Part 2, Changes

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Werewolf Fur

Some unexpected changes occur in our two reluctant werewolves!

Part 2

Hunter woke to find himself on the furry floor of the old barn with Randy in his arms. The first thing he noticed was the soft furry carpet below them, but then his gaze fell on the beautiful young man in his arms. Randy looked completely different now. Not only was he bigger, but he had a healthy coat of man fur covering most of his chest and upper back. Randy's head hair and body hair were exactly the same shade as Hunter's now. Randy snuggled closer to Hunter as the cool morning air blew into the open barn. It was early morning, but Hunter knew that they must have been fucking only a few hours ago. As strange as that sounded Hunter felt like he'd never slept better. Aside from how sore his muscles were, he found himself quite invigorated.

Hunter's muscle cock responded to his excitement and pushed out of its sheath. The fur covered muscular limb followed the crack of Randy's ass and slipped into his furry ass hole with startling ease. Randy moaned in response as his own dick rose to greet the morning and found Hunter's own hungry ass. The strange muscles in Hunter's ass pulled the dick inside and began to pulse slowly as the muscle dick began to pump pre into the empty hole.

Tiny super sensitive hairs on the inside of Hunter's and Randy's asses made the experience extremely pleasurable, and when their cocks rubbed against their prostates they both lost themselves in the need for sex. The two hairy muscle men moaned as they began to orgasm. It was a slow pumping process that pushed cum into their asses at nearly a pint every ten minutes. Their hungry bodies absorbed the cum and used it to fuel the growth their bodies experienced as they mated.

Muscles pushed against skin as both males expanded with growth. Skin grew to accommodate the new size of the men, and their skeletons grew to allow more muscle growth. Clear sexual changes were occurring in both males. The most noticeable was the addition of four nipples; one on each of Hunter's top four abs. Randy's balls began to produce special chemicals which signaled to Hunter's body that he needed to grow larger sexual organs to feed his mate. Neither man knew that they were forming the beginnings of what other werewolves called a pack core. Hunter was turning into an Alpha werewolf, while Randy was exhibiting the sexual changes of a Beta.

Randy woke to the sexual afterglow of being fucked awake and find Hunter licking his sweaty body. Randy had stopped cumming a while ago, but Hunter was still going strong and he pumped cum into Randy like it was what he was meant to do. "Hunter?" Randy asked the sex crazed male who was currently satisfying both his instinctual and sexual needs.

"Huh?" Hunter grunted in response as he savored every pump and clench of his muscle cock.

"Are you some kind of sex werewolf?" Randy asked.

"Ugh... I dono."

"Hunter! Could you stop cumming for a second and answer me?" The tone of Randy's voice roused Hunter from his sex induced daze for a moment.

"Um, yea," Hunter mumbled as his eyes focused on Randy's face.

"Whatever," Randy said and relaxed as Hunter pulled him into a sexy muscle hug. Chemical pheromones secreted by the hair on Hunter's Chest and abs sent 'happy' messages to Randy's distraught mind. Hunter could feel the inner conflict inside his mate. Randy wasn't gay, but the very purpose of his sexual anatomy was to make more werewolves; he was built to make more male werewolves. His body told him that sex with Hunter was more than right, it was survival, but his mind still hated the idea.

"I love you Randy," Hunter whispered so softly that the man in his arms didn't hear him at all.


"I can stop if you'd like," Hunter said and began to pull his still pumping member out of Randy's ass. Like magic the muscle dick stopped gushing cum as soon as it hit the cold morning air. Hunter pulled Randy up with him as he stood. They both dressed and went back towards the house.

When Randy walked into the House it wasn't the smell of his mate that caught his attention, that smell was supposed to be there after all, it was the smell of his brother. Randy's body and cock ached for release the second his little brother was in the same room as Randy. "This is sick," Randy thought as his body lusted after the healthy young man cooking at the stove.

"Morning guys, Hungry?" Nick asked with his usual morning vigor.

"Hell yea!" Hunter said and sat down at the table. Nick had cooked a huge breakfast for his brother and Hunter. Randy did the best he could to finish his meal, but the food made his stomach cramp. The eggs and bacon were like eating sand, and the sausage was even worse! The milk tasted wonderful, but a little too sweet, and the water was nice as well. Hunter happily ate what Randy didn't and more. The monster ate like there was no tomorrow. He cleaned out the fridge and poor Nick barely got anything to eat at all.

"Looks like I'll have to go to town," Nick said cheerfully.

As the day wore on Randy felt worse and worse. Hunter was worried sick, but he ate like he was eating for them both. Lunch was a repeat of breakfast and Randy had nearly growled at Hunter when the older man had insisted he do more than drink water. "I'm just not hungry," Randy lied. He was hungry, but not for anything that could be cooked. All day long Randy had been horney as hell, and he longed for Hunter's juicy muscle cock; even if the thought of asking for it repulsed him more than death itself. As the day wore on Hunter was doing all the work while Randy rested. "Hunter?" Randy asked as the midday sun beat down on him. He had been resting against the truck while Hunter hauled hay.

"Yea?" Hunter replied and put down the hay bales he was throwing into the new barn.

"I hate saying this, but would you mind... err... that is... I'm so hungry..." Randy said and turned to look at the sexy man wiping sweat off his hairy face. "I need to do that thing... like what we did this morning," Randy said and blushed a bright red.

"You don't have to ask Randy," Hunter said and unzipped his fly. It was a little scary when his furry dick pushed out of the hole and into the air. It oozed pre like a faucet, and the smell of the pre drove Randy crazy with hunger. Hunter undid his top button and let his pants fall to his boots. His balls were swollen to the size of grapefruits, and his dick was quickly getting to be the size of a base ball bat on steroids. Randy dropped his own pants as Hunter peeled his shirt off his ripped muscular torso.

In seconds the two men were kissing and slurping with their inhumanly long tongues. Randy yipped in pleasure as Hunter's giant muscle dick pushed into his ass. It was defiantly bigger than it had been that morning. Randy wasn't exactly hard, but being speared by Hunter's monster dick was getting him pretty riled up. His own cock pushed towards Hunter's ass and the muscular man growled with pleasure as two feet of coke can pushed into his ass hole. Once again Hunter began grunting and making inhuman sounds as he started pumping his super protein rich cum into Randy. Randy found that the nipples on Hunter's chest weren't just for show; they produced rich fatty milk that was ten times better than what he had drank that morning. For the first time that day Randy felt like he was getting nourished. In return his own cock began to push special potent cum into Hunter's body. "Randy... cum... changing me... oh shit!" Hunter growled between huge bursts of orgasmic pleasure, but it was too late. Hunter kicked his boots off as his body began to grow even larger. His body hair thickened into fur and his already huge dick became the size of a small tree once again. Randy was getting scared as he was lifted off the ground by his mate's increasing mass. Cantaloupe sized balls bounced below Randy as they pushed gallons of seed into his starved mate. Milk gushed out the nipple in Randy's mouth, and he started to actually feel full for once.

After a half hour of having a werewolf pump cum into his ass Randy felt completely satisfied. He sleepily pulled himself into Hunter's thick chest and stomach fur. A nap was in order, and Wolf-Hunter wasn't going to let his mate get out of a full feeding session this time. Hunter burrowed into the hay with his un-shifted mate still attached to his massive member. Randy's own cock retreated to its sheath as Hunter readied himself for a good two hours of steady sexual delight. He'd been craving this all day long, and tonight he'd need to feed Randy again! Being a werewolf was turning out to be pretty damn sexy.