Girls Just Wanna Have Plush

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Another plush commision, this time with some new characters!


Coming home from school on Fridays was usually loud and celebratory for a young girl such as Nova, but not today. After a long week of endless teasing across the lunch table the young girl was looking forward to simply curling up at home for the long weekend, four whole days away from the she-demons her fellow classmates had become.

Stepping inside the entry way her mother was instantly there, dressed in a long floor length sundress covered in blue stripes. "Hello, darling, how was the last day of the week?"

Nova glanced up, cringing with the happy expression on her mother's face as she mumbled a response of 'Eh okay' before she tried to head up to her room to be alone.

Seeing her daughter's distress clearly in those big, brown eyes Julie, her mother, instantly went into panic mode. Remembering suddenly the gift she had found on sale just last week she had planned to save for a birthday, Julie knew that would cheer the girl right up.

So as Nova marched her way up the stairs, one by one with that sad little pout on cotton-candy pink lips. Julie headed to the hall closet, digging in behind the extra sheets and towels and extracting the massive, mare plush. With the chestnut furred, stuffing filled beast beneath one arm and a smile on her painted lips she followed Nova's trail into her room.

A quick glance around the room instantly showed how perfect the gift truly was. Pale, mint green-painted walls were covered with a scattering of posters, each one showing a horse either leaping over a fallen tree, sleeping in sunflowers, or some such pose. A small figurine of a rearing mare rested on a simple desk in the corner, where the window behind it kept it illuminated with natural light, as If the horse was truly in its natural place. On the other side of the room was Nova, sitting on her simple, twin-sized bed.

With an ever-widening smile Julie slowly lifted the plush, the mare just slightly smaller than that of a newborn foal. It's plastic eyes were a deep brown, even darker than its rich, chestnut brown fur. Each hoof was dark black and filled with small beads so the mare could stand. A long silky mane hung from her neck that matched her long tail.

"What do you think, sweetheart?" She asked, watching as the young girl stared up at the plush. A smile slowly began to creep onto her face, starting with the smallest twitch in the corner of her mouth and blooming into a wide, ear-to-ear grin across her face.

"I love it!" she finally blurted, leaping forward off the bed rather gracefully as she ran forward to embrace her new companion. Her cheek nuzzling to the soft fur of the mare's. "I'm gonna call her Belle"

Julie could only smile as Nova seemed so much better now compared to her doleful face earlier, so with a small peck on the girls forehead and directions to come down for dinner in an hour, she left. A smile on her face.


Settling onto her bed, Nova gently held the plush mare in her lap. Belle's head lay in her lap, while dainty, human fingers slowly stroked down the satiny fur on her neck, even gliding through the strands of her main. Each long stroke over fur and mane sending Nova's troubles further away. The first stroke calming her worried mind. The second erasing the memory of the horrible taunts she suffered at lunch. The third trip over Belle's glossy neck and side eradicating the evil, head bully's nasty tone as she mocked Nova's stupidity in math. The fourth stroke melting into the fifth and then the sixth. A aura of peace surrounding the pair, one alive and the other stuffed and before she even realized five minutes had passed her mother was calling her for dinner.

Taking the time to set her gift on the bed, legs tucked under herself like a true horse might lay and leaning against the sunshine coated wall, Nova was a few minutes late down to dinner, but no one seemed to mind when they saw her sunny disposition. It seemed all she needed was a furry companion to banish her worried mind.


"Okay..Love you too, Mom...goodnight.."

As night fell, Nova once more rested on her bed. The thick comforter pulled up over her shoulders. Her window no longer streaming in light of the sun as moonlight streaked a pale line across her floor and nothing more. Beneath the blanket, with her head on the pillow beside Nova's lay Belle. Nova's fingers once more sliding over her silken fur, the steady motion of petting her along with the caress of the fabric lulling the girl to sleep in moments. Her plush companion beside her all night while darkness held them in its blanket.

All through the night Nova slept peacefully with her partner, the fur of Belle's sides keeping her particularly warm as she lay snuggled to the plush. Not till early light did Nova stir.

Shifting a bit before she woke, Nova peered across her room at the pale light of the sun through her curtains. A little sigh of content relaxation leaving her lips as she leaned her cheek down to Belle's gently nuzzling to her so the velvety fur of her snout stroked her cheek in return. "I love you, Belle" she whispered quietly, hugging the stuffed creature closer to her. The feeling of safety and comfort of cuddling slowly seeping down into her mind and letting her slip back to sleep, this time dreams began to form in her mind, taking her to a whole new world....

