When You Wish Upon a Fox

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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When You Wish Upon a Fox

By Apollo Wolf

[email protected]

OK the usual disclaimer. This story is a fictional account that contains materials of an adult and homosexual nature. If you are not legally permitted to view it, whomever or wherever you are, that's not my fault...it's all on you. So carry on if you are interested and please feel free to let me know if you liked what you read.

As I scrolled down the screen one listing in particular caught my eye. As a collector of die cast toy cars I quickly learned that online auctions were my new best friend. This day I was perusing Ebay when I happened upon an auction lot including several toy cars. So far the bidding had not gotten to serious and it was still within my budget so I placed a bid. I made a mental note to check back in the afternoon at the auction's scheduled end just to insure that no other bidder came swooping in right at the end to steal my prize.

Fortunately my bid held up and I won. I arranged payment with the seller and them happily wrote out a check and made my way down to my dorm's front desk to mail it. As I rounded the corner at the mailboxes I ran smack dab into Jesse. Now here was the most gorgeous specimen of freshmen student athlete you could ever meet and as luck would have it I couldn't make a move because I was his R.A.

"Hey Alex. I'm glad I ran in to you. I've got a small problem I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure, no sweat, come on up to my room and..."

"Oh, I can't right now I have to get to wrestling practice."

"OK. Well just stop by during open hours later."

"All right, see ya."

He slapped me on the shoulder and headed off. I couldn't help but stare after him, watching his cute little ass in his jeans. I shook it off and reminded myself I could get kicked out of school for anything that might be interpreted wrong, so I left him in my dreams and went on with my day.

Everyone knows I'm gay. It's kinda hard to miss between the rainbow flag in my room and the pink safe haven sticker on my door. Fortunately none of the guys on my floor seem to care this year. I leave my door open whenever I'm in so anybody can stop in and chat. All of my guys come down to hang out every now and then, as well as some guys from other floors and other dorms as well who need a friendly queer ear.

Now I've had a crush on a few of my dorm mates before but Jesse was on a whole other level. I found it difficult to concentrate or even breathe around him. So when that dusty-blond haired adonis appeared knocking on my open door that evening flush with sweat and wearing nothing but a pair of sweat pants, my head simply swam.

"Sorry to stop by so late Alex, but practice ran long. I really needed to talk to you tonight before you turned in, I didn't even have time to clean up."

"Hey it's no problem. That's what college life is all about, never having enough time. Have a seat."

I managed to get up from my bed without my stiffening hard-on being too obvious.

"Can I get you a soda," I asked, reaching into my mini-fridge he nodded so I tossed him a Pepsi.

He sat down in my recliner and leaned back which made his impressive package even more obvious in his sweats.

"So what's on your mind?"

He started talking about how his classes were going and I found my self starting to space out as he talked. He was a little short, maybe about 5'8'' but that just made him a better wrestler. Jesse was also really built, he told me once about his daily workout routine, I'd almost say it bordered on obsession. He made weight in the 165-pound weight class and every bit of it was muscle. I was transfixed as a single bead of sweat slowly traced its way down from his thick neck. The delicate drop followed along the curve of his pec then across the ridges of his washboard abs before being absorbed by the soft cotton that clung around his waist.

"So here's the problem," I heard him say as I snapped my attention back into place. "I think my lab partner in chemistry has been hitting on me."

"So how's that a problem?" I asked, though I already feared the answer.

"Well... my partner's a guy. You know... a... ummm..."

"Fag?" I offered as my heart sank.

"No! No, just gay." He said, clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just, how do I tell him I'm not, you know, that way?"

"Look Jess, we're all big kids here so just be honest. Tell him your not interested," I heard my mouth say as my soul cried out in agony. "You don't have to be mean or rude or anything, just treat it like you would if anybody else were flirting with you. It's all the same anyway right?"

"Yea, I guess you're right," he says as he stands up. "Thanks, Alex."

He slaps me on the back and I thrill at the brief moment of contact as I place my hand on his warm, bare shoulder, guiding him out the door. "See you later," I mumble as I watch him walk down the hall and that night as I fall asleep I find myself wishing I could make him mine.

Though still somewhat bummed about being rejected vicariously by Jess, my mood brightened considerably when a large box was delivered to me several days later. Inside of the box were several of the toy cars I had bought the lot for, some in better condition that I had expected, but also quite a few other items as well. I set the box aside to go through later. While I was busy cleaning a model '57 Chevy there was a knock at the door. I look up to see Jesse standing there beaming.

"Hey Jess, what are you so happy about?"

