Invisible Gryphon

Story by kyllistin on SoFurry

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Invisible griffin

Authored by and all characters owned by Kyllistin

*this story contains a bit of superpowered fighting in a very orwellian world where gays are oppressed and often killed. While the story addresses these issues indirectely they are still there nonetheless. Still, theres some hot m/m lovin going on. So read on if such things interest you!*

Belgos was an invisible gryphon. He had become so of his own will, and had been for about two years now. It wasn't so bad as he had first thought being invisible would be. It was enough that he had a small garden, a cabin, and a lake full of fish he could gather food from. The altitude was a bit weird at first, living up in a small basin-shaped area. Like some great hand had scooped the middle out of one of the mountains and created a tiny Eden a hundred or so miles from advanced civilization.

Officially the land belonged to his ex, Cory. Cory worked for the state, and so he was invisible now too. Even being suspected of having a same sex lover was enough to get you sent to a rehab center. It was the great unmentionable place among those classified as sexually 'deviant' The Clinic. Death was better than The Clinic. Rumors and horror stories circulated of these installations, where doctors (and I use the term loosely) were charged to study their patients in order to determine the cause of their sexual behavior in order to "cure" them of their apparent "illness". Treatment was both physiological and psychological but when all was said and done, the patients were little more than patchwork victims under the states dissection knives. Body and mind were torn away in order to find the cause of this deviant behavior, and find a way to prevent it from coming forth in future generations. No one seemed to care that it was at the cost of the lives and souls of the current people.

Both of them worked in housing development, Belgos being a flyer made an easy and comfortable living as an aerial photographer and surveyor. Sometimes during the summer he would even take a second job as a roofer. Cory specialized in economy and government housing and had several design ideas that would help the state with the continuing population problem. Most the buildings in the cities were old and in need of repair or just downright condemned. Expansion into the wilderness was more or less prohibited due to the mountains on one side and the sea on the other.

Belgos had stopped resenting his former mates decision to become invisible a long time ago. Cory was just the kind of guy to puts the needs of the whole world before his own. Now and then he would even send a bottle of wine or some chocolates to Belgos via an underground courier. Belgos accepted it all graciously and was often content that he still accept Cory's heart. Life was lonely at times, but at least it was peaceful. Such were the thoughts that roamed through his mind in the early hours of the day while he went to check on the herbs and veggies growing in the neat rows a few yards from the cabins backdoor. Belgos looked at the woodpile making a mental guesstimate of how long he would be able to go without foraging for more wood. Then he looked skywards, enjoying the clearness and the bright blue of the unpolluted air. The weather had been warm, so he had no need to cover his body in clothing. Large cumulous clouds hovered lazily above the mountain peaks, making them look even taller than they were. Yes, today was going to be a day to sit in his roost and write his bad poetry.

Belgos' roost was little more than a large nest built on the tall western peak out of small logs and had a mixture of brush and mosses for a floor. He felt quite silly having such a primitive little roost to spend the day in, looking out over the sky and the mountains. But nobody else was around for miles so why not? He took a few steps and then launched into the air. Wings spread wide and beat the air into submission beneath him. A moment later and he was well underway, making three or four wide circles around the valley, taking note of anything new or different on his routine patrol. It seemed that fear didn't exist only in the city anymore. Twenty minutes or so and he was at his roost. On days like today Belgos liked to take his time. A backpack lay next to the round weaving of wood that made his roost. The gryphon opened the bag and took out his notepad, pen and ink, few apples, a bit of cheese, and finally a little MP3 player. Fixing the headphones over the feathers that covered his hears, the hawk-headed Belgos turned on his music. Batteries were hard to come by so he only played a few tunes on special days, and usually something to give him a little Mozart effect to help get the creative juices flowing. Today was going to be such a day, he could feel it in every fur and feather on his body.

Stretching the stiffness from his back and his wings he took up roost and sat comfortably in the makeshift nest. Dipped the pen in the ink, and started to write.

The sky passes effortlessly.

