
Story by kieku on SoFurry

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this is the newest rendition of the two stories i had posted before. this one is much better than the other two

"She should be around here somewhere..." they are close, really close. Ever since a werewolf was caught on national T.V., the entire world has been playing one big game of hide-and-go-seek. The only problem is the seekers have guns; the hiders do not.

"I know I saw that bitch!" VIXEN!

_ "Where is she?" I looked around at the bombed out building and saw some rather thick rebar sticking out of the wall and I quietly ran towards it. _Almost there, almost there, almost there!

"There she is! Get her!" FUCK! I am not going down! Not here! Not like this! I sprinted towards the wall and ran up it, grabbing the rebar and dove through the hole in the wall as bullets pepper the walls around me, exiting with a front-flip and rolling when I hit the ground, running away as fast as I could through the rain. This is my life now: always running, always hiding, It's a cycle: run, hide, run, hide, lather, rinse, repeat. I ran until my legs could no longer move, and when they stopped working, I P.K rolled onto my back and found myself a small hole to drag myself into and hide. I managed to cover up the hole with some rubble before the "hunters" came by. In that claustrophobic hole, the darkness and rubble embraced me, while the rain shushed me to sleep.

"Hey, Kieku, wake up..." a familiar voice entered my conscience and I opened my eyes to see a familiar face smiling at me. In this war, not all humans are out to kill anything not them, and Zakaya is one of them.

"No matter where I am, you always find a way to find me don't you?" my black tail started to wag a bit, my ears resting in a neutral position. Zakaya chuckled and propped up the piece of rubble he was holding with a pipe and helped me out of the hole I was in holding me tightly. I smiled and murred, the rain soaking through my clothes and into my fur.

"How long were you looking for me?" he just smiled.

"A while...." I raised an eyebrow. I always hated that grin of his

"aaannnd hhhhow long is 'a while?'" Zakaya chuckled and his grin grew.

"A while..." I glared and growled at him. He always did that to me, he is so vague about things sometimes. I sighed and turned away. He then kissed me on my muzzle. My ears shot back and to the side as my face heated up and my mind went blank.

"Come on Kieku, let's go home..." The only thing I could say was "O-k..." Zakaya held my hand and we started to walk back home. Home, it's an interesting word; some people say it's where your heart is, or where your stuff is; in my case, it's an old cargo container in the middle of a ship yard. It isn't the warmest, but it works. We had connected a few of them together to make the space bigger. It just so happens that the shipping yard was next to a junkyard that was next to the factory I hid at. I was so close to home, but I guess it was better that I didn't make it. If I had, I might have led the hunters to our home, and compromised our safety. When we got inside, I walked over to my room and got undressed, and I stepped into the full body heater we had made for me and dried myself off. When I stepped out and into my room, I saw Mercedes sitting on my bed and looking at me.

"HEY!" I immediately covered myself up with my tail and growled at her. She just giggled.

"Oh, come on now, don't be such a prude..." I just glared at her some more.

"And why not?" I shot at her.

"Well, a) you are rather attractive, b) this is a private place, and c) you are bi, so I don't really see a problem." I stopped and thought for a bit, my tail dropping. She was right, after all. I glared at her.

"I'm not in the mood right now...." I walked over to my dresser and gathered some dry cloths and put them on.

"Oh, Mercedes?" I turned my head in her direction.


"Thanks for putting on cloths" this time. I'd admit, Mercedes is rather cute, but seeing her naked all the time gets to be a bit much after a while. We are trying to prove to humans that mythos deserve to be in society after all. I mean, how would it look if we had a bunch of werewolves running around naked in human form all the time? Not very good now would it?

When I finished getting dressed, Mercedes and I went to the main room and sat down with Zakaya and Veroseta.

"So, Mercedes, what has your pack discovered?" Zakaya always knew how to break the silence with something useful.

