
Story by Exilo on SoFurry

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Another MLP request from someone on FA. Cruelty and extreme evil.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Cadence asked one of the Royal Guards out of the blue one day, earning a confused stare from the colt. "Do you think that I'm beautiful, I mean?" she asked, as if rephrasing the question would snap the guard back to attention.

"Uhm... yes my princess... I think you are very beautiful."

Cadence sighed. "Then why doesn't Shining Armor ever pay attention to me?"

"He has a great many duties, my princess. He is the only one strong enough to sustain the barrier around our great kingdom. Without it, our kingdom would fall to the threats just beyond our sight."

"Oh, I am quite aware of that," Cadence said. "But I get lonely sometimes. He is always off training or with Celestia and... I don't like that. I don't like her spending so much time with my fiancé."

"My princess, I am sure there is nothing for you-"

"Would you please escort me back to my room?" Cadence asked quickly.

The guard bowed his head. "It would be my honor."

Cadence's head was held low as she trotted back to her personal quarters in the north-east wing of the castle. The guard frowned, thinking he should say something to assure her everything was alright, but he wasn't sure of the words. He started with, "I have never seen such adoration that Shining Armor shows for you. He loves you, truly and deeply, and it is love that can never be replaced or tarnished."

"Yes, he does love me, doesn't he?" Cadence said, her mood seemingly brightening. "He adores me, and his loves gives me strength."

The guard smiled. "Yes, love will do that for you. My wife just gave birth to a little filly. I've never known unconditional love before she came into this world. Just... don't tell my wife that."

The guard used his magic to open the door, and allow Cadence to trot inside. He was just going to leave, when she looked over her shoulder and asked him to come inside. He did, without protest, and Cadence used her own magic to close the door behind him. Sparkles of green traced through the frame and down the crack where the two doors met. The guard was puzzle about that, but didn't say anything of it. He watched as Cadence happily trotted to her desk, and using her magic, lifted a large jar into the air. Returning to the guard, she turned the jar upside down, and spilled the contents at the guard's hooves.

There, before him, were five of his fellow guards, only their size had been so drastically reduced that each of them could easily fit under his hoof. He thought they were simply toys until they all looked up at him, eyes wide with horror and fear, and immediately all five burst into a run, going in different directions. Cadence's magic embraced each of the five guards, and brought them back, keeping them tightly packed together so they couldn't escape. "Now, now, tiny ones. There will be none of that."

"What is the meaning of this?" the guard demanded, spreading his legs and bracing himself, his own horn sparking with orange magic.

"Do not raise your voice to your future queen," Cadence said, eyes focused and glaring, and suddenly a beam of green lanced out of her horn, colliding hard with the guard. The impact alone was devastating; he was knocked several feet through the air, finally slamming against the door with his full weight. He fell to the ground, leaving a large dent in the thick, wood of doors. He struggled to get to his hooves, only for another blast of green to hit him, knocking him into the ground and forcing him still.

"The other five know the rules, but allow me to explain them to you," Cadence said. "If you do exactly as I say, then you will not be harmed. Perhaps if I find it within my heart, I will even purge your memory of this event and allow you to return to your normal size. But if you misbehave, my wrath will fall upon you. Understood?"

The guard looked up to the now towering princess before him. It looked as if she was as big as the castle itself now; until he realized that he had simply shrunk down to a doll's size. Cadence circled him, slowly, her tail briefly batting at him though he managed to keep his stance. Her hoof found his rump, and with a flick of the tip, she knocked him several feet over the ground. "Go join the others."

The guard, head held low, trotted to his fellow five. They were all huddled together, no longer because of the magical embrace but out of sheer terror of the looming pink pony, who kept trotting closer and closer, until she was directly above them. "Why are you so frightened?" she asked with a grin. "I asked each and every one of you if you found me beautiful, and each of you flattered me so. I do not understand why you would cower when there is so much more of me to love."

