Dolphin World

Story by dusty779 on SoFurry

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Story of a Young Human male who lets curiosity get the better of him. Ending up on the wrong side of a war. Follow as he makes his way in life just trying to stay alive.

Frosty Orca (c) to himself

comments and suggestions welcome!

In the year 2240, humanity had begun interstellar travel. The announcement of a large ship wreck discovered at the bottom of an ocean on Jupiter's second moon, Europa, advanced human technology exponentially. It was estimated to be a leap of nearly a thousand years. With the sudden advancement, almost all science fiction technology was possible. Warp reactors, impulse drives, cold fusion, hyper-drive, shields, phazers, photon torpedo's, If someone had come up with it, it was almost certainly possible. Slowly, humanity had begun to explore and colonize space.

Inevitably, fifty years later, Humanity came across its first Alien species, The Crentari, A diverse race who's biology was extremely close to the orca's, dolphins and whales of earth. Humanity, in a panic and almost instantly expecting the worst, fired the first shot, and in the first skirmish, annihilated nearly half of their fleet having taken them by surprise.

The first attack gave way to a violent war. Humanity had Vast resources and greater numbers than the Crentars, and it was believed that they would quickly overpower them with brute strength. But crentari had more advanced technology and This allowed them to win every skirmish, and every battle, yet humanity continued to throw its men onto the front lines of war. Two hundred years after 'contact day', a ceasefire was called and No one was sure if it would last, but for ten years it held.

Miguel sighed as he pulled his lunch out of the replicator. Sitting down at his chair he placed the chunky beef soup down next to him and he checked that his ships core status and his speed were unchanged before he started tucking in. he had headed deep into Crentari territory, having snuck past their sensor grid. He was nothing more than a civilian, and was far away from the front lines of the dead man's land neutral territory between the two forces. His ships sensors never picked up the large warship following his own. His early belief of passing invisible through the sensor grid, completely false.

"I cant believe this ship has managed to get so far into our territory before we caught up to it" the captain, a large Female Orca grumbled

"we're detecting large amounts of Antimatter aboard, yet almost nothing in the way of weapon systems other than some laser cannons" a small orca said a station off to the side

"Which means its a suicide runner" the First officer, a Female Dolphin said

"Regardless, we will need to deal with it soon. Charge the main cannon and be prepared to fire" the Captain said "It is curious that they have not tried to contact us yet, they must be able to see us" the orca mumbled

Miguel had finished his lunch. And was casually reading a book as the stars raced by the windows. It was a book on anthropomorphic Dogs in a human world. He had been into Anthro's for a while now, and that was one reason he was heading into 'enemy' territory. He looked up from his book just in time to see what looked like weapons fire passing dangerously close to the ship. 'red alert' sounded as the ship shook violently from a direct impact.

"Shit!" he yelled jumping up and headed directly for the escape pod and space suit, knowing full well that regardless of the ship following him, it was his only option.

After the third shot, the captain watched as the small intruding ship exploded in a bright ball of matter antimatter collision.

"Note the time, and enter It into the log" she announced sitting down in her chair

"Captain!" a bottle nose dolphin said from behind her "I'm picking up a Distress beacon from inside the wreckage!"

"What?" she said turning around, worried and confused at how anyone could survive the explosion "Show it on the viewer!" The screen changed showing the small life pod drifting in space. A tiny light flashing to signal its presence.

"This is strange Captain" the dolphin said again "This is a civilian transponder signal"

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Yes ma'am, the life pod's transponder conforms to the Civilian ID code, that was agreed upon at the cease fire treaty!"

"Are you detecting anything on board Ensign Ornali?" she asked turning to the small orca at the sensor station

"One Human Male Life sign Ma'am" he reported "Its very weak though Ma'am he may be injured"

"What do you think we should do Commander?" she asked turning to the Female dolphin to her side.

"It could be a trap Captain" she said "humanity has tried suicide life pods in the past"

"Your right" the captain said with a soft whistled sigh and stood up "But regardless, that is civilian ID, and under the regulations and code of warfare, we MUST give assistance, Security meet me in transporter room three, Deluci your with me" the commander got up and followed her to the door.

