Meeting starfox part 1

Story by commisiar on SoFurry

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#1 of Meeting Starfox

Alright then a starfox series, this is a more of an emotional work and not everything is centered around sex. I wanted to explore some emotions from a certain vixen along with fox and the starfox crew.

A beautiful dark grey wolfess was busy working with her chemistry set. Her parents were elsewhere as her father had his SWAT duties to do while her mother was in the kitchen. Her best friend a six foot yellow furred fox wearing a black sleeveless shirt and pants was on the phone. She slowly got up to brush her hair in the master bedroom before noticing her mother hum.

She eyed her gray succulent rump and licked her lips as the wolfox swished her tail side to side. She quickly got hard before blushing as she quietly entered the room noticing her father following after her.

Kris sighed as she gently brushed her blue hair while gazing into the mirror on her dresser her parents bought for her. Her soft golden eyes danced softly while sparkling with inner strength as she swished her dark furred tail softly. She was a beautiful wolfess even with the extra appendage of being a herm and she smiled softly feeling her fathers muscular silver furred arms wrap around her chest.

As she looked into the mirror she whispered "father, what does Jayce like to do?"

Her fathers golden hazel eyes watched her tilting her head allowing her to see the black lines on his neck. He answered "I don't know myself, but he mostly loves sex and working at Club Zero Blue. Do you feel something special for your friend hmm?"

While gently nibbling on her ear and gently nuzzled her. She murred and responded in kind, making him sway his tail grinding against her teasingly. She loved her father and her father loved her and his mate including his friends very much. Sometimes he has done stupid things however he would always let them punish him if he did that.

Her mother liked incest, her father liked mistresses, while she herself is slowly turning into a dominatrix. She smiled fondly as she eyed her well formed muscles that looked lean and hard as iron. She huffed and answered "well yes, he's a very nice fox not to mention quite cuddly to be with!"

She raised her tail and swished it briefly before giggling as her father gently released his paws.

He smiled softly before saying "I'm going to be working on my Jet out back, something has gone wrong with the engines and well the bydo fighter is deeply annoyed. I want to know why of course in case you are interested!"

She smiled before watching him slowly leave before saying "father can you take me on a joyride in it someday?"

He stopped and answered as he looked over his shoulder "maybe, I'm a bit uncomfortable because I am the only one with a Bydo stealth bomber jet craft in the city with an absurd amount of fire power. However yes I will someday for you and your little brother!"

She smiled as she felt her cheeks flush red and he blew her a kiss before exiting the room.

Outside he was grumbling feeling the thrumming of the powerful engines underneath his fighter and added "okay whoa, I didn't expect so much grime in your engines. Water isn't going to do anything but shear heat might!"

The craft gave a soft thrum and he felt that the bydo was annoyed by this. He shook his head and answered "hey don't get annoyed with me, I've washed you, cleaned you, saved you from a egomaniacal mad man. If you want to get annoyed then be annoyed with the bastards who don't look at your engines and thrusters!"

To anyone else it would be a bizarre sight seeing him argue with a red colored b2 bomber shaped jet fighter. However to anyone who has studied common Wealth history they would know that he was talking to a bydo craft.

He heard soft laughter from his two AI's one was a holographic orange colored woman named Ion the other was a blue man named Durandal. Ion is a quantum computer in sheer abilities while Durandal is far more, Ion is only used for hacking and other small things while Durandal is only used for the extreme cases.

He rolled his eyes at them saying "oh shut it!" rolling his eyes seeing their avatars within the two wrist watches on his wrists that can transform into a pair of red and black gauntlets. He sighed as the canopy opened itself and jumped inside with ease due to the amount of training he put his body through.

Standing six feet high with well toned muscles and a solid eight pack his form was restrained by weights even as his muscles rippled underneath his clothes and SWAT armor.

As he fell into the cockpit he looked around seeing a large red and black area as the canopy closed. The holographic eyes showed him a much better around him and he checked the systems. He whispered "lets see vulcan gauss mini guns check, chain lighting rods check, high explosive Ion missiles check. Okay then were ready for take off!"

He gazed into the white lights gazing into him and he added "maybe after this I will give you an extra soaking sound good?" he spoke with a coo to the bydo craft as it thrummed in bliss.

He started the engines and made sure he was strapped it before placing the face mask on before gunning it.

