A Sleepover with Jane - part 2

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#4 of Jane Doe and The Secret

Jane Doe continues supervising three girls for a sleepover. They dress up the neighbor boy as a girl and take 'her' to the playground, with unexpected results.

A Sleepover with Jane - part 2

Story by DoggyStyle57, October 2012

This is the continuation of the story that I wrote to go with two pictures by RisingDragon, which resulted from an auction for 4 lucky cubs to attend a sleepover and orgy with Jane Doe.

Cast of characters, and who owns them:

Jane Doe© RisingDragon : A lovely 15 year old doe who works as a babysitter

Nini Diana Goldmane © talon2point0 : A 12 year old domestic cat girl

Nikki Tana © Nikki23 : A 10 year old bunny girl, and regular babysitting customer for Jane

Mr. and Mrs. Tana © Nikki23 : Nikki's parents, both bunnies.

Karen Keating © bendover : A 10 year old tiger girl

Jake © bendover : A 10 year wolf boy, Karen's steady boyfriend

The following characters are all © DoggyStyle57:

Hans Bernerholdt : An 8 year old Bernese Mountain Dog boy

Karl Bernerholdt : A 32 year old Bernese Mountain Dog man, Hans' father

Melanie Kelley : A 22 year old tricolor collie girl, Karl's current girlfriend

Gunther : A 14 year old German Shepherd Dog boy

Ralph : A 13 year old tricolor Collie boy

Hank : A 14 year old Bulldog boy


Miss Jane Doe was rather pleased with herself. The pretty teenaged deer's evening had already turned out much nicer than she had any reason to expect, and was promising to get even better.

Her best babysitting client was a bunny family, the Tana's, who regularly hired the fifteen year old doe to care for their 'precocious' ten year old daughter, Nikki. Jane had been able to do what no prior babysitter had ever managed, and had won Nikki's heart, in more ways than one. Since Nikki would apparently behave like an angel for Jane, her parents happily insisted on paying Jane double her usual babysitting fees.

Mr. and Mrs. Tana had arranged weeks ago for Jane to babysit Nikki while her parents spent this Saturday evening and Sunday morning celebrating their wedding anniversary with a fancy dinner followed by a romantic night in the honeymoon suite at an equally fancy hotel. Jane and Nikki had some romantic plans of their own for that night, because the pretty ten year old bunny was also secretly Jane's devoted and submissive lover.

On Friday, the night before her parent's evening out, Nikki's mother had planned something special for Nikki, too - a sleepover with two girls that had recently befriended the young bunny. The three young girls and Nikki's mom planned to stay up all night, playing with makeup and nail polish, trying on each other's clothes, watching movies, and chatting until no one could keep their eyes open. It had seemed like an ideal weekend in the offing.

But when Nikki and her two friends came home with her after school on Friday, those carefully laid plans had been blown to pieces. The hotel and restaurant had messed up her parents' reservations, and made them for Friday instead of Saturday! A frantic phone call from Mrs. Tana to Jane resulted in the doe arriving at the last minute and a day early, to supervise the three-girl sleepover, while her parents had their celebration a day early. Nikki had thought her own romantic plans for the weekend were ruined, but Jane hadn't been so sure.

Nikki's friends were a rather bold and adventurous ten year old tiger girl named Karen, and a shy twelve year old kitty girl named Nini. Both girls had heard the rumors at school that Nikki's parents were still blissfully unaware of, that Nikki was a Lesbian. But that hadn't stopped Karen and Nini from befriending Nikki, even though they hadn't told her that they had any similar inclinations, and both of them had steady boyfriends. Jane had decided to carefully introduce the idea of some girl-on-girl fun somehow, perhaps while playing 'Truth or Dare', then gauge the other two girls' reactions, and go from there.

What started innocently changed radically when Hans, a cute eight year old puppy boy from next door, got caught playing peeping tom, and got dragged inside by Jane. After Hans apologized to Jane and the girls, Nikki allowed the boy to stay, provided that he played with the girls like a girl would - makeup, nail polish, girl clothes and all! After they played 'Truth or Dare' together, and helped by some leading questions from Jane, the evening turned into a bisexual orgy.

Now Hans had gone home again, and Jane had gathered the girls in Nikki's bedroom. The bunny, tiger and kitty girls looked at their sexy babysitter expectantly. Like their babysitter, all of the little girls were naked.

"Well, it's after ten, and before we do anything else, we should at least make it look like everyone but Nikki slept in a sleeping bag tonight. Her parents aren't planning to come home until after lunch tomorrow, but there has already been one major scheduling mess, so just in case their hotel reservation got really messed up, and her parents come home after their dinner, we should be ready to make things look as normal as possible on short notice, all right? Nikki? Do you have another sleeping bag for me?"

"Yep! In the garage. I'll get it, and some extra pillows, too," the pretty bunny replied. She quickly turned and padded out of the room.

Jane turned to the other two girls. "Nini? Karen? Once we get around to actually sleeping, you'll probably actually use those sleeping bags that Nikki's mom left here for you. But just in case we all choose to spend the night in Nikki's bed, I want you to lay them out now and rumple them up a bit, so they look like you used them."

"Yes Miss Jane!" replied the kitty and tiger girls. They put their bags beside Nikki's bed, and lay down on them, wriggling around to muss them up.

Nikki returned a few minutes later with the sleeping bag for Jane, and they rolled it out on the other side of the bed, and then they both tussled on the bag for a while, cuddling and kissing each other.

"There! That should do," Jane said, giving Nikki one more kiss on the nose. "Now, Nini? Karen? Would you two like to experiment a little more with licking girls? You licked each other earlier, and I've licked both of you. Would you both like to practice that a little more, licking Nikki and myself? Then Nikki and I can return the favor, before we call it a night."

Karen shrugged, and said, "May as well! We already sorta got our feet wet, and it's not like I'll get that sort of offer every day. You game, Nini?"

The white kitty girl looked shy and nervous, as she said, "Oh, I guess so. They made us feel good, so we should return the favor. Nikki? Can I start with you?"