"Ornali, You have the Bridge" she said as the door closed.

Groaning and breathing heavily, Miguel put his hand his hip trying to stem the bleeding. The bulkhead had exploded close by the escape pod as he was getting in, burning his left left side and opening his shirt and pants, a large piece of shrapnel had managed to embed itself in his left hip.

"That was too close" he groaned. "wh...Why did they fire on me? did they even Find me?" he panted, his mind fogging. There was a strange noise, and suddenly gravity kicked in and he felt himself fall two inches with a hard thunk.

"open it" he heard a muffled female voice say from outside and he heard the distinct clicking as the case was opened. Light suddenly pored into the pod and temporarily blinded him until a large Female Orca stood above him, a Female bottle nose to her side, their eyes scanning him over before widening.

"My God, Captain!" the dolphin squeaked turning to the orca

"Tell the medical bay they have a patient" She said staying calm and collected "Beam him down there Imidiat..." her voice faded as he passed out, unaware of the blood that covered his side from his deep wound and burns and had pooled around his legs.

Consciousness was quick to avoid Miguel's brain. It taking a few minutes just for him to elicit a soft groan and to softly move his head.

"He's waking up!" a male voice said, he groaned louder, slowly opening his eyes but the bright lights making him instantly close them in pain.

"Computer, Lower the light level to thirty percent" a female voice said softly "And deactivate lights above bed four" the lights dimmed, and he tested his eyes again slowly opening them to view the world around him.

"So your awake are you?" the voice said again, and the face of a Blue whale came into view "You gave us quite a scare"

"Doctor, we should call the Captain" the Male voice said from behind the Blue Whale.

"I am Already Here" Came the voice of the large orca as the door opened with a soft hiss.

"here we go, something to help you wake up" the doctor said and he felt a light pinch on his arm "Don't try to move too much though ok? you might pull your stitching"

Slowly sitting up with the help of the doctor, he gave a pained groan and placed his hand against his left hip, finding it bandaged heavily.

"So" the captain said "I know you just woke up, and even though I would prefer to wait till you are better, I have no choice but to ask you some questions now, ok?"

"O...Ok" Miguel said shyly and a little fearfully

"First off I need your name age and planet of birth" the captain said softly

" name is Miguel Delphis" He started "I am twenty two, born on the human world of Earth"

"Good, Now..." she looked down at her holographic PDA "Why did you cross the restricted zone and come into our territory?"

"well..." he started thinking about it, he wasn't sure if he wanted to answer or not

"Would this have something to do with it?" he looked up at her in time for something to land on his lap. He looked down at it and his heart skipped a beat.

"Wh...where did you..."

"You were holding that when we pulled you from the life pod" the doctor said calmly "took us ages to get it out of your hands, I'm guessing that by your reaction, its a Yes"

" has some relevance to it yes... but its not the main reason" he spoke softly

"To be Honest I find the content of this book to be interesting but at the same time disturbing" the captain said picking it up and flicking through it "The story seems to be mostly about Sex, but unlike simple porn that it could be seen as, there is a story that takes up the majority of the book. But what disturbs me the most is that, if this book is based on us, your people see us as nothing more than sex crazed beasts half the time"

"I'm sorry Captain, it isn't meant to to offend you" he mumbled softly "it was written back in the year 2000, and back then the furry community that wrote this was rather prominent"

"so your saying that its a fantasy book written by people who honestly had no idea it could be real?"

"In a way yes, very little of their text or artwork survives to this day sadly. When the war started, the human ruling government 'purged' the community, claiming them to be traitors and terrorists, having all of their work destroyed. All they had wished for, was a peaceful world, and to be like the characters they wrote about. They had wished for it so badly they had begun work on a way to get at least the second part of their dreams, but just as they perfected it, the scientists, the research, the product, and the people, disappeared overnight when war was declared"

"So you are saying that these people had created Gene splicing technology?"

