Spring in the Valley

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#9 of Nicobay Commissions

Land Before Time commission for Nicobay. Had some fun with this one, throwing in some bonus stuff for the pervymon.

It was that season in the Great Valley, the season for making new little ones to scamper through the undergrowth. Or at least it would be, if the women had been interested in having another brood. They'd put their collective foot down and said not this year. Not with the older girls going into their first season. It was one thing to let the kids screw. It was something entirely different when there might be eggs involved. The women had gone deeper into the valley, to a shelter area where they could be safe from the predators and the males. Even with them tucked away, the males could still smell their scent lingering. Their bodies instinctively knew what this time of year meant, and what that aroma meant. So while the ladies were away, the guys...

Topsy snarled as he pawed at the ground, "Come on, you old fucker. Give me all you've got!" The threehorn hiked his rear up higher as Grandpa longneck rocked his hips as best he could. His thick cock twitched and jerked, moving mostly on its on as it plunged into the other male's backside. Being as old and large as he was, the longhorn wasn't the most energetic of lovers, even if he did have staying power and size on his side. Daddy Topps snarled, clenching his teeth as he sprayed on the ground, cock smacking his belly with wet slaps. The longneck answered him with a groan as he fired his load into the male as well.

Littlefoot watched the older males, his cock lifting to press against his belly. He rolled his hips and moaned as his flared tip rubbed over his softer belly. He shivered, moaning, as a tongue probed his rear. Looking over his shoulder, he watched as Spike's blunt muzzle nudged under his tail. The spiketail's thick tongue swirled around his tailhole before nudging in. Littlefoot stepped his legs apart and swung his tail to the side for his friend.

The morning light was just filtering through the trees as the heavy male lurched up onto his back. Littlefoot huffed as he braced himself against Spike's weight. All the males had been taking turns with one another for... well, he wasn't sure how long now. Had it just been hours, or maybe days, since they started? At the moment, he didn't care about anything more than that thick cock sliding along his tail. Spike, as silent as he was, turned out to be incredibly good at mating. All Littlefoot had to do was stand there as the male lurched forward and crammed his cock into the waiting ass. Even with the quick rim job, and the play they'd had during the night, Spike's thickness still staggered the longneck. The blunt tip didn't help much either, ramming into his rump as the thick flesh spread him open wider.

He lowered his head down and moaned, keeping his back legs stiff as Spike's forelimbs draped over his sides. Blunt nails dug at his side as Spike jerked him back. Their leathery hides slapped against each other, the males moaning happily. His tail curled against the male's bulk as he clenched lightly around the cock. The nubs on the spiked tail's length rippled against his insides, bumping him just right to make him shiver.

Spike almost purred as he laid his chin on Littlefoot's back, settling into a steady rhythm. His friend wasn't as good a fuck as one of the girls, but there were some very nice things about him. Like the fact that Spike could usually count on Littlefoot to give him a good ride too. So far, Ruby was the only one of the girls that had tried anything with him back there. Which was a bit of a shame, considering. More than once, he'd been complemented on his volume. If they knew what he produced when his tailhole had something to grab, well they'd be downright stunned. The look on her face when he blew still made him giggle.

He ground his teeth and groaned as Littlefoot's ass clenched down around his cock. Squeezing his friend's middle, the spiketail put his strength to use. The male under him squealed as he slammed his body forward, lifting the longneck's back end up before using his weight to press it back down. Spike's eyes narrowed as the tight tail ring clenched down on him harder. He muttered, "Oh yeah, squeak like a good bitch." His voice was low, barely loud enough for the other male to hear him mumbling something. Littlefoot's cheeks flared bright red as he hung his head, panting under Spike's brutal thrusts. Precum was drooling from his tip now, his cock slapping wetly against his belly with each plunge.

Topsy swung his head around as the loud, meaty slaps coming from the two others. He almost purred as Grandpa's cock slit out of him with a wet slurp. "By the valley, look at your Grandson." The threehorn turned his head and smirked up at the much larger male. "Remember when you could do that, eh?"

Grandpa Longneck heaved his bulk onto his side with a grunt; "I'm getting too old for that." He winced as his body throbbed with a dull ache. It wouldn't be that bad when they moved into the lake later, but crouching and railing Topsy like that was just getting to be too much.

