
Story by drakoman on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wizard's Secret


This is a commission for Brotiger. Enjoy!

The group of 10 apprentice wizards walked up to the mansion. They were a mixed group. There were dragons, horses, and even some humans, but they were all male. Not a female in the group.

They stopped just outside the doorway. They waited for a minute before one of them, a human, asked. "So how do we get in? Magister Matsuki didn't say anything..." As he spoke, the door shifted, then opened into a large open area. The only thing inside was a large table.

All the hopeful apprentices entered the building, looking around. They all jumped when they heard a voice. ~Please, all of you, sit! ~ They all took a seat, hesitantly. ~I am the one who asked you all here. As Matt said, you may all call me Magister Matsuki. ~ The human who had spoken earlier looked up in surprise. ~Yes, I know who all of you are. I called you all here, didn't I? ~

The entire group began talking and asking questions at the same time. ~Calm down, all of you! Your questions will be answered, but not now. ~ A door appeared in the wall on the opposite side of the room. It swung open to show stairs going down. ~One at a time, starting with Matt and proceeding to the right, I want you to go through the door when it opens. ~

Matt, a thin, tan skinned boy stood up, smiling. He heard the voice reverberate in his head. ~Come on now, Matt. I know you're proud, but don't be vain. ~ Matt's green eyes twinkled behind his large round glasses, seeming to glow. His hair, tied back in a Japanese-style braid, hung just below his waistline.

As he walked by some of the other students, they shivered. The waves of magical energy that rolled off the human were astonishing! The others were looking at each other in amazement. Some were talking with their neighbor. How could a human have so much magic? Was that even possible?

Matt heard the whispered conferences behind him and paused. He took a breath and the magic faded. The others blinked, wondering if they had just been imagining it. Matt walked through the door, descending quickly.

Matt stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking around. There was a large chair, then a wide open space. Looking up, Matt noted something that looked like restraints. ~Why would he have restraints here...? ~ He asked himself.

Suddenly, he heard a voice at the chair behind him. "Greetings, Matt." Matt whirled around to see a large form, twice his size, at least, sitting in the chair. He could only see the deep blue wings, the tail, and the tip of the Magister's rounded muzzle. "So you are one of the hopefuls for apprenticeship." The muzzle opened to show two rows of sharp teeth. "Well, then, show me what you have."

Matt shuffled his feet nervously. "O-ok..." He said.

He pulled a roll of paper from his sleeve, even though there was no space to pull from. ~So. An expansion spell, placed on something frequently used and it hasn't gotten loose. Very good. ~ Matsuki was already judging the mage.

Matt spread the paper on the ground, stopping the edges with normal stones. He began to wave his hands over the paper, speaking slowly. ~Smart enough not to use magical items for what he's going to do to the paper. Good. ~

From the paper rose the body of a bird. As he picked up the bird's body, he explained. "I found this body of a bird along the way here. I cast a spell, and found that it was still alive. I encrypted it onto the paper, keeping it in stasis." He stroked the feathers.

Matsuki leaned forward slightly. ~A stasis spell? This kid's good... And he got his example spell components along the way. He's either very skilled or very stupid. ~ Matt removed the paper and sprinkled some fern leaves and some maple leaves over the bird.

"I'm going to bring its soul back from the brink of death. The fern leaves remind it of where it came from, and the maple leaves will give it the strength to return." He crossed his hands, palms down, over the bird. He began to speak in the language of magic again.

Slowly a green glow formed from the leaves. It glowed over the bird for a few minutes, then sunk into its feathers. Matt picked up the bird and blew over it and it opened its eyes and flapped a few times. It jumped from Matt's hand and flew around the room a few times before flying out of a window high up on the wall. "And there you have it."

Matsuki nodded. "Very well done, Matt." He watched the bird fly out of the window. "Now for your other test." Mat cocked his head.

"What other test? Magister, you said there would only be one test..." Matt stopped speaking as Matsuki chuckled and shook his head. ~This is a test! This was meant to test our response... ~ He stopped speaking rapidly.

Matsuki stood up and moved his robes, exposing the fact that he had nothing underneath. "You passed the second test. Now for your third test." His enormous sheath expanded and shifted, and his dragonshaft began to extend, its end still hidden in the cloak. Once it reached its full length, Matsuki spoke again. "This third test is to see how well you can stand fulfilling my other needs as my apprentice." He gestured to his already leaking meat.

Matt gulped, looking at the cock looming before him. He slowly stepped forward and kneeled. Placing his hands on it, he began slowly stroking from top to bottom, his hands slicking the shaft with precum. His own cock began to stiffen up as well underneath his robe.

Matsuki sat there as Matt serviced him. The only thing that changed was his breathing, and only slightly. Matt heard the breathing increase and smiled slightly. As he stroked, he lowered his head and whispered something. ~What did he say? ~ Matsuki wondered. He tried to probe the newbie's mind, but failed. ~He just keeps on surprising me. He can keep up his mental barrier even now! ~

He didn't have time for any other thought as Matt's hands glowed. Although Matsuki couldn't see any change, he felt it. He moaned in increased pleasure as Matt's hands, now covered in bumps and patches that clung to Matsuki's cock. He didn't last much longer, spraying into Matt's face.