A loud roar echoed the city as the hyper sonic craft left his backyard before he spiraled upwards into the sky above and beyond, as he flared the afterburners getting rid of the grime within with a sonic boom.

He stared with wide eyed wonderment as he gazed into the darkness of space above before stopping. He looked around before extending the holographic map and frowned seeing an oddly familiar system so close to Common Wealth territory.

He pulled it up closer and his eyes widened before muttering "you have got to be kidding me, the Lylat system!?" in an incredulous voice before staring hard and slapped his forehead.

Durandal sniggered as he heard him speak sarcastically "hey world I am the universal key and toy come and get me!" as he waved his arms out rapidly before slamming his head onto the console in front of him. He could feel the rapid vibrations throughout the craft and muttered "quit laughing at my expense you!"

He shook his head before his comm activated and he heard "this is Krystal of starfox we need help! These pirates came out of nowhere during a practice run! Please anybody help!"

He frowned as he added "well this is going to be interesting, let's FLOOR IT!" as he blasted off to the destination being a very large blue planet close to the Common Wealth border.

Fox cursed moving his airwing side to side to dodge the lasers of the passing priates. He shouted "Everybody stay in position, Krystal you have some on your tail!"

In another Airwing Krystal spoke to him through her com "there to many of them Fox! I hope our distress signal reached somebody close by!"

They were being swarmed by over 40 pirates in there ships, there weapons are nearly drained as well as their shields. Krystal closed her eyes before watching as seven blue colored missiles fly out of nowhere and impact with them with a loud explosion of blue plasma.

She replied "who the hell was that!?"

Fox and the others looked rattled and Fox replied "I don't know whoever it was they don't appear on radar, what is that thing?!"

A red and black blur was seen briefly cutting through them before targeting the pirates with a loud roar of the vulcans making him look to his side. He sputtered and added "unreal how can anything be that fast without a warp drive!?"

ROBs voice was heard over the com "scans of the unknown show it's a fighter with enough firepower to wipe out a large city. I can't get further scans on it at all as two AI's are blocking me."

They eventually continued onwards feeling at peace before the blur took care of them. Fox started sweating as he muttered "this guy is no mercenary, this guy is a professional as though he was military. A military I don't even want to cross even if Falco dared me to moon him!"

The avian squaked making them chuckle before the blur cut above them and slowly moved down and slid in between them and the pilot answered "I heard that!"

Fox nearly jumped off his seat before they stared at the craft. It was black and red with the cockpit covered in a black material. He stared nervously at the gun ports which quickly folded away and the pilot answered through his com link "no thanks are necessary although what are you mercs doing so far from your home system? This is Common Wealth territory in case you're wondering!"

Krystal shook her head and asked "Fox have you heard of the Common Wealth?"

He shook his head saying "nope, looks like we accidently entered another system due to the pirates, hey thanks for saving our fur back their!"

The pilot answered "your welcome, your teammates SOS caught me just in time because I was going to head back down to Earth. She's a beautiful blue furred vixen by the way and if you ask how the hell I know then I will have to answer holographic technology, and one of my AI's hacking into ROB and forgive him for it!"

Vixen blushed saying "aw thank you, do you think you could escort us home? We don't want to be trespassing after all!"

She watched him make a cork screw before he answered "well alright, anything for a lady like yourself. I don't know if foxy here is your boyfriend so I don't want to get him jealous about it!"

Fox blushed as he huffed and added "smart ass!"

The pilot chuckled and added "don't worry I won't pry, it seems like you have a bit of a rocky relationship. I'm a married man myself!"

Fox gave him the coordinates to the great fox and he led them out of Common Wealth space before drifting back to the far back of the formation. Krystal noticed this and added "what's wrong?"

The pilot answered "I don't want lover boy here peeved with me!" he gave a crack to Fox who growled softly as she laughed.

For the past few minutes they chatted and Fox asked "how did you get such a sweet ride anyway?"

The pilot answered "I stole it from a power hungry egomaniacal bastard who was planning to destroy the common wealth. He hurt a lot of people and was the cause for the last war in this quadrant a war that destroyed thousands of star systems and trillions dead. The reason was he was an alien infiltrator for the worst and I do mean worse alien race you will ever meet if they weren't already dead..."

They all felt uneasy as Fox swallowed and asked "how did he do this?"

