Alexia's Collar - Chapter 3

Story by vega_pausch on SoFurry

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The final chapter in Blackberry and my first collaboration. If you want to dive straight into the sex, you can start here but I really urge you to go back and read the first two chapters. It's a long foreplay but it's worth it! Thanks so much again to Blackberry. You have such a wonderful imagination!

Chapter 3 - A New Life

"Tell your servant to get the champaign. Let's toast to your exciting new life." In the dim light, Alexia's dress sparkled across her sexy curved back.

He wanted her, yes. He wanted her since her iridescent feathers caught the candlelight in the club, since her sway and her manner almost made him hard right there. He would do many things, including throwing away his career, for a night with her. And it's been so long...

As his head cocked to survey the situation, he stammered, "B-er, but my friend Samael is picking me up at the airport tomorrow... He'll probably call the police when I don't show up for bowling on Tuesday..."

A black wing waves toward Fenris. "Ch-champagne, Fenris. Two glasses."

Alexia's calming voice was like a comforting warm fireplace. "Now, now. It's perfectly fine. A representative will meet with him and explain everything. Rest assured your friends are going to be fine. In fact they'll likely envy your situation."

The slender ferret padded back into the room quickly, carrying two flutes of the bubbly champagne. Watching her sip from the fine crystal glasses was as elegant as a flower sipping dew from its petals. She drew close to him. Her feminine scent was as intoxicating as the wine. Her bosom brushed against his chest as she leaned her beak close to his ear and whisper. "Have him prepare your bed for us."

The tall black bird sighed, finally back in his element, at least partly to the extent he was picturing when this all began.

He lifted his glass and sipped along with her, impressed at the quality of the bubbly beverage, afraid to ask the label or how many of his old job's paychecks it would take to buy this glass of amber liquid.

As she moves close, the warmth of her and the spice of her natural perfume filling his awareness, he keeps his eyes on her and speaks, "Fenris, turn down the bed please, put out the do not disturb sign, and go to the other room. And no peeking until you're called."

Until, not unless. He could play the game too.

The prodigious ferret male-hood strained painfully against its hidden metal prison inside the neatly pressed slacks. "Yes Sir." he squeaked. Excitement had replaced contempt in his voice. He disiappeared for several moments, allowing the now high powered couple a few moments alone.

Alexia's long tongue traced along the crow's. Her back arched into the kiss. Just as the two had nearly been lost in the throes of passion, a nervous voice sounded from the hallway.

"*ahem*" the cough gently nudged them to attention. The formal servant's uniform had been replaced with a looser, more colorful outfit. The look of it was much more suited to the ferret's long, flexible body type. It fit his frame beautifully and gracefully, accentuating all the sexiest contours of the male's lithe body. "Your bed is ready Sir."

With that, the ferret padded silently down the hall to his own quarters.

Solitaire watches after him, recognizing the slightly insane look in the eye, the twitch of the tail. He nods after the ferret, "Is he being punished for something? He's about to explode."

A smile parts his beak as his long wings unfurl and slip around his employer to encompass her in their ebony cloak. His beak tip combs through the tiny feathers of her cheek. His hand takes hers to offer to lead her to the bed. "Speaking of exploding, how may I please you, Ms Alexia?"

Alexia's smile turned coy at the question. "You'll find out soon enough. Fenris is one of the best servants we have. However he does have a rather insatiable sex drive, and needs somewhat frequent.. we'll just call it.. obedience training. From now on you will decide when he's allowed to return to his orange collar or not.

As you take her into your bedroom, you see the luxurious king size bed is turned. Rose pedals have been sprinkled across the width of the bed. It is the very picture of romantic luxury. The female bird sways her hips as she walks to the bed. "Why don't you start by getting out of that tuxedo, Solitaire?"

Solitaire smiles as he takes a few steps back. "I have half a mind to tie him to that chair and have him watch... but I mustn't play all my cards right away."

He pauses in the low light as he prepares to unwrap the phoenix's most recent acquisition.

