Half-Blood Chapter XXI

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#22 of Half-Blood

here we go folks! Chapter 21! hope you all enjoy the newest installment of the story! as usual RuthofPern thanks for editing... oh and Tyler Thonre is originally from Ciel Kliendell story Closet Love (same story Xander originated from)

here we go folks! Chapter 21! hope you all enjoy the newest installment of the story! as usual Ruth of Pern thanks for editing... oh and Tyler Thonre is originally from Newbie's story Closet Love (same story Xander originated from)

Chapter 21: Lessons

'Teach me how to fight...' was all Mansfield had said. It had taken Allison off-guard somewhat. She had not expected him to ask her that. Thankfully she had managed to hide her shock behind faint amusement at the young wolf's request.

"I believe you already know how to fight Mansfield..." She told him softly but he just growled somewhat in annoyance.

"I mean teach me to fight the way you do... Lucas' mother died because I wasn't good enough to not be ambushed... I let my guard down for less than a second and I got captured. I want... no I need to protect Lucas! I will not let him get hurt again... and right now I'm not good enough to do that. And as much as I hate to admit it you are the only person who can teach me how to properly defend myself and by proxy Lucas. I know you don't like me much and to be frank I'm not that fond of you either... but please," he said in an almost begging tone.

Allison frowned not knowing what to say at the moment. "I will think about it Mansfield... I do not know you well enough to be sure you are worthy or unworthy of being taught... you have plenty of passion, but you lack drive." She told him in an honest manner. "So you want to learn how to fight so you can protect Mason correct?" She asked him bluntly.

"Yes, he's been through so much... I want to make him happy. I want to keep him safe and away from harm. I'd do anything for him, but as I am now I can't protect him... I failed not only him but his mother as well..." Ian said looking down.

Allison just sighed and put a paw on his broad shoulder, "It was not your fault Mansfield. What happened was completely out of anybody's control. You should know this... it was how the Moirai willed it. Lady Atropos saw fit to cut her string of life at that moment... it was her time to die," she said in a soft manner. "Even the gods themselves can't change what is the sisters will. If even they cannot change fate, how could us mortals?"

Ian growled at that, "Screw the Moirai! They've been nothing but cruel towards Lucas!" He shouted loudly. "I don't care about fate! I'm not going to let Lucas go just because some old hags say so!"

Allison was quick to grab his muzzle and snarl in his face. "Do not deface the gods you idiot! You of all people should know better than to insult the gods... they are very temperamental. And it would be better not to upset the sisters of fate either... I understand in a sense what you mean... fate has been unkind to Mason but he is a strong soul. With your help he will get past this hurdle... but if I may ask when you said Mason... snapped what did you mean?" She asked him in a curious manner, changing the direction of the conversation.

"I don't know... he just went nuts, his whole demeanour changed. He went from the shy quiet Kit to a blood-thirsty maniac... he slaughtered them... just killed them without mercy, it was terrifying! And what's weirder his eyes just changed to purple."

"I have never heard about a Mage's eye colour suddenly changing..." Allison muttered calmly. "Did his magic feel any different?" She asked him.

The wolf just nodded, "Yes... it did. It felt weird as if he was overflowing with a dark energy..."

"Well he is a Dark Mage; Mansfield, what other type of energy would you expect from him?" Allison said with a hint of sarcasm.

Mansfield just growled at that annoyed, "No I mean dark. Evil... I've never felt such power and frankly it sent shivers down my spine. It wasn't natural..." Ian muttered. "I don't know where it came from it just came out of nowhere..." He muttered softly. "It didn't even feel like Lucas' magic..." He stated. "It was if he was channelling power from another source."

Allison just shook her head at that, "We both know that is not possible... a Mage cannot use any power except their own. Are you sure it wasn't Mason's own power?" She asked him.

Ian just nodded, "Yes, absolutely sure, I'd recognize his magic from anywhere! But this power that was coming from his wasn't his own! I'm sure of it!" He told her with a large amount of conviction.