"You don't have to ask twice, pretty kitty!" Nikki said enthusiastically, as she lay in her back on the bed, leaving room for Miss Jane beside her. "Even if you two don't want to do this a lot with me and Jane, I'm really glad you were willing to try it with us tonight. I haven't really opened up like this with any other girls, but I like you both and I've really wanted to have fun with both of you!"

"Guess that leaves me with you, Miss Jane" Karen said with a grin. She waited for Jane to lie on the bed, and then she got on her belly between the doe's thighs, and licked her from her puckered asshole to her clitty. Karen liked rimming her boyfriend, and so she started by teasing her tongue deep into Jane's tight tail hole. Then she replaced her tongue with a finger, like she would do for Jake when she gave him a BJ, and started lapping at the doe's cunny, savoring the taste of the older girl.

"Ohhh, that's good, Karen! Play with my ass like that! I love it when you do that!" Jane said happily. She raised her butt in the air with her legs to give the tiger girl better access to her tail hole.

Beside them on the bed, Nini sniffed inquisitively at the bunny girl's slit, before extending her tongue to delicately lap at her clitty. Nikki sighed happily, but said, "Come on, really lick me! I won't break!"

"Well, all right," Nini said, dipping her tongue deeper between the bunny girl's folds, and tasting her tangy nectar. Soon she was lapping at her as eagerly as Karen was licking Jane.

Jane and Nikki continued to encourage both girls, until they each had an orgasm. Then the two guests traded places and did it again, with more confidence about what they were doing.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this," Nini said, as she lapped rapidly at Jane's crotch.

"Oh, you definitely are, baby!" Jane murred. "You can lick me any time you want!"

"I think I ought to talk to my fiancé, Alex, before I do this again," Nini said. "Don't worry! He won't tell any secrets that I tell him. He... well, as far as I know, he hasn't had any sort of sex at all. I promised him that when the time was right, he would be the boy to take my virginity. But he might get a kick out of the idea of me with a girl - or even watching me do it with a girl. He's said before he doesn't mind if I mess around a little with someone else - as long as he's the only one I'm serious about. Maybe... we could do a little party sometime later, and bring our boyfriends? I... think I'd be all right with Alex losing his virginity to you, before I give mine to him."

Karen looked at Nini, and said, "Guess I could ask Jake. I don't know how he would react, though. I'd have to think about that. I bet he'd like the idea, though - especially if he got to play with Miss Jane a little himself."

"Perhaps the best thing there would be to try the idea when I am babysitting just one of you, and it's just you, me and your boyfriend," Jane said. "But let's not worry about that just yet. Tonight, let's just enjoy each other. "

By the time that Nikki and Jane finished taking their turns pleasing Karen and Nini, all the girls were yawning. When they were done, Jane put all the sex toys except for Nikki's collar away in her pack, and curled up with Nikki in her bed. Karen and Nini looked at the bed thoughtfully, but each decided to sleep in a sleeping bag rather than intruding on Jane and Nikki's evening of cuddling together - and perhaps more.

Jane reached for the bedside lamp once Karen and Nini were tucked into their sleeping bags. "See you in the morning, girls!" she said, as she turned off the light.


Hans woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of his father, Karl, unlocking and opening his bedroom door. The sun was already bright in his window. When he rolled over, eyes still blurry with sleep and mostly closed, he heard his father say, "Son? Good morning, sleepy head! We want to talk with you."

"Huh? We?" Hans asked, as he opened his eyes wide and got things into focus.

"Yeah, we," said a woman's voice, as his father's newest girlfriend, Melanie Kelley, followed Karl into the room. She was a very pretty tricolor collie with long black hair, and at 22 or so she was a good ten years younger than Hans' dad, and about halfway between Hans and Karl in height. She also didn't appear to be wearing any clothes other than one of his father's old red silk pajama tops. The pajamas had a matching cloth belt knotted at her waist that was all that kept the top closed, and the shirt was just long enough to barely cover her butt, exposing long, shapely legs.

"Good morning, Hans," she said. "I told your father that I didn't think it was fair to lock you in your room just for being curious. I'll forgive you for looking into his bedroom at us, and he'll end you being grounded, if you promise me you won't ever peek in there again when I'm visiting. Have we got a deal?"

"Ummm, yeah, sure," Hans said uncertainly, trying not to stare at how little the lady was wearing. Hans was getting a stiffy looking at her, and he hastily glanced down to make sure he was still covered. He had fallen asleep in his t-shirt and underpants, and was greatly relieved to see that he still had his blanket waist high. Then he looked back at her and asked, "Ummm, were you... here all night?"

"Yes, she was," his father replied, looking right at the boy. "I hope you don't mind?"

"Ahhhh, well, I guess not," Hans said, running a hand through his hair nervously. "I doubt mom's ever coming back to be with us, so why should I care, if you've found someone new to make you happy?" he looked at the girl and added uncertainly, "It's just... well, this never happened, before... well... with any of the other girls my dad has dated."

"Maybe they weren't all that serious about your dad then," Melanie replied. "A lot of girls don't like waking up with a guy they don't know that well, because they know they don't look their best first thing in the morning. Well, if your father and I like each other well enough, what we look like to each other when we're waking up shouldn't matter. I never have been all that vain about my looks, so I stayed, and not only that, I offered to make breakfast. Do you like pancakes?"

"Umm, yeah. Thanks. But right now, I... I really gotta pee! Excuse me!" Hans said, as he covered his stiffy with his tail and bolted past them to the hall bathroom.

"I like him," Melanie said to Karl. "Let's get breakfast going."


Hans didn't just go to the bathroom - he also showered and washed his hair, to get rid of his stiffy and make sure there was no makeup left on him, and no curl left in his hair. Then he got dressed, tied back his pony tail with a plain black elastic hair tie like he usually did, and went to the kitchen.

Melanie was almost done cooking breakfast, still wearing Karl's pajama top, and as far as Hans could see, nothing else at all! As she leaned forward to dish up a double stack of pancakes for Hans, she gave the boy a peek down her cleavage. Hans coughed, and she just stood up and smiled at him, as if she was either unaware she had done that, or perhaps as if she did it on purpose? After the way the girls at Nikki's home had acted with Hans the night before, he was seeing a sexual motive in almost everything. He looked down at his plate to dig into his breakfast, and blinked, as he thought for a moment that the two stacks of light brown pancakes, each with a rounded teaspoonful of margarine in the middle, reminded him of Jane Doe's naked, light brown-furred breasts.