He flexes his long avian toes in the shag carpet and cocks his head to the side as he begins to untie his sashes and toss them onto the sofa, then slips his jacket down and begins to unbutton his starched shirt, slowly exposing a ruff of thick black feathers outlining his chest.

Barely visible but caught in the light is a mark, a tribal tattoo dyed black-on-black into the feathers, swirling from his neck to his belt line.

As many models and service men as Alexia has seen, she still can't help but let out a quiet coo as the bird undresses. His mark is subtle but accentuates his "rough and ready" appearance. Heat builds between the female's legs as she watches the strip-show.

"Very impressive." she cooed. "Now the pants, stud."

Meanwhile, in the next room, Fenris was trying desperately not to think about the couple. He occasionally let a paw drop between his legs, whimpering softly. Even though he would never admit it to anyone, the ferret loved being trapped. The denial made the climax so much more powerful. Being forced to watch his mistress (or master as the situation went) was beautiful torture.

"There's one more thing I want to tell you about your new servant.. something we birds tend to overlook. Fenris is the best in the Organization when it comes to oral sex. His ..talents.. are also at your disposal, for your clients or even your own pleasure."

"Now.. let's see what my sexy new red collar looks like naked. Strip." she ordered.

He chuckles, "My tongue's long enough that I can get some things done myself... but maybe I should call him in to show me his techniques."

His fingers work at his zipper and tug the tuxedo trousers down, revealing red silk underwear. "I noticed that you made sure I was properly labeled no matter what conditions I was in..."

A bulge and the beginning of a small tent in the silk boxers hints at the more human side of his anthropomorphic form. Though some male birds have genuine penises, this seems a more mammalian feature of his body. As your eyes track, getting a good indication of what he can provide, he hooks the shorts and tugs them down.

Kicking them off his splayed feet, he stands before you completely unadorned except for his brand new collar, a red circlet standing out against a field of black. In dimmer light, only a mysterious silhouette could be seen, the familiar watchful one of a crow. But with the warm glow of the candles around the room, his crotch is outlined, revealing a downy-smooth sac of average size and the beginnings of a long purple shaft poking out from a shock of black fluff.

"I hope you don't regret your purchase..."

Solitaire's form is even more striking without clothing than with the formal attire. He looks mysterious, perhaps even dangerous. The look of him stirs Alexia's soul.

The couple kiss once again. It's a passionate kiss. The two avians' tongues intertwine and dance. Alexia tugs at the back of her dress, and the whole thing falls to the floor like the dropping of a curtain, exposing her beautiful, naked body to the crow.

Alexia grins at Solitaire's remark and replies, "I never regret a purchase. Why don't you show me what that tongue can do."

Solitaire's dark blue eyes look over her form with a soft gasp. "Exquisite."

His hands glide up along her sides as he pulls close and meets the kiss, warm, soft, naked bodies pressing close, each feeling the heat stir in the other.

He smiles and leads her to the bed, sitting her down upon it, gazing over her slim and sensuous build as he drops to his knees before her. His hands each roam one leg, tracing from the bare skin up through the feathers, gently urging her legs apart.

As they move for him, his eyes turn between them and the rosy flower, tilting his head to consider his circumstance, bringing the tip of his beak to softly trace up and down the folds, before opening wider and sliding his lower beakjaw under her to press his face closer until his tongue can reach, the purple organ wriggling against her moistening cunnylips.

Excitement made every feather on her body tingle as her new lover leads her to the bed. She spreads her legs willingly for him and is rewarded with his warm tongue against her moist sex.

"Oh Solitaire!" she moans "You are talented. Keep licking.. a little harder.." Her clawed hands gripped the bed sheets. Waves of ecstasy flooded through her body. The hard beak between her thighs picked up its pace. Her first orgasm built up in her body fast.

Solitaire moans in his throat, sensing that she may be as pent up for a decent lay as Fenris is. He can only try to oblige.

With his open ebony beak embedded in her crotch, his tongue trilling around her little hood and its sensitive contents, he then dives in between the folds to taste and tease her entrance. He urges closer, opening as wide as he can for his twisting tongue to push deeper into her wetness.

His own crowhood rises and throbs, and he straddles her leg to let its hot length rub against her foot.