Allison just shook her head staying quiet. Mages shouldn't be able to channel power from other sources... the only people she knew who could do that were... could he be a...? 'No,' she thought to herself shaking her head again. 'I would have known if he was one... after all I am one myself.' She reasoned to herself. Mansfield had started to look at her oddly.

"You okay Monet?" He asked her in a mildly concerned manner.

She quickly nodded before speaking, "Yes, I am feeling fine Mansfield. I spaced out for a few seconds but nothing is wrong with me. Thank you for your concern though." She said.

Ian just nodded before he decided to bring up the issue again.

"So would you be willing to teach me? Please, I'll do anything! I need to learn so I can protect Lucas better." He told her.

She just sighed at that. This boy was very persistent... "I said I would think about Mansfield. I am very picky with those who I would want to teach... I will observe you for a while and then make my decision is that good enough for you?" She asked him firmly.

Ian just nodded and sighed. "Yes, I understand," he told her bowing somewhat. "I hope I meet your standards Monet." He said gently. "But you said you got ambushed by Hunters? What happened? Are you alright?"

"I am fine Mansfield. When I was walking home from here I was ambushed by a gang of Hunters... apparently Cain sent them after me for some reason."

Ian gave her a confused look at that. "Who's Cain?" he asked her confused his head tilting to the side slightly in a typical canine fashion.

"Cain is the name given to the head of the Hunters... I do not know the man's real name, nobody does... but he leads them with an iron first. I think he wanted to test me though. If he'd really wanted to do me harm, he would have sent his Elite Guard after me... I took them out without much effort. However one of them was the father of one of our classmates..."

Ian looked to her in shock. "Who?" he asked surprised. "Who's father?"

"You know Meng Jin correct?" She asked him.

He only shook his head slightly at that. He frowned as if trying to remember that name when something flashed in his bright green eyes. "Not really, is he that tubby Panda kid? The boy who hangs out with Erin sometimes? His dad was a Hunter? Does that mean...?" He started before Allison silenced him.

"No, Meng is not a member of the Hunters. He and his father were on estranged terms. So I doubt he is truly a member of the Hunters... I am not even sure if he even knows about them... some Hunters have a policy of not getting their families involved." She told Ian softly.

"You seem to know a lot about the Hunters Monet." He commented in a suspicions manner. "In fact you have an eerie amount of knowledge about the Council and the Scottish Clans as well... just who are you?"

Allison only sighed a bit before deciding what would be the best thing to say. "You know who I am Mansfield... as to how I know? A secret and it is none of your business as to what my secret is." She told him coldly, "So please butt out."

Ian just growled somewhat. "I believe I have a right to know! How can I be sure you aren't planning something huh? Why should I even trust you? I know next to nothing about you and you know things that you shouldn't know! How do you know so much about the Council?" He growled but Allison was not fazed in the least. She just stood there calmly.

"I expect you to trust me because I have done nothing to harm either you or Mason. I have no interest in hurting the boy...Quite the opposite really. I am not here to do you harm Mansfield but I expect you to respect my privacy."

Ian just grumbled a bit before nodding, "Sure, whatever... but I do hope you decide to teach me... but let's go to the others... I hope that Jonah kid didn't try anything..."

"I think he can be trusted... he had plenty of time to try and attack me earlier so I doubt he would be willing to try anything... even if he was I am sure I can take him down before he hurts anyone." She told the wolf smugly.

He just rolled his eyes as they went downstairs.


Jonah sighed as he left Monet and Mansfield behind. This was a pretty nice place he reasoned to himself. He took out a picture of a young fox boy with bright reddish fur and pale blue eyes. He smiled sadly at the picture for a moment before speaking.

"I miss you so much my love..." He said to the picture. "But I'm here just like you said... I'll find him and honour your dying wish... I just wish you told me what he looked like." He said before putting the picture away and wiping his tears away before opening the door. He noticed several Furs sitting in a big room that seemed to have what looked like a fighting ring in it. They were sat on the edge of the room around several couches near a flat screen TV. One was a very tall tiger. Next to him was a white furred vixen and beside her on the other side sat a black furred wolf... he looked a lot like the other one so he figured they were brothers and then he looked towards the last one and froze. There sat a small red fox with a slim build and his heart began to race. 'Impossible... you're dead... this can't be right...' The boy looked exactly like the fox in his picture... down to the last tuft of fur. As if the gods had sent a ghost of the boy to haunt him. He was the one who first noticed him and Jonah was thankful for the eyes a forest green rather than the bright blue of other boy. But everything else was a spitting image.