Melanie's voice startled Hans as she asked, "So, how do you like your new school, Hans? Made any friends yet? Karl told me you two have only been in town a week."

"Huh? Oh! Errrr, it's an okay school, I guess. Not much different than my last one. I've made a few friends, but not many, yet," Hans replied noncommittally. "These are very good pancakes, Ma'am."

"And you're a very polite boy, Hans," Melanie replied. She went to the refrigerator, then got a glass from the cupboard, and then turned his way again and bent over while holding a carton in one hand and the glass in the other, as she asked, "Would you like some milk?"

Once again, Hans had a pretty clear look down her cleavage at her relatively large breasts. He couldn't see her nipples, but he saw plenty. "Umm, yes, please. Thank you, Ma'am," Hans said, looking back down at his plate.

Melanie poured the milk and then she asked Karl, "Last night you told me you'd been divorced for a while, and that you just moved here last week. Do you mind if I ask why you got divorced and moved?"

Karl looked at her seriously, and replied, "You may ask, and I won't beat around the bush about it. Hans has already heard all this. I divorced my wife for infidelity. She was cheating on me. Hans is definitely mine," he said firmly. "I had the tests done to make sure, while going through the divorce. But when my wife gave birth to what was supposedly our second child, about a year after Hans was born, it was painfully obvious that I couldn't have been the child's father. The baby girl was half Chow Chow Dog! Just like my so-called best friend, who lived next door. The scheming bastard had seduced my wife and knocked her up, and the paternity tests proved it. I got an uncontested divorce, and full custody of Hans, and she got custody of her bastard daughter, and turned right around and married my former best friend."

"How awful!" Melanie said, with her eyes wide. "But... Hans is what - seven or eight now? So that means you stayed in that town for six or seven years after the divorce, right? So, what made you move now?"

Karl looked at Hans, and said, "He's eight, and... that... is something I would rather not discuss in front of Hans. I'm not even sure I'm ready to tell you, all right? I had good reasons for getting my boy and myself out of that town, and away from certain people."

"Oh..." Melanie said, looking a little embarrassed to have hit on a sensitive subject. She looked out the window at the clear blue sky, and said, "Ummm, Hans? You know, it looks like today is going to be really nice. Maybe you would like to go play with some of your new friends?"

Hans understood at once that she wanted to discuss the reasons for the move with his father, or at least spend some more private time with him, and he was perfectly happy to get out of their hair. "Ahhh, yeah, let me go get their phone numbers from my room, and I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty sure I can find one of them to play with today." He excused himself and padded out of the room, grabbing the cordless phone on the way through the living room, as he went to his bedroom.


In Nikki's bedroom, Jane woke the little girls up and herded them all into the kitchen, still naked, to have breakfast. While they ate their cereal, Jane casually asked, "So, what did you girls think of Hans last night? Especially the way he let us dress him like a girl?

Nikki shrugged, and said, "I guess he's okay, for a boy. I still think it would be fun to see him dress like a girl so we can take him to the park playground, to try to pass him off as a real girl. Not on a leash, of course, but just playing in front of everyone like a girl. But he hasn't changed my mind one bit about me being strictly girls-only myself. I don't mind being Hans' friend, and dressing him like a girl, but I won't consider having any sort of sex with him."

"That's fine, baby. I won't ever ask you to. But does it bother you if we do things with him?" Jane asked. "You know, I do occasionally have fun with other kids that I babysit, including a few boys. Not that any of them are as special to me as you are, Nikki."

"Well, I did feel a little jealous, watching you having sex with him," Nikki admitted. "But I guess if you really wanted to do that again, I wouldn't mind watching."

Karen nodded and said, "Yeah, I agree with Nikki, that it would be fun to see Hans out in public as a girl, since he seems to like being treated that way. But if he wanted to play with us again, I think I would be willing to allow him to do some more oral or anal sex with me. As long as he understands it's just for fun, like me having fun with the three of you is, and that my boyfriend Jake is still my number one guy."

Nini looked less enthusiastic than Karen as she said shyly, "I suppose I might consider a little more sex with Hans too. If he asked real nice, and did stuff for us, too."

"Fair enough, girls. I think he's a sweet kid, myself. If we got a chance to play with him again, and if he wasn't grounded, I'd be happy to play with him again. Well, enough about him. Let's go back to Nikki's bedroom to try on each other's clothes, all right?" Jane suggested.

Karen and Nini were surprised at some of the sexy clothes that Nikki started to lay out for them - things like lacy thongs and even a pair of crotchless panties!

"How did you ever manage to get all those sexy clothes, Nikki? Did Jane buy all that for you?" Karen asked. "I can't believe your mom or dad buys stuff like that for you."

Nikki laughed and replied, "Nope! I bought these myself, and mom doesn't know I have most of this stuff. She never really looks in my closet or drawers, as long as I keep my room neat and help fold and put away my own laundry. If you look careful, the 'Bullseye' department stores sell some naughty lingerie, night gowns and the like, in sizes small enough for any of us. Some adult women in other species like mice are as small as we are, or even smaller. And no one looks twice at what types of clothing you buy in the self-service checkout lines. My mom sends me to that store on my bicycle occasionally for milk, and I use that opportunity to get sexy stuff, using my allowance money."

"Hummm. I'll have to check that out!" Karen said, as she tried on a red baby-doll nightie. "I bet Jake would love to see me in some sexy slutwear!"

As the girls tried on clothes, Jane quietly opened the bedroom window's curtains. She looked next door, and could see that only Hans' bedroom had its curtains open, and that he was just coming into his bedroom. Jane smiled and said, "Say girls! Did you know that Hans' bedroom window is just across the side yard form here? He's over there now, and we could tease him from here, if we want to." She struck a pose in the window, nude, and winked at Hans as he stared at her. "I don't think we should seriously try to lure him back over here, since he is grounded, but maybe it will make him willing to do more sexy things with us some other time?"

The girls all agreed, even Nikki, and started selecting sexy stuff to show off in.