Every day I ask the wind to carry my heart back to you.

Where is the wind going in such a hurry?

It misses someone.

Earth. Mother. Let me go.

He stopped a moment and closed his eyes, just letting the music take him away. Kannon always ran the full spectrum of emotions when he listened to it. His poem was taking a turn for the melancholy and it wasn't the direction he wanted to go today. So he let the string quartet soothe away the negative feelings and lift his soul before going back to the paper.

Belgos didn't notice the sun was going down until it was low enough to shine directly in his eyes. The food had long since been eaten and the MP3 player had been discarded for the gentle sound of the wind and the rare cry of a solitary hunting bird. Most of the day had been spent writing his prose in an off-hand, disassociative way. When he finally noticed the sun was going down, he flipped slowly through the pages, looking over his words and laughing out loud at how silly it all seemed. Midway through the sun was blocked out by a large shadow. Someone was standing in front of him.

Belgos jumped with a start, he hadn't heard the stranger approach, let alone anyone even knowing where he lived! Was this an agent of the state? Was this some criminal on the run who happened to spot him from the air? He felt very alone and vulnerable sitting buck-naked in his nest.

What stood in front of the solitary griff was a creature unlike any other he had encountered. He was another flyer, dressed in lightweight clothing and carrying only a small hip pouch at his side. He was a mammal, more like a bat than anything else. Reddish-brown fur on his face, wings, and hands. His muzzle was wide and a tad snouty, but there were too many other features that were characteristically unbatlike. His ears were long and muleish, even for a bat. He had arms as well as wings, which was unheard of. His hands ended with two wide fingers and a shorter, broad thumb. His feet were shaped the same way as his hands, and appeared to be flexible and strong. He was holding something dark and cylindrical, a gun? No, a bottle of some kind. A long monkey-like tail trailed down to the stony ground behind him. Belgos wondered about the strangers eyes a moment, but they were hidden away behind a large blackout goggles, or were they just oversized sunglasses? It was impossible to tell, but this person was likely to be photosensitive. Whatever they were, they couldn't be seen through and were held to this odd creatures head with an elastic band. Maybe he was a bat after all... pollution down in the city had been responsible for some mutations, but never anything like this.

"Hello, you must be Belgos. I've been looking for you." The stranger said, clearing his throat.

"I uh, I see. What do you want?" Hearing his own voice sounded a little jerky, the gryphon wasn't used to talking to other people. The stranger didn't seem to mind his nudity however, and Belgos felt himself relax a little. The strangers voice was slightly raspy, like he was also someone who didn't talk often.

"You don't have anything to worry about, my name is Jurlin. I'm... a special friend of Cory's. Here, this might help break the ice a little." With that, Jurlin flicked his tail and from it he tossed Belgos a bottle, one of the griffs bottles of wine from the cabin down below. The tail had been holding the bottle out of sight behind this odd looking bat creature. Jurlin silenced the naked griffin with a wave of a three-fingered hand. "I expected to find you back at your home, please don't be offended."

The two of them sat in the warm sunset, sipping the dark wine slowly and exchanging stories. Sitting in the nest and leaning on its edges like as though they were sitting on a circular bench. Belgos was slow to trust a new face on such short notice, but Jurlin didn't ask anything personal or seem interested in getting information from him. Jurlin shared in the small talk but mostly listened, letting his gaze wander back to the valley several times. The griffin was surprised at how much he had to say. He must have been much lonelier for someone to talk to than he had realized. Altitude and the evenings in the sun made the mountaintop rather warm at this time of day, and Belgos could tell that the warmth was a little much for his guest.

"Why don't you take off your shirt? I.. aah, mean that you look a bit warm." The gryphon stammered, having asked a little too eagerly for having just met this person.

