N'zaar Plains: Chapter Eight: Up in Flames.

Story by Mk14 on SoFurry

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#6 of N'zaar Plains

Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wait!

A small portion of the violent, sex crazed komodoes, wait in darkness behinde large rocks along the caravan road. Despite the high excitment, it's silent. The sun slowly rises over the horizon, three covered wagons rolling slowly forward, feral oxen leading them. The middle housing the Guardian, the other wagons inhabited by armed wolfmorph escorts with armor. A komodo suddenly steps out from behinde a rock giving a loud shout, raising his brutal, curved blade in the air and charges with the other komodoes after him towards the caravan, two-hundred of them. The guards suddenly take up their arms and fire a few arrows at the charging force, only striking a few of them. The charge finally reaches the caravan, the komodoes slashing and cutting the small number of escorts, who stand no chance. The komodoes finally approach the middle wagon after tearing apart the other two. The middle wagon suddenly bursts into a blaze of fire, burning the few that stand close, sending them to the ground. The Fire Guardian steps out of the burning wagon, sending waves of fire at the komodoes. The fiery vixeness sends waves of fire at the komodoes, her clothes burning off and her tail setting ablaze with a bright flame at the tip. The komodoes swarm her, she countinues to sends large waves of fire to fend her attackers off, she slowly begins to tire and the komodoes swarm her. She is quickly controled, the komodoes over-whelming her, a komodo on each of her limbs as she is lifted into the air and carried towards the camp. She struggles but is quickly overpowered, komodoes begin to fondle her breasts and lick at her womenhood. She eventually passes out. Hours pass. She awakes tied up to a post infront of Diamis, his length at full size, throbbing, pre dribbling down.

"Now my children." The crowd of komodoes goes wild. "This is our time! With this consumtion, we send a message! To all who oppose us! Our accention is eminent, this world is ours!" The Fire Guardian's bindings are released as Diamis lowers his mighty head, lightly picking her up with his front teeth into the air, then he tosses her up freely. Diamis opens his great maw while looking towards her and he catches her in his mouth and swallows her whole. Diamis's stomach gurgles and rumbles for a momment, the komodoes speechless. Diamis's suddenly grows larger, his muscles growing along with his added height. His cock grows two feet longer along with an increase in girth. His balls swell massivly, down to were they are on the cold stone throne. Diamis's tail out grows the portal, which dissoves freeing his tail, allowing him to roam freely now. A thick red diamond-shaped scale forms on his forehead. Diamis then lifts one of his powerfully massive legs and rips gas out of his now free asshole, signally the end of his growth. Diamis laughs in his low reptilian tone. He then points his head skyward once more openning his mouth, a massive piller of flame lighting up the morning sky out of the tyrant's maw. He lowers his head back down. "Now for your reward!" Diamis cums without warming, hot spunk bathing every one of the komodoes. Once again they grow, cock, balls, muscles, height, you name it.

N'zaar Plains: Chapter Seven: Accention.

Far from the high stone walls and busy streets of Atri, deep into the vast plains lies an even greater city of ruins, Valis. Valis, the city of stone at one point was the N'zaarian capitol, before Diamis's attack. Diamis is a massive feral T-rex with...

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N'zaar Plains: Chapter Six: Surprise Surprise.

Vex finally finishes cleaning up his musky aftermath, however the powerful scent still lingers. Vex's balls have finally shrunken down to golfballs after his massive releif. Vex steps to his wardrobe, slecting his casual clothes, a tight, white silken...

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N'zaar Plains: Chapter Five: Relief.

Vex quickly decends the stone stairs into the almost empty B'zaar, he thankfully can move a lot fast and will not be brown noseing anyone. "Vex!" A familar voice calls out. Vex quickly turns to the market stalls, most of them being closed and spots his...

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