Central the first #5

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#5 of Exploration

Simba, after leading me down several corridors with Draco and Arachno in tow,they were discussing several things, explained that for the afternoon we would have a look at the rooms Arachno described as training.It was a bit of an understatement. The first room we went into was a marksmanship room, where all of us were giving standard issue pistol like guns, which fired a burst of energy, which would hit someone like a sledgehammer. Draco immediately challenged me to a duel, which I declined.

So instead we fired at targets, ranging from twenty metres to two hundred metres. Those pistols had virtually no kick in them, but they fired a huge blast of white light that crackled over the target, much like electricity shock. The instructor was a sight to behold, for he was mostly robotic. The legs, arms and chest were all made out of steel plates, and indeed when he moved it was like that of a pneumatic hiss between his joints, but his head was black scaled, although a third of his face, his right ear, eye, cheek and nose was covered with a array of steel plates. His right eye was robotic, and it clicked and whirred. Despite all this, he spoke with a serpentine speech familiar to that of Draco.

So we all fired at targets. Draco nailed twenty hits out of twenty, Simba seventeen. Arachno gave it a go, and hit twelve. Then I stepped up, holding this surprisingly light pistol. At fifty metres, I hit fifteen.

"I feel like I'm going to break this thing." I commented, looking at my five wayward shots. The instructor smiled.

"What's wrong?"

"It's too light, I'm used to my rifle."

"What is this?"

I showed him, and he observed it critically.

"Projectile weapon, fires a steel round at a target at 1200 kph, your speed, Accuracy is fairly good, but the entire thing is rather weighted. This is ancient." he finally declared. I gave him a wry smile.

"Permission to fire this, we'll see."

He gave a brief nod, and I loaded the rifle. I sunk into the kneeling position, and fired. Centre of the cut out, reload, fire, centred again, reload, fire, etc. By the time I had gone through twenty rounds, there was a neat little collection of holes in the centre of the chest of the cut out. The instructor looked at the cut out.

"Each to his own." he said finally.

They left not long after, and Draco burst out laughing.

"Perfect score, with a gunpowder relic! That was hilarious." Arachno and Simba were smiling also. I sighed.

"Just because it's ancient doesn't mean it's bad."

Then we went to a second room. This was a wrestling room, and there were a series of mats scattered around, although only one was in use. Two dragons were wrestling, and another creature stood, offering hints and advice to the two combatants. He turned as we came up to him.

"What is this?"

This new creature was again humanoid, but was again different from anything I had seen. He was six feet in height, and his body was the rough equivalent of a humans, except he was a fox like humanoid. His body was covered in reddish fur, and even his head was just like a fox's. His long bushy tail curled behind him, and his paws had semi fingers. He wore a black strip around his middle, and his forearms had bands around them, of the same colour.

"Hi Alecto, just showing junior here around Central." Draco clapped a hand on my shoulder, and I winced.

"Ah, the human. I have heard of you already, Raptormaster."

"You honour me, Alecto."

"How are you at hand to hand?"

"These two insist on having wrestling matches with me." I smiled at my companions,and Alecto grinned.

"I see.You can test yourself here.Simba?"

"Me vs. him?" Simba looked at me,"I dunno."I smiled, and said,"I'm game."

Alecto laughed. Both of us removed our various items, rifle, equipment, and stood at either sides of the mat. I hunkered down, one foot forward, and both hands raised in attack. Watching through my hands, Simba lowered himself to spring.

"When you're ready, Simba." I said.

Simba charged. I jumped and whirled, executing a perfect spinning kick. The swinging foot connected with one of Simba's outstretched hands, knocking him to one side. He shot past me, and I retreated to the other side of the mat while he turned around. Alecto looked slightly impressed.

"Interesting technique."

"We have a series of fighting styles, called martial arts, that kick was from one of them."

"I should visit this planet of yours sometimes." Alecto replied."But your timing was off."

Simba charged again. As he collided with me, I ducked down, and my hand grabbed his wrist. Pulling hard, I felt him collide with my body, and flip over me.The force of the impact made me stumble, but Simba ended up on his back, looking up in some confusion. Alecto made a generous nod, Draco whistled, and Arachno applauded politely. Simba got to his feet, and waited for me to make the first move.