"Well, they reported that the hunters have lost our trail." I always loved her pack. Mercedes had turned a pack of ordinary wolfs and turned them into a valuable tool for our survival. Her pack brings us food, scouts out the surrounding territory, and lures humans away from our home.

"That's good. Let them know that they've done yet another great job for me ok?"

"Well, of course I will!" She looked almost hurt at Zakaya's statement.

"I'm sorry Mercedes, of course you would, you love those wolfs. So, how's the den coming along?" She had been helping her pack build a den within our complex so they would stay with us and we could make sure that they were ok at all times.

"Oh, it's coming along just fine! We have finished most of it, we just need to put in the final touches and it'll be done. It probably won't take more than a day or two." She was careful to only use materials that the wolfs could find and use on their own, so as to hide the fact that they had help. It was a very smart move on Mercedes' part, considering it would be a dead giveaway if she hadn't. Or, it would be grounds for suspicion that the wolfs were themselves werewolves.


"That's good to hear." Zakaya sighed and sat back in his chair. There was an awkward silence that was broken by Kieku's squeaky yawn, followed by Mercedes' giggle.

"S-shut up!" Kieku turned away and the inside of her ears started to turn red. Zakaya got up and walked over to Kieku.

"Come on Kieku, let's go to bed." She got up and went into her room with Zakaya. Mercedes and I looked at each other and tried to think of something to say, but we couldn't. Then Zakaya reentered the room.

"So, I guess it's time for you two to go out and scout. I'm going to bed now." And with that, he left for his room. I turned towards Mercedes.

"Well, I guess we should go then, I'll gather up some things first, you should too..." I nodded and went to my room. I picked up the Katana we found a few weeks back and put on the armor we had made for me.

The armor was a tight fitting, all black Kevlar suit, that we had pieced together from bullet proof that we had found laying around. We had also covered the Kevlar with leather, to smooth it out and make it better for blades. We took a small motorcycle helmet and removed the lining and put in our own padding. We also replaced the visor with bullet proof glass. It isn't good for crashes anymore, but it is good for fighting. Not only is it practical, but, I look damn good in it.

I stepped out into the main room and saw Mercedes standing there in jeans and a t-shirt. She deeds to wear clothes that she can easily get out of when she phases, if she ends up phasing. She really doesn't need to worry about armor that much; she's a werewolf, so, she regenerates. I do to, but it is a lot easier to stunt my regeneration. All the hunters have to do is use virucides. If they kill the vampire virus that is keeping me "alive" then, well, I'd become a rotting corpse, which can move and think; unless, of course, they destroy the virus all at once, then I'd just become a rotting corpse. The sun has a very similar effect; the sun slowly kills the virus inside me. The more I am exposed to UV light, the more of the virus dies, the harder it is to regenerate, and the faster I rot in the sun.

"Come on Veroseta, let's go." I nodded and we left the house. We started to walk towards the small town that was nearby. A few of Mercedes' wolfs had followed us on our "hunt." We entered the town and spotted a small grocery store and we waited for the owner to walk out of his store and we snuck out to the back of the store. Mercedes threw me up onto the roof, and I grabbed the ledge and rolled onto it. I went over to the roof access and opened the door and went down the ladder. I went to the back of the store and opened the back door for Mercedes.

"Welcome to my store! We have anything you can steal!" She laughed and shook her head as she closed the door.

"Remember Veroseta, we are still paying for it though, and we can't take everything."

"I know, I know. But we are still breaking and entering."

"We DO have undocumented permission though." I cocked my hips and pouted a little.

"Stop killing all my fun." She just giggled and kissed me on my check, and walked past me.