The pilot stayed silent before explaining "he created a bio engineered race that was supposed to be the ultimate weapon that could think for itself. Upon release he targeted them just as a common Wealth ship appeared. Look they were extremely pissed off and they wanted to destroy their creator and the bastard stayed out of the way and let them clash. The war destroyed four entire galaxies when it was over..."

The explaining left them shocked to the core and horrified beyond belief. Fox shuddered and muttered "that monster..."

The pilot snorted over the com and answered "yes, yes he was I don't like talking about it often to strangers unless it's required!"

As he followed them the time slowly started ticking away until it reached evening.

They soon arrived at the great fox after six hours making him whistle saying "now that's a fine ship are you the captain mister?"

Fox answered "Fox mccloud, this is Peppy the hare, Slippy the frog, Falco, Katt Monroe and Krystal respectively!"

As soon as they arrived the cargo bay opened and the pilot waited for them to land and Krystal asked him "why not join with us for while?"

He smiled as he slowly entered the cargo bay and added "okay, but I have to be back home eventually!"

The starfox team slowly eyed his fighter and Krystal eyed it saying "that is one seriously nasty looking fighter. I don't think Wolf can fight him..."

They shrugged their shoulders before an armored figure jumped down outside it. They all felt a cold chill crawl down their spines seeing two over sized magnums in his holster, easily as big as his thighs. On his boots were two knifes as big as K-bars with a very razor sharp edge There were two odd handles on his back as well before the pilot eyed them.

Fox felt his fur stand on end as he slowly walked over to them and swallowed hard. He was easily six feet high and towered over them with silver fur and odd black lines decorating him from what he could see of the odd looks of his face. Those eyes however gold and hazel were so cold, this wasn't a person you would want to fuck with at all as he gazed into those arctic blizzard cold eyes which gradually faded away.

The pilot chuckled a dry chuckle as he removed his helmet and tucked it under his arm and barred his canines showing that he is a wolf and a alot stronger then Wolf Wolf oh Donnel in sheer strength and gawked watching him toss it right into his cockpit which was forty feet away without looking over his shoulder.

He answered "sorry about that, my name is Evan Young's Wolffang. I must say you're a beautiful vixen without holographic technology!"

He asked Krystal who blushed and wrapped her blue tail around her waist wearing her black jump suit.

Falco eyed him cautiously and added "I bet you're not as dangerous without your weapons r-"

He cut himself off seeing him blur out and appear in front of him all the while not moving his arms. As he gazed into his eyes he broke out into a cold sweat seeing his eyes that showed no mercy before returning to his position even if his body was wracked in pain.

Fox eyed Falco cautiously and added "what did you do that for?" all the while his heart was racing at how fast he was which was highly absurd.

Evan blinked saying "I don't like it when others mock me for suggesting that I rely only on my weapons. For one I am a lethal and ruthless fighter, two I am a trained SWAT agent. Three I worked my ass off to get a solid eight pack in order to protect my home, my family, my friends, and my city. Let's just say he hit a nerve..."

The last sentence made him narrow his eyes as his eyes flickered letting them see a lot of dark rage in his eyes. Fox felt his fur crawl as he stared at them letting his coldness shine through like a beacon before looking away from his eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul and his soul was a dark grey and stained with the blood of millions.

Falco put up his hands saying "whoa relax I didn't know!"

Evan shook his head and answered "fine, just make sure not to mention it again okay?"

After the slight argument he walked with them to the cafeteria for a lunch that they invited him to. As soon as he got a plate he noticed Krystal and Fox arguing with each other before watching her leave to another table with a huff.

He slowly walked over and sat down next to her with his plate a carton of milk. As he started to eat he asked "so Krystal I noticed you have had a bit of a lovers spat with Fox. Is there any reason why?"

The blue vixen sighed and explained "well it's like this Fox hasn't well made any moves on me as well as being a bit over protective..."

Evan raised an eyebrow saying "oh really, the reason he hasn't is because he is a bit shy. The only reason he even acts so protective is because he really loves you and can't express himself!"

Krystal blushed and added "he didn't mean to push me away by firing me??"

Evan sighed and explained "when somebody truly loves someone they go pretty far. I go sometimes to the extreme for those I love for I fear what would happen to me if there not safe..."

She cocked her head and asked "what do you mean by that?"

