I Dare Not Stop You Now

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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So, um, well.... I've just learned about someone who, well he isn't dead but I'm not going to be able to talk to him again. I didn't know him for very long, but I feel like we were good friends. I'm really sad right now, and this is what the poem is about.

-Van Rorie

I dare not stop you now

Now that you are certain

Still though I ask how

Was there no sign of caution?

Or was I simply blind?

How did you come to this position?

Was I just another bind?

I wish you well, now that I hear you go

Or at least I pretend to

But secretly I wish it wasn't so

Still everything is blue

Momentarily I may not happily walk

But slowly the sadness may fade

Besides, in my head we can still talk

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