"Come on, we have some 'shopping' to do." We walked through the aisles and picked out some things for ourselves and the rest of the house. We gathered mostly non-perishables, but we did still get some things that need refrigeration, but not much. We sometimes have to cut the generator so as to hide our location better. We gathered everything up, turned on a self-checkout station, and rung everything up. When it asked for me to pay, I swiped the card we used, and typed in the pin. It went through, it always does. Kieku had gathered quite the wealth before this whole situation had happened. When Zakaya had met her, he pooled all his money into her account, and Mercedes had done the same. When Mercedes found me on the side of a road, the only thing I knew was my name, how to talk, how to write, and how to walk. I had a wallet on me, but I didn't know the pin to the card I had in it. So, until I remember the pin, all the money I had, if any, is trapped on that card. After we were done, we shut everything down, and left out the back door.

When we left, one of Mercedes' wolfs was waiting for us, her tail wagging with blood on her muzzle. Mercedes crouched down and rubbed her head.

"Good girl! What did you kill? What did you kill? Come on, show mama!" The wolf barked excitedly and spun around a little and started to go towards the woods behind the store looking back at us with a cocked head. I shook my head and followed them into the woods. When we reached a clearing, we saw a large dear with its throat torn out lying in a pool of blood. I'd admit, it was a rather impressive kill, probably feed all of us, including the pack.

"Oooh! What a good girl indeed! Ok, you get the rest of the pack, and I'll go get my knife and things ok?" the wolf nodded once and barked then ran off.

"Um, why do you need a knife?" I tilted my head a little when I asked her.

"Huh? To cut the meat off of course!" I unsheathed my Katana.

"Ah.... Right... however, that's not very good at small cutting hun." I paused and put my sword back.

"Good point." I stayed by the kill as she left for her things. I sat around guarding the carcass, the smell of the blood starting to become intoxicating. Oh god, this smell! You see, us vampires need a lot of iron to keep the virus alive. A very good source of iron is blood. I tried to hold myself back, but the smell got to be too much for me and I took off my helmet and I got down and started to drink from the neck of the beast. I gorged myself on the deer. It would have been better if I had killed it myself, but there was still quite a lot of blood left in the animal. When I finished, Mercedes was standing at the edge of the clearing looking at me with a smile on her face. How long was she there? I started to blush a bit and I wiped my mouth of blood and put my helmet back on.

"It's all yours Mercedes." She chuckled and shook her head then walked over to the deer and started to carve into it with her knife, placing the chunks of meat into plastic bags. When she finished, she got up and turned to the woods.

"Have at it." Then the entire pack swarmed the dead deer. I watched a little bit as the pack ravaged the carcass, ripping the flesh apart with their tails wagging. I shook my head and left to go back home.

The shipping container in the shipyard has been my only home that I remember. It was the home I started in when my new life began. Mercedes' face was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes for the first time since I died. I was lying in a ditch with torn up and bloody business cloths. I had dirt and mud all over me, I was cold and confused. I didn't know who I was, or where I was. All I knew was my name. I was so alone and I didn't know where to go. Then I felt Mercedes' embrace, then I saw her face. At that point, I didn't have the energy to move yet, nothing was responsive. Then, all I could feel was pain, all over my body; burning, tearing, stabbing pain. I couldn't cry, Mercedes cried for me. I couldn't do anything, all I could do was lay there in Mercedes' arms and shake in fear and pain. ---

"D-Do you kn-know me?" My voice was gravelly and week. Mercedes sniffled and shook her head.

"N-no, I don't" I looked up at her, trying to breathe.

"Th-then why- aaaaAAAAAAH!" I couldn't breathe anymore; the pain had stolen my breath. I turned over in Mercedes' arms and coughed up some congealed blood onto the ground and began to cry, causing yet another painful fit of coughing more blood, fresher this time. My breathing wavered, and shuddered under the pain I was feeling. Mercedes held me close to her, and kept my hair out of my face for me.

"Why do I hurt so much?" Mercedes sniffled and gently rubbed my back.

"It's because you are a vampire now. I'll take you home with us and tell you more there ok?" I could only nod.