The hard avian rod sliding up and down her leg adds to her fervor. She desires it inside of her. She needs it. Her leg gently moves up and down to attempt to stroke that fine cock while she's being driven into a frenzy of pleasure.

She could no more hold back her orgasm as she could hold back a wave crashing onto shore. The feeling engulfs her body, making her scream with delight. The talented crow is rewarded with more of her hot juices, which now cover his beak.

"Take me Solitaire. I want it... Now"

Solitaire may be hers from now on, to serve her and her patrons, but for now, just this moment, they become the primal male and primal female.

Two strangers a few hours ago, stripped of all but an iconic reminder, engorged, aroused, and swimming in a lustful storm of desire, his black body moves up to cover hers, nudging her mouth open for a kiss, sharing her own taste and scent of need as his own prods and presses against her.

With their beaks locked in passion, he urges his pointed cocktip into her, nudging just a bit further before pulling out and repeating, teasing her into madness. He wants to make her not only need his cock; he wants to make sure she can think of nothing else but being filled, taken, violated, rutted by this mysterious bird.

Alexia gasps as the tip of his masculine tool teases her. She bucks her hips and grabs the crow's body with her legs, trying to force him in but to no avail.

She hears herself whimpering, something she's not done with a male in quite a long time. "Gods! I can't control myself.. " she thought, fleetingly before the next teasing rush of pleasure from the corvid's cock sent fireworks through her brain.

He allows another inch of throbbing steel-hard meat to penetrate her. He needs this as much as she does, but he wants to make the first impression, and his first tryout, memorable.

He whispers against her cheek, "Do you want me, Ms Alexia? Tell me what you want, yell it so the whole world can hear, and I will gladly give it to you."

Heh, he thought. That should at least get Fenris in the next room squirming on his hands, as he hears one of the most powerful females around beg for my crowcock, before I give my new servant release later.

Solitaire gives out the cry instead, a caw of surprise, a little pain, and great lust, easily heard through the wall.

"Y-yes ma'am..."

The talons down his flesh and the clamping on his cock send him jerking forward, sinking himself into her to the hilt. He shudders at the prolonged sensation now upon him and starts to pull his hips back and begin a rhythm, sliding deep into her depths.

Back on task, he takes another look at the glorious creature in his bed, taking what she needs from him, and throbs happily inside her.

A feeling of power surges through the phoenix. The little caw of surprise stirs her deeply desired sense of power over such a confident, powerful male. Her claws drag gently against his skin, not drawing blood or causing pain, just reminding him who is in charge.

A soft thud against the door followed by a small muffled curse alerted them both that they had a very horny ferret listening at the door.

"That's it. Give it to me baby. Who's your new Mistress?"

The tall male's body hunches over his new companion's. He may be physically on top but he's serving her every whim now.

He huffs with effort and pent up lust, pounding his purple cock into her slick, warm passage, thumping the bed against the common wall with force.

His wings spread behind him to cloak her and help him balance his thrusts, and he pants, "You are, Mistress Alexia... I am your crow... nnngh gods..."

Back in his quarters, the slim little ferret covers his head with a pillow, trying to drown the loud sounds of sex out of his ears. The bed mercilessly hammers on the wall, and the crow, screams submissively to his mistress. The sounds make the pent up ferret ache with desire. He tries to grind himself against the bed but is denied any sensation at all.

Alexia's hand swats Solitaire's ass cheek. "You're a very naughty crow. Fuck me you bad boy." Another slap to the ass. "Make that hard cock fill me"

Solitaire trills at the smacks, encouraging his hips to smack against hers, taking long and slow strokes out and then ramming in hard and deep.

His tail feathers and taloned feet splay as his passion and pleasure rise quickly.

He grunts, "Happily I serve you, mistress... Fenris! Get in here!"

Fenris jumps out of bed, alarmed at hearing his name being called so urgently. He yanks up his pants as quickly as possible and hurries off to the crow's room, not even seeming to notice the thick precum smearing the inside of his tight little underwear through the cage.

