The Unexpected Prey

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#3 of Snuff Stories

So I got bored and wrote some snuff. Hope you enjoy.

-Van Rorie

The Unexpected Prey




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"Fuck Ray Manzarek, and his impossible riffs!" Andrew said as he slammed his white and spotted paws and the keyboard.

"Fuck it dude, let's go bowling." Alex Smith said from a couch nearby.

Alex was a terrier and small like one too. Where Andrew measured almost one hundred eighty five centimeters Alex was closer to one fifty.

"I don't feel like it dog; fuck it I'm just going to go out for a while."

"Don't bring back some ally cat whore, you know how I feel about the kind of people you 'associate' with."

"Whatever." Andrew said closing the door behind him, making sure not to smash his bushy snow leopard tail in it.

He walked down the street not really paying attention to anything. He had his I-pod on listening to When the Music's Over, trying to get the organ part right in his head. He looked up to check where he was, and the first thing he saw was a large neon sign.

The sign was for a club called Revolution 909. Andrew shrugged and entered thinking this was a good a place as any to get some stress out of his system. Hot air hit him in the muzzle as he entered the club. There were all the things of the usual club, noise, a bar, and drunken furs trying to dance. Andrew hated it.

The music was that shit that they played now called dub-step. It wasn't even music just a bunch of rhythm patterns, Andrew could have written a computer program to make better music. The bar didn't appeal to him either. He didn't drink, and didn't believe in drinking. The furs on the floor though, those intrigued him somewhat.

He made his way out to the dance floor. Andrew didn't like dancing the most modern dance he knew was still invented before eighteen fifty. Still he managed to awkwardly move his body to the horrible music.

He almost tripped as he bumped into a rather pretty vixen. She was long and curvy in just the right way. Eyeing her he decided she would be the one for tonight.

"Hey my twentieth century fox what's up?" He had to yell at her over the damn noise of the club.

"Nothing much sexy." She kissed him then and he found her mouth tasting of scotch. She was definitely drunk.

"You want to get a booth and continue gorgeous?" He asked her.

She didn't reply but let herself be led away from the mass of other furs on the dance floor. He sat down at a booth and she collapsed on top of him, knocking him over so that they were lying there together. She laughed slightly and they kissed getting passionate.

"Oh yes she is definitely it." Andrew thought to himself.

Andrew caressed her head feeling her soft fur, petting it. They were coupled like that for some time. Andrew pushed her off gently, and saw her looking slightly dejected.

"I know a place if you want to continue."

"Lead the way kitty."

Stumbling he helped her up and they made their way to a back door of the club. They stumbled out together into a back ally. It was dark and dank there, with damp pavement under paw. She turned around to him and they kissed again, Andrew pinched her nipple lightly, enticing a sexy moan from her.

"So where are we going kitty?"

"I'll show you." He dug into his pocket finding what he was looking for.

He quickly brought out the plastic bag he had in his pocket, and with the speed of his feral ancestors put it over the vixens head. She didn't comprehend what had happened and stood there dazed for a moment before trying to get the bag off of her head. She was fighting now kicking and clawing.

Andrew easily held her from behind, making certain she couldn't undo the plastic around her head. Her struggles started to become less active as her body was burning up the last of her precious oxygen. She fell to the cold damp ground and the real fun began.

Andrew released her and watched her paws lightly struggle at the bag, not getting anywhere close to freeing herself. Andrew quickly cut through her provocative cloths, since she wouldn't need them anymore. What he saw next surprised him for a moment.

Instead of the wet cunt he was expecting to greet him he saw a semi hard fox cock.

"So hiding a little secret are we, you pretty little cock slut. Well lucky for you I don't mind."

He loosened the bag of her neck for a second and gave her a little air so she didn't die before the fun began. He tossed him over to the wall of the alley and slowly pulled his own throbbing member out of his pants.

Pressing his barbed head against the foxes tail hole, he reached around and fondled his nipples. He was still having to hold the fox back a little as the burst of oxygen he'd been given renewed his fighting spirit, but only momentarily.

"You want this don't you? You little cock slut, dressing like a vixen so you can get more cock." Andrew whispered harshly into the fox's ear.

He grasped the fox's neck in his jaw and pushed his member all the way into the fox's tight little ass. His pre-cum helped lube up the fox for him but the entire eight inch shaft still had a lot of friction going in, making the fox scream using up even more of his oxygen.

"That's right you little whore, struggle. You're enjoying yourself though; I can see you're hard, getting off on this you sick little fox, getting off one last time before you die."

He ran a claw over the fox's rock hard member, feeling the knot already starting to swell. He gave it a small flick with his claw before playing with the fox's nipples again.

He thrust in faster and faster, the barbs of his dick scoring lines inside of the fox. He felt that he was close, and was glad for it as he knew the fox wasn't going to last much longer.

"You're a really tight little slut you know that foxie? Can you still hear me you little whore? FUCK I'M CUMMING! ROAR!"

Andrew let of one loud roar as he came inside the fox. He pulled out and stood up brushing off the dirt from himself as he went. Glancing over he saw that the fox had stopped moving, so he calmly went over and undid the bag from his head. He was careful not to touch the fox, as dead things disgusted him. He put the bag back in his pocket and went out of the alley, starting to home as he went home.

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