Littlefoot called out as he erupted. With his head slung down as low as it was, his thick cum splashed against his neck as well as his belly. Spike lifted his body up, planting both hands on one side of the longneck's back. Craning his head, he watched as his cock disappeared into the male's rear. He could feel the tightness growing in his body, but held off while his friend was cumming. "Yeah, empty your balls, dirty slut." Again his voice was kept too low to hear. He tugged his cock out with a sharp jerk of his hips. His next thrust sent the slick member sliding up over the longneck's rear. Pressing his cock between his girth and the male's rear, Spike gave a couple short thrusts before tossing his head back with a grunt. Thick, hot cum sprayed between his belly and Littlefoot's back as he rocked his hips. Spike sighed happily as he shifted his body, making a mess of their hides. Littlefoot's cheeks burned as he felt the male mark his back.

Mond watched the others with a sly smile as Topsy and Grandpa Longneck continued to trade remarks. He watched as Spike slid off Littlefoot, male gravy coating their hides. A hiss brought his attention back to the task at hand. He gripped Screech's tail and lifted it up, exposing the fastbiter's rear to him. The blue-tinted sharptooth huffed as the swiftrunner pressed his pointed tip up against the waiting rear. His cock glistened in the early morning light, coated with a mixture of spit and precum. He caught Topsy staring over at him and pretended not to notice. He had negotiated a little truce with the sharpteeth, in exchange for leaving the females alone, the males of the valley would help them blow off some steam.

Screech squirmed under his hand, but stopped when eh tugged on that thick tail again. The biter hissed, growing impatient as Mond stepped forward, pressing his tip against the pucker. His hiss turned into a little whine as the runner teased him, rubbing his tip round and round the male's back door. Tucking Screech's tail under his arm, Mond positioned his leg so that the threehorn bull could easily see as he pressed in. Tight muscles stretched out around his sweeping cock. Screech's deadly maw hung open as he moaned, tongue rolling from his lips as the larger male took his time in sinking himself in. Sure, he could slam in nice and hard, driving the predator into a squealing, thrashing frenzy, but this was more fun. With both hands on the biter's hips, he held the other male in place as he plunged every last inch of his cock into that ass. When his slit finally met the other male's rear, he finally stopped and held himself there, purring. Screech answered his purr with one of his own, arching up and letting his tail drape over Mond's thigh.

Both their heads swiveled as another pair scuffled and hissed at each other. A green biter wrestled with a purple-hued sharptooth. They were roughly the same size, but Chomper was heavier than Thud. Despite being younger, Chomper proved to be the stronger of the pair. He heaved the biter to the ground hard enough to drive the air from the green male's lungs. As Thud tried to draw breath, Chomper rocked his body back and slammed forward. The biter squealed, toes curling as his rump was violently invaded. Using his bulk to pin Thud down, the sharptooth began to thrust, toes digging into the ground as he hissed. Any pain that the biter might have felt passed quickly enough as his eyes rolled back and his tongue fell from his maw in a pleased pant. His strong legs, made for running down prey, wrapped around the younger male's body and pulled him up with a groan.

Mond smirked over at the other pair and glanced at Screech. The blue male's head was turned so he could watch his partner getting fucked, his nostrils flaring. A quick jerk of the runner's hips made the older male's leathery hide slap against a blue rump. Screech let out a squeak and gripped the ground, pushing back eagerly as he watched his partner being taken so roughly. Angling his head back, Mond purred proudly as he began to roll and rock his hips. His pace was far slower than Chomper's, but he had far more experience. It wasn't long at all before the biter under him was moaning and pushing back as eager as any receptive female.

Thud's head fell back against the ground as he panted, feeling Chomper's surprisingly large dick plunge deep into his ass. Hooking his legs onto the sharptooth's thighs, he pulled himself up with a hiss. The purple male was eager, but lacked experience. It was fine though, he'd get his fun one way or another. In this position, he could do plenty to ensure he had a good time. Snarling softly, he reached up to scratch at the male's chest. Chomper responded with a barking roar before closing powerful jaws around his throat. Thud choked out a moan and rolled his head to the side. His hide flushed a deeper shade when he saw Screech and Mond watching him. The runner wasn't making a show of it, but he could feel the male's eyes on him.