In his bedroom, Hans found the slip of paper that Jane had given him, with her phone number on it. "Man, I hope this is a cell phone, and not her parent's number!" he said to himself, as he started to dial the phone. Then he looked out the window, and nearly dropped the phone on the floor. Miss Jane was framed in one of the windows over at Nikki's house, completely naked, and when she saw that he was looking at her, she struck a sexy pose and winked at him.

Hans continued to stare, as he got occasional glimpses of Nini, Karen and Nikki naked too, or wearing sexy clothes. Nikki actually mooned him once, bare-assed, standing on a chair and putting her butt right against the window glass, and then turning to wink at him. They were obviously intentionally allowing him to see them - coming to the window just to show off. Then Jane looked directly at Hans, and smiled as she actually started to finger herself.

A sudden 'thunk' as he dropped the phone reminded Hans of what he had been about to do. He picked up the phone and rapidly dialed Jane's number. He was overjoyed to see that it must have been her personal cell phone, because he saw her pick it up and answer it.

"Miss Jane? This is Hans." Hans said. "Wow, you girls are sexy! Ummm, Dad says I'm not grounded anymore. He has his girlfriend over here, and she asked him to let me go play with some friends until lunch time. Ahhh, can I come back over there to play with you and the girls? I can? Wow! Okay, I'll be right over!"


Hans went back to the kitchen and told his father and Melanie, "Heya! I got permission to go play at a friend's house!" He gave Karl Jane's cell phone number and name, and said, "This is the teen aged girl who will be supervising us. She works as a babysitter, so she's really responsible. Can I go?"

"As long as you get back in time for lunch, sure," Karl said. "Need anything before you go?"

"Well, I would like some help getting some my comics and other stuff unpacked from the garage, please," Hans said. "I want to show my new friends some of my comics, and we might shoot some hoops, so I'll need my gym shoes, and I haven't found those yet."

"I know right where those are, son," Karl said, going at once with Hans into the garage, where they unboxed the items Hans wanted. Hans took them to his room, stuffed them carefully into his school backpack, and then he ran out the front door to play.

He crossed the street and walked down the block, before doubling back in a way that wouldn't allow anyone at his house to see him going into a back alley, and from there to Nikki's back door. Then he knocked and waited there.

Jane put on one of Mrs. Tana's bathrobes and went to the back door to let Hans in, then led him to the girls.

When he got to Nikki's bedroom, Hans said, "Ummm, I brought my white gym shoes. They're the most girly shoes I own." Then he opened his pack and solemnly handed Nikki a three inch thick stack of comics, and said, "Here! You can hold these hostage for my good behavior."

Nikki asked, "Do those shoes mean that you actually want to be a girl again, and to go to the park with us?"

Hans blushed as he replied, "Well, yes. It was kinda fun, right?"

That was all it took for all four of the girls, including Jane, to pounce on him and transform him.

First, Nikki handed him a set of red panties with lots of lacy ruffles. "These came with a nightie that I bought. They ought to hide the bulge of your sheath and balls."

Next, Karen picked out a short black skirt, and Nini handed Hans a pink 'My Fantasy Foxies' t-shirt, with a smiling purple vixen's face on it and the double-rainbow logo of the girls' doll sets that the cartoon character was based on. Hans put them on without a complaint.

Then they had Hans put on his white sneakers with bright pink knee socks, before starting in on doing his hair and makeup.

They curled his hair, using hair spray to make the curls stay without using a curling iron, and put red bows in his hair, tying it in childish twin tails, one high behind each ear. The feminine style did a lot for making him look like a real girl.

But they didn't give him much makeup - no more than they all put on as they get dressed themselves. They put red nail polish and floral scented perfume on him, and a light dusting of pink blush on his cheeks and the bridge of his muzzle.

As they finished dolling him up, Nikki looked over Hans with approval, and said, "Perfect! I think we'll call you 'Hannah', okay?"

Karen walked in a circle around 'Hannah', grinning, and then said, "Awwwww! Hannah looks just as pretty as my little sister Sammy!"

"Okay. Do I sound all right?" Hannah asked, looking in wonder at 'herself' in the mirror.

"Close enough," Jane said. "Your voice is still as high-pitched as most girls. I think you'll pass."

Nikki, Karen and Nini each choose to wear tight t-shirts, a short skirt, and lacy, sexy panties. Karen also wore a ball cap that matched her shirt. Jane still wore her pale blue silk undies, and put on a short green dress.

It was about ten AM when they all walked to the park. They had to go right past Hans' home to get there. Hannah stayed on the street side of the cluster of girls, and tried to walk fast.

Once they got to the park, there were 20 or so other kids at the playground, including several that Hans knew in passing. Most of the kids were eight to fourteen, but they ranged in age from about four to college age, and also there were about eight moms or maybe older sisters or babysitters watching the younger kids play. Since Hans was so new to the neighborhood and didn't have any close friends at school yet, no one, not even the kids he sort of knew, seemed to take 'Hannah' for anything other than the little girl she seemed to be. Soon Hannah was playing, giggling and shrieking as much as any other girl on the playground, without a care in the world.

When Nikki and the girls other girls started to play on the swings, they used it as an excuse to expose their panties a little to Jane, and to tease several nearby boys there with an occasional upskirt peek as well. Nini was too shy to panty-flash boys, but she did flash Jane a few times. By the time Hannah finished on the swings, she had stopped blushing and was flirting as much as Nikki or Karen were. They also played on the slides, and on a large metal merry go round that Jane pushed for them until their tails were all flying straight out from the middle, with their panty-clad butts facing outward as they clung to the railings with both hands, facing the middle and bent at the waist. Then they played hopscotch, jump ropes, and tag, and for quite a while everyone almost forgot that Hannah was really a boy, as they played with each other and with the other girls that were present.

Eventually, Hannah excused herself to use the bathroom. Without even thinking about it, she went into the men's side, and straight into the only stall that had a door. The door latch was busted, but at least this one stall still did have a door she could close, and even with a broken latch it stuck in the frame enough to remain closed.

