Peters Spider-Armor

His brothers killed by the gardian. he grab his sword and with one smooth turn, he dismount the head of the gardian. instantly the guardian turning into dust.

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WoF Galaxy

Moonwacher icewings: snowfall mudwings: clay rainwings: kinkajou nightwings: deadbringer sandwings: sunny seawings: tsuami skywings: pearl animuses: turtel loyaal to : glory lost continent: visite legend continent: compliceted gardian

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Red Rain - Chapter 1

"gardian class red rain reporting major damage to physical body. suit reports failure in wind flaps, orbital inertal dampiners, replication systems, and auto targeting systems. requesting immediate maintenance and medical attention." "shit...

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The End Of Tyrony Chapter 1

He had his head bowed as he said a soft prair to the goddess, mithindrial, mystical gardian of all things furry. the dragon has a clawedpaw restingon the young cat's shoulder. "we can't stay much longer." he warned. damian nodded.

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The Gardians Shadow ch10

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW CH 10 It had only taken me a few moments to get the weapons that I required from the base, then be on my way. As I moved along, the only sound that flew past my ears was that of the howling wind, as my bike ate the miles of...

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Kieku's lament

"damn it kieku!" "b-but we can't just leave him there!" "arg! We don't have time for this!" I grabbed kieku's arm and pulled her into the shelter. Galidane was one of the few sentient dragons left. Galidane was the dragon that ruled...

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The Stand - A Mass Effect Fan Fiction

Then the frigate swept the street with its gardian emplacements. every beam that touched a husk flash carbonized it in a split second.

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From lost to loved, chapter two

Around the room like i did yesterday, nothing had changed. i look back at the sleeping figure, a small smile brandishing itsself on my muzzle. i moved to sit at the foot of the bed, next to the husky's feet. i just looked over him, and i felt like i was his gardian

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Celestic Crimson part 1

Meanwhile ikaku was in his cabbin finishing the paper work for abdopting kuran, signing the last line he sent it off to administrations to be checked, unfortunatly he couldn't announce he was the legal gardian till morning.

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cynder x spyro lovnlies ch8

Cyril led cynder to the room with the other gardians to talk about her history of rule breakings... cynders nuke went off yet again... --------------------------------==========================--------------------------------- ember made her way to the

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Chapter 1 Part 1: Rain From the Heavens

Male age: 18 race: gray wolf eyes: dark blue length: 7ft ocupation: none education: highschool deploma, engineering master's degree, chemistry master's degree, military leadership age of highschool completion: 15 scholarships: none parents/gardians

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Part one- The Present

Much less unharmed," he gave marx a sturn look, "oh and i was wondering were i can get one of those gardian angels that seem to follow you around?"

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