Dear Brother [Gift Story]

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Rocky looses his mate to be over his first year of college, and his caring little brother, Kiwi, wants to do something to help....

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This story may be offensive. It may contain one of more of the following: Incest. Cub. This story is a work of fiction, intended for the fantasy enjoyment/and/or fulfillment of the reader only. DomCoon does not support or condone carrying out the acts portrayed in his stories by anyone in real life.

All Characters, Unless Otherwise Noted, are Copyright (C) DomCoon. He can be reached at [email protected] Rocky and Kiwi are owned by their respective Owners. This story is a small Gift/Request for them!

If you found this story entertaining, please consider donating something at his page at:, or directly to his PayPal at [email protected]! (Don't mention it's about porn in any attached message on the donation!)

Dear Brother. Setting: Modern, Consensual, Loving/Romance, Incest, Male/Male.

It was a humid, July day when Rocky was headed home from college. The twenty-two year old raccoon was just two years in, and would graduate in another two years. This year had mostly gone well for him, passing in all his majors, and minors without too much problem.

Still, an air of sadness still hung around the raccoon. He went to college with his boyfriend, Jason, at the time, and someone he had intended to be his future mate, in mutual agreement between the two former lovers. He was coming home alone, his former boyfriend became too enamored with the more athletic, muscle bound football players at school, and one finally reciprocated. He was left like a bad habit, almost overnight that one year in.

Still, he put on his best happy face as he could muster, as he stepped out of his car as he pulled up. Mom and Dad's car was nowhere in sight, the two were away for a week, and wouldn't be home until some point on Saturday, and right now, it was still Thursday. The tall, gray furred raccoon, with a slightly chubby build walked towards the door and knocked his usual little 'shave and a hair cut knock', he knew his little brother would be home at least- and he was always happy to see him, at least.

The door knob jiggled as it opened, "Brother!~" said a shrill, almost girl-like voice as Rocky was pounced by some sort of furry, green blur, which began to cling to him. The almost girlish figure was of course, Kiwi, a green furred raccoon, with black markings, and Rocky's little brother of about twelve years old. Rocky smiled. "Hey Kiddo, did mom and dad call today yet?" he asked. Kiwi smiled. "Uh-huh, I let them know you were coming home today!" said the boy, still clinging to his brother. He peeked around Rocky's side, as he looked around. "Where's your boyfriend?" he asked as he tilted his head up.

Rocky sighed a little to himself, cursing at himself in his head.... Kiwi was always perceptive, like that, he was kind of hoping he'd forget that he was supposed to come home with his boyfriend, and his future mate. Rocky shook his head. ", we about that inside." he said as he peeled the boy away from him, turning him towards the open door, and walking him into the living room., managing a short smile.

Kiwi followed inside, racing to pounce onto the couch as Rocky walked upstairs to put his suitcases at the door, before walking back down, where Kiwi was waiting patiently as he can, his tail flicking behind him, wearing a smile as his head followed his brother. "So where's Jason! He said we could play games and stuff together, us three when you both came back." he said with a soft smile.

Rocky sighed, Kiwi really didn't miss a beat... already wanting to know. Rocky frowned, finally, unable to really keep his faux pleasant demeanor up to it's full face, pulling Kiwi a little over into a tight, comforting hug....mostly for himself, but also partly for Kiwi for the news he was about to deliver.

"Well...bro... me and Jason ..... broke up over the school year.... he won't be visiting anymore....I'm sorry." he said softly. Kiwi looked dismayed..."Not at all....? W...what happened?" he said softly with a little frown. Rocky frowned. "Well....he met...someone more his tastes I guess..." he said, Rocky looking down at his slightly chubby self...

Kiwi frowned..."Oh...okay...." he said softly as his green furred ears folded to his head. Rocky frowned..."I'm sorry... I am.." he said as he stroked his brother's ears a little. "I know you were looking forward to having fun with everyone..." he said consolingly.

Rocky leaned down and kisses Kiwi's forehead. "I need to unpack a little...then I'll figure out dinner, alright?" he asked. Kiwi nodded a little sadly..."Okay, bro." he said as Rocky walked back upstairs into his room. Kiwi didn't hear the door close all the way, but he shrugged and watched TV...

Two hours came and went, and dinner time slowly passed...Kiwi's tummy was growling just a little.....but Rocky hadn't come down yet. He frowned a little, as he pushed himself off the couch and began to sneak upstairs....his ears was assaulted by some sort of.. murmuring sound, the more he went upstairs, the more distressed it sounded, it was coming from Rocky's room.

Rocky was sitting on his bed, sobbing into his paws a bit, as Kiwi peeked in, his young eyes resting on the forlorn form of his brother. Kiwi couldn't help by speak up immediatly..."Rocky....are you okies?" he asked concernedly as he slipped a foot in, then his body.