Turning his eyes away from the pair, he closed his maw and began to chuff. His body ached in the best way as the male scratched at his side with claws and pounded him rapidly. Chomper drooled on his neck, groaning as his motions began to falter. First, slower thrusts, barely moving his body. Then, the sharptooth began to fuck him so hard that he slid across the ground. Just when Thud was certain that the male was trying to break him in half, Chomper threw his head back. Spittle rained down on the biter when the male roared. Thud moaned as the cock lodged firmly in his ass began to twitch, pumping him full of the male's spunk. He squirmed as every drop Chomper had was pumped into his ass. In just a few seconds, it was over and the sharptooth was pulling back. His cock came out with a wet pop, cum oozing out of Thud's stretched ass.

The green male lay there for a moment, legs up in the air as he regained his breath. He watched the other male lumber off a step or two before falling onto his side with a grunt. Wit a jerk, Thud was on his feet again, his erection bobbing under his body. For a second, he thought that Chomper's violet pucker looked inviting, but then he got another idea. He lunged at the male and grappled one of the sharptooth's powerful legs. Lifting it up, he braced his shoulder against it as he grabbed his cock in his other hand. A quick buck of his hips drove his slick cock right into the other male's slit. Chomper jerked and his eyes went wide at the strange feeling of another male in there, offering a confused whimper.

Clinging to that leg, Thud stepped up and began to hammer the other male. He could feel pre and actual cum lubricating his length as he snarled softly. The male under him stopped whimpering and just turned so the biter could get deeper. Thud's eyes fluttered as he moaned, feeling that other cock stiffening against his own. He pressed in deep, keeping both lengths trapped inside of the male's slit. Drawing his hand up Chomper's thick thigh, he scratched hard enough to draw welts. "Oh fuck yes. You like that, huh? Me fucking you like one of your valley sluts."

Mond blinked slowly at the unusual position of the other two males. "How interesting, would you look at that?" Screech rolled his head as much as he could, watching his partner take the heavier male like that. With a low purr, Mond slid his arms around the biter and lifted him up. Rocking back on his heels, he lowered himself to the ground, leaving the other male sitting on his cock. Without thinking about it, Screech planted his feet and began to ride the runner, chest heaving as he panted. The hands supporting his chest dropped lower, both wrapping around his aching cock and stroking it.

Mond ran his fingers across the hard length, getting them nice and slick before allowing both of his hands to move over the erection. He rarely stroked upwards, instead letting his hands twist and squeeze as they slid down the pole. Every few strokes, he'd reverse his grip to give Screech something else to think about. Then, just to have some fun, he'd start jerking quickly with one hand while his other teased with either the male's base, or his tip. He preferred the tip, since it got the biter's hips jerking nicely. He didn't get to play too much though. Only a few moments after changing to this position, Screech tossed his head back and barked out a cry as he came. The runner kept moving his hands as he thrust against the male. Screech warbled and grunted, falling back against Mond's chest. Not to be left behind, the runner tensed his body and delivered a dozen rapid blows to the biter before releasing. Leaning back, he let the other male slump against his chest, purring sleepily.

Thud's head swiveled around when he heard that familiar cry. His nostrils flared as he watched the other biter finish, spraying his seed high into the air. He let out a low, rattling hiss as his body slammed against Chomper's faster and harder. The sharptooth under him let out a roar, pushing back as his male slit twitched. Warm cum surged around the raptor's cock as the hard flesh twitched against his. Thud snarled and hammered in a few more blows before throwing his head back and trumpeting with his own finish.

Topsy watched the others go at it, loosing a low whistle. "Would you look at them fucking." He arched his hips forward, cock slapping against his belly and rubbing against the leathery hide.

Grandpa had slipped into the water and was letting it sooth him. "I've heard you squeal louder when you're getting a good fucking."

The big threehorn snorted, cheeks coloring with a blush. "I've never done such a thing. I...Ieeee!" Topsy let out a startled yelp when a heavy body slammed into him, making him stagger.

Strong legs pushed his tail up as a burning hot cock slid across his rear. The threehorn swung his head around and saw the grinning, scarred face of Redclaw. The sharptooth ran deadly claws along his spine and lurched forward. His pointed cock homed right in on Topsy's tailhole, spearing the muscle and spreading it wide open with a single thrust. The threehorn's jaw dropped as he gasped, eyes rolling back in his head. There was no hesitation, or waiting to adjust for the much larger male. No, Redclaw launched right into a savage fucking that rocked the proud male with every brutal pound. Hunkering down, Redclaw turned his head to bite at Topsy's shoulder, digging his cock in just right. The sharptooth's dick speared against Topsy's prostate, making his knees tremble briefly as he moaned. Redclaw's next thrust would've made Topsy collapse if he hadn't locked his knees. As it was, his mouth fell open as he let out a trilling cry, body stiffening against the rough thrusts.