As she started to pull down her panties, it suddenly occurred to her that she could get into a lot of trouble if any boys caught her on this side dressed like a girl - much more than she would have if she had used a stall on the girl's side and no one realized she was a boy. But by now she needed to pee too badly to switch to the girl's side.

Hannah tried to go potty as fast as she could, but before she could pull up her panties and leave, three rather rowdy teenage boys came in, and she was trapped in the stall!

The most vocal boy was a swaggering 14 year old German Shepherd Dog named Gunther, and with him were his two buddies, a 13 year old Collie named Ralph and a 14 year old Bulldog named Hank.

"Man, there are some hot girls out there today!" Gunther said. "Whew! More panty shots than I could count! Some of those slutty little girls were flashing us on purpose, I'm sure!"

"Yeah Gunther, but we can't exactly do anything out there with a handful of moms and babysitters watching all of us like hawks, now can we?" Ralph said. "Of course they flirt like sluts! They know they're safe with mama watching them! One shriek and it's all over, man."

Just then, Gunther noticed Hannah's pink socks and lacy red panties around her ankles below the walls of the last stall. He nudged his buddies, and said, "Oh ho! Lookit at what we have here, bro's! You guys recognize those socks and panties? That ain't no boy in there!"

He walked rapidly to the stall door and yanked it open, seeing what looked like a very embarrassed young Bernese girl sitting on the toilet with her legs clamped close together and trying to push her skirt down to hide her privates. "Hey kid! What's a girl like you doing in the boy's bathroom, huh?"

"Eeeek! Leave me alone!" Hannah tried to look small, and said, "A-all the toilets on the girl's side are clogged up with toilet paper! I was desperate!"

But then the faint sound of a flushing toilet on the girl's side showed that to be a lie. The boy stared at her, and said, "Yeah, I can hear how plugged up those toilets are, kid. You were one of the girls that were teasing the boys outside - flashing those slutty panties at me and any other boy you saw! I think you used this side on purpose, to look at boys' cocks, that's what I think. And since you've been such a little cockteaser, I'm going to oblige you!" He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, stepping into the stall with her as his two buddies crowded in close to watch the fun.

Gunther held his cock in front of the puppy girl's nose and said, "Now, you can suck our cocks, or me and my buddies will take all your clothes and leave you stuck in the men's bathroom, naked! What's it gonna be, cock teaser?"

Hannah blushed for real, and said, "Don't take my clothes! Please! I... I'll do it. I never did that before, but I'll suck your cocks! Just don't hurt me!" Keeping one hand firmly on her lap, to keep her skirt covering her own growing erection, Hannah reached out with one hand and cautiously grabbed the boy's hard cock. Sucking a cock couldn't be all that bad. Jane and Karen hadn't minded sucking Hans' cock, and Hans hadn't minded the taste of his own cum. And she had to admit, he was a little curious. She opened her mouth, and the boy shoved his cock deep into Hannah's sweet young muzzle.

"There you go, little cock teaser!" Gunther said in triumph, as he started fucking her mouth. He hadn't believed he would get away with this. He was certain that as soon as he flashed his cock at her, the little girl was gonna screech and run past them to safety and mama, in which case he could simply use the toilet and act innocent, with his two friends as the only witnesses to what happened. But she was really doing it, and he loved the way this kid's mouth felt! "Ahhh, that's great, kid! Just do that for each of us, and we'll let you go."

Hannah sucked the boy's cock the way Miss Jane had done for Hans, stroking the boy's shaft with her small hand and using her grip on the shaft to keep the cock from going too deep. Almost immediately she tasted the boy's thin pre-cum on her tongue. And in a couple of minutes, she felt the dog's knot swelling under her hand, as thick jets of jism spurted down Hannah's throat.

Gunther pulled out and sprayed the last of his cum on Hannah's face, and then the Collie boy stepped forward and took a turn, while the German Shepherd boy zipped up and went to the entry, to try and fend off anyone else that wanted to use the restroom before they were done. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, like he was at the tail of a long line to use the toilets.

Hannah took the next boy's cock into her mouth, her tail wagging slightly as she sucked the boy off. Karen was right. It tasted a lot better when the boy was cumming right into your mouth, instead of licking cooling cum off her hands. She eagerly swallowed the kid's precum, and jacked him off to make him cum faster. When the boy started spurting his seed, she swallowed as much as she could before this boy pulled free, sprayed her face with cum, and made room for the Bulldog to take his turn.

"She likes it, bro!" Ralph said to Gunther as he zipped up his pants. "The little slut's waggin' her tail in there while she sucks us off!"

"She does, dose she?" Gunther said, as he heard Hank moan and unload into the kid's throat. "Hey Hank! Conference, when you're done with her!"

The bulldog finished up the same way his friends had, splattering his cum all over the girl's face before he stepped back and zipped up his pants. "Man! That was great! What's up, bro?" he asked, as he approached the other two boys.

Gunther looked at the stall, where Hannah still had made no move to pull up her panties or try to leave. "She likes it, right?" he said. "You think maybe we can have some more fun? Like fuck the little slut?"

"I dunno, man," Ralph objected. "Muzzle fuckin' her's one thing, but a kid that young's likely to still be a virgin. If we pop her cherry and she comes outa here bleeding between the legs, her mom will have a shit fit. We better just get outa here, before someone else comes in."

"Yeah man, leave the kid be. She was a good sport, an' did what we asked her to, right? Hey, if we let her go like we promised, maybe she'll suck us off again some time? She won't do that if you hurt her, man." Hank said, heading out of the men's room.

"Oh, all right," Gunther said. "See ya, kiddo! We're outa here. Ain't nobody watching the place, if you wanna scoot now!"

Hannah got her clothes back in order, and as soon as she heard the boys leave, she slipped out of the men's bathroom and into the girl's side to wash up.

Karen was in the girl's bathroom, at the sinks. She saw Hannah come in with her face completely splattered with cum, and shrieked, "OH - MY - GOD! Hannah! What happened to you? Where are the bastards that did this? I'll claw them to shreds!"