"Yes and no" he confirmed "It was a micro machine treatment that was specificity tailored to one persons DNA and what their desired outcome was, so it couldn't become a plague once injected into the host. Then once it had finished its job, it would simply die off. It was designed to be able to change them Physically, but not mentally and their DNA wasn't effected enough to mean that any offspring would be a furry too"

"And they were killed simply for wanting that? It sounds barbaric"

"The governments had been after them for years, saying that they were nothing more than molesters of children and rapers of animals, and the war with your kind just allowed them to be labelled as terrorists and traitors of humanity"

"So did you come into our territory to get revenge on us for that? we didn't start this war! It was your own Pathetic race that fired first!" The second in command, Deluci said from the doorway having come in half way through

"Wh...What!?" Miguel stuttered shocked by the sudden outburst "Of Course not! I didn't come this far just to Blow myself up in some suicide attempt that would change nothing!"

"I'm Sorry but how can we Honestly Trust you!? Your people fired first, killing over six million in one Hour! Your race Cant be trusted!" Deluci said again

"How can you Judge me before you even get to know me!" he responded getting angry, tears starting to well in his eyes "You say we are small minded and cant be trusted, But you are showing the Exact same traits Right now!"

"You Little Shit!" Deluci stomped forward going to grab the helpless human, making him cringe in fear

"COMMANDER DELUCI!" The captains voice was loud, commanding, and allot different to what it had been before a distinct Squeak in it. There was anger showing on her face "That is Enough!"

"B...But Captain" she started, looking at the large orca in fear

"First you Eavesdrop on a conversation, Then you threaten an innocent civilian!" the orca stepped forward looking down at the dolphin "You are hereby Restricted from this Medical bay Without my authorization until further Notice! You are also released from your duty and I am confining you to your Quarters!"

"B...But I was just.." Deluci started, before she noticed the look she was getting

"Do I need to call Security to drag you there by your tail if need be!?" the captain seemed to be getting more and more angry, and was allowing no room for argument.

"N....No Ma'am" Deluci stuttered and saluted. Miguel watched as she walked out, giving one last hateful look before stepping out the door.

"I am Sorry about her" the captain mumbled, her voice returning to its calm and relaxed tone "She has lost almost her entire family to the war, and she is somewhat bitter"

Miguel gave a soft groan of discomfort pressing his hand to his side. He shook his head dismissing the apology resting back against the pillows.

"I guess its to be expected" he responded sadly "I'm sure there are similar stories on both sides of the war, and my presence here is probably only going to flair up anger and hatred from the people on your ship. I am sorry but I might have made your job a little harder" he looked to the orca and gave a soft smile.

"The cease fire has done little to stop the bloodshed sadly" the Doctor piped up from her desk in the corner of the room where she was quietly listening and drinking what looked to be tea "War is bloody and messy, but even in a cease fire, there will always be factions that wish to begin the hostility's again, be it for personal gain, or the feel the hostility's will only end if the other side stops existing"

"Your presence here has certainly made things more stressful" the captain said "but just because its you are here, doesn't make it your fault"

"Curiosity isn't a sin... but I should have been more careful and less Stupid" he said, anger flaring in his voice "if I hadn't come, that wouldn't have happened, I wouldn't have been injured and..."

"What's wrong?"

"I never thought of the consequences... I cant go home, and I cant stay with your people"

"what do you mean by that?" the captain asked curiously

"I'm not welcome here" he said " your people have just as much pain, and just as many grudges as my own, So ill need to be returned to the Earth Federation. But if I go, all I will face there is a execution for being a traitor to the human race and you and your crew, will be blamed for kidnapping, and attacking a civilian ship by those who wish to start the hostility's again and the war may well start again"

"How do you know that?" she said softly "everything isn't so black and white you know"

"I may be human; a young naive one at that. but I'm not stupid Captain" The captain gave a whistled sigh "A civilian who flew into your territory without being spotted by the Earth federations ships, mean that I was trying to sneak past them. And being shot down by you, means that your species is so barbaric it will open fire on helpless civilians"

"Excuse me?" the captain squeaked a little insulted

"I mean no insult, I am simply saying how it will be manipulated"

"What did you aim to do by coming here?" The doctor piped up "You must have known it could be a one way trip"

"I have no idea... I guess I wasn't thinking about it much... Maybe I figured I would be able to stay hidden enough that I could find a home somewhere in your territory and none of this would happen"

"Well there's no point in worrying about it now" the captain said and placed the book on the bed "we cannot change the past, but we are going to need to be careful how we handle this situation. No doubt the grand council will want to speak to you after my report gets in"

"ok" he responded looking down at the book

"In the mean time, you are a guest, not a prisoner aboard my vessel, If you have any problems feel free to contact me at any time." the captain smile "Now you have Quarters arranged for you, How is he doc?"