He runs down the hall and into Solitaires bedroom. His heart pounds quickly, and he pants breathlessly. The sex-starved ferret swears the image he sees will stay locked in his memory to frequent his fantasies forever. He gasps, open mawed as he stares at his mistress on her back, her legs wrapped around the crow's velvet feathered form. He drinks in the sight, focusing on the crow's perfect ass and the back of that sac hanging down between his thighs.

Fenris blinks out of his momentary daze. "y..yes... sir? Can I help you?" his voice squeaks.

From behind with his tail raised, long dark scarlet cock spreading that feather-rimmed pussy as he mates her with rough care.

He peeks over his shoulder and nods to a chair against the wall, facing the rear of the bed and the beautiful view. "Sit in that chair and watch. Make a sound or look away and that stays on for the rest of the month. Be a good boy and it comes off tonight. Now, I have this fine woman to fuck."

Fenris's flats his ears against his head at the command. As much as he wants to protest, the promise of his cage coming off sends his heart into his throat. He nods, blushing furiously. The ferret shyly strips all his clothes off, uncovering the cylndrical metal container for his cock. He stifles a small whimper but sits obediently in the chair. His cock strains painfully against its prison.

When the crow turns back to his lover, he sees that she is even more delighted than before. She appears to delight in the thought of her lover taking out his sexual frusterations on another. "Excellent! You're going to be a good boss for him. Now, lift those tail feathers so he can see that hot crow dick fuck me."

He grins open-mouthed to her, hunching up his knees and working his hands under her rump to angle the joined lovers up.

When he leans forward and lays his beak against her tits, Fenris' view is filled with his eagerly tightening ebony-downed balls as they slap against her, resuming his motion and speeding up, driving his cock out and in quick and hard.

"Yes, Mistress... you feel so wonderful... I can't hold off much longer"

Alexia's hips buck as the crow humps her hot wet pussy. She moans louder, feeling her own pleasure build towards a new, even more powerful climax. "Oh yes! Then do it baby, fill me with your seed. Fuck me." she pants

Suddenly the bird's beak opens widely. Her eyes roll back in her head, and her inner muscles constrict against the male's throbbing cock inside her. The wave of pleasure comes crashing through her body, sweeping through her completely.

From his chair, Fenris watches. His jealous cock aches to fill with blood. He lets out a small, pathetic whimper.

Solitaire gives it all he's got, rocking the big bed, huffing and groaning.

As her climax begins and her powerful passage grips him, he shudders, letting out a piercing cry, all of his feathers ruffling.

Fenris can clearly see the black orbs clench up and the crow's deeply embedded maleness jerking and pulsing as his hot load fires into his new boss.

Cooing and panting, he quivers atop Alexia and erratically bucks forward, keeping as deep inside as he can until finally he collapses into her arms, his wings and tail dropping and folding.

She feels the crows hardness finally begin to soften inside her. The female relaxes, letting her body and wings spread out on the comfortable bed. Her legs wrap delicately around his body.

"I think you're going to fit in quite well around here," she cooed.

She glanced across the room to the ferret. His fists clenched the sides of the chair, even as he tried to appear relaxed and obedient for his mistress and new boss.

"You'll find the key to his collar in the safe compartment of your nightstand, along with the keys to his.. let's just call it.. obedience training."

The male spends several long moments in the warmth of Alexia's closeness before rolling over and retrieving the keys and the replacement orange collar.

He stands up and approaches the twitching ferret, his black crotch matted with mixed juices and fresh musky lovemaking. Lifting a talon to trace Fenris' cheek, he first adds the orange collar, then unlocks the yellow one, and finally locks the orange one in place, making sure there is never a moment without a collar on.

"Fenris, you're going to cum very soon, but only if you do what I say. Put your hands behind your back."

As the ferret does so, Solitaire uses the yellow collar to bind his wrists together and locks it. Then he bends down and unlocks the chastity cage, slipping it off and watching the ferretcock spring to such fullness, he's afraid its owner might pass out.

After week of no simulation, the word erection would be an understatement for the ferret. The ferret's cock sprang from its metal prison and raged to attention. It was a good thing the little mammal's paws were tied behind his back. Even though the crow was clearly stronger, it was still hard to tell how all that pent up desire might be released.

