Heat 2

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#2 of Heat

seven years ago I wrote a story involving a fox struggling to understand his mate's need to engage in a massive group orgy once a year and his mates desire for the fox to join him. It was quite popular and I've had a lot of requests to complete a sequel which I have now done. However, a word of warning for those just looking for lots of sex this is a story with a very large orgy in it, however it is almost 40 pages long and the orgy starts around the 3/4 mark of this story. I would recommend that you should read heat 1 first which will help you understand the world this is based in, plus has much less talk before the orgy scene.

Heat 2

"Come in," Brian said as his door rattled with a rather petulant knock.

The door opened and a short brown rabbit entered, from the furious expression on his face the fox realised that this wasn't going to be a friendly visit.

"Hello Reg, how're things?" Brian asked his eyes fixed on the device on his desktop, his paws held a small electrical spanner.

"Don't you try the polite calm fox routine on me today, Brian. Do you have any idea what you've done?" The rabbit positively snarled at him. Brian looked up from his desk noticing the crumpled nature of Reg's dark blue suit, his white shirt straining to contain his growing belly. His chest heaving as he panted heavily causing his shirt to stretch even further his creamy belly fur poking out between the buttons.

Brian stood up and looked his boss in the eye. "I did exactly what you told me to do. I fired the person responsible for number three transmitter being down for over a month costing the company millions."

"Damn it Brian I said to fire the engineer who missed the fault not his supervisor and you know it!" The rabbit fumed his voice getting louder and higher pitched with rage.

Brian took a deep breath, he'd worked with Reg ever since he came to the planet and he knew that he wasn't a bad boss or a bad person. However, some days he could be a total ass and today was going to be one of those days. Fortunately Brian knew exactly how to take the fight out of his boss.

The fox picked up a sheet of paper off his desk and handed it to Reg saying. "Dale is a good diagnostic engineer, one of the best. If we want to find a way to combine the Polar's long range transmission technology, and the Canos high density array I brought with me to the Lapros base systems, we will need all the good engineers we can get."

"If he couldn't spot a fault, that would knock one of our transmitters down for six weeks costing the company millions of credits in lost custom, then what good is he?" Reg asked ignoring the sheet of paper he was offered.

Brian grinned like only a canine can knowing he was about to score the winning blow. "That is a report he filled in two weeks before the transmitter went down warning that the flux separator was wearing thin and needed replacing. He gave that to his supervisor who decided not to replace it as he didn't want to take the transmitter down for a day. I fired him for that error, if I had fired Dale when he did his job correctly then the company would have been sued for wrongful dismissal." The fox returned to his seat as he finished.

"Now just because his supervisor is the son of a board member does not excuse his incompetence. If the board doesn't like it they can fire me." Brian continued as the rabbit stood there mutely reading the document his anger deflating.

Reg finally sat down in the chair opposite "You'd love that wouldn't you, with the terms of your contract if they fired you, you'd be set for life."

The fox laughed "Hey, in my defence when I came here I helped you do something no-one thought was possible. With the Lapros and Canos technology combined this company gained a massive advantage over its rivals. I made this company the number one communications company in the known galaxy."

Reg smiled "And you're easy on the eyes too. Having an exotic offworlder like you in the company has been good for staff morale." Offworlders, being so exotic are highly sought after mates on Lapros. Brian had caught more than a few of his staff staring at his face or more often his ass. "Of course all our competitors have since copied us and our advantage is long gone. With all our rivals trying to crack the issue of combining the range of the Polar tech with the standard systems we created we may find ourselves falling behind soon."

Brian winced and waved the device he had been working on at Reg. "I'm trying my best boss we all are, but without a Polar communication engineer to explain the principles it's not an easy nut to crack."

It was Reg's turn to grin widely "Well then you are in luck one is arriving today, his contract isn't as good as yours but it's a close second."

The fox dropped the device onto his desk in shock. "A Polar is coming here! How did you manage that? With their religious beliefs I thought they would never set foot on this world." The Polars' main religion preached that homosexuality of any kind was an abomination and anyone caught was severely ostracised. The Lapros on the other hand was a species which due to its highly fecund nature had enforced homosexuality with heterosexual mating only for breeding. The law enforcing homosexuality had been repealed over a hundred years ago. However, the population remained largely homosexual.

"I asked the board the same question, you know what they said?" Reg asked leaning back in his chair, when the fox shrugged in answer he continued. "They told me not to ask. They also told me to make sure he gets an escort. They don't want the locals hitting on him and scaring him off the planet. At least not until we've got everything we need from him. Frankly after that I don't care if he freaks out and runs, I don't need another cocky offworlder with a golden contract."

Brian flashed the rabbit another grin "You know you'd miss me if I left."

Reg chuckled "You're probably right at that. We've arranged accommodation for our newest employee. I'll have the details sent to you soon. Get someone to the spaceport to meet him as soon as he arrives and make sure they know to keep him away from any lusting males."

"Not an easy task on this planet but I'll try."

Dale stared at the arrivals board at the spaceport intently, the shuttle had docked over ten minutes ago and yet there had been no sign of the polar. The tall black rabbit fidgeted nervously on the spot. Brian had wanted to keep him out of the building for a few days while the board member's anger mellowed. Still while he normally would relish the idea of escorting an offworlder, what he had heard of the Polars made him dread the next few days.

It was almost like he was being punished, he would have to escort some horrible bigoted brute around for weeks. Keeping away any horny guys making sure nothing upset the bigot for fear he leaves the planet, before they manage to pick his brain clean of all technical information.

He was dreading the next few days and weeks. He was sure they were going to be miserable. As the gates opened and the passengers started to flood out he found himself panicking that he wouldn't spot the Polar in the crowd and that he might slip past onto the streets.

A few seconds later he spotted the Polar and realised that there was no way he could have slipped past anyone unnoticed. In a sea of heads and bunny ears the Polar towered a clear head above the tallest rabbit. The bear had pure white fur, covering his huge frame. He wore a simple grey jumpsuit and was carrying a bag which against his frame looked tiny. Dale was surprised to see that he wasn't scowling or showing any outward signs of aggression or hate. In fact he had an awed smile on his face as he looked around wide eyed.

Taking a deep breath Dale stepped up to the bear and said "Hi, are you Benny? My name's Dale. I was sent to show you around." He offered his paw to the bear.

Benny reached down and gently took Dale's paw with his huge one. The rabbit couldn't help but notice how warm the bears paw was and how gentle a pawshake he gave.

"I greet you in friendship and respect." The bear smiled as he spoke, his voice was deep and richer than the finest dark chocolate. He spoke slowly forming each word carefully, speaking in the Lapros native language instead of basic.


The low rumbling of his rich voice combined with the warm paw and friendly smile made something within Dale stir. He had been preparing for someone unpleasant and unlikeable. Instead he heard the bear issue the traditional Lapros greeting in his native language, clearly the bear had been studying the rabbit's culture in preparation.

Dale realised that he had been silently staring at the bear for over five seconds. "I welcome you to my world. What's mine is yours". He replied with the traditional response smiling nervously as he looked up at the bear. "If you would like to come with me the company has rented you an apartment nearby."

Benny let go of his paw and nodded his agreement. "I need to go to baggage claim first."

"Oh right, guess it was rather silly of me to think you'd just bring one bag when moving planet" Dale mutter nervously. "I'll go get a trolley and I'll meet you at baggage claim."

"Ok." Benny said as he turned his impressively broad body and followed the signs towards baggage claim.

Dale found himself watching the bear walk away, he couldn't help but notice how the bear's hips swayed as he took slow purposeful steps. The bear's form towered above the rabbits around him, Dale found himself admiring the large fur. He was bulky but his broad shoulders and large height allowed him to carry the weight well. Still no matter how well his bulk fit his body Dale doubted that he would be able get his arms around the bear. He flushed a little as he realised he liked the idea of hugging the bear and nuzzling into the warm bulk.

Shaking his head clear he rushed off to get a trolley. He chided himself for ogling the bear and for having such thoughts. He was supposed to protect this sweet ursine from lusting rabbits not lust after the exotic creature himself. He found a luggage trolley and headed for baggage claim, he hoped that Benny didn't have too much luggage; his car didn't have much room.

He spotted the bear lifting two huge bags off the conveyor and gulped, knowing that there was no way he could fit both those bags and the huge bear into his car. However, as he watched he saw Benny placing the two bags on another trolley he was smiling and talking to a male rabbit. Dale saw the bear glance lower and then laughed bending over for a second when he stood up straight he had a rabbit kit in his paws. The huge creature placed the kit on top of the baggage with a chuckle.

Dale could see a number of male rabbits watching the bear, including the kit's father. He could see lust in the eyes of several and hurried over to the bear before anyone else chose to introduce themselves. As he arrived Benny was waving to the kit as he and his father left. In the bears paw Dale could see a card with the father's communication details.

"Here's the trolley where's your luggage?" He said putting on as friendly a smile as he could.

"Right here." The bear said placing his original bag onto the trolley.

"That's it?" Dale said in surprised exasperation. "You're moving planet and that one bag is all you brought with you?"

"I travel light."

"Then why did you come to baggage claim and why did you let me get this trolley?"

"I promised Max that I would help his daddy get his baggage onto the trolley. He and his father were in the cryo tubes next to mine." The bear answered in his measured rich voice. "I should have let you know that this was my only bag, but this is my first time on a different world and... "Benny paused looking down at his feet. "I was so fascinated with how this world feels I was too distracted to stop you. I am very sorry for inconveniencing you I will not let it happen again."

Dale couldn't help but smile at the bear with his ears down, hunched shoulders, issuing his apology with such a sincere tone. "I wasn't inconvenienced, just confused. There is no need to be sorry. We should get out of here and get you to your apartment."

Benny looked up again and unhunched his shoulders "Yes I would like to see my new home and more of your world. It looked so beautiful from orbit."

The rabbit turned still pushing the trolley and one bag as he lead the bear out. As he walked he contemplated how he was going to keep the bear from being hit on. It was clear that Benny had no idea of the social habits of the Lapros natives. It was also clear that he wasn't going to just stay in his apartment all the time. It was only a matter of time before some male made advances on the bear. That Max was just the first.

He lead Benny through the spaceport and out to the parking lot his mind racing with thoughts of how he might protect Benny. As he reached his car he realised that he had another problem. He looked at his tiny car and back at the giant bear. "I'll rent a convertible tomorrow. Sorry."

Benny looked at the car and back at Dale, his smile broadened and he started laughing. A deep belly laugh in his low rich voice the sound was almost musical and watching the bear Dale couldn't help but join in the laughter.

As the laughter died down Dale said "It's not too far away we could walk."

Benny patted the rabbit on the back replying "I would enjoy the chance to stretch my legs and see your world. Besides the gravity here is five percent less than my world, it feels really strange I could use a walk to get used to it."

Dale remembered that walk for the rest of his life, watching the bear's wide eyed wonder as he walked through streets on a different world. Benny wandered into almost every shop they passed and stopped to talk to dozens of different rabbits. However, Dale learned that he didn't need to worry about the bear getting upset or offended by anyone hitting on him. Benny was oblivious to even the strongest come on, he chatted away politely to anyone who showed interest until they gave up and went on their way.

With that weight off his mind Dale was able to relax and enjoy the company of the big bear. He found himself talking away, at first they discussed engineering and then Dale found himself telling the bear about himself. He didn't mention his love life, mostly because he didn't want to offend Benny and partly because there wasn't much to tell.

By the time they reached the apartment Dale was starting to have feelings for the large ursine. The apartment the company provided turned out to be huge, twice the size of Dale's own and fully furnished. Benny unpacked in less than ten minutes, a few sets of clothes and one picture was all the bear had brought with him.

Dale picked up the photo, it had two young Polars holding up a trophy. One looked like a young Benny the other was slightly taller, the two were holding the trophy together and smiling.

"This your brother?"

The bear looked at the photo and Dale was sure that he could see tears starting to build up. "No, he was my friend." For a few seconds the bear stood in silence looking at the photo before continuing. "He was... he died."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Dale said placing his hand on the bear's huge arm and squeezing.

The bear placed his huge paw on Dale's and put the picture down beside his bed. "You didn't, it was a long time ago. We were close, I keep this picture to remind me of the good times we had."