"his burns are healed, but the stitches in his hip will need some close attention" She said, almost seeming to Sing it in a melodious voice "I will keep him here tonight, then tomorrow he can go to his quarters, but I would like to put one of my staff with him"

"Ok, well I will allow you to work that out, in the mean time, I have a ship to run, If you will please excuse me" she turned to walk out the door

"Thank you Captain" Miguel pipped up "For all of your patience and hospitality with me" she turned to look at him and simply smiled, giving a soft whistle before walking out the door.

"Now, I know you may be a little self conscious, But its nothing I haven't seen before, so I need to to lay still while I look at your stitches ok?" the doctor said with a smile and walked up to his side and helped lie him down. She pulled the sheets down exposing that he was, in fact, naked underneath and he blushed profusely making her giggle with soft squeaks.

"I am a Doctor" she said "And I promise you, you have nothing I haven't seen already"

"Even though I'm a human?"

"oh Please, you humans think you are unique, but you have exactly the same bits as every other male, your just happen to be on the Outside of your body" she smiled more, and focused completely on her work with the bandages, slowly taking them off to expose the red, sensitive flesh and stitching bellow.

"I am sorry they are big, we normally have rubbery flesh and blubber to sew with stitches" she said gingerly poking at the bright red flesh making him hiss a little in pain

"I understand, you didn't really expect to be treating a human so its the best I can hope for" he said looking down at her "You did your best and saved my life, that's all I can wish for"

the rest of the day he sat in the medical bay talking with the doctor, or one of the trainees about the difference between human and Crentari anatomy, society and beliefs. He had taking a shining to one of them, a young male orca named Roan who had his colour's inverted. Black where there should be white, and white where there should be black. He explained it was natural, and he had been born that way. The doctor watched from her desk, sipping more from her 'tea' as Roan seemed to do Everything for the semi helpless human.

"All right Roan" she finally said with a smile as she stood up "i understand you wanting to help him and all, but you shouldn't Feed him, he is perfectly capable of doing that on his own"

"Sorry Doctor, I guess I need to tone down my bedside manor a bit" he responded with a chuckled and left the tray on Miguel's lap and handed him the knife and fork.

"You have a Fabulous bed side manor hun, you care allot, but sometimes you take it a bit too far" she smiled and walked with him into the next room to talk while Miguel ate.

He woke up early the next day. The computer detecting his activity and slowly raising the lighting level.

"Good morning, The time is now, 0600 hours" the computer spoke with an upbeat, yet to the point voice.

"Thank you" he responded "Is the doctor around? Or someone else?"

"Doctor Ellenai is due to start her shift at 0630 hours, Senior nurse on duty is nurse Pernol and is currently in Medical Bay Two. I can summon him if you require immediate medical assistance"

"N..No you don't need to do that, I will be ok till the doctor arrives, Thank you" he said with a smile and shifted to sit up in the bed, noticing the book on the table next to him

"You are Welcome. If you require anything, Please do not hesitate to ask" he was a bit taken back by the computers response, Normally computers didn't respond to 'thank you'.

"I see that surprised you" a voice said from close by. He turned quickly to see a pink dolphin two beds over.

"Y..yeah" Miguel chuckled

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you" the dolphin said slowly sliding out of bed, his left arm in a sling "i was surprised you woke up early"

"heh, yes well, I did do allot of sleeping when I was pulled out of my pod" Miguel chuckled and watched him approach

"My names Sirian" he said with a smile and sat on the next bed "In case you were wandering, I was brought in last night after I was doing some rock climbing in the holodeck, and fell off"

"Ouch, But don't they usually have safety s to protect you from that?"