I did, I darted forward, my hand parting the air like a wave. I hit Simba's shoulder, but not with a lot of force, and he merely shrugged it off. My other hand whirled around, blocked his swinging fist, and then I darted closer. My foot hooked around his, and I pushed my hands as hard as I could into his chest, palm first. Simba fell backwards like a tree, but rose quickly. With a quick move, he kicked at my leg, and I fell backwards, more in stunned shock than pain. Simba came at me again, but I was in the perfect position. I was curled up, and I kicked my foot up.

The wayward foot collected him under the chin, sending him flying over me, and landing in a heap on his front.I grabbed my foot in pain, rolling to the side, and turned to look at Simba. He was on his hands and knees, but wasn't looking this way. I massaged my ankle for a few seconds, and then got to my feet.

"Simba, are you O.K.?"

Simba got up and turned. To my immense pride and shame red blood was trickling from his mouth, and he was rubbing it. The two dragons were looking at us. Alecto was looking at me, Draco was admiring me, and Arachno hurried over to Simba, drawing a vial from nowhere, like a conjuror.

"Ouch.He's got a kick like a phaser blast." Simba obediently opened his mouth,and Arachno observed, looking for the wound.

Alecto was also rubbing his chin, but in contemplation.

"He's quick, granted. Most of that was impulsive. His, martial arts, I shall have to find out more about them." he was curious. Then he turned back to the sparring dragons, and they started off again.

Draco clapped his hand on my shoulder, again, and again I winced in pain.

"What can't you do?"

"You'd be surprised."I hissed back," Is he O.K.? I knocked out a bully doing that, and he had to have stitches."

"He'll be find, he's had much worse, like those tentacles."

Arachno finished treating Simba, and the tiger came up to me, and hugged me.

"That was a brilliant fight, Raptormaster."

"Ahh, thank you."

Draco suggested we retired to a food store for lunch. We wandered through some corridors, and came to another blank door. Pulling it open, we wandered in to an surprising spacious and comfortable looking restaurant. The walls were done in a dark bottle green, and I'd bet Draco could have hidden against them. The tables were wooden, and plain blue tablecloths covered them. Comfortable chairs surrounded all of them. The food store was surprisingly full, and creatures of all kinds were sitting at various tables. I could hardly get around to describing them all.

Draco signalled to a fellow reptilian who was, apparently, the cook, and we sat down at a table. I felt very out of place. I could tell I was getting a lot of looks. Another fox like creature came over to us, and knelt beside me.

"Who are you, junior?"

"He's Alduin, the new scout.We're showing him around Central."

"Oh really?Where've you been?"

"Marksman and Alecto."


"Dead shot and hefty fighter. Would you believe he decked Simba?"

"You're kidding." the fox looked at me, and then at the tiger. Tiger in question nodded. The fox turned to me.

"How did you manage that?"

"Bit of talent, lot of luck." I smiled faintly. The fox laughed.

"I'd like to see that."

"Why don't you?" Draco suggested.

"Draco!" I turned like a viper. Draco was smiling.

"Well why not?Tufty here is almost as good as Alecto."

"On a good day." Tufty replied."O.K., Alduin, what about it?"

I realised later that physical strength is considered quite a talent at Central. I had little, but I had, special training. The hell with it.

I unshouldered my pack and my rifle, handing the latter to Simba.Then I stood and turned to Tufty, and then ducked as the fox delivered a full strength kick aimed at my neck. There seemed to be someone commenting on us at another table, but I didn't catch the words.

"So much for friendly." I commented, deflecting a punch with both hands, letting my elbows fold and forcing the punch to my left. As he started to pull it back, I grabbed his wrist, and punched at his Solar plexus. He staggered slightly, and then pulled out of my grasp.As he did I kicked at his feet, which he avoided with a clumsy standing jump.

Then he dived at me. I don't know how he missed a target like that, but he brushed my ripped T-shirt, and as he dived past, my arm whipped around and struck him across the shoulder blades with my arm. He fell heavily, and got to his feet.