Hannah haltingly told her what happened, but then when Karen angrily headed for the door, she grabbed the tiger's arm, dragged her back into the bathroom, and said pleadingly, "N-no! Please don't go beat them up! I... I kinda wanted to try sucking a boy... once they asked me to do it. And they didn't hurt me! Besides, if they get beat up for having their fun with me, they might come looking for me. I haven't seen any other Bernese kids my age around here, boys or girls. If they're looking for a Bernese girl my age, and then they see me as a boy, they may recognize me!"

Karen took several deep breaths and tried to calm down. "Oh, all right. But I'm really mad that this happened to you." She was still furious, but she stayed in the bathroom and helped Hannah to get cleaned up.

As the tiger girl washed the cum off her face, Hannah admitted, "You know, it really wasn't all that bad - sucking a boy's cock and swallowing their cum. I wouldn't mind doing it again, if the boys weren't rough and mean about it."

Karen said, "Yeah, well, hanging out in a boy's bathroom dressed like a girl is a rotten way to find nice boys. Come on, it's about time to go back for lunch. We'll go find Miss Jane and the others." The tiger girl protectively took Hannah by the hand, and walked back with her to where Jane was watching Nikki and Nini playing hopscotch.

Just before they got to the others, a boy called out, "Hey Karen! Hey, over here!"

Karen turned and saw it was her boyfriend, Jake. She waved at him, and said, "Jake! Come here, lover boy!"

The wolf boy ran over and said, "Hey! I really didn't expect to see you here. I thought you were out of town with your family. Eh? Who is this new girl that you're playing with? Never saw her before."

Karen laughed, not letting Jake in on the joke, and said "Oh! This is Hannah. She lives in the area. But we gotta go now, and get lunch. Hugs?" She gave Jake a goodbye hug, and made sure her ball cap got knocked off her head in the process. Then she turned around and bent over to get it, and she made sure to give Jake a good upskirt look at her crotchless red panties.

Jake froze up, started to get a stiffy, and stuttered a goodbye as Karen took Hannah by the hand, grinned, and went the rest of the way back to Jane.

As soon as they rejoined the others, Karen whispered to Jane about what happened. Nikki and Nini were too engrossed in their game to overhear them, or see the horrified look on Jane's face. Jane went absolutely pale and got very upset, looking around for any sign of the older boys that had done this to a child in her care. Then she looked apologetically at Hannah and said quietly, "Oh baby doll! I hadn't realized which side of the bathrooms you went into. Truth is, I had gotten so used to seeing you act like a girl that I didn't think twice about it when you went to the restrooms."

Hannah blushed and said, "It's all right. It was my dumb mistake, and besides, by the second boy, I was kinda enjoying it."

Jane Turned to Nini and Nikki and said loudly and firmly, "Pack up girls! It's time to go, so we can have lunch before Nini's parents come to get her."

"All right Miss Jane!" they said, as they grabbed their backpacks and followed her rapidly out of the park.


Back at Nikki's place, Hannah told Nikki and Nini what happened. They were both also shocked and outraged, though Nini blushed when Hans admitted that he had liked sucking the boys' off.

While the girls made sandwiches, Jane picked Hannah up and seated her on the kitchen counter. "I owe you a very big apology for not protecting you. Consider this a down payment," she said. Then she pulled Hannah's red ruffled panties down to her knees, stroked her cock a few times, and sucked it eagerly until he came in her mouth, swallowing every bit of the cross-dressed little boy's cream.

Then Nini came over and shyly asked, "Ummm, can do that for Hannah too? I feel so sorry about what happened, and pretty guilty too, because it wouldn't have happened at all if we hadn't dressed Hans up as a girl and taken him out in public."

"You're sure you want to do that?" Jane asked. "What would Alex say?"

"Well... I'm sorta doing this for Alex, too. I should probably take advantage of the chance to try tasting a boy's seed and swallowing it now, so that when Alex asks me to do that - and you know he will, eventually - I won't react badly for him as my husband, the way I did on my first time with Hans."

Hannah by this point was already getting hard again, and she just nodded and said, "You don't have to, but I sure would like that. Thank you, Miss Nini."

Just as Nini started sucking Hannah's cock, Jane's cell phone rang, and she answered it. "Hello? Yes, this is Jane. Oh! Yes, Mister Bernerholdt. Actually, he's having a really fun time with the other kids right now," she said as she watched the boy's cock sliding in and out of Nini's mouth. "Umm hum. He's helping serve the other kids their lunch. He's welcome to stay for lunch himself, if that's all right with you?" She listened for a moment, and then said, "Not a problem at all, sir. He's very well behaved. All right then, I'll let him know."

Nini paused as she started tasting pre-cum, her ears twitching as she heard Jane calmly telling the father of the boy she was sucking that his son was 'having a fun time'. The kitty started bobbing her head again, then stifled a giggle at the idea that Hans was 'helping serve the other kids their lunch'. As soon as Jane hung up the phone, Nini picked up her pace, and kept going determinedly until Hannah spurted several times in her mouth, and she had carefully swallowed every drop of the girly boy's cum.

"Wow, that was really nice, Nini. Thank you," Hannah said when the kitty was done, and then Hannah leaned forward and kissed Nini. After that kiss, she looked at Jane and asked, "What did my dad say? Do I hafta go now?"

Jane shook her head negatively. "He said that as long as we don't mind feeding you lunch, you can stay another three hours. Since we're feeding you, he's going to take someone called 'Melanie' to lunch."

"That's dad's new girlfriend," Hans said, as he got down off the counter with a little help from Karen. "She stayed all night last night, and made breakfast, too! I think she really likes my dad, and she seems to like me, too." Hannah helped Karen and Nini to pass out sandwiches, then sat at the table with the girls and ate with them.

While they were eating, Karen said, "Well, I'll say this - it is fun having sex with other girls, and with you too, Hans, cross-dressed or not. You and I can play a bit more before you go. And I wouldn't mind doing this sort of thing again on occasion with Jane or the rest of you, if she babysits me. But overall, I still prefer my boyfriend."

Nini took a bite of sandwich, nodded as she swallowed, and then she said, "Same here. I still mostly want to save myself for when I get married, but, well... it's not like making out with girls was an experience I would normally get after I get married. What I'm really worried about what might happen if my parents ever find out I've had sex with a girl. My older sister, Ross, is bisexual, and I could tell her, but she's really good at hiding it from our parents."

