The Examination

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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#3 of A Gay Old Time

Tim entered the waiting room, and walked up to the front desk.

"Hi," the timid boar said, "I have an appointment today with Dr. Park?"

The cow looked at the list of appointments for the day, as well as her watch.

"Let me see here...Tim?"


"Have a seat, dear. Wait for us to call your name. The wait shouldn't be too long."

Tim went over to the chairs, and waited. He eyed the magazines next to him, but saw that they were too outdated for him to enjoy.

An old, bespectacled pig sat nearby, noticing Tim.

"Don't think I've seen ya here before...this your first time seein' a doctor for adults?"


"Ah, ye'll like Dr. Park then. Very friendly to everyone."

"I'm actually friends with his son." Tim responded.

"Oh well now! Then ya already know how nice he is! How silly of me." The old pig responded, adjusting his glasses.

The two went silent.

"Tim?" The cow asked from over at the front desk.


"Come with me."

The boar followed the cow to one of the examination rooms.

"Just sit on the examination table, and remove your pants. Dr. Park will be with you shortly."


The cow left the examination room, and closed the door, leaving Tim alone inside. The boar did as he was told, removing his sneakers and his jeans, leaving him in his t-shirt, briefs, and socks.

Tim waited on the examination table, finding it odd to have to wait in two places when waiting for a doctor.

He also wondered why rooms like these were always so cold. There didn't seem to be any air conditioning units in the place, but the place felt like being in a refrigerator.

Tim tried taking his mind off the impending examination and his surroundings. He was there for just a routine physical. He'd seen Josh's father every so often when visiting, but didn't really get to know him too well. Josh always claimed he was a very easy-going man, kind to all his patients. He was lucky to be Josh's friend, otherwise Tim's parents would have to pay out the nose for the physical.

Dr. Park was one of the few doctors who claimed that homosexuality was not a disorder or sickness, and much of his colleagues hated him for it. Josh once told Tim that Dr. Park made a big speech in front of his colleagues, claiming there was no proof of it being a disorder found in the brain, nor were there any pathogens that caused it in people.

Tim also remembered Josh telling him how his penis was quite long, and whenever he and his brother took a bath, his father would join in and make jokes about how long it was. The boar was a little jealous, his own father wasn't interested in bathing with him.

He wondered how he could be so open about his body in front of his children...then again, he studied the body and how it worked in medical school, and made a living on fixing it if something was ever wrong with it. Tim's own father didn't even go to college, just went into construction like his own dad before him.

Tim continued to get lost in thought, connecting one thought with another, not realizing how much time was passing, until he heard a knocking on the door.

Dr. Park entered the examination room, breaking Tim's concentration.

"Hello, Tim." The cat said.

"Hello, Dr. Park. How's Josh?"

"Josh is doing quite well, he tells me he a few colleges are interested in having him soon."

"Heh, yeah, he told me that too."

"How about you, Tim? Any bites?"

"Not yet...I hope one of them says something to me soon."

"Ah, rush. Don't get discouraged if none of them accept you, I was once in the same boat. Had to work quite hard to get to where I am now."

The cat took a look at the chart.

"Alright then, a routine physical. Let's start with your heart, shall we?"

The cat grabbed the stethoscope and placed the plugs in his ears.

"Could you please lift up your shirt, Tim?"

Tim was a little reluctant, but lifted his shirt.

Dr. Park placed the other end of the stethoscope on the boar's soft chest. The cat listened in for any irregularities. Not long after, he moved the other end to the boar's back.


"Anything wrong?"

"Nope. Very nice, Tim."

Once Dr. Park removed the stethoscope, Tim lowered his shirt.

"Heh heh," Dr. Park chuckled, "That's quite a belly you've got there."

Tim blushed.

"Alright, now for your reflexes."

Dr. Park grabbed the reflex hammer, and gently hit various parts of the boar's exposed body.

"Hmm...good...right...very nice." The cat smiled.

Without saying anything, Dr. Park grabbed some more tools to check the boar's ears and eyes. Once he finished that, he took an armband and wrapped it around Tim's arm.

"And now, everyone's favorite...blood pressure."

Dr. Park gently pumped air into the band, allowing it to tighten around the boar's arm. Tim did get a little nervous.

"Try to relax, my friend, it'll give us the best reading. We don't want you to panic, it can make us think there might be a problem."

The boar took some deep breaths to try and calm himself.

"Ahh...much better."

The cat took the armband off Tim.

"Anything wrong?"

"So far, everything's A-OK."



"When you talked about my belly...I was I too fat?"

The cat chuckled.

"Being overweight can be a problem, yes, but everything else I've checked on you tells me you're just fine. Don't let the chubby belly get to you, I know quite a few overweight men who're healthier than skinny men, and they also feel quite happy about themselves."

Tim smiled.