Matt took off his glasses and preformed a quick cleaning spell. As he was putting the glasses back on, he felt a tug, as if ropes were wrapping around him. He tried to move his arms, but found he had lost control of them. Looking up at the Magister, he saw that he had stood up and removed his clothes. ~He's beautiful. ~

Matsuki grabbed Matt around the shoulders, chanting the spell he had used on the thief. He picked up the small human, setting him on his shaft. "And now you're going to join me, literally. I shall use your youth and strength to feed my own." He flipped the human upside down. "Goodbye, Matt." He fed the human into his cock head.

Matt's head went inside easily, but his shoulders halted his progress for a few seconds. Not that it mattered much, because once they were down, Matt traveled quickly. ~If this was a normal situation, I'd have reached his balls by now. ~ Matt thought to himself, still blocking his mind from Matsuki. ~Time for the spell. ~ He began mumbling a spell that only required words as he was pulled into a dark area. He felt part of his mind, the part he wasn't guarding, join with all the others that Matsuki had taken. He received thoughts like 'so he's got some more' and 'what's the news of the outside?' But he ignored them all as he felt more than saw Matsuki cover himself back up and call for the next apprentice.


After two hours, each with six apprentices each, all of Matsuki's would-be apprentices were joined with him. After another hour, Matsuki had gone up to his bedroom and curled up for sleep. ~Finally. ~ Matt thought, mostly to himself, but partially to everyone else.

All of those consumed by the dragon 'looked' over at the human. ~Listen. ~ He thought to them. ~I can help you escape, but I'll need your help. ~ The spirits were skeptical. How could this... this human suggest that he could get out and they couldn't! ~It may sound crazy, but I'll need those of you with magic to help fuel my spell and those that aren't to be the will force. ~ Most of the spirits nodded. ANYTHING was better than being where they currently were.

Targa Matsuki lay curled up on his bed. He may have been a magician, but at heart he was still a dragon, so he still curled up to sleep. He woke up to feel something... odd. Usually he didn't wake up during the night, for one thing. For another, his cock was poking him in the chin. But it wasn't just sitting there; no, it was jumping around like it would when he was putting people in there. ~You're time is up, Matsuki. ~ He heard as he felt a wave of magical energy that wasn't his own. ~The Guild of Magic has heard of your deeds and decided to send me, their best problem solver, Matt Levenspell. ~ Targa's eyes widened.

"Matt? You mean the Matt that currently resides as part of me? Ha! There's nothing you can do!" but even as he said this, he got the feeling he was about to be proved wrong. And proved wrong he was.

His large cock began to bulge. It was as if his body was expelling the bodies of those he had previously absorbed, which it was. The first person he had ever absorbed came sliding out of his cock, completely unaged. Targa was trying to repeat the absorbsion spell, but the feelings of people leaving his body through his large but shrinking cock were too pleasurable. All he could do was moan and hump the air as, one by one, the people he had absorbed left his body. With each person that left him, his body shrunk a little, his muscles flagged and his scales grayed.

Finally, when Matt had joined the ranks of the naked, but reborn on the floor, Matsuki was a tiny pile of scales on the bed. Everything about him had shrunk. Matt reached out a hand and placed it on Matsuki's head, the eyes of which were glaring at Matt with intense hatred. "Be gone, Matsuki, and may your like never be heard from again." With that, he said two words and Matsuki disappeared, never to return.

All of the assorted people there looked around at each other. Matt cast a quick spell on the windows and doors, which locked themselves. "No one leaves. I know some of you are criminals who tried to steal from Matsuki and, although he is gone, that doesn't change the fact that you're thieves." He waved his hand and all those there, even those non-mages, felt the magic wave through the room. It gathered said criminals and held them against the wall. "Now for the rest of you." He said, looking around. The mages flinched; this was no ordinary human, for he had WAY too much magical strength.

Matt just smiled and pointed at their crotches. "I think we should help each other with those." Everyone looked down, including the criminals, to see that they were all sporting erections. Those against the wall could only sit in painful pleasure as the others got into groups to work off their combined frustration through much sucking, taking up the ass, and general stroking of dicks.

Matt was with a horse and two rhino's. He had one rhino's cock in his mouth while the other rhino and the horse thrust into his backside. ~After this, I'll report back to the Guild. ~ He moaned in pleasure as a tiger moved underneath him and suckled on his cock. The three inside of him came, filing him with their hot, tasty seed. ~Ok, maybe a few days... ~

(OMG. This took WAY too long to write. But here's the second and final piece of the 'Wizard's Secret' series.)

New Found Flames

Note: This idea was spawned by Von Kreiger and his series "New Found Form", so that's where most of the credit goes. Disclaimer: If you are under 18, why in the world are you looking at sites like this? If you get caught, it's your own fault. ...

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Ulysses' Test

Disclaimer: Same as in Gwen's Test. Go check it out if you can't guess it for some weird reason. Jordan woke to find himself still dreaming. ‾Or is this really a dream? ‾ He pinched himself. ‾Ow! Ok, definitely not a dream. ‾ He looked at the blue...

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The Father's Secret

Disclaimer! If you're under 18, don't read! If you're over 18 or don't care, go ahead. I'm not responsible for your reading this! Drash and Draco are mine, while Brian, Allison, and the Baron are Bro Tiger, my amazing co-author. ...

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