Thud's head swiveled around when he heard the cry, watching his boss take the stubborn valley male. The sight of that bull with his tail hiked up and moaning like a sow made the biter's cock throb with want. He tightened his grip on Chomper's leg and hammered the male with quick, short motions. The trapped cock throbbed against his length. Chomper roared as he arched up, cumming hard from the feel of the cock rubbing against his. Thud's eyes rolled back as he felt the twitching and the warm, gooey cream coating his length. He gave a few quick thrusts, enjoying the feel of the warm goo surrounding his cock. He wasn't going to finish in there, not when he had a better place. Pulling out of the male's slit, he purred as Chomper's cock slipped out, cum oozing down the male's belly. Thud scurried around the sharptooth's front. Seeing him coming, Chomper opened his mouth and let his tongue slide out, dancing across the cock. The green male leaned back with a hiss. It only took a couple licks before he was erupting, spraying his seed across the other male's tongue and muzzle.

Spike licked his lips as he watched Chomper getting creamed by the biter. His head swung around to Topsy as the bull tried to hold his own against the relentless pounding he was receiving. The spiketail grinned, giggling to himself. Again, he grumbled under his voice, "Gonna make the big male squeal like a bitch." Waddling over to the rutting pair, he dropped his chest to the ground and wormed under Topsy's low-slung gut. He pushed against the belly and opened his mouth wide. The bull's cock leapt up with the sharptooth's next thrust. Lunging forward, he wrapped his mouth around the tip and pushed forward. His tongue danced across the shaft as the male overhead gasped and jerked his hips forward.

Topsy's head was reeling when Spike took him into his mouth. The bull clenched his teeth and groaned, eyes rolling back as he huffed. His body responded to the twin stimuli, hips bucking as best they could. Redclaw snarled at his bucks and leaned down, biting at his shoulder. He moaned out loud, mouth falling open as he felt those dangerous teeth scoring his flesh. That is just what another male had been waiting for. A shadow loomed over him as something wet and musky tapped against his lips. Grandpa Longneck lifted his cock and let it rest on Topsy's lower lip. "You're getting it from the other ends, might as well take care of me too." The threehorn bull's eyes rolled up to look at the male standing over him. "Mind the horns now." His lip quivered as he took the cock in, slurping around it wetly.

Redclaw hissed as he got a front row view of the threehorn cow taking the other male into his mouth eagerly. He snarled up at the longneck and pressed his body down against his cow's backside. The older male chuckled and moved forward. He was big enough that, even mounted on the male, even Redclaw fit in under his bulk. It was a tight squeeze, but fully worth it as he watched those jaws spread wider to take in the thick meat. Rolling his head, he smirked at the sight of the green rump sticking out from under the bull and the wet slurps coming from down there. Judging by how the bull's ass was clenching around his, better than any other valley dwellers', that young male was doing a great job.

Spike pushed forward and worked his tongue around the cock. He couldn't take a lot of the cock into his mouth, only a third or so. Sure, he could get a lot more into his mouth and throat if he wanted, but he had other plans. He'd only been under Topsy for a few moments when he felt a pair of clawed hands stroke over his hips. One of the biters, he wasn't sure which one, hissed at him and moved in closer. Spike shivered at the feel of that hot cock tapping against his ass. He swung his thick tail aside eagerly and held still as the pointed cock lanced into his ass. His partner drove in to the very root with one quick slam. Keeping his thrusts short, the male rocked Spike forward, making him purr around the pulsing cock in his maw. He rolled his eyes to the side as Mond, Ruby's father, crawled in under Topsy with him. "Can't let you have all the fun, can we now?"

