Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IX

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#10 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Sorry it took so long to write this everybody. I got addicted to playing League of Legends and other stuff, so yeah. Good news though, this chapter is longer that the others. So as to this chapter I was originally going to finish part I with it, but I split it into two chapter so chapter 10 (the next one I write) will be the last chapter in part one. In part two there will be yiff so if you are waiting on that it is coming. I would like to thank Wolfy76 for reading this story, I know it's not very well versed but thanks for reading it man. So that's all I can think of, I hope you enjoy.

-Van Rorie

I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they are used so I could see that story or artwork). This is a work not by an author but by humanity as is everything man made.

Warning! The following content may be disturbing to some people. The following story will deal (Eventually) with Adult themes. If you find this Disturbing do not read. Warning!

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

*Part I Chapter IX *

Fred woke up, that was his first mistake of the day. He hated it, the smell, the beatings, everything. He was also worried, not from pain but from hunger, Daius's son usually fed him by now.

Fred tried to stretch and was greeted with a fresh feeling of intense pain in his left arm. He tried to move it again but the pain returned with fervor. He crouched down again, shielding his arm and tried to sleep, but hunger would not allow it.

Fred didn't really understand the concept of days that well, not when his circadian cycle was constantly out of line. He measured his time in intervals of wakefulness and sleep. He was usually fed every fifth interval that he was awake. He hadn't been fed in almost nine of those cycles though and he was becoming worried.

His body had grown significantly but he was still a small creature, standing ninety centimeters tall, though he had dropped to twenty two kilograms in weight.

The day light filtered into the dank wooden shed. It was hot and compounded the rancid smell in the air, as Fred was made to wallow in his own filth. Fred hadn't seen the outside world in almost three years. For three years his entire existence had been this small wooden shed.

He hated his life here and wanted to go home with Daius. He hated Daius's son, and he called him tormenter in his mind, though he couldn't have known that.

Suddenly the door gave a very distinctive click and sun light and fresh air flooded into the room. A torrent of water rushed into the room, but Fred was used to this. The high pressured water was how his tormenter cleaned the filthy conditions in which he kept Fred.

The tormentor walked in after shutting off the water hose, bringing in a small slab of raw meat, and a shallow bowl of water. He threw both items on the ground harshly walking off muttering

"Here's your food you stupid fucking mutt."

Most of the water splashed out of the bowl and landed on the cold stone floor, while the meat landed with an unappetizing splat.

The tormentor quickly left locking the shed the Fred was a prisoner of. Fred tried to reach the food but it was on the other side of the shed. It was almost three meters away, and Fred wasn't sure if he could move with a broken arm that far.

Sniffing the air, he could almost taste the raw meat in his mouth, what a delicacy it would be after so many nutrition less cycles. The water was equally as welcome, he was always thirsty, he never had enough water.

Very slowly he gently started to pull himself to the source of food. Centimeter by painful centimeter, he felt as his arm was being stabbed and trampled on; the pain was intense and near the half-way point he felt himself start to black out.

The room started to spin, shapes lost their cohesiveness and time started to break down.

"Where am I, a house, or-NO! A shed, who's there? You in the lying down in the middle of the floor, wait, you're----"Fred's internal monologue stopped as he passed from his hallucinogenic hypnogogic state into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Four years earlier

Fred was in an automobile one of the few things that oddly enough was similar to his home planet. He didn't like it though, he had his usual collar rubbing into his neck and he was in the back seat. He felt sick to his stomach, he wasn't used to all the motion of an automobile, and to top it all off he was nervous. The new home he was to go to upset him, he liked his life with Daius , but now all of it was changing and he didn't feel ready for it.

The house they arrived at seemed to be fairly similar to all of the houses near to it so Fred paid very little mind to any of them. The automobile stopped and Fred got out as Daius did since he was wearing a leash and didn't want to be choked.

Soon they were in the front room of the home, which was styled with red painted walls and hard wood floors. It seemed almost too bright as if everything in the room reflected the lights overhead; Fred didn't like the house at all.

Daius was greeting what Fred presumed to be his son in the living room. The contrast between father and son was far and queer. While Daius was a large built fellow of strength his son was very tall and wispy with blond hair on him.