"From Dying yes, it will cut the program to prevent death or sever injury. Sadly I still fell far enough to break my arm, and bruise my melon" he chuckled poking his head with his good hand "gave myself a concussion apparently, so they kept me overnight"

"I guess you don't do anything half-assed then hu?" Miguel chuckled smiling

"Your one to talk, getting this far into our space before being shot down" the dolphin seemed to smile more "that's more impressive than my accident!"

They continued to talk about the worst injury's they had suffered, and weather it was self inflicted or accidental, Time flew quickly, and without them noticing the door opened.

"Good Morning Sick bay!" the doctor sung , almost as if she was trying to show off her singing ability

"Good morning Ellenai!" Sirian sang back in his own squeaky dolphin voice

"Sirian, what are you doing here?" she asked Genuinely curious and a little confused

"I was brought in about twenty minutes after you left last night after I fell off the rock climbing"

"Again?" she gave a huff but continued to smile "When will you learn to try something less dangerous?"

"Hey I tried Jogging and nearly fell off a cliff" he retorted and Miguel started laughing

"Surely you would see a Cliff?" he said between laughs

"he did, then turned and ran into a tree" the doctor said as she stepped up to the replicator "Blue tea please" there was the hum of the replicator and she grabbed the large mug and made her way to her desk

"I Swear that it wasn't there Before I ran into it!" Sirian defended himself

"Anyway" the doctor mumbled from her desk and around her cup "Sirian, seeing as you are here, can you please get some breakfast, he isn't able to stand just yet"

"Yes Ma'am" he said and walked over to the replicator "What would you like?"

"I don't know... what is there available? I haven't really had Crentari food before"

"Well we do have some human food in our database, we have managed to get some of your food databases"

"Hmm, do you have any cereals?"

"Yes we do" the doctor said with a sly smile "I find them to be excellent for recovering patients"

"Computer, one bowl of Earth Cereal" sirian said and soon picked it out of the replicator.

"You may find it a little different to what your used to, I edited the database to give it a better nutritional value because usually only I order it" the doctor said as it was placed in his lap

"well, It can only do me good" Miguel said with a chuckle "Thank you" Sirian got something as well and sat on his own bed as he ate. Miguel ate slowly, reading his book as he did, stopping every now and then to look up at the doctor having the feeling that she was watching him.

"Sirian" she said finally breaking the silence "You may leave when your ready"

"Thank you Ma'am" he said getting up and making his way out

"When Roan arrives" she said turning to look at Miguel "We will get you into some clothes and a hover chair to take you to your quarters" he blushed remembering that he was nude under the sheets and nodded.

"Why Roan?" he asked closing the book and setting it down

"because he has agreed to be your medical assistant until you are fully capable of being on your own" she said placing her mug down and moved to the replicator and started pressing buttons

"H...he did?"

"yeah, he is going to assist you with moving around, getting food, changing and bathing more than likely for a few days"

"ch...changing and bathing?" he was a bit stunned, not sure if he was ready for that

"Do I need to say what I said before?" she smiled and threw a shirt at him and walked over with some pants in her hands

" I just don't know if I need that much help..." he started to pull the shirt on, getting it half way when he felt the sheets be pulled off of him

"For now, you will be wearing just some thin clothes, when you have repaired a bit more we will get you into a wetsuit"

"A wetsuit?" he asked as he felt the pants slide up his legs and she lifted his hips gently and pulled them onto him

"Yeah, we usually keep the ship cold because we are hot blooded" she smiled and pulled his shirt down over his head "the military decided to use the earth idea of a wetsuit to keep the prisoners of war warm"

"I see... I...I hope they are at least more comfortable and less silly looking than the ones I've seen on earth"

"Oh you can chose your own colours" she said smiling as she started putting socks on his feet

"So is he ready?" Roan said as he walked in the door with a hover wheelchair

"Yes he is" The doctor responded "Ill have one of the other boys help you" Roan walked over to Miguel's bed, a large blue whale walking in the door a few seconds later

"Make sure you keep him warm in the halls, and be gentle with his hip" she said looking up at them "his room will be warm to keep him comfortable, so try not to stay there all the time Roan, it could be dangerous to you, ok?"