"He is good."

I bowed to him, as was my custom, and he bowed back. Then I sat back down, shouldering my rifle.I was spared further examination by the arrival of the food. There was meat, but it was unidentifiable, and there was salad. He also brought a bottle of liquid and glasses. I whispered to Draco.

"What's in the bottle?"

He smiled.

"I know about that. It's just a combination of water and herbs. No alcohol."

I sighed inwardly, and we all had a glass of the water. It tasted like water, but with a slight bitter after tang, although it was barely noticeable. The glasses were refilled, and we began eating. All the food was delicious, and we consumed it with glee. Chatter was frequent, we were all enjoying the experience. Arachno was discussing his new practices to Draco, and I was discussing the merits of martial arts with Simba and Tufty, who pulled up a seat. This went on for a good ten minutes.

Then things went strange. The room started blurring, as though I had been exposed to tear gas, and I gave my head a small shake to clear the dizziness. My head felt sore, and I held my hand against my temple.Now it was getting much worse, and I closed my eyes.Simba looked worried.

"Raptormaster, are you alright?"

I was. The room stayed blurred, but the headache multiplied. With a burst of movement, rifle swinging from my shoulder, I stood, and almost ran for the door.My comrades were looking in confusion.

Arachno looked at the food and the drink.

"Draco, what's the water got in it?"

"Herbs, don't know which ones."

"Oh dear,"Arachno raised his voice,"someone stop him!" he got out of his chair and started scuttling towards me. My head was in agony, and suddenly pictures started flashing in front of me.My hand found the doorknob. Some of me was saying stay, the rest was saying run,and I had no control.

"He's hallucinating!" Arachno shouted, but it was too late. Everyone was on their feet, but I opened the door, and started sprinting. I loaded my rifle, and ran with it fully ready. My work mates say I have a fair turn of speed, and I sprinted down the corridor.Straight into Alecto. He had heard the commotion, and came running. I came to a halt in his arms, and he held me gently.

"Alduin, what happened?"

I really couldn't help myself, I just had to run, and run away quickly. Draco and Arachno were already through the door, and spotted me. Alecto must have realised my intentions at the same time, and dived aside as I fired the rifle. The bullet zinged off three walls, and by then I was gone, leaving a very shaken Alecto being helped to his feet by Draco. They had all seen me fire, and Arachno spoke.

"We might need some help with this one."

I blindly ran down corridors, not knowing or caring where I was going. My face was running with tears, my feet slipping around the corners. I fell heavily, discharging the gun again. The sound of the bullet echoed down the corridors, and my friends heard it.

"Oh God."Simba whispered. They charged after me, searching.

I finally stopped. I tore open a door, ignored the medical bed in the centre, and sat in a corner. There was no one in the room, and I hugged myself tightly. It was the strangest feeling I had ever felt. I felt nothing, only pain, I thought nothing, I was completely powerless. I sobbed for some time, and then, in the midst of all the confusion, heard the door shut. I looked up, and through the blurred images, saw Arachno.

"Alduin, I thought you'd be here.It's familiar, so you feel safe in here." he said gently, his tone soothing.

I didn't move.

"You've been poisoned, Alduin.Your system could not cope with our herbs. Now, I have a simple cure. All you need to do is have another drink, and the pain will go away."

I still didn't move, but watched him. He very slowly moved towards a cabinet, and drew a bottle. The liquid inside was a dark, murky black. I tried to shuffle away in fear.

"Don't worry Alduin, I'm here to help. I helped you before, when you were hurt, remember. I'm your friend."

Looking back, Arachno was a true hero. Here he was, confronting a lunatic with a loaded gun. I held my rifle tightly, but to him it was promising I wasn't aiming it anywhere. He dealt out a measure of the liquid, and then placed the cup on the bed.

"Now, can you come over here, and I promise everything will be fine."

I shook my head. Arachno slowly picked up the cup.

"I'll bring it to you. I mean no harm."

Alecto and Draco arrived in the door. Bad timing. I gave a cry of utter fear.Arachno scuttled behind a cabinet as I grabbed my rifle and fired. The two in the door ducked as soon as I moved, and the bullet pinged off the steel over their heads. Chaotic images flashed in front of me, and then Arachno did something completely stupid.