Dazed from the rush of blood into his crotch, the little ferret still manages a whimper and obedient nod. His eyes darted back and forth between the smiling Phoenix and the crow. The sly look in the male's eyes both infuriated and excited him, all at once. The ferret's eyes pleaded. "Yes Sir. I'll do everything you say. I'm your obedient servant Sir. I accept that now. I really do!"

Solitaire grins down, enjoying this a bit. He settles his ebony hand on the back of the ferret's head and guides it into the crow's crotch. "We made quite a mess. You'd better get this all cleaned up."

Before he can speak more, he pushes his half-hard cock into Fenris' yapping mouth.

"Clean up my crowcum. Taste her on me. Some of the most powerful males on the planet have had the pleasure of such a lovely pussy..."

Even before he realized what he was about to be demanded to do, Fenris's breathing was at a quick pace. The feeling of cool air on his freed member was enough to make him relish the moment. He hardly noticed the wet, dripping cock moving closer to his face. He just concentrated on his plea to the crow.

Startled by the crow's blunt request, the ferret looks up at him, then to the half hard cock that fills his senses with its powerful musk of sex. Thick white globs of crow jizz drip from the crows half-erect tool. The crows crotch is matted and soaked with the juices of a fresh female orgasm.

"I.. Er.. I.. don't think I should.." the ferret blathered, stuttering a half-hearted protest, then a sudden "ullnnnnnffff" as the sloppy cock was thrust into his muzzle.

His muffled protests quickly turned into pleasureful moans. His tied paws struggled to try to free themselves so that he could have just a little relief for his painfully hard cock.

Fenris's half lidded eyes gazed up at the crow for his approval as he tasted the thick cum mixed with the Mistress's sweet juices.

His sloppy cock pulses back to life in Fenris' muzzle. Talons caress the side of the ferret's face as he moans with a trill of his tongue in his long beak, the rich flavors of lust filling the smaller male's senses.

"You do have a mouth on you, don't you? That's all right, I don't mind some lively backchat. But I may be inclined to fill that muzzle when it does get uppity... so whether you think you should or not, lick it clean. Understood?"

His foot lifts and lets the prodigious iron-solid ferretcock slide between the long toes. "Do a good job and you'll get your reward."

The crow's cruel assertion over him stirs the ferret to his very soul. He shuts his eyes hard, trying desperately not to indicate how deeply aroused he is by the crow's command. Shame, humiliation, and sexual arousal are have been inexplicably linked in the ferret's libido.

Fenris feels the cock growing hard again in his muzzle. He closes his eyes. He is the best cocksucker in the Organization, and he's going to prove it with his new master. The ferret's soft tongue pushes the invading cockhead to the roof of his mouth. His talented tongue begins to make wave-like motions to stimulate the crow's sensitive undershaft.

The slightest touch on his cock makes the nervous little ferret jump like he was shocked by a jolt of electricity. He almost gags on the hard rod in his mouth as he does. He looks back up to look at Solitaire, this time with a more respectful admiration.

Laying on the bed, Alexia is delighted with what she sees. "Hmmm.. He might not need training after all." she thinks to herself.

Solitaire leans his head back to groan, placing his foot back down on the carpeted floor for stability. He didn't expect to be re-aroused so quick after orgasm, but this ferret knows his work and seems to love it.

He rests both hands on Fenris' shoulders and draws him off of the crow's member, partly to test just how hungry it makes the ferret for him to put it back in. But he pushes the other male back and drops to his knees in front of the chair.

Without lips as such, avian blowjobs are notably difficult at best, but he's learned improvised techniques. He rests his head sideways on Fenris' thigh and lets the ferret's cock ride between upper and lower beak as the halves very gently clasp the shaft, letting his long pointed tongue roam, wiggle, and stroke.

Even as his body is being pushed back, Fenris struggles to lean forward to clean more of that hot swollen member. He wimpers softly, thinking at first he has disappointed. Confused eyes watch the crow, turning to surprise when he gets on his knees before the tied-up little ferret to service him. With all his excitement, the pole standing at attention between his legs is already drooling precum.

