorry," Fernald squeaked bashfully, and tried to squirm away with his embarrassment. Derrick held his shoulders gently to keep him from moving too much.

"It's alright, Fernald, it happens to everyone when they're inexperienced," the big dragon continued to speak in his smooth, soothing tone. "Here, lets get those briefs off of you so we can continue, there is still more to do." The dragon's blunt claws gently trailed along the squirrel's hips, and hooked into the waistband of his messed underwear, pulling down.

"Am I going to get f... er... going to fornicate?" his voice cracked again with excitement that was difficult to hide. All of his dreams seemed to be coming true right here and right now, and despite his upbringing and his beliefs, he didn't want it to stop.

"You will most definitely be involved in fornication, I promise you that," the horse stated this time, helping Fernald lift his legs, then moving him a bit on the couch until he was facing the big dragon's erect groin. Temporarily, his view of everything was blocked by the base of that cock as it brushed against his nose and lips. He couldn't see what the stallion was doing, but it felt good. His toes wiggled as the horse massaged his feet with both of his hands, squeezing and rolling his thumbs into the soles of his pads. 'This must be what making love feels like,' he thought to himself with a smile on his face.

"Do you have him?" he heard Seg ask the stallion, who grunted a little in reply. A warmth surrounded the squirrel's toes and feet suddenly, separating the furred flesh there from the air-conditioning. A wet sound reached Fernald's ears as he felt a gentle squeeze around his ankles, and he started to ask what was going on before a pull suddenly jerked him out from under the dragon's cock again. "There we go," the dragon chuckled a little and leaned forward over Fernald.

Fernald was confused by what he was seeing, but that didn't stop it from happening. It looked as if the horse was squatting over him, that much was clear, but instead of being behind him and poised to thrust into his rump, he was over him and pushing his hips along his form. With a firm squishy noise, he watched as the swollen black horse cock engulfed his tan-furred calves, showing the confused squirrel exactly why there was heat and where it was going next.

Gently, the big dragon lifted Fernald against his form, resting him against his big gut and his muscled chest. At the base of his gut rested Derrick's flared cock, which slid upward about an inch or more along its rodent meal before pausing there as the squirrel was held. Fernald was scared, he squirmed a little and tried to pull his lower legs from the yawning pit in the center of the equine's flared cock-head. Well-used muscles inside kept him firmly planted in place, however. "Shhh shh shh, just relax, cutie, let this happen," Seg whispered into the younger male's ear, letting his big hands slide over the fur of his tense form to relax him somewhat.

"I don't want to be eaten!" Fernald groaned despite himself. Something deep inside him felt that this was very right despite being so very wrong. Another firm pull from the monstrous masculinity at his lower legs tugged up his form, meeting his knees to devour them gently. The heat was incredible, like being slowly dipped into a steaming hot bath.

"Look at how much you are enjoying this, how good it feels, and how good it feels to Derrick too," Seg replied. He gently let his hand glide over the squirrel's renewed erection, giving it a gentle squeeze as the horse dick suckled in a little more of the other male's thighs, lowering him into the damp heat. Fernald could not deny that this did feel good, and that it obviously felt good to the large stallion he was feeding. He watched as Derrick grunted, watched as his hips visibly shuddered just before every light squeeze that sank that lithe form deeper, and felt the tense muggy heat from the cock's interior entice him to continue.

"Will I come back out?" he asked. The little squirrel was still unsure, but began to let go and relax. He looked down his form through glazed eyes to watch as the bulged flesh of Derrick's flare touched the base of his thighs and started kissing just beyond.

"Shhh, I promise," the dragon replied. Both he and Fernald watched as more of the squirrel's form was pulled into the slimy tube of horsecock until Fernald relaxed a little more into Seg's embrace. "That's a good boy, just let yourself go, no one's judging you here," came his encouragement. The stallion Fernald was being fed to groaned and leaned back into the cushions, thrusting his spire upward a little to give it the extra 'umf' it needed to overtake the bared tan hips. With half of the squirrel's form engulfed in cock, the dragon gently moved in a little closer.

"It's so warm..." Fernald complained a little until his voice was cut off completely by the firm press of dark scaled lips to his own. The big dragon kissed him in the way that Fernald always secretly desired of another male. His hands slid up along the muscular neck of the larger man, trying to find purchase against the inexorable draw of the flesh that so desired him while it crept steadily over his midsection. The warm comfort of Seg's large hands slid across his form again, sensually guiding the younger male into the erection of his friend. Little pushes and rubs gently eased the process and were so subtle that Fernald had no idea that the flare was creeping up his chest until the dragon hefted himself away again.

Derrick had shifted position as well, sitting more upright with his testicles resting in his lap. Carefully, he slid his big hands around his cock to hug it against himself instead. Fernald's underarms were claimed by the sucking pull of the massive dick just then, with his face suddenly rubbed up against the horse's pectorals. The stallion and the dragon both smiled to him. Fernald felt so safe with those smiles, as devious as they were. He allowed his hands to be lifted above his head, and he heard the horse groan again as his draconic friend pushed Fernald in deeper. A warm, wet slurking noise echoed around the squirrel's form as his shoulders slid inside, closing up the flare under his head until only his arms and face were left outside the yawning urethral opening.