"Yes Ma'am" Roan responded as he stood next to Miguel "thanks for the help Bruene" Roan gently placed his arms under Miguel, the blue whale doing the same

"On three" Bruene said in a deep voice "One, Two, Three!" they lifted him in one smooth motion, although placing him in the chair was more a drop and he gave a grunt as he landed.

"Gentle with me, I'm still fragile" Miguel said with a soft chuckle and a smile around his flinching

"You know what the Painkillers are that he needs" the Doctor said to Roan chuckling at Miguel "Just make sure he takes them twice a day, he hasn't been given his dose one yet"

"Yes Ma'am, Ill give them to him when we get to his room" Roan said smiling and grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around the human tightly.

"It was nice to meet you Doctor Ellenai, I hope next we meet, it will be in under better circumstances and I wont be injured" Miguel said cheerily as he was pushed to the door

"It has been a Pleasure helping you, you'll be back in a week or so id say to have your stitches out, but Maybe I will see you in the Mess hall when your up and walking again, we can have a drink or two" she responded with a melodic tone, he waved to her and she waved back as the door closed behind them.

"Shit she wasn't lying" Miguel said as they walked down the hall

"Hmm?" Roan said looking down at him

"Its Fucking Cold!" Miguel said loudly and shivered, a chuckle coming from Roan and several other people walking past them

"Its actually quite comfortable to me" Roan said smiling "its only ten degrees Celsius, it would be colder, but we have dolphins on the ship too"

"You can tolerate lower?"

"naturally this is actually warm to me, I can handle as low as minus twenty or so"

"I don't think I could handle that... low"

"Well I'm not expecting you too, Your Quarters are set to about twenty degrees so you are comfortable"

"So you wont be able to stay in the room with me?"

"Hehe, No, at least not overnight" Roan chuckled "I can try to last the day, but don't get upset if I end up in only a pair of shorts"

"well I wont mind that I guess" Roan gave a soft embarrassed cough as they continued on their way.

Miguel yawned softly as he sat in his room. Deciding to stay in the chair once he found the controls so he can move it around without needing to be pushed. He looked out the window, his book placed to one side having given up on it when he found some of his blood splattered across one of the pages. His mind had begun to wander, thinking about where he was, how he had gotten to this state of affairs, and the what was going to happen to him. Part of him wanted to stay, to remain with the people he semi admiered, and another part wanted to leave, knowing that his presence would only cause problems but he didnt know where to go. Roan was in the shower with it on as cold as it would go, The heat in the room was a comfortably cool temperature for Miguel, but Roan had found it too hot after going two hours and was now trying to cool himself down by force so he would last a while longer. Miguel was uncomfortable about what he was feeling when it came to Roan. He kept saying things that made them both uncomfortable, and he was worried he might ruin any chance of a friendship with the orca.

"you ok?" Roan asked as he stepped out of the bathroom, Miguel looked up to him and felt himself blush.

"Yeah I'm ok" he responded, trying to stay composed seeing Roan wearing only a towel, beads of cold water running down his white skin which jiggled lightly with each step due to the light layer of blubber/fat that he had naturally.

"You seem distracted" he walked past the human, his tail bobbing lightly, and some drips dropping onto the floor.

"Just a bit confused I guess, and worried as to where I will be in a few weeks"

"Probably still here on this ship" Roan chuckled as he rested against the windowsill

"what I mean is what is going to happen... will I be locked up for crossing into your trespassing? Will I be executed as a spy? Will I be killed by some human hater in the crew... will I be returned to the human side... and if so will I then be executed for treason? Or something else?"

