Secrets and Lies chapter 2

Story by Axel the Silver fox on SoFurry

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-Chapter 2- Surprises and Revelations

The principal looked at him and frowned slightly as the secretary of defense, Dave, motioned for her to explain, "I suppose you deserve to know Kai...."

"Deserve to know what?" Kai inquired.

The secretary of Defense for his nation, the nation of Qualon, spoke up next, "To know where you came from and about your life of to this point."

"But...I know where I came from...I came from right here in Canor Town." Kai said.

"Not exactly...." Cheryl, the pricipal said, "Your whole life up to this point has been....." she trailed off.

"Has been based on secrets and lies Kai, every bit of it." the secretary of defense said.

Kai looked stunned, "W-what do you mean secrets and lies?"

"What Dave means is....." Cheryl began, "Is that your life has been a falsehood for the last 16 years. your real name is not Kai, it is really Kamzir."

"K-Kamzir? Whats that supposed to mean?" Kai asked, he was feeling light headed.

"Kamzir is your demon name." Cheryl said.

"Demon name....I'm a demon?" Kai asked, his voice diminishing to a faint wisper as his vision blurred.

"Half demon to be more precise," Dave said, "Your father was a demon and your mother was a normal fur. You have been the governments top secret project for the last sixteen years. you see demons are violent creatures and your real mother was raped by your real father...which is how you came into being. Since that time, you have been under observation to see if you turned out like a demon or a normal fur. So far it has been the latter of the two and we are very excited to see you have taken on your half demon form at last!"

That did it, Dave's last words were mere echos in Kai's mind as he fell to the side limply.

Cheryl gasped and picked him up gently. "Do you think we've told him too much for one day?"

"No, this needed to be said today." Dave said, "He had to know about his origins now before he found out on his own."

"I suppose you are right Dave but....what if he doesn't trust us anymore?" Cheryl asked sadley.

"I don't know," Dave murmured, "But even if he doesn't he has friends that really care for him here so I think he will be just fine."

"For our sake....and his," she said as she looked down at the half demon in her arms, "I hope you are right."


When Kai finally awoke, it was very dark outside and he was in an unfamiliar room. as his vision cleared a bit more and he sat up, he realized he was in a hospital room.

"Why am I here?" he thought, "I need to get......" his thought trailed off at the last word...home. He did not ever truely have a home, no real parents, mabey even no real friends.

Kai's ears flattened to his head and he sighed. His whole life had been a lie up to this point, only now was he living his true life. His expression hardened and he punched the bed he was sitting on.

"WHY ME!?" he cried angrily.

Why did he have to be the one to end up like this? Why did he have to be the one to suffer through the pain of knowing his whole life had been a lie? So many questions raced through his head until he finally stood quickly and walked over to the wall.

"If I have to live with this sad truth.....then I deserve a total explaination!" he thought angrily. He placed his hand on the wall and without even thinking about it the wall curved out and then seemed to shoot outwards.

He stared at his paw a moment but quickly shook off the shock of what he had just done, he had much bigger fish to fry. He took to the sky from the gaping hole in the hospital's wall just as a nurse walked in to see what all the racket had been about. She stared in awe as the half demon dissappeared from sight and fell backwards, almost hysterical at seeing what he had done to the wall. As Kai flew towards his so called "home", he thought of many things to ask his "mom" and his "dad". He came upon his home within five more minutes and dropped down to the front door. His parents were inside giggling and drinking some hot cocoa when he burst through the door, his eyes reflecting his frustration and sorrow.

Kai? Whats wrong sweetie?" His mother, a beautiful Red Vixen, asked.

"Don't you sweetie me "mom"!" Kai said.

His "mother" looked a bit taken back, "Kai, whats....."

"Whats wrong? WHATS WRONG? How can you ask me that when you have known for the last 16 YEARS that I was not your true son AND that I was a half demon?" Kai yelled.

His "mom" simply wimpered and hid behind his "father", a tall black fox, so he spoke up next. "Now Kai....we had no choice but to lie to you, it was the governments policy if we accepted you as our son. We may not be your biological mother and father but we care for you as deeply, if not deeper than a real mother and father. You see, we could not concieve a child of our own...we are infertile so when the government heard about us wanting a child, they came to our doorstep and made a proposal to us to watch over a special child. That child was you Kai, your mother and I had never been happier in our lives as we watched you grow and prosper. You became a handsome young man and we thanked the gods that we were as fortunate as we were to have you. That is the honest truth Kai, whether you choose to believe me or not."

His "mother" now spoke up, her eyes filled with fresh tears and her voice a bit shakey. "It's true Kai....we love you so much...I was devastated that we had to keep your origins a secret from you, I even contemplated telling you in secret but your father always stopped me...not that I blame him for anything though."

Kai's eyes welled with tears and he slowly walked over to his "parents". "I-......I just...." he couldn't finish as he collapsed and buried his face in his paws. He couldn't deny it, he had grown to love those two more than anything in the world. He knew from that moment that he would still consider them his real parents, even if they weren't.

His mother and father circled him and hugged him close, wispering how sorry they were and how much they truely loved him. They all cried during the whole event, warm tears falling here and there on thier fur. After about 7 minutes of crying and reassuring, Kai looked at them and smiled.

"I love you guys...." he said.

"We love you too kai...." they said in unison, hugging him once more.

Just then there was a thumping sound outside, a muffled scream, then silence. Kai got up and ran outside. On the ground in the dirt, there were definate signs of a struggle. There was a bit of blood on the ground and a large set of pawprints that seemed to dissappear. whatever it had been, it had been dragging somthing or somone along with it. Just then there was a squeal of brakes and Cheryl hopped out of a car.

"Kai! Kai come quick!" she called.