"I just found out I made the varsity squad for tonight, I'm gonna be starting my first tournament at 165!"

"That's great! I'm glad for you." I got up off the floor and gave him a high five.

"Yea, a bunch of the other guys are gonna come and see the opening round. I was hoping you would too."

"I don't know Jess, I've got a lot of school work to do..."

"Please, I would really like all of my friends there."

God that puppy dog face and pleading was just not fair.

"Oh all right. Sure, I'll be there."

"Cool! See you later then." He smiled brightly then turned and nearly bounced away.

Oh great, I thought, just what I need to get over Jesse, watching him roll around with another guy while wearing practically nothing. "Damn it! I'm late." I quickly get up and grab my things and run out the door, my mythology lecture started five minutes ago.

Thought the rest of the day was uneventful. I couldn't get Jess out of my mind. This little crush of mine was bordering on unhealthy obsession. That night I made my way to the campus sports complex and found the guys from my floor with a bunch of seats already staked out down front near the mats.

I can never get over how incredibly hot wrestlers look in those stretchy tight spandex singlets. I don't think I've ever wanted to be a piece of fabric so bad in my life. Even though I was trying to hide a massive hard on I still cheered on our team as enthusiastically as everyone else did. When Jesse finally had his match, I was so into the action I barely had time to notice the beautiful curve of his bubble butt, the lines of the supporter he wore under the singlet, or the huge bulge of his crotch that was scarcely hidden by the thin lycra uniform. Yea right, barely noticed.

Jesse's bout ended up pretty short as his opponent was no match for his strength or technique and Jess won by pinfall in just under two minutes. After the match he came over to talk to us. I honestly told him how impressed I was, but I kept having to turn away to keep from staring at his body.

His next match in the tourney was much more hard fought; however, I got the impression that he was showboating or just toying with his victim for a time. It went into sudden death and Jess managed to escape from the down position to win and advance to the finals the next day. As I got up to leave Jesse trotted over and asked if I could wait a bit so we could walk back to the dorm together and I agreed despite my desire to address the growing wet spot of pre-cum in my briefs.

After a few minutes he came out of the locker room, his hair still wet and tousled from the shower. As we walked back across campus in the brisk early winter air we talked about everything, wrestling, our choice of majors, and even about being gay.

"You were right Alex, you know, about that guy that was flirting with me."

"Oh," I managed to respond calmly, "it went all right?"

"Yea. He just apologized and that was the end of it, he did look a little disappointed though."

"I can imagine," I said aloud before I could stop myself.

Jesse just stopped and looked at me, "What?"

"Well, uhh... you are rather attractive you know. Who wouldn't want be with you."

Jesse thought about that a moment then seemed to accept it as the compliment it was meant to be and we moved on. We arrived at the dorm without any further uncomfortable situations and stopped at his door.

"So, you coming to the finals tomorrow?"

"Sure, wouldn't miss it."

Never before in my life did I want a kiss so badly. I probably imagined it, but he almost seemed to lean in but then he opened his door and was gone.

I went down the hall to my room and collapsed on the bed in frustration only to have something rather hard and pointy jab me in the back. I sat up and there on the bed was one of the auction items I had set aside earlier in the day. It looked like an old teakettle of some sort with a wide rounded body, a short spout, and a long curving handle attached at the top and the base. Underneath the layers of grime and dirt seemed to be a polished brass surface with tiny scribbles of writing.

I grabbed a cloth to try and clean it off some and as I buffed the surface began to glow and get warm to the touch. I set it down and backed away thinking some wise guy slipped some fireworks in the package sent to me. It continued to glow brighter and brighter until an intense flash blinded me for a moment.

When my vision cleared, I was shocked to see that the kettle, which had stopped glowing, was now resting in the hands of a young man.

"Hey! Who the hell are you and what are you doing in here?" I finally stammered.

Here stood this perfect male with long shoulder length blond hair and piercing green eyes, His tall muscular form only adorned with a simple loincloth.

He looked at me quizzically, "I thank you for freeing me, and choosing such a pleasing form." He said looking himself over. "The last of the fated saw fit to produce me as a large fish."

"What are you talking about? Produce you?"

"The fated one always chooses a form for me to better serve them. You are now the fated and I must do as you wish, as it describes on the vessel," he gestured to the kettle he had placed back on the bed.

"So what are you?" I asked sitting down on the floor, still not quite believing what was happening.

He seemed to puff out his chest with pride, "I am an ancient power whose sole purpose is top fulfill the desires of the fated ones, some have referred to me as a genie."