Jurlin smiled, for the first time that day. It was only a moment before his face melted back to his usual expression of passivity, but it was still a smile. Belgos was glad to see it, he was thinking that he was boring this creature to death rambling on so. Without a word, Jurlin obliged, peeling off his shirt. It was white and some kind of cotton blend with long sleeves and an oversized collar that wound completely around his collar like an unfolded turtleneck that was three sizes too big. Belgos had to tear his eyes away from Jurlins musculature after ogling for a moment. The oversized shirt had hidden just how well developed his new friends body was. Creamy white fur covered his chest and stomach, undisturbed apart from a few scars left from old wounds. Belgos felt his stomach flip and cursed himself a fool for allowing him to trust so easily. Doubt flooding through his mind and weighing down on his heart like coils of thick, bulky chains. It was obvious that this man was either a cop or an agent of some kind. Jurlin seemed to sense his discomfort, the long ears dipping backwards slightly and his cheek ticking self-consciously.

"So I guess that's it. Who are you really?" Belgos asked in a low voice.

"Hunter." Jurlin confessed. Belgos was confused, it was the last thing he was expecting to hear. A hunter? Since when did they do work for the state, or did Cory hire him for some purpose? Was the academy after him for some power he had no idea he even possessed? The gryphons head spun with questions.

"Could have been worse." Was all he was able to say to the bat-like creature, still recovering from the news. "What happens now?" To his surprise Jurlin moved closer, putting his hands on the nest to either side of Belgos, the furry muzzle nearly touching his beak.

"Now I'm going to kiss you, that's what." His breath smelled of the wine they had been drinking along with something else, something in Jurlins fur. It smelled artificial and chemical, some kind of cologne? No, it must be soap or some kind of lotion. Come to think of it the griffin too was feeling brave and a little loose from the alcohol. The two of them looked at each other a moment, pausing in their gentle inebriation.

Taking the lack of objection as a green light, Jurlin nosed the gryphons beak up slightly and pressed his lips tightly to the avians mouth. Belgos looped his talons in the waist of Jurlin's pants and pulled his body close against his own. Warmth and thick fur covering his feathered torso and furry belly and legs. Old feelings and doubts of whether his duality bothered others began to creep around the back of his mind while they kissed. Such thoughts made him blush deeply. Jurlin seemed to enjoy it though, and pushed his tongue into Belgos' mouth. The gryphon hadn't felt a rush like this in ages. He let his emotions take control of him and wrapped his arms around his companions waist, getting a good feel of Jurlin's rear through his pants and suddenly regretted not stocking his pack or cabin with any condoms. Belgos was beginning to feel his own groin stirring to action when Jurlin broke the kiss and pulled back a little to check the situation.

A moment passed, the shadows were long now and the sun bathed them in crimson light for a silent moment. Belgos couldn't have hid his excitement if he tried. His sheath dwarfed by a fierce erection, bobbing slightly in the cool air.

"Cory was right. You're very cute. You should not have to be alone out here."

"I won't go back. But I don't want you to leave either." He didn't care about much of anything anymore. His feelings had shifted in a matter of moments, it was like stepping in a puddle and finding out that the water was as deep and fast as a river. Beglos clutched the other male close to him, spreading his legs around Jurlin's waist and softly raking his talons down along his partners thick-furred back. Words were pointless now, so the griffin helped Jurlin take off his pants. He tugged at the legs while watching the bulge at his crotch and waiting for the package to pop free of its restraints. Jurlins manhood swayed between his legs, very thick and long and it was still enclosed in his sheath. Belgos didn't even bother to ask but reached his paw out and began to stroke the semi-erect member. He loved men built like this and his mind started to create a situation of Jurlin fucking him like crazy. The thickness of his cock and the hard muscled body giving each thrust into his body a nice punch.

Sadly, it wasn't an option today. So Belgos settled for the next best thing and stuffed the quickly rising sex into his mouth. The griffins tongue was nimble and strong, he had to concentrate on using it because he had no lips. Belgos' beak was sharp and injuring that lovely meat flute was the last thing he wanted to do. He let the tip of his beak ruffle the creamy fur at Jurlin's groin. The bottom shelf of his beak was semi soft and flexible stroking the round fuzzy balls that hung between his legs while the griffins tongue never ceased. The narrow wet organ making circles around the shaft, spiraling to the top, wrapping around the wide crown and diving back to the base to start all over again.