He grimaced and explained "I'm not sane; I always have to have this pump device attached to my wrist on my right wrist watch that is always rinsing my blood with anti-psychotics. I try to wean it off by leaving my wrist watch off every few hours to extend it. However even so I have a rather dark personality..."

She frowned and asked "have you killed doing your duty?"

He gazed into her eyes and answered "yes, however I don't like it. I don't feel anything afterwards at all unless I get excited. You must understand I am what is called a berserker a person who craves blood and fighting. Every time I get hurt from a bad fight I laugh as it makes my blood howl with joy. It makes me sick however I am willing to bare this burden so no one else would..."

She frowned sadly before saying "so what is your wife like?"

He sighed and added "she's a wonderful wolfox beautiful, demanding, a dominatrix. I truly and extremely love her and would do everything to keep her happy and content. She does have a fetish for incest but only with my daughter!"

She blushed saying "your sex lovers aren't you?"

He chuckled and answered "oh yes, everyday is sex and our daughter has fun to. After all she is a hermaphrodite wolfess!"

She sputtered and added "your bisexual?!"

He smiled and explained "why yes, I have three friends who are gay that love to fuck each other and me. My daughter is friends with one as well!"

She shook her head before taking a sip of her milk and asked "you let your daughter have fun to? Why would you do that?"

His face turned blank and added "you must understand she was adopted, and I don't care I would rather see her truly as my daughter. I did it to save her life from that road she was on as an indoctrinated toy for men!"

She paled drastically and whispered "a sex slave? I don't want to know what her life was like then at all..."

He squirmed and added "she's 20 and she has scars from it, she was drugged with some pretty nasty stuff to make her amendable enough to the point it became toxic. She only had five years left to live until I used some medical nanites to flush them out. The indoctrination was so severe that only a paradoxical command even gave her a form of free choice. I freed her from her fate and crushed the bastards who did it by leaving their names and pictures in the press along with sending them to the enforcers. It was a company, an entire company working on making the ultimate slave for men!"

She noticed his eyes were darkening with hatred and rage making her uneasy before he cooled off and he muttered "don't get me started on her sister just don't. My daughter has a sister who hates her and doesn't give a shit about her, to make things worse she sold her out and the bastard in charge nearly put a bullet through her heart because of it!"

Krystal covered her mouth and gasped loudly drawing commotion and stares at them. He shed a tear and finished "she used to suffer nightmares as she went through hell on earth but the real kicker was when it all started. She was only a fucking underaged cub at the time when the bastard in charge found her. You see he had these weird swirly eyes for hypnotic suggestions..."

He finished with the implication making everybody look horrified or enraged and he smirked seeing both Falco and fox shake in pure rage before hearing an audible growl escape Krystals lips. She whispered "that sick bastard children of that age don't know of sex one bit but to do that?! I hoped he died in agony!"

He chortled explaining "I killed the bastard when he attempted to kill my poor sweet and very lovable daughter!"

She huffed as she folded her arms and added "the after effects must have been tough though right to get through?"

He sighed and explained "oh very, she had emotional problems, fear, I helped her destroy the conditioning done to her. However I didn't even know at the time until a few weeks ago that she had a kill switch in her mind due to the conditioning on her emotions..."

Krystal dropped her fork in horror and spoke hoarsely "say what?! Those monsters added a kill switch in her mind?!" he was doing this deliberately as he smiled darkly inwardly before nodding making everybody in the cafeteria gaze at him with horror and laughed internally seeing their looks of solid justified anger. It was so much fun planting seeds to remind them why it was illegal and to further reinforce it as well.

Needless to say not everybody was hungry as he stood up and left after finishing his lunch hiding his growing dark hysterical laughter as he did so. Fox sighed as they watched him slowly leave to head for the gym he got the location from Falco. Krystal shook her head and added "that poor man..."

Fox slowly sat up and walked over making her smile as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He replied "how so?"

She swallowed and spoke worriedly "Fox, he hasn't had the easiest life in fact his outlook and personality is very dark for someone like him. He's angry, saddened, filled with bitterness hate and resentment however he would rather not be like that!"

Fox frowned in concern before asking "is he a threat?"

She shook her head and answered "not unless he needs to be one. I feel like that might have been me..."

He gently nuzzled her saying "you could never be like that, I might as well start restocking the supplies on our arwings. Still looking at his fighter has made feel a bit jealous!"