"You mean you have to grant me wishes?" I said in disbelief.

"Three to be exact," he said sitting down into the chair across from me.

"So what can't I wish for. What are the rules?"

"You've read one too many of my legends, unfortunately they are not always accurate. There are no rules on wishes boy. If you can imagine it... you can wish it, but no you cannot wish for more wishes. Everyone just gets three."

"So what does your heart desire?" He said spreading his arms wide and smiling brightly.

Before I even had time to think the ache in my heart caused me to blurt out, "Jesse!"

"This guy. Here in the dorm." My mind raced along as I though about my wish. "I want him to love me."

The genie stood and placed his hand on my shoulder and he looked me in the eyes. "That is your wish then? You must say the words aloud."

I nodded sure of what I desired, "Oh Jesse, I wish you were gay You're such a fox, if only you loved me, that's my wish."

The genie suddenly clapped his hands together and shouted, "It is done!" and with that the lamp started glowing brightly and the genie's smooth skin and golden hair seemed to shine as well. The light increased and I found myself squeezing my eyes shut to keep from being blinded...

Next thing I know I'm being jarred awake to my alarm going off and a knock at the door. I quickly sit up in my bed, the genie! I look around and there is the small kettle sitting on my desk. Was it just a dream? The knock on my door repeats so I get up to answer it. Rubbing my eyes to clear away the sleep and pulling on some pants before opening the door I continue to try and figure out if last night's event's were real.

"Hey Alex you coming?" one of my other residents asks.

"Sean what is it." I grumble, "coming where?"

"The wrestling tournament, it starts in half an hour."

"Shit. Yea, you guys go ahead I'll catch up."

I shut the door to get dressed and try to clear the vision of the handsome genie from my mind. By the time I made it to the wrestling match I had managed to convince myself that the genie and the wish was just my imagination running wild. I missed the team warm ups and they were just starting wrestler introductions so I found a seat in the bleachers next to the rest of the guys from the dorm. They went through all of the other teams' wrestlers that made the finals before starting with our team.

As they called their names, each guy came jogging out of a corridor that led to the locker room. When they called out Jesse's name I looked down and promptly fell out of my seat. There, running out onto the mat, instead of Jesse was a large red fox! It was wearing the same warm-ups as the rest of the team and waved a large paw at the crowd.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I looked around and nobody else seemed to react to this, to them it was all perfectly natural that a half man half fox was a member of the wrestling team. The tall fox spotted the group from our dorm and walked over after the introductions were over. I managed to sit back up in my seat but my eyes must have been bulging out of my head and my jaw hanging wide open. It noticed me and looked down. I nearly fell over again when it spoke.

"Alex? You OK?" It was Jesse's voice, sure enough.

"Yea, uhh... yea," I stammered, " how about you, are you felling OK?"

"Never better. I'm ready to kick some ass," it growled back.

It said hi to the rest of the guys and I just stared at the rich red coloring of his fur and the way his large pointed ears moved as he talked. He turned to leave and I jumped up to stop him.

"Hey, umm... Jess, good luck," I said extending my hand.

I just had to feel it to see if he was real. He reached over with a large paw and shook my hand, "Thanks." His grip was impressive and I could feel the hard points of his claws on my hand but the soft touch of his white-furred palms was incredible.

I watched most of the other matches in a daze, still trying to put this puzzle together, but my gaze kept drifting back to Jess, watching his every move. When it came time for his match my breath caught in my throat and I received another surprise as he stripped off his warm-up. I was amazed by the stark contrast of the blue and white singlet against the fur that covered him from head to toe, but even more so my attention was drawn to the long bushy tail that extended from his backside through a hole in the singlet.

He was possibly a little shorter as a fox than he was before, but even more solidly muscled and of course covered in fur. His bright red coloring started just beneath the black furred tip of his ears down to his wrists and ankles, which were a dark black. Pure white fur spread from his lower jaw down his throat and onto his chest where it disappeared beneath his wrestling singlet. His tail was also a deep red except for the white tip.

Even as the first period began, nobody seemed to think the large furry wrestler was out of the ordinary. While the bout continued, I marveled at the way Jess moved and I became increasingly aware of how aroused I was getting. The way he panted between breaks in the action, how he looked on his hands and knees when in the down position, but mostly the large mound of spandex that was his groin. He was obviously even better endowed now than he was as a human.

What the hell was I thinking, as a human!? He is supposed to be human! This was just wrong; I had to get him changed back. As soon as the match ended, with the referee holding up the fur-covered paw of the victor, I jumped up and ran back to my dorm room.

