Runaway 02

Story by Quiet802 on SoFurry

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#2 of Runaway

Dane roughs someone up and Sara learns what it takes to stay in a hotel.

I'm a bit stuck with cub services. I've found that its easier to keep writing while I'm stuck like this, so I've added and developed this story somewhat. Its nolonger just a 1st draft like the first one I posted. I hope you enjoy, there will be other chapters of this, and it will include excessive drug use, among other things. Enjoy!

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons, especially since I've spent so little time on this story.)

I love comments so please share any thoughts you may have.

Disclaimer/warning:** **The following story contains graphic sexual content between an underage fur and an adult; it also includes the use of alcohol by a minor and the act of drinking and driving. I do not condone any of these acts... You get the picture. Don't drink and drive and read at your own risk.

Runaway Chapter 02

Orange streaks of sunlight faded from the blue and white sky as the sun settled behind the horizon, revealing the billions of stars that filled the inky black night and cast the town ofPageArizonainto darkness as a red 1991 Cadillac Fleetwood pulled off of US-89 and into the sleepy town.

Sara grabbed the white leather arm rest on the passenger side door and used it to lift her self back into a sitting position as the white wolf in the driver's seat backed the car into a parking spot in front of a dingy old motel with a crooked green neon vacancy sign in the lobby's front window and a porch light that flickered incessantly, drawing bugs and other unsavory things towards it.

The fourteen year old black cat looked around the empty parking lot surrounded by old storage units and dilapidated buildings with a look of disdain as her royal blue eyes adjusted to the darkness. The old two story motel sat in from the poorly paved road and between a large manufacturing building to its right and a barbed wire fence that guarded a storage complex to its left. The lobby shack directly behind them looked empty and there wasn't another car in the parking lot. She examined the pealing yellow paint and grimy black doors that were illuminated by the bare bulbs along the motel's outer wall as her muzzle pinched into a scowl of disgust.

The young cub didn't know where they were, but she did know this place was un-acceptable. If there even was a pool, she'd half expect to find a dead body in it, and the rickety white stair case that lead to the second floor hotel rooms looked like it was about to fall over on its own, let alone if someone tried to actually use it. This was definitely not Hollywood and Sara had no intention of staying here.

"You don't actually think we'll be staying here, do you?" Sara said as she examined the grimy window of the lobby. She'd not even seen a sign for the place and had assumed it was abandon until Dane pulled the car into what passed as a parking lot.

The white wolf in the driver's side seat turned to her as he let out a single barking laugh and pulled his sunglasses from his face, exposing his grey eyes to the light. "This is where I'll be, yes. We part ways here; I'm done driving for the day."

Rage exploded through Sara's chest as her paws clenched into tightly balled fists. "Part ways! You said you'd take me toHollywood!" Her voice came out in a screech as her hackles stood on end. "I gave you your fucking ride and I won't be stiffed on mine!" The feline said as she folded her arms under breasts and bristled with rage.

With each word from the spoiled black cats muzzle, Dane's demeanor darkened, sending waves of cold black rage coursing through his body as he glared daggers at the feline. "You got your ride, 120 miles worth! And if you scream at me again I'll put a bullet in your fucking skull!" His words came out as a snarl as he clenched the steering wheel to keep from hitting the spoiled brat.

"Now get out of my car!" He growled in a menacing voice. Dane's paws twitched as he flexed them around the steering wheel. There were very few times in his life that a fur had pissed him off without being taught a lesson in respect, but as he sat in his stolen Cadillac with the package he'd traveled to Mexico to receive, he did his best to exercise some restraint.

Anger drained from Sara's body as her heart boomed in her chest. Her mind flashed to the gun she'd seen in the glove box and she swallowed back a lump in her throat as cold fear washed over her body. The vicious glare of the white wolf left her little doubt that he could and would make good on his threat.

"Don't make me tell you a second time!" The wolf snarled as her breathing began to come in gasps. Sara nodded her head in jerky terrified movements and with a shaky paw reached behind her and pulled the door latch. "Move!" The wolf barked, causing Sara to jump and fall backwards out of the opening car door. She tumbled to the gravel strewn asphalt and rolled to her footpads, turning to ran at full speed into the darkness.

As the burning inferno of anger in Dane's chest slowly cooled he watched Sara run into the darkness, his eyes glued to the feline's tight round ass. A slight pang of disappointment spread through his chest and disappeared into the hot rage burning through his body. The wolf brushed it off as arousal, but continued to stare into the darkness as a strange feeling nagged him in the back of is mind.

"Good riddins." Dane grumbled, with out really meaning it. After another moment he finally pried his eyes from the darkness Sara had disappeared into. He took a deep calming breath and removing a cigarette from the pack on the dashboard, lighting the tip with a click and a flash of fire from his lighter as he fished the hotel room key from his deep baggy pocket and climbed out of the car. He took a long drag of the cigarette as he walked around to the trunk to remove his bag.

"Don't have time for a tag along anyway." Dane told himself as he adjusted the chubby in his sagging red basketball shorts and headed for his usual room in the mob owned motel, occasionally eyeing the darkness Sara had disappeared into as his forehead wrinkled into a frown of concern.

Sara watched from the shadows as she quivered in unbridled fear. Her heart boomed like a kettle drum as she gasped for breathe, to terrified to even think straight as she watched the white wolf slowly walk up the stairs and enter the far right door on the second floor.