Almost as if summoned by the mention of them, Nini's parents chose that moment to call. Jane answered, listened a moment, and then hung up and said, "Nini, your parents are sending your big sister, Ross, to get you. She should be here in just a few minutes."

"Eeep! I better get back into my own clothes and get packed then!" Nini said, as she left the last bite of her sandwich on the table and ran for Nikki's bedroom.

"I think I better hide until she's gone," Hannah said nervously. "I can't look like a boy again that fast, and I don't really wanna change back just yet."

"Go to my parent's bedroom, Hannah," Nikki said, "next door on the right, past my bedroom."

"Gotcha! Thanks!" Hannah said, running from the room herself, while hiking her panties back up.

The girls quickly clean everything up, and Nikki reluctantly removed her collar and hid it in the bread keeper until Ross and Nini were gone.

When Ross came into the house, Nini introduced her to Jane, Nikki and Karen. Then Nini took Ross to one side and shyly whispered to her, "I have a secret to share with you, sis! I... I tried oral sex with girls this weekend, and I liked it!"

That got an "Oh really?" response from Ross, and then the older kitty gave an appraising glance and smile to Jane, Nikki and Karen. "Well, I'm glad you took such good care of my little sis! Seems she had a very fun time here," she said, as she handed Jane $25 in cash, and added, "That's from our parents, for doing so well with Nikki." Than Ross brushed a hand across Jane's butt in a flirtatious way as she left with Nini and said, "And that's from me. Guess we'll see you again some time. We can use a good baby sitter. See ya!"

Jane, Karen and Niki watched Nini and Ross go, and after Nikki put her collar back on, they went back to the bedroom area to find Hannah, and resume their fun in Nikki's bedroom.

The first thing that Hannah did was to put the vibrating butt plug she had used the day before into her own ass, and crank the vibrator up to maximum.

Karen stripped and gave Hannah a hug, saying, "Nini's not the only one who is feeling guilty about what happened to you, kiddo. Would you like to 69 with me?"

"That would be swell!" Hannah said, as they got on the floor together.

The tiger girl sucked Hannah's cock into her mouth, and sighed as Hannah started lapping eagerly at her virginal cunny. "Ohhh, I have got to get Jake to do this with me more often!" she said.

Nikki and Jane got on the floor beside them, nose to crotch themselves in a happy 69 embrace.

Karen kept going until she had swallowed every bit of Hannah's seed, then lay there panting as Hannah licked her to a frenzy. Jane and Nikki were rather noisily experiencing their own mutual satisfaction as Karen started to come down from her orgasm.

"I have an idea," Nikki said a few minutes later, as she put on her strap-on, and tucked its vibrator into her butt. "Would Hannah like to share Jane with me? If Jane lies on her side, I can take her from in front, and you can do it from behind, in her butt."

"Sure!" Hannah said, as they got into position.

Karen watched them and fingered herself. "Wow this is hot! If I didn't enjoy making Jake wait to take my virginity so much, I would pin you right now Hannah."

Jane moaned and enjoyed the sensation of effectively having two cocks in her at once. Her loving bunny was kissing her and fucking her, while that sweet girly boy, still scented with perfume, hugged her from behind and humped his cock into her ass. Jane climaxed the moment she felt the boy's seed flooding her backside, and his knot swelling to lock him in place there. Then she concentrated on kissing Nikki, until the pounding of the dildo and the vibrator up her bunny's butt made that little girl squeal and cum.

They lay there for a while, spent and petting each other. When Hans finally slipped out of Jane's ass, she told him, "Go to the bathroom and wash your cock carefully baby, and you can fuck me one more time before you go home."

"Yes Ma'am!" Hannah said, sprinting for the bathroom.

Nikki took off the strap-on and straddled Jane's face to get licked.

When Hannah came back, she looked the strap-on lying on the foot of the bed, and then at Karen, and asked, "Ummm... could you use Nikki's strap-on dildo to fuck my butt, while I fuck Jane"?

Karen looked a little apprehensive about the request, and laughed nervously, "I dunno about that. It's kinda weird, ha ha. I generally prefer to receive anal or oral attention, or to perform oral or fingering on someone else."

Hans insisted, "Please? I've had a boy fuck my butt once before, and I liked it. That strap-on's no bigger than the vibrator I have up my butt right now, and I really would like to feel someone fucking my butt before I go home."

"Well, if you're really sure that's what you want... okay," Karen said, picking up the unfamiliar sex toy and hefting it in one hand. "Nikki? How do I put this silly thing on?"

"Step into the harness, and slide it up to your thighs," Nikki said. "Then put in the butt plug and turn it on, before you pull the harness up the rest of the way and fasten the waist buckle."

Hannah stared fucking Miss Jane in missionary position while Nikki told Karen what to do. She kept her strokes slow, and paused while Karen popped the butt plug out of Hannah and inserted her strap-on into her tight young ass. "Ohhhh, that feels good!" Hannah groaned.

"Fill me up, Girly boy!" Jane sighed, as Hannah fucked her and Nikki squatted again over the doe's mouth, facing away from the girly boy.

It took Karen a few awkward moments to get the timing figured out, so she thrust into Hannah's ass as the girly boy was pulling out of Jane, and pulled back or just held position as she thrust into the doe. "This is definitely weird," Karen said with a laugh. "Fun, but weird."

"Ungh! Oh that's good!" Hannah moaned, grunting as Karen thrust hard into her ass. "Miss Jane, I really gotta get my dad to hire you, next time I need a babysitter. You're the best ever!"

"Ohhh, thank you, sweetheart!" Jane replied, as she neared another orgasm and slurped at Nikki's wet gash. "You're pretty nice too! Keep that up, baby! Faster!"

"C-can... I cum... inside again... Miss Jane?" Hannah panted, as her own climax neared.

"Do it, baby!" Jane said in a husky voice, "Then if you really want to show me how much you like me, lick me clean again!"

"I... I will! Ohhhh yeah! Unghhhhh!" Hannah arched her back and held onto Jane's hips with both hands, thrust all the way into her as Karen continued to pound the strap-on into her ass. "Oh wow! This is just great!"