The genie's lamp is sitting on the desk where I had left it. I grab in and start rubbing furiously nothing happens. No glowing, no genie, no nothing. I collapse into my chair and try to think about what I'm going to do. I get lost in my thoughts until sometime later I'm interrupted by a knock at the door. I get up to answer it but before I get there the door opens and Jesse walks in.

"Hey Alex, what's up? Why did you run off? I thought you were gonna walk back here with me?"

"Wha...Why would I do that," I asked trying to remain calm and keep from staring. His jeans were positively bulging and the unbuttoned flannel shirt he wore was revealing a bright white swath of fur across his chest.

"You always walk back with me."

"I do?"

"Yea stupid, why are you acting so weird all of a sudden?"

He walked over to stand right in front of me. Before I knew what was happening, he put both of his massive paws on my hips and pulled me in close until our crotches met. He then looked down and gave me an odd smile, leaned in, and kissed me full on the lips!

It was a little awkward with both my stunned reaction and my first experience in kissing somebody with a muzzle. I soon forgot about everything else and fell into his soft embrace. I felt his long smooth tongue move into my mouth and caress the inside of my cheeks, He broke away and I looked up into his intense golden eyes,

"Why did you do that?"

"Why wouldn't I want to kiss my boyfriend?"

Everything was just happening too fast, I felt dizzy and had to sit down.


"Yea, don't tell me your still mad about my lab partner flirting with me?"

He flopped down on my bed and kicked off the oversized shoes I just realized he was wearing.

"So what did you think of my match?"

"Your match? Uhh... you looked great."

"I thought I always looked great to you," he said sarcastically as he took off his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I need you Alex, you know how turned on I get after a match."

His paw moved gently down his chest ruffling the white fur until it reached the waistband of his pants witch he slowly began to unbutton. So my wish had been granted, with just one tiny, odd little side effect apparently. Jesse was really mine, and as my own jeans began to tighten because of my rapidly expanding cock, I realized just how much I liked Jesse like this.

"Come on Alex, I've got to cum in the worst way. I've been holding back since the tournament started and those guys where way cute, uhh... not as cute as you though." He smiled at me licking his chops.

What the hell, I figured I could always have the genie change him back later. I quickly stripped off all my clothes. I stood over next to the bed where Jesse lay, looking up at me with his beautiful golden eyes.

He sat up slightly and leaning over, he began to lick at my thighs, groin, and stomach. I watched in fascination as his long tongue flicked in and out of his mouth, slapping against my skin and twisting and turning over and around my rigid dick. I barely kept from giggling as he tickled my bare flesh. He stopped, then reached up and took my hands in my paws and pulled gently until they were resting on his hips

I took the hint and began to pull down his jeans, guiding them down his muscled legs and off his long bushy tail. I started to play with his tail a moment, which he seemed to enjoy, running my hands up and down its entire length and then all the way up to where it emerged just above his gloriously round and furry ass.

"Oh man, that feels good Alex."

I massaged the base a while but was quickly draw to the loaded cannon that rested between his legs.

His balls were a bit larger than a normal human, but otherwise unchanged, disregarding the red fur. However, his cock was now enclosed in a steadily thickening sheath that held it up against his lower abdominals. I grabbed a hold of it with both hands and began to stroke and squeeze the remarkable soft furry tube.

"You like that do ya?"

Jesse nodded; he started panting and emitted a low vibrating rumble, something between a growl and a cat's purr. Just as he did this, his dick began to poke its way out of the sheath. My eyebrows raised slightly as I looked over his new member. It looked moist, and was dark pink, almost red. It was more pointed at the tip, not the rounded glans I was accustomed to. As I stroked him it continued to expand and stiffen, pushing out further. Once it looked like it was fully erect it stood out all of nine incredibly thick inches and was slowly oozing precum.

I let go of the sheath and placed a hand on his throbbing cock. I was surprised at how smooth the skin was and how slick his clear juices made it. Suddenly Jesse grabbed me and pulled me down on top of him. We lay there for just a moment with our bodies pressed together, our dicks rubbing and I thrill in the feel of that rumbling radiating from his broad chest.

I start grinding my cock into his, humping away as I feel the alternating smoothness of his prick and the softness of his luscious fur. We move together for a while, rolling, until I find myself underneath him. He gets up on his forepaws and knees over me then starts to lick his way down my body. Across my face and neck, down to my shoulders and biceps, until his long and expert tongue finds my hardened nipples. He works each one in turn gently nipping at the tender flesh.