"youll go crazy you know, always thinking of the bad things" Roan chuckled, squeaking a little as he did so, and his tail gave a slight wag

"but at the same time I'm also thinking about how I came to be here... and Why I'm here..." he looked up at Roan "And... a some other things as well"

"I Hope you will excuse my Intrusion" The captains voice came from the doorway and Roan squeaked and stood quickly to attention

"Captain! I,...umm..." Miguel chuckled watching a blush quickly make its way across Roan's face

"At ease lieutenant" she said walking up to them "I must admit I have always been curious as to what you look like under your uniform for a while"

"I...I'm sorry I'm out of Uniform while on duty" he said looking even more flustered the closer she got

"Calm down Roan, It was to be expected seeing how warm it is in here"

"Sorry, That's my fault" Miguel finally pipped up "My species are wimps when it comes to the cold"

"Yes well we cant handle the Heat very well so that makes us even I guess" the captain said with a chuckle, she gently poked Roan on the chest getting a squeak and a soft churr response before turning to face Miguel.

"I have gotten in contact with the grand council. They have agreed to talk to you about what you would like to do with your future"

"I...I have a choice?"

"Of course you do, everyone has a choice that's part of being alive" She smiled "But its weather you can live with the consequences of your choice is the real trick"

"So when do I speak to them?"

"The council is going to convene to deal with Deluci's insubordination and talk about our actions. We will be seeing them in about three hours in holodeck nine" she smiled and turned her head to look at Roan "I suggest you put something thin on, they would like to see you as well"

"Y..yes captain" he said blushing more and moved off towards the pile of clothes he had sitting on a chair in the corner, holding his towel closed tightly.

"For now, I shall take my leave, and see you in Holodeck nine" she walked towards the door "Oh, and Roan"

"Y...Yes ma'am?"

"Cute Churr" he gave a squeak of shock making her laugh loudly as the door closed.

"She has one evil laugh when she wants to" Miguel said turning to look at the blushing orca who was dressing quickly.

Roan had dressed in a thin uniform, no sleeves on his shirt, shorts that were only a few inches down his calves, and he was wearing no shoes on his digitigrade feet which gave Miguel a good look at his webbed didgets.

"I cant believe they have asked for me as well" he mumbled seeming more irritated than anything.

"Well I guess they want to talk to the person who is taking care of a potential security problem" Miguel responded with a smile "although I must say that uniform shows your body off better than what you were wearing before,"

"You think so?" he said with a smile and looked down at him as he pushed the chair "normally we don't wear this kind of clothing unless we have shore leave on an aquatic world"

"How come? I would have made it standard uniform"

"because it doesn't look as professional and diplomatic as a full uniform"

"There you are!" The captains voice called out, making them look up to see her and the first officer standing by the door to the holodeck

"About time you Got here, even when being Pushed in a hoverchair your species is slow" Deluci snipped

"Deluci" the captain said angrily before turning back to them "you guys ready?"

"As ready as ill ever be" Miguel said with a smile having ignored the dolphin

"Lets go then, Id rather not keep them waiting" Roan said pressing a few buttons and opening the doors to the holodeck. Deluci kept glaring at Miguel, but followed silently. The room showed what looked like a large court room. With a long podium at the front of the room with Thirteen chairs set behind it, all arranged evenly from the sides of a large chair in the middle. Each one had a different symbol engraved and embossed on it, gold and bright ping and red corals decorating the symbols and the chairs themselves. There was a chair for each of them, Roan opting to stand behind Miguel even when the captain asked him to sit. She sat between Miguel and Deluci, keeping them separate yet couldn't stop the menacing looks from her dolphin first officer. The room flickered a little, and suddenly there was a group of people standing in front of the chairs. Whale's, dolphin's, and orca's all standing in front of a chair with regal type clothes on and each one wore a symbol that matched their chair.

"Rise" The captain said, Deluci standing with her, and they remained standing while each of the council sat down.

"You may be seated Captain Wilindi" The male sperm whale in the middle chair said in an extremely deep voice And we welcome You, Miguel Delphis, the first human to come before the high council"

"Thank You for seeing me" Miguel said respectfully and bowing his head softly

"Dont speak unless the request you do Human!" Deluci snapped sharply

"He is indeed Human as you so rightly pointed out, and is simply wishing to show his gratitude for Us granting him an audience" The sperm whale said turning to face the dolphin "You Are in fact Out of order Deluci, and It is for Viewpoints like that that has caused this war to drag on. If you make one more racist outburst you will be stripped of your rank understand?!"