It took Sara nearly ten minutes to calm her nerves as she stood quivering in the pitch blackness of the dingy parking lot. Her heartbeat was still pounding, but it was no longer beating like a humming bird and feeling was slowly returning to her paws and footpads as she looked around. Her mind slowly began to process her situation as her eyes traveled over the darkness, causing her heart to beat faster once again as she smothered her uncertainty, unwilling to admit she was lost.

"120 miles" She whispered as she tried to comprehend that distance, and failed. What city or state was she even in? Where was she going to sleep? How much further was it toHollywood? Questions flowed through her mind as she stood in the darkness, hugging herself to keep from shaking and unable to move from her spot as she struggled to regain her composure.

For half an hour Sara stood in the parking lot, staring first at the shafts of light that cut through the dingy yellow blinds of Dane's hotel room window and then over at the single street lamp that illuminated the street they'd turned off of when they'd first arrived as the temperature began to drop.

Of course calling her parents was completely out of the question, she could handle this herself, just like she'd handled getting out of the state. She couldn't possibly still be inArizonaif they'd actually driven 120 miles. Sara was lost, but she could handle this, she didn't need her stupid parents. With a deep sigh of irritation Sara decided she only had two choices. Either walk back to US-89 and start hitch-hiking, in hope of finding another ride, or go to Dane's room to see if she could make amends and possibly stay in his room.

Even the thought of apologizing to the wolf left a bitter taste in Sara's mouth and puckered her muzzle into a deep scowl. Dane didn't deserve her company anyway and as irritation smothered Sara's fear she glared at the door he'd entered before storming off towards US-89.

"Of course this is all Dane's fault for not saying that he wouldn't be driving all the way toLos Angelestoday. That IS where he'd said he was going!" Sara grumbled. She was sureHollywoodwas close; they were both inCalifornia, right? As her white Adidas crunched in the gravel parking lot a slow dull throb spread through her footpads, reminding her of why she'd blown Dane for a ride in the first place.

Before she'd made it out of the parking lot Sara's footpads and back were aching as badly as when Dane had stopped and the young feline began to wonder if blowing another handsome young driver might net her another ride.

She looked around the dark empty parking lot at the surrounding buildings, all empty and lifeless. Only the chirping sound of crickets and the occasional sound of a car off in the distance kept her from thinking the town was empty. Yes she definitely needed to find a ride. With an exaggerated sigh of contempt she stormed off towards the sound of passing cars, navigating around the many deep potholes filled with grimy dirty water, as her deep blue eyes continued to search for any signs of life in the dumpy little town.

"Sucking Dane's cock hadn't been all bad." Sara grudgingly said to know one in particular. If she was honest, she wouldn't mind doing it again, especially if she could get another 120 mile ride out of the deal. Of course offering up front wasn't an option, she wasn't a whore. Sara nodded her head as a plan began to form in her mind. A plan that was much better than apologizing for something that was so obviously Dane's fault.

As Sara made her way out of the parking lot the sound of an approaching car caught her attention and as an old Honda Accord approached the turn-in for the motel, the red brake lights in the back flashed on as it jerked to a stop and then turned into the motel parking lot. The dim yellow lights on the front of the car flashed towards her as it speed through the parking lot and zoomed towards the hotel building. "And there is my next ride." Sara said to herself before realizing it had a Dominos Pizza sign on the roof.

Sara's stomach growled hungrily as she watched the car stop near Dane's car, allowing a heavy set rabbit to jump from the pizza delivery car and walk quickly up the rickety stairs towards Dane's room with a large red pizza bag in his paws. She clenched her eyes closed and stomped her foot angrily as she tried not to think about what she'd had to eat today, a piece of toast for breakfast and a mouthful of wolf cum for lunch.

With an irritated hiss Sara whipped around and stormed away from the motel. "Stupid fat ugly fur, wouldn't give him a blow job for a ride if he begged me." She growled as she stormed towards the road, to angry to hear the soft patter of bare footpads behind her and to caught up in her own troubles to recognize the danger she was in.

The world spun in a circle as Sara was whipped from her footpads and thrown to the hard rocky pavement with a painful wet smack and a disgusting splash. She let out a low wail as a rough paw grabbed her and climbed on top of her, pinning her arms to the ground. Surprise gave way to fear as the silhouette of a disgusting smelling brown rat in filthy ragged clothing appeared in front of the moon, blotting out its light as he sneered and snarled at her.

"Give me all you're money!" The rat hissed as his paws began roughly groping her body, digging at every pocket and crevasse for a wallet or money clip. Sara let out a loud scream as terror rippled through her body and began kicking her legs and flailing her arms, trying desperately to buck the heavy weight from her body.

"I don't have any money, let me go!" She wailed. Her heart began to pound in her chest and as she spoke his grimy paws turned from searching to groping, squeezing and kneading her C cup tits with a rough paw and sending shots of pain lancing through her chest. Sara gasped desperately, trying to gain a breath to scream again, but was unable to do so as terror blossomed through her whole body.

As the rat's free paw became more insistent his other paw slipped on Sara's wrists and her flailing paid off, breaking his grasp on her arms and sending a lucky fist smacking hard against the side of the disgusting rat's head with a loud hard crack.

The rat tumbled to her side with a dazed look in his gleaming yellow eyes. Sara rolled to her stomach in the dirty water as she realized her red tank top had been torn when he grabbed her. She tried to clamber to her foot pads but slipped in the mud at the bottom of the puddle as the rat shook off the blow and hissed in rage.