"Who are you?" He asked and the others turned around to notice him.

The tiger quickly rose to his feet growling at him. "What do you want intruder? How did you get in here and past the Agent at the door?" he said before advancing towards him.

As much as Jonah felt like fighting he decided it would do well not to make a bad impression so he put his hands up in mock surrender. "Calm down Stripes, your master sent me down... I was with that coyote girl... Monet I believe she was called...? Either way I'm not here to cause trouble... much..." He stated calmly smirking slightly at the annoyed look on the tiger's face.

He noticed the vixen giggle slightly, "Stripes aye? That's a good one! But like Xander said... who are you? If I may ask?" She said.

He just smiled at her and ignored the fox who was looking towards him oddly, "Names Jonah... what about you?" He directed at the Vixen.

"Erin..." She said back in a cheerful manner. "'Stripes' here is Greg, the fox is Xander the wolf is Richard.... Nice to meet you Jonah...!" She said and burst out laughing when she saw the big Tiger glower at her probably for the 'Stripes' comment.

He snickered a bit causing the Tiger to glare at him again, "Easy up will you Stripes? Gosh your uptight... no need to walk like you got a stick up your ass..." He smirked a bit when he saw the tiger 'Greg' blush slightly. He noticed Erin the vixen was howling in laughter at the quip, as was the wolf... he was pretty cute... but he noticed the fox was still looking at him oddly.

He growled at the fox, causing him to backpedal slightly, "What are you staring at punk?" He shot towards him, who cowered back slightly.

"I-I didn't mean to stare... it's just your magic feels funny... I don't know what it is..."

"What are you talking about runt?" he asked the Fox coldly.

The fox winced a bit as if hurt by the name but Jonah couldn't find it in him to care... curse him. How dare he have his face! Though the voice was different as well, the fox had a harsh American accent possibly somewhere around the New York area... nothing like the soft British tone of the fox in his memories. But that face haunted him...

"No need to be rude..." The vixen stated calmly. "He's right now that I think about it... it does feel weird..." She stated her paw brushing against her pretty chin.

He growled at her. He didn't like to be put under a microscope! He had his share of being experimented on to last him a lifetime, "Where you from Jonah? How'd you meet Allison?" She asked him.

Simple questions they were. Friendly but Jonah still felt apprehensive about opening up. But he sighed. They were easy enough to answer. He didn't have to reveal much about himself.

"From Australia, around the Sydney area... but I've been wandering around North America for the last few years..." He stated calmly. "As to how I met Monet? We ran into each other..." He stated simply.

But the vixen seemed to want to pry further, "You've been traveling alone? You don't have parents?"

Jonah's breath hitched on the word parents but he managed to play it cool. "Nope." He stated easily though his voice sounded much cooler then he meant it to be. "I live alone... I have no parents..." He stated bluntly. He noticed her ears drooped a bit and a frown cross her muzzle. She really was quite pretty... shame he didn't go for pussy.

"You're an orphan?" She asked him further.

He shrugged, "Pretty much..." He said. 'May those bastards rot in Tartarus...' he thought to himself, "I haven't had contact with them for a very long time..." He muttered trying to make it clear he was finished on the topic.

The vixen stayed silent for a bit but the wolf decided it was his turn to speak up. Stripes was still glaring at him but he gleefully ignored the big tiger... his full attention on the cute wolf boy.

"So what brings you here Jonah? I doubt Monet would lead you here without a good reason..." He spoke.

His voice was light but Jonah wasn't an idiot he could see the wolf was tense as if to prepare himself for a fight. Though Jonah had no intention of doing so... he didn't feel like killing anybody... not now anyway. Not knowing what to say he just shrugged lightly trying to seem at ease. But it wasn't working so well with the young fox boy who seemed to be put there just to torment him. Said fox was looking away from him now almost afraid to make eye-contact... but eventually he spoke again.

