A Wandering Traveler

Story by Teireas on SoFurry

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As you walked into the large cavern, decorations of shelves lined with thousands of books, and rows of pictures and various forms of pottery were the first thing to catch your attention, placed upon the wall with seemingly ut-most care. The next thing you took notice of, was the fact the caverns floor was carpeted, a lush, light-blue rug filling out the large expanse of the entrance-way.

Taking notice of a small wooden sign upon one of the book-shelves, you removed your shoes, or the like, and proceeded on into the cavern curiously, finding the area oddly warm...welcoming almost. The further you seemed to advance, the darker the hall-way had become, having passed several tunnels and door-ways along your travel deeper. Eventually though, you had come out to a brightly lit room, forced to shield your eyes a brief moment to adjust to the lighting in the room. Lowering the hand, you found yourself gazing upon a large gold-scaled dragon, head raised and looking to curiously.

A gasp was caught in your throat as the large beast stared a few silent moments to you, a low, angry growl being given. It had soon quieted though after a few more moments, and spoke. "What? Have you come to steal my treasures too?" The dragon soon quieted however, large pools of seemingly molten, liquid gold staring to, before they slowly blinked and the dragon resumed a lain position. "No I suppose you have not. Then perhaps you have come for a story....maybe a tale of old. You have a choice young one....and yes...for me you are young...trust me....."

The dragon gave a small seemingly mirth-filled chuckle, then nodded slightly towards the caverns entrance. "You may stay and listen, or you can take your leave as most others have done. But do not tarry for long, for the offer is not there for a period of time...."


^ Part 2

(This is my first time attempting this kind of piece of work. And it shall be done in installments. It is quite the tale, and one I have enjoyed re-telling quite often...as it is "my" life just as much as it is his....If you wish to learn more let me know in the comments below....though even if beings did not...it would not stop me ;) It is also set to adult for later references involving sex, drug use, alcohol, as well as some rather...brutal and violent scenes )