KC Chapter 3: Filthy Fun

Story by Espen on SoFurry

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#3 of Kennel Club

A very, ahem, DIRTY story. Wink wink.

Well here at long last is another chapter to the Kennel Club series!

This one's a little heavier, in some ways. Deals with some fetishes some of you wanted, some of you might squick. There's more to come out of this part of the story and the interaction between these two is something I've enjoyed writing. We're not spending any real time in the Kennel Club itself on this one either. Sorry folks, no Bitch, Sugar, Willow, or Daisy to entertain you.

We do, however, have a plump, VERY dirty badger here and Ron to help her find out just how dirty she is. Well, to start on it.

WARNINGS: Don't read it if you're under 18 or have a heart condition (and don't wanna live dangerously). THIS IS SOME SMUTTY SMUT SMUT. Light mind-control Messy, nasty queefing/farting bits Some scat (The scat scene is in the latter half. If you want to enjoy just anal and some ass to mouth, that's in the first bit.) Like before, and like usual, it's story and character development-light and porn heavy.

You don't like these kinks? Well they're in the keywords, they're being mentioned here, so don't be an ass about it. You like it? Want more? Please comment. It's been so long since I wrote on this, I'd like to know how I did.

"O-ooh... OoOoOoooOoH! Ron! Ohgod- Ron, sweetie!" Lap lap lap slurp shlorp lap "Ha-aaah.. oh Jesus that'sss duh-hifferent but.. ahh!"

"Mnnn.." slup shlup lap "-Diff'rent but?" Teased the panther, his tongue continuing to delve down across young, sensitive flesh.

"Sssso GOOD! Ahh- don't ssstop!" Screamed the chubby badger, writhing on her back, hands curled up into the narrow bed's sheets. The thick woman's body bucked, legs shaking as the panther below her continued his ministrations between them, wearing big a smile.

"Don't stop doing what?" He demanded over her, topping it off with a loud suck! And a popping smooch to her sensitive skin.

"D-don't ssstop l-licking... licking my-" "Your what?" He purred, flicking his tongue against her to coax another gasp and that blushing confession.

"My assssss..." She wheezed out, then screamed as he grinned and slurped his tongue loudly over her dark pucker, making the fat mustelid see stars. It all paled- as Ron's tongue pushed, the sow shuddering, eyes going wide as she wiggled to look over her thick belly. "Oh-ohno I don't kno-oh-ohhhgod yesssssssss!"

Ron simply chuckled as he pushed his tongue into her musky, tight asshole, his textured tongue driving the badger wild as he snorted against her, sniffing that, for him, intoxicating, filthy scent of her musky anus. His free hand was nursing a fat erection beneath her, the feline now purring deliberately, vibrating the girl's pristine pucker as he gushed saliva around the rim and up into her. "Told you. Mustelids love anal and having their pretty little assholes played with. Don't you?" Murmured the big feline between loud slurps of his tongue, steadily getting his shoulders in under her fat thighs, pushing her hips up more and more, enjoying his little meal.

"Fu-huckk!" Squealed the sow, digging her nails into the bed, gritting her teeth and shivering, flushed hot as she had to... nod. "Uh-huhh... m-ore pleasssse."

Ron immediately obliged, pulling out to nuzzle his nose to her wet skin, making her squeal again as his breath cooled the moisture- and he snorted. So weird but- whatever, it felt GOOD what he was doing down there and-

"C'mon Candace, who's my anal slut now?" Teased... her boyfriend? Was he? They hadn't used titles like that but the pair had been dating, and in each evening's case- fucking, for some weeks now. Things were moving faster with him than they had with any guy and she had enjoyed that last night- him behind her, pulling her hair, coaxing dirty talk out of the sow. That charming face waiting on her, some noise her dizzy head couldn't quite process in the background.. a pop and a squelching squirt. "Big girl like you- you're gonna love this so fast. Now, who's my butt slut? Who's my pretty, dirty-ass badger slut?"

Again and again the words dripped over her, and a heated, needy, and freshly realized anal-loving Candace relented, whimpering out. "Muh-me... I am, baby. Please, play with my ass more?"