He made a grab for the gun. He got it, and we began a tug of war. Draco burst in, closely followed by Tufty and Simba, and the three of them pried me from the grasp of the gun. Arachno put the rifle down, and forced the liquid down my throat.It tasted horrible, and I coughed violently. I fell almost immediately unconscious. Alecto walked in, and the last thing I heard was him speaking

"I really don't want to cross him."

I woke.I felt extremely cold. I tried to move, but I couldn't. Something was holding me down. I was on a bed, and some sort of rope was holding me down. I coughed, and swallowed. My throat was dry, as though it had been seared. I spoke.

"What the hell happened?" I whispered.

"Welcome back, Alduin. You were poisoned by the herb in the water, your system is extremely delicate.You developed headaches and blurred vision, and hallucinated. We had to sedate you and restrain you."Arachno's voice came from my side.

"Your web?" I couldn't see him, only the black roof.

"Very clever."

"I, I, remember.The water was different, and then everything felt so, wrong.Confusing."

"Yes, that was the poison."

Something I remembered surged through my muddled mind.

"I fired at Alecto."

"Don't worry, Alduin. You missed. He realised you were out of your mind at the time, and decided not to get in your way."

"I fired at Alecto.I could've killed him." I repeated hollowly.

"Alduin, I forbid you to panic on me." Arachno replied sternly.

My hand wormed it's way into my pocket, and grabbed the Swiss army knife. One handedly flicking the main blade open, I started cutting the sticky web that held my arm.

"What about everyone else?"

"They're all fine. They were all just a little shocked."

There was no right answer to that. I felt decidedly ashamed, and also angry at myself. Arachno continued.

"No one was at fault, Alduin. You weren't to know. It was an accident."

"Where are they?"

"Outside, and down the hall.Do you want me to go and get them?"

"No, I think I'll manage." I replied.

The bond broke, and I whipped the knife through the bonds holding my upper body. Then I sat up, before Arachno could react.

"Always handy to have a pocket knife on my person." I commented, cutting my legs free. Arachno started backing away.

"No one's ever done that before."

"No one had a weapon within arm reach." I replied, clicking the the knife shut. I tossed the knife to where I saw the gun was lying, and headed for the door.

They were all there. They all turned as I strode into the corridor. Draco looked relieved, Simba slightly tense. Both Tufty and Alecto looked terrified. He was only two metres away from me.

I opened my hands in a friendly gesture, and he relaxed.Then I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Alecto."my tears fell.

Alecto was probably quite relieved at this point. Draco made a sign, much in the same way someone might make the cross after a tense moment. Simba spoke.

"Do not give him that water while he's here."trying to relieve the tone. Tufty sighed in relief. Arachno came out.

"All better then?"

"I think he's back to normal."

"With him, there is no normal." Simba interjected, smiling.

I whispered quietly in Alecto's ear.

"I am so sorry. I am indebted to you."

"How about we discuss it at my quarters? I think some conversation and something to drink would be in order. Something strong for me, I think." he whispered back, managing a grin. I gave a faint smile back.

Draco, his ears being razor sharp, heard this little tete-a-tete, and turned to Simba and Tufty.

"Let's go and have something to get over all this. My nerves are decidedly stretched. Arachno, will you join us?"

"I think I need it."the spider being replied. They headed down the corridor. Alecto led me to another boring door, and we walked into a dark coloured flat. Four rooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen, and bedroom. It was all quite natural. Alecto tossed me a bottle of plain water from a fridge, and got himself a bottle of amber liquid. Then we sat down in two chairs in the living room.Alecto spoke first.

"You are astonishing, Alduin. There is no creature I could compare you to."

"Thank you, Alecto.But I have my bad moments, like everyone else."

"That was not your fault. How were any of us supposed to know that the special blend of water would poison you?" He took a drink of the liquid,and continued," would you mind taking me to your planet sometime?"

"Not at all, except I could well imagine that you would terrify everyone."

"Yet you?"

