Universe-X Chronicles: Seek Peek

Story by Vivi on SoFurry

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This is the newest story coming soon......

background: This story was made by a friend of my mine (who is part of the furry fandom) and this story was written by him so all this is copy righted to Vivi kitsune (myself) and Salem (my friend)

Dare to dream... Dare to open your mind... Dare to be something bigger than the world holds you to be...

In Reality there are two dimension. The first one, a planet called Earth, where the laws of reality and physics are God. Then, there was Universe X. In the time between my ventures and life in both dimensions.


Taking Steps The first step of life is entering the world. Where the smell of clean air and lien beds fill the bright room. The second step is the first walk. The step where you will be going places and learning your environment. The...

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In My Dreams

In my dreams...... I find myself in my room with the love of my life sleeping next to me after we have have felt the heat of passion love and embrace the feeling of my hand against his dragon scales with my soft human skin. Also in my...

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Vivi's Back Story

Vivianne Miko Chirlia's parents are anything but normal. The bat cat was born to a Japanese priestess and a wealthy, Transylvanian count. A combination one would never expect. Her mother was a black cat that guarded and kept up a large shrine on...

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