He continues on, moving lower, down my abs, when he reached my groin just a few gentle touches of his tongue on my cock nearly drive me over the edge. However, he stops suddenly and moves lower then takes both of my balls into his muzzle. He works my tightly packed nuts with his tongue, always careful of his sharp teeth. I nearly find myself howling in pleasure, as I've never felt anything quite like it.

Jesse soon releases my balls and I look down just in time to watch him swallow my entire straining cock into his muzzle. He goes all the way down until I feel his cold nose bumping against the skin at the base. He starts to bob in and out suctioning on my cock and continued to use his dexterous tongue around my glans. I thrust my hips into him, fucking his beautiful red furred face, while I rub my hands through his thick head fur and playing with his large flexible ears.

Before long I felt myself loosing control and I explode into him. My mind absolutely swims with the intensity of the orgasm. Jesse drinks down my cum hungrily, not letting a drop go to waste. I feel completely drained as he lays back down next to me but the gently touch of his fur against my skin and the slight prodding of his engorged cock reminds me that I should return the favor.

I climb on top of him and straddle his thick torso, the tip of his dick pressing gently at my backside. I look down at him and decide that licking all that fur was not the best option but choose to explore him with my hands instead. I began to caress his pure white chest fur and was astounded by how well defined his muscles were underneath his soft hide. I toyed with his massive pecs and their hardened nipples and worked my way down to the firm ridges of his powerful abs.

He nearly started to whimper with desire as I backed up a bit and felt his cock nudge insistently at my asshole. I lifted myself slightly and then began to slowly sit down on his rod, with all of his precum and the slickness of his dick, the pointed tip slid in easily. I sat there a moment and drank in the feeling of him growing inside me. Slowly at first but with increasing speed I began to rack back and forth driving his dick in and out of my hole.

Jesse reached down and grasped my prick with his large paws and stroked me in time with my rocking motion.

"Uhhh... yea Jess. That feels great..."

He began to grunt and growl even louder which only drove me to pick up the pace. After a few moments I felt a much larger bulge stretch me, and then pop into my ass. This only increased the pleasurable sensations so I ignored it for the time being. Without warning Jesse let go of my cock and took a firm grip on my waist. He pulled me down at the same time thrusting his hips upwards as he started to shoot his load into me. His cock pulsed out large quantities of jism into me and the increase in pressure caused me to blast another shot of cum right onto his chest.

We both collapse back into the bed and I lay on his chest, working my cum into his fur. Jesse just lay there with his eyes closed, his long tongue hanging out as he panted. After a few moments I started to get up to pull his still hard cock from my ass but something kept pulling at the inside of my sphincter, his cock wouldn't come out. I started to pull harder but Jesse just lifted his hips preventing me from pulling very hard.

"Jess, I'm stuck! I can't pull off, what's wrong?" I started to panic.

Jesse smiled up at me, "Come on dude, quit playing around. You know you have to wait a while for my knot to soften."

"You're knot?" I asked.

"Yea man, come on, its not like this is the first time we've tied together."

"Okay, you're right, I'm sorry." I muttered still not quite sure what was going on but I did manage to relax.

I found myself lying back down on his chest and I marveled at the deep thumping of his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. Eventually his prick did soften and I could get up off of him. I looked at his semi erect prick; his "knot" was enormous! At the base of his dick, where it emerged from his sheath, was a large bulge about the size of my fist.

"Wow Alex, that was new. I don't think I've ever seen you so turned on."

"Ohh...? I guess I was just happy to be with you is all."

He gave me a gentle kiss/lick as he sat up. "Well Alex I've got an early class tomorrow so I'd better go clean up and hit the sack."

He got up and started to pull his pants back on. I stood up next to him still naked and threw my arms around him in a great big hug.

"I love you Jesse."

He looked up into my eyes and licked my cheek.

"I love you too, goodnight Alex."

He turned and opened my door to leave and I followed him into the hall. I stood there and stared after him as he walked down the hall, watching his tail swish back and forth happily behind him.

Suddenly the room behind me filled with an intense yellow glow. I turned, squinting against the glare and as the light dimmed I could make out the silhouette of the same golden haired genie lying on the bed.

"So... I see you have enjoyed your first wish," he said nodding toward my still sweat glistened naked body.

Despite the workout I had received from Jess, being seen naked by such an incredible looking being, especially one as impressively endowed as this one must be, judging by the mound his loincloth covered, caused my cock to begin to stiffen. I quickly found a pair a gym shorts and pulled them on.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been rubbing that stupid lamp like crazy and nothing happened."

"I'm very sorry, but after granting such a powerful wish, a period of rest is required."