Sara gave up trying to stand up and instead began to army crawl across the rocky pavement, flailing her legs wildly as tears of fear leaked down her cheeks. The sound of the rat approaching sent white hot terror ripping through her whole body, causing a strangled wail to escape her throat as she tried desperately to get away. The fear she'd felt when Dane threatened her was nothing in comparison to the unbridled horror that shredded her senses and kept her so terrified that she couldn't even think.

The rat let out a high pitched squeal as Sara's legs flailed behind her, accidently landed a glancing kick between his legs and sending him stumbling backwards onto his ass. Sara's heart boomed in her ears, blocking out all other sound as she tried again to get to her feet and again slipped, falling into another puddle of muddy water.

The rat immediately staggered back to his feet as Sara began crawling along the ground once more, scraping her paws and elbows. The hazy yellow lights of the old Honda Civic washed over them on its way out of the driveway, not even stopping as the rat hissed and spit at her while clutching his groin. When the car disappeared down the road the rat glared at her as his yellow eyes glinting dangerously in the moonlight. "I'll be back." He hissed before turning and stumbling away from her.

Cold unbridled terror washed over Sara for a third time that night as she finally managed to clamber to her feet, gasping and sobbing as her leaden limbs woodenly moved her away from the scene of her attack. A new facet of her situation began to settle in as she stumbled to the nearest building and sunk against it, hugging her legs to her chest and flinching at every sight and sound as the darkness collapsed in around her.

Sara wasn't safe by herself in the night and as she looked around, the inky blackness that surrounded her began to jump out at the cub, making her body quiver uncontrollably with fear as she sat on the cool gravely asphalt, dripping wet, cold, and trying to catch her breath and calm her shredded nerves and regain her composure.

After nearly twenty minutes Sara's heavy breathing and shaking began to subside, allowing her to release the death grip she had on her legs as she managed to stop crying. She looked around, still flinching at every shadow as her eyes tried to pierce the darkness in an attempt to see any other potential attackers or furs that might have seen her crying.

"Maybe walking in the dark isn't such a good idea." Sara mumbled to herself. Her eyes roamed the dilapidated old buildings for any signs of life as she reconciled herself to the fact that she was going to have to apologize to Dane. Even as upset as she was, the thought set the hair on the back of her neck on end, but as she clambered back to her feet she felt better about the idea than spending the night looking over her shoulder.

Sara moved quickly through the parking lot, scattering gravel in a clattering spray in front of her as she scuffed her tired soggy wet footpads against the ground. Her legs were too wobbly to trust actually running, so she settled on a quick shuffling gate as she approached the building with a vile taste in her mouth.

Of course Dane would accept her apology, Sara WAS apologizing even though it wasn't her fault. That had to count for something, and she was sure he would recognize that fact. "He should be grateful that I'm willing to apologize at all." Sara grumbled as her irritation began to overwhelm her fear. She set off up the stairs towards the white wolfs room, secretly praying that he would see things the way she did and let her in but unwilling to even consider admitting that she needed him.

Sara gulped down the lump in her throat as she walked up to the room she'd seen Dane walk into earlier, practicing her apology quietly under her breath as she moved. "Dane, I'm sorry I yelled at you, can I please stay in your room tonight?" No, that wasn't right she sighed. "Dane, I'm sorry I misunderstood our deal, can I please stay in your room tonight." Sara nodded, liking the second apology much better as she tried not to think about what she would do if he wouldn't let her in.

With a deep breath she lifted her paw up to the grimy black door and knocked three times in quick succession, taking flakes of old paint off as she did. Sara's pointy black ears caught the sound of somebody rustling around on the other side of the door even before she'd finished knocking and as her paw fell back to her side the door whipped opened, casting a silhouette of the tall shirtless white wolf out across the unlit parking lot.

Tight corded muscles rippled under the damp freshly cleaned white fur of the wolf as his whole body seemed to relax, as if he'd been tensed and ready for an attack when he opened the door. The canine fur stood in the pair of red basketball shorts he'd been wearing earlier with the handle of the revolver Sara'd seen in the glove box sticking from the waistband, and nothing else.

Sara didn't wait for the wolf to say something as she looked down at the ground. Embarrassment at having to apologize seared her cheeks with a scalding heat and irritation bubbled up in her chest as she said. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, could I please stay with you tonight?" Her words came out as barely a mumble and rage flared in her chest as she cursed herself for not using her planned apology.

Dane's eyes traveled over the disheveled feline as she stood there with a mixture of relief, arousal and irritation swirling through his slightly inebriated body. Her fancyCaprijeans were streaked with dirt and soaking wet. Mud covered her side and water dripped in a steady stream from her clothing and fur. Part of her shirt had been roughly torn and her hair was drenched in water. The wolf felt a very small sliver of pity well up in his chest, making him wonder why he cared, as he tried to decide what to do with the stray cat.

She'd obviously been attacked and he immediately wondered which of the bums that hung around this part of the neighborhood had done it. He let out a low rumbling growl of anger as he tried to tell himself that she wasn't his problem. He'd gotten rid of her, and all he had to do was keep her away.

Even so, anger rumbled through Dane's chest in waves as he examined the obviously distraught young fur, causing him to growl louder. He tried to figure out who had attacked the black cat as he clenched his fist, resolving to handle the issue personally, without knowing why he cared.

