The Cold Stone Cell

Story by Annoth on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter for Zephers Past writin in his journal. Its based off of Zepher (Bet you never saw that coming huh? XD) and what he went through, from mostly his POV (point of view) when he's 16 and on his own, from his last days in his home village when he was only 14 to up to his days alone at the age of 16.

Im trying to see how long this is both in terms of reading it from here on DA from my word pad on my computer and such. Anyway Im going to do at least 3-5 chapters and see how everyone reacts to my "story writing" ^^ Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

Rain. The sound of rain hitting stone. The splash of each rain drop on cold stone brick's on the ground and walls and roof. Is the only sound I hear that bring's some small bit of comfort to my bleek and sorry life.

After all. Apart from it the only thing i hear is the clicking of claw's on stone as other dragon's here get time outside or the clicking of talon's on the stone hall's during the changeing of the guard's.

They used to let me out to shower but that only happene's once a.......When was the last time? I can't remember. I don't even know how long i've been here. I started keeping track but I stoped after the 2nd month........And the visit's from........ my sibling. I cant say the name of my sibling in case someone gets there hands on this journal. I cant say anything that might give my younger sibling away. So from now on in the journal i'll just call my sibling Little One. I always teased Little One about being smaller then me, not surpriseing since i got three years on my side, so now i'll use it here. Anyway.

My sibling. Younger sibling. A bundel of joy and happyness that spread's faster then even word of the Little One's arrivel can. And bleave me Little One helps a lot in that regard cause my sibling is a talker. I dont mean loud, well.... Little One can be loud sometime's but mostly it's cause Little One talks a lot. And I mean so much i wonder how Little One breathe's sometime's. Anyway. Thats my sibling. A little hyperactive chatter box thats full of love and joy. Im not worried about this much geting out. Even if this much is knowen about my sibling theres more people out there thats like this then i thought. And this was when i was 14 and who knows how my siblings changed since then.

The last time I saw Little One was last night...or was it yesterday? Its so hard to tell the time of day in here. Not that there was a point in keeping track. The only thing that's changed is my apperence.

I'm so weak from malnourishment Its hard to walk to my own cell door. Ive alread lost all my spinel feather's, and all of my primarie wing feather's are gone, along with some of my covert feather's. And tha'ts just from what i can see. My fur's probly wild and a great mess. Not to mention filthy. But thats enough about me. Let me tell what's going on right now.


I heard that the council, the one's that put me in this cell for being born with fur, was having a vote about me but it was stoped by four big dragon's,

each one has a different color, and a different element. I wonder just who would come here to stop them. And adult's at that. Most dragon's around here hate me cause of my fur. So why are they here on mybehalf?

One good thing is that my current, and now only, cell guard is Clay. Before there was a rule that i couldn't have any visiter's. EVER. its been in effect ever since i got here. He broke that rule so my brother could visit me here. When he was discovered they were going to take Clay away but I convinced the other guard's that would be a bad idea. I know that seems stragin taht a hatchling in my state could change the minds of a couple of adult's that hate my gut's so let me explain how i did it.

As Clay's fellow guards started to escort him away to be punished for allowing my brother to see me for the first time in a long time. I decided it was time to show them im not some docile little furball. At that time my cell door was still open, so i started walking to it as I used the technique's that my father and mother taught me just after they started to get conserend that the counicle might arriest me and take me away from them one way or another.

My mother taught me to use Shadow since its her element. She showed me vaerus ways to use it and that my mind is the main "limit" to what i can do. If I can think it up thats the first step at doing it. My father taught me how to use Earth. He also told me that some dragons can even draw strength from there elements but they take years to learn to draw them from the enviroment and through there scales into there bodys. Scales not only offer protection from damage and element attacks. But there more resistent to damage from elements that that dragon has whish is why it takes them so long to learn to draw power from the elements. Since im a furdragon i dont have that protection at all. But i also dont have that difficulty either.

As i walked to my cell door the Green Tribal like marks on my body, that are now covered in dirt and other 'things' ied rather not think about right now, started to glow. Regardles of what color they "appaer" they will always serve as 'conduits' for my Earth element. All my black fur serves as my Shadow conduit. Since my rooms always dark there was another source of energy for me. I drew on both of them at the same time. Normaly dragons would have to train for years to draw a single element energy like i am through there scales. Or they would have to be gifted. But I can draw from both of my elements at the same time cause i dont have scales that will hinder that ability or prevet it cause of dragons natural ability to resiste there own element.

Clay and his "escortes" made it about 17 yards from my cell when i steped out of it. I turned to them when i steped out, there backs were to me.

Zepher: Stop!

Clay and the guards stoped and turned to see me standing there out side my cell and stairing them down. Before, for most of the time ive been in the jail, ive avoided eye contact with the guards. But now I was standing there glairing at the three dragons that were taking Clay away to be punished for leting me see my brother for 1 min in whats been forever for me and was actully 2 years. I wasnt going to let that slied. One of the guards steped forward.

Guard: Get back in your cell.

Zepher: Clay stays here or i swear that anyone you post here from now on will suffer greatly for this.


When those words left my mouth I changed my stance. My wings were tucked in but standing straight up, and my legs were spread evenly apart from each other and my body was close to the ground. This allowed me to control my center of gravity and move in any direction quickly and with ease. It's the combat stance that Blackbirds use that my mother taught me.


The Blackbird clan's specialty is anything that has to do with special or black ops because not only do their black bodies offer the perfect camouflage, but their abilty to move and fly long distances in complete darkness, to see in pitch black nights, and use the Shadow element make them perfect for any black ops. Also, having fur and feathers not only allows them to be more flexible and move quietly. But im geting off topic right now.