Jurlin stood still for a few moments, the gryphons eagerness and the quenching of loneliness felt in the tender administrations at his groin. He rubbed Belgos' head comfortingly, his hands smoothing the soft downy feathers and mane that covered his head. Moaning softly whenever the griffins tongue slid across the most sensitive areas of his penis, allowing Belgos to learn the nice spots so that he would spend more time there. Jurlin flexed his wings, beating the air slowly twice before folding them flat against his back once more. It was time to go to work.

"Lay down." Was all the odd looking creature had to say. Belgos obeyed, lying on his back, beak open and his throbbing maleness dripping and awaiting attention. Jurlin slid atop his partner with ease, resting his balls on the bridge of the gryphs beak and taking Belgos' hard aching member into his soft moist muzzle. He started to suck on it gently, making the griffin moan and squirm a little beneath him. Its lovely meaty taste smeared with the musky fragrance of the griffins pre leaking from the stiff tip covered Jurlins senses wonderfully. Belgos reached up and took hold of Jurlins thick cock by its base and begin to milk it, masturbating his well endowed partner. He used his thin tongue tip now to invade Jurlins sex right up the front, stuffing a good portion of it down his urethral passage. This tactic had always driven his previous lovers nuts with pleasure and Jurlin was turning out to be no exception. He heard the other male gasp with delighted surprise, the rhythmic suckling on his cock ceasing a moment while the bat-like creature recovered.

They attacked each other sexually, driving deeper using their lust, pleasure, and desire to please as vehicles seeking out the true nature of themselves. Pressed together tightly in the middle and joined at either end their bodies melted together, working furiously and desperately toward a common goal. Nipples teased and twisted, asses gripped, and tails entwined like a pair of snakes wrestling for dominance. The two stroked, sucked, petted, and fondled regardless of the harsh overbearing shadow of society. They were far from its reaches now but the doctrines of the state still hid in the shadows of the back s of their minds, like a viper waiting for a chance to strike.

They climaxed within a few moments of each other and their balls drained until they had forgotten who started shooting first, not that it mattered. Belgos had his beak and face coated in Jurlins hot cream. He loved the sight of the cockhead jumping wildly while he worked it, spewing its messy load everywhere. Likewise Jurlin buried his muzzle deep in the griffs feline sex, gulping hard around the shaft of meat. Belgos ecstatically drained his seed deep into the other males throat. Strong fingers and talons gripping his partners ass while Jurlins tail brushed teasingly back and forth across his sticky cum-stained face.

The wine had worn off, but the drop from his orgasm and the long-missed gratification filled Belgos' from tip to tail making him heavy-lidded and fuzzy headed. He held Jurlin close to his body, reveling in the warmth and closeness he was finally able to experience again in a world that wanted nothing more than to rip him to pieces for being different. Living was not a crime, and loving is not a sin. Belgos let himself slip into a doze and was soon slumbering peacefully.

Jurlin watched the last rays of the sun disappear. He smiled and took off his blinders, the absence of ultraviolet light being the only time he could remove them and still see without pain. The rocky cliffs and valley came into complete focus. Jurlin glanced back at his sleeping friend, thankful that he had gone to sleep and would be out of harms way when the time came. He stretched his wings, quietly put his clothes back on and waited. There were plenty of stars out, but no moon. Good thing too, he wouldn't be able to take off his blinders if there was that much light.