The two stood there silently for a few more seconds before Benny said "Is there anything to eat?" A quick check of the fridge and freezer in the apartment turned up a small lump of ice.

"There's a nice restaurant across the street" Dale suggested.

The restaurant was mostly empty when they arrived. They were shown to a table lit by four candles. As the waiter came to take their order Benny looked out at the other diners and nodded to a couple eating. "Are they eating their appetisers or the main course?" The bear asked the waiter, when the reply came that it was their main course, the bear ordered three appetisers and two mains for himself. He looked at Dale embarrassed "Sorry my people eat a lot more than yours."

Dale chuckled and ordered something for himself. "No need to apologise you order what you want."

The meal was very pleasant the two talked throughout, Benny talked about his childhood friend Chris. The two had grown up next door to each other and had been best friends their entire life. Benny told dozens of stories of their escapades.

As the waiter cleared away their dessert plates he asked if the couple would like some coffee to finish. Benny looked puzzled and glanced at Dale "What's coffee?"

"You've never had coffee before?" The rabbit asked in shock. "Ok you are in for a treat. Two espressos please."

The waiter wandered away and the bear leaned back in his chair "So this coffee is a dessert after dessert?"

"No, it's a drink. Trust me you'll love it." Dale said grinning as the waiter returned with two cups of espresso.

Benny picked up the cup very carefully with his thumb and finger, it was tiny in his huge paws. The bear sniffed at the black liquid and looked at Dale doubtful.

"It can be a little bitter until you get used to it, but it's a good bitter." Dale said taking a sip of his coffee.

The bear looked doubtful but tasted his drink after a little sip he quickly chugged the rest of the drink. "Mmm tastes odd, but nice."

Dale chuckled sipping his drink again savouring the bitter-sweet flavour. As he looked back at the bear he noticed that Benny was staring at his paws and blinking a lot.

"I feel funny, what was in that coffee?" The bear asked waving his paws in front of his face.

Dale looked confused "Just coffee beans and water."

Benny ran his tongue across his teeth as his gums started to tingle "I haven't felt like this since I scored some caffeine in high school."

The rabbit sat up in his chair his ears perked up and his eyes wide. "What do you mean scored some caffeine?"

The bear chuckled "I was just experimenting, don't worry I'm not an addict. Have we had dessert yet I could go for something sweet?"

Dale gulped slowly and asked "Caffeine is a drug to you?"

Benny didn't seem to notice the question he was still chuckling "My tongue feels funny."

Dale jumped up emptying his wallet on the table to pay for the meal he grabbed Benny by the arm and pulled the bear to his feet. "We should get you home."

The bear continued giggling as he got up "You have really big ears."

"Yes, yes I do." Dale replied as he led the bear out of the restaurant nodding apologetically at the waiter.

The bear placed a paw on Dale's shoulder and leaned down to whisper rather loudly "They are cute ears though."

The rabbit froze mid-step as he heard those words. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead was knocked over when Benny walked into him. The bear hadn't noticed the rabbit stop and had just continued.

Benny mumbled apologies as he picked the bunny up off the floor. Dale gasped as he found himself scooped up by two powerful arms. Benny muttered something about helping Dale as the bear stumbled through the doors of the restaurant bunny held to his large chest.

Dale found himself putting his arms around the bear's neck as he tried to regain his balance. The bear stopped and Dale found himself staring into the bears eyes for a moment, he blushed instinctively and looked away. "Hey big guy there's nothing wrong with my legs."

Benny chuckled "Nothing wrong with any part of you at all." The bear leaned down and placed the rabbit on the ground carefully. Then started stumbling across the street he was humming a tune as he did so, his body swaying a little.

Dale rushed after the bear grabbing his paw "Hey big guy, we'd better get you back to your apartment. There's no dangerous side effects from caffeine use right?"

Benny stopped humming and tried to focus "Yes, but not anymore." Was his cryptic answer then he looked up and added. "The stars are pretty on this world." The bear stood still head back gazing at the skyline with a frown. "They're not my stars though. I hope I get used to them."

The rabbit didn't get time to dwell on Benny's words as the bear suddenly started moving again this time in a straight-ish line towards his apartment. Dale rushed to keep up, taking the bear's arm and guiding him into his apartment and to his bedroom.

"I think you should get to bed, sleep this off. It's been a big day for you and tomorrow you have to get to work." As he talked he pulled the duvet back on the bed for Benny. Turning back to the bear his eyes were met with a delicious sight.

Benny hand managed to pull off his jumpsuit in the few seconds Dale's back had been turned. He stood there fully nude before the bunny, Dale couldn't help himself his eyes went down to the bears crotch. They found a very thick sheath and the largest balls he had ever seen. As Benny stumbled forward into the bed Dale stood to one side and ogled him greedily. He knew he shouldn't but the bear was really out of it, Benny probably didn't even notice and there is no harm in just looking at what's in front of him.

Dale slightly reluctantly pulled the covers over the bear who was already snoring. He allowed himself a moment of guilty pleasure, running his paw down the bear's chest and over his firm warm belly. Then forcing himself to stop he covered the bear entirely with the duvet and left the bedroom.

The rabbit decided that he should stay in case the bear needed him, plus his pants were seriously tented in reaction to the eyeful and pawful he had just gotten. He lay down on the sofa in the living room, getting as comfortable as he could. However, as soon as he closed his eyes his traitorous brain brought up images of the day, Benny smiling at him, laughing, standing there naked in front of him so dopey and innocent.

His cock was straining to break free of his pants and he knew that it wasn't going to go away until he did something to release the pressure. He didn't want to leave a mess or any telltale signs of what he was about to do so he tiptoed to the bathroom and locked the door. Slipping off his pants and underwear his cock springing free, he reached down and grabbed his hard throbbing maleness and leaned over the toilet.

He closed his eyes and the visions of Benny returned quickly. He pondered every detail of the bear's naked form, his large firm stomach, thick thighs, surprisingly pert buttocks and huge low hanging testicles. He remembered the strange but wonderful feeling of being carried in those arms. The slightly musky scent he had gotten as he had taken the dubious pleasure of secretly caressing the sleeping bear.

It had been six months since his last heat and he hadn't been with a guy in over two years. It took him just a few minutes of stroking for his balls to tense up as his cock pulsed spraying warm bunny seed into the toilet bowl beneath him. He stood there panting for a few minutes stroking his shaft milking out the last few drops.

Taking a deep breath he opened his eyes, he flushed the toilet and then quickly washed up before pulling his pants back on and tiptoeing back to the sofa. As he lay down he realised that his job of keeping horny bunnies off Benny was going to be really easy. Keeping himself off the bear on the other hand was going to be very difficult.

Dale awoke to a strange sound, the apartment was still quite dark and a quick check of his watch showed it to be 5am. Focusing on the sound that woke him he realised it was coming from Benny's bedroom. Getting up quietly he tiptoed to the bedroom door and very gently pushed it open.

The bear was sitting up in his bed, he was holding something in his paws, from the shape he guessed it was the picture Benny had brought from home. The sound that had woken him was the bear crying, he was sobbing heavily his huge shoulders shaking. He gently stroked the picture with one paw and Dale was sure he could hear the bear saying "I'm so sorry." Over and over again. Acutely aware that he was violating a very private moment Dale slipped away as quietly as he could.

Dale woke early the next morning, slipped out of the apartment and bought a bunch of pastries along with some warm milk for Benny and some coffee for himself. He hoped that the Polars didn't react badly to milk as well. He returned to the apartment to find Benny up and on the sofa looking a little lost.

"Morning Benny, how are you feeling?" Dale said trying to gloss over last night with cheerfulness.

Benny looked at him with a confused smile. "I feel good but I don't remember anything after I drank that coffee. What happened?"

"Yeah sorry about that, I didn't know that you guys reacted like that with caffeine. There are a few foods and drinks here that you should avoid. You didn't do anything really just carried me out of the restaurant, hummed a tune and stared at the stars. Then it was straight to bed. As drug trips go it was all pretty sedate and over very fast." Dale explained as he unpacked the pastries and put them on some plates.

"Wow that coffee must have had a really strong dose in it. Usually a caffeine trip can last hours before you pass out." Benny said as he got up and wandered into the kitchen eyeing up the pastries. "Not that I would know really I only tried it once and didn't much like it."

"Oh really, why not?" Dale asked as he handed Benny a plate of pastries.

Benny's expression caught Dale by surprise. The bear was downcast and seemed to be fighting back some tears. "Well, I just don't like to lose control and caffeine it makes you lose all your inhibitions. You can do and say some stupid things on a caffeine trip."

"Well here's some milk, no caffeine in this. Now we need to eat and get going soon. Big day ahead of you." Dale said trying to change the subject.

Benny's ears and shoulders perked up as he took the drink. They ate in silence for a few seconds.

"So how far have you guys gotten in combining our tech with yours?" Benny asked grateful for the change in topic.

The two talked over technical problems and issues for a while until they had finished breakfast. The cab turned up to take them to the office. Dale had asked the booker to send something large to ensure Benny could fit inside. The two talked engineering all the way to the office. Once there Dale gave him a quick tour and introduced him to all the engineers before heading for the daily brain storming team session.

The engineers clustered around a set of desks upon which sat a test rig. A working replica of the communications array components in miniature. The engineers could trial alterations on the test rig prior to making them on the communication satellite arrays in orbit. Usually they would only be there trying to solve some mysterious technical fault in the arrays. However, with the current race on to combine technologies they spent almost all day everyday brainstorming and trying everything the could think of on the test array.

Brian lead the session that morning which consisted of explaining to Benny exactly what they had tried so far. The bear sat quietly and listened to everything only speaking occasionally to ask a question to clarify a point. At the end of the session the bear walked around the rig examining everything carefully.

Benny looked at the fox and his bunny engineering team and grinned widely and then started laughing. It was a big belly laugh shaking his shoulders and forcing him to bend over grasping the table for support.

Brian was not happy his team had been working on this problem for months. Today was supposed to be the day they had a breakthrough. They finally had a Polar engineer to cover the third branch of technology to allow for a fresh perspective.

He walked up to the laughing bear fur bristling with rage. "Look the company spent a hell of a lot of money getting you here so you could help us. Not so that you could laugh your ass off. Now stop laughing and start helping or you are getting on the first spaceship out of here."

Benny slowly stopped laughing and stood up panting lightly. "I'm sorry, I think I'm still suffering from that coffee I drank last night. Although it is pretty funny."

Brian looked at Dale who said. "Caffeine is a narcotic for a Polar. I didn't know and bought him an espresso. I guess it isn't out of his system."

The fox gasped and clasped his paws to his face. "So today is just going to be a complete waste of time."

"I wouldn't say that. It's just you gave me a contract that pays me six times what I should be paid. Spent a fortune on an interstellar flight with cryo sleep and including several highly expensive cryo sleep education modules so that I speak the native language and understand Lapros technology." The bear was grinning and struggling to not start laughing again.

"None of that is funny to me." Brian snapped.

"It is when you know what I know." Benny said wiping a tear away from his eye.

"And that would be?"

The bear took a few steps down the test rig reached inside deftly removed one of the smaller Polar components. He grabbed a set of screwdrivers which looked tiny in his massive paws. Placing the tube shaped component on the table with surprising dexterity he quickly removed several tiny screws holding the device together.

He pulled a few of the internal components out and did something to each of them. His paws working so fast not even Brian who was leaning over watching very closely was sure he knew what the bear did. In less than a minute he had the component back together he reached into the test rig and slid the tube back into the slot he had taken it from. Benny smiled at the engineer who was working the controls for the test rig. "Try it now."

The rabbit looked at Brian who nodded and then started up the test procedure a few seconds later he looked up. "The signal is transmitting and being received, signal is holding steady with no signs of degradation."

For a few seconds nobody said anything every eye was focused on the bear every mouth open in slack jawed amazement. Benny to his credit suddenly felt very shy and embarrassed with so much attention focussed on him. "You see, Lapros technology works with a negative flow, Canos with a positive and Polar with alternating. You integrated our technology fine. However, you didn't adjust the Polar flow regulator to alternate flows from both negative and positive directions. So I just reversed half of the components inside the flow regulator."