"I am, exceptional. Quite insane, for starters, and I imagine that to a normal passerby, you would be a threat."

"That won't be a problem," Alecto nodded," we have methods of disguise, as long as we have a subject to work on. I could make myself look like you, or someone like you."

"I see. Yes, that would work. I can certainly arrange it with one of the others."

"Good. I am very curious about your planet.How many of you are there?"

"Six point two billion, give or take a few millions." Alecto whistled in astonishment.

"That is a lot."


"So how is the scouting turning out?"

"The planets are varied, Simba's awesome to be with, and Draco, well, we've reached an understanding."

"Yes, I am aware of that. I noticed Draco's expression when you acted like that.Are you having sex together?"

"Yes." I only slightly paused."Although gay relationships isn't really encouraged on my planet.It's a bit weird, for most."

"We all enjoy it."Alecto shrugged," Each culture to their own, I suppose. I also heard that you gave Draco a fair trial."

"That's true also, although my areas have the bruises still. He completely and utterly had his way with me, and exhausted himself out. So I had my way with him. I cheated, in a way."

"Draco, submissive and being fucked. That will make the world tremble. He's done it with me a few times, and I never felt in control." Alecto gave me a rogue grin. I laughed.

"Our rules, strongest wins. That's why I very quickly learned self defence."

"Yes, that's more like Draco.Who else have you gotten involved with?"

"Simba, Draco, A bunch of tentacles, and a girl called Arkeia on the Avian world." I smiled, and Alecto laughed.

"Yes, we'd heard about that.Anyone else?"

"No.No one has known me long enough on Earth."

"Anyone else you fancy?"

"Arachno, but if you tell him I'll kill you. Random question, is Tufty your brother?"

"Oh yes. We're twins."

"I thought so.You and Tufty, yes, same look."

"Did you think of Tufty then?"

"Yes, and of you."

There was a pause. A very long pause.

"I shouldn't have let that slip." I commented, looking away slightly, but Alecto smiled.

"No, it's fine. I felt the same way."

"Good, then I know how I can repay some of the debt."

"I can't wait to find out."

"You and me, tonight.I assume complete submission, unless you say otherwise.It's the least I could do."

Alecto smiled.

"You're on.What about Tufty?He'll be back soon."

"He can join in, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, he'll be rapt."

"What's the time?"

"About mid afternoon."

"Dammit, that's close enough.Where shall we start?"

We both stood. Tufty entered as we did. He looked at the two of us in slight surprise.

"Brother, is this a friendly chat?"

"Oh yes, Tufty. You're just in time to join in." I turned and smiled.

"What were you talking about?" he asked, still confused, shutting the door.

"We were talking about whether you'd like to join in." Alecto was smiling, although Tufty still had no idea.

"What sort of conversation?"

"The sort of conversation where you sit down, and I suck you off." I gave my biggest smile. Tufty's eyebrows rose, and then he looked at Alecto, who nodded.

"I'm game. How long are we discussing it?"

"All night. I wish to apologise for trying to kill your brother."

"Apologise all you like." Tufty replied.

"Well, before we can, we're going to have to strip." Alecto replied."And seeing as we all enjoy a bit of wrestling, on three."

"Not again." I looked upwards in mock resignation. Alecto laughed.


Interestingly, both of us went for Alecto.I tackled him round the legs as Tufty grabbed hold of his chest. Alecto went down under the weight, and struggled ferociously against the pair of us.I removed his shoes and both lower garments, and Tufty managed three buttons before Alecto shoved us off.I fell, and had Alecto land on me. He nodded to his brother.Tufty pulled off my boots and my socks, followed closely by my trousers and boxers. I lay there semi naked, and caught Alecto's wink. I winked back.

He rolled off me, and I catapulted myself at the surprised fox, and he was now on the ground. I was sitting on his chest, my limp member on his chin. He licked it once, but I shook my head.

"Hang on, Tufty.Don't jump the gun.Besides, I'm supposed to be the submissive one." I said, as Alecto removed Tufty's lower clothes. I got his shirt off, and he lay under my pin, completely naked. He motioned to Alecto, and I turned and got his T-shirt off before he realised my trick. He shrugged, and ran his finger along his brother's, wait a second.

