
Story by lunar wolf on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I don't know anything in this story except knowledge of how fires work and the character Soul. Anything else is fantasy and coincidence.

He knew he was going to die... the fire raged its wrath in the chemical building. He was there to fight the firestorm in the chemical center, it was their last stand in the building. So much research in these hollow halls trying to understand everything the world would offer. He was one of the remaining humans by the name of Krys Weltt, a firefighter covered in head to toe, his small lumbering frame pushed into the heart of the chemical vats spraying them down cooling the place floor by floor.... Then he heard it "GET OUT OF THERE THE FIRE HAS SPREAD TO THE BOTTOM FLOOR ITS GOING TO BLOW" the speaker in his ear said making his blood run cold. 'Was there time to run?' he asked himself 'no' he answered. The angle of death was going to call him home tonight but he was going down fighting. Still shaking, he moved his body sweating as the temperature rose again in the halls 'he was close and he could feel it' the fire moved pouring into the hall storming up the ceiling as it invaded the floor in flaming toxic chemicals. His oxygen mask was beeping as he fired his cone of foam into the fire blocking the most of the fire as it flowed like lava around him melting his boots and strangling the life out of his weak, writhing body as it wrenched for air. Soot covered him then black, his vision failed as he heard the last words of his chief then. It happened, he was too late the vats imploded burning his suit off and singing his body incinerating the hair and the first few layers of now charred skin off him. He smiled one last time before the dark collected him. And he spoke "As I am here dying I have lived a happy man and I welcome death" the angle known only as the grim reaper walked to his side scooping his body up but he was repelled. Was it his time to die? No it was his time to live. He was pulled back to life by the help of some well trained EMT's and he was rushed to the hospital. Breathing, broken, burnt... but alive

*In the emergency ward*

A new patient had arrived, a firefighter who was struggling to survive was brought in and immediately they started their dance of operation, each doctor working until he was stable and left to weather the night. A nurse walked into his chamber her slim frame hiding under her uniform, she was delicate to say the least at least in appearance but in her case appearance was deceiving. She was a tiger fur known by Kida a new nurse but not new to the world of survival, she was strong and smart but caring in a way not found too often in the world. She was alone and vulnerable but most took it for granted, there were no friends to speak of, no one in her bed. She felt for the firefighter even though he was human there was something about him that drew her to him, something strange. She approached him watching his chest rise and fall, checking to see that he was aright. Even though he was unconscious she began to talk to him sharing her life story, ambitions, fantasies... what she didn't know was he could hear her. She spoke of what she was going to do to him when he was ready to be transported she would make him hers. He listened to her helplessly as she described a machine that would change him into a tiger like her, or she giggled whatever animal he wanted to be.

*Six months later*

She had kept her plans hidden from Krys he knew what they were and questioned her on them but she passed them off as a dream. He was recovered all he needed was a week then his release, so nurse Kida assured him. He began to wonder why she was the only one visiting him but she had a plan for that too she said that he was visited by others but I would be sleeping, apparently he did that a lot. One day she came in and looked over at him "What's your favorite animal?" she asked

Krys thought about it "Wolf" he said almost instantly

She giggled and asked him a few more questions each making a mental note about his answers. The plan was falling into place for her and he was playing into it like a harp. She came in the next day with a stuffed animal of coarse it was a wolf and oddly it fit his description to the letter all down to its marking and its green eyes. He stared at it for a second as she placed it on his chest

"His name is soul" she said giggling "I call him that because he was my soul I would pretend he was real when I was a little girl"

He nodded looking at the animal who appeared to be in pristine condition "Why are you giving him to me?" he asked

"Someone to keep you company, we have discovered some radiation still in your system so we are transporting you in a few moments" she said kissing him on the forehead... it was almost time

He nodded long since forgetting about her conversation when he first arrived and was half conscious. They pulled a sheet over him completely she said to cover him from the wind and he agreed feeling the sheet move as he was picked up and placed in the back of the ambulance taken someplace.