Pale blue rose out endlessly above her. Green grass lay all around, the dark chestnut of her made companion the only contrasting color. Belle's head lay on her stomach while the softest part of her stomach lay over her crotch. Only Nova's thin, cotton nightgown and innocent, white panties keeping the fur from her most sensitive, private region. The sun above was far off and pale, more like a candle than the burning light it often was. All around the air was warm and smelled like fresh rain and daisies. Nova was smiling as she lay in the cool grass, shifting slightly where she lay to rub to the soft fur. Her dress shifting up to let the downy fur of her mare to caress against her clothed sex. A faint coo of pleasure slipping from her lips as she looked down at herself. A dreamy glaze over her eyes as she shifted and pressed to Belle more urgently now. The strange tingling feeling in her groin telling her to keep moving, the abiding and rubbing making the tingle grow and grow. And before long young Nova dreamed of hunching over Belle and grinding herself to the mare needily, with high-pitched moans of pleasure filling the warm air all around. The soft, flawless fur of her companion the perfect match for her young sex as she grinded and pressed eagerly to the mare's stuffed tummy.

The tingle was now moving, taking her while body and filling it with the hot, stinging pleasure. A feeling of great urgency filling the girl as she suddenly squealed out and tensed, pressed fur to panties before she spasmed. Whole body writhing with pleasure Nova dreamed of her first orgasm, while in real life her dream's beginning was playing out. Sleeping hips starting to press her clothed crotch to Belle's tender fur. Soft, steady breathing turning into pants while Nova's dreams only got more erotic.

Shifting in the grass, flushed with desire still lingering from her peak. Her fingers lightly prodded at her sex. Panties tugged down and tangled around her ankle, Nova was faced with her bare sex. Two fingers sliding down along her lower lips. The soft downy hairs that covered them softly tickling her fingers as they traced the curve of her mound. Her brown eyes wide as she studied herself.

Suddenly with a loud, wet squelch her fingers slipped down into her tunnel. Her walls needily grabbing and pulling them in, constricting around them. Before she could continue, Dream Nova disappeared as the sleeping tween returned to reality. Her heart racing and eyes wide against the morning sun.

Slowly, with lingering curiosity from her dream Nova bent over herself, lifting her simple night gown to look down at her white panties. The pale fabric covered with a wide blotch of wetness that turned the fabric dark grey. Beside her, the fur of Belle's stomach was mused and rather tangled where she had been grinding herself to it do needily.

Now intrigued with the possibility of such pleasure when she was awake Nova began to shift to one side, hooking her soaked panties with one hand as she tugged them down and off. Her sex dripping down onto her sheets down as she peered down at it.

Slowly, with curiosity driving her forward, the young girl ran her fingers down against her sex cautiously, the tingle of pleasure that rewarded the touch on her skin making her interest only grow.

In the back of her mind she began to compare her dream to reality, thinking of how she had moved on the plush, so now firmly placed in reality she shifted up over the mare once more. Ever so carefully she lowered down till that fur tickled her clot and she gasped out in happy surprise. Her eyes watching as her hips drug her sex against the length of Belle's glossy back.

Faintly she breathed out a soft moan and continued, repeating the motion over and over as the fabric caressed her lower lips as it had done to her fingertips just the day before. Soft moans littered the air as she sped up yet again. The faint sheen of sweat across her forehead as she worked herself over the plush. All the while the sun rose higher an higher and further down the hall her mother stirred in her bed and the threat of being caught slowly became real, though with her single minded goal of getting pleasure young Nova didn't pause to think of this, letting her moans get louder and louder till they peaked with a girlish squeal and Nova once more felt the rippling wave of pleasure crash into and take over her body.

Moments later, as the intense feeling of the orgasm began to slowly melt and fade away, Nova lay over Belle, panting into her plush neck. The mare's silky mane tickling her nose as she tried to catch her breath.

After another several minutes laying still atop her stuffed partner in crime Nova could once again breath normal and now could hear her mother's footsteps pattering down the hall, signaling breakfast would be starting soon enough.

Smart enough to know she needed to clean up a little, Nova rolled out of bed and hurriedly discarded her soaked garments. A smile on her lips as she leaned over back onto the bed to lightly kiss Belle's snout. "Thank you sweet mare" she crooned before turning to head downstairs for another breakfast with her family, no different than any other morning except this morning Nova felt the lingering tingles of her earlier masturbation and through this, she knew something was different.


As breakfast came to an end and Julie took over clean-up Nova hurried back upstairs, going straight to her plush pal's side.

"Sweet Belle.." she crooned faintly as she strokes over her furry snout. The small fibers that wove together to create her features bumping and nudging to her hand as if the plush was asking for a treat.

Chuckling at this thought, Nova's mind soon returned to what she had done earlier, a small worm of an idea slithering into her mind and planting itself where it grew and bloomed into a plan.

Remembering back a few months, when looking for her mother's extra brush she had found a small object. Her mother ha explained it as an adult toy, and had shown her how it buzzed when turned on. Though she never told her just what it was for, Nova had a feeling it was for what she had done.

So, as her mother tidied up in the kitchen below, young Nova crept back into her room, snatched the little pink bullet and raced back to her room. Once in the safety of her room, she latched the door and turned up her music, knowing her mum wouldn't venture inside now and collapsed onto her bed.