"We're not quite out of the tunnel yet, though, just a couple of more things to check up on you. First, I'm going to need a sample from the back of your throat."

"Great..." Tim was dismayed.

"Yeah, everyone hates this part. Even me. I wish there was a better way of getting the sample, but we have to use what we have."

Dr. Park went into one of the jars on the desk and grabbed a long cotton swab.

"Open your mouth please, Tim. I'll try to be as gentle as I can."

The boar opened his mouth, trying to relax as the swab entered. He couldn't feel it, but could tell where the swab was exactly in his mouth.

"Say 'ahh'..."


The swab gently touched the back of Tim's throat, and rubbed it ever so gently. The cat quickly removed the swab and rubbed it onto a petri dish he'd been holding in his hand.

"Perfect, buddy."


Dr. Park went into the drawer by the exam table and grabbed a cup.

"Not sure if you've gone already, but do you think you can pee in this for me?"

"Uh...not sure, I did go before I came here..."

"Eh, not a huge problem...Do you think you might be able to go again a little later?"


"Well, in either case, I'm going to have to check your penis and scrotum for any hernias."

The boar sank into himself on the table. Dr. Park chuckled again.

"Heh heh, it's really no big deal, friend. It tends to be the favorite part of the physical for my older patients." He joked. "I remember one of my patients saying 'you'd have to buy me a drink first.'"

It took a second for Tim to get the joke, but the color returned to his face as he laughed.

"I almost spilled his urine sample, I was laughing so hard."

"Sounds like he was a funny guy."

"Oh yes, he was a lovely patient, one of the first to tell me he was gay."


Tim continued to hesitate to remove his briefs.

"...Well...if it'll make you more comfortable, I can take mine off as well."

" might." The boar responded, curious of the prospect of seeing his friend's dad's member.

"Alright. Don't go around telling the other patients that I do this...or Josh."

The cat then unbuckled his belt, and lowered his pants, as well as his boxers. Tim looked at Dr. Park's member. It was as Josh described it, looking very similar to his own father's, save the color of the fur at the base. It was long, kinda floppy, and had a bright pink head.

"See? I'm fairly comfortable with others seeing my penis. Please go ahead and take your briefs off, Tim."

The boar was now more comfortable with removing his briefs, leaving him bottomless.

"There we go, bud."

The doctor firmly, but gently, rubbed the boar's scrotum, checking for any irregularities. He then gently rubbed Tim's penis, moving it around to check every part of it. He grabbed the head with a finger and thumb and gently pressed on it, checking the meatus. It twitched a couple of times in reaction. Once he was finished, he took his hands off the boar's private area, and wrote on the boar's chart.

The boar started blushing, being left with an erection.

"Looking very good, Tim."

"Uh...Dr. Park?"

"Hm?" The cat asked, while writing some more on Tim's chart.

"Is it wrong that my penis twitched and got hard while you touched it?"

"Heh, I'd be more worried if it didn't!" Dr. Park responded. "Don't worry, bud, an erection is normal when a doctor, or anyone for that matter, touches your penis. Sex would be quite hard if it didn't. It's doing the right thing."


The boar went silent, but remembered the conversation he had with his dad some time back.

"...Dr. Park?"


"...My dad once told me that he felt my penis was a little small for my age, and that when he was my age, his penis was much longer. He showed me his, and it was around the same size as yours." The boar explained, pointing at the doctor's still exposed member.

Dr. Park smiled again. "Are you worried that your penis is small, Tim?"

"Well...I'm not, but he was concerned."

"Heh, well I'd say he shouldn't be. Do you masturbate, Tim?"

The boar blushed.


"Do you have any pain when erect, or have trouble ejaculating?"


"Well then your penis is just fine. They tend to be like fingerprints, everyone's penis is unique to them, but they all do the same thing. Just because your father's and my penis are longer than yours doesn't mean anything."

The doctor fumbled himself out of his pants completely, and sat in the chair by the desk opposite the examination table Tim was sitting on.

"Generally, penises come in two different size types. One type, like yours, tends to be fairly small when in its flaccid state. Only when it's erect does its true length show, like a little earlier when I touched it. It grew a little, did it not?"

"Yes, it did."

"The other type, like mine, or your father's, tends to remain the same size, regardless of what state it is in. If I were to have an erection right now, you'd see it wouldn't grow very much."

Dr. Park touched it and flopped it around for a second.

"I'm not sure if you've seen it, but my son, Josh, has a penis very much like yours. I know, I've been giving him his physicals all his life."

The boar smiled a bit.

"Even Jack, my older son, has a penis like yours. Also, some of my older patients, even older than your dad, have penises as small as or even smaller than yours. Many of them are fairly content with themselves. You're in good company, Tim."

"Well...I have another question."


"Josh told me you were okay with...people being gay?"

"Yes, it really is not the horror story the public makes it out to be."