"I'll give you another blow job." Sara blurted out as desperation blossomed through her chest, smothering her anger completely. She'd expected the wolf to welcome her in as soon as she apologized and the menacingly low rumble and violent glare she got instead sent a tremor of fear through her already addled body.

Her eyes flicked down to the dingy plastic green carpet that covered the landing in front of the motel room door and flinched as another shadow moved in the darkness below. She told herself it was nothing as a set of glowing yellow eyes appeared, glinting off the light of the motel room as they stared up at her. Sara bit her tongue to keep from screaming as her stomach lurched and terror rippled through her body once more. She began to feel light headed as her paws and legs began to shake. The rat was back and it was either Dane's room or pray that she could fend him off a second time.

"Or. You have a bed, we could... Have sex." The words simply popped from Sara's muzzle as she grasped desperately at any offer she could make that might buy her way into safety. She watched from the corner of her eye as other shadows began to move in the darkness, stoking the burning flames of fear that washed through her body and adding fuel to the desperation that made her want to fall to her knees and beg, despite how disgustingly degrading it would be.

"Or we could do... Anything you wanted..." Sara said, without knowing what that could entail but desperate to offer him anything that might get her in the door. The white wolf continued to glare and growl and desperation began to overwhelm even Sara's fear as she struggled to hold onto her composure in front of the wolf.

She clenched her eyes closed to keep the tears back as her body shook with fear, he couldn't say no, he just couldn't! Sara willed him to agree, begging and pleading in her mind but unwilling to do so out loud, but with every second that ticked by her resolve not to beg lessoned as her knees began to wobble.

Dane's excellent night vision caught sight of the rat bum as he moved in the pitch blackness, sending a flash of anger boiling through his chest as he saw Sara flinch and bite her lip as her deep blue eyes caught sight of the rat. Danes growl got louder and more menacing as his anger flared to dangerous heights. He stepped back from the doorway and motioned with his paw for Sara to step in, barely thinking about her lewdly enticing offer as his eyes stayed locked on the rat.

Dane gritted his teeth as his rage turned from burning hot to icy fury, swirling through his body like a blizzard. "Get your self cleaned up, and lock the door." He growled as he twitched his head towards the steamy bathroom on the other side of the room before stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

Sara looked around with a mix of confusion and relief as the dirty black door closed with a dull thump in front of her. "Where's he going?" she wondered aloud. With that Sara let out a deep sigh as relief washed away the fear that shook her body. Her legs began to strengthen as her heartbeat began to slow and her paws quit shaking.

With an exaggerated sigh Sara rolled her eyes and turned around to examine the room she would be staying in. Her stomach lurched as she looked around with disgust and did her best to ignore the growing anxiety over her promise. Instead Sara turned her attention to the room she would be staying in, a disgusting motel room that wasn't fit for her horse.

The walls were dingy and smoke stained and the carpet was the color of green that reminded Sara of cub puke. The cramped motel room smelled slightly of bleach and cigarette smoke and the room building creaked when the wind blew. The room was worse than anything she'd ever even stepped into, but it was safe. She locked the door, having to force the deadbolt into place in the crooked door seal and took a few steps inside as she tried to become accustomed to its filth and stench. Under normal circumstances her maid would have had better accommodations, but like sucking Dane's cock and... Having sex with him. She was going to have to deal with it until she could get toHollywoodand make her big début.

Sara walked over to the orange bed and pushed her paws into it, finding that it was lumpy, firm and completely unacceptable under any other circumstance. On one side of the bed sat an old beat up brown arm chair with a small square card table in front of it and a window with an air conditioner over it.

A half closed box of pizza sat on the table and on the other side of the bed stood a small bedside table with an old alarm clock and a dusty yellow lamp. Sara opened the box and grabbed a slice of pizza, devouring it quickly as she studied the chest of drawers and flat screen T.V. on the opposite wall from the bed. The black cat snorted in amusement, wondering who would do so little to maintain the disgusting motel, but then supply such a nice T.V. as she eyed another slice of pizza.

Sara took a step and grimaced as she moved, feeling the dirt and grime from the road and her fall in the muddy water against her skin. Her fur felt crusty and the water from the ground was quickly drying, turning her skin to dirty sandpaper under her fur. Her skin began to crawl where the rat had touched her and she felt a sudden urge to take a scalding hot shower. Sara turned to the bathroom, ignoring the squallier of a bathroom that she didn't think had ever seen a cleaning lady as she walked in and began stripping out of her clothing.

Dane lunged around the corner of the motel and yanked roughly on the grimy collar of the fleeing rat's shirt, ripping it as he pulled and watching as the other bums disappeared into the darkness. The rat squealed and squirmed as the livid wolf's other paw closed around his throat. He dug his nails into the filthy skin, cutting into flesh as he hurled the bum to the ground and fell on top of him, slamming his knee into the rat's solar plexus as he landed.

"Do you know where you are right now!" He snarled as he grabbed the rat's pointy black nose and held his muzzle closed, muffling the screams of terror that came from the sleazy stinky bum.

The rat squirmed, flailed and fought with every ounce of strength he possessed but he was no match for the wolf that had him pinned to the ground. He shook his head no as he tried to get his muzzle free of the vice-like grip the wolf held it in. Terror whipped the rats body into a frenzy as he recognized the wolf from his burning grey eyes and wondered if he was about to die.