"Yea, well about that wish. You fucked it up, Jesse is now a five foot something walking talking fox."

"But he loves you, correct?"

"Yes but that's not the point..."

He sat up suddenly and pointed at me, "Ahh but it is. Your wish was for a real queer fox that loved you and that is what was produced, do you not like your wish?"

When he said this his shoulders slumped and he looked very sad and disappointed, like he really was trying to please me and my satisfaction was all that mattered to him. As I thought it over I couldn't honestly say that Jesse's new body wasn't a lot of fun. All of that incredible fur, his playful tail, and not to mention that huge dick.

"No," I said sitting down next to the genie and putting my arm over his shoulder, "I did like it, very much."

"But it's just... he's too different now, he and I need to be more alike."

The genie's smile brightened and he stood up. "This I can do for you," he said.

"So what you have told me, this is your second wish?"

I thought a moment before responding, "Uhh... I guess... yes it is."

Again he clapped his hands together and loudly exclaimed, "It is done!"

With that the lamp shone brightly and the genie vanished into the radiance. Once my vision had cleared I quickly made my way down the hall to Jesse's room to check on him. I knocked on the door and braced myself but Jesse's roommate Ryan answered the door instead.

"Hey Ryan, where's Jess?"

"Oh he just went down the hall to the shower. He'll probably be in there awhile, you know how long it takes him to wash all that fur."

Oh no. Fur. I thought. "Thanks Ryan."

I jogged down the hall to the floor's bathroom. Entering the bathroom, the air was thick and steamy which made it difficult to see. I rounded the corner to the shower stalls and could make out that only one had the curtain pulled and was in use. I started to move closer to the sounds of rushing water when I caught a brief flash of red. I stopped dead in my tracks as once again a water drenched fury tail poked out of the curtain then disappeared back inside.

Great it didn't work; Jess is still a fox. No, it had to work maybe it just takes awhile to take effect. As soon as that thought went through my brain, my head started to throb painfully. I staggered over to the sink, clutching the sides of my head, squeezing my eyes shut against the pain. I felt like I was on the verge of passing out, my insides were churning and every bone in my body seemed to ache.

I opened my eyes to look myself in the mirror and blinked in shock and surprise. My eyes had changed from a brown to a brilliant sparkling gold.

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

Leaning in to get a closer look I suddenly noticed that my nose was starting to turn a glossy black and flatten out. Before I have a chance to react my face begins to push out and form a long muzzle. My jaw drops slightly and I catch sight of my now sharper teeth and elongated tongue. By now a deep gray fur is beginning to spread across my face and my hair is changing to the same color a swath of white spouts from my chin down to my neck. My ears stretch and pop as they reshape to become larger, pointed and located further towards the top of my head. In only a matter of moments my reflection now shows a large foxes head atop of my human body.

I barley have time to contemplate this as the pain intensifies in the rest of my body. I fell to the floor in agony as my body starts to bulk up and sprout the same gray and white fur. My muscles shift and grow denser; I could almost see them moving visibly beneath my skin before the fur covers me. A sharp stabbing pain shot down my spine to my backside where a tail began to emerge and grow longer and bushier by the second. My hands and feet began to reshape themselves into paws, with talons at the tips of my fingers and toes, and cover over in white fur just past my wrists and ankles.

Within a few moments the pain had receded. I got up to my knees on the floor and looked down at my body. I was now covered head to toe with thick gray fur except where white fur extended from my jawbone down across my chest and stomach and my hands and feet that made me look as though I was wearing white gloves and socks.

I brought my hands up to my face and felt the long muzzle now protruding from it, ending with a wet black nose that I could actually see. My hands themselves were now huge paws tipped with sharp claws. I noticed a rustling behind me and turned to look over my shoulder to see my tail wag back and forth. I was quite amazed to sense it weight and length and reached down a paw to feel where it attached to my body where it had ripped through my shorts just above my buttocks.

I carefully stood up and walked over to the mirror, walking took a little getting used to with my feet in a new and longer shape, I seemed to bounce slightly on the balls of my feet. As I looked at myself in the mirror I realized I looked almost exactly like Jesse did except for my fur being gray to his deep red.

I hadn't noticed but the water in the shower had stopped running. Jesse walked out and spotted me, " Hey Alex, so long as you're here why don't you make yourself useful and help me dry off."

I spun in surprise when he spoke, nearly falling over. "I...I uhh... I'm a fox," I stammered.

"No shit, and I'm wet fox. Now get you cute, furry, little butt over here and give me a hand," he laughed back tossing me a towel.

