The White Serpent

Story by Raul on SoFurry

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This idea was bouncing around in my skull for ages. I REALLY like Domination/submission, and I especially like it if the dominant side is a big sexy snake. I originally intended the snake to be male, but then the idea of it being a hermaphrodite got me super horny so I decided to change it. I hope you enjoy this in all its ridiculous sticky goodness!

Oliver clambered down the muddy bank to the shallow brook below. The rain came down in a constant haze, like extremely wet mist. It was the kind of rain that didn't look heavy, but soaked you to the bone in a matter of minutes. The human pushed his wet black hair out of his eyes and looked around. The brook was still fairly shallow despite the rain. The woods that the brook ran through were fairly isolated and out of the way, so there were no other people around. This meant Oliver had to be extra careful not to injure himself. Doing so could mean he might drown in he brook, something he had no plan on doing.

The whole reason he was down here in the first place was because of something he had seen several times before. He liked going for regular walks in the woods. What with them being quiet and out of the way, he could wonder through the trees without interruptions from cyclists or dog walkers. A few weeks ago he had been walking in the woods when he had seen a pure white feral snake. The creature had been massive. Easily twenty-five feet in length, perhaps more. The thing Oliver remembered about it with the most clarity was its eyes. They were piercing crimson, like rubies. The snake had noticed him watching it, and had slithered out of sight into the brook. A few days later Oliver had gone back to the woods, and had seen the snake in exactly the same spot. This time it stared back at Oliver for a good ten minutes before vanishing into the brook.

Oliver had called animal control after this, but when they had gone to investigate, they said there was no sign of any snake the size of the one Oliver had seen. The wolf that had accompanied Oliver to the site had been quite rude. He had blamed Oliver for wasting his time and drove off in a huff. So Oliver had decided to go back to the brook with his camera in order to take photos and prove he wasn't lying. When it had started raining he had decided to see about rescuing the snake himself. It was clearly a pet that had either escaped or had been abandoned, and this cold, wet weather was not good for any reptile. Of course he did keep wondering how he was going to get the snake somewhere where animal control could take over.

Splashing through the brook he looked for any holes or over hangs that a large snake could be sheltering in or under. The banks that had been carved by the brook were quite steep now, made mostly out of slippery clay. It would be very difficult to get out of the brook in case of a flash flood now, so Oliver decided to turn back for today. Placing one hand against the bank he turned around slowly. As he did so, his hand slipped on the clay and he stumbled, arms flailing. He managed to regain his balance, as the result of a great deal of waving his arms in the air. He carefully straightened up and let out a sigh of relief. Taking a step forwards he promptly slipped and fell backwards into the stream.

The water was icy cold, and he burst through the surface gasping for air and shivering. Spluttering, he got to his feet and pushed his hair out of his eyes. This was clearly going nowhere, so he began to walk back up the stream. It rapidly occurred to him that something was off. The bank where he had climbed down was a very shallow bank, easy to climb even when slick with mud. But he had been trudging through the brook for about five minutes and he still wasn't back at the shallow bank. He stopped and looked around. The woods above him looked odd as well. He didn't recall there being that many trees in the area he was in. Perhaps he had been washed further down the stream?

He decided to try and climb the bank but this proved to be next to impossible. The wet clay provided no foothold and he found himself sliding down into the water more than once. He decided to continue walking upstream, thinking he couldn't have possibly been washed that far down. After about half an hour of trudging through the rain and the cold he decided he was utterly lost. Not to mention the terrain was beginning to slope downwards. The gradient had begun to become quite steep, the water flowing past his ankles even faster. He stopped and looked down at the water flowing past his ankles. Why was he walking downstream? He had been walking against the flow of the water, but now he was walking with it. Then he noticed something else. The water was slowly rising. It had already begun to creep up his shins and was rapidly approaching his knees.

"Oh crap." He said.

The flash flood hit him with a surprising amount of force, knocking him over and carrying him off down stream. He broke the surface and tried to keep his head above the water. Ahead of him the brook seemed to end abruptly, and end it did. Oliver found himself falling towards a large, deep looking pool. He hit it hard enough to knock the wind out of his lungs. He choked on water and thrashed his way to the bank, where he crawled out of the pool and vomited over the rain slick pebbles. Wiping his mouth he looked up. The rain still fell, but he no longer had any idea where he was. He appeared to be in some kind of large sinkhole. The sides of which were flat and sheer, impossible to climb without ropes and a harness. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out is phone. The screen was smashed, and the water had soaked the electrics. It was now a useless lump of expensive plastic. He sighed and put it back in his pocket. He was starting to become acutely aware of how cold he was. Soaked to the skin, he began to shiver, teeth chattering. Looking around the bottom of the sinkhole he saw that the side he was stood on included a deep shelf that had been eroded away. It would at least provide cover from the rain.