"Please... one more... kiss..." Fernald begged softly. His eyes plead with the dragon as he just managed to tilt his head back to see Seg still looming, still holding his hands upright. The big dragon smiled back and nodded, leaning in his head to press those warm lips to the shorter muzzle one more time. He also leaned in with some of his weight, and as that kiss was exchanged, it was the finishing act for the little squirrel. With a warm suck, he was pulled inside up to his arms, which slipped deeper until only hands remained.

Derrick and Seg both worked that bulging cock. With warm, firm hands, they stroked and massaged, pushing the squirrel lower and deeper. The horse could only groan out in delight when he felt his groin being filled by yet another precious victim of his hungering loins. Soon, only stiff throbbing horsecock remained and a bulge in the equine's midsection, which twitched only barely.

"It's so hot in here," Fernald tried to sputter out, surrounded by the feeling of oppressive, muggy heat. The same heat he had felt outside before being invited into the home of such wonderful hosts. He whimpered softly, a little frightened at the prospect of what was to become of him, but the dragon had promised he would come out after all. His mind fogged over gently as slow minutes passed, and the sweltering heat only became worse as he curled up for comfort.

Outside, Derrick had moved himself into a better position. With legs spread and hooves resting on the floor in front of the couch, he stroked his sated cock and watched as his big dragon friend leaned over and lifted his thick tailbase, showing off a dark puffy asshole to the stallion. "You've been a good stallion, Derrick," the dragon said, popping open the cap of a lube bottle and squirting it under tail until the thick dark opening gleamed greedily in the living room light. "Now hold still for your treat, we have to get our new friend out of there."

Seg took a wide stance and backed up toward his stallion's lap. One massive hand, the one used to apply the lube, slid over the erection to relinquish Derrick's hold on himself. With a grin over his massive shoulder, he guided it up against his back door and sat down. His considerable weight worked in his favor so that he easily slid the warmth of his asshole down around the flared head of that shaft. Those hips paused to let the big dragon squeeze down around the firm cock's girth before starting to drop over a few more inches of length. He and the stallion both groaned in pleasure, and despite himself Derrick placed both of his hands on the dragon's russet hips as more of his shaft sank up into the hot dragon bowels.

"Nnf, stay still, stud," Seg growled to the horse underneath him, thick tail draped over the back of the couch. Reaching Derrick's lap, he hunched himself a little and started to bounce slowly. Foot after thick foot of dick slid from his rear, gliding out in a slick suckling pull before slipping right back inside with another firm sit of the dragon's hips. Establishing a rhythm was slow and methodical, but soon the dragon's powerfully massive rump was rising and falling within the equine's lap with regularity. Warm rivulets of precum and lubricant rained from the tight stretch of asshole and cockflesh; the groans of both massive males rang out into the living room as they worked themselves.

"Here he comes!" Whinnied Derrick as he thrust upward into Seg a little. The dragon grinned, opening his eyes and looking between his legs at the stallion's nuts. Before his eyes, the full orbs began to balloon, stretching and filling out into glorious round spheres. The squirrel was a small, lithe beast, but his form was still enough for a substantial load. Seg grinned wider when the thick teardrop shape of the sack settled heavily on the floor at the stallion's hooves. With a squeeze of his internal muscles, his ring clamped down around the cock inside, milking it for what it was worth.

Derrick's eyes went wide and he gripped the cushions on either side of him at the sensation of the vice grip inside the massive dragon's ass. The sensation of cockvore, the rush of his filling nuts, and now this intense incredible seizure of the thick ring he was being fucked into was all too much for his senses to handle in one night. Eyes squeezing tightly closed, Derrick hollered out and thrust his hips upward again, burying every inch of his length inside his friend and whinnying in climax.

Seg sat up straight, maintaining his footing as he squeezed his ring tightly around the stallion's base, not wanting to miss a drop. True to the shout, the cock inside his rump spurted and bucked with orgasm, and he growled out in approval as he felt warm splashes and gushes of seed pulse up into his form. He handled his substantial gut the entire time, just pulsing his hole around the spurting shaft as it fired the once-squirrel up inside him. After a few voluminous shots, his gut started to expand a little, swelling with some of the mass offered up from those equine balls. The squirrel ran out before the stallion was finished, which left him dry-firing for at least another few seconds. Eventually the stud collapsed into the couch again, completely exhausted and panting under the dragon he was still buried within.

"Mmm, our deal is complete, Fernald," the pregnant-looking dragon rumbled to his gut, rubbing it as it sloshed just a little. Carefully, he clenched and pulled himself up and away from the cock inside him. The flare popped out with a wet splatter as some of the squirrel escaped and slopped into the stallion's lap before he could clench up again. When he was standing, he plopped himself down next to Derrick, heavier and much more satisfied.

Derrick chuckled and sat up straight in the couch's cushions, messy cock resting along his thigh as he handed the dragon the remote control. "Want to watch some TV or something?" He asked, eyeing the mess of clothing.

"Sure, we can clean this up later," Seg replied while propping his big feet up on the coffee table and balancing the remote on his bloated gut to flip through channels. His green eyes had only spared the small pile of clothing with the bible resting on top a single glance.

Commission: Love Potions

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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Commission: House of Hunger

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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Commission: The Bursting Point

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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