The ride droned on forever and if it wasn't for the little wolf he would surely have been lonely. The vehicle stopped and he was unloaded into what seemed to be a warehouse with large pieces of machinery around him one thing that caught his eye was a pod that was enormous and he was being wheeled inside. She kissed him on the face and left the pod "I will see you soon my pup" she said. The word hit him. He knew what the machine would do it was going to transform him make him into the stuffed animal on his chest. He grew scared as he felt the machine close over him his eyes clamped shut he heard something moving in the pod with him, then many something's. He felt a tendril wrap around his arms and legs he tried to struggle but that only made them fiercer. He opened his eyes just in time to see a tendril swallow his hands pulling up his arms. His feet flailed as he screamed the thick tendrils now up to his shoulder. Another moved over his legs he tried to kick them off but they too were being swallowed up to his thighs. And for a while the machine was quiet seeming to think of what to do next. More moved over him suddenly spreading over his body leaving him with only his head not covered. A small tinny voice echoed softly in the pod "External transformation paused... beginning internal transformation" it said and right as the voice ended a tendril wrapped over his mouth forcing its way deeper into his mouth and throat and climbing up his nose. He fidgeted trying to scream but he was held fast as another tentacle rammed its way up his rectum apparently speeding the process. And soon the tentacle was fully into him wriggling inside his system like a worm on a hook. He looked up wide eyed as another tentacle moved over his head starting to swallow his head "internal preparation complete..." the voice said before he was completely wrapped in the slippery tentacles. He felt something move under him like his body was sinking into something. It was confining in places but the thing that he feared was the other machine part pressing down on him. It began to grow warm in the pod very fast as he reached the final parts of his transformation he felt a sudden rush of pain as he felt the top portion of the machine snap down over him and then there was silence. It was too warm in the box he assumed the tentacles were severed as they stopped moving it was so warm in there. He felt them start to slide off his skin. Or were they falling off his skin or was he melting with it. He became a jelly like substance as he sloshed in the machine it molded him for when he was cooled off he would retain the shape, or so he assumed. It felt like an eternity as he heard the machines voice going up in percentages telling whoever else was listening how long it would be until he was done. And soon the machine was cooled down and he had set long enough. It opened and he tried to move feeling pliable he looked down at his shimmering fur he was made of rubber. Just like she had promised so long ago, the memory of her plan coming back to little to late for him to do anything about, she was there to greet him completely naked. She smiled "well Soul you like the look of your new master?" she asked

"You can't do this you can't keep me like a dog" he said starting to grow scared

"The human that entered that pod is dead" she said "a ghost" she smiled wickedly

"You're lying" he said

"Who cares you're not human anymore and who is going to believe your story" she said holding out a collar "put it on or I will have to send you to your cage" she said

He whimpered grabbing it and clasping it around his neck

"Good dog" she said pointing to a chair "Sit" she commanded

He obeyed walking over to the chair miserably his new tail drooped as he sat. Immediately seized by the chair a bar went over his waist, ankles, wrists and neck. He froze watching her stare at him.

She smiled pulling out a box sliding it under the chair and pressing a button on it. "Now pup will get some pleasing" she said as a rod started to poke into him slowly the lubricated device was jabbed into him. He moaned feeling it start to thrust gently into him. He struggled trying to get out of the machines quest into him but the bindings held him fast.

"Now then for a quick examination" Kida said as she pulled on a rubber glove "Your going to learn to love me" she said as she grabbed his newly made sheath making him whimpered loudly "Oopse cant have you waking the whole town up" she said slipping a muzzle over his jaws slowly, making sure he knew she owned him now. "There that's better" she said as she continued to feel his sheath

Cursing himself he felt himself sliding slowly out into her hand being kneaded in it. Her other hand reached under him massaging and rubbing his sac making him whine under his muzzle silently begging for more in the back of his head.

She smiled looking at him "I think its time for you to examine me?" she taunted straddling him rubbing her dripping sex down his rubbery fur causing her to wiggle as she stopped only submerging his head in her making him whine harder trying to thrust into her hole. She looked into his eyes "stay down pup" she cooed into his ear "or I will just leave you like this and you wont get any relief" she threatened

And he sighed forcing himself to relax resting himself back on the seat firmly she smiled sliding all the way down his length making him gasp and her moan. "Like what you feel?" she asked starting to rock grinding her onto him as the machine screwed him. He could only whimper as a sign of his enjoyment. "Good dog" she said "and good dogs get rewarded" she said freeing him from the machine and chair. "Stay pup" she said as she pulled off him. She moved seductively crawling away on all fours "now Soul" she said raising her tail "take your master" she said. He moved silently grabbing her thighs and poking into her hard. She gasped "that's it mount your master make her yours" she begged as he pushed her over ramming her with his knot. Her scream placed a smile on her face as she grabbed his shoulder and bit down on it ripping a chunk of his flesh out marking him as hers forever. He moved clamping his mouth shut trying not to yelp, not that it would have gotten anywhere the muzzle was still clamped firmly around his jaws. She smiled watching him rail her watching him pleasure himself inside her. Her creation actually wanted to be with her, some form of acceptance. She smiled at him as she removed his muzzle "that's it my wolf howl for master" she yelled as she felt his hot knot ram into her once more. He threw his head back and howled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you Soul" she said in his ear

"I love you to master Kida" he said laying down next to her.

These Bloody Paws

Disclaimer: I don't own any thing in this story except my character Soul as I have said before he is mine and any clashes or similarities are pure coincidence, o and I used some songs in here to get pieces mostly Linkin Park, and Three Days Grace ...

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A Fortune in the Cards

hello my name is soul and this is my life, well part of it (usual disclaimer stuff you i am sure see on other stories i didnt steal stuff from others i mearly let my mind work any collisions in stories and charecters are coincidental and not my...

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