"What brought you to Vancouver Jonah?" He asked twiddling his darker furred hands in a timid fashion.

Jonah just shrugged again.

"It has to be something... you and Monet old friends?"

This time he just chuckled, "Hardly... we just met..." He stated calmly.

The wolf spoke again, "So what brought you to here? You never did answer Xander." He asked.

He was pretty cute... bigger than the types he went for back in the day but nice enough... plus it had been a pretty long time since he had gotten to play the horizontal tango so he wasn't picky...

"Nothing really, just passing through..." He stated coolly.

"Cool," was all the young fox said. "So, err... nice to meet you." He stated softly giving Jonah a small smile that made the dingo's heart lurch... he remembered those smiles... he just sighed to himself and shook his head in annoyance.

"Good to meet all of you as well I guess." He stated back without enthusiasm. He noticed the Tiger was still glaring at him and Jonah was beginning to get irritated.

"See something you like Stripes? If so I'm game." He said giving the tiger a naughty smirk which caused the bigger fur to blush underneath his stripped fur. "What? If you don't want to fuck don't be looking... simple isn't it?" He stated crudely. Jonah gave an almost savage grin when he saw the tiger wince a bit before pointedly looking away from the dingo. He eventually heard a chuckle come from behind him. He quickly turned and saw that the older wolf... Ian was standing at the top of the stairs. He seemed amused with a silly grin on his face. Monet the coyote however simply looked somewhat bored and as prickly as ever.

"Leave Greg alone... he's just doing his job mate... and sad to say he's straight..." He said before stepping down the stairs. Once he reached them he stretched. "And it's quite late folks... we should head to sleep... Erin... you and Lucas should probably stay home from school tomorrow... I think losing your mum is a good enough excuse to miss a day of school... We'll tell the teachers why you aren't attending... besides it's Friday so I doubt you'll miss much." He stated calmly towards Erin who nodded before she yawned and decided to head off to the room she was staying in. After she had exited the room he turned towards Monet, "You two staying the night as well?"

Monet just nodded without passion. "It would be easier then heading home so late... I had already called my parents and told them not to expect me home tonight... and I doubt they would allow Higgins to stay under the same roof..." She said looking towards the Dingo who was frowning towards the wolf.

"Who's Lucas?" He asked wondering who the mysterious fur was. He could vaguely sense a presence in one of the rooms... he noticed the tall wolf seemed to be blushing underneath his dark fur before he spoke.

"My boyfriend..." He stated softly.

Jonah could only raise his eyebrow at that, "By the gods... the famed son of the Mansfield Clan is a fag? Who would've thought?" He stated in a cheerful manner.

Monet decided to speak up tiredly, "Yes he is... but I am tired and seeking rest so I bid you all farewell... bonne-nuit!" She stated before heading out the room the same way Erin had done earlier.

The smaller wolf just grinned at him, "Guess you're sharing a room with me huh? Well come on, I'm quite tired..." He said as he left towards one of the rooms.

Jonah quietly followed him into the door and was mildly surprised. The room was a deep blue and in the very middle was a small fountain spraying a constant amount of water. Near the side of the room there was a futon presumably for him. "Hope you like it mate... well... night." He said before stripping down to his boxers as if unaware of the dingo ogling him as he definitely had a nice body Jonah reasoned before the boy fell into his covers and went right to sleep. Jonah just sighed and shook his head before laying down on the futon slowly falling asleep himself thoughts of the young fox burning into his brain.


Xander sighed briefly as he went up to the kitchen. He was already dressed in his new Greenheart Academy uniform... he felt... weird. He was going to school for the first time in years... he was excited of course, but he also felt a bit queasy. He'd be the new kid now... and he was afraid he would be picked on badly. And the fact he was gay made him even more frightened. Eventually even through his brooding he found himself in the kitchen area. Greg was already awake as was the rest of the gang aside from Lucas. He noticed Ian was sitting chatting with Erin who was still in her nightgown. Even Jonah the odd dingo was there sitting apart from the others. He was still wearing the clothes from yesterday and Xander honestly wondered if he had a change of clothes...