"So...there's nothing wrong with me...being gay?"

"Do you feel that you are?"

"I do...I can't tell my parents that, though. My dad is very hateful towards the idea. I also feel I may be alone for awhile, I don't know anyone else who is gay."

"Ah...that does seem like a problem. I'm sorry you have parents who wouldn't be happy to learn of the fact."


"It's very unfortunate that the world doesn't think too highly of homosexuals. I don't know what to say about your parents, I recommend that you lay low for awhile about the fact, and tell them later, when you become independent from them, maybe after you complete college. If you do decide to tell them, or they find out by accident, I suggest you have them call me. I won't be able to guarantee they'll be very understanding after I speak with them, but hopefully they'll tolerate it a bit better."

Tim smiled.

"As for being alone, I can definitely tell you you're not. A good number of my patients have confided in me their homosexuality. I'm not allowed to share with you exactly who, but I can tell you that you're not the only one in your school struggling with it. When Jack was your age, he was having a bit of trouble himself, but I hear he's found a nice guy who cares for him at college. Unlike you, though, unfortunately, he was able to confess it to me and his mom, and we supported him immediately."

"I, you say there's others in my school who are gay?"

"Yes, but I'm not allowed to say who, I must keep that information confidential. If I were you though, and I was looking to make friends with them, I'd check the parts of the school where there's art going on. Homosexuals tend to enjoy fine arts, maybe check the school's orchestra or theatre groups. I know, it'd be tough to just outright ask if they were gay...but even if they're not, they may sympathize and help you find others who are."

"Ah...thanks, doctor." Tim smiled.

"Not a problem."

"...One more thing, doctor?"


"...Since you showed me your penis...would I be able to touch it?"

Dr. Park chuckled again.

"Because I touched yours, right?"

Tim nodded.

"Well, it'd be very unorthodox, but I guess so was dropping my pants. Do you know the proper names for all the parts of it? I could tell you which part is what."

Tim got off the examination table, and got closer to the doctor's private area. He gently grasped the shaft of Dr. Park's member.

"That would be the shaft."

"I've never touched one as long as yours."

"Heh heh...well, now you're moving up to the glans. The bulbous-looking base is called the corona. At the end, the hole is called the meatus. Underneath the meatus is the frenulum...did you know that you and I are missing a part of our penises?"


"Yes, we're all born with some extra skin at the tip of our penises. It's usually cut off the moment after we're born."

"I see...why?"

"Most believe we're better off without the extra skin."


"Yeah. The frenulum is a bit more useful when it has that extra skin, for you and I, it doesn't do a whole lot...heh...I remember teaching this all to Jack and Josh in the bathtub when they were younger, they found bath time a whole lot more fun when I joined them..."

Tim watched as the doctor's penis started to twitch.

"Heh heh...that tickles, bud."

Tim smiled. He continued to rub the penis, continuing to stimulate the cat to full erection.

"Well, now you have ME erect."

The boar stayed quiet, allowing his other hand to grab at the doctor's sack.

" that's the scrotum, and inside are the two testicles. I'm sure you've felt yours many times as you've touched yourself. The two testicles are connected to the vas deferens, and deliver the sperm up to the seminal vesicle and prostate, where semen is created, the liquid your sperm travels through. You shoot it out of your penis after masturbation or sex."

As Tim continued to stroke the doctor, his own penis started to grow again.

"Heh...well you seem to be enjoying this..."

"You are too." Tim smiled.

The boar then moved in closer, allowing him to place the doctor's member into his muzzle. The ticklish doctor started twitching violently in his mouth.

"'re quite good at that, Tim."

The boar continued to massage the doctor's penis with his tongue, shoving it deeper into him. Dr. Park started getting concerned.

"Tim...I don't think we should...this REALLY is not what...ohhhhh Lord that feels great...I need you to stop...OH GOD DON'T STOP!"

The twitching in Tim's mouth got more and more violent. As the boar continued to suck the cat, he had also been masturbating since the moment he let the member enter his mouth. Dr. Park was getting quite close.

"Tim....Oh God...OH GOD"

The doctor quickly pushed Tim off of his penis, and started to ejaculate. The ribbons of semen his the examination table, and the floor.

As he was doing this, Tim was also stroking himself furiously, also ejaculating, in the opposite direction.

The two started breathing very hard.

"Heh...well, Tim...I do have other appointments. I must stress this to you though...what we did, just now? We cannot let that out of this room. Okay?"

"Yeah. I won't tell long as you don't tell my parents anything."

"You're an adult, Tim. I'm bound from sharing any information of your physical to them. You're fine."

"Thanks...I hope that...despite what I just did, you'll still let me be your patient, Dr. Park..."

"Of course, Tim." The cat smiled.

The two started to put their pants back on.

"Oh!" something had occurred to Tim.


"...I think I can give you that urine sample, now."

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