Jane's hips arched up to meet Hannah's, as her body shook with the force of her orgasm. "Oh baby! I can feel Karen pounding into your girly-boy butt! So good, baby!"

"Geeze, I'm cumming too!" Karen said as her own orgasm hit. "Between the vibrating thingie in my butt and bumping my clitty on every thrust, I'm cumming!"

"Ohhh, lick me, Jane! Lick meeeee!" Nikki squealed, as her own orgasm hit.

Hannah lay on Jane's belly for a while as her knot subsided, with the pretty doe stroking her hair and saying what a sweet girly she was. Nikki rolled off to one side, and helped Karen to remove the strap-on.

When she could pull out again, Hannah crawled down and started lapping her own cum out of the doe's gaping vagina. She kept at it until she had slurped up every drop, and Jane was writhing with yet another orgasm.

"Lick her good, girly-boy!" Nikki said. "Lick all that nasty cum back out of her! I want her nice and clean for me later!"

Eventually Hannah rolled back onto her butt, took off her white sneakers, and started taking off the borrowed t-shirt, the red ruffled panties that were still around her knees, and the pink knee socks.

"Well, I guess I need to wash off all the girly stuff now. Thanks for having me over again!" she said, before heading to the bathroom to shower.


Once Hans was back to looking like a boy, he tossed his white sneakers into his empty pack, and started walking for the back door. "Well... bye now. Thanks again!" he said.

Nikki looked back in the direction of her dresser, and said, "Hans, wait! You forgot your comic books!"

The puppy turned in the hallway and said with a sad look, "Well, I kinda thought you'd... wanna keep them a while, so you know I won't tell on you. Just... take care of them, okay? They're my best ones!"

"You wait right here!" Nikki demanded, before running back to her room.

She came back a moment later and handed Hans' comics back to him, saying, "You can keep them, silly boy. With what we know about what you did today, I know you won't break your promise to us. And... here! Take these, too!" she held out the red ruffled panties that Hans had worn all morning as Hannah.

Hans took the comics, and then took the panties, staring at them as if wondering what to do with them. "Really? Ummm, okay, thanks!" he said, putting the comics in his pack and carefully zipping the panties in one of the smaller pockets on the pack.

Jane hugged him and said, "Now, you be a good boy, and have your daddy call me next time you need a sitter, okay?"

"I will! Bye!" the boy said, grinning as he headed back to the alley.


After circling around the block, Hans returned to his home, coming in through the front door.

His father greeted him, and then said, "By the way, son, Melanie and I saw a cute little Bernese girl, about your age or a little older, a few hours after you left. You might want to keep an eye out for her as a possible new friend."

Hans looked a little startled, and then said carefully, "Well I will certainly do that, father, but I don't recall seeing any Bernese girls in the neighborhood."

His father just shrugged and said, "Well, maybe she was a collie. We didn't get a very good look at her. But I'm pretty sure she was with that bunny girl from next door."


After Hans left, Nkki put on her strap-on dildo, and used it to fuck Karen's ass, while Jane licked Karen to an orgasm. Karen's parents called while Nikki was still busily fucking Karen's butt. Nikki answered the phone, grinned and said, "It's your dad," and then handed it to Karen, without stopping.

The tiger girl had to struggle to sound normal, while being licked and buggered at the same time."Ugh! Hi dad!" Karen said, glaring back over her shoulder at the humping bunny girl. "What's that? No! I'm... fine. Just winded... We were... playing jump rope." She listened for a moment longer then hung up and said, "You naughty, naughty bunny! Couldn't you have stopped while I was on the phone with my father? Oh well. I gotta get ready to go now. Dad says my mom's on the way to pick me up."

The girls quickly cleaned everything up, and by the time Karen's mother got there, they were all in the living room watching a movie together, with Karen's backpack ready to go by the couch.

When her mother honked the horn of her car outside, Karen grabbed her pack and ran out to meet her.

"Hey baby! You have fun?" her mom asked, as Karen opened the passenger door and tossed in her pack.

"I had a really great time, mom!" Karen said, kissing her mother on the cheek as she got into the car. "Miss Jane's a fantastic babysitter! We had more fun than you'd ever believe!"

"Well good! I'm in a hurry, but rush back in and give this to her! A little extra for making our girl so happy," she said, handing Karen $25 in cash. "And tell her we'll give her a call, next time our three girls need a sitter."

Karen rushed back inside, gave Jane the money and the message, and then said, "Gotta go! Hope mom calls you soon!" Then she turned right back around and sprinted for the car.

Nikki put her arm around Jane's waist protectively as the last of her friends left, and said, "Well, they're gone. And until my folks come home, you're all mine!"


It was late afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Tana came home, and from the smiles on their faces and the affectionate looks that passed between the two older bunnies as they entered the living room, Jane wondered if Nikki might have a new brother or sister in nine months time.

Jane and Nikki were on the living room couch, with Jane's backpack already packed and ready to go beside the couch. Jane was watching the end of a family-friendly movie, and Nikki was sound asleep, leaning on Jane's shoulder.

"I would have got up to let you in, but Nikki's all tuckered out," Jane said. "She and her two friends stayed up past sunrise, but they had a blast."

"Well, girls rarely sleep at sleepovers," Mrs. Tana said indulgently, looking over the house with approval. "I must say, I expected the place to look like a hurricane hit it, with three girls playing together all night long. How do you ever manage to control them, Jane? What's your secret?"

Jane just smiled, and said, "Oh, I just work very hard to be their friend, that's all. They love it when an older kid wants to be their friend. But I'm young enough that they don't see me as a 'frumpy old grown up'. No offense intended."

"None taken, I assure you! I'm certain that's just what Nikki thought of the three babysitters that we had before we found you," Mrs. Tana said. "The other two girls had a good time?"

"Oh, definitely!" Jane said honestly. "We even went to the park for a while this morning. The way they all played, I'll bet each one of them naps until dinner time. I'm pretty sure both of their families will be calling me, next time they need a sitter."

"Well, that's wonderful!" the bunny mom said, as Jane headed for the door. "Just as long as you're still available when we need you, that is."

"Oh, you can bet on that, Ma'am," Jane said. "Nikki is my favorite bunny!"