Brian stared at the test rig and then at the bear his frown turned to a smile and his smile turned to a chuckle. "We've been working on this for months and all this time we had one of the basic components backwards?"

"Half backwards, just needed a minor tweak really. The rest of this work is brilliant. I mean you have done miracles getting these technologies to work together." Benny looked down. "You didn't really need me after all."

"Bugger that! I have a team of the best engineers on the planet working all day every day on this. Somebody who can walk in, get a small lecture in the project history, give it a quick look and then just fix it. That is somebody I want on my team." Brian said patting the bear on his shoulder.

The fox looked at his team. "Right, now that we got the test rig working we need to get this working on one of the communication arrays. Bob get array 3 offline, damn thing was due an overhaul anyway. Benny and Dale I want you two ready to fly in the next hour, we need to assess the real size rigs and figure out how to make this work. Benny we paid a lot of money to get you here, so far you have earned every single credit." He flashed Benny a smile and a wink. "Everyone else we need these components crafted in full size I want everyone working on this."

As the team filtered out Brian grabbed Benny by the arm "This caffeine thing isn't going to be an issue is it, you are good to go into orbit and work on the satellite right?"

Benny nodded "Yes my head is clear, I can work. I want to show that I am worth every credit. I have to make things work here."

The fox smiled and patted the bear on the arm "I think it'll work fine. Dale can I speak to you for a moment?"

Dale had been waiting patiently for Benny to one side looked surprised. "Sure boss."

Brian glanced at Benny "I need to speak to him in private please." Benny nodded and left the room, Brian gave Dale a frown. "Keep it in your pants."

Dale's jaw dropped "I wasn't planning on whipping it out."

"I know you weren't. I have lived here for a long time, married a rabbit. Hell I've been through heat every year with said rabbit." Brian paused to grin at the memories of the heat sessions he had been through. "I know your people as only an offworlder can. Which means I know that look you get in your eye when you look at him and I'm telling you to keep it in your pants."

Dale blushed deeply unable to look Brian. "I mean he's cute, so strong and yet vulnerable. I just can't help how I feel. However, I know what the Polar beliefs are and I have no intention of acting on my feelings or letting anyone else try. It's not easy though boss, I just want to put my arms around him and never let go."

Brian put his arm around the rabbit's shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze. "I know, believe me I wish you could. I'd love to see you with someone and I think he'd be really lucky to be with you. As your boss however, I need him here and working for us."

Dale nodded "I won't let you down boss."

"Ok go take Benny and get suited up. I want you two on the elevator within the hour."

The elevator was a small automated platform that ferried engineers to and from the various communication satellites. It was pressurised but for safety reasons all engineers were required to wear full spacesuits during ascent and descent. Benny was delighted to find the company had ordered a Polar sized suit just for him.

"Are you sure you're good to go Benny?" Dale asked as they finished suiting up.

The bear smiled at the concern of his friend. "I am fine, fully sober. I just felt embarrassed about laughing."

"Was it really that funny?" The bunny asked as they headed to the elevator.

"No, but I have been worried about today since I agreed to come. I was so nervous and worried that I'd not be up to the task, that I'd have to go back. Then there I was and the solution to the problem was right there." Benny sighed happily pulling on his helmet. "I was just so relieved I guess it just went to my head."

"Well it impressed me, I mean just a quick look and bam problem solved. I may lose my title as the best diagnostic engineer in the company." The bunny remarked as the two entered the small elevator travel pod. The pod was circular with a small control panel in the middle and a ring of seats around the outside, four small round windows showed the dingy hanger bay outside. Dale waved to Benny to sit down as he selected the destination and activated the one minute countdown.

"It just takes five minutes to get there and dock, but on the plus side you can get a good view of the planet and I love playing around in zero gravity." Dale said as the countdown hit zero. Thanks to the inertial dampeners they barely felt it as the elevator shot up into the air. "Not that I play around up there... much."

Benny watched out of the window as the planet shrank away quickly. He gazed at the blue and green ball beneath them and said. "You know Polar is mostly white, this world is much prettier from orbit." Dale noticed that the bear wasn't really talking to him, his voice was quiet and from the faraway look in his eyes Dale thought the bear was trying to convince himself. Guessing the bear was starting to feel homesick he kept quiet while the elevator docked.

As the elevator airlock opened and the two floated into the satellite. "Ok we need to figure out where in here we can install all the additional equipment we will need to get everything working."

The next few hours the two worked none stop, cataloguing the location of every component and assessing the space nearby. Dale found that Benny was not only a competent technician but highly agile in zero gravity. The bear moved gracefully from location to location, using only the gentlest of touches to propel himself from place to place.

As they finished Dale hit the recall for the elevator which had long since left on another job. "Looks like we have at least 10 minutes to wait, the elevator is in use."

Benny grinned "Great there is something I have been wanting to do." The bear touched off the airlock and floated to the far side of the satellite giving himself a good 10 meters of space to the door.

Dale watching in amazement as the bear touched off somersaulting across the satellite laughing as he did so. Benny stopped himself at the door laughing and shaking his head a little dizzy after the spinning. "I've been wanting to do that since we got up here."

Dale placed his helmet back on the hook next to Benny's and pushed off to the other end of the satellite saying. "I have to try that."

The rabbit jumped off spinning and chuckling as he did so. He misjudged his aim and missed the door bumping into the bear instead, who carefully caught him in his big paws.

They were both laughing muzzle to muzzle, Dale looked into the bear's eyes and before he knew what was happening his lips were pressed to Benny's. For a moment the bear responded leaning into the kiss and then as the elevator beeped to signal its arrival suddenly the bear jerked backwards. His face a mask of shock and horror, the bear floated back into the elevator.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Dale squeaked from inside the satellite. "I just... I mean... I..." He never got to finish the sentence, the floating bear landed on the control console and the elevator door closed and in a few seconds it was gone.

Dale floated there alone in silence blinking back the tears unable to believe how stupid he had been. He knew what the bear's reaction would have been, knew he shouldn't do anything. All he had to do was keep control of himself for a few days and he'd be over his crush. Now Benny was probably going to leave and when everyone finds out why he will be fired on the spot. What's worse he would deserve it, he was supposed to be the bear's guide and protector and what had he done? Stolen gropes when Benny was asleep and pushed himself on the bear the first chance he got.

He reached out and pushed the recall button for the elevator. He grabbed both his and Benny's helmets and headed back down to the planet. He headed into the dressing room hoping to find the bear still there so he could apologise and beg him to stay with the company. He would offer to quit if the bear stayed. He owed Brian that much after breaking his promise like that.

However, the changing room was empty except for a Polar sized spacesuit on the bench. He searched the building but couldn't find Benny. The security guard on the front desk told him the bear had left in a hurry. Dale called a cab and was on his way to Benny's less than five minutes after getting back planet side.

He ran up the stairs and right up to the bear's door, using the spare key he still had to let himself in, he found the apartment empty. He rushed back out and started wandering the streets looking for Benny. It should be easy to spot a seven foot tall bear in a city of bunnies, but he found no sign of Benny.

After several hours of searching he found himself back at Benny's apartment. It was still empty. Giving up on finding the bear he sat down on the sofa to wait. As he rested the emotions of the last few days finally caught up with him and he began to cry. Laying on the sofa hugging a cushion to his chest he wept for the loss of his new friend and his job. Eventually he fell asleep with his head resting on a tear soaked cushion.

Dale awoke when a paw gently shook his shoulder, he jumped a little at the contact and looked up to find Benny standing over him with a mug in each paw. The bear's eyes were red and the fur on his face looked matted. Dale realised he wasn't the only one to have spent some time crying.

Benny handed Dale a mug without saying a word. The bunny sniffed the mug, it contained warm milk he took a sip finding its warmth and mild flavour comforting.

The bear sat down on the sofa next to him sipping from his mug. Dale looked at Benny and managed to find his voice. "I am so sorry for what I did." He whispered hoarsely.

The bear sat there in silence and gave no sign that he heard the apology. Just as Dale was about to speak again Benny turned to him. "Do you like me?"

"No! I mean yes but..." Dale choked on his own words in the panic to try and find the right thing to say. "I find you... attractive and you seem like a very kind sweet guy. I think in a very short time I could develop some strong feelings for you. However, I promise I won't ever kiss you or do anything like it ever again. I'll quit my job and never see you again if that's what it takes to make you comfortable. Please don't go home on my account."

The bear gave a strange sad smile "Go home." From the tone Dale almost thought he was asking a question. The bear stood up "I need to get something." He announced before heading off to his bedroom, he returned a moment later with the photo he had brought from home he placed it on the coffee table facing them. Dale looked at it in confusion and then back up at the bear.

"This picture of me and my friend Chris, it's the only image of him left, the only proof that he existed." Benny said softly as he sat back down his eyes locked on the photo.

"I... don't understand." The bunny whispered hugging a cushion to himself for comfort.

"He was my friend, his family lived next door to mine. We grew up together, played together and looked after each other. He was the closest thing to a brother that I could ever have and a better friend that I could ever have hoped for." The bear's voice choked up a little as he spoke.

Benny paused for a moment and then spoke again he voice much stronger almost angry. "However, he committed a crime, one so abominable that his family disowned him, he was cast out to live on the streets begging for scraps. Do you know what his crime was?"

Dale guessed what the crime might have been his eyes couldn't tear themselves away from the picture and he couldn't bring himself to speak. His stomach twisted in knots as he waited for the answer.

"He kissed another boy, just like you kissed me." Benny continued his voice choking up again. "That boy was so shocked he told his parents what had happened, one day later Chris was on the street homeless, creditless and naked. In winter it can get down to minus ninety degrees in my home city. Even our dense fur can't deal with those temperatures. He died in less than a week."

Dale felt wetness on his cheek and realised he was crying, he still couldn't take his eyes off the image of the young bear. So happy and carefree with his friend, it was impossible to believe that such a sweet child had been left to die for just kissing a boy.

"I remember his funeral pyre, his body looked so small, his fur so dirty. Nobody had even bothered to clean him up, I could see the blood and the bruises." The bear's voice was strained, and higher in pitch as he fought the urge to weep. "They said it was the cold, but I could see the truth he was beaten to death. My parents and I were the only ones there for his pyre. I remember as the flames started to burn taking what was left of my best friend from me, my mother turned to me and said "remember this Benny, if you shame us like Chris did his family there won't be a body left to burn.""

Dale whined as he cried out "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Please I kissed you, your family can blame me."

The bear laughed bitterly, "Do you think my people don't know what your people are, what you do? They know and they hate you for it, with a passion burning hotter than any sun."

"I heard about a scout trying to recruit for this place... anyone talking to him was reported, investigated and some were even arrested. The only thing that saved your scout was that your company recruited a human and they are very protective over their nationals." The bear paused. "I knew this was a chance to escape. I was careful, I was so very careful, but eventually I made contact. I made an agreement and I knew what it meant."

Benny paused in his story and took a sip of his milk "All my life I have been looking for a way off my planet. I waited until I was in neutral space and then I sent my mother a message, I told her exactly where I was going. She disowned me, less than an hour later all my assets at home were frozen. I assume by now my parents have burned all my possessions and everything they could link to me. Even if I wanted to I can't go home again... ever."

The bear stopped speaking and his head hung and Dale could see more tears rolling down the huge ursine muzzle. The rabbit was stunned just as he mustered the courage to reach out to Benny, the bear looked up. "More importantly, I don't Want to go home." He spoke the words firmly and Dale wondered who he was really trying to convince.

"Chris wasn't evil, he wasn't bad, he was my friend and he didn't deserve what they did to him." Benny voice rose and Dale could hear the growling in his tones as the bear's anger took hold of him. "He was beautiful, kind, funny, smart and he deserved to live a long and happy life."

The bunny reached out placing a paw on Benny's forearm and squeezing. "I... I don't know what to say. I am so sorry."

The bear placed his paw over Dale's and squeezed in return. "You have nothing to apologise for. There's just one more thing you need to know."

"What's that?" Dale asked sliding closer to the bear trying to offer the comfort of a friendly presence.

Benny hung his head and his next words were whispered so quiet Dale had to strain to hear him. "The boy he kissed, who ran away and told his parents. The one who got him killed." The bear was breathing heavily and his words were said through tears in a voice that was half weeping already. "That boy was me. I did it, I killed him."