One of the guards trotted forward. He was shaking and his head was held low, but he moved away from the assumed safety of the group and now stood before the giant pink pony. He lifted his head slowly, and said with as powerful a voice as he could muster, "Princess Cadence, why are you doing this? I've known you since you were a filly. I practically raised you from birth. Why are you doing this?"

Cadence stared down at the little pony who had come forward. He was clearly old. Even with the glamour spell that made all the guards look alike, the presence he cast, his dignified trot, all said he was a veteran of the Guard. Cadence casually lifted one of her hooves, and without much thought or hesitance, she brought it down upon the guard. A touch of terror swept through the guard, and he attempted to turn and flee back to the group, but the dropping hoof was far faster than his old bones could manage. It came down upon him, the soft, plush underside of the pink hoof sparing him being crushed outright, but a sharp jolt of pain surged through his body as he was smashed into the ground. Cadence giggled as he started to struggle, the feeling oddly reminiscent a hoof rub. The harder she pushed, the more he struggled, but she eased her hoof up before she turned him to goo. But why was she being so gentle? She looked to the five other ponies she had, and knew there was time enough for all her desires. For now, she needed to make her position clear, and applied her full weight down upon the one hoof. The guard didn't even have a chance to scream before his entire body was flattened under the solid pink wall and against the floor. His body was so utterly smothered, that only the crimson that spread from beneath the hoof was any indication of his fate.

Cadence dragged her hoof back, leaving a stain of red over the polished white marble floor. The five remaining guards stared, baffled, horrified by what they had just witnessed. The green embrace of Cadence's magic surrounded the five ponies suddenly. She lifted them all up into the air, contemplating them, before she dropped them all into the jar. The jar's walls were polished and clear, so they would be able to see what was happening in the world around them. The opening of the jar was also quite large; large enough that her hoof could fit inside, although she could not peer inside when her arm was occupying the opening. She didn't seem to mind though. Groping about for them, pressing the tiny, wiggly ones against a wall, only for them to slip free, that was part of the fun of having tinies at all.

At last, she managed to pin one of the guards against a glass wall, smothering him under her hoof. She held him, waiting until he had finished struggling and fighting against her, before gripping him carefully and lifting him out of the jar. When he was free of the jar, she took hold of him with her magic, and spent a moment examining him. She wished she knew the trick to removing their glamour spells. She did not like that they all looked the same. She liked to know exactly who she was crushing, and when she saw the Missing Pony posters about the city, she liked to know just how that particular pony's life had ended. But it was a small nuisance, and after a moment she dropped her latest quarry to the ground. She smiled down at him, happy to see that he wasn't going to run, either out of obedience or raw terror. She decided she needed a second guard though, and rather than playing the chasing game with another one, she simply scooped him out of the jar with her magic and dropped him beside his kin.

She had crushed the old guard with her right forehoof. Crushing him, squeezing the life out of him, had been like a very pleasant (if brief) hoof massage, and she licked her lips, thinking about doing it again with her two new "volunteers."

With little kicks, she spread them apart and positioned them just right. Then, lifting her left forehoof and right rear hoof, she carefully dropped them down upon the tinies. She did not crush them outright, though, this time choosing to savor the little squirms and kicks that they pleasantly gave her. To be a Royal Guard, you had to be strong. Not earth pony strong necessarily, but strong enough to push open heavy doors, ring giant bells, and engage in hoof-to-hoof combat, all without the use of magic. The tinies pushed against her hoof like their lives depended on it. They kicked and bucked, using all four of their hooves to try to push the massive pink wall away, but Cadence simply leaned more and more weight down. She always won the little strength contests, but it was fun to lift her hoof, give them a sense of hope and salvation, only to bring her hoof down harder, crushing their little bones and breaking their limbs. By Celestia, it was fun to be evil.