Xander gave him a wave of greeting which the dingo only ignored. This made Xander frown a bit wondering what he did for the dingo to dislike him so much. He eventually just shrugged and sat between Ian and Monet who were nice enough to leave a seat for him. Once he was settled he looked towards Ian.

"How's Lucas holding up?" He asked the wolf who sighed.

"Not very well... I tried to get him to come to breakfast but he said he wasn't hungry... I just hope he snaps out of it soon." He said sadly his ears drooping somewhat. "He didn't even want to cuddle..."

Monet just sighed from her seat before speaking, "The boy has just lost his mother Mansfield... let him grieve." She told the wolf bluntly. "Give him time... it is never easy to lose the people you love..." She muttered sadly.

Ian seemed to pick up on the tone and frowned, "You sound like you're talking from experience... have you lost people close to you?" Ian asked.

Xander also looked towards the girl and found she looked quite sad for several moments before she went right back to her normal icy state. That confused the fox a bit... that was probably the most emotion he'd seen from her since they met... granted they had only knew each other for a few days... but he was sure that wasn't a common experience. He was broke out of his trance when he heard Monet speak.

"No, I have not... but I understand that it is hard. But people die that is a fact of life. Only the gods live forever..." She sighed. "But we have to make the most of it. But I say Mason will be better in a few days... let him rest and grieve the loss of his mother." She stated and then turned towards Erin who looked remarkably downcast. "Are you feeling well Erin?" She asked the vixen.

She gave the coyote a cheery smile but Xander could tell the smile wasn't a real one, but he kept himself silent. "I'm doing well all things considering..." She started. Her voice was a bit shaky and Xander was almost afraid she'd burst into tears. "It's just... hard to believe that she's gone. Just like that..." Her ears had drooped again.

Greg gave her a small smile as he set the table for breakfast, "I understand how you feel Erin... I lost my parents at a very young age... at least you have gotten to know the mother who birthed you. I never got the chance and I never will..." He said to her. "But you're a strong girl Erin. You'll be fine." He told her as he finished and sat down on Ian's other side.

They ate in silence for the most part until he noticed one of the agents who were assigned to guard the house walked in. He was a fit raccoon man who looked to be around thirty or so...

"I'm Agent Wilson... I will be driving you to and from school, is that okay?" He asked the group.

Ian looked towards the man confused, "We always either walk to school or ride our bikes... it's not that far away..." He stated.

The raccoon sighed at that before he spoke again, "It was agreed between your father and the Council that all of you would be escorted to and from the school by either me or Agent Martin, Master Ian..." He told the wolf and Xander noticed Ian wince at being called 'Master'.

"Fine..." He muttered somewhat annoyed. "We're already pretty much done sir so we'll be out in a second... and please Agent... just call me Ian..." he stated.

The Agent just shook his head, "Very well Master Ian... I will try and remember that for next time... but come-on we need to get you all to school." He said as he walked out of the room.

Quickly the entire group got ready and found themselves in the car. Xander was amazed they could all fit in here and when he asked Ian he explained that the car was charmed to be bigger on the inside. 'Handy' Xander thought to himself as they pulled out of the driveway and onto the street. He could only watch as the small town of Bayfield whisked by them. It seemed to be a bustling town being on the outskirts of Vancouver, but nothing as crazy as Brooklyn. It actually seemed rather nice. Eventually the group found themselves in the parking lot of a very fancy looking building. Xander saw a bunch of teenage furs in identical uniforms rushing into the building. Some looked around his age and others much younger... if he remembered correctly the school was supposed to be from grade nine to twelve... Quickly enough he and the others got out of the car and the Agent who drove them went off presumably to go back to the house.

Xander just sighed and remembered he was to go to the office first thing to get his schedule and locker combination and separated from the rest of the group with a wave as went into the building. Thankfully he had managed to find the office rather easily and shyly went into the room where a busy looking doe was filling away papers. "Um... are you Mrs Watson?" He asked the doe.