Fred walked over to them. Daius started talking to his son in a different, slightly higher tone of voice, and Fred could hear his name being mentioned several times during the conversation. He didn't really understand what they were saying but he could pick out words, so he could make an educated guess at the topic if the need arose, however it never did.

Daius lowered himself down to Fred's level and said in effect, and to words Fred understood " Stay here, I'll be back"

Fred nodded, and soon Daius left. Neither of them knew it at the time but that was to be the last they would ever see of each other.

Fred stood and looked curiously at the new person before him, he realized that he didn't know his name, and the whole situation made him uncomfortable as he was not certain what if anything he was supposed to do. The human before him just looked at him also, so that for a long moment they reached an impasse.

"Don't break anything you mutt, I'll be in my office and I don't want you bothering me." The human said, in a condescending tone. He quickly left the room, leaving Fred by himself.

Fred stood there for a moment longer before looking around the room, finding that the room had a small bed like the one at his home he decided to take a nap, still tired from the drive. The bed was green and circular similar to the one at his home, and though it was stiff with disuse it was still comfortable.

Fred awoke some time later, he could see from the windows in the house that it was late, very late. He was hungry so he went to the kitchen, and was surprised when he couldn't locate his bowl. It was then he remembered that he was not at his regular home. He began to be worried, not knowing where Daius's son was and not knowing where any other food was.

He walked through the hall of the house trying to find Daius's son, when he came to a door with some faint bluish light seeping out through the cracks of it. He thought it likely that Daius's son to be there, he could smell at least that someone was there. He grasped the cold knob of the door handle and turned it letting all of the bluish light trapped behind it free with one movement.

First he saw the human he was looking for, though he saw what looked to be anger on the face of the human. Then the yelling started.

** "You fucking mutt, I told you not to come in here, get out now!"** he screamed scaring Fred.

"Food?" Fred asked curiously, timid and frightened.

The man got up grumbling something Fred couldn't discern, and quickly strode into the kitchen. Fred followed him soon enough. In the kitchen Fred saw two bowls on the floor, which had obviously just been placed there by the human. One was filled with water, the other with his usual food. He ate both happily, glad that he finally had food. He looked up when he was eating to see the man leaning in a thinking pose across the countertops of the kitchen.

"I don't know why father just didn't get the surgery done to you, and then you wouldn't be opening doors like I told you not to, stupid mutt. I think I'll go out and get you one of those new collars, the ones for bad little mutts like you. Yeah that's what I'll do so enjoy tonight you stupid mutt."

Fred just looked at him happily, he didn't understand what the man was saying and because his spoke in that cheerfully sardonic tone he thought he was being nice to him.

The rest of the night passed without incident and Fred just lazily wondered the rest of the house; Being careful not to open anymore doors, as the man didn't seem to like when he did that.

The next afternoon Fred was rudely awakened by the man. He had been napping tired from exploring the house at night. He was lifted up onto the couch in the front room.

It took Fred just a moment to realize what was actually going on as he was disoriented from his hypergolic state. He started to freak out a little bit when he heard his collar snap off, felling the air against that small strip of fur on his neck. Scrambling trying to get away he was met with a heavy and forceful resistance. The man's arms locked him on the couch as he snapped a new collar on to Fred. He then let go of the struggling mass of fur, which caused Fred to land in a clumsy heap upon the floor. He tried to stand up but immediately fell over.

Something was very, very wrong. His head felt weird and he swayed in a violent manner. His ears ached and his head felt like he had been in an automobile all day. He lied down on his belly on the floor too look up at the man, who was just smiling away at him.

** "I bet you like that anti-equilibrium collar don't you, you stupid mutt. I got it just for you so I do hope you enjoy it. Let's see you open doors when you can't reach them now mutt."**

Fred tried standing up a few more times before he realized that it was hopeless. Slowly he walked, now on all fours back to his small bed in the corner, but even this was an amazing feat of accomplishment. The collar around his head left him totally balanced impaired so that he was unable to move with any fewer than three points touching the ground.

As he lie in bed Fred lamented upon this seemingly evil man, he wanted very much for Daius to come back home. As bad as it was for Fred though it would become much, much worse that dreaded day that he heard that door slam.

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