Slowly, with a victorious smile on her lips she stroked over Belle's neck, whispering to the plush mare. "This is a toy, we can use it to make me feel good again, I can use it on you too!"

Realizing she could incorporate the mare even more, the young girl's whisper swelled with excitement. Her eyes twinkling with a new level of desire and without another moment wasted or rational thought on the matter Nova was wriggling out of her panties and under her covers, bringing Belle along.

Situated on her back with the mare on her stomach, Nova nuzzled into Belle's neck, still whispering excitedly to the plush about how much she could do now. All while she talked she was toying with the vibrator, a soft squeak of excited triumph escaping as she twisted the knob just right and the toy came to life with a buzz.

Slowly, her fingers shifted to move it down from eye level. The pale pink, fainting buzzing bee of pleasure flying in closer to the young girl's sweet honey pot. The intoxicating scent of her want that wafted out from her drawing the metaphorical beast in closer and closer till it paused, the nub-coated barely an inch from her eagerly throbbing, pink clit.

In this paused moment she leaned her head down to Belle's giving the plush a light kiss on the top of her threaded snout. And as lips touched to soft, tickling fur the bee landed, buzzing now muffled against her sensitive clit.

In the moment the audio from the toy was muffled the sounds from the girl appeared, bursting to life with a moan more of surprise than anything else, though it quickly shifted to a soft whine of pleasure. The small vibrating nubs over the toy teasing her clit to an insistent throb that made her impatiently whine and push her hips up. As her crotch pushed up, the fur of Belle's tail and plush crotch pushed to her own slit. The moan that slipped out at this lush sensation louder than with the toy.

With a hand on each side of the mare, Nova grinded up against her furred crotch, whimpering girlishly with increasing pleasure flooding her young body. Each movement of her hips bringing her closer to a finish. Belle's fur doing a quick job of teasing the tween to a quivering, needy state.

With yet another hard grind to the soft plush of her inanimate lover, Nova tensed. Her groin pressed to the warm, delicate fiber of Belle's crotch as her head fell back with a moan to her plush.


Her voice rang with want, need, pleasure and erupted with rich, full love for the plush companion. The power of her cry tinged with the frustration of not being able to push over the last obstacle before her orgasm.

As if in answer to a silent plea, the fur pressed to her sex shifted, slowly easing against her with even more pressure. The big, brown eyes o plastic suddenly blinking and filling with the soul filled characteristic of life. The plush mare slowly coming to life to bring her human lover to her peak.

To needy and excited to question how Nova only pressed her wanting sex to Belle's harder. The grinds from the surprisingly powerful mare quickly hurdling her over the last hill before the top. The squeal Nova let out nearly inhuman in its high pitch, her lips suddenly against the threaded, but animated mouth of Belle to muffle the sounds that would have their lovemaking caught.

"Belle..Belle..." she panted repetitively, her voice breathless and exhausted as her orgasm took its toll on her energy level, a dazed happy smile on her lips as she gazed up now at a living, animated Belle.


Repeating her name once more Nova basked in the warm, tingly Afterglow while her fingers slid up the side of the mare's soft neck. Muscles of thread inside moving her head under those fingers.

"Mmm yes, darlin' " Belle crooned with an affectionate, southern twang in her honey sweet voice.

Nova couldn't help but smile at the pet name. "Am I dreaming?" she asked rather innocently, the events of the last few moments exceptionally dreamlike and leaving the girl quite confused.

"Not at all, sweet cakes" Belle replied with a gentle nuzzle to the girl's cheek: fur to smooth skin. Her plush body shifting to lay atop the girl gently. Her fluffy, stuffing insides leaving her light enough for the position while her furry body left the nearly nude girl below warm.

" are you here?" Nova whispered, looking up with a dazed look of young love that the mare had put into her heart. Her petite, human fingers sliding up against the plush's soft cheek, caressing the fur.

"I'm here because you love me so much.." Belle whispered an almost motherly tone in her voice as her tail swished and swayed behind her to tease the girl's young needy sex. The teasing bringing a whine from Nova her clit throbbing with the beat of her heart from her finish earlier.

Grinning, Belle quickly brought an end to Nova's questioning as her silken tail teased the girl back into a mass of whimpering, quivering human. The young girl's body shuddering beneath Belle teasing her furred crotch. The place there looked smooth and sexless but the touch in the correct region till brought the mare a tingle of pleasure.

Within the first few minutes, Nova was once more squealing out her pleasure girlishly and riding the wave of pleasure to her peek. The mare of fur and fluff, silk and fiber the perfect lover for the girl trying enter the world of pleasure and masturbation. Her happy cries as he orgasm began to fade like music to Belle's ears as she worked solely to pleasure her owner.

And finally, as Nova once more calmed, now much to tired to even attempt another question she only let her head fall to the pillows and quickly slipped to sleep. All the while, the mare watched over her, big brown eyes ever filled with love as she laid her head back down and rested herself for when they'd play again.

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