He released her making her giggle softly as she asked "Don't feel that way; I'm going to check up on him to see if he is alright!"

Fox smiled softly as she walked away before saying "just be careful, I feel uneasy around him!"

She sighed and added "Fox the man has been through a lot, and perhaps too much. Every step he makes is guarded as though he was a war veteran however I can see that he is a bit disturbed and tries so hard to not let it control his actions. I love you!"

She smiled warmly at him making him smile softly as she walked away.

Gym: 3:00PM

The gym in the great fox was a large area filled with different exercising equipment, currently Evan was lifting some weights with his chest plate off just as Krystal came into the room.

She had to stare at the large amount of weights and asked "how heavy is that?"

He answered "200 pounds at least for each dumbbell, even though I am wearing special weights designed only in the Common Wealth I have to make sure not slack off. I feel sort of bad for scaring Falco earlier but I don't feel comfortable here just now but oddly enough around you and fox I do."

As he sat up a large silver locket, dog tags, and a black crucifix slipped free from underneath his shirt.

She eyed him again whistling saying "you're pretty strong for a wolf!"

He snorted and added "in the common Wealth an average anthro is a bit stronger then a human. The weights I am wearing hold back my strength somewhat while mostly focusing on my speed and endurance. However I can still be seriously damaged by a truck like everybody else. I'm not a very strong person just fast on my feet always have been.."

She slowly walked over to the matt he was lying on as he placed the weights to the side.

He blinked before adding "so what is it that you want? I know you didn't come in here for a reason!"

She flinched as his eyes gazed into hers with soft concern and she whispered "I was worried about you, you seem distant however what can you tell me about your friends?"

He smiled softly and explained "lovable, friendly, and they would gladly want sex if anybody asked them. They used to be Special Ops but now they are bouncers for a night club and so am I as a side job. However besides being one and a SWAT I am also a vigilante and the only reason why the city didn't fall..."

She felt a cold chill crawl down her spine and added "vigilante?"

He looked at her and explained "I follow a very grey road; I walk the line when the situation calls for it. I am not a mindless drone to be ordered around and I am not a cold blooded killer. People hate me, respect and fear me; in two years my mark has never left my home as I cleansed everything the egomaniac bastard has done! I became a vigilante and my boss approved of it because the bastard was planning on destroying the Common Wealth from the inside out!"

She recoiled as she saw the cold fires of anger even as he barred his canines as he confessed "I'm not a cold blooded killer, but I am indeed a veteran in fighting terrorists. I have killed millions and scarred many more to let them know their place. I don't go after the minor criminals just scare them enough so they don't do it again instead I go after the big fish and destroy everything that they have!"

As he finished this he wiped his eyes with a paw and calmed down. Krystal stayed silent for a while before asking "why are you so angry?"

He flinched and answered "bad memories talking about this reminds me of a bastard, a sick bastard that was a traitor in the force. This guy was the one who gave all the information and schematics to the egomaniacal bastard in the first place. The reason being he saw my wife as a sex toy and even hired thugs to kidnap her for him so he could break her and kill her..."

She looked disgusted as she scrunched up her face added "bastard what was his fate?"

He smiled coldly and answered "death by flesh eating nanites, they feel like getting stabbed by 100 knifes covered in salt and lemon juice!"

She simply blanched and added "sadistic much?"

He chuckled and added "I'm not normally like this; I'm mostly a family man. However being away from them tends to bring out this side of my personality to often..."

He sighed and continued "I'm not a dark person so to say, just a bitter and brutal man who would do anything to protect those he loves!"

She smiled sadly before sighing as she added "you know I'm a telepath and yet you can block me how?"

He sighed and answered "Well fine I will explain, do you remember me explaining the part of bio engineered weapon? Well it was far more than that. It was called the Bydo a truly horrific thing capable of adapting, evolving, devouring thoughts and mastering the time stream. To answer your question I am the first Bydo hybrid in Common Wealth history my son being the second. The egomaniac bastard had phials of the remains of his weapon after the war; my wife injected one of them into me because I was dead to save my life..."

This caused her to cover her mouth and he answered "my mental reach and control is much higher but you have greater discipline then me..."

