Claiming jay

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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#2 of pokemon training and other evolutions

After we left scrub town my dreams became in frequent it was a long walk to pewter city with only scant scenery and forests, so there wasn't really much to do Narnra seemed to catch on to fetch quickly but Julia on the other hand seemed to want to get further down the road and quickly.. She also seemed vary protective over me and possessive not even letting me out of her sight to use the bath room, and growled at Narnra ever time she got to close while Julia was setting in my lap.

after a week of walking we came across a small lake it wasn't on the map nor was it visible from the road so I decide to take a dip with out my trunks the water felt so nice my pokemon just watched from shore.. I closed my eyes and laid back a moment until I suddenly felt something brush passed my bared ass cheek.. I sat up right I felt it rub by me again.. I panicked I heard stories of squirtles and tododiles mistaking guys willies for fish so I beat the water as fast and hard to get to sure as I could until I climb onto the shore I laid down look up at the sky looking back to the lake to see a goldeen swimming playfully I laid back and laughed at my self. Then I felt something jump up and set on my penis I blinked and looks up to find Julia perked on it looking up at me

I reached down to let her off my lap she snapped at my fingers and her voice came into my head "touch me and I swear I will use ember right where I set"

I pulled my hand back and blinked "get off my cock... Julia Get off me now" I told her a little shocked at the vixens declaration..

She tilted her head "Twit.. I am the trainer now.. You got this far only because of me. and this piece of flesh is what I claim as payment"

I didn't really know what she meant " no you can't have it.." I tried to pull her off my lap only to find her true to her word and used ember to heat up her fore paws leaving to paw print brands on my stomach I pulled away from her vary much afraid

She knelt her head down and licked my wounds as her voice came into my head "here is how it will go male.. You will submit to me and agree your cock belongs to me or I will burn it off, take Narnra and leave you here alone" I swallowed hard as she continued "from now on you will do what I say.. Is that clear" I swallowed hard and nodded my head and she got off my lap allowing me to set up before placing a fore paws on my fresh brands "good human" she sead as I stopped "now pull the skin of MY cock back and let me get a good look at it" I did as I was bid not liking my choices of squaring off with my own pokemon... I looked to Narnra who was watching Julia in confusion as she inspected her new cock..

"what do you have to say about this" I asked the small eevee and she just laid her head down and yawned..

A feeling of wetness brought my attention back to Julia whom I discover squatting and urinating over my man hood "hay what do you.." I put my hand on her back to push her away only to feel her getting vary warm vary quickly..

She looked back at me and smiled in a canine manor "I am marking what is mine"

"I didn't agree to this" I rebutted her

She continued spraying over my rod making sure to mark every inch of my penis and balls "you want a choice fine" she sat down "it is mine" she started grind her bud over my shaft "it can be a meal if you prefer it, I would rather a toy" I gasp as a started to feel a different type of wetness "I am a vary play full vixen.. Make your choice"

I was taken a back I was literally being dominated by something only slightly larger the 2 foot and part of my enjoyed it as evident by my penis as harder as its ever been "if I let you have my dick what do I get"

She took a few steps and starting to rub the exposed head into her labia eyes closed "mmmmm" she sead into my mind lustfully "I continue to do what I been doing only instead of putting book pages in your head while your asleep I will train you to handle your pokemon"

For a moment I actually thought she was going to drop her self onto my rod I bit and panted in pleasure "ok.. Ok... since I don't really have a choice"

she went to my bag and started digging threw It.. Eventually pulling out my bathing kit "wash it off now.. And no more hair down there your going to keep it smooth for me from now on" when I didn't move to take the kit she started to grow hot "I'm sure it will make a good sausage and I can cook it any time I want"

"ok!" grabbing the kit and moving back into the water rubbing my self with soap and dipping down into the water to wash away the urine and then started to shave off my pubs.. She watched me attentively turning her head only once to look at the Narnra whom got up to lick Julia's hind end clean.. When I finished the eevee hand went off and laid down some where probably sleeping

She looked me over telling me to "sit" I hesitated then she growled I quickly on the sure she moved over and started examining my work .. I stiffed when she used ember and started to lick my she quickly cooled though as she singed the stubble "now tell me about my new toy"

I steered him off the trail after a few days of walking I figured it was time to let him know who was in charge.. I smelled the water and nudged him.. Its getting much to easy to do of late maybe its with all the practice I was getting or maybe he is as empty headed as the eevee..