"Good girl." Cooed her panther, rubbing his lips against her ass once more before sitting up, still smiling at her- and pressing two well-lubricated fingers to her dark-skinned tailstar.

"Oh-SHIT! Ahh- Ron wai-t..." Lilted her voice as the pair of thick fingers massaged her ass, probing slightly, rubbing in circles. Sloppy circles, all over her thick asshole, rubbing inward, pushing in some lube- then reapplying it and rubbing her once more.

"You'll love it, I promise. Was I wrong before? Just RELAX your ass and let em in. Let me in, baby." He murmured down to her, leaning forward. So fucking handsome. Charming. Those tattooed arms moving, one holding her as the other continued to probe her ass, eliciting a gasp when his index finger went solo and slipped right inside. His lips. Inviting. On hers. Strong. Confident. Fucking amazing at what they did and- and that second finger trying, the first feeling so weird, so full so- not bad!

"O-oh Ron... Okay." She whispered to him, Candace's fur matted with sweat, the room smelling heavily of sex and musky badger with equally scented panther, the one purring LOUDLY now as he showed his teeth in a triumphant grin and twisted his fingers... Success! The pair slurped into the woman's mushrooming asshole, getting another quivering cry out of her, a smile at the corners of her lips perhaps- a nod to continue as her head snapped back, and the panther began to gently pump his fingers in and out.

"Holy FUCK! I- ffff-feel so fuh-fulllll!" Groaned the woman, getting kissed soon after, again and again, pressing her tongue to Ron's, not thinking about how it had been nursing her asshole moments before, the pair making out as the squirting noise uttered again and his fingers pumped in easier. Cool for a moment with new lube- this was starting to feel GOOD! The pair continued, Ron pressing more and more play on her sweet pucker, stretching the girl, adding more lube, going faster and faster in her ass while playing with those thick, black nipples. It was a blur for Candace, a sweet, new, panting blur, gritting her teeth as he added- oh godddd.. a third finger. How could she FIT it all?

"Told you ya'll got perfect lil assholes for this. Ain't it good? Huh, my butt slut?" Chuckled her lover, pulling his three fingers back, teasing that he'd pull them out, grinning wide as she whined and followed with her hips, swallowing the digits back up.

"It isss... I like't." Puffed the woman, hardly able to concentrate on his speech as her big feline massaged that tight passage, opening it up more and more- leaving her... empty? A whimper of need met Ron, before he was positioning, pushing her legs up, holding them apart and smearing his lubed, dirty fingers across her leg as- "Ohmygoddddd!" Screamed Candace, shaking the walls as Ron roared over her and buried his fat dick in her ass!

The entire dorm probably heard the sow losing her anal virginity, heard the loud, wet squelches, the screaming that became moaning, groaning, calls for MORE as Ron fucked down into Candace, pumping to the hilt in her ass soon enough. The sweaty panther grinned over his conquest, and at how she was rolling her hips now, feeling him so deeply, holding her legs up high at the knees as he made a point of pulling allll the way out, then making her ass bubble and gurgle with all that lube, stuffing it in again, watching his dirty cock disappear and hearing the sweet, dirty noises that were making her blush. She'd learn in time, he surmised. Learn to enjoy being a noisy, nasty slut. First though, she needed to feel the full experience. Be christened all the way as his anal slut. Judging by her black-lipped smile and the way the fat badger was rubbing her dark, drooling cunt- she was going to be an anal fiend.

"Nff- can't... can't hold on baby. Want my cum in your ass? Thick, warm spunk filling you up. Good girls who take it up the ass get fucked there a-again." He panted out, pistoning faster, harder into her broad rear.