She blushed as he gently took her right hand and kissed her knuckle before looking into her green eyes. Her blue hair made him smile softly as he added "my wife and daughter have blue hair and quite frankly I find it beautiful!"

She simply shook her head as she blushed before asking "are you charming me?"

He simply shrugged his shoulders and answered "maybe, I won't cheat on my wife but that doesn't mean I won't cuddle with you. I have to call her if she approves of me even having one with you. You're a beautiful vixen however that is also a problem with some of the seediest of men..."

She huffed as he released her hand and she explained "I know; Panther was a sweet fellow if he didn't keep on trying to woo me like a playboy. However I like Fox more because he is more honest, however whenever I meet panther he seems to be off when we dog fight!"

He sighed as slowly got to his feet to pick up his chest piece on the floor which snapped into place with a click. He then added "you must understand. Panther has a thing for jealousy. The first time he met you he fell in love at first site however he was a bit devious and separated you from Fox. What I mean is before you joined them by mistake he spoke one sentence designed to make you doubt Fox for him..."

She looked hurt as she gave a soft whine before shedding a tear. He sighed before slowly walking over to wrap his arms around her chest and pulled her in for a hug. Her tail hung limp as she wrapped her arms around his chest and sobbed as he rocked her. He gently raised her to kiss her on the forehead before allowing her to relax her head on his right shoulder.

He sighed and added "lying hurts a lot for relationships, I should know I lied once about getting sniped. Instead I shot myself for trying to help my daughter get a friend. Panther might have actually been deeply sorry for doing that to you, it's just jealousy is always a problem..."

She sighed before he released her hearing a cough and he watched Fox walk into the room with his arms folded.

Fox was a bit annoyed as he entered the gym and spotted them together and he asked him "what do you think you're doing?"

Evan frowned as he answered "I was just comforting her Fox that's all!"

Fox blushed saying "sorry it's just I don't feel comfortable with you around just yet, however would you like to spar?"

Evan eyed him before giving a warning "Well maybe, but again I don't want to hurt you. I don't go for normal tactics "

This made him gulp and Evan smiled softly saying "I'm really sorry, I can't risk having my berserker tendacies out despite being muscular like yourself!"

Fox's tail twitched as he flushed his orange fur turned darker and Evan added "I'm Bi and I can't help it!"

Fox rolled his eyes and added "um I maybe straight but I am a bit bi-curious but did you lose your virginity?"

Evan smiled before giggling as he added "oh yes that was months ago, I'm always fucking or getting fucked by my friends when they want to have fun. Bondage, threesome, gangbang, fem-dom, roleplay, pegging, incest with my daughter, oral, fingering, fisting, riding, we are well a very sexually pent up family!"

Fox just had to stare as did Krystal who was blushing up a storm and he scratched behind his head sheepishly. Fox pinched his nose to keep blood from dripping out as he replied "you're not perverted are you?"

Evan shook his head saying "oh no, well maybe a little when it comes to lewd humor. I wouldn't spy on anybody in the showers except when they want to be looked at!"

Outside his chest piece his locket dog tags and crucifix was still seen and Krystal asked him "what is the locket for?"

Evan looked at it before saying "it's a locket my wife crafted for me showing our family in a group picture along with our friends!"

He opened the locket and beckoned them to see the picture. Krystal smiled softly seeing his wife a dark grey wolfox with golden eyes wearing dark rimmed glasses and a creamy white undercoat along with blue hair. She blushed seeing her F cup and added "she's beautiful and I don't really have big breasts sadly..."

Evan gently smiled as he added "she trained her ass off for this body, however she is like me a drawn sword because of her own rough life. She nearly killed herself once if it wasn't for her father..."

Fox clenched his jaw and added "when was this?"

He sighed and added "when she was a teen, racism and sexism is nearly extreme in the city I live in. I fear for my daughter and son because they are different. My daughter is the dark grey wolfess wrapped in my arms!"

Pointing to the wolfess in the middle who was smiling along with blue hair, Krystal smiled saying "aw she looks adorable!"

Evan smiled before saying "Thanks she really does deserve everything we have. Our son is the little tyke sitting in her lap a dark grey and silver furred cub!"

Fox noticed the five men behind them and gulped saying "those men look way stronger then me!"

Evan smiled saying "those are my guy friends, the blue wolf is Zume the larger Doberman is Kobe, the yellow fox is Jayce and my daughter's best friend. The white fox is named Ryan while the grey fox is named Luka!"