The bear broke down at that point hiding his face in his paws and sobbing uncontrollably, his huge shoulders shaking with each sob. Dale sat frozen for a moment with shock before he reached out, putting his arms around the bear and holding him. "It's not your fault, you were just a kid." He whispered as he rocked the bear gently, tears running down his own face.

After what seemed like hours but was probably just minutes the two stopped crying and just held each other. Benny looked into Dale's eyes. "So now you know everything and I just have one question to ask."

The rabbit sniffed a little blinking as his eyes felt raw but he felt strangely better the stress of the last day melting away. "What's that?"

"Do you still like me?" Benny looked up his eyes filled with a pleading hope.

Dale smiled and nodded "Yes, very much. In fact I think I could very easily grow to love you."

The bear smiled broadly, blinking back a few tears before he leaned forward pressing his lips to the bunny's kissing tenderly. Dale returned the kiss happily pushing forward, savouring the warmth and the sweet flavour. When the two finally parted Dale found himself unable to stop grinning. The bear turned sitting up and grabbed his mug finishing his drink. "I'm tired."

The bunny yawned and stretched "me too, it's been a long day."

"Time to get some sleep." Benny stood up as he spoke and wandered into the bedroom. A few seconds later he stuck his head out of the doorway "Are you coming?"

Dale practically leapt off the sofa his tired body suddenly full of energy "On my way." He half ran into the bedroom to find Benny already in the bed with the covers pulled back for Dale.

The bunny half jumped into the bed, the bear spread the covers over Dale and pulled the bunny into a warm hug. They lay nose to nose in each others arms gazing into each others eyes. Dale was amazed at the warmth of the bear's body, the feeling of his breath as flowed across his cheeks.

The bunny pressed closer placing his lips against the bear's for the third time that day, he closed his eyes and basked in the sensation as they kissed. He held himself close to the bear slowly deepening the kiss, slightly parting his lips and lightly sucking on Benny's lower lip. His paws stroked down the bear's back and then over his pert rump.

As his paws touched Benny's rear the bear pulled back from the kiss blushing deeply unable to meet Dale's gaze. "I've never... I mean Chris was the only other person I've ever kissed."

The bunny's paws slipped off Benny's rear and he reached out gently stroking the bear's cheeks. "It's ok sweetheart, we don't have to do anything until you are ready."

The bear nuzzled against Dale's paws and blinked back a tear "thank you."

The two lay together sharing sweet kisses and sweeter words, gently caressing each other. Benny grew more comfortable with each passing moment. However, the events of the day caught up with them both and somewhere in their warm embraces and tender kisses they fell asleep.

Dale woke first, finding himself still held inside the bear's powerful arms pressed against his warm body. He felt wonderfully rested and fresh. He lay still his eyes studying every detail of Benny's sleeping face. The bear looked peaceful, the worry lines of yesterday had faded, his fur no longer stained with the tracks of his tears.

The bunny wanted to stay in the bear embrace forever, to live pressed into the plush fur of the one he loved. However, a quick glance at the clock told him that their wonderful night together was about to end. He sighed a little consoling himself with a promise that this night would be the just first of many. He pressed forward placing a kiss on the sleeping bear's lips.

Benny woke with a jump almost pulling away before he realised what had happened and pressed into the kiss. "Good morning" he said as the kiss ended.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Benny yawned and rubbed his eyes with his huge paws "Very well, better than I ever have."

The bunny smiled and cuddled into the bear tightly. "Me too."

The bear put his arms back around Dale and hugged gently. "So what do we do now?"

"We get up, get washed, have breakfast and go to work." Came the slightly muffled reply as the bunny nuzzled into Benny's broad chest.

"I meant what do we do about us?"

Dale gave Benny a quizzical look. "I don't know what you mean. I don't think we need to do anything about us, we just go on with our lives, together."

"Seems too simple, I guess I was just expecting it to be complicated." The bear said as they both got out of the bed.

Dale laughed a lightly. "Oh believe me it's not simple. Better just to wait for the complications to be thrown at you by life than to actively go looking out for them thought."

Benny seemed to accept this answer, Dale jumped into the shower first. He wanted the bear to join him but felt it was too soon to ask. While Benny was showering he prepared some breakfast and ordered some transport. It wasn't long before they both arrived at work.

Brian held a quick meeting with all the technicians giving them all their assignments for that day. Benny was asked to help with the manufacturing of the Polar components. The company had bought copies of the technical schematics, however, with none of their technicians experienced in Polar technology Benny's expertise was needed. Dale was assigned to survey all the remaining satellites by himself and Brian asked him to stay behind after the meeting.

The fox waited patiently for the doors to close after the last of his technicians before turning on the rabbit. "You promised me you'd keep it in your pants, you ass." He half snarled.

"I... I tried and I mean we haven't ...we just snuggled." Dale stammered he'd never seen his boss this angry.

"No, you both skipped out on half a day of work to snuggle after you promised me you wouldn't do anything." The fox replied. "I had half the board visit me yesterday wanting to see the technician they spent so much money on. I had to tell them you were taking him on a tour of the warehouse downtown in preparation for today."

"Thank y..."

"Don't thank me!" Brian snapped. "If it happens again you will be out of a job. Is that understood?"

Dale shrank back a little "Yes Sir, I'm sorry I let you down."

The fox stood still for a moment taking several deep breaths. "Don't let it happen again, I don't want to have to fire one of my best engineers. So you two spent the night snuggling?"

The rabbit flushed a little the pink of his ears getting far darker. "Yes, he's so sweet. He told me about his world about his people. He can never go back you know, he's so worried he won't be able to make a life here. I think he may be the bravest person I have ever met."

Brian sat down and motioned for Dale to join him. "I assume you are going to pursue a relationship with him."

The rabbit sat down nodding as he replied. "Yes, definitely I want to be with him if he'll have me."

The fox leaned back in his chair, "Have you told him about your heat, about what is expected of him?"

Dale suddenly found himself unable to look the fox in the eye. "I... I hadn't thought about it, I just figured I'd tell him later once we were... closer."

Brian frowned at the bunny. "I know to your people there is nothing strange or unusual about your heat cycle. However, as an offworlder I found it hard to accept and what was especially hard was that Daniel didn't tell me until the day of his heat. It nearly broke our relationship, please trust me when I say you need to talk about this with him soon. Let him choose before he commits himself to you."

"Will you tell him if I don't?" The rabbit was shocked at himself he realised as he spoke those words how it sounded.

Brian frowned at him his face an expression of extreme disappointment. "No I won't, but he might find out somewhere else and it would be best if it comes from you."

Dale looked down at his paws "What if he chooses not to be with me?"

"It is better that he gets the choice now than when you have been together months and have shared everything except that. When he can really feel betrayed by what you did. By how you spent months hiding an important part of yourself . When he can question every action you have taken to make him love you as one of manipulation." Brian's voice sounded a little strained his eyes were focused on something in the distance. "Believe me if you are upfront about it now there is a risk it will stop your relationship before it starts. If you wait then you will both suffer when the truth comes out. At the very least there will be hurt feelings on both sides, at worst you will lose him after spending months falling deeper in love with him. You might lose him then not because of your heat but because he feels betrayed by you hiding it from him."

"I will tell him, I just hope he can understand." The rabbit whispered.

"I did." The fox smiled. "After all the tears and recriminations, after I had a chance to think and investigate heat. I must admit I actually look forward to the event these days. I spend my life among your people with sexy guys hitting on me all every day. It's nice and cathartic to get to cut lose once in a while. If he wishes to talk with an offworlder about it please let him know I will be happy to discuss it with him."

"Thank you, I appreciate your advice." Dale said standing up. "I should get to work."

"You are welcome for the advice, it's up to you if you follow it." Brian said standing up as well. "I'm here if either of you need to talk."

Dale spent the rest of the day thinking over what Brian had said. He could see the sense in telling Benny about his heat and how he would want the bear to join him for his yearly clinic session. However, he was worried that the bear wouldn't understand. Benny had already rejected so much of what his people believed could he really be expected to go one step further. The rabbit resolved himself to tell the bear everything, after all Benny had shared his own darkest secret at the risk of losing Dale. He owed it to the bear to show the same level of honesty and courage.

When he finished his shift he looked around for Benny, one of his co-workers advised him that the bear had headed home an hour ago. He left a message for Dale asking him to join him for the evening. Dale jumped into a cab and recovered his own car from the spaceport. He headed to his own home, changing into some clean clothes and packed himself an overnight bag. He worried that this might be a little presumptuous of him and decided to leave the bag in his car. He could retrieve it later if he needed it.

He arrived at Benny's apartment a short while later fully refreshed and ready for the evening. As the door to the bear's apartment opened Dale realised that Benny had been busy while he was gone. The apartment was looking far less barren, there were several landscape pictures on the walls a nice plush rug in the living room. The mantel over the fireplace had some candlesticks with lit candles. The bear was in the kitchen with an apron on while the apartment filled with the sweet smells of his cooking.

"Wow, you've really been busy. That smells wonderful what is it?" He asked stepping into the apartment.

The bear smiled "Gornash broth with freshly baked Snar bread, followed by Tzekth stew and winter roast vegetables. With ice drifts fudge cake for desert. Well at least I hope so I had to use Lapros ingredients for everything, I had to improvise but it smells like everything is a close replica."

Dale sat down at the table Benny had laid out. He took a slice of bread off the plate and sniffed it. It smelled lightly spicy and as he tasted it he found it wonderful. Nutty, but with a spicy aftertaste which left his mouth feeling warm but not burning. He found himself reaching for a second slice without realising it.

"Don't fill up on bread, there's plenty to follow the broth is almost ready." The bear said as he stirred a large pot.

"What made you do all this?" Dale asked gesturing at the table and the kitchen.

The bear shrugged, "I spent most of yesterday telling you of all the bad things about my world and my people. I just wanted to show you that there are some good things to my people too."

"And that means food?" the rabbit asked with a smile.

"Mostly but you tell me" Benny said as he placed a large bowl of broth in front of Dale.

The meal was amazing, Dale loved every bite although by the end of the meal he was feeling rather stuffed.

"So can everyone on your world cook like that?" He asked leaning back in his chair his paws resting on his fully stomach.

"Well we do get taught how to cook at school. I always enjoyed cooking it gave me time to think." The bear said as he stood in the kitchen placing dishes into the washing unit.

Dale stood up and moved to the more comfortable sofa saying. "Well, I must say I could get used to eating food like that."

"I hope so." Benny said matter of factly as he joined the rabbit on the sofa.

Dale's ears flushed deeply at the implication of the bear's simple statement. "So anything else I should know about your people."

"Apart from the cooking and the religious intolerance? Nothing much really, although I probably should tell you about our sleeping habits." As he spoke he put an arm around Dale and pulled the rabbit against him.

"Sleeping habits?" Dale asked as he found himself nuzzling into the bear's thick neck, enjoying the musky scent of his skin the plush feeling of his fur.

"Yeah every year we hibernate for a month. On our world the middle of winter is so bad most creatures sleep through it. So every year I'll go into a hibernation, I'll just curl up and sleep for about thirty days." The bear said as he nuzzled the black rabbit's neck in return, giving it a light nip. "I hope that's ok."

Dale gasped at the nip nipping the bear's white neck in return "That's ok, although I think I'll miss you. Can I sleep in with you every night during your hibernation?"

Benny chuckled kissing Dale's neck as his paws started to caress down the bunny's back. "I'd love that, although remember thirty days no shower. You may not want to crawl into my nest every night."

"Point taken, I'll play it by ear then." Dale replied as he nuzzled against the bear's ears, lightly blowing warm air into them.

The bear growled softly reaching up with one paw running his thick fingers around the lapine ear. "By your sexy ears."

Dale gasped and shivered as the bear's fingers caressed his sensitive ears. He knew that he should tell Benny about his people and their yearly heat. He just wanted to enjoy the warmth and closeness a little longer. He kissed Benny tenderly, the bear's paw on his ears slipped down onto his head and the bear returned the kiss with a growing passion.