"You're in Milano family territory right now; do you know who Peter Milano is?" Dane snarled as he tore the rats coat and shirt open. Dane grimaced in disgust at the crusty brown fur and stench that came from the fur as he pushed his thumb against one of the rat's ribs. The rat shook his head no as Dane stared into the bright yellow eyes. He was lying.

"Don't lie to me." He snarled as he put all his weight behind his thumb and felt a resounding pop reverberate through his paw. The rat screamed against his paw and flailed wildly as tears of pain trickled into the crusty fur around his yellow eyes. Dane moved his thumb down and found another hard rib and applied some pressure. "Don't make me ask again." He said in a deadly snarl.

Before he'd finished speaking the rat was nodding his head yes as he quivered and shook under the massive white wolf. Again Dane put all his weight behind his paw and felt another loud pop reverberate up his arm as the anger began to wash from his body. "Good!" Dane snarled as he stood up and yanked the rat to his feet. An empty calm settled over his body as he searched the night and surrounding windows for any signs of life.

Dane pulled the revolve from his waistband and stuffed it in the rat's chest. "Start walking!" He growled. He didn't know why or when he'd decided to kill this disgusting bum, but even if he was supposed to keep a low profile, it didn't really matter now. All that mattered was that he wanted him dead and that left only one option.

The rat walked slowly down the dark alleyway between the motel building and a fence that enclosed a storage unit complex. The quivering rat began to sob as he pleaded for his life, but Dane didn't listen. He wondered if Sara had begged when the rat had attacked her and stopped dead in his tracks, astounded that he even cared.

When the rat was a safe distance into the alleyway the unmistakable click of a revolver echoed through the night air. The only other sound Dane could hear was the quiet sobbing of the bum as he took a quick look around for any fur that may be watching. Dane stared off into space as he tried to figure out why he cared that the bum had attacked Sara as he pulled the trigger, barely giving it a thought as the gun kicked in his paw and ignoring the red mist of blood that sprayed along the walls. The sound of his large caliber hand gun echoed through the night air, ripping through the bum's skull and sending blood and brains in a conical spray behind the fur. With barely a glance Dane turned around and headed out of the alleyway, whistling a happy tune as he walked to his car to go get something to check for blood.

Sara jumped as she heard a loud bang and wondered what the noise had been as steaming hot water pelted her black fur, rinsing the dirt and grime from a hard days work. A few minutes later the bathroom door closed with a dull thunk, causing her to jump again before poking her head out from around the shower curtain as she tried to figure out when the door had opened.

On the dingy yellow linoleum bathroom countertop sat her silver and gold Louis Vuitton bag. Surprise welled up in her chest as she turned off the shower and stepped out feeling only marginally less dirty than she had and leaving water stains on the dingy white linoleum floor where the water dripped from her body and splashed onto the filthy floor. She smiled at the bag, touched by Dane's thoughtfulness.

"If my parents had been half as nice as Dane, I'd still be at home." She said to nobody in particular. Of course she'd never admit that to anybody, but he was nice, Sara thought as she grabbed a dingy white towel from the hanger against the far wall and began drying off as best she could. Her thin silky black fur dried quickly though and in a few minutes it was only slightly damp and settling nicely into place against her warm pink skin.

When her fur was finally dry Sara grabbed her Louis Vuitton bag and pulled out the two balls of clothing she'd hastily grabbed on her way out the door of her old home. Her stomach dropped as she removed them and examined the white tank top and black spandex short shorts, bright yellow thong and matching bra from the first ball, before turning to the garment she'd thought was another balled up change of clothing.

She sighed as her surprise turned to irritation. "Dammit Dad, learn to keep your clothing separate from mine." She grumbled irritably as she examined the long sleeved blue button down shirt she'd grabbed, her father's shirt, with no panties, bra or shorts. This happened all the time and she was glad she wouldn't have to deal with it now that she was on her own on her way toHollywood.

Sara's stomach lurched as she wondered if she would even need clothing tonight, and contemplated coming out of the bathroom naked as her mind went to the deal she'd made to get into the nasty motel room. The thought sent her stomach into full rollercoaster mode as she thought about what she was going to have to do to stay safe and she suddenly thanked the horse that had broken her hymen when she'd been learning to ride. At least Dane wouldn't know she was a virgin and the worst of the pain was just a distant memory, so all she had to do was look like she new what she was doing and he would never know any different.

She let out resigned sigh as she slipped a paw between her legs and began clumsily massaging her slit, sending nervous tingles of pleasure through her loins. "Just have sex." She coached herself in the mirror as she examined her firm round breasts and sleek flat stomach in the mirror. She swallowed a lump in her throat, hoping this would be as easy as the blow job had been.

At any rate, even if it hurt and she didn't like it, something she doubted, it was better than being attacked by that disgusting bum. Her skin crawled as she thought about his paws on her breasts and she shook her in an attempt to banish the thought. Instead she turned her mind to when Dane's paw's had been fondling her breast in the car. The thought sent a small warm tingle of pleasure spreading through her chest as her fingers began to work around in her folds.

Sara ran her fingers through the silky warm fur as her pussy began to moisten and warm to her paw. She took a shaky breath as her finger sunk deep between the thick pouty lips of warm flesh and slid along her inner lips, brushing her hard clit and sending a tingle of pleasure up her abdomen and causing her to shudder and inhale sharply. Warmth began to spread through her body as she rolled her finger in a circles around the smooth hard nub nestled in the folds of her pussy, causing her breathing to quicken as her heart began to beat faster.

