The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 8-Pokemon,2012,Part 3

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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"Master, Master wake up." Combusken was shaking Stevo to wake him up.

"Wh-What is it, Combusken?"

"Master, I had to wake you up because I've been hearing others say that training starts at 6 this morning."

"And that's why you woke me up at 5 in the morning?" Stevo squinted at him.

"Pretty much." There was a short silence.

"C'mon, we gotta get ready. Put on your kimono."

On the way towards the dojo, Combusken was scratching his kimono & Stevo looked & saw him in a uncomfortable state.

"Master, do I really have to wear this? It's kinda itchy." Combusken continued to scratch.

"Yes you have to, you have to wear it at all trainings."

"Aww." They stopped at the door & saw everyone else waiting there. Then the door opened & to see Sensei in front of them.

"Good morning, my students."

"Good morning, Sensei." They bowed to him.

"Please, take a seat." Everyone entered & sat on their mats while Sensei walked up to the front of the room.

"Today, we will be doing meditation. We will continue until the incense goes out." They all nodded & began their mediation. Stevo's mind went blank & ran normal like everyone else, except for Lucario, Sensei, & Ninetales, whom theirs ran smoothly.

When the incense went out, Sensei's eyes quickly opened & looked at everyone else, who stopped at the same time he did.

"Very good, my students, especially you, Lucario. Now, follow me to the garden." Everyone got up & followed Sensei to it.

At the garden, Sensei turned around & looked at them.

"John, Lucario, Ninetales, Combusken, & the rest of the Pokemon, stay here. The rest of you, that's your training for the day. You are dismissed." He bowed to them.

"Hai, Sensei." They said in union & bowed back. The others left & stopped at the front of the garden entrance.

"Aww... I wanted to do some battle training today with Mankey." Donal said in a upset tone.

"Ah don't worry, there's always a next time." Kyo said, while patting his shoulder. Stevo looked out in front of the path & turned back.

"Kyo, want to go on a walk with me?" Kyo looked.

"I would, but I want to wait for John & them to finish." There was a short silence.

"Oh, um... okay, well I'm gonna go ahead. See ya." Stevo said to him & began walking down the path.

A while after he left, he was thinking of what the figure said to him last night.

"You'll find out when you sense it. What did he mean by that?" he questioned himself. Suddenly, a howling noise occurred. He looked to see where it came from. Not but a few yards from him, there were drops of blood in the dirt. He ran towards it, but when he turned, he couldn't believe what he is seeing: a husky in the shape & structure of a human. He stared in amazement as the creature whimpered, but was in "tragic" when he saw its foot caught in a bear trap.

"I better get help quick!" He said worriedly, & started running back to the dojo to get Kyo & them.

Meanwhile, Kyo, John, Lucario, Ninetales, & Combusken were walking together & talking to each other when they heard someone running coming in their direction. Then they saw Stevo covered in sweat & dirt.

"Stevo, what happened to you?" John asked, while Stevo was gasping for air.

"I've found *pants* a weird creature *pants* caught in a bear trap *pants* down *pants* the path. *inhales & falls forward*"

"C'mon, we got to see what it is he's talking about." Kyo & the rest ran down the path as Combusken took his master & placed him around his neck & tried to catch up with them.

Everyone looked in silence at the creature. All bloody at the foot, while whimpering in pain.

"Hmm... Lucario, use Metal Claw to cut the trap open." Lucario looked & nodded & used his power to cut the bear trap open. The creature crawled a little when it was free.

"Good work, Lucario."

"Thank you." Everyone froze. "Did that thing just talk?" The creature turned over, stood up & looked at them.

"Y-y-y-y-you're an anthromorph!" John said.

"Indeed I am." It said to John & chuckled. "And from my knowledge, I'm the only one on this planet."

"John, what are you talking about? What's an anthromorph?" Then Stevo woke up & walked over to them.

"Well, an anthromor-"

"An anthromorph," Stevo said & interrupted. "is an animal with human characteristics. For instance, eh, what's your name?" Stevo explained & asked the creature.

"My name is Ashito."

"Ashito here can speak, has hands, & walks upright. Oh, & that anthromorphs are anatomically correct." Ashito looked in amazement.

"How did you all that?" He asked.

"I've met one before, but I rather not explain how." There was a long silence.

"Well, what are your names?"

"Well, I'm John, & these are Kyo, Stevo, Lucario, Ninetales, & Combusken."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Ashito said.

"Do you want us to help you?"

"Actually yes."

"Ninetales, go get-"

"-you don't have to, you can just lift me there."

"Okay." So Stevo & Kyo helped him & walked back to the dojo, with John & the Pokemon behind them.

At the dojo, Sensei was meditating in peace when the door opened.

"Sensei, we found someone. Combusken, get some bandages for Ashito, please." Stevo said to him & Combusken, then Combusken went to get some. Sensei slowly raised his head up.

"You do, eh?" Sensei said back, scratching his beard & walking towards them.

"Hm... *looks at Ashito's face* Very odd indeed. What's your name, dog?"

"Ashito, sir."

"Oh, you can speak? That's amazing."

"Sensei, can I stay here with you? Please?" Ashito said to him & made puppy eyes at him.

"Eh, sure you can."

"Yes! Thank you, Master!" Ashito said, hugging Sensei & wagging his tail in joy. Everyone laughed, & they knew that he's gonna be a big one to "play" with.

Later, around dinner, John, Stevo, & Kyo were walking through the hallway on the way to the lunch room.

"Um, guys, do you mind if I change out of my kimono? It's pretty cold after all that sweating." Stevo asked them

"Sure, but hurry, we have dumplings tonight." John said.

"Okay I'll hurry." Stevo went to his room while the two walked to the lunch room. He quickly began changing when his ring fell out of his pocket. He walked over to get it, but to make sure it still fits, he tried it on, changing him into a dalmatian from the other times. But something wasn't right: The ring wouldn't come off his finger.

"Oh no. This isn't good." He struggled to get it off for the next 5 minutes, but it was no use. It was stuck.

"Well, I know I don't want to go to bed with a empty stomach, but, its the best I could do." He said to himself. He walked out his room door, heading towards the lunch room where the others were.

At the lunchroom, everyone was eating & chatting a little while Stevo was walking towards to where they were.

"Mmm... this is good!" Lucario said as he just swallowed a dumpling.

"So it is, Stevo's gonna miss all this good stuff. Speaking of which, has anyone seen Stevo?" John said to Lucario, & then asked everyone that was eating. They nodded, paused for a moment, & continued their filling of their stomachs. When Stevo entered, Kyo was the only one to notice him entering.

"Hey Stevo, want so-*gasps loudly*" Everybody looked at the direction Kyo was looking at, & all gasped in surprise to see Stevo in a different form.