"Yea-ahhh! Fucccck Ronnie baby c-cum in my assss!" Grunted out the sow, quivering from several orgasms milked out of her over the afternoon, shuddering as he rocked her body, enthralled by the request, throwing Candace's legs up higher and FUCKING her ass HARD. Slam slam slam squelch shlorp prrrrt! The pounding, the sputtering, the farting noises all blended together with their moaning as Ron snarled, cried out over the badger and DUG his hands down around her pudgy hips and released a massive load of pent-up spunk into her thick ass! The way she clenched, arched her back, squealing with delight made plain her closing orgasm, beautifully timed as the over-heated pair finished their mating, getting a few last, bucking thrusts in, driving Ron's cum deep into her bowels before she was left panting, slammed up against the headboard in a mass of pillow, sweat drenching everything on the bed- along with a puddle of lube, juices, and who knows what else.

"Baby?" Breathed the panther, kissing the sow's forehead.

"Yeah?" She panted back, smiling up at him, getting another deep kiss as she felt him wobble his prick around inside her, jets of spunk tapering off.

"What'd.. nff, wha-hat'd I have you do after the first time we fucked? What made me fucking fall for what a dirty, yummy girl you could be?" Asked the big cat with a grin, the badger's face blushing quickly after as she murmured back-

"Suck you- c-clean.. oh jeez, baby I-"

"Ya like being my ass slut, right?" Asked the charming panther, already pulling out, pulling up, holding his messy dick, streaked with lube, at her.

It had been fun. These weeks had been fun. And nasty- but so GOOD. Little did the badger know about the tiny drops of a purple liquid he'd been dissolving in a drink for her each day. That perhaps her inner slut was being given a helping hand to come out and say-

"Yeah..." As she wetted her lips, opened her dark mouth and moaned slightly before Ron slipped his prick straight from her ass to her mouth and her lips sealed around it. Swirling her tongue over it, Candace grimaced only once or twice, face twitching with her nose, the scent of her musky anal glands left on it as she sucked back and forth, guided along by helping, coaxing hands, rubbing through her hair, Ron's voice purring out "Gooooood girl~ Good butt slut. You're so getting all the anal you want from now on, you dirty fucking sow."

It all felt so good. So right. Making her heart beat faster hearing the dirty words, tasting his nasty cock in her mouth, knowing what she'd just done and where it had come from- Candace looked up as she finished, bathing the head with just her tongue, mouth wide open, to have her green eyes met by the lens of his phone and hear the *click*!

The rage beginning to boil at her freshly-taken picture was cut short by Ron's smiling admission, "Keepsake- I love you, butt slut. You're perfect, Candace." His lips again on hers, stilling her with the shock- they were words she'd so rarely heard in her life. Nevermind that Ron meant something far deeper by her being "perfect". A future she had no clue of, but the kiss was lovely and he was so good and-

"I love you too, Ronnie."

Strong arms wrapped around her, rolling the girl over in her dorm bed, snuggled up against the chubby woman's form as the pair cuddled together for a well-deserved rest, warmed by dirty sex and sweet murmurs of affection.

Ron had laid his phone down moments after taking the picture, Candace never seeing the photo had been sent off, text accompanying it to one "Dante" in Ron's contact list, the text adding, "Just found my personal toy. You got Bitch, I got this one. Doin A2M already."

Their relationship had been fast and frisky. Its roots, for Ron's part, were simple enough. Enough underworld connections and you could do most anything, so getting a fake college ID was child's play, a free pass to get on campus and scope out all the "young, fresh meat", perfect for corrupting into his nasty pet. Now, not just any girl met Ron's criteria. He was very selective- at least for this task.

The scrawled list of "Dream Girl" had crinkled in his pockets day after day, the panther checking it against each prospective pet he caught sight of, hanging out around the university. Other felines? Well, they were flexible, that was good. Made fun noises, but they lacked the meat he wanted on a girl, mostly, or just seemed too independent. He'd have to boil them down to dumb fucktoys like Bitch- and while that was fine for Dante, Ron needed something more... active.

That dominant, independent streak had quickly written off almost all predators, the panther culling the herds down within a week. Herd- the bovines on campus HAD seemed promising. Fat, milky tits, plump, big, juicy asses with those- mmm, loose, warm assholes that just-

The panther had to stop himself more than once from not just going for his junk in public, thinking about all the nasty things he could do with cow girl ass. But- they were just too docile. And common. And boring.