He pointed them out slowly and He blanched seeing a much larger Grey wolf with his arms folded in the background and answered "and who is he?"

Evan smiled saying "my boss when it comes to Enforcer business, I spar with him daily and he kicks my ass. Although he is very protective of his daughter who is my wife he gets very angry if you rub him the wrong way!"

Fox eyed them all and added "this is ridiculous; you have one heck of a family!"

Evan nodded saying "thanks, are you sure you don't want me to sleep with you?"

Fox looked bewildered saying "honestly is sex all you think about when not doing anything?"

Evan blushed as he shuffled his feet and replied "sadly to say yes. Oops there goes my holophone!"

He removed a red device on his left hip and opened it showing a hologram of his wife. She raised an eyebrow as she eyed Krystal and replied "Evan who is she?"

Krystal raised an eyebrow while expecting her to be angry instead she looked kind and blushed as she saw her stare at her breasts. She folded her arms saying "your wife is bi?"

Evan nodded saying "of course and so is my daughter. Um Sheana this is Krystal and well Fox from the Starfox team, apparently the Common Wealth's borders are close to the Lylat system. I saved there asses from a huge ass swarm of pirates! Just a question you would you allow me to be a swinger?"

Fox blushed as did Krystal who chuckled and whispered "he's more lewd then Wolf!"

Sheana smiled as she replied "hmm she looks gorgeous and beautiful, I always did like beautiful girls like my daughter. I will be fine with it as long as you tell me and no one else do you hear me?"

Evan nodded rapidly as he answered "thank you and I understand you loud and clear just her if Fox allows it. I love Sheana and tell Kris I will be home a bit later then usual!"

She smiled and winked at Krystal before turning off her phone make her blush like crazy.

Evan eyed her and added "um my wife now sort of wants to invite Krystal into our bed and be alone with her if you visit us!"

This caused Krystal to blush and reply "oh for crying out loud! I don't think I am a lesbian or Bi, in fact I haven't even had sex before!"

Evan simply smirked saying "first time for everything, it's always the first time that lets you know how you're attracted to the right gender or depending on what you see. However for my wife it was because we both fit together easily!"

Krystal shook her head and sniffed saying "well at least it's not as bad as when I get into heat. I really do have a fiery belly that makes it near impossible for me to resist sex!" she rubbed her belly nervously through her clothes making Fox look concerned.

Evan shrugged his shoulders and answered "yeah I know my wife and daughter get crazy. But I do have the ability to sterilize my seed before sex or make sure to only sterilize everything but one seed!"

Fox raised an eyebrow saying "how is that even possible?"

Evan looked away saying "I'm a hybrid the other half comes from that bio engineered race that was used as a weapon. They are immensely powerful at least mentally; the implications are having 100% full control of the mind. However it's far too powerful I mean I can hear every single thought from the entire city back home and if I were to even open up at 30% but I would risk a major migrane. Anything more then I risk my mind becoming a veggie. The only reason for such abilities is that I am carrying the mantle, otherwise known as the Bydo core inside my chest the one responsible for controlling the Bydo Empire!"

Fox broke out into a cold sweat as he saw his eyes turned black briefly and Evan continued "the bydo can control machinery and many horrific things, however they are deeply sorry for being forced to attack the common Wealth, my fighter is one to!"

Krystal reeled backwards as she answered "so that is why it's so fast and fluid!"

Evan smiled saying "bydo craft have that effect and are a bit better then most craft but your arwings could shoot me down if you had a better lock on so system. It is also sentient; the egomaniacal bastard forced some of the bydo silicon into its shell to make a hybrid of sorts. You must understand they hate being used to create extreme aggression because that is how they were made!"

Fox simply shook his head and answered "well then do you care to head for the lounge? After all it's better to relax after a stressful day!"

Evan smiled saying "sure after you though!" Fox rolled his eyes knowing he wanted to stare at his rump before walking out the door as Evan walked forwards before extending a paw to Krystal. She smiled softly before taking it and added "he doesn't feel anything for me just yet but will that change?"

Evan softly smiled and replied "Krystal he loves you like a friend, in fact he doesn't even have a lover. It all depends on his feelings even then as a friend he would always be there for you!"

She smiled softly before leaning against him making him chuckle as they headed for the lounge.