With one paw between her legs Sara leaned slightly forward and used the dirty tile countertop to support her weight as she widened her stance and slid a finger down towards her tight wet vagina, sending a wave of pleasure through her abdomen as her finger sunk in to the second knuckle. She tried to push a second finger in and gasped as her body stretched to accommodate it. The feeling of being filled made her squirm a bit as her body became accustomed to two fingers but she was soon accustomed to the size. Sara pushed her both fingers in and out quickly as warm liquid began to run down her paw, lubricating her sex and soaking the fur between her thighs as waves of warm pleasure spread through her loins.

The warmth of Sara's arousal quickly devoured her anxiety, leaving her confident that this would be as easy as she suspected and when she felt she was sufficiently ready Sara removed her paw from between her legs and washed it off in the sink. Warmth continued to blossom through her abdomen and waves of pleasure spread through her body as the fur between her thighs continued to moisten.

Heat radiated from her pussy as she examined her perky breasts and hard pink nipples in the mirror. "Just fuck him. You don't have any other options." She told herself in a stern voice. She had to make sure Dane enjoyed this, while still managing to look like she'd done this all before, but then she'd managed to look like she new what she was doing when she sucked his dick, how hard could sex be?

On a whim, the black cat grabbed her father's wrinkled button down shirt and pulled it over her shoulders before rolling the sleeves up past her elbows and buttoning two of the buttons over her belly button, leaving the shirt gaping open on both ends like she'd seen in videos on the internet.

Sara's heart began to race from arousal but as she turned and grabbed the bathroom door handle anxiety flared back up in her body. She stood like that for a few moments before slipping a paw between her thighs and along her hot wet folds, rubbing her finger against her clit a few more times. Waves of pleasure spread through her body and soothing her anxiety as tingles of pleasure shot up her spine. She held her head high and tried to look calm, relaxed and most importantly, seductive as she turned the door knob and stepped out of the room.

Cold air washed over her exposed fur and sent a chill up her spine as the dull hum of an air-conditioner buzzed through the room. She'd assumed it was broken but was glad to feel the cool air on her naked fur as she stepped out onto the crunchy puke green carpet, removing her paw from between her legs as she did so. Dane was sitting in the brown arm chair and she swallowed a lump in her throat as a shiver ran up her spine.

She tried to act nonchalant about her exposed dripping pussy lips and her barely concealed black furry breasts, but with each step she took her anxiety grew. Sara swallowed a lump in the back of her throat as she reminded herself of the alternative, chanting "this was the only way" as she eyed the door to the dangerous outside world.

Dane's eyes traced the long thin legs and full wide hips of the thin black cat as she sauntered over to him wearing only a smile and a button down light blue shirt that barely covered her perfect hourglass figure and large C cup breasts. The spicy smell of her dripping pussy wafted through the air as he noted the disheveled wet black fur and puckered pink lips poking from between her thighs. He'd not intended to push Sara on her offer of sex, but he smiled widely as his cock twitched and began to grow. He wasn't going to have to.

"Damn girl, smells like you're pussy's about ready, but I could use a little attention." He said in a gravely voice as a he gestured at his limp cock under his shorts. He pulled the waistband forward and scooped up his growing cock and balls, flopping them out into the open for the second time that day and ignoring the cool air that washed over them.

Sara felt a flutter of embarrassment and anger well up in her chest at Dane saying he could smell her vagina, but she pushed it to the side as she took a deep calming breath. A tingle of excitement spread up her spine as she eyed the wrinkly pink skin of Dane's cock and balls. Starting with something she had already done almost felt comforting as she knelt down between his thighs and put her elbows on his knees, knowing instinctively what he wanted.

The wolf's throbbing pink cock seemed to grow by the inch with every twitch and as Sara grasped it with an awkward paw she could feel the soft warm pink skin expanding and tightening and could see the dark veins twitching as blood pulsed through his shaft and into the bulbous purple head.

The musky tangy smell seemed to get stronger as it grew and Sara inhaled nervously, trying to become accustomed to it as she leaned in and wrapped her lips around the expanding head of his cock. The familiar salty flavor of Dane's cock filled Sara's maw and sent a strange thrill up her spine as her tongue met the smooth spongy flesh of his penis. She reached between her legs and grazed her paw against her pussy and gasped as an electric pulse spread up her spine, intensifying the smell that filled her muzzle and nostrils and making her heart flutter in her chest.

She smiled as she began sucking and squeezing his dick with her paw, causing the massive cock to grow until she could no longer wrap her fingers around its girth, nor fit more than four or five inches into her maw. With each stroke she continued to massage her throbbing clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body and soothing her anxiety as she started to get into blowing the wolf.

Dane let out a long low growl of pleasure as Sara began to bob faster on his dick and her tail twitched behind her as she stroked the wolf's cock. She did her best to keep her teeth away as a slimy liquid began to pool in her muzzle. She swallowed as best she could and felt a wave of pride and pleasure spread through her body as she felt the hot liquid coat the back of her throat on its way down.

After a few short minutes Dane's cock was twitching and throbbing against her paw as she ran her tongue along the hard edge of his cock head, searching for more of the hot sticky liquid she began to enjoy herself. Sara ran her tongue against the base of his cock head, making him gasp before pulling back until only her lips were wrapped around his massive cock head, allowing her tuck suck as hard as she could as she vigorously stroked the thick hard shaft with a paw.