"Wait, you guys have both cocks and vaginas?" I asked.

"Yes. Don't you?"

"No, we don't." I replied.

"Pity, although I'm sure Arachno could fix that. Meanwhile, I'll just fuck your ass."

Tufty took advantage of my hesitation to pull my T-shirt off, and then threw it away. So we were all naked.

Alecto spoke.

"Right, first the main apology. Tufty, you heard him."

Alecto suddenly shoved me hard, and I fell forward, off Tufty. He jumped up onto the chair, and Alecto picked me up around my middle while I was recovering.

"He's quite light."

"I only weight 65 kilograms." I replied, struggling in Alecto's grip.

"And he decked me and Simba?Good grief." Tufty looked impressed as Alecto heaved me bodily towards him. He dropped me, and I landed on my knees between Tufty's legs. His cock was already erect. Alecto pushed me forward, forcing me down on to Tufty's cock. Then they changed hands, and Tufty grabbed my hair. He forced me all the way down, so I took his entire cock in my mouth, and held me there.I retaliated by bringing my arm around, underneath his balls, and thrusting two fingers into his pussy. He gave a gasp, and looked down.

"You're just like Draco, minus scales."

"You've been fucked by him too?" I said, though a mouthful of Tufty.

"Hasn't everyone?" Alecto smiled."Go on, Raptormaster, use that hand of yours.He's quite sensitive in there."

"How deep, do you think?"

"Go ahead." Alecto smiled. I smiled, and clenching my thumb inwards, thrust my entire hand up into Tufty's vagina,and about two inches of arm.Tufty arched backwards, and let out a howl of pain. His hands came off me, and I got off his cock. I clenched my fist inside him, and started thrusting my arm back and forth, until most of my forearm was inside him. His hands grabbed onto chunks of couch, and he struggled back and forth.He cried in pain, and I could see his tears falling.Alecto was directly behind me, and watching with interest.

"Well, Alduin, he's at your mercy. Finish him, and then we can begin."

Tufty cried out.

"No, don't," he let out a cry of pleasure,"please don't. I'll be your bitch, as long as you stop."

Alecto smiled."Tempting, but he obeys me, and I say finish."

I did. I increased the rate of my thrusting arm, and Tufty started screaming. I could feel his raw skin on every rough thrust, and still I continued fisting him. I had promised to obey Alecto, and besides I enjoyed this sense of power.Tufty jerked desperately, and Alecto spoke.

"Wait, we can't have him moving about."

He went away and came back with some rope and some kind of series of straps. He fixed the straps over Tufty's mouth, so he could no longer scream, and tied his hands behind his back.

"Now," Alecto grinned," Alduin, you might find this strange, but we like seeing each other abused like this. This is not the first time.Last time, he left me on a machine for several hours. Now, continue until he can't orgasm anymore, and then we shall begin for proper."

I suddenly realised, and some of my sympathy for Tufty vanished.

"Lie him on the floor."

He was carried down, and panted on the floor, his legs exposed. I crouched over him, one hand on his chest. Then I continued my fast pumping action. Tufty jerked in my grip, and let out several sounds of pain. Then he orgasmed. Even through the device, he let out a wild cry of delight,and I felt his juice all over my arm.Such lubricated, I continued even faster, and Tufty lay weakly, unable to move anymore under my abusal.Time after time he orgasmed, crying at every climax. I lost count, but finally he went completely limp, and Alecto motioned for me to stop.

He removed the device.Tufty was breathing shallowly.

"Still alive, bro?"

Tufty couldn't even reply.

"That was pay back. What I should do is let him do the same to your ass."

"No." he gasped." Please."

"He probably doesn't want to either." he looked at me, and I shrugged in indifference. That was pretty callous of me. But Alecto smiled.

"Right.Now to business. Tufty, Alduin will stop. Alduin, stop."

I removed my arm, which was absolutely covered with white liquid. Tufty's pussy erupted cum at a remarkable rate, all over the floor.Alecto helped Tufty back onto the chair, and Tufty regained his composure.

So ends chapter five.