"Y...Yes... I'm sorry High lord" she said giving a soft bow and avoided eye contact.

"Now we will begin with the matter of Miguel Delphis as he is injured and we wish him a speedy recovery and plenty of rest" The whale said

"For now, we will hear Miguel Delphis's recount of the events, and will then ask him some questions" a grey orca said from next to the Sperm whale "Nurse Roan, please assist him forward, You are will be permitted to remain next to him, but we request that you remain silent unless you are specifically called for understand?"

"I Understand Lord Frosty" Roan said wheeling Miguel forward to be directly in front of the council.

It took almost an hour for him to explain all the details. Explaining exactly how he got past their sensor net, and why he thought his attempt would work. They were a little surprised at how he had been wounded, and were shocked that he had survived his injury, and congratulated Roan and the Doctor for their work in saving him.

"Honestly High lord, I did my job as head nurse" Roan said with a professional coldness "if anything, Doctor Elleni deserves most of the credit, she managed to remove the shrapnel, and sew his wound shut so expertly and quickly it was like she was working with a thick Crentari hide"

"And you had absolutely no idea that you had been spotted?" A female pink dolphin said from the very left of the stand

"No Ma'am, until I saw the first shot fly past my window, I had no idea that this ship was even behind me" Miguel said looking down to her

"Why did you decide to come Into our territory? You knew it was against the cease fire agreement" The grey orca said

"I will admit... I am still trying to work that out for myself. At first I thought it was because of curiosity, but while thinking about it I haven't been able to solidify that reason"

"I see" he responded "and what of this book you mentioned before?"

"that is safely stored away in my quarters" Miguel responded blushing slightly

"And Roan" he said looking to the white orca "Have you been able to come to any reason as to his reasoning as to why he is here?"

"I am sorry to report Lord Frosty, that I have not. While I can ascertain that the Book he has may involve creatures Similar to us, involved in sexual situations, he may just be curious as to our relationships, social structures, and so on, but I can not say that that is defiantly what he was looking for by coming here"

"Well then, For now we have finished with Mr Delphis for now" the Sperm whale said "we will now hear From Roan on the treatment of Mr Delphis"

"Please Lord, Call me Miguel" he piped up getting a chuckle from all thirteen of them

"If you wish Miguel" the whale said

Roan pushed Miguel back next to the captain, who gave a sweet comforting smile, before returning to the centre of the room where he began to give an extremely detailed report on the extent of Miguel's injuries, and how they were tended to. Miguel flinched as he explained all the details, and was a little shocked when he mentioned potential nerve damage.

"As you can understand, there was a large amount of damage to his abdomen" Roan said casually "we unfortunately weren't able to repair all of the damaged nerves, and there is a high likely hood that during his rehabilitation more problems could arise as his body tries to make use of those missing nerves"

"we were informed that you are the one who is currently attending to Miguel's medical needs as he recovers, is this correct?" a dolphin three seats to the right of the sperm whale

"That is correct Ma'am" he responded

"And you volunteered for this position? Why?" the grey orca piped up

"Yes sir I did" he said looking a little surprised by the question "I volunteered for the position because during his stay in sickbay we got to know each other, and have learned to trust each other. It is my belief that he would be more comfortable under my care, and that comfort would speed up his recovery; also I have more knowledge of human anatomy than the other nurses as it was my major in medical school, and believed that I would be the best choice in case problems arise"

"Thank you for that, I don't believe we need to ask any other questions" the sperm whale said We will deal with the other reports and problems later, for now, we ask Miguel what he would like to do now"

"Sir?" he asked curious as to what he meant

"Would you like to return to the Human territory, or would you like to remain within ours?" He said looking down at him

"I am still deciding on that Lord, I fear that I may be unwelcome regardless of my choice" he responded, unable to help but look down at the floor

"Curiosity is not a sin my boy" he said with a smile "We will not punish you for that, if you chose to stay in our teritory, you will be given a home, and plenty of protection."