The wolf let out a low growling rumble of pleasure as Sara inserted two fingers into her tight pussy and gasped against his cock. A wave of ecstasy washed through her body and sent her heart into overdrive. She moaned and felt Dane's cock vibrate against the roof of her mouth, as her fingers plunged in and out of her dripping sex, making her wonder when she'd gotten so wet?

"Jesus girl! I'm ready for some of that dripping pussy. Bend over." Dane suddenly growled as an excited smile spread across his face. Sara felt her stomach twitch against the waves of pleasure coursing through her body as she stared up at him for a moment before reminding herself that she had no choice.

Sara pulled Dane's cock from her muzzle with a wet pop as a wave of disappointment spread through her chest. She stood up on shaky legs and took a deep breath before turning around and bending over, flagging her tail high in the air as the cold air washed over her hot dripping pussy.

The big white wolf let out a barking laugh as amusement bubbled through the burning hot arousal that coursed through his body. He stood up and guided the inexperienced cat over to the bed by her hips as she pushed her bottom towards him. The spicy hot smell of her pussy made his heart thump like a drum in his chest as he examined the thin slit, thick pouty outer lips and dripping black fur for any signs of disease. He smiled as he spread the thick engorged folds wide, exposing the glistening pink skin and then slid a finger into her tight wet pussy, feeling nothing but a firm grip and slick hot skin.

Sara settled against the bed, resting her chest and stomach on the firm orange mattress with her thighs braced against its edge and her ass poking high up in the air as she reminded herself of the alternative. She let out a mew of protest as Dane's thick fingers probed her most sacred of places and she swallowed back a moan as something slid inside her. The black cat smiled smugly, glad she had used two fingers in the bathroom as she wondered how much of his cock she'd taken

The answer to her question came in the form of what felt like a fist being pressed against her sopping wet pussy, sending a wave of surprise exploding through her chest. Sara's eyes expanded to the size of saucers as she gasped and mewed in protest.

Sara began to pant and squirm as the large object pressed against her vagina, spreading her pussy wide and causing her to shiver in fear and excitement. She bit her tongue to keep from yelling for Dane to stop as the strange pressure began to grow, putting pressure on her hip bones. She spread her legs wider and did everything she could to relax the muscles in her body as the feeling of Dane's cock head against her sex spurred her fear.

The black cat bit her tongue hard and began to push back against the bed with her paws and thighs as she realized Dane would not get in on his own. She grunted and panted as the head continued to split her body wide open and thanked god that it was just uncomfortable as she arched her back and pushed her ass up towards Dane's cock. Her heart boomed in her chest as a mix of pleasure and fear swirled through her body, making her want to both moan and scream.

With a loud wet squelch Sara felt the massive head of Dane's cock sink into the folds of her tight pussy, stretching the walls of her body to the brink and making her mew in protest as the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach grew. The pressure in Sara's hip joints almost hurt as she tried to adjust to the massive intruder inside her. Her pussy was stretched to its absolute breaking point and Sara found that she couldn't clench her tailhole or flex the muscles in her abdomen as she shifted against the massive intruder.

She gasped and grunted as she forced herself to push backwards with her arms, taking the first few inches with a loud low wail. As the initial shock of being virtually split in half subsided, pleasure spread up Sara's spine in blooming waves, crushing her fear and replacing it with a thrill like nothing she'd ever felt before and making her gasp for a new reason.

Her heart began to pound in her chest as Dane pressed into her body, forcing more of his long thick cock into her vagina. She balled her paws into the orange sheets as the hard edge of Dane's mushroom shaped cock head dragged against the inner walls of Sara's sex, sending waves of pleasure reverberating through her loins and causing her to moan against the bed. She could feel it pulsing in her lower stomach, against her spine and her hip joints ached as she tried to squirm and found that she could only move her bottom if Dane's cock moved her.

Dane growled with pleasure as the vice like grip of Sara's pussy clamped tightly around his cock. He'd never had anyone even remotely this tight and as he continued to push into Sara's dripping vagina, he was surprised to find that he could completely burry himself inside her without hitting her cervix, a rarity in and of itself.

When his pelvis met the radiating heat and moisture of Sara's pussy he stopped and took a deep shuddering breath against the torrent of pleasure spreading up from his cock and into his abdomen. His prick throbbed and twitched in Sara's sex but she had such a tight grip on it that he could barely move inside her. Hot wet warmth wrapped around his entire length, conforming to every bulge and dent on the veined surface of his cock. He let out a low snarling moan as he clenched the muscles in his dick, forcing the tightening in his balls to fade away.

After a moment the white wolf let out another rumbling moan as he pulled back, finding that Sara's pussy almost forced him out of her body, slipping his massive cock out of her vagina like a bar of wet soap in a clenched paw. When only the bulbous purple head of his cock remained inside her he pushed back with his hips, stopping his cock from sliding completely out and giving her a second to adjust. The little black cat was squirming and thrashing on the bed in front of him, but she'd not made a single cry of pain or given him a single sign that she wanted him to stop, she was definitely a keeper. Dane thrust with all his weight against her body, slamming his cock all the way back into her with a single thrust and causing the little cub to scream in a feral moan.