I walked over and slowly started to rub the towel into his back fur. As I continued to rub him down I became more aware of how my senses had changed. My larger ears picked up the sound of people's footsteps outside in the hall, the slight drip of a sink, and the hum of the lights. But most of all, my nose was alerting me to all kinds of new and interesting smells. I could detect the inviting scent of Jess' clean wet fur and this was starting to turn me on. The more I caressed him the more my nose picked up his scent and soon I picked up on my own musk and arousal.

A warming sensation spread through my loins and up into my chest as I instinctively started to murr Jesse joined in when I stepped up closer to him and reached around with the towel and started to dry his sheath.

"Mmmm... come on Alex, I'm supposed to be getting dry here," Jesse mumbled.

"I can't help it you just smell so good."

I knew what I wanted and I couldn't hold back anymore. I stepped back and dropped the towel to the floor then bent over and slid my shorts down my legs and off my tail. I smiled in amazement at the sight of my steadily thickening sheath and gray furry balls. The pink head of my cock was just beginning to inch out. Everything about it felt so right, so natural to me. I took Jesse by the paw and led him back into one of the shower stalls. By now his own cock was erect and standing proudly out of its fur covered home.

I knelt down and inhaled strongly, completely filling my mind with his scent then plunged his entire cock deep into my muzzle. It was incredible how great he tasted and how much of him I could take into my mouth. Mindful of my sharp teeth I swirled my much longer tongue around his meat as it started to pour forth with his tangy precum. Jesse was murring loudly and quivering all over with pleasure. I could hear his claws dig into the wall behind him as he panted and grunted.

Before long his knot swelled and extended from his sheath and I took that into my mouth as well.

"Ohh... God Alex... yessss...."

I hummed and murred, vibrating his cock as I sucked him down. I reached up with one paw to stroke his nuts and with the other, reached around him to alternately finger his ass and play with his tail. After several minutes he climaxed. He threw his head back and choked off a howl as he shot his thick juices into my throat. His cum tasted sweeter than I could imagine and it's heat warmed my insides, especially my crotch which was straining with it's own need.

Coming down from his release Jess could sense this. He gently pulled his cock from my lips as I sucked at the last few drops still dripping from the tip. I got up to my feet and Jess kissed me, lightly at first but with increasing passion. He broke the kiss then turn his back to me, leaned against the wall, and raised his tail invitingly. I was so horny I was on him in the space of a heartbeat.

My pole was as hard as steel when I placed the tip to his ass. The feel of his soft red fur against my sensitive dick caused me to gush more precum. I press firmly and the tender ring of flesh of his asshole slowly opened to allow me to slide into him all the way down to my sheath. I stopped there for a moment as his muscles clenched down on me, holding me in a tight embrace. I gently slid back out then pushed in a bit faster, my slick precum lubricating him and creating a tingling sensation in my cock.

I built up speed, pounding into him faster and faster despite the distraction of his tail brushing in my face. We were both grunting and groaning loudly as we rocked. With in a few moments my knot had formed and swelled to a tremendous size, and with one hard push I popped into him causing him to yelp slightly. I paused for a moment as this new sensation of tying with him overwhelmed me.

"Holy shit Jess... this.... Ohh... it feels so..."

"Alex, don't stop.... Keep going... I want to feel you..."

I resumed my thrusting and found I was able to stroke faster because of the way my bulbous knot held me in him. My mind whirled as the sensations shot through me and before long I felt my orgasm build like a tidal wave. I howled out loud in ecstasy as pulse after pulse of cum rocketed out of my canine cock, filling Jesse. He also came once more shooting another impressive load all over the shower wall.

I nearly collapsed onto Jesse's back and he gladly bore my weight. I was startled slightly when a stream of warm water hit me and I realized Jess had turned on the shower. So I stood there and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started to massage the suds into his strongly muscled chest. We soaped each other up as best we could and rocked together, all the while with me still tied to him, my cock embedded in his ass. I had never felt so complete in my life. I reached around to his frontside with a handful of soap and gently washed and stroked his slowly softening cock. Several minutes later I finally had softened enough to pull free of him. He turned to face me and began to gently soap my sensitive dick as well.

"Damn Alex, that was hot. What's gotten into you, I don't think I've ever seen you so aroused."

My first time as a fox, I thought, but decided I couldn't tell him that. To him this was the way we've always been. One gray and one red fox, living in the dorms, and deeply in love rather than two humans, one merely lusting after the other.

"Uhh... just really turned on is all. Must have been seeing you do all of that wrestling this weekend." I nuzzled up against him.