Even though they didnt reconize my stance, all they saw was a child that looked mostly starvied and with baerly the strength to stand. The guard that told me to get back to my cell made the mistake of bleaving what he saw as he started to walk to me with a annoyed look on his face.


Guard: Get back in your cell before i throw...Gahh*gurgles*


I didnt let him finish as i shot two Earth needles that were hollow and filled with a liqued Shadow into his neck from the green marks on my wings. (If i consentrate the Shadow enough i can make it so thick that it becomes a liqued that can be volatile if i want it to be. Like i did with those two needles.) The needles went into his left and right common carotid artery's. The needls stayed there for about a second before the Shadow inside each of them detonated. Bits of Earth shrapinal shreaded his artery's and his wind pipe and parts of his neck in a bloody and horrific way.


Thats another thing my mother taught me. Were to strike to kill and or cripple dragons. It also works on furdragons cause our bodys are very similer in that regard. I also know how and where to strike to knock someone out but its harder to do aginst a dragon cause they have scales and i have fur.

When you think about it, its not surprising that i know all of this. Most kids my age would be out having fun and other kid stuff. But since they wouldnt allow me into the school there, and later the fights i got into with Flame, the councile leaders son, which didnt help me at all either. I was learning how to survive in the wilds. My father taught me how to forage for food, to hunt, to use the plants for medican and to have a sence of honor. My mother taught me how to fight and to win. She also told me to not revile my abilitys to my opponets unless i had to. Only give the minimum amout of my self out. The fact im in this situaction cause its knowen im half dragon and half furdragon is reason enough. Shadow element and black furdragons are knowen to be Blackbirds. And Blackbirds are knowen as assassins and i have enough problems just being half dragon.

Both my parents taught me to not only controle my elements but also how to manipulate them and other objects. Like firing a split Earth beam or a barrage of Earth balls that i could set off around my opponet, or oppenents cause its more then likely ill be on my own and out numbered for most if not all my life. Although i know about these things I still dont have all of them down. That and I dont have much pratice with my elements so i cant use them for any prolonged fights. At least for now but they dont know that and fear of the unknowen is a powerful weapon if used corectly as my mom always said. Shes such a loving mother isnt she.


Blood was, literaly, pumping out of his neck on both sides. The two remaning guards and Clay praticly jumped back with shock as the watched the poor guy slump to the ground as the life drained from his body. It took only about a handful of seconds for him to bleed to death but it sure didnt feel like it from there point of view. Slowly all at once they turned there heads to look at me as I keept my stance. Its not surprising that there shocked. Although i didnt know it at the time I had been in jail for about 2 years straight. And I was only 12 when they first brought me in and its extreamly rare for a chiled of such a young age to have controle over his elements. That and after all this time I souldnt even have any element energy at all.


One of the other Guards, a red dragon who looked like he was the warden of this jail steped forward but keept Clay half between me and him. Not that it would change anything but let him "feel" safe and see how long that feeling lasts if he trys something.


Warden: Let me be sure of what you mean. If we leave Clay here and post him as your only guard. You'll be

obedient and stay in your cell?


I chuckled and the other guard took a step back ready to break and run. I can see the fear in his eyes, even though he tried to hide it. They were trained to deal with powerless dragons. Not some kinda freak like me that can suddinly use my elements when i should be compleatly drained of energy.


Zepher: Well. I don't know how obedient I'll stay but I won't kill anyone else while im in my cell as long as my guards Clay.


Warden: Clay is to be posted at Zepher's cell all day round, only breaks are eating, and that is to be done at his post.


The other guard noded quite happy about not having to deal with Zepher anymore. The warden and the other guard turned and started walking away while Clay went to stand next to my cell.


Zepher: Good bye warden!


I said suddinly enough to make them all jump and pick up ther pace leaving me to chuckle and turn back to walk to my cell.


Zepher: Thank you Clay. I know now that i got loved one's waiting for me to get out of here. Although after what i just did. *I said looking at the dead guard.* I dought i won't be able to see them for long.


Clay: Maybe. But i dought they will be able to get exatly what they want. I heard that the four dragons that stoped there vote are giving them a rough time. They may even call to see you and when they see how you've been treated the council won't be allowed to have you exacuted. Even if they charge you with murder they cant with the crime of mistreating a prisinor aginst them.


I looked into my cell sadly. "But they can still exile me."


Clay: Yeah.... But at least you'll still be alive.


Zepher: Yeah....


I walked into my cell without another word. Clay closed the door but left it unlocked. Not that it would matter but he trusted me. After all I just saved his life, theres no way i could bring myself to ahrm him after what he just did for me. Clay stood guard at his new permenet post out side my cell. I think he was actully very happy about it. Now all that was left was to wait untill the council and the four dragons decided on what to do with me. Although what was to happen would shock the hell out of me. Even now after 2 years of being on my own i still find it all hard to bleave.

Other Poem's

Alone, yet not alone? ? Being alone, is what i've knowen, Being in the dark, is where i've been. My heart yearns for another, My heart yearns for warmth. But cold is what my heart feels, Silent is what my heart is. Twice i've fallen...

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The Dark

Alone, yet not alone? ? Being alone, is what i've knowen, Being in the dark, is where i've been. My heart yearns for another, My heart yearns for warmth. But cold is what my heart feels, Silent is what my heart is. Twice i've fallen...

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Ayara Story

Characters Name: Dianos Hakrenini Age: 21 (Because of the 2 year time lapse from Quarantine 1) Race: Sangheili Sex: Male Sexuality: Hetrosexual Description: Dianos has dark blue skin and midnight black eyes, he is quite well built and stands...

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