With the bear's paw holding him close Dale couldn't break the kiss if he wanted to and he didn't want to. His tongue pressed greedily into the bear's muzzle tasting and exploring the ursine's warm depths. His paws slipped around the bear's neck holding him close. He knew he should stop now and tell Benny but as he prepared himself to break the kiss the bears large paws stroked across his rump and squeezed. All thoughts of talking things through left his mind.

Benny was the one who broke the kiss, looking up with love and lust at the rabbit now sitting astride his stomach. "I thought about you all day, I'm not ready to do... everything. However, I would like to try some things." The bear was blushing deeply as he spoke, Dale leaned down and placed a light kiss on his lips.

"We can take things as far as you feel comfortable with." The rabbit said as his paws stroked down the bears chest and stomach ruffling his jumpsuit as he did so. Benny gasped softly, his own paws slipping under the rabbit's shirt stroking the fur and slowly lifting the material. Taking the hint Dale quickly pulled off his shirt.

The bear smiled his large white paws stroked over Dale's slim figure his thick fingers brushing lightly over his nipples as the bear caressed his chest. "You are so beautiful." The bear whispered in awe.

Dale pressed into the exploring paws, enjoying the feeling of those powerful hands running so gently over his body. He looked down into the bear's awed face and smiled "You are beautiful too." He reached for the zip on the bear's jumpsuit and pulled it down exposing the white fur of his chest and stomach. Slipping his paws inside he started to pull the top half of the jumpsuit off the bear.

The two continued to explore each others bodies, each enjoying the feel and touch of the other. The room filling with soft moans, deep gasps and lustful growls. Before long Dale had to stand up, his pants had become far too tight. He slipped them off revealing his more than modest erect bunny cock. It bobbed between his legs, pink and smooth just above two orbs covered in velvet soft black fur.

The bear stared once again in pure awe at the sexy young male in front of him. His eyes fell to the pink meat between Dale's legs and he found himself leaning forward. His paw reaching out stopping a few centimetres from Dale's maleness he looked up guiltily realising he had not spoken a word. "I've never touched another male before, may I?"

Dale chuckled and nodded making his penis bounce slightly "I would love to feel you touching me" he whispered. Then gasped loudly as strong bear fingers brushed down his cock. The bear used both paws fingers caressing over every single inch of his shaft. Lightly stroking the head, Dale found himself moaning and gasping loudly in pleasure. He shuddered deeply as the bear's touch sent waves of pleasure through his body his cock jumped a little letting loose a few drops of pre.

Benny caught the drops of pre on one thick fingertip, lifting it to his muzzle he sniffed it. Before Dale could say a word the bear put the finger in his mouth sucking it clean. Benny smiled and leaned further forward his muzzle just a few inches from the rabbit's meat. He caressed the shaft and cradled Dale's balls in one paw.

Dale gasped and panted loudly he could hardly believe that the sexy bear's muzzle was just a few inches from his shaft. He could feel the warmth of his breath flowing over his throbbing member. He wanted to thrust into that warm muzzle to feel those wonderful lips around his throbbing meat. However, he knew that this was Benny's first time and he held himself back, letting the bear explore him at his own pace.

He didn't have to wait long, he watched as the bear leaned closer and then gasped loudly as a thick, velvety, moist and warm ursine tongue lapped across his cocktip. The sensations coursing through his body made his toes curl into the plush rug, his cock sprayed a few more drops of pre onto the ursine's tongue. He opened his mouth to speak some words of encouragement but instead cried out loudly as the bear's muzzle dove forward taking the full length of his cock into its warm depths.

His paws caressed Benny's ears as he forced himself to hold still, fighting the urge to mate the wonderful warm tunnel around his cock. The bear's thick tongue was writhing against his hot sensitive flesh making him gasp. He felt two strong paws gripping his rump and then cried out as the muzzle around his cock pulled back and then thrust forward.

Benny didn't stop there his head continue to bob on the hot pole, suckling firmly as his tongue lapped up drops of pre as they flowed freely. Dale's gasped and moaned, finding it hard to breath as waves of pleasure washed from his cock through his body. His trembling paws rested on the bear's shoulders for support, as his legs started to fail under him.

He looked down watching his thick pink cock sliding in and out of the bear's muzzle. The image of the sexy bear servicing his manhood was too much for him he felt himself pass the point of no return. "I'm going to cum." He managed to whisper in warning, however it seemed to make no difference to the bear his muzzle continued to work on the bunny meat. Dale cried out the bear's name as he came, his whole body shuddering as his cock pulsed sending jets of warm bunny spunk into the bear's warm maw.

The bear continued to milk his shaft with his tireless muzzle only pulling off once the flow of bunny cream had stopped. Dale's ears managed to pick up the soft sound of the bear swallowing. He stood there his paws resting on the bear's strong shoulders trying to stay on his feet. Benny looked up at him a little worried "Did I do it right?"

Dale blushed deeply, embarrassed that he had lasted such a short time. "You did it perfectly." As his strength started to return he looked down lustfully into his bear's eyes. "Now it's your turn."

Benny struggled to his feet and Dale helped him remove the rest of his jumpsuit. The bunny motioned to Benny to sit back down as he slid to his knees between the bear's legs. He ran his paws up the bear's inner thighs and marvelled at the sight before him. Benny's cock was fully erect, jet black against his white fur with a spicy and musky scent. It was as long as his own, but thicker than any cock that Dale had ever seen. It rested above two huge furry orbs, he gulped slightly thinking of the volume of spunk that the bear could store inside those.

His fingers ran slowly over the bear's inner thighs making the ursine groan softly. He let his paws move slowly up the bear's thighs and onto his crotch. Both paws gripping around the thick, hard and hot meat length. The bear moaned deeply as the bunny's paws slowly stroked up the thick shaft. Dale marvelled at the bear's maleness, it was so beautiful, shining in the candlelight as drops of pre were spread across the length. He loved how solid it was in his paws, so firm and powerful. He shuddered a little at what it would be like to be taken by the bear, the ursine strength being put behind that hard shaft as his ploughed inside him.

The bunny moved his muzzle forward inhaling deeply, his head going dizzy with the smell of the bear's musk. The world seemed to melt away there was nothing in it but his muzzle and the huge lump of meat in front of it. He closed his eyes and pressed forward lapping his tongue all around the head of the bear cock. He got a few drops of pre onto his tongue and the deepest lust-filled groan he had ever heard groan from the bear in response.

The taste of the bear meat was wonderful very different from all the other cocks he had tasted, much stronger in flavour with a spice that actually warmed his cheeks. He pushed forward taking the thick cocktip into his muzzle suckling firmly his tongue lapping all around the tip. Licking it clean of the spicy pre he worked the shaft with both paws.

He pushed forward taking as much of the bearhood into his muzzle as he could sucking firmly on the shaft. Benny groaned deeply above him, as he let his paws slip down and gently cradled the bear's huge orbs, one in each paw. He stroked them gently with his fingers as he started to bob his muzzle on the thick pole. Loving the way it felt against his tongue and inside his muzzle.

He felt two bear paws stroking his ears lovingly and then down to caress his cheeks. He continued to bob his muzzle pressing as much of the thick meat between his lips as he could. His muzzle moving faster and faster, he could hear Benny panting and see the huge bulk above him rising and falling. He knew the bear was enjoying the treatment.

Closing his eyes he focused on the cock in his mouth, working his tongue along the length as best as he could. He felt the balls in his paws lift and heard Benny's loud gasped warning "I'm going to cum." Much like the bear he had no intention of pulling off, he suckled harder and moved his muzzle faster. He was rewarded with a loud bear roar and a thick jet of bear seed, it filled his muzzle in the first blast. Much thicker than bunny cum and far more strongly flavoured, he swallowed what he could as a second jet started to flow. The bear's cream burst out of his muzzle after the third blast as he could not keep up with the flow.

He sucked and swallowed as best he could, his chin and neck got soaked with the bear cum that leaked out. As the flow of cum stopped he slowly pulled off, licking the softening bear flesh clean. He looked up at Benny and smiled asking "Did I do it right?"

The bear chuckled softly before replying "You did it perfectly."

Dale stood up, wiping his chin and neck which were still soaked in the thick deeply musky cum of his now lover. "It's getting late, we should get some sleep. Long day ahead of us tomorrow." He said and Benny agreed, the two made a quick stop at the bathroom to get washed before heading to the bedroom and snuggling up close.

As he cuddled into the large bear, nuzzling into the soft fur he heard Benny whisper. "I love you."

His heart leapt into his mouth and he replied "I love you too." It was a perfect moment, being held safely in his ursine lover's powerful arms surrounded by his warmth and love. It was then that he remembered Brian's advice to tell Benny about his heat before the bear fell in love with him. He suddenly felt sick to his stomach as he realised he had done what he promised himself he wouldn't. He'd gotten the bear to love him before he knew the whole truth.

The next day at work after the daily briefing he asked Brian if he could talk with him. He told the fox what he had wanted to do and what had happened instead.

"You really are an ass Dale. Look it's not too bad and it certainly isn't too late to do the right thing. Tell him tonight and if he would have understood yesterday he should understand today."

"Just like that?"

The fox shrugged, "There is no way to hide this forever. If you tell him now he will hopefully understand. The longer you wait the more betrayed he will feel and the greater the chance you will lose him."

"Right then, tonight I bunny up and tell him." Dale said resolutely.

"If he doesn't accept you then I think he'll be making a huge mistake." The fox said placing a comforting paw on Dale's shoulder.


That day Dale found himself thinking about Benny and the conversation they had to have constantly. He practiced lines in his mind, imagining the bear's reaction. He guessed the bear would be shocked, it's not easy thing to understand for someone not born on Lapros to understand. Given the Polars ultra conservative attitude it might be too much for the bear. He decided that he wouldn't ask the bear to join him, that would be asking too much. All Benny had to do was accept that Dale needed to do it and that no matter what his body needed his mind desired only the bear.

As the day ended the two travelled home together, Benny heated up the broth and stew explaining that Polar food got better with every heating. Dale had to admit both the stew and broth tasted much better although he had preferred the bread freshly baked. After the meal they both moved to the sofa, Dale sat a little away from the bear not wanting a repeat of the previous evening. At least not before he got the truth off his chest.

"Are you ok? You've been very quite tonight." Benny asked his voice filled with concern.

"I'm ok, it's just there's something I need to tell you." Dale said looking down at his feet unable to face his lover.

"You... you do still want to be with me right?" The bear's voice wavered slightly as he asked the question.

"Yes! yes I do with all my heart. It's just I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you before we... became a we." Dale said hanging his head his ears drooping. "It's about us Lapines."

"It can't be that bad then, so far I have loved everything about your world, your people and you." The bear said calmly placing a reassuring paw on the bunny's shoulder.

Dale looked up at the bear and smiled sadly. "I hope you can accept this about us. We have this thing, sort of like your hibernation. Each year we hit a period where our bodies start producing large amounts of hormones. It'll keep producing them until they actually reach toxic levels and can actually kill us. In order to stop producing these hormones we have to go through what we call our heat..."

"That's where you go into a room with lots of other bunnies in heat and let nature take its course right?" The bear asked the stunned bunny.

"You... you know?" He asked in a hoarse whisper his eyes locked on the bear's face.

"Oh yes, I read about that while at the Earth spaceport waiting for the ship to Lapros." The bear said with a smile.

"You know that you are supposed to come in with me right?" Dale asked, he had prepared for the bear to be shocked and part of him was determined to push this until he got the shock he prepared for.

"Yes, I'm aware that mated couples always go into heat together and that offworlders are allowed in with their mates. You're not about to enter heat now are you?" The bear asked concerned.

"No, my heat is not for at least five months." Dale replied his head still spinning.

"I think I'll be ready by then." Benny said with a relieved sigh. "So was that all you had to tell me?"

"Yes, that was pretty much it." The rabbit replied his voice filled with relief.

"Then why don't you come over here where I can cuddle you?" The bear asked with a sly grin.

The bunny laughed and slid across the sofa, putting his arms around the bear and hugging tightly. "You are so amazing."

Benny caressed the bunny's cheeks with both paws pulling him into a tender kiss replying. "So are you."

Dale enjoyed the gentle kiss, letting his lips linger as the worry of the last day slipped away. As their lips parted he chuckled saying "I'm going to kill Brian tomorrow for worrying me like that."