Less than an hour later the target appeared, a soft yellowish orange glow climbed over the eastern peak onto the top edge across the valley. Even at this distance the light made Jurlins eyes water, so he put his blinders back on. Three fingered hands clenched into fists, it was him all right. It was Pyrro, his black fur radiating heat and fire. Old feelings began to well up in Jurlins breast, thoughts of camaraderie and faces of the fallen haunted his soul. Pyrro had been able to avoid being found by Jurlin and the others, but today it would finally end. He didn't care if all he wanted was revenge, or if it was his job or not. Opportunity couldn't be passed up. Pyrro was on the run from his fellow Hunters now. The black stallion had become just another rogue wizard, no different than the ones he used to hunt. Jurlin watched a few moments while the humanoid form slowly navigated down the rocks into the valley and towards the cabin. He must be tired, otherwise he would have used other means to get to the bottom. Good, it would make things a little easier. Jurlin leapt off the cliff and made a beeline for his quarry.

Tired though he was, Pyrro was not about to let his guard down. He was beginning to think that he had at last found a place where he could rest a while and gather his strength when something in the sky flickered. Survival instincts took over and flames shot from his fingertips towards whatever had reflected his own light back at him. The surge of power ran through his entire body, causing the white fur on his forearms, mouth, and ankles to flicker to life with orange flames. The grasses under his hooves singed away to ashes but he didn't even notice. Jurlin rolled to avoid being hit square in the face by the searing heat. His charge was ruined however, and he dropped to the ground on all fours, crouching like an angry tiger. Pyrro looked around for the others but nobody was around. To albino tiger, no fox, and especially no damn badger.

"You came alone. Typical, and foolish of you." The stallions eyes burned with angry red light, the fires that had been consuming the grasses likewise have been burning away at his mind and soul for years, ever since the magic manifested in him as a boy. Years of training, control, and discipline turned out to be futile in the end. His was the way of mad destruction, the nature of his power melting his sanity and creating a guiltless killer from the ashes of his former self. Jurlin said nothing, he sprang with talons unsheathed.

Pyrro unleashed a volley of bolts from his fingers, the darts blasting against Julrins chest but doing little more than singing a bit of his fur. He hadn't come unprepared it seemed. Pyrro took a few steps back, leaving charred hoofprints in the grass. It wasn't enough and Jurlin tackled, beating and tearing at his enemy with anger that had been building since their last encounter a year ago. His rage burned brighter than the midday sun, blinding him until he felt like his mind was going to shut down. The stallion fought back, kicking and beating with his hooves at the mad creature on top of him.

Belgos awoke to the smell of smoke. His first thought was that he had been betrayed. Belgos looked up but saw no helicopters, no agents with body armor and automatic rifles. Jurlin was gone, but he knew where to look. There was a fire in his valley, he could see a large bonfire near the cabin and could smell burning fur and grass. The gryphon took to the air like a shot and dived towards his home. He would find out what was going on. As he approached it looked as though the fire itself were alive, writhing and struggling on the ground. It took a few seconds for him to see what was really going on. His first thought was to get the burning figure into the lake as soon as he could. That's when he saw bright bolts leaping from the fiery stallion like a dozen firecrackers against the other, who was rolling aside to try and evade them. It was Jurlin! He must be here after that horse. A rogue wizard, it explained everything. Belgos would have turned around mid flight and sped back to the city rather than get caught in an exchange between a rogue wizard and his hunter but he was going too fast. The best he could hope for would be to glide over whomever this newcomer was and try to get some lift to make it back to the clifftops.

Pyrro looked up and saw a second aerial attacker flying straight towards him.

"So you're smarter than you look! But it won't do any of you any good." Anger flared, as did his nostrils. The stallions outstretched a palm and focused. He would have to take them out as soon as he could and he was getting weaker as time went on. Jurlin looked up with a start and couldn't believe what he saw. Belgos was going to be killed! It was happening all over again! There was a telltale flash of one of Pyrros charged bolts and the griffin crumpled in midair and fell. Jurlin was at his side quickly while Pyrro was charging again to finish the job. The horse fired, feeling a familiar rush of death and a grin crossing his lips. The missile never made it to the target, however. Jurlin was fast enough and able to shield his friend with a wing. Biting his lip as the burning pain shot through the sensitive wing membrane, Jurlin looked a quick moment to see to his friend. Belgos had taken a shot to the side, the burns would need attention but he didn't seem to be in any immediate danger. The gryphon propped himself up on one shoulder, keeping his wound off the ground and wincing painfully.