The older male leaned in to lick along Topsy's throbbing cock, bathing it with his tongue and making the bull shudder. Spike watched as that long, bluish tongue ranged up and down the shaft before sweeping down towards his muzzle. As Mond licked his lips, the runner's hand reached under Spike's belly to grab his cock, pumping it. The spiketail shivered and rocked his hips forward, moaning as Mond's tongue slipped past his lips. He pulled back, letting Topsy's tip hang on his lips. Their tongues danced together across the spiral head. Topsy lowed overhead, the noise strangled around the longneck's throbbing rod. His hips jerked quickly, cock trying to leap out of the hold the males had on it. The bull tensed as he erupted, his cream surging out with suck force that it quickly overflowed the two open mouths. Before it could fire a second burst, Spike plunged forward, his throat opening up around the cock. His eyes narrowed as he swallowed down each pump with a loud gulp.

Redclaw snarled as the ass clenched down around him harder. The predatory male dug his toes into the ground and began to pound the threehorn like the naughty bitch that he was. His lips curled up into a grin when the male jerked under him, ass clenching again in a second round of cum-spraying. It wasn't hard for Redclaw to imagine that spiked male gulping down every drop. He'd be a good cock whore when he grew up to full size. Redclaw would have to pay special attention to him. His train of thought was derailed when a particularly strong squeeze made him shudder. Opening his jaws wide, he bit down on the threehorn's neck and slammed in with a muffled roar.

Topsy's cheeks burned when he felt the sharptooth painting his insides with that thick load. He gagged around the longneck's cock as Grandpa pushed into his throat. Fighting back the reflex, he plunged the cock deeper into his mouth, sucking hard around it. His eyes rolled back as one mouth slid off his cock only to be replaced by another seconds later. Oh skies above! If he hadn't locked his knees earlier, he would have collapsed on the two males under him. The new mouth slid him right into a warm, squeezing throat and took him down to his root. He was so distracted by the feeling around his sensitive length that he didn't hear the warning from the longneck.

Grandpa came hard, cock blasting Topsy's gut with a heavy burst of seed. Caught off guard, the bull pulled back with a gasp, mouth hanging open as the cock leapt and sprayed him across the face. Redclaw hissed, biting and clawing at his sides. Topsy couldn't speak the same language as the predator, but he knew that the male liked him like that. Standing there, he nuzzled and licked the cock, letting the longneck paint his face and frill with thick strands of sperm. Slowly, the other males moved off him, letting him step away from the pair under him.

When Topsy moved away, Mond took the opportunity to push Spike onto his side. The spiketail rolled over eagerly as Screech kept pounding him. Leaning down, the runner slid his tongue along the male's cock, playing with those bumps that covered his length. Spike threw his head back and groaned as he clenched down hard around length pounding his ass. His first blast caught Mond by surprise, the runner quickly closing his mouth around the thick cock. Screech called out behind him as his powerful rear muscles grabbed at that curved length. The biter pushed forward and snarled, pumping the green male full of his spunk. For a long moment after the biter finished, the spiketail continued to pump into the swiftrunner's mouth. When he was finally finished, Mond pulled back with a soft gasp and licked his lips. "Oh wow, I'll have to remember that." He grinned as Spike let his head fall to the ground with a snort.

Littlefoot had slipped away from the group when they converged on Topsy. Part of him wished he had stayed around to watch the old bull getting taken. His mind gave him all kinds of vivid images, painting several pictures to what was going on back in the clearing. But no, there was something far more tempting just a few miles away. He knew where the females were going to be staying. Ali had all but invited him to come and watch. They'd had a little fling right before his friend left with the other females. The memory of her squirming and screaming under him, begging for more. Somehow, he'd remembered to pull out of her before he blew. He'd cum everywhere, going far stronger and longer than he had ever before. Just the memory of that burning hot pussy around his cock was enough to coax him over to their hiding spot. Just peeking at the girls wouldn't hurt, would it?

The girls were in a small gully, mostly shielded by plants. But Littlefoot knew a good vantage point in the area. He wasn't exactly stealthy, this close to so many females that were fertile and wanting, he began to stagger a little as the blood left one head and rushed to the other. Dropping to his belly, he moaned as his cock pressed against the soft, cool grass. Sneaking closer to a ledge, he peeked over and bit his lip at what he saw.

Bim knelt behind Tria, one hand resting on the pink female's rump. She had the threehorn's tail pressed against her shoulder, letting her Ducky watch as her fingers slid across the other female's slit. Her daughter was in a similar position behind Cera, the younger threehorn panting and shuffling with anticipation. "Now, it's a simple rule here in the valley. When we girls go off like this on our own, we take turns making sure each other is sated." Her lips curled when even Tria began to shuffle under the gentle touches. "It is something we bipedals excel at."