It took a few weeks of watching, but as he checked his list one day, Ron found himself linking up each requirement with one broad, beautiful woman that was swaying across the court before him.


Not a dominant bitch but not stupid.

Great ass.

Rarer. Show Dante I got better taste.

Huge tits.

Ass again.

Quiet, less friends. Easier to miss.

HUGE bonus for stink!

A campus full of well-groomed, preening college girls had proven the last one elusive- until her. Oh, she was clean, yes, but... Mustelids. Had. Musk. Glands that worked to make sure she... she...


The panther found himself wiping away drool with his wrist when he saw her and sniffed the air, springing up, following some ways behind her. Behind that wide, wobbling, slightly pungent form.


"Mmm, but with room to grow if I want." He mused inside his mind, fantasizing about the badger he was following gaining proportions only possible at the Kennel Club.

That wonderful, HUGE ass! And ohhh the smelllll! From pits to pucker to- nnf! Undoubtedly a few eyes spied that the panther was popping a boner, walking along with his mostly empty backpack over his shoulder, trying to blend in, noting her huge jugs, that nobody was with her, that you didn't see a lot of badger- that she lived in that Honors dorm with private bedrooms.

No roommate. Days of observation later he'd found she had next to no friends either, was never walking around on the phone with family.

So. Perfect.

"Hahaa- you're such a dirty ass whore now! Look at you eat that dick UP!" Laughed Ron, the camera jostling as the pair went at it, his hand bound up in Candace's hair as her broad ass cheeks rippled each time they crashed together on the film.

The sow giggled between moans, face flushed, but just lovingly slapped a hand back at Ron before he pulled on her hair and made her groan again. "Shut-ah-up! Ahshit- right there, honey! Ahhhyeah, fffuck your ass slut! Shit-YES!" Candace squealed out, shoulders slumping, body bowed up, fucked doggy style as her nub of a tail wiggled above Ron's fat dick, just a couple months after taking him in back there and now she found herself enjoying making their "private" films. That's what he told her, anyway. Assuring her that they were just for them, kissing her protests down, flicking on one they'd shot a week ago of her sucking him off.

The steady, minor trickle of Purple Haze in her blood, still dribbled in daily, made absolutely sure that she found herself enjoying making and watching these. Still, Ron mused as he pistoned her loosened pucker, she wouldn't respond this well if there wasn't a very nasty girl inside that sweet exterior to begin with. Porn star fantasies she'd just never been able to admit to herself were now flowing with the purple assistance Ron was slipping into her.

Squelch. Squelch. Splort. Prrrrrrt!

"HA! Oh mannnn, listen to you, fucking farting around my cock. Such a nasty skank!" Teased and degraded the panther, getting another squeeze around his cock as she pumped herself back without pause, squelching loudly again as he pulled out and stuffed back in to the hilt.

"Yea-ahhhh and you love it!" She moaned back, grinning over her shoulder. "Fuckin right I do! Mmmn, and you too, baby." He answered back. The camera tilted on edge as Ron leaned forward, a skewed view of the side of his face as he leaned in and kissed his lover, hips slapping against her ass, grinding in his dick as they embraced.

Was his affection still just to trap her, keep her, help train her to be the nastiest fucking creature he'd ever dreamed of? He wasn't sure, honestly. Ron... found himself fond of the sow sometimes. Very fond.

What wasn't to love about her?

Lost in his reverie about this girl, Ron only came back around at the sight of her pulling forward, pulling her pucker out with his dick until they *popped* free and her clutching hands held those fat cheeks apart, feeding the camera a porn star-perfect shot of her gaping ass! It flexed and the panther found himself being the one who whimpered, his cock throbbing so hard at the sight, his tongue wiping drool off his lips as he huffed and puffed over her like a beast. Something dirtier was awake in his girl tonight. Maybe he had given her a little more Purple Haze than normal tonight? Then came her words...