Rocky frowned..."Oh...Kiwi...I'm sorry.... what, what time is it?" he asked as he looked at his watch. He winced..."I'm, must be starving..." he said sniffling a bit, rubbing his dace. "I'll...I'll come down." he said softly. Kiwi shook his head gently. "Brother...what's wrong?" he asked as he pushed at Rocky's tummy, keeping him from getting up as he frowned, looking up at Rocky in a caring, but demanding manner.

Rocky sighed a little. He frowned, maybe Kiwi deserved to know more. "I'm sorry... just..." he said sadly. "Just......when Jason and I came home... we were supposed to be coming home, as, well.... mates..." he said softly as he pet his brother's ears again. Kiwi's frowned, he knew what that meant....that they were to come home as, well...'Husband and Wife', least Husband and Husband, like Mom and Dad were....

Kiwi frowned..."I'm sorry...." he said softly..." there anything I can do?" he asked softly in his manner. Rocky shook his head. "I'm going to get up and get you dinner now..." he said as he forced a soft smile.

Kiwi kept his paws on Rocky's stomach as he frowned....and blurted out the first thing that he could think of. "I know..I can be your mate...!" Kiwi said in an eager, happy tone. Rocky stopped and frowned down at Kiwi.

"Kiwi....this isn't some isn't playing house or something for a night...." he said in a more sterner tone. He frowned as he tried to get up, regardless of his brother's pushing against him. Kiwi frowned and climbed into Rocky's lap. "I'm...I'm serious....!" he said as his ears flattened, and he leaned up, placing a kiss to Rocky's lips in a shaky manner.

Rocky blinked and murmured, caught off guard by the peck to his lips. He began to think. Why was he even beginning to entertain this? He knew that he should probably just....toss Kiwi off....get making dinner, say no. but....

Rocky frowned. " can't be serious...." he said. "Wouldn't you rather wait till you are older?...maybe meet a pretty girl?...or another boy you like than your fuddy old brother?..." he asked a bit hesitantly.

Kiwi shook his head. "Nu-uh!" he said. "I just want you to be happy brother..." he said softly. "I don't want you to cry, or feel bad."

Rocky sighed and shook his head. "Then you understand this is something you just can't leave tomorrow then.....?" he asks. "That this is something we'll need to explain to mom and dad when they get home at the end of the week?" he asked.

Kiwi nodded. "Uh-huh...I'll even tell them it was my idea, n' everything!" the twelve year old said even a little proudly. Rocky sighed a little, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath as he leaned down and brushed his lips against his own little brother's lips as he touched them gently into a quick, soft kiss.

Kiwi blushed as he returned the kiss, just softly, as he saw adults, and mom and dad do it. "So, um, what is it... we need to actually do?..." he asked softly. "I mean, for me to be your mate.... brother?" he asked a little meekly now.

Rocky blushed, just a little...."Well, we need to mate..." he said softly. "Did...they teach you about that in school already?... about well... sex?" he asked as his ears perked a little.

Kiwi blushed, thinking back to the health class that mom and dad had to sign that permission slip for... about the 'birds and the bees', as dad put it. "Yeah...." he said softly. "Is that...mating?" he asked, tilting his head.

Rocky genuinely smiled at Kiwi's blush as he brushed across those green, fuzzy ears. "Mhmhhmm..." he said softly as he murmured. He placed his paws under the T-shirt Kiwi was wearing and rubbed against his tummy some, before he began pulling it up and over his head.

Kiwi lifted his arms, to make it easier for Rocky to lift the shirt off him. "You're going to be my submissive...and I'm going to be your dominant.." he said softly as he tilted kiwi's head up, kissing him deeply on the lips. Kiwi blushed deeper as that tongue probed past his lips, softly feeling that tounge flick a little at his teeth as Rocky pulled back, he blushed. "" he said, shivering a little, feeling his first real sensation of pleasure washing down his spine. "But...what, does that mean, brother?" he asked with a flustered swallow.

Rocky pulled his own shirt off, before slipping Kiwi off his lap, and onto the bed as he tugged his own pants down... along with his boxers. "It means I'm going to be the one mounting you." he said with a sly smile, his own, semi-hard dick bouncing a little out of his boxers, leaving Kiwi only to stare in awe of his older brother.

Rocky walked over and gently petted Kiwi's head as he pulled it a little closer to his crotch region, just rubbing that little nosepad against his shaft, just a little. "Do you smell that?..." he asked. Kiwi blushed as he was brought so close to his brother's privates, but he could, he could smell Rocky's virile, strong musk. It made him tingle...just like the kiss did. " smells really good bro..." he said with a hard blush, and a pant..

Rocky smiled as he let Kiwi draw his head back as he brushed down over Kiwi's bare chest, before tilting him back towards the bed, and lifting his legs into the air, leaning them against his chest as he began to tug the shorts Kiwi was wearing up. "It's still not too late to get me to stop, hun....." he said gently, as he was pulling those pants up Kiwi's legs, along with the underwear he caught in the process, slowly revealing his own semi-hard cock that flopped out along his lower tummy, causing the boy to blush.