Cera snarled and bounced a little, "I know, Ducky and I have done this before."

Bim purred as she spread her friend's slit with a finger; "Maybe, but I've got some better tricks. Now Ducky, just hold your fingers like this, not a fist, and..." curling her fingers a little, she eased them into the threehorn's body.

Tria breathed out a sigh as the arm slid into her body. Bim flexed her fingers as the muscles rolled against her limb. "The trick is to find out just what parts inside your partner they like most, then rub against them." Reaching under Tria's belly with her other hand, she tapped her fingers against a spot. "Right about here, on the inside, I think you'll find something nice." She curled her fingers, letting her dulled nail rub against a certain area inside of the threehorn cow. The pink female's jaws shook as she moaned, pushing her hips back eagerly. "You don't want to focus on there too much though, but there is something else we can do." Reaching back up, she parted the female's peach and let her tongue trace over the swollen pearl before taking it into her mouth. The bigger female swooned, lifting her head and tail until she formed a U shape.

Ducky's eyes sparkled as she mimicked her mother's actions. Except where Bim had snaked her hand into Tria, the younger swimmer shoved hers into Cera. The yellow threehorn threw her head back and bellowed happily, insides clenching around the arm. Ducky already knew about the spot inside of her friend, and let her fingers slide right towards it. "Should be right here, Yepyep!" Cera's bellow rose up into a squeal as hips jerked. Although, she hadn't tried using her mouth like her mother did. Something definitely worth looking into. She lowered her head and closed her lips around the swollen gem. Her friend might have burbled something, but she wasn't paying attention.

Cera lowered her front and pushed back against her friend. She had to keep her feet spread out as the world tilted under her, threatening to knock her over. The swimmer was relentless and she loved it! One moment those soft lips and tongue would be playing with her clit while the arm pumped at her insides. The next, the hand would draw back and a stubby finger would rub her lips before shoving back in. Ducky knew what she liked, and the quick, hard jabs were quickly bringing her towards a release. She rolled her head and moaned at her step-mother. "Fuuuuck, I bet Ducky can finish me before you old adults get started."

Tria was purring as Bim worked her insides with an expert, but still delicate touch. She shivered as the swimmer's fingers brushed against her cervix before sliding away. Being older than Cera, and having mated with a male of her own species, she had that ring penetrated regularly. It hurt a bit at first, but now it actually felt rather nice. She opened an eye at the challenge and smirked; "You hear that, darling?"

"Mmhm, I did." The hand plunged deeper into her pussy, finger tips brushing against the ring again. This time, one slipped through for a brief moment before pulling back. Bim let her fingers dance across the threehorn's inner walls as she pulled back. Her fingers curled right as they were about to pull out, just enough to tug lightly at the cow's vagina. Putting her body into it, she plunged her arm back in. She only stopped when her bicep was halfway engulfed in the larger female's body. Tria shook her head and called softly, stamping her feet as the swimmer worked her over. Her juices coated the limb as her muscles squeezed it hard. A jiggle of the female's arm made the wet tunnel squelch wetly.

Ducky's eyes went wide as her mother got the pink female worked up in record time. Tria's stamps were making the ground tremble. If she wasn't working up to an Earth-shattering climax, at least she was going for an Earth-shaking finish! Curling her fingers up, she started to fist Cera. Due to their difference in size, she was actually able to fit her entire arm, right up to her shoulder, into her friend. The younger swimmer got an idea and turned quickly. Twisting her arm around, she dropped to her back and wormed up under the threehorn. A tug at the female's hips got Cera to crouch over him. The moment that the female's clit was in reach, she closed her lips around the nub. Sucking on it, she brought her other hand up to tease the base of the gem while her other arm moved faster. She narrowed her eyes as Cera trumpeted and stomped her forelimbs. Juices ran out of her body and dripped onto Ducky's face.