The bear smiled as he replied. "I'm sure he had your and my best interests at heart. Had I not known before hand it would have taken a lot of explaining. I can understand how it's best to do that early on. Thank you."

Dale looked confused "why are you thanking me?"

"For opening up to me about something so personal, it must have been very worrying for you not knowing how I'd react." Benny answered as he lightly squeezed the bunny in his arms.

The rabbit blushed slightly. "I want to share everything with you." He whispered and then kissed the bear again. The two held the kiss for much longer this time the bear's paws slipped down Dale's back and over his buttocks.

As the lips parted again Benny found himself unable to look Dale in the face. "What's it like?" He asked in a whisper.

With the bear's paws resting on his rump Dale was sure he knew what the bear was asking. "It's nice, can be painful, but with a caring partner it's wonderful."

The bear still couldn't meet his gaze as he whispered. "I think... I'd like to try it, if that's ok."

Dale's grin practically beamed as he caressed the bear's face with both paws. "Of course that's ok, it's beyond ok it's awesome." The rabbit jumped to his feet feeling his erect cock straining in his pants. "Come on, I'll show you." He said excitedly pulling Benny up by the paws. He grabbed a few items from his overnight bag as he lead the blushing bear to the bedroom.

He quickly pulled off his shirt and made a slight show of slowly pulling down his pants. His tail slipping free first as the rabbit bent over in front of the bear, showing off his pert black buttocks. Benny found himself staring at the perfect rump in front of him, unsure what to do he stood still and just watched.

Dale looked up and smiled wriggling his butt for a moment before standing up, showing off his fully erect maleness. "Now, lets get you out of that jumpsuit."

Before the bear could move the bunny's paws were already on him, pulling down the zip to his jumpsuit. The paws slipping inside to caress his stomach and then slide lower down to fondle his crotch. Dale smiled finding the bear's thick cock already half hard.

With just a few seconds of stroking the bear's meat became fully hard in his paw. Dale helped the bear to fully remove his jumpsuit. Taking the bear's big paws he pulled them around him and placed them on his buttocks. "Are you ok sweetheart?" He whispered looking up at Benny's worried face.

"I'm ok. It's just... are you sure I won't hurt you?" The bear asked, keeping his paws on the bunny's rear but looking down into Dale's eyes with concern.

Dale smiled "You are a very big boy. But, it'll be ok, we'll get me fully ready to take you before we do anything. I've done this before, if it starts hurting I'll tell you to stop ok. I won't let you hurt me so don't worry about it, ok?"

Benny nodded, "Ok, tell me what to do."

The rabbit handed the bear a tube of lubricant saying. "Spread this over two fingers, make sure you use plenty."

Benny did as the rabbit ordered spreading a rather large amount of lube over two of his fingers, as the rabbit bent over the bed lifting his rump and spreading his legs exposing his pink tailstar.

"Ok, now with your middle finger gently rub my tailhole, don't push in yet just rub it." The bunny asked, shaking a little as he realised what was about to happen. Benny's cock is far thicker than any he's ever taken outside of heat. However, Dale desperately wanted to show Benny how great anal sex could be.

Benny reached out carefully, touching Dale so carefully that the rabbit could hardly feel any pressure. "That's nice, push a little harder." The bunny asked, moaning softly as the bear complied. The thick ursine digit rubbing around his tailstar coating it in lube.

"Oh, much better, now very slowly push your finger tip inside."

The bear could hardly believe what he was doing, his eyes remained fixed on the bunny's rump. He loves the smooth curves, the sexy black furry nutsack between the rabbits legs and the occasional glimpse of the hard drooling pink bunnyhood. His own cock was rock hard and drooling between his legs as he pushed, gently at first and then more firmly until his fingertip forced its way past the bunny's tight ring.

Dale gasped softly at the thick bear fingertip invading his rear. "That's good, now slowly slide your finger all the way in." The bunny ordered whimpering softly as the thick finger pressed inside him. Benny stopped pushing with his finger buried fully inside his lover, the hot bunny rear clenching around him.

"Ok, good. Now twist your finger around, it feels good so far I just need you to stretch me a little more." Dale whispered groaning lustfully as he felt the bear twisting his digit around inside him. It had been a long time since anyone touched him this way. The bear was so gentle but Dale could feel the brute strength behind the control and knew that if he wanted Benny could really hurt him.

"That feels really good. Now I want you to push your other finger in slowly."

Benny very slowly pressed his other slick digit into the bunny, this one met much less resistance thanks to the stretching of his first finger and the generous amount of lubricant coating the bunny inside.

"Oh... yes. That's good now twist both fingers, move in circular motions." Dale found himself pushing back against the bear fingers it had been too long since someone touched him this deep. He found himself desperate to feel the real thing. "Almost ready for the real thing, just a few more seconds, twist and thrust with your fingers."

Benny couldn't believe how aroused he felt as the bunny before him, moaning and pushed back against his thrusting fingers. His cock was aching with need, his mind filled with wondering of what it would feel like to thrust more than his fingers into the tight rump in front of him.

Dale gasped loudly, his cock jetted a stream of pre onto the bed. "Ok... that's enough, I want you to get a good pawful of lube and spread it over your cock. Once you are nice and slick I want you to take your cock in one paw and guide yourself to my pucker. I'll have closed back up a bit by then so you'll need to use a little force to get yourself inside. Once you get your cockhead in it should be smooth sailing. If I say stop you stop ok?"

"Ok", Benny replied his voice trembling with excitement as he pulled his fingers out of the rabbit and coated his cock with large volume of lubricant. He did as Dale ordered, guiding his cock with one paw until he found the rabbit pucker in front of him. He held his cock as he pressed forward. The rabbit's pucker resisted as he thrust and he found himself needing to use some brute force, thrusting forward harder than he meant to the bunny beneath him whimpered. "Are you ok?"

Dale panted softly as his body adjusted to the sheer thickness of the bear's hot length. "I'm ok, I just wasn't prepared for you to thrust that hard. It feels good to have you inside me keep going."

Benny started thrusting forward again, much slower this time his paws gripping the rabbits hips as he sank his length into the Dale's rear. The sensation of hot bunny rump gripping his length was more wonderful than he ever imagined. The first thrust seemed to last forever, finally he felt his hips resting against Dale's.

Dale bit the blanket beneath him as he felt the bear's thick meat pressing into him. The cock seemed to get thicker with every millimetre as the ursine forced his cock deeper into the bunny. It was hurting but not too bad and Dale didn't want to ask Benny to stop for fear of scaring the bear. He moaned deeply with relief as he felt the bear's hips meet his as the ursine meat hilted inside him. "Ok, s... stop there. Let me get used to you. Then when I tell you pull half out and thrust back slowly."

Benny only half heard the words being spoken to him, his head was swimming in sensations as the bunny's rear squeezes, spasmed and clenched around his thick length. At Dale's instruction he pulled halfway out before thrusting forward again, this time his meat slid in easily and he found himself dizzy with the feelings as his thick length forced its way back into the bunny.

Dale gasped loudly as the bear slid in a second time, the pain had faded and the second thrust filled him wonderfully. He loved the feeling of the thick hard bear cock filling him, the warm strength of his lover behind him. Before he could give Benny any further instruction he felt the bear already pulling back.

The bear's cock was screaming to him to do it again, faster. Unable to ignore the urges and needs rising inside him he pulled back, this time thrusting forward much faster and with enough power that his hips thumped hard against the rabbit's.

Dale squealed a little gasping and gripping the bedcovers as the bear's third and most powerful thrust. "Oh... that was good, don't stop." He begged and Benny obeyed his hips moving constantly now building a steady rhythm obeying his own instincts. The bear mated the bunny, his cock reaming the tight bunny rear with growing speed and strength.

Dale closed his eyes reaching under himself and grabbing his own needy cock stroking it as the bear behind him grew in confidence thrusting harder and faster. The bed rocked heavily with each thrust, the ursine's hips now pounding heavily against his bunny buttocks.

Benny leaned over the bunny his mind lost in a whirl of pleasurable sensations he gave in to his animal urges, mating the rabbit with a desperate and fierce animal lust. His cock spearing deep inside the bunny again and again as he felt the need to orgasm building inside him.

The rabbit moaned and gasped with every thrust, loving the feeling as he is stuffed again and again with thick bearmeat. His orgasm built inside him fast and before he realised it his cock erupted as he cried out his entire body convulsing from the strength of his orgasm.

The bear roared as the bunny rump around him suddenly clenched down tighter than ever sending him spiralling over the edge. His cock sprayed several thick jets of bear cream deep into his lapine lover. His hips kept pounding away as he pumped every last drop of his seed deep into his lover's rear.

Eventually the bear pulled out of his lover and flopped down across the bed panting heavily, his mind still spinning. "Wow... That was... Wow."

Dale chuckled as he panted "Yeah that was pretty wow alright."

"I didn't hurt you did I?" The bear asked his voice heavy with concern.

"No you didn't hurt me, you were perfect. It might take my toes a few hours to uncurl though." Dale replied rolling over to hug against the bear. He ran his paws across the bear's cheeks looking into his eyes. "I love you." He whispered softly kissing the bear before he can respond.

The next five months were the best of either of their lives. Benny gave up his apartment and moved in with Dale. The two learned from each other, grew closer as a couple and grew to know each others bodies with the intimacy only a truly caring lovers can. The company announced the successful patent for the new communications technology gaining them both a large bonus and securing their jobs.

Then Dale felt the telltale warnings of his impending heat. He discussed this with Benny, the two agreed a date and time when they would travel to the heat clinic together. The car ride to the clinic was strangely quiet Benny seemed to be lost in thought. "Are you sure you are ready to go through with this sweetheart? You could miss this one and come next year if you think it's too soon."

The bear smiled and patted the rabbit's shoulder. "No, I am ready. Just it'll be weird to be with someone who isn't you."

"Don't worry, you get to be with me first and before long it shouldn't feel so weird. Brian said when he hits his heat he behaves just like we do, no nerves and no second thoughts. I wonder if you'll remember, some offworlders do, others forget like we do." Dale chatted away wondering who he was trying to reassure his bear or himself. He wanted this to be a good experience for Benny, something he would want to join in every year.

They had spent a little time with Brian and his mate Daniel talking through their experiences and the fox had given the bear a few tips that he thought might help. The fox explained that the air was saturated with hormones and if he didn't swallow he would eventually breath in enough to trigger his own heat. However, the easiest way for the bear to start his own heat was to give oral early and to swallow.

"I'm not sure I want to remember anything but being with you to be honest." The bear said quietly then added. "If you can't remember it would seem unfair for me to."

"I don't mind if you do or don't. You don't have to do this you know." Dale said again as they pulled into the car park.

As the car parked the bear leaned over and kissed Dale on the cheek. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. I have to try this at least once."

The rabbit turned and kissed him on the lips saying "Thanks for understanding."

"Besides you offered to sleep with me every night during my hibernation I assume that should make us even." The bear said getting out of the car.

"It's hardly the same thing sleeping with a sexy sleeping bear and going through heat." Dale replied with a chuckle locking the car.

As they walked to the door to the heat clinic the bear chuckled. "You know Polar couples who wish to have children hibernate together to ensure conception." The bear winked as he finished speaking and pushed his way inside leaving a shocked rabbit in his wake.

Quickly following the bear inside he spoke to the receptionist giving his name and details and confirming that Benny was his mate. They were processed in a few seconds and then off to the changing room. As they entered Benny felt dozens of eyes turn to him. There were about twenty rabbits inside the changing rooms, some getting dressed glanced at the bear and swore quietly to themselves. Others getting undressed were grinning, nudging and whispering to each other.

The bear looked to his mate who shrugged and grinned. "Last year if I'd seen someone like you walk in on my heat clinic I'd have been excited too." Dale whispered to him as he guided the bear to a pair of lockers and started to strip, placing his clothes in the locker.

Benny started to follow the rabbit's lead much to the pleasure of the other locker room occupants most of whom had stopped to admire the exotic offworlder.

Dale took the keys from the two lockers and placed one around his own neck giving the other to the bear. "Just remember if you want out press the key and head to the door. No-one will stop you."