"Just try and sleep ok?" I nodded and closed my eyes and held onto her tightly, I felt her pick me up as I fell asleep. ---

"Veroseta? You ok?" Mercedes had a worried look on her face. I looked up at her.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, let's go home." She didn't waver from the look on her face. Why does she care about me so much? I've never asked that question, ever since I was interrupted by my own pain; I've never been able to ask her, either I choke on my words, or something comes up. We walked back home and quietly went inside and put everything away. I was still lost in thought about the first day I remember.


"Hey, Veroseta, I'll be outside ok?" I looked at Veroseta and watched her body language closely. She had a distant look on her face.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'll- I'll stay here then." And there's the distant look on her face again. I wander what could be on her mind. I shook my head and walked outside smelling the moisture in the air. Zakaya sure knows how to arrive at just the right times. I walked around the shipyard for about a half hour then I took a deep breath. Wait, I know that smell! I sniffed the air carefully, trying to identify what I was smelling. Wait, this is ozone! My heart started to pound in my chest as my eyes darted around the sky, every hair on my body standing up on end. This is not a good thing, this is bad, very, very bad! Then, my eyes spotted something in the clouds: it was a large figure, about a quarter of a mile long, it was green with bat like wings and reptilian features. Dragon. The dragon circled around and landed in front of me in a vacant lot of the shipyard. It folded its wings back and lowered its head and body to the ground, turning its head to one side and looked directly at me.

"You, do you know this area well?" I nodded, unable to move anything else.

"I-I know this place well, y-yes." Oh, god, I'm talking to a Dragon.

"Then maybe you can help me find someone." I froze and my mind went numb.

"W-w-w-w-w-what?" The dragon looked past me and cocked his enormous head.

"You, you aren't like the rest of them, are you?" I turned around and saw Zakaya approaching us with a smile on his face.

"No, no I am not like the rest of them. You are looking for someone, aren't you?" The dragon retracted a bit with a bit of a confused look on his face.

"Yes, yes I am. How did you know?" Zakaya chuckled a little and shook his head.

"Well, why else would a dragon be socializing with a werewolf and a human?" The dragon paused a bit and almost shrugged.

"Valid point little one, it seems that I have found one of the two that I am looking for." Zakaya raised his eyebrow and tilted his head.

"Wait, two?" The dragon nodded slightly.

"Yes, I am looking for another. The other one should be another unique being." Zakaya stood and thought for a bit, and then he smiled.

"I think I know who you are talking about. Hold on, I'll be right back." Zakaya then left and went back to the house. I wonder who he means-? Wait, could he mean-? After a short while, Zakaya came back with Kieku. I could tell she was tired by the look in her eyes and by how her tail was hanging limply as she dragged her feet. She was wearing a black robe and she looked up and froze in place. I saw her tail go between her legs and her ears shoot back, and she whimpered a little. Her eyes darted between the dragon and Zakaya. Zakaya held her close to himself and Kieku started to relax.

"So, you are looking for me and Zakaya?" the dragon smiled a little and nodded slightly.

"I am. You two are very special." Kieku cocked her head to the side and her ears perked up a little.

"what do you mean by that?" The dragon lifted his head and looked down on us.

"You will find out in time, little ones. Just don't be afraid of your destiny." And with that, the dragon unfolded his wings and flew off. The three of us looked at each other and silently walked back to our home.


"So, what happened?" we all gave Veroseta a blank stare and moved on into the house. She looked at us and her posture changed as she realized that something big had just happened.

"I-I'll just... go... over here, then..." I heard the words, but it took a while for them to sink in.

the rescue

"Where is the prisoner?" my ears burned at the voice. "in here" I heard the door open and someone came in. "careful, she's a biter" DAMN STRAIT!! ".....I know she is...... trust me...." Wait, how the fuck would he know? "so, you are the prisoner?"...

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Kieku's lament

"damn it kieku!" "b-but we can't just leave him there!" "arg! We don't have time for this!" I grabbed kieku's arm and pulled her into the shelter. Galidane was one of the few sentient dragons left. Galidane was the dragon that ruled...

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