She purred as she worked over her friend, hearing both Cera and Tria starting to cry out louder. She had to shut her eyes as Cera began to buck, honey squirting against her face. Two voices rose in unison as the threehorns peaked, thick hide rippling as their bodies drove back towards their partners. Bim pulled her arm out and kissed Tria's pussy, tongue worming into the snatch to toy with the female. While she was working to bring her friend down slower, her daughter had a different method. Ducky pushed her hand deep into Cera, fingering her cervix and letting her digits slip in and out of the ring. The threehorn seemed to love it, from the way she was calling and bucking. It was a long moment before Cera lunged away from Ducky and turned around with a grin. "Your turn!"

On the other side of the large clearing, almost in the woods, Ruby and Ali looked over as Cera began to eat out Ducky. Tria and Bim chuckled before swapping as well. "Are you ready?" the runner purred as she ran her fingers over the longneck's swollen vent.

Ali moaned as she hiked her tail up, "Been ready."

Ruby lifted a rock, worn into a smooth, egg shape due to sitting in the river for so long. Ali moaned, arching her back as the orb nudged her body and was pushed in slowly. Ruby glanced back at her own toy, a stick in the shape of a male. She'd smoothed it with some sand herself, working it until it was as smooth as could be. Not just that, she had also sharpened up one end so she could drive it into the ground. Right now, it was angled up behind her, the tip just nudging against her entrance. As she pushed the egg into her friend, she slid herself back as well, both females moaning. Stretching one leg out, Ruby began to rock her hips back and forth across the smooth length. When Ali's lips began to close up around the egg-rock, she put the next up there and began to push it in as well.

Deft fingers twisted the smooth orb as she nudged it in. Ali backed up towards her, offering a target that was far too tempting. Ruby leaned in, taking a deep whiff of the female's sweet scent. There was a hint of Littlefoot's musk clinging to the longneck female. A quick lick revealed the faint taste of her friend's seed on Ali's hide. "Oh, did you and Littlefoot have some fun last night?" The longneck nodded, trying to lift her tail higher. Ruby purred as she began to push in the third egg. Her tongue danced across the stretched lips. "Is that why you wanted to play with the eggs?"

Ali's cheeks burned, but she nodded quickly enough. "Oh, yes! Well...mmm, mostly."

Her cheeks and neck felt like they were on fire as Ruby wiggled another stone into her body. Compared to the inferno raging inside of her, those rocks were like ice. She felt the 'eggs' click against each other inside of her body. "Think that's the limit," she moaned, feeling the first one nudging against her deepest part. Her muscles clenched around the orbs, holding them inside of her body. Straightening her legs, she shivered as the weights inside of her body shifted. They pressed against a spot inside that made her tremble from one end to the other. She swayed slowly from side to side, letting the toys move more.

Ruby slid off her toy, straightening her back, as Ali stood in front of her, dripping down her thighs. The runner had put another of her wooden toys next to the smooth rocks. This one modeled after a bigger male, Littlefoot actually. Ruby gripped it by the handle carved at the base and guided it into her slit, moaning softly. She got a couple good pumps in, the wooden tip tapping her cervix, before she drew it out. Ali looked back at her, mouth hanging open as she gasped for air. "Oh yes, that looks perfect, Ruby."

The runner flashed a smile and put the broad tip of the toy against her friend's backdoor, twisting it in slowly. "You thinking of Littlefoot pushing up here?" Ali's head bobbed quickly as she pawed at the ground, panting at the feel of her rear stretched open around the fake member.

Littlefoot watched from his hiding spot, gasping as Ruby worked that object into Ali's body. The runner's tail flashed up as she slid back down onto her own toy. His cock ached, pressed between his belly and the ground, as he watched the females playing. While Ruby's strong legs drove her up and down the polished wood, Ali crouched lower, working her ass back onto the copy. He bit his lip and moaned as her lips spread open, the first of the stones sliding out. He could just hear her chanting his name over the sound of the other females panting and crying out. "Enjoying the show?"

The soft words, spoken right in his ear, made him jump and almost call out in fear, but a hand over his mouth silenced him. Momma Flyer flashed a smile at him as she held his mouth closed. "Shhh, if you scream then you'll ruin both of our fun." He looked at his friend's mother, seeing that her other hand was down between her legs. Her fingers, made for clinging to cliffs, were dipping into her mound. She brought them up and wiped them across his nose, making his head spin as her scent invaded his nostrils. "Gonna be quiet, or do I have to leave you here alone?" He nodded quickly, eyes unfocussed. "Good," she purred, pushing at his side with one of her legs.