Benny placed the key around his neck and leaned down to whisper "I don't think any of you are physically capable of stopping one of my species going where we wish."

Dale chuckled "True but there will be dozens of us and not one will want to see a sexy thing like you walking away."

The two turned to the door which lead to the next room, noticing that most of the bunnies were standing around naked and ready but not moving. Brian had warned them about this. Most would want to be in either just before or just after Benny with the express hope of getting some memorable time with an offworlder. The two held paws and stepped into the corridor a couple of the bunnies jumping in just before them and the rest pushed and shoved in a crowd through the door trying to get in as close to the offworlder as possible..

They proceeded to the blood screenings and both passed quickly. Benny was aware of much pushing and shoving in the corridor behind him as a few rabbits tried to get a place or two closer to him. Reaching the waiting room the female guard gave them both a ticket. Numbers sixty seven and sixty eight, Dale took the lower number he wanted to be inside before Benny.

Stepping into the waiting room, casting their eyes around to find a unexpected face. They both stood there shocked as Brian waved them over to where he sat with Daniel.

"What are you doing here boss?" Dale whispered.

Brian smiled and replied. "Looks like you and Daniel are on the same heat cycle."

Daniel waved "Hi, nice to see you again, I have spent a lot of time working with my new assistant lately too much contact with someone on a different cycle has brought mine forward. I only realised a few days ago"

"Hi." Benny said with a wave before muttering. "This is going to be weirder than I thought."

The fox flashed a grin at them both. "What happens in the heat clinic stays in the heat clinic. We're just two couples who happen to have heat at the same time. Besides we are just about to head in you two will have a bit of a wait. We may not even cross paths."

One of the guards called out for number fifty five Daniel stood up "That's me." He gave Brian a kiss on the cheek and winked at Dale and Benny. "See you on the other side."

With that he was gone, Brian gazed around the room at the grinning rabbit faces. Taking a moment to slyly check out his two employees, his eyes went wide when he looked between Benny's legs. "No wonder Dale can't walk straight some mornings" He chuckled and grabbed a lubricant cylinder and quickly administered it. "Just in case we do cross paths."

Benny blushed deeply he had been too preoccupied with all the eyes on him to notice that his body had begun to react to the visual and nasal stimulation of dozens of naked and aroused males. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could someone called for number fifty six and Brian left with a quick wave.

"We should get prepared too." Dale said trying to recover from the shock of being ogled by his boss. The rabbit grabbed a couple of cylinders handing one to Benny and turning around lifting his bunny tail and placing the cylinder against his pucker and activating, a thin rod of metal pressing into his pucker.

Benny watched Dale, taking a moment to enjoy the image of his mate's pert buttocks. Then reached behind himself and activated his own device, taking a sharp breath at the coolness as the lubricant slid inside him. As the next couple of numbers were called out the two sat down together. Benny leaned down and whispered "I'm a little nervous about this, I wasn't expecting anyone we know to be here."

"I understand how you feel sweetheart, I'm a bit nervous too. I really want to hug you right now but we can't the guards would stop us." Dale said taking Benny's paw and squeezing it. "I remember my first heat, I was an early bloomer just sixteen when I hit my heat. Most of us don't get into heat until eighteen, I was so scared and alone. I got through it thought."

"Really, they let you through alone at just sixteen?" the bear said astonished and a little disgusted.

Dale chuckled, "It's not like my dads could come in with me and my friends were all not in heat. I think your first heat is always terrifying. I remember I clutched my key from the second I left the locker until... well until I was in there. I got through it, thought I wished I had someone like you with me."

The bear squeezed his paw tightly and smiled. "You got me now and I know I can get through this with you."

Dale smiled "I hope they start moving more through soon I really want to hug you."

Benny chuckled and in his deepest voice replied "Are you sure it's just hugging that you want to do?"

Dale's ears flushed deeply and he was about to reply when he heard a warning cough from one of the guards. "We have to stop the flirting, it's not allowed."

The bear looked confused. "But we're about to join an orgy? I'd have thought dirty talk was the least of their worries." He whispered as the two let go of each others paws and moved a few centimetres apart.

Dale was frowning "That's not what we are doing." He whispered furiously. "An orgy is where you and a bunch of guys all decide to have sex for sexual pleasure only. This is responding to a biological requirement. It's not an orgy and anything beyond that door doesn't count."

The bear hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean. It's just as an outsider it's hard not to see this as... that."

"I know how it can seem like that to offworlders and believe me there are a lot of offworlders who come here with one goal, to get where you are now. You know what happens to them? They never get through the door. Although in honesty they do get laid... a lot." Dale was whispering furiously fast. "The only ones who get to where you are, are truly loved by their mate."

"I'm sorry. I never realised how inviting me was an act of love too." The bear whispered sincerely reaching out to take Dale's paw again.

"That's ok, I spent so long trying to make you ok with this, I should have actually explaining how important this is to my people." The rabbit replied and then decided to change the subject. "So what was it you were saying about your hibernation?"

Benny laughed "I can't tell you about that here, but trust me you'll enjoy sleeping with a hibernating bear."

Sitting in silence gazing lovingly at each other they were disturbed by the guards coughing again. Dale looked up at them "Number sixty seven you're up." The guard said.

Dale jumped up as did Benny, the bunny kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be waiting for you on the other side of the door." With that he left stepping into the airlock and preparing himself.

As the door opened in from of him he gasped as his body was hit by the warmth of the room. He inhaled deeply the musk of dozens of males hitting his nose he felt his heart start to race, his cock began to throb between his legs. He felt the need to mate filling him in a way only his heat can make him feel. Stepping into the room, his ears ringing to the sounds of dozens of males moaning in pleasure. The soft wet sounds of balls smacking into well used asses.

He stepped into the room already he could see several males nearby which his body told him he should go introduce himself to. His head was spinning with desire one thought held him together, his promise to wait outside the door for his love. The centre of the room was a mass of moving bodies, he couldn't tell where one ended and another began.

Time seemed to be passing so slowly every second felt drawn out, he could see a couple just a few feet away from him, a brown and white bunny fucking a pure white bunny. He tried not to look but his eyes wouldn't tear themselves away from the pair. His eyes moving to ogle the brown and white ass, the bunny looked up at him and winked. All he had to do was slip behind that rabbit and he could thrust his needy cock into that ass. His cock was drooling pre onto the floor and he felt like he was on fire. His blood was pounding through his system faster than ever.

He fought the losing battle to stay on the spot. Just as he took a step forward he felt a paw on his shoulder. He spun round to find Benny standing there the bear's eyes open wide as he looked around. "Oh wow, this place is just wow. The smell, the sound and the..." He never got to finish his sentence because Dale interrupted with a deep kiss.

The rabbit pulled out of the kiss, "I need you, right now."

Benny was smart enough to not argue, besides after several breaths of the relief room musk he was definitely beginning to feel something. The bear wasted no time and slipped onto his knees in front of Dale.

The rabbit gasped with relief as he felt his mate's warm maw close around his needy cock. His paws reached down to grip the bear's head and ears. The need to mate rising inside him. He started to thrust into the bears muzzle quickly.

Benny was shocked at how aggressive Dale was being but it was actually a turn on to feel the rabbit taking his muzzle. He sucked gently, using his strong ursine tongue to stimulate the rabbit's cock as best as he could. He was focusing so much on the cock in his mouth he didn't notice the second rabbit before he felt warm lips surrounding his bear meat. He pulled off Dale's cock for a moment to look down.

His eyes met those of a young brown rabbit with tied back ears. The bunny winked at him before going back to work sucking firmly on the bear cock, and bobbing his muzzle as fast on the hot bear length as he could. Benny moaned softly and felt a cock rap him on the muzzle. Taking the not so subtle hint from his mate he put the cock back between his lips.

Dale couldn't believe it when the bear pulled off he had been so close. He looked down and saw the second rabbit sucking on his mate's cock. He smiled at how the bunny was struggling to take the thick bear meat. However, his own cock had needs and in his lust the best and quickest way to let his mate know that was to cockslap his face.

He felt slightly embarrassed at having done that however, the bear didn't seem to mind and returned to suckling on his bunnyhood. He started to mate the bear's muzzle again the thick tongue feeling so good against his hot flesh his toes curled as with a muffled cry he orgasmed into his mates muzzle. He moaned gently feeling his mate swallow the first load of his heat.

Benny swallowed every last drop of the bunny seed, he had doubted that he would be able to enter heat despite Dale and Brian's assurances. As the first load sat in his stomach he had to admit he was feeling hot although he wasn't sure if his body was just reacting to the bunny sucking on his meat, the rabbit was playing with his huge furry nuts.

Dale licked his lips his cock ready to go again in a second he could feel his heat almost fully taking him. There was one thing he needed to do first, he patted Benny's head and whispered. "Get on all fours sweetheart."

Benny guessed what the rabbit wanted to do. He carefully removed his cock from the mouth of the bunny beneath him and motioned for the rabbit to roll over. The bear got on all fours above the bunny and as he felt the mouth return to his cock he leaned down to nuzzle and lick the cock in front of him. It felt strange to be touching a cock that wasn't his or Dale's. However, the taste was rather nice and something inside him definitely wanted more.

As Benny took the first strangers cock into his muzzle he felt Dale behind him. His mate rubbed his cock in between Benny's furry cheeks. He felt the bunny rubbing his cocktip against his tight pucker in what was now a very familiar way. As he took the full bunny length in front of him deep into his mouth, he felt his mate's cock forcing its way inside him.

The bear moaned beneath him as Dale thrust inside forcing in until he felt his hips resting against the bear's cheeks. In their previous matings he had always been sure to take things slow and gentle with the bear. However, with the heat coursing through his body he was unable to stop himself. He leant over the bear taking firm hold of the bear's hips he started to fuck him, pounding into the bear as hard and fast as he could. He loved the way the tight bear ass felt around his desperately needy cock.

Groaning deeply around the cock in his muzzle, the bear felt deeply aroused by the savage mating he was getting. The bunny muzzle around his cock started to suck harder, paws returning to his furry sack. The bear's toes curled, claws digging into the relief room floor as he came hard. The flood of cum proved too much for the rabbit beneath him as he pulled off after the first jet getting the second heavy blast across his face.

The bear moaned around the cock in his mouth as he felt his mate above him shudder and a flood of bunny cum pouring into his ass. At the same time the cock in his muzzle erupted, sweet bunny fluids spraying onto his tongue. He drank down the fluid milking the cock in front of him for every last drop. The bunny squirmed out from under him.

The bear looked up only for his eyes to meet a thick bunnycock, he looked up at the owner; a chubby dark tan bunny with a hopeful smile. He didn't need to think about it his body knew what it wanted he opened him muzzle and dove onto the bunny meat sucking firmly his ears picking up the delighted squeals of the cock's owner.

Benny moaned around the meat as he felt Dale's paws return to his hips and a few seconds later the thick cock pressing into his used pucker. He moaned happily around the cock in his muzzle suckling firmly around the meat, letting the strange bunny fuck his mouth. The rabbit's paws gripped his head as it used his muzzle, the thick cock drooling pre onto the bear's tongue.

After the second load he was definitely beginning to feel strange, the heat of the room felt like a cold chill compared to the heat he felt in his stomach and spreading throughout his body. He gratefully drank a third load of bunny spunk, licking the cock clean and murring deeply with content. His eyes already looking around for more, he looked back only to find that it wasn't Dale behind him. It was the brown bunny with tied back ears and a face covered in bear spunk.

It shocked him not because Dale had gone or because another male was fucking him, but because he loved the feeling of the cock inside him. He wanted to be taken and his cock was burning hot beneath him. Burning with desire to be inside someone and anyone would do.

He felt a second load of seed being shot into his ass and as the bunny pulled out he got to his feet. His erect cock dripping pre, leaving a trail behind him as he wandered towards the centre of the room and the mass throng. He knew with his thick tool and powerful hips he really needed a well used and stretched tailhole to help satiate his needs.

His eyes spotted a brown furry on his back with legs open and he dropped between those open legs. Gripping the bunny's legs he placed his cocktip against the rabbit's pucker. The bear thrust forward hard, feeling a flood of cum pouring out of the rabbit's ass as his thick tool forced its way in to the hip. The bunny squealed as he was stretched wide the thick bear cock much wider than any he had received that day.