"No...please...don't stop bro....I want to be your mate...I want you to be happy..." he said with a soft murmur. Rocky nodded as he put the shorts to the side as he leaned down between the boy's legs and kissed him hard on the lips again..."I love you, little brother....I'm proud of you..." he said as he reached towards the nightstand, opening the top drawer to remove some form of bottle, filled with some sort of fluid that moved slowly along with the tilt of the bottle. "I..I love you, too, Rocky..." he said with an evident blush along his green fur..."But...what's the bottle...?" he murmured.

Rocky smiled. "It's so....I don't hurt you." he said as he began to squeeze a little out onto his paw, "It'll make everything slick, and easy to work and fit together, like grease on your bicycle chains..." he said as he rubbed it against his paw pads, warming it up before beginning to coat his hard prick with it.

Kiwi watched as he blushed...his own dick hardening, the more he watched Rocky coat his dick in the lubricant. Then Rocky gently coated one of his fingers in it as he looked into Kiwi's eyes. "I need you to relax, just a moment..." he said as he tilted Kiwi back a bit, before he felt Rocky's warm digit press against his tailhole, causing Kiwi to gasp....his eyes widening some. "Wh..what are you doing bro?..." he asked.

Rocky smiled. "Just making sure you're good to go, too..." he said as that finger began to push into that tight pucker, causing Kiwi to wince and gasp a little, as Rocky digitally penetrated that hole light, spreading some lubricant in. He pulled out, then wiped his paws clean on his own shirt, as he smiled. "Last chance Kiwi....but I think I know the answer by now..." he said as he grabbed those two legs again....

Kiwi nodded..."I..I'm ready Bro...I promise." he said a little nervously, as Rocky pushed those green furred legs, against his own grey furred chest, pushing them upwards towards his shoulders as he tilted the boy's ass up, towards his dick, causing that tip to rest against that tight, virgin tailhole. Rocky leaned down, looking into his little brother's eyes as he kissed him again. "Relax, little bro...remember..I love you~" he said softly.

Kiwi could only get one final nod out as Rocky pushed into him, in one, smooth motion, using the lubricant to push in nice, and smoothly, causing Kiwi's eyes to light up, and him to gasp, and whimper a little---even with the lube, Rocky was so big...and he was so small---but it wasn't unbearable. Rocky shushed a little into one of those fluffy green triangles that were Kiwi's ears as he murmured. "'ll get more comfy soon...I promise."

Kiwi could only nod though the haze of new feelings, sensations of pleasure, and slight pain mixing in his head as he panted as Rocky began a steady rhythm into him, beginning to fuck his little brother, precum joining the mix of lubricant as that passage slickened up even more, as his tailhole began to adjust to the big, phallic intruder in his rear.

"Ohhhh....~" Kiwi moaned out as Rocky gently nibbled into the little green coon's neck, softly working his body in a steady rhythm as he stopped a moment, pulling out to rub across the boy's round rear end.....He smiled as he worked Kiwi to his knees, and then forcing his paws forward, getting him on all fours. Rocky leaned down and kissed the side of his brother's face. "Relax..." he urged again as Kiwi nodded in his haze of pleasure.

Rocky smiled as he buried that coondick of his into that incestuous tailhole again, picking up the pace harder this time as he began to really give it to his little brother, the bed rocking, and squeaking now, straining in the motions of the hard mounting he was giving his little brother now.

Kiwi softly groaned out into the air, his ears folding in submission to his fraternal dominant as he murmured something unintelligible into the air from his agape lips. Then Rocky grinned as he leaned down under the boy, beginning to rub, and stroke his dick, that was leaking it's own bit of precum onto the bed below.

"Come on bro...cum for me... show big brother how much you like being made his mate..." he said into one of those folded ears, softly working that dick hard as he fucked that little tailhole. Kiwi couldn't stand it anymore, his own dick spurting a thick white cream onto the covers as he groaned..."A...ahhhh!" he murmured out... he could feel Kiwi's tailhole flex around his dick as he rode out his first, real orgasm.

Rocky himself, could no longer hold back, his dick began to pulse against those flexing walls as he filled his little brother up with his own thick, virile load of semen, softly panting as he leaned down, placing a series of soft kisses to the back of Kiwi's back....

No sooner had the two exploded in a mess of passion....than the two collapsed next to each other, panting, and laying there for a long moment, before Kiwi finally uttered his first intelligible words since Rocky forced his dick into his tight, little boyhole..."W..Wow....!" he said in a happy tone.

Rocky could only smile as he tugged his spent little form over his own slowly tiring form as he stroked his paws across the boy's ears, as Kiwi smile tiredly into Rocky's face...."I love you, my new little mate....~" he murmured.

Kiwi could only smiled..."I love you too, big bro mate~" he murmured back , as he rested his head against his caring, older brother's strong chest.

Clockwork Countdown [Commission]

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Caught Red Handed [Commission]

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=========================================== !!! Standard Disclaimer Header !!! This story may be offensive. It may contain one of more of the following 'Hard Kinks': Hypnosis/Mind-Control. This story is a work of fiction, intended for the fantasy...

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