He walked over to the overhang and stepped under it, the rain ceasing immediately. From his slightly drier vantage point, Oliver scanned the rest of the sinkhole. It was wide and deep, something he was sure he would have noticed before now. There was no way he was in the little wood where he had seen the snake now, as hard as it was to believe. He recalled reading somewhere that rivers and streams were supposed to act as gateways to other realms. This was ridiculous of course, because stuff like that didn't exist. Or at least he hoped they didn't. Turning to look at the small patch of shelter he noticed a small hole in the wall. Stumbling over to it, he got to his knees and peered inside. A waft of warm, sweet smelling air hit him in the face, making him blink. The inside of the hole was made of soft but dry dirt, and the hole itself was just large enough for Oliver to crawl inside. He could probably hide in here until at least the rain stopped. He stuck his head and shoulders into the hole. At the same time, another gust of warm, sweet smelling air blew past him. He blinked again and swayed slightly. He was beginning to feel lightheaded. Was that hypothermia setting in?

Another gust of sweet warm air hit him and he felt a tingle run over his skin. After a few moments he blinked and realized he had stopped moving. He was just there on his hands and knees, swaying slightly. He shook his head and crawled inside the hole. It actually began to open out slightly, allowing him more room to move. As soon as his feet were inside the hole, another blast of the air filled the tunnel he found himself in. He realized all he was breathing in at this point was the sweet air. He felt his arms and legs weaken, and he collapsed onto the soft dirt floor. He tried to keep his eyes open but he couldn't. A wave of sleep washed over him and everything went black.

Oliver gasped and opened his eyes. It took a few moments for his vision to adjust to the low light, but when he could see, the first thing he saw was that his body was tangled up in thick, soft, white coils. He tried wriggling, but he was held fast. The coils felt extremely pleasurable against his skin. He could feel muscles moving under the scales, like eels in oil. They were soft and squishy, but became rock hard when the serpent tensed. Looking around he saw he was in a small, hard-packed clay cave, no larger than a king sized bed, and only a few feet of space existed between floor and ceiling. There was a strange symbol carved into one of the walls that glowed faintly, casting a soft orangey-yellow light over the massive white snake that held him in its coils. It was at this point that he realized he was completely naked. His confusion was short lived though, as the snake's body tensed, then relaxed, and the snake's head came into view. Oliver realized it was the snake he had seen in the woods. It was significantly larger than twenty-five feet in length. Oliver couldn't be sure quite how long it was, but at the thickest point in its body, the snake was about as thick around as a full-grown man. The snake brought its head down and stared at Oliver. Its eyes seemed to glow faintly in the dim light. Its mouth hung slightly open, and as it breathed out, Oliver was swamped with the same sweet aroma that had knocked him out.

Despite his best efforts, his body refused to engage; it stayed stubbornly relaxed and comfortable. The snake shifted its coils. Soft, smooth scales sliding against Oliver's skin made him gasp. He realized the snake was slowly parting his legs. Oliver struggled against the huge reptile, but to no avail. The snake opened its mouth wider and let out a long, low hiss. A shiver ran up Oliver's spine and he arched his back as much as he was able. The snake lowered its head further, its mouth brushing against Oliver's lips. He felt warm, slimy saliva drip onto his face, his skin tingling where the fluid touched. The snake's thick tongue slid out of its mouth and flicked against Oliver's lips. Oliver's mouth parted slightly, and the tongue slipped gently inside. Oliver had tried to keep his mouth closed, but as soon as the tongue had touched his lips, he had been over come with an irresistible desire to open his mouth.

He wasn't sure if the snake had done something to him, but the only thing that appeared to still be under his control was his mind. Otherwise the snake had free control over his body. The tongue in his mouth danced around his own, and he found himself kissing the snake. The snake's mouth closed about his, the tip of its snout resting under his ear. The mouth was soft and pliable, extremely warm and slimy. It was a very pleasant feeling, and Oliver found he was kissing back with earnest. His mouth kept filling with the snake's saliva, which he swallowed without even realizing it. It tasted sweet, like the snake's breath. It was making his tongue go slightly numb too. The more saliva he swallowed, the warmer he felt. It was already extremely warm in the tiny cave, the snake's coils radiated beautiful warmth that kept the human relaxed, but the saliva introduced a different type of warmth. He could feel it coalescing in his abdomen, running down to his crotch.