She quickly jerked her head up and looked at the young fox, "Yes I am... are you Xander Rose dear?" She asked him kindly. He nodded bashfully and she smiled a sweet smile. "Okay then... very good to meet you child... here is your schedule for the day... as well as a map of the school. Your homeroom is 11-C Mr. Pierre Blanc... he's a good man. Now do you need anyone to escort you to Homeroom?" She asked him sweetly but he just shook his head.

"I will be good ma'am... thank you though..." He said before walking out the office. The rest of the day went smoothly and Xander found he had most of his classes with Greg and Ian... and presumably Lucas as well. Eventually lunch had rolled around and he followed Richard to where he sat. The table was filled with a bunch of giggling teenage girls presumibly they were Erin's friends. They were all nice girls who didn't seem to mind he wasn't interested in them, though that didn't stop them from flirting... in fact he was sure that they all got a thrill with flirting with a gay man. He flirted back of course enjoying the game as much as they did. It felt nice being liked... They all seemed really nice. Richard was sitting between two girls but Xander could tell the young wolf was a bit distracted and looking off into space. He had tried to start a conversation with the other guy but Richard just didn't seem interested...

Eventually lunch itself ended and Xander quickly dismissed himself to the bathroom. He really needed to take a piss. Once he was well away from the girls he found the bathroom and quickly started taking a leak. After he finished Xander made sure to wash his paws and started heading for his next class. Before he could make it he was suddenly slammed into one of the lockers. He gave a pathetic yelp of pain before he felt someone punch him in the gut. Struggling he looked up to see his attacker and saw a very fat boar.

"Looks like we've got another queer! " He sneered at the much smaller fox. His breath stank something awful and Xander could barely fight the need to gag. The boar punched him in the gut again making him give a whine of pain. "You filth shouldn't be allowed in this school! Not you or that little fucker Lucas Mason!" He said punching the fox again. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you little faggot!" He snarled and aimed another hit to Xander's gut.

Xander tried biting down on his tongue so he wouldn't let out another groan of pain. He wouldn't give the bastard the pleasure. The boar was about to aim another punch before his arm was grabbed and yanked back.

"Put the Kit down Giles or I'll rip your arm off..." A deep rumbling voice stated coolly causing the boar to blanch. The fat fucker eventually tossed Xander aside and turned towards Xander's saviour.

"You've defending this queer Thorne?" The Boar asked savagely, "Should've known you're a queer lover since you hang out with that fucker Parker!" He spat.

Xander having gained back enough focus to take a look at the boy who got the boar off of him. He was a mountain of a wolf... a literal giant almost... He had greyish fur and clear brown eyes and he was scowling at the boar in such a way he was amazed the boar didn't piss himself.

"Santiago is my best friend... we've known each other for years... Of course I would support him even if he's gay..." The wolf stated calmly. "Now get lost!" He said shoving the boar back. He fell on his ass before he got up and ran with his tail between his legs. Once the bastard was gone the giant wolf turned back towards Xander. "You okay kid?" He asked. Xander could only nod still surprised. He gave Xander an apologetic smile before speaking again. "Sorry about that... Giles is a jackass but not everybody is like that..." He said cheerfully. "So what's your name kid?"

"Xander... Xander Rose..." The fox said in a small voice.

The wolf still gave him a soft smile before he introduced himself, "Tyler Thorne... good to meet ya...! You new? I've never seen you here before." He asked.

Xander only nodded shyly, "Yes... today was my first day actually..." He said and the wolf... no... Tyler... frowned.

"Well that sucks... but hey you stick with me and I'll keep those bullies away cool?" He asked Xander.

"Why are you being so friendly?" The fox asked him.

Tyler just looked away before speaking. "I don't like seeing anyone get hurt... nobody deserves to be hurt for who they want to fuck... so anyway yeah good to meet you Xander... friends?" He asked the fox, who just nodded before taking the giant's paw.


"Good! Now let's get you checked out... I think we might have the next class together..." he said helping the fox up to his feet.

After making sure Xander was able to walk, the wolf decided to take him to the nurse's office. 'Maybe this won't be so bad after-all?' Xander thought.


Ian sighed a bit. He was so bored. School wasn't any fun without Lucas there... He remembered Mr. Carter had asked him why Lucas wasn't there... he remembered it well.