His hips buck involuntarily at the strange, intense sensations on his cock. Pre squirts into Solitaire's beak. He's never had a master who took his pleasure into account. It felt strange but wonderful at the same time. "Oh Sir!! Your tongue!! Ohh my! Oh gods!"

Solitaire moans in agreement, giving his beak a twist up and down to encourage a bit of motion on Fenris' part.

The tongue snakes around the shaft, tugging it like the string on a wind-up toy, prodding and rolling, warm breath panting softly over the moistened cock.

He brings a hand up between the ferret slave's legs to cup and tug those itching orbs, pushing the buttons to get a big release from the pent-up male.

A loud bellow of pleasure fills the room. The crow's fingers are the first to give the ferret's sac sensation of any kind for weeks. His hips buck wildly up into the hot male's beak. "Ohhh please.. Oh please.. It feels so good! I can't... hold... back...." he screams. The horny ferret buck his hips upwards, fucking the warm wet tongue wrapping around him as he humps upward into Solitaire's beak.

It feels like a vice grip tightens around the base of Fenris's balls. His toes curl. He opens his muzzle in a silent scream as his organs slams his body with a force that feels like a bus slamming into a brick wall. A second later, a hot, powerful flood of hot white ferret cum blasts into the crow's beak.

The ferret's new master groans around his charge's geyser, letting a few bursts paint the purple inner flesh of his beak and then tugging down to watch the fountain thrust in the right side of his beak and emerge the left, the crimson crown jetting splatters of built up cum over Solitaire's black face.

His fingers roll and tease those tightened nuts to get every last drop out, tongue flicking along the pulsing shaft, letting the release finish.

He smiles up at Fenris, petting his thighs, letting him get his first relaxation in a long time before his next request. "You've made another mess. Clean it."

Fenris breathes in quick, short gasps as he cums. Jet after jet explodes out of him, splattering all over the handsome black face. His whole body quakes and tenses. He's barely aware of his struggling wrists behind his back, held securely in place by the collar.

The timid ferret opens his eyes. To his horror, he finds that he's splattered his seed all over the pretty Master's face. After such a powerful orgasm, his interest in sex always dips. To be ordered to clean the master's face of his own cum filled Fenris with delicious humiliation.

Fenris's lips tightened as he studied the copious volume of cum that spilled out of him. He was a little amazed. His head reluctantly moved forwards towards the crow he served.

The new crow master smiles, always an enigmatic look that makes one wonder if good intentions or cruel ones are responsible for the expression. With his kind, it could very well be both.

He leans up into range and cups the ferret's head, bringing it against his black plumes and beak laced with the white load.

Secretly, of course, he did enjoy the ferret's reaction to the confusing juxtaposition of his new master on his knees, pleasuring the slave while still completely in control, the dangerous sharp beak handling such a delicate organ only adding to the mixed signals.

As Fenris begins to lick up his own mess, he peeks over to Alexia. "How am I doing?"

The beautiful black Phoenix laid across the bed, watching the entire scene and studying both of them. "Very well my dear. You're quite a natural at this."

Fenris let out a soft gagging sound as he licked up a particularly large glob of cum from the crow's beak. Even though his face twisted at every drop of the thick white goo, his twitching cock told a different story about his thoughts on the task.

Alexia watched the ferret with amusement. "I think you're going to fit into the Organization quite well, Solitaire."

"Thank you, Mistress Alexia."

He chuckles softly at Fenris. "What a good job you're doing... even as helpless as you are right now."

A smooth skinned hand feels up his new assistant. "Still hard... You must have been in that belt for weeks. ". He begins to stroke the long Mustelid member. "I bet you want to get your paws on this so you can get a few more out before I put the belt back on..."

The ferret's member swells back to attention at the touch of Solitaire's hand. He gives the crow a contained little moan as he licks the last of the mess off of him. The salty, thick taste lingers in his mouth.