He rolled over, moaning softly as the foot against his side dropped to his cock. The flyer's skilled toes, equally as dexterous as her fingers, ran over his shaft. "Know why I'm not down there with them?" It was all Littlefoot could do to just shake his head, not wanting to speak for fear of being heard. The female flyer, known only as Momma, tucked her body against his. Her hot box pressed against his length, her feet making his flesh slap and rub against hers. "I like to watch them. Far more fun than getting my pussy licked. Especially when some young stud slips up here to watch the girls go at it. Then I can have him all to myself."

She moaned as his tip touched her lips. Both valley dwellers lifted their head to watch as she gyrated her hips. Slowly, her lips spread apart. Little by little, she worked her hips against him while holding his lengths steady. His eyes crossed and his vision blurred, but he had to watch as the smaller female stretched. They shared a breathy sigh as she managed to wedge his tip into her pussy. "Roll over on top of me, Littlefoot." He did as she asked, gently resting his weight on top of the smaller female. His hips bucked instinctively, stretching her further. Her wings pressed against his sides as she scratched him. "Oh my, yes." Momma pushed up against him as she turned her head, looking at the other women below them. "Watch them, Littlefoot. Watch them as you fuck me."

Littlefoot blushed, but lifted his head to watch Ali and Ruby. The pair were getting louder now as their excitement grew. They had gone down to their sides. Ali was licking Ruby's pussy while using her forelimbs to work that wooden toy in and out of the pink female. The runner was using both of her hands on the longneck. While one pumped the dildo into Ali's ass, the other was working a smooth egg into her snatch before pulling it back out.

As he watched, his hips began to buck against Momma's body. Her legs lifted up, feet grabbing at his thighs as she puled herself against him. She was tight, tighter even than any of the girls here, but she was also smaller than any of them except Ducky. With the swimmer he might, every once in a while, get his tip inside of her; but the flyer under him was taking everything he had to offer. She whispered encouragements to him as her pussy milked him. Littlefoot's vision blurred again, so he closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of the females below him. The sounds and smells coupled with the feel of the wanting woman below him made him shiver with a joy he hadn't felt before.

Momma breathed out a moan, eyes shutting as she pressed her cheek against the longneck's chest. She could feel him stretching her in the best way. Reaching down, she felt her gut and flashed a grin when she was able to trace the outline of his length inside of her. Oh by all that was good in this world, she loved being fucked by a bigger guy! Glancing up at him, she followed his gaze and smirked when Ruby did something that made the smooth egg toy pop out of Ali, followed by a squirt of juices. "You want those to be your eggs, don't you?" She growled softly, digging her nails into his flesh. "I can see it in your eyes, you want to bury yourself in Ali and pump her full of your cum until her gut is dragging the ground. Don't you?"

"Yessss," groaned the male, barely able to speak now.

She pushed up against him excitedly, writhing under the male. "Call me Momma and do it."

Littlefoot's eyes rolled back as he moaned at her, trembling. "Gonna cum, Momma!"

Encouraged by the wanting female, Littlefoot drove his hips forward. His body smacked against hers as he plunged every in every inch that she could take. He ignored the sharp points of pain from her nails, pushing onward. Faster, harder. Momma couldn't take everything he had to offer, but she took enough. It wasn't long before he pushed forward and hissed. His cock leapt inside of the spread female as he flooded her with his cream. She hissed something under him, her body growing tighter against his spasming length. Littlefoot hissed out through his teeth as he finished seconds later, his cock already softening.

Rolling off of his partner, he looked at her pussy as his cock popped out with a wet plop. Her belly was distended slightly from his cream, but the swelling started to go down almost immediately. He watched as his cum oozed out of her body and down onto the ground. Momma reached down and scooped up some of the thick mess, bringing it up to her mouth to lick up. She flashed a smile at him. Leaning up, she tapped his lips with her beak. "Go back to the other guys now. I'll be here tomorrow if you want another go." She pulled herself up and launched into a tree, hanging from it so she could feel his seed running down her front. "Maybe I'll let you go twice, if you can last long enough."

Littlefoot smiled at her, "Sounds like a fun game, Momma." Getting up, he headed back towards the clearing where the other guys waited. He'd make good time if he could stop staggering.

She churred after him. "What a good boy" Giving an exaggerated wink, she curled her body up and began to lick his cum out of her body.