The snake released Oliver's mouth, thick ropes of saliva connecting its snout to his lips. Oliver looked back at the snake, his mouth hanging open, and slime trickling out of the corner of his mouth. He looked back at the snake, and he saw intelligence burning behind its eyes. It hissed at him again, and another wave of pleasure washed through him. He felt his cock twitch and throb, and he was sure he saw the snake smile. It moved its head away from Oliver's, and began shifting its coils, so that the human was sitting upright. He still had thick coils around his legs, holding them open so his hardening cock was exposed to the warm air. The snake wrapped a thick coil around his chest, pinning his arms by his side. It gave him a sidelong look, before dropping it's large head into his crotch. The snake's serpentine tongue slid out of its mouth and coiled around his shaved balls.

Oliver let out a short gasp as the warm slippery tongue wrapped around his scrotum, squeezing gently. Slippery saliva dripped in liberal amounts over his orbs, and the tongue began to snake its way up Oliver's thick, veined shaft. Oliver wriggled in the snake's grip; the pleasure was unbearable. He could hardly breath due to the snake's tongue. It coated his cock with slick saliva that made his skin tingle. His cock glistened and throbbed in the cave's dim light, saliva dripping off his liberally coated cock, running off his balls and over his anus. The snake lowered its head to his hole, and gave it a long, hard lick. Oliver shivered and cried out, the snake holding him still. The snake lifted its head and resumed its attentions on his shaft. Pre-cum was oozing from his tip, and the snake slowly plunged its mount down Oliver's shaft. Oliver yelled out in ecstasy, the soft folds of wet, warm, slimy tissue of the snake's mouth and throat enveloping his cock. He couldn't hold out any longer. The orgasm rocked his entire frame as he came hard, squirting jet after jet of cum into the snake's throat. The orgasm was so intense; Oliver's vision was filled with dancing spots of light. The snake closed its mouth around his shaft and began to suck up all of his cum, draining his cock as much as it was able. Oliver's body went limp, his head resting against a thick coil. His body was drenched in sweat and his crotch was coated in a thick layer of the snake's slime. His rest was only brief, however. He felt something flexible and soft stroke against his slippery hole. He looked down and saw the snake's tail gently stroking and probing his hole.

The coils shifted again, and Oliver was forced back onto his back. The snake maneuvered its coils so that a section was positioned directly above his face. Oliver could see the scales part slightly, and slippery juices began to drip onto his face. He unconsciously licked one of the droplets off his lip. The fluid filled his mouth with an aching desire for more of the fluid. He opened his mouth and the snake lowered the coils onto his face. Oliver began to greedily lap at the slit, the snake's juices oozing thickly over his face. The fluid was sweet and salty, and the more that filled Oliver's mouth, the more he wanted. Eagerly drinking down the fluid, he hadn't noticed what the snake was doing. Its shape appeared to be changing, its outline began to blur, shoulders and arms forming from a haze. A neck became more defined, and the snake's face took on a strangely feminine appearance. The haze slowly faded, revealing a snake with a torso, complete with feminine curves. Her breasts were perfectly sized and proportioned. She smiled and removed her slit from Oliver's slime covered face.

He gazed up at her with a mixture of surprise and awe on his face. It looked as if he was trying to say something but no words escaped his lips. The snake slid her arms over his chest, and up to his face. She gently cradled his head and hissed at him. He arched his back again and moaned. She licked his cheek and pressed her waist against his buttocks. He felt something hard, wet and pointy press against his entrance. He lifted his head a small way, and saw a long, thick, dark blue cock emerge from the slit he had been licking. It slid against his balls, rubbing against his own cock. He felt something poke his ass again, and realized she had two cocks. She began to slowly grind her hips against him, rubbing the slippery lengths against his cock and anus. She placed a hand either side of his head and touched her forehead to his, gazing into his eyes. All Oliver could do was stare back. His body was covered in sweat and slime, and whenever he moved, the cave was filled with an obscene squelching sound. She began to rock forwards a little harder, the tip of her as yet unseen cock poking his anus a little harder, gently beginning to spread his sphincter. Then she pressed forwards, and just the tip of her cock slid into his anus. His mouth hung open, drool leaking from his mouth as he stared, transfixed at the snake. She caressed him and began a slow, rhythmic hiss. Oliver's world turned into nothing but pleasure, and she slid her cock further into his anus.