He throws his weight forward, trying hard to get his paws free. His head bobs up and down in agreement. "Please Sir! Don't put me back into it! Let me have one night free. I'll do anything!" the tortured ferret wimpers

Solitaire stands, his own maleness mostly deflated but still twitching a bit at the circumstances. He reaches behind the chair and frees Fenris, taking his paw and helping him stand.

He leads the lithe, horny male over to the big bed where Alexia still reclines in her own natural glory, emphasized by orgasmic afterglow.

"Lay back and show us. Show us how much you've been holding back, how badly you've wanted to just touch yourself, to slide pawpaws along your straining cock, and spray your seed all over yourself."

He takes a seat next to the Phoenix, caressing her thigh softly. "You have ten minutes to cum as many times as you can, Fenris."

Fenris stretches his sore arms. His cock stands at full mast, bouncing lewdly in front of the couple. A horrified look spreads across his face as he looks upon the gleeful expression on the female's face. "But!! But Sir! Getting caught pleasuring myself in front of Ms Alexia is what got me in trouble last time! I.. I.. just can't! Not in front of the lady" he blathers

The crow nods solemnly, "Then if I were you, I'd paw off as fast as I could before she puts the chastity cage back on you."

He peers unblinking at the ferret, a creature his feral cousins might just hunt if hungry enough, and he raises his wings just a little behind him, forming a cloak of ebony shadowing his appearance from the soft light behind him.

"Don't make me regret being kind to you. Now get that paw moving."

He turns his attention back to his female companion, nuzzling along her belly. "Mistress Alexia, may I request a locking muzzle that will fit Fenris? I have a feeling it might be useful now and then..."

He adds with a chuckle, "I guess being stuck at the bottom of the corporate ladder for so long made me a little pent up too."

The ferret's face twists with apprehension. He looks at Alexia in what looks like a silent plea for permission. He was breathing so hard it looked like he might hyperventilate.

"No Sir! I won't make you regret anything. I'll do whatever it takes to please you Sir. You'll be very happy you are so kind to me tonight." the ferret went on and on, not even noticing Solitaire's inquiry about the muzzle.

Nervous paws began stroking his hard shaft. He pumped the hard ferret cock faster and faster. As his pleasure built, his talking faded away. He closed his eyes and let the incredible pleasure carry his mind to a distant place.

"Five more minutes." The ferret snapped back to reality at those words.

Solitaire watched with one eye as he cuddled with Alexia, rolling his tongue around her downy breast and nipple, nudging himself against her leg.

"I'm glad you approve of me, Mistress Alexia..."

Alexia smiles as the crow's beak caressed her sensitive nipples. Her sharp talons caress the male's head as his tongue works her body.

Fenris works frantically on himself. He glances at Alexia. While the crow busily works her body, she gives the ferret a look that communicates just enough to tap into his insecurity of this vulgar act he's displaying before her. She secretly takes such delight in torturing the ferret. It was just a small shake of the head.. a "tsk.. tsk.. tsk.. " that made the ferret's heart race. Without even speaking the bird had made the ferret's mind look at himself with his cock out and in his paw, stroking lewdly in front of his Mistress with no consideration for her pleasure. He blushed furiously, unsure of whether to control himself like she wanted or to blow another load like his new master seemed to want.

He whimpered loudly, his confused eyes darted back and forth between the two. The feeling of being naked returned to him. The combination of feels were so intense. His paw, as if guided by an external force, kept stroking. Faster, faster it stroked, finally sending him over the point of no return. The ferret hunched back and moaned as his second orgasm erupted out of his body. He leaned back to let it splash all over his belly and chest.

After several moments, he glanced up, looking at the couple with an embarassed, sheepish grin.

Solitaire's talons trace softly down Alexia's chest and belly, and he looks up to watch Fenris' second climax, working out most of the rest of the stored-up need and semen.

He chuckles to Alexia, "This boy does make a mess of everything, doesn't he?"

"All right, Fenris, catch your breath and go shower, clean yourself up. You'll have the rest of the night to yourself. You already know the organization's rules, so don't embarrass me. Come see me at 8:00 AM sharp tomorrow and bring breakfast. Breakfast will be salmon lox on a lightly toasted bagel, and coffee. Black as my feathers."