"Ian... why isn't Lucas with you? I know you all missed Wednesday but came to school yesterday... is he sick?" The older panther had asked.

Ian only sighed not happy about the question but he knew he had to tell the truth, "His mother was killed yesterday..." He told the teacher who only blanched. "He and his sister have been staying with us for the last few days..." He remembered what he was told to say on the issue.

The Guardian Core was quick to make up a cover story... a robbery gone wrong and Lucas' mother was killed... Any involvement he and the others had had was to be removed from the report. "She had just gotten back from a fashion show in Cairo I think and she was home alone... a bunch of thugs came in and tried to rob the place... she fought back and was killed in the process..." He told the older man.

"That is awful... is he and his sister alright?" He asked and Ian nodded calmly.

"Physically yeah... but Lucas is taking it pretty hard..." He told the panther. That much was the truth... he was taking it pretty hard but for reasons Ian wasn't going to tell the other man...

"That is awful... Please when you see them please tell them I am most sorry about their loss..." Mr. Carter said in a sorrowful tone.

Ian just nodded again, "I will sir..."

The rest of the day was pretty much a repeat of this and he was getting tired of repeating everything to the teachers, he made sure to get the homework assignments for the fox so he wouldn't fall to far behind. He and Greg were walking to the next class in silence neither really knowing what to say. Greg seemed tense as if afraid some Cabal member would pop out of a broom closet and kidnap Ian... It was so very silly that the wolf had tried not to burst out laughing. "You know Greg you can relax... the Cabal aren't going to try and attack a school... to public." He told the Tiger who only grumbled underneath his breath.

"I am sure you are right Ian but I am not taking any chances," Greg told the wolf in a gruff tone.

"You know... I actually agree with the wolf... you really should relax Gregory..." A mild voice spoke out causing them both to jump before turning around. Leaning up against one of the lockers was a tall snow leopard. His silvery eyes were burning into Ian's own green. The wolf just snarled at the other fur. Santiago Parker.

"What do you want Parker?"' Ian asked him mid-snarl.

"I wanted to ask about Lucas... is the boy alright?" He said in a calm manner.

"He's fine... he's at home resting..." He told Parker calmly.

The Leopard only nodded I a calm manner, "That is good... I am terribly sorry about his mother's passing... so I understand he is staying with you?" Parker asked.

Ian only nodded calmly, "Yes he is... he's been staying with us since Tuesday..."

Again Parker nodded in the same calm manner, "Very well then... tell the boy he has my deepest regrets on the loss of his mother... Take care of him Master Ian... because the moment you misstep I will take him off your hands..." Parker said just as he was walking off.

Ian could only growl in annoyance at the leopard while Greg just stood there in an awkward fashion.

"Well... that was interesting... so do you think we should be heading on to class now?" The tiger asked him. Ian only nodded and they managed to get to class just before the bell rang. As soon as they stepped in their teacher a crocodile named Mr. Blanc looked at them. "Oh, Gregor, Ian... the office just gave me a buzz the Headmaster wished to speak with you..." Both of the boys just looked towards each other in confusion. Noticing their look he just chuckled. "You aren't in trouble..." He said shooing the two of them out of the room. The two boys quickly rushed to the office and saw that Richard and Xander were there as well...

"You guys got called to?" Richard spoke and Ian nodded.

"Yeah, any idea what's going on?" Ian asked his brother.

Richard just shook his head and shrugged, "Your guess is as good as mine bro..." He stated calmly just as someone coughed. They all turned around and saw a very tall otter man standing behind them. Richard was the first to speak. "You called us here Dr. Erikson?" he asked.

The Otter nodded, "Yes... I have news to relay to you from your father Mr Mansfield... Are you friendly with Lucas Mason?" Ian nodded and told him yes. "Alright then... according to your father, Lucas Mason has been rushed to the hospital and is currently unresponsive... he has sent someone to fetch all of you from school and take you to the hospital..." He told them in a calm manner.

Ian just stood there in shock... Lucas was in the hospital? Unresponsive? He could feel his legs about to give out on him. He quickly managed to sit down before he could burst into tears...