"Rrrr-Ronnieeee! Nnf, fucking POUND my ass! Fucking- rrr!" Somebody was horny! He'd always heard badgers could get pretty... energetic, even scary but- as his "girlfriend" growled out, SHOVING her ass back to him, holding her pucker open, pouting, wet, so nasty... "Want you t'ruin my filthy shit-pipe!" She bellowed through clenched teeth- and the prison-hardened panther found himself spellbound by his gluttonous, filthy-mouthed sow. His hands snapped to auto-pilot, digging into the fat on her hips as he ROARED and SLAMMED his fat prick forward, unapologetically stuffing her ass to the hilt!

"Holy Christ! Where've you been h-hiiid-ing you fucking bitch!? Ahhgod DAMN!" He snarled over her, blurring his hips as he pounded her relentlessly, watching her pucker mushroom out, push back in, two bulges showing, one on either side of her anus, as the skin grew taut. Dancing, massaging his prick- ohhh she was stinking that musk so much more and here he was, unable to help himself, snorting loudly, groaning.

"Ffff-u-huck you stinnnkk.. godd Iloveyou-bitcccchhh..." Sputtered the panther in a mashed-together heap of words, not even thinking about the fact he just told his little college girl that she stank. He was too far gone to think about it, musky oils getting nursed out of those glands, dribbling around his dick, the dirty smears on it as he pulled back, slammed in, the way she was BEGGING him to fuck her harder to not stop!

"Y'do-ooh to-oo- ha, GOD RonnIE CUM IN ME!" She screamed back, the bed creaking beneath them, protesting her heavy weight with his own added on, grooves dug into the dorm room's tile floor from their nearly two months of dating and regular, animalistic mating.

Candace's words, however, were all Ron needed, roaring at the top of his lungs as he SLAMMED the last thrust in, squirting dollops of greasy mustelid musk out over them. His nose didn't even register it as he shook like mad, sweat pouring down him, dripping down her broad back, slipping along the rolls of her pudge. A broad, dark, muscular arm slammed into the pillows framing Candace's screaming head, propping Ron up as his balls clung to his body and rocketed a powerful enema of spunk up into his lover. Neither one of the pair had much thought in their head as they climaxed, the badger's drooling snatch nestled against his clenching balls. Ron pressed his muzzle to the crook of her neck, sniffing, biting, shuddering as the hints of her musky release worked into his nose, the scent he'd latched onto the day he saw her. It was heavenly, and only got better- as she turned and buried her nose in the crook of his armpit, moaning, and snorting loudly.

The sudden move coaxed on more thick jet out of the panther, heaving over her. Did she-? Candace did just do that, he realized, because she was sniffing again, nuzzling- Ron lost all feeling in his legs, body tingling... as she slipped her tongue out and licked him.

He'd never, not once, ventured on musk play yet. On all his little fetishes about smells and dirty things- her ass had been his priority. This. This was all Candace, and the panther's head swirled, he drooled, he sagged forward panting over her and held onto those broad, baby-making hips for dear life.

"Holy fuck Candy..."

"Oh-oh my god! Ron, baby I'm- I'm so sorry, I just- I got caught up and-!"

"What?! No! No no no! Don't- holy ssssshit! Don't apologize! You, *pant* you like that? Like... smells n stuff?"

"I've- I dunno! I've never done it before and, and I just felt like.. and.. kinda? I mean-"

"You. Are perfect. I love it- do... you want more?"

Colored darkly across her white-striped face, still huffing and looking back with those emerald eyes at her lover over her shoulder, Candace paused- then nuzzled her nose back in with a little groan and licked again, sniffing with that broad, sensitive nose. "Mhmm..."

Ron held himself there, smiling, absolutely exhausted but beyond pleased- she wouldn't even need training, need breaking in on this. His fingers reached down, rubbing well-fucked pucker, pushing those little bumps and making her whine before he brought the oily musk back up, rubbing it under his own nose and whispering with a weary breath, "Never thought you'd be... this good for me."

"Mnn, me neither... yer so dirty, Ronnie..."

"So are you."

"I think... you're teaching me a thing or two."

"Heh. Wanna learn more, sweetheart?"