Cadence began to rock back and forth. She leaned forward, putting most of her weight on her forelegs and smothering the tiny she had under her left forehoof. She felt limbs brace against her, trying to push her away, but she came down all the harder, and she soon felt the bones in the arms and legs snap and pop. She heard the guard whimper and cry, the hoof coming down with just a little more force, now pressing on his rib cage and threatening to break each and every one. But before that, she rolled back, and provided him with relief. Now it was pony at her rear hoof's turn to be crushed and smothered. She was happy her hooves were soft and sensitive to the squirms and kicks. She could savor every break of their little bones.

The three ponies inside the jar watched with horror at the show that was being put on. The giant pink pony eased her rear hoof down fully. There was a pitiful scream, followed by an eerie silence. A moment later, a subtle moan passed through Cadence's lips as she dared to stray a hoof down between her rear legs, but thinking better of it, she once more braced herself on her four legs. The pony who had been servicing her rear hoof was jelly. The one who had been servicing her front hoof was alive, but barely. Both rear legs and one of his forelegs had been broken. The bones had burst through the knee and hock joints, and were now poking out in grim fashion. A few of his ribs were most likely broken, given the difficulty breathing, and occasionally he spat up a sheen of blood. Cadence shook her head, and casually looked to the jar, and the three guards still housed inside. She approached the jar, and as she did, her rear hoof happened to fall upon the crippled pony. She did not break stride as she trotted along, she did not even seem to notice she had ended still another life as she reached inside the jar, groping blindly for several terrifying moments, the three ponies dashing side to side in an attempt to avoid the pink hoof, caked with blood.

It was inevitable that some pony was not fast enough, too tired and too weak to push against the hoof and slip out from beneath the grip. When Cadence felt her hoof close around one of the wiggly warmth, she gave a pleased giggle, and pulled her hand out, only to reveal that she had caught two of the ponies. One was tightly clenched in her hoof, but his hooves were free, and in a blind panic, he had taken hold of one of his fellows. The second pony struggled and tried to break the hold on his rear hoof, but couldn't manage.

Cadence dropped both to the ground. The sudden fall winded them both, so Cadence had time to get to her four hooves, and casually trot along. When her rear hooves were corralling the two ponies, her massive rump high above, she lifted her tail and casually dropped her massive rump down.

One of the ponies, sensing the impending death from the absolutely massive ass, bolted as forward as fast as he could. The shadow cast by the giant pony's glutes stretched forward no matter how fast he ran, so he ran faster, and just as he was sure the butt would come down upon him, he gave a mighty leap. He was mere inches from escaping the crushing embrace of the massive butt, but in the end, simply was not fast enough. He felt a crushing weight on his lower body, and slammed into the ground on his chest, knocking the wind from his lungs. He looked back over his shoulder, to see a pair of utterly titanic, quivering lips that were Cadence's nethers. The lower recesses of the slit had come down upon his rear hooves. He tried to pull himself forward, but Cadence's hoof was suddenly upon him, and quickly pushed him into the warm recesses between her legs.

The other pony, who did not have the wherewithal to run as the giant ass came down, was not fairing much better. He had been spared being crushed by either of the two massive buttocks, but was presently smothered by the furless crack. He felt the pulsing skin of Cadence's anus on his back, and though he attempted to crawl towards the glimmer, Cadence instead rolled back, resting firmer and fuller on her rump, and forcing him right against the puckered hole.

She started with the pony at her nethers though. The colt under her ass was delightful, but it was more of a subtle tickle. The pony she slowly devoured with her fleshy lips, he was heavenly. Sparks of blue burst out of his horn as he hoped to work up some spell that might spare him, but his magic was far too weak compared to her great body. All he did was cause her delightful tingles. She carefully placed the tip of her hoof on the back of his head, and shoved him into her clitoris. His horn continued to spark, and each time one of the sparks hit her clit, a pleasant shiver ran through her.