"Well, if this is what happens I can hardly wait for you to come to my next tournament," he smiled and squeezed my sheath in his paw.

We finished washing each other and then dried off. We left the showers, kissed goodnight in the hall then each went back to our rooms. I shut the door and fell back onto my bed sighing with delight. The last thing I saw before drifting into a blissful sleep was the lamp on my dresser. It was resting next to a group picture of all the guys on my floor that was taken just a few weeks ago. I could easily pick out the two foxes in the photograph.

I awoke the next morning and my first thought was that I had dreamt the events of the previous day. But that thought vanished as I reached up to rub my face and a furry paw bumped against my muzzle. I sat up quickly, instantly awake. I looked down at my naked fur covered body and especially my gray sheath and balls. A brief flash of light from the window reminded me of the lamp and I nearly lunged off the bed for it. I rubbed and rubbed at it, even accidentally scratching it with the tip of one of my sharp claws, but nothing happened.

"Well I guess he's still resting," I said aloud to myself.

Deciding to try later, I figured I might as well go to class. I started to laugh out loud as I dug through my dresser and found that all of my pants and even my underwear all had perfectly hemmed holes in my tail to fit through, most looked like they came from the store that way. My ballcaps also had changed to allow my larger ears to fit through them. My shoes were completely different as they were shaped to allow me to walk in my now natural position up on the balls of my feet.

I found it a little strange but not at all unpleasant to see that nobody seemed to notice or care that I was now a fox. The professors still answered my questions when I raised my paw, my friends all ate with me at lunch, and nobody even looked twice while I worked out at the rec center (except maybe a few of the more "curious" ones).

When I got back into my dorm room late in the day I no sooner walked into the room when I was greeted by a bright flash of light announcing the genie's return. I quickly shut the door behind me and turned to find him lying on my bed, tossing the lamp from hand to hand. Or should I say from paw to paw. He now appeared as a fox morph, too. With golden hued red fur as beautiful as his skin and hair had been as a human, and this time I could tell how well endowed he was because as a fox he didn't need a loin cloth to hide his plump sheath.

"So, have you enjoyed your second wish," he asked smiling brightly.

I couldn't help but smile back, "Oh yea, I sure have. It's been incredible."

"Excellent," he exclaimed getting up, "then are you prepared to make your third and final wish?"

"Yes, I suppose," I sighed.

I had decided earlier in the day that I should have the genie change Jess and I back. Despite how much I loved our new forms, and how much fun we had in them, we just didn't fit in quite right and needed to be like the other people around.

"Genie, Jesse and I can't be the only ones like this. I wish we didn't stand out so much."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth I couldn't believe what I had said and knew I had fucked up. However, before I could even say anything, the genie clapped his hands together and yelled, "It IS DONE!" He gave me one final wink and a smile as he glowed brightly and vanished into thin air.

The lamp still hovered in the air where he had held it. It glowed brighter and brighter soon blanking out every thing else in the room. The light grew painfully bright and still penetrated my sight, even with my eyes closed and covered by my paws. The light began to fade away after what seemed like several long minutes and I was finally able to open my eyes.

The lamp had stopped glowing and changed in appearance to a dull tarnished finish. As I watched it hover in the air it slowly began to disintegrate to a fine dust that settled to the floor. In a moment nothing was left. I stood there in my room a moment, an odd mixture of excitement and dread building with in me. What in the world had I done? I was just as much a fox as before, I guess I had better go and check on Jesse.

I slowly walked down the hall to his room and knocked on the door. Jesse answered the door still every bit a gorgeous red fox. He smiled wide and me and gave me a quick kiss hello.

"Hey Alex, ready to go to dinner?"

"Uh... yea I guess," I mumbled.

"Yo Ryan, you coming with?" he said over his shoulder to his roommate.

That's when I looked past him and saw that instead of Jess and I changing, Ryan had changed instead. He was now a beautiful orange and black striped tiger. I just shook my head in amused dismay. I half expected him to jump up and offer me a box of cereal. We went to eat in the dining hall and saw that everybody else had changed as well, into all manner of half animal, half human beings. We sat with a couple of other guys we knew that were now a hawk, lion, frog and even a horse, hell, the cafeteria lady was a giraffe.

Now that the lamp is gone I can't say I'm too sorry about what has happened or that I would change it back if I could. It's a much more interesting place now that everybody is a different species. Jesse and I are still together. In fact, I'm going with him to the college wrestling championships next week. After all, I can't let my cute little fox take on all of those other hot furs in wrestling singlets without someone to relax with at the end of the day, now can I?