He was still glowing, the camera finding its place on the nightstand beside them after recording a few minutes of blankets and voices, falling down when she sniffed his sweaty pit, and now it watched him pull his hips back. A gently slhup accompanied the panther freeing his big cock from the badger's rear, a little squirm on her as he pulled out the messy dong.

"This's a big lesson but- I think it's something you'll like. A, hff, fantasy you've maybe shut out when it came up. Mmm, like how much you enjoy me licking your ass now. You were embarrassed, lil afraid. And now?"

"Now I love it." Murmured Candace, rolling over onto her back, looking up at Ron as he leaned down to kiss her again- damn. He really was falling for this one. This filthy one.

"Mhmm. Now, let's try another thing like it. You were... messy tonight." Ron began cautiously, sitting up, the camera's static view off center, but catching the edge of Candace's face and all of his stained, streaked cock, hardening but still a bit limp, pulling it towards her with his fingers at the base. "So I think you should clean it. With your mouth."

Eyeing her lover's face, then his messy cock again- her filth greased along it, mixed in with the lube she'd grown so fond of in her anal exploration, the badger nibbled nervously over her black bottom lip. "I don't know baby, it's pretty dirty..."

"You've cleaned me tons of times before-"

"Yeah, but you always gave me an enema before and-"

"And you're afraid you might like it?"

"...shutup, that's not-"

"-something you've fantasized about? Then just felt so DIRTY afterward? Didn't you say you LIKE being dirty with me? You were just licking my sweaty-ass armpit. Hell, you've licked my sweaty ASS before! Let's give it a brave lil try, a few good sucks and licks. C'mon now, butt slut. I know part of you wants to."

The problem was- part of her did.

That part opened her lips, overcame her timid whimper, leaned her forward. Ron obliged, picking up his head, aiming for her protruding tongue- and smeared a streak of brown over her pink tongue.

Candace's nose curled a little, her eyes watered, she made a little jerk- but he'd done stuff for her. Done things she'd fantasized about. Roleplayed. Done those things and helped her see what dirty things she liked so- college try!

College try. College try. College try. She repeated the mantra in her mind as the stinking, dirty dick slid back into her mouth, leaving spots of filth on her lips, coating her tongue in it, blotting out her senses. Ron's hand petted over her, massaged her scalp as he purred, murmuring how sexy she looked. Candace could smell her musk all over her boyfriend's cock, gagging a little- the stomach-turner for her was that she found it plenty bearable. That her body reacted with little thought-

That she closed her lips and sucked on it, rolling her tongue under it... and moaned.

"God you're so sexy. Get it alllll clean, baby." Murmured Ron, picking up and focusing the camera on her. "Show me your tongue in a sec."

By now she was treating it mostly like a blowjob, just using her tongue extra, shuddering only slightly when a bit of substance could be felt sliding back on her tongue, fighting her gag reflex as she swallowed it. Led on so easily by her lover's commands, she looked up, colored in her face at the sight of the camera but- Candace held her mouth open and stuck out her tongue. Pink and brown. Shit-lined lips.

"You can stop if you want- I won't be mad. But, you don't have to. I mean, y'know... if maybe you think you like this you ca-hannnn... ooh god yes."

The badger answered silently, licking a glob off his dick, heaving a little but keeping everything down- before swallowing a small splotch of her shit. Then another. Another, flicking her tongue, slurping with her lips, gobbing around him with browned drool until everything was clear and Ron was holding her chin up, taking one last shot with her tongue out... and she'd started to smile.

Best night of his life, thought Ron, asking aloud for the rolling camera. "So what did you think?"

"I think... I like shit." Answered his slut with a smile, still sputtering a little but obviously pleased.

Dating was... weird, for Ron. Some years beyond Candace, prison had isolated him a bit but- women still just wanted to be shown a good time, right? A good enough time til you could get them in bed, he told himself. Of course, he wanted so much more than that. This was for keeps. This was property acquisition. The panther had charmed the nerdy sow at her little lonely lunch table almost a week prior. She was... well damn she was sweet. Ron had never had the good fortune to date honestly sweet women before he got locked up. Weren't the sort he ran with. But this girl, this smelly little nerd, damn she was a million times smarter than him but she still hung on his every word.