For a moment Benny was worried that he had hurt the rabbit. However as strong lapine legs wrapped around his waist and the bunny pushed against his cock trying to get it deeper he knew it was ok. He leaned over the bunny placing his paws beside the rabbit's head and started to fuck. His powerful hips driving his huge cock deeper inside with each thrust. The smacking sound of his huge balls bashing off the rabbits buttocks filled the air along with their pants moans and squeals.

His body felt like it was on fire, every touch drove him wild the feel of the tight bunny clamping around his cock as he thrust drove him mad with lust. He mated faster and harder with each passing second, looking down into the moaning and panting bunny beneath him he leaned down and kissed the squealing muzzle. He pressed his thick tongue inside the bunny's muzzle tasting dozens of other guys on his tongue.

They both orgasmed together moaning deeply into each others muzzle as the bear pumped his second load of the day deep inside the bunny's ass. Benny pulled out as soon as his orgasm finished, he didn't look back at the bunny he just turned and started looking for a new ass. It wasn't until later that he realised that bunny was Brian's mate Daniel.

His eyes caught a flash of orange fur, most rabbits were brown black or white and the flash of strange colour really caught his eye. He saw Brian the fox balls deep inside a black and white bunny boy, fox tail high in the air. Part of his mind told him not to do what his cock clearly told him it wanted. With his heat in full swing he ignored the rationale part of his mind.

A few seconds later he was lifting the fox's tail and with one powerful thrust he was deep inside his boss. The fox moaned and looked back, the two shared a moment of recognition, before the fox pushed back against the bear. Grinning he gripped the foxes hips and started to mate him fast and hard with desperate need. His thrusting only paused when he felt a male behind him, looking back to find a dark brown bunny with creamy stomach moving in behind him.

The bunny was in position quickly and Benny felt himself being filled with a cock almost as huge as his own. He gasped for breath as he got used to the feeling. The was some pain as he was stretched wider, but his body wanted it, his mind was screaming with the need to take and be taken. He started to thrust into the fox beneath him as the bunny pounded away inside him.

With the dual pleasure coursing through his body he didn't last long his third orgasm enveloped him his body shuddering as his cock jetted cum into his boss. The fox crawled out from under him turned and kissed him on the side of the muzzle whispering "What happens in the heat clinic." Then he was gone presumably off onto another bunny. Benny stayed where he was, loving the feeling as he was pounded by a thick bunny shaft.

Looking up he saw a bunny walking past, reaching out he gripped the bunny's rear and steered the bunny cock into his muzzle. Suckling greedily on the bunny cock, hungry for another taste of bunny seed. He felt the cock inside him spasm and a third load of bunny cum shooting into his ass. As the bunny pulled out he could feel cum dripping out. It wasn't long before he felt another cock pressing into his ass as the cock in his muzzle gave him another shot of bunny cum which he swallowed greedily.

The rabbit pulled his cock out of the bears muzzle and then was gone. Benny caught the eye of a black male rabbit and a few seconds later he felt new lips taking his desperately need cock into a warm maw. As he took the bunny's needy cock into his greedy muzzle. He felt the rabbit behind him pull out after a fourth load was shot inside him.

As he focused on suckling on the sweet bunny treat in his mouth he felt two paws gripping his rump. The bear prepared himself for another fucking, however he was shocked to feel a tongue. He pulled off the bunny cock to look behind him. All he could see was the eyes and ears of a white bunny, he could feel the rabbit's tongue as it pressed deep inside him, lapping up the cum drinking it greedily.

The bear gasped at the sensation, he had never felt a tongue back there before and he loved the sensation as it slid in and out of his ass. He dove back onto the cock beneath him hungrily, the sensation of the tongue in his ass driving him quickly to orgasm inside the mouth of the bunny beneath him. He gratefully drank the cum of the bunny beneath him and started looking around for another.

His eyes spied a familiar black bunny ass. He could see his mate Dale pounding into another black bunny. He had the bunny beneath him on his back with his knees into his chest and as he fucked as deep as he could get. The bear enjoyed the show however, the blood pounding through his veins screamed at him to do more than just watch.

He approached quickly kneeling behind his mate and gripped his buttocks spreading them apart. He leaned forward and kissed his mate's stretched and cum stained tailhole. He heard his mate gasp and when he turned round to see who was there Benny winked as he sent his thick ursine tongue deep inside his mate. His mouth was filled with the mixed flavours of his mate's rear and the flood of bunny cum that he found inside there.

Part of his mind couldn't believe he was lapping the cum of strangers out of his mate's rear, while the love of his life serviced another stranger. The rest of his heat and hormone soaked mind just wanted to feel someone new around his cock. He pressed his tongue deep inside the lapine rear, scooping out the cum and making his mate squirm. He felt his Dale clench around his tongue as the rabbit orgasmed inside the stranger.

He pulled his tongue out from inside his mate and pulled the rabbit down onto the floor. Kissing Dale deeply sharing the flavour of all the other males with him and tasting a load of other males on his mate's lips. The bear grinned getting an idea in his mind, he reached down gripping Dale's legs he lifted them up pushing them down onto the rabbit's chest bending the bunny double and exposing his tailhole.

The bear drove his cock deep inside the bunny, he started to mate Dale with wild abandon. Their matings at home had always been a very gentle affair. Benny always spent a long time stretching Dale out and took everything very slow until the bunny was used to him. In the grip of their heats he pounded into the bunny, slamming his thick cock home, reaming the bunny for all he was worth. His powerful his driving his cock home with all the strength he could muster. Dale squealed and squirmed under him, the movements making the savage mating feel much more pleasurable.

The bear reached down between them and gripped Dale's drooling shaft. Jerking the bunny cock fast ,as he pounded into his mate's wonderful squirming warm tailhole. He felt Dale orgasm around him as the bunny shot white jism onto his black furry chest and stomach. Feeling the tailhole clench around him Benny came hard flooding his mate's freshly cleaned rear with bear cum.

The two stayed there panting for a second before Dale kissed him on the muzzle and stood up wandering off to find another. Benny knew he should be hurt at how quickly his mate walked away from him. However, with his body still on fire from the heat burning in his stomach he barely even noticed.

Something new and different caught his attention. He turned to stare at a pink skinned blonde haired human on his knees sucking on a bunny cock. His eyes fell onto the humans furless ass, it shimmered the light reflecting off the humans cum soaked skin. The bear licked his lips and gripped his hard drooling cock. He knew he had to try the exotic animal in front of him.

He waited until the cock in the human's muzzle was removed and then made his move slipping up behind the human. He ran his cocktip down the human's back making the creature moan with lust. The human was on all fours in front of him in the blink of an eye. His large paws gripped the human's hips as he positioned himself. He thrust powerfully into the human making the man cry out as a thick bear shaft was rammed hilt deep in one smooth motion.

Loving the feeling of skin on fur the bear leant over the human as his hips worked away. His thick cock reaming deeper and deeper inside the squirming and moaning man. The bear growled deeply with lust as he continued to take the human with growing speed. He paused as he felt another male behind him grabbing his rump. His body craved the feeling of another cock inside him. He groaned as he was filled by a thick member.

The bear timed his thrusts with the guy behind him, taking the squirming human slightly slower drawing out how long he would last. The thrusting got faster and faster with each passing second as the three rutted like wild animals. He roared loudly his voice cutting across the entire room as his ursine cock filled the human beneath him with thick bear seed.

He felt the male behind him shudder as his ass was filled with more male cream. He pulled out of the human who fell to the floor gasping for breath as bear cum dripped out of his used rear. The male behind him pulled out and as he stood up he Benny felt a kiss on his muzzle and heard a familiar voice say "Stays in the heat clinic." The bear looked up in time to see Brian walking away.

The bear didn't care he was in the full grip of his heat, nothing matter but the next orgasm. He looked around for the next partner finding one a mere few feet away. The bear spent the next hour going from partner to partner he mated with dozens of bunnies. Until he felt his body start to cool down.

He realised that his body was aching, his cock and balls were sore in a way they had never been before. The idea of taking another male seemed deeply unappealing. Realising this was the end of his heat he pressed his key and made a dash for the exit. He saw a few disappointed faces as he flashed past them.

Soon he stood under the shower washing all the cum out of his fur grateful for the hot water flowing over his body. He closed his eyes and realised that he could remember everything that had happened. Every cock he sucked, every ass he'd fucked and every fucking he'd received.

He cleaned every inch of his large frame, stuck several soapy fingers up his very stretched rear and cleaned the cum of from inside him. He opened his mouth gargling with the hot water washing the remnants of other males out of his mouth until he could no longer taste anything.

Once fully clean he moved to the drying room and then on to locker room. Ignoring the disappointed comments of incoming males he dressed as quickly as he could and dashed out of the clinic. He had arranged to meet Dale at the coffee shop across the road. He entered and bought a warm milk turning around he almost walked into a grinning fox.

"Hey Benny, how you doing?" The fox said as he ordered a coffee.

The bear couldn't look Brian in the eye without seeing what they had done earlier. "I... I'm ok I guess."

The fox paid for his coffee and grabbed the bear's arm steering him to a table in the corner where he could watch the door. "Daniel usually lasts about an hour longer than I do. I think most offworlders don't have the stamina to keep up with the bunnies. Now are you ok? You seem a little upset."

The bear stared down at his milk unable to look up. "Yeah, it's just I was hoping not to remember."

The fox nodded "It takes a bit of getting used to. Doesn't help when your boss is in there too."

Benny nodded "Yeah, we ah sort of..."

"Oh yeah three times. Look you seem to be focussing on the physical acts, can I ask do you feel anything different for Dale now?" The fox asked his voice filled with concern.

"Oh no, I love him nothing can change that. I just feel like I betrayed him. I mean I knew I was going to have sex with other guys and so was he. I just thought we'd be together through it all. Then I turn around and he's not there and I didn't even care I just went looking for another guy." The bear's voice was wavering a little.

"I remember going through that the second and third times Daniel went into heat. You know what I found out, it can't be done. You go in there, there is no pairing up you bounce from guy to guy to guy. It has nothing to do with love, or lust or anything. It's a biological reaction to the hormones in your system." Brian explained as he sipped on his coffee and watched the door. "He won't judge you for being with any or every guy in the clinic. You shouldn't judge him either neither of you can help it."

The bear sat there in silence drinking his milk the warm drink helped calm him down as he thought over the fox's words. "Ok I think I understand."

"Look you get the week off after you heat take the time to reflect on everything. I've always loved the week after heat. I mean all we do is spend time with each other, hugging, kiss and saying I love you. No sex because trust me the two of you won't want any for weeks." The fox smiled at the good memories. "I don't remember much about those heat sessions, the memories faded in the months and years since. However, the weeks afterwards I remember in crystal clear detail because I spend them with the guy I love, doing nothing but reminding each other why we are in love."

The two sat in silence until the door opened and the fox sniggered as a human walked in. Benny looked up and noticing the human the bear blushed a little.

"Guess he's here waiting for his mate too. Do you think he remembers like we do?" Brian said and then as the human spotted the two of them and his face flushed a deep crimson. "Oh yeah he remembers." He gave the human a little wave and a smile.

"Did you bump into him in there as well?" Benny asked starring intently at his drink unable to look the human in the eye.

"Oh yes. Interesting the no fur thing." The fox said watching the human take a seat at a table by the window staring outside making sure to avoid looking in their direction.

The two sat there for about an hour, had several drinks and talked. Benny started to relax a little as the last day slowly started to sink in. By the time Daniel turned up the bear was over his nerves. He was even able to exchange a few words with him about what he had done. Daniel had no memory of doing anything with him, Benny gave no details but did acknowledge that something had happened. The rabbit took the news with a smirk and a nod. Then before he knew it he was on his own again.

It wasn't long before Dale came through the door, his face was a mask of concern when he met Benny. "Hello, sweetheart are you ok?"

The bear smiled standing up and kissing the bunny gently on the lips. "I'm good, I think I understand now."

Dale smiled and put his arms around the bear hugging him tightly. "I love you, lets go home I feel like I can sleep for a week."

"Me too, and next month I'll be sleeping for a month." The bear said as the bunny lead him out.