Pyrro looked confused. Even though the fires had struck Jurlin, that wing should have been reduced to bone and charred flesh.

"Don't tell me you have finally manifested. You always were a lost cause. Powerless and freakish." The stallion snorted and pulled some small device from his pocket.

The two flyers were back on their feet, Belgos backing away and wondering if the fire extinguisher in the cabin would be of any use. Jurlin just circled the horse, waiting for an opportunity to strike at him again. Pyrro held out an open palm towards Jurlin at all times, never taking an eye off his enemy. The stallion then pushed the adrenalazine hypo to his chest and activated it. In a few seconds he would have enough energy to get out of here.

"NO!" Jurlin roared, leaping at the stallion once again.

It was too late, the flames that seemed to constantly lick at the stallions' body flared and writhed like angry eels encircling his body. The flames swelled and then leapt out in all directions. Pyrro fell to his knees a moment, feeling his soul being burned to a crisp by the energies that coursed through his body. Pyrro exploded in a fury of power, launching like a rocket into the night. There was no way either of the two flyers could match him for speed or get close enough with that much heat. The force of the explosion threw Jurlin back into Belgos and the two toppled end over end for a good ten yards. Landing in a heap they sat quiet, looking into each other's faces. A welcome sight as far as they were both concerned. Belgos could see his own face reflected in Jurlins blinders, warped and distorted in the firelight from the cabin. Firelight?

"My cabin!" Belgos shouted and pulled himself out of Jurlins arms. The side nearest to Pyrros exit was black and several little fires had taken root in the wood logs. Together the two of them were able to put the fires out before much harm was done to the dwelling. Then they retired at the edge of the lake, wanting nothing more than to immerse themselves in the cold mineral water.

"How could you take those hits like that? You should have been fried." Belgos asked, the nights events playing and replaying in his mind over and over again like a broken VCR tape.

"I coated my entire body is a special fire-retardant. I knew he was coming... I've known him for a long time now." The confession was out, the deception complete. Jurlin had no way to know how Belgos would react, he himself would have felt set up and most likely hurt.

"So you kept me up there to protect me, is that all?"

"No, I could have just scared you off or restrained you for the night. It had meaning for me." Jurlin spoke the words but looked out at the water, not that Belgos could look him in the eye with his blinders on, but that's how Jurlin preferred it now.

"I see. So you're going to be leaving then."

"Yes. Tonight." There was a long silence between them. Belgos sighed and lay down on his back. Only just realizing that he was still naked. "I know a clinic that gives free HIV tests and is purely confidential. We could go there together if you like. Or you can try to stay invisible."

Belgos looked over at the charred mess of his home. It was still perfectly fine to live in but he would have to repair the damage before the next winter came. Cory would probably help him out if he could find a way to get a message to him. It would be a little dangerous, but he realized that even if he was invisible he was still living in fear of the state. He heard Jurlin get out of the water and stretch. Jurlin was about to leave, and Belgos didn't want to watch him go.

"I will return in a week. You can tell me your decision then." Jurlin took to the air silently, and began the long journey back to the city.

Belgos remained on his back for a long time, thinking of his life here. The loneliness, memories of Cory and living in the city. Meeting people, working, shopping, laughing. Maybe it was time to go back. Belgos was still awake when dawn broke. He paced, swam, sat, and lay on the roof of his cabin, his home. He wasn't sure why he cried when he thought about his nest and the days he would spend up there writing his silly verses and looking out to the sky and the mountains with the wind sweeping his mane. "Can't lose without gaining, can't gain without losing." Cory used to tell him that all the time. He finally realized what those words meant. Belgos didn't need a week to decide. He was tired now, and went to bed, the whole house still smelling like smoke. When he woke up, he would start packing.


Where Wolves Go (Edit: Story and Poem)

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Summer Fun

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The Rematch

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