Any way fist thing he did when we got to the lake was jump right in I mean he didn't even check to see if there was any pokemon in that were dangerous just striped off his clothing and jumped right In what if there was something in there that wanted to make my toy its snack.. Its mine.. He came rushing back out suddenly when he felt something I watched.. He was running from a goldeen a goldeen!

I shook my head that was that.. I was going to be nice but this twit doesn't deserve nice.. So I just jumped up and placed my self on what was mine and waited for him to move me..

I didn't have to wait long he reached down to pick me up I snapped at his fingers.. And told him firmly "touch me and I swear I will use ember right where I set" as a training rule you always have to be firm with lessers or they will think they can get away with any thing

He pulled his hands back looked at me astonished then spoke "get off my cock... Julia Get off me now"

rule two of training make your self as clear as possible. Be sure you are understood. "Twit.. I am the trainer now.. You got this far only because of me. and this piece of flesh is what I claim as payment"

He tried to deign it, yes he did which brings us to rule 3 follow through.. "no you can't have it" he sead as reached down and tried to move me.. I used ember at my paws and let him know that I wasn't bluffing..

I almost immediately regretted It as I got a little carried away and left a permanent mark but I could show it so I may my self as clear as I could "here is how it will go male.. You will submit to me and agree your cock belongs to me or I will burn it off, take Narnra and leave you here alone" I told him "from now on you will do what I say.. Is that clear" he nodded his head I got up and let him set up putting my paws on the burn marks to stop him ordering him to "now pull the skin of MY cock back and let me get a good look at it" as I wanted to get a vary good look at my toy with out having to worry about waking him..

He turned his head to look at the Narnra and asking her something I was to interested in my toy my heart was beating so hard and my pussy felt weird like I was going to wet my self I turned and did just that.. Its only natural its mine I needed to mark it peeing on a tree never felt this good I felt jays hand on my rump trying to push my away and his he started to ask me "what I was doing" I cut him off by starting ember.

Then answered him "marking what is mine"

The twit actually tried to talk his way out of it saying "I didn't agree with this"

I told him exactly what I thought of that as I finished marking my rod and the flesh sack as well because it looked important "you want a choice fine, it is mine" I told him as I sat down on it which felt really good on my pussy it started to itch in a funny way so I started grind my slit against my toy as I tendered him his choice "it can be a meal if you prefer it, I would rather a toy" I heard him gasp my bud was so hot and wet "I am a vary.. play full vixen.. chose"

I gave him a few moments of thought while I played part of me wanted it inside me but I wasn't willing to go that far yet I wanted to make sure I knew every thing about it first.. But experimentally I drew may female parts up to the tip and pushed back lightly pushing it in position to enter It felt wonderful

My heart felt like it would explode as he asked me "if I give you my cock, what do I get"

I felt the tip start to slide in and bite my lower lip holding my self still as I felt a mix sensation of pain and intense pleasure I knew the feeling then sensation would only grow. My mind moaned out in pleasure before I could answer "I continue to do what I been doing only instead of putting book pages in your head while your asleep I will train you to handle your pokemon" not that I minded training my you it would not do to get over weight.. I step forward before any more of the rod sunk in..

He finally gave in to my relief I thought I would have to use ember on my toy before he would give in, to prove It I went to his bag where he keeps things like is clothing and pulled out the kit he uses to remove the hair on his face and wash him self.. "wash it off now.. And no more hair down there your going to keep it smooth for me from now on" when he made no move I reminded him of the choice he made by starting ember once more and telling him "I'm sure it will make a good sausage and I can cook it any time I want" while licking my chops

"ok!" he sead he took the kit and moved into the water... I woke Narnra and had her come and clean my pussy which was still vary wet.. Then told her to "go sleep in grass" as I wanted some alone time with jay to learn about my new toy

Long a go he tried to teach me a trick where he had me sit on my hunches I was his turn I told him "sit" I growled when once again he made no more he got the point.. As he had a few more brains the a slowbro after all I looked over his work using ember to get it totally smooth so there was nothing between me and my fun then told him "now tell me about my new toy" as I didn't know why but it was getting harder to ignore my fascination with that cock..

Testing jay

The test was surprisingly easy almost as if I didn't have to study at all to pass I spent 2 week doing nothing but studying.. I got one of the highest scores ever of the exam.. I couldn't wait to get home and show my folks.. "Hi honey how did...

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jay’s training/threw julia's eyes

My name is jay... I'm a pokemon breeder... At least I was, there are some things they don't tell you when they give you your pokedex, like it keeps track of not only the pokemon you come in contact with but reports the information directly back to the...

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