All Oliver could hear was the wonderful, musical hissing from the snake, and all he could feel was the most amazing, intense pleasure he had ever felt. One of the snake's cocks slid slowly in and out of his anus, sliding back with enough force to rock him in her coils. The other cock rubbed against his own shaft, her tail winding around the two and squeezing gently. She also began to drool, her sweet saliva pouring directly into Oliver's open mouth. There was a pair of fangs at the rear of her mouth, slowly leaking drops of yellow venom into her mouth, mixing with the saliva. As the venom mixed with the saliva, the wonderful sweet smell was produced. All he could do was lie there and drink her fluids as she violated him, making him her bitch. She skillfully kept him at the edge of orgasm for over an hour, before allowing him to cum, and when he did it was like nothing he had ever done before. A thick spurt of semen erupted from his cock, splattering over the ceiling of the cave. The next few squirts were less forceful, cum landing on his crotch instead. The snake began massaging his cum into his and her cock as she resumed stimulating him. He was panting loudly now, tongue lolling out of his mouth. His chest heaved as he gasped for breath. The snake seemed slightly concerned, but did not slow or stop. She licked his neck, and then bit him, injecting him with her venom. His heart rate almost immediately slowed, and his breathing returned to normal. Oliver could feel an inhuman vitality filling him as his body was wracked with pleasure.

The snake's first orgasm came suddenly. Her body tensed, and both her cocks erupted like someone had turned on a hose. Thick streams of cum the consistency of wallpaper paste gushed into his anus, filling him rapidly. He felt it ooze out of his anus, squirting past the cock that still filled him. The cock that was rubbing against his throbbed and ejaculated at the same time, coating his body with a thick layer of cum. The snake began to pant, breathing becoming hot and heavy as she resumed fucking him. Her coils began to writhe around him, covering them both with cum, saliva and sweat. She held onto him, licking his face and allowing more of her saliva to drip into his mouth. Her hissing replaced with panting and gasping as her white scales flushed pink. Their writhing mating trance went on for many more hours. Oliver orgasmed again and again, losing track of how many times it had happened. The snake continued to fill him with her thick creamy fluids, coating his body and her scales until they a milky white from the sheer volume of cum.

Finally, the mating was over. With a loud hiss the snake ejaculated for the last time, in unison with Oliver. The two lay still, breathing heavily. They languished in a sloppy puddle of cum. The scent of their sex juices was over powering. Oliver could hardly believe what had happened. He was exhausted, and his body burned with pleasure. There was a loud squelch and the cock slid from his anus. For the first time in hours, the snake's coils loosened around him, releasing him from his scaly prison. The snake coiled herself into a spiral, Oliver lying on top. She draped the top half of her body between his legs, her gooey slit pressing against his cock. He let out a short gasp as he felt his shaft slide into the hot entrance. Her cocks withdrew back inside the slit, rubbing against his cock. He felt cum pour out of his shaft, like he was urinating semen. His body shuddered and shook, but soon it was over. His white fluids dripping out of her. She rested her body against his, his cock sliding deeper into her. She gently stroked his slimy hair as her walls massaged him softly. Then she finally spoke in a voice that made Oliver melt.

"You're my pleasure slave now."

Oliver slowly opened his eyes. He was lying in the woods, the rain falling softly onto his face. His body still burned with dull throbbing pleasure. He slowly sat up, the pleasure slowly being replaced with aches and soreness. Looking around he saw he was next to the brook, at the point where he had first climbed down. He got to his feet and realized he was nearly fully clothed. He rather quickly discovered his underwear was missing. His semi erect cock rubbed slickly between his thighs. He slid his hands under his shirt and felt the thick, slippery film of cum that coated his body. He then stuck his hands down the back of his trousers and grabbed his bare ass. Sliding a finger between his crack, he felt cum oozing out of his hole. He gently slid a finger up into his anus. His sphincter parted easily, and a flood of cum covered his hand, running down his thighs, coating his balls. He gasped pulled his hands away from his anus, dropping to his hands and knees. He took a deep breath and sighed. Then he noticed something on his hand. Wiping away the cum he saw a white snakes head tattooed on his hand. He pulled off his raincoat and rolled up his shirt sleeve, revealing a tattoo of a white snake coiling up his arm. The detail was incredible. Clearly he hadn't been dreaming. He slowly got to his feet and turned to leave the woods. He eventually emerged just has the rain stopped. The sun began to shine through the clouds.

"What kept you, slave?"

He saw, standing by his car, a tall slender snake. She was wearing a fashionable raincoat and hat. Her thick tail was coiled around one of her long slender legs.

"Wha-" Oliver said.

The snake stalked over to him. Her hand slid into his trouser and cupped his balls with a squelch. Oliver gasped.

"I told you you were my pleasure slave. Now drive. Your life begins now." She hissed.

Oliver let out a sigh when she released his balls. Pulling out his car keys, he unlocked the car and climbed in. The snake climbed in next to him. Closing the door, she leaned over to him and undid his trousers.

"Take them off." She commanded. Oliver found himself obeying.

"Now drive." She said.

Oliver put the car into gear, and drove away, cum oozing down his legs.