"What is it Cheryl?" he asked, runnning over to her.

"Kai, it's your father! He's taken Tina!" she said.

" mean my....?" Kai asked.

"Yes! Your real father returned and carried Tina off as she was on her way to your house! I saw the whole thing from my car." Cheryl said.

Kai felt his rage stir again and he let out a low growl. "Which way....." he murmured

"Huh?" she asked.

"WHICH way?" Kai growled.

She pointed south towards the moon, "That way...but you arent thinking of...." she couldn't finish as Kai dashed in the direction she pointed and took off with one powerful flap of his wings, leaving her looking on desperately. "You careful..." Cheryl wispered.

Kai looked about, searching fiercely for any sign of a flying demon. Finally, he spotted a black sillhouette against the crescent moon, it's massive wings flapping fast and hard. He was definately carrying somthing in his massive arms. Kai's body blurred and he was instantly upon his father and closing the remaining distance fast.

"PUT HER DOWN!" he yelled angrily. He sure as hell was not gonna let him do the same thing he had done to his real mother to Tina.

His father looked back slowly, his red demonic eyes glowing like hellish embers. His lips were in a snarl as he spun and hovered before Kai. He was truely an impressive sight. It was as if his whole body were pure muscle as they could be seen rippling all over his massive body. His fathers fur wasn't a true silver, it was actually more of a grey which surprised Kai. His belly fur was white and his tail had a white tip. He seemed to have markings in some strange language all over his body that were as red as blood. He wore a simple loincloth and had spikes coming from his elbows and vertebrae. His fangs and claws were long and fiercesome and Kai didn't want to be the one who got hit with them, that was for sure. Tina was unconcious in his arms. "Who dares order ME around?"

"A mistake from your past.....father." Kai growled, pulling his lips back into a snarl as well.

His father sniffed the air and smiled, " are the spawn of that...BITCH sixteen years ago..."

"DON'T you EVER speak of her like that!" Kai growled.

"Or what?" His father growled fiercely, "You'll hit me? Try to kill me? Don't make me laugh boy! You are a mere half breed while I am a full blooded demon."

"You think that matters to me?" Kai asked, he didn't notice Tina stir in the demons arms. "Tina is not only a fellow student, but she happens to be the ONE girl I've ever dared to have a crush on in my life! I will not let you rape her like you did my mother, nor will i let you rape any other girl ever again...thats why you will die here by my claws...TONIGHT!" Kai yelled, his voice proud and final.

His father began laughing like a madman as Tinas ears perked. She heard every last word of what Kai had just said, the raping, him rescuing her, and especially about him likeing her. She felt her cheeks flush despite her fear and she kicked hard against the demons crotch, catching him off guard. He howled in pain as the force from Tina's kick propelled her into Kai's arms. Kai grabbed her tightly and watched as his father staggered in mid air then fell like a rock, the pain being too much for his body to take. There was a soft rumble as he hit the ground several hundred feet below. Kai looked at the top of Tina's head and frowned, she had a gash that was still bleeding slightly. He licked the wound gently and she shivered from the stinging sensation.

"Tina are you alright?" he asked, his eyes showing genuine concern for the girl.

" that...THING really your father Kai?" she asked.

His ears drooped and he sighed, "Yeah...unfortunately."

"I never would have guessed...hes so mean and ugly and you are" she trailed off.

"So....?" he asked, feeling his cheeks flush a bit.

"So kind and so......well...not ugly...handsome in fact.." she said as she blushed.

Kai's cheeks flushed even darker and he smiled at Tina, his mind racing with thoughts and questions. As much as he wanted to ask her the question many wait thier whole lives to ask, he knew he had to wait until his father was dealt with.

"Speaking of whom....." Kai thought, looking down to where his father landed. "Where the hell did he go?"

His father had dissappeared and was nowhere to be seen. Kai frantically looked this way and that, his demonically enhanced eyesight not doing him the least bit of good. Suddenly Tina screamed and pointed behind him and Kai turned just in time to have his fathers middle claw scrape directly under his right eye. He cried out in pain and he hovered away from his father quickly. Kai Held the spot where he had been clawed and clenched his teeth tightly.

" bastard I'll-.....!" he was cut off as his father dissappeared and then reappeared behind him, faster than even his eyes could track.

"You'll what?" His father hissed in his ear.

Before Kai could answer he felt his fathers massive paw collide with the back of his neck and his vision blurred. He felt Tina slip from his arms as he began to fall down...down to the cold hard ground. He reached out for her and cried out her name but to no avail, only a dry wisper escaped his lips. Just before they both collided with the ground, he watched Tina dissappear in a cloud of silvery sparkles as a glow around his extended paw faded away. he knew he had done somthing and he only hoped she was safe wherever she had gone. That, was the last thing he thought before pain shot throughout his body when he hit the ground with a sickening thud, making a rather large crater for his size. As his vision turned to darkness his fathers words echoed in his head.

"You managed to save your little bitch....but that won't stop me from desolating your hometown....I hope you already said your goodbyes."

-to be continued-

Secrets and Lies chapter 3

-Chapter 3- Desolation Kai awoke slowly and tried to move a paw to cover his eyes because the bright sunlight was hurting his eyes. Instantly, pain shot through his body and he yelped quietly. He had forgotten what had hapened last night. About...

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Secrets and Lies

Secrets and Lies -Chapter 1- Hidden powers and a new beggining It was a normal Morning for Kai. Same breakfast, same family, same toothbrush, and even the same closet full of his many outfits. But he knew, somhow, that this day was...

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-Chapter 2- When Max awoke, Michelle was still curled up into a tight ball in his arms, fast asleep. Slowly Max slid his arms out from around her and got up, walking over to a nearby window and peering out. It was now almost pitch black...

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