Again and again, her muscles clenched upon the little body, squeezing him tight. He spread his legs as wide as he could, trying to alleviate the pressure, and almost succeeded in working his legs out of the stifling cavern. But her muscles crunched upon him once more, and he felt his legs slammed together painfully. Cadence's moan drowned out the sound of his hisses and cries, as he felt himself pulled up to his under arms. He took a deep breath of fresh air, before Cadence's hoof tip found his head, and slid him the rest of the way inside her. Barely able to move, he attempted to keep her terrifying muscles apart with his elbows, and actually succeeded for several precious moments. But it was exhausting work, and while every ounce of his strength was being utilized, for Cadence it was barely any effort to keep the pressure on.

And the tiny beneath her rump... she had almost forgotten about him. His rear hooves were trapped within her tight sphincter, and the way he kicked and fought against her, it was as if he wanted to make her feel good. She looked over her shoulder, smiling at the last guard, still trapped inside the glass jar, and staring transfixed at his princess and his fellow guards. With a heavy groan, she rolled onto her front, and then braced her rear feet upon the ground. Keeping her upper body on the ground, she spread her rear legs, and lifted her tail, giving the last guard a clear view of not only her titanic bottom, but the guard held tight between her cheeks. He was fighting furiously, kicking and squirming, but Cadence simply closed her eyes and clenched, and dragged him inside her with one great squeeze. The guard's struggles delighted her, not just that it felt so good, but that he struggled at all. She wondered what is like for the guard in the jar, the sight of her magnificent body, slowly devouring another pony, whole and alive.

She gave a content sigh as, at last, she felt the guard's head slip beneath her rim, his long face brushing against the moist skin of her sphincter. Possessed by newfound strength, his fighting doubled in intensity, which only succeeded in giving him easier passage through her bowels. Along with the guard shoved inside her nether lips, it was understandable that her whole body clenched all at once. She felt the guards pop inside her, and dribbles of warmth ooze out of her puckered anus, as well as her between her legs.

If only they were more durable. That was their only flaw. Next time she did this, she would need an entire army at her disposal.

Cadence's steps were a bit wobbly as she approached the jar, and the last guard held within. With her green magic, she lifted the jar carefully, and brought it up to her face, peering through the clear wall at the guard who stared at her with unrestrained terror. "Soon," she said. "Soon all of your kind will know such fear."

She brought the jar to her lips, and tilted her head back. She tilted the jar up, gradually turning it onto its side. The guard struggled for a grip on the smoothly polished interior walls of the jar. Beneath him was the ghastly sight of Cadence's open, hungry maw. Her tongue rolled out to permit him easier passage, and she slowly, slowly, painfully slowly tilted the jar more and more, until at last her prey was sliding along like a slide. He attempted to brace himself on the rim of the jar, but a little shake knocked him free, and he fell onto the wet, pulsating tongue. Cadence wrapped her tongue around her prey, giving him a little squeeze. Oh, he tasted heavenly. She pushed him into her cheek, and then the roof of her mouth, laughing as he tried to fight her. Fear, she could taste his fear.

Cadence crunched down with the strength of her jaw. Lips pulled back in a smile, crimson splashed from between her teeth and onto the floor. She opened her mouth, and crunched again, breaking bones and ripping skin, turning the proud, noble pony into little more than a delicious, crimson paste. And the flavors of his flesh and blood, washing over her tongue like a fine wine. She could taste his fear, still lingering in his heart, and the dread in the pit of his stomach. She savored it, chewing his very life into nothingness, before tilting her head back, and gulping him down.

After washing herself free of the blood and gore that clung to her body, and scrubbing the floor so not a trace of her deed could be found, she headed back into the castle. She wandered about, searching for a guard who stood alone, instead of with a partner, at last finding one guarding the library. She put on a sad face as she approached, and adjusted her walk to a slower speed. Her head hung low, her wings drooped at her sides. Even her horn seemed to sag in melancholy. The guard, seeing his princess, assumed a respectful bow, but asked, "Is there anything wrong."

Cadence gave a sad sight, and lifted her head. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

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