All the little things, all those tropes he thought girls these days hated- she loved. Flowers were a big hit with her. Apparently, he found out later, nobody had ever given her any. At the movie theater, when his pudgy date was clutching her shoulders at the extreme air conditioning, putting his jacket over her had earned the panther a kiss. Really? They still went for that shit? He thought that worked for his dad but- well the girls Ron had hung out with mostly wanted smokes and booze and- to be paid. Okay, so maybe he didn't have the best choice in women!

Lunch together became a constant. Walks together started to happen. Even the occasional dinner, still at the university half the time- she, thankfully, didn't want to go out tons and tons.

"So wait- you've never even told me, haha. What's your major? I mean, you're like, back in school after a few years off..."

Really? He only looked a few years older? Hell yeah Ron, you sexy fuck! "Oh, ummm..."

Well Candace dear I run an underground brothel full of augmented, mind-controlled, drooling sluts and I was looking forward to making you my stinking, filthy, gluttonous whore of a fuckbucket. That's my major.

"Business. Mhmm. Business major."

"Ha! Cool, I guess... Isn't that what, like, every guy does? That or sports medicine or whatever the hell?"

"Well we're not all cut out to be psychology majors, miss hoity toity." Sing-songed the feline back at her, grinning ear to ear. Mnn, but she'd learn alllll about the mind after he drugged her up and made his perfect plaything.

The badger snerked, the pair reflected in the glass of the cafeteria, sitting down in one of the lower seating areas, a darkened autumn evening sky outside swirling a few leaves by as they spoke. "Well I- um, thank... you? I think? Was that a compliment?" She asked, smirking, raising her eyebrow.

Ron smirked right back, tipping his glass at her. "When am I not trying to compliment or impress you?"

"True." She conceded, starting to gather her things. Was she cutting this off?! "-and I think it's working. I gotta go study in my room... you wanna come?"

A slightly slack-jawed Ron nodded- he hadn't even had a chance to slip her any Purple Haze yet. Was he doing- was he-... charming? Dante had always been the front man. Ron got carried away. Ron was charming- but creepy. Here, though... here was this normal badger girl inviting him back to her room.

The pair walked closely together back to Candace's room...

Staring down, smiling at her filth-flecked smile right now, turning off the camera, the panther reflected fondly on that night from months ago. After she'd gotten up to use the bathroom, after taking a moment to root around like a freak and sniff where her deliciously pungent ass had been- no wonder friends were hard to come by for her and skunks, Ron had dripped the first drops of his purple helper into her soda.

She'd given him a blowjob that night and slept in his arms, with him kneading her ass most of the night.

Now, just two short months later- she had to have some kind of crazy slut inside her, just waiting to be woken up, and Ron had done just that. He pulled her up, kissed her forehead and squeezed his fat lover- and... she definitely was that. So what if he was supposed to be a hardass, this bitch was crazy and filthy and he fucking loved it.

"Mmm... tomorrow I'm getting you this doggie bowl, see, and we're gonna do more exploring, my sweet, shit-eating slut."

"Kay- but only if you get back there and lick me clean."

Ron grinned and wetted his lips.

To be continued...

KC Chapter 2: Sweeter Than Sugar

**Author's notes: Well this was a long time coming, wasn't it?! I know, it's taken forever. My muse is fickle. Let's see.. what to say.. First of all, everyone who commented, fav'd, watched, THANK YOU. It means a lot to know you enjoy these! I hope...

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KC Chapter 1: Ain't Life a Bitch?

_Adult situations. Hardcore sex and stuff. Dirty words too. Mind control, chemicals, bondage, forced sex and stuff, enema scene early on.. Don't worry, there's no big scat play if that squicks you. Don't read if you're not of the legal age to see adult...

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The Cask of Armadillo

Warning: Story contains gay sex scenes, bondage, light toy usage, and an armadillo! And now you know. And knowledge is power! _Names and overall setting and theme borrowed from Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado", my favorite story of one...

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