Hot wet liquid splashed over Dane's pelvis and thighs and Sara let out a loud purring moan as his pelvis hit hers with a loud wet smack. The unbelievably tight grip of her vagina somehow tightened around his cock, massaging and milking it as she squirmed and pushed hard against his pelvis. Dane smiled widely as he waited for the grip to loosen some and let out a growl of approval before repeating his long hard thrust, causing the small black cat to grunt and purr against the bed.

Explosions of pleasure erupted through Sara's body as Dane's thrust shook her thin lithe body. Sara pushed her paws against the lumpy mattress she was laying on, forcing Dane's thick cock as deep as it would go. He did it again and she grunted hard as her body was jarred by his thrust. She could feel liquid dripping down her thighs and an embarrassingly loud repetitive squelching noise filled the air with each thrust, but she didn't care. The fourteen year old feline had never felt anything as magnificent as having the thick wolf cock plunge in and out of her body and with each orgasm that exploded like a volcano through her abdomen and burned up her spine, the feeling that her pussy could not contract because of his massive dick spurred the intoxicating feelings to new heights.

Time lost all meaning as Sara let Dane thrust in and out of her with such power that her body was thrown forward against the mattress, rubbing her hard nipples against the rough fabric with each thrust. She could feel Dane's paws on her hips pulling her back towards him, but it wasn't needed, each time she slid away from him she squirmed back into place against the bed, eager for his next thrust and the next orgasm that would explode through her body.

As time wore on Sara's body buzzed and hummed the massive orgasms slowed and turned into one constant tingling orgasm that crashed through her body. She rode wave after wave of intoxicating pleasure as it washed over her body, filling her mind with a thick haze of pure bliss as her heart boomed, her breath came in gasps and her body shook. She could feel Dane's thick cock throb and twitch with each thrust as she burred her head into the mattress.

Before Sara new it she felt her vagina expand further as Dane's cock swelled in her pussy. He thrust hard against her and let out a loud low rumble that seemed to shake the entire room. She gasped as another wave of pleasure rolled over her body like a steam roller, causing her legs to spasm and squirm under the large white wolf's weight as he moaned loudly behind her. Hot warmth sprayed against the deepest walls of Sara's sex as she waited for the next thrust to come, but only felt Dane's cock twitch, throb and swell inside her as the hot sticky wetness continued to spread.

After a few long minutes the panting wolf gave one more half hearted thrust before pulling out completely with a loud wet pop, causing Sara to moan and push her ass back, searching for his thick cock as the thick blanket of arousal that filled her mind, kept her from thinking clearly. Her breath came in dry rasps as she turned around to see Dane moving from behind her to lye down on the bed next to her.

"God damn that was good!" Dane growled as the warmth swelled and pooled in Sara's lower stomach, while somehow cooling the burning heat in the depths of her vagina. She rolled onto her side as the bed shifted against Dane's weight and felt the liquid shift and slosh around inside her.

She smiled radiantly as a hot warm glow spread through her whole body. Her short maroon hair hung in her eyes and her skin felt clammy and dirty under her matted dirty fur. Sara's heart continued to pound in her chest as she simply smiled over at him and crawled the rest of the way onto the bed as liquid again sloshed around inside her and began to slide down the inside of her body. The chilly air of the motel room began to penetrate her burning fur as she sat there, but she didn't care, the heat that throbbed through her body was still strong enough to keep her warm. When the chilly air grazed her tender raw nipples she realized they were almost sore from chafing against the bed spread and the black feline immediately wondered how long they'd been at it.

A small alarm clock on the bedside table said ten thirty, indicating that they'd been at it for nearly two hours. Sara let out a long deep sigh of contentment as she lay back and marveled at how easy and pleasurable it had been to pay for a place to stay. Her body tingled and calmed from the waves of pleasure that burned through it as pride swelled through her chest at having handled the situation so well. She felt the warm liquid drool out of her gaping pussy and onto her thigh as she congratulated herself on a job well done.

"I'm gonna need an hour or so before I'm ready to go again." Dane rumbled. Sara smiled as she shifted to get a better look at her vagina. She looked down to see thick white globs of goo sliding along the messy black fur of her thigh in a trail from her engorged black furred pussy lips and dilated vagina. It took her a full minute for her hazy mind to realize that Dane had cum inside her and another minute to realize the possible ramifications of his actions, sending a week pang of uncertainty in her chest.

Cross species pregnancy was rare, but she'd been taught in health class to never risk it. Sara felt anxiety swell up in her stomach, stomping out the last waves of pleasure in her body as she reminded herself of the alternative. She looked towards the door and shook of her anxiety. No, risking getting pregnant was a way better alternative to risking the assault of that disgusting yellow eyed rat.

Sara looked over at Dane, tracing her eyes over the firm hard curves of his muscular chest as a tingle of excitement and danger spread through her body, besides, it had been fun. She wanted to have sex again and the dangerous thrill of possibly getting pregnant was almost as intoxicating as seeing the muscular wolf lying naked on the bed next to her.

"I'll be ready and willing." Sara purred with a surge of excitement as she shrugged off her anxiety and closed her legs to keep the liquid from running out of her gaping vagina. She wasn't going to get pregnant anyway, that only happened to sluts who slept around a lot, she'd only had sex with one fur, and only one time. Well, one time so far....Her mind wandered back to the exhilirating experiance she'd just been through as her paw deftly stroked her belly and abdomen.