4:OO Pm Starfox lounge.

In the lounge Evan was lying across a coach reading a book as the rest of team besides Fox and Krystal eyed him wearily.

Falco broke the silence "alright I give how advanced is this Common Wealth?"

Evan eyed him as he lowered his book and explained "the common Wealth is at least in the 28th century regarding technology. It used to be a bit lower until I gave them some interesting information from a game series called Mass Effect and now it's skyrocketed a few decades. Right now however were capable of crossing galaxies or creating small artificial worlds. However security has increased tenfold since the last war!"

Falco whistled as everybody else looked at him in disbelief before asking "I know you said four galaxies were lost but how big are we talking about?"

Evan sighed and answered "your arwings were at the farthest border of the Common wealth, it is actually 14 galaxies in size. However we do have a serious internal issue regarding the fanatic terrorists called the syndicate on every core world..."

Fox growled as he sat up from a chair he was sitting and answered "I don't understand why, why would they do this?"

Evan sighed and answered "it's because they are hired thugs for the Illuminate!"

Krystal winced saying "that sounds a bit shady and who are they?"

Evan snorted saying "The Illuminate is an organization that seeks to control the government from behind the scenes to go onto the path they created."

Fox felt uneasy before asking "they caused a lot of grief didn't they?"

Evan sighed and explained "they have, when The Common Wealth first started coming into power they wanted to use a message about Augmentations for their own ends. Augmentations at the time were feared, and barely understood because they weren't natural. If they got what they had wanted then things would have been very different right now because they wanted to restrict technological growth by having the technology for themselves..."

Krystal scowled even as Katt rubbed her forehead. Falco blinked incredulously saying "that, that is pretty stupid and extreme. I am surprised they are still around!"

Evan smiled coldly saying "not for long, I have dug up all the information I could on them and sent there bases locations to the government when I was on a road trip. It will take a few decades to root them out unfortunately. So do you like Katt Falco?"

The avian blushed before answering "well uh, oh alright I do happy?"

Evan shook his head saying "no and that is not how you respond to a question young man!"

Falco huffed grumbling a bit even as Evan beamed his eyes at him with a smile on his face. Krystal threw a small book at him saying "Evan be nice to Falco!"

Evan laughed saying "okay I will mistress!"

She sputtered before saying "what?!"

He flushed red saying "whoops I didn't mean to say that, I have a fetish for mistresses and my wife controls me when I drive her up the wall. In fact I have two collars and two leashes one is given to me by my daughter the other my wife. It makes me so turned on when a woman dominates a man or my wife and daughter dominate me!"

Krystal blushed deeply even as Fox rubbed his forehead saying "you can't control your hormones can you?"

Evan blushed and answered "I can it's just my routine, I get fucked, I make love, I have fun every day. Simply for the fact that I heavily believe that sex can heal or it can destroy!"

He looked interested and asked him "what's the longest time you fucked?"

Evan blushed and answered "more than half the day a solid 9 hours at least and receiving it!"

They all twitched and Krystal muttered "you are a man-whore!"

Evan smiled saying "that is what my wife say's after all I am a bit of a natural slut!"

She rolled her eyes in exasperation before everybody slapped their foreheads as he laughed. She asked him "so why are you a vigilante?"

Fox frowned hearing this as he removed his hand and questioned "you're a vigilante why?"

Evan eyed him and answered "if it wasn't for me his empire would have took control of the planet. Look the mayor fixed the laws around the city making sure the Enforcers hands or paws in this case were tied. I did it to save the city and to keep my friends and mate to be safe. I don't like what I do but it needed to be done, without destroying the root of the problem there won't be anything to heal."

Fox sighed shaking his head saying "so this egomaniacal person really caused so much pain and strife?"

Evan laughed bitterly and answered "oh yes, he was fond of slavery enterprises where people don't have a choice. Women were targeted and children so much that they were scared to go out alone or even out of their homes. When I took care of him and these enterprises they were so relieved and happy that I was swarmed the next day! After living in fear and pain the city has started to heal and I lead the charge in making sure the corruption will be cleansed and those laws that restrict us shattered. I want to make the city a much better place for everyone and I am willing to do whatever it takes!"

Fox snarled before cracking his knuckles saying "if he wasn't already dead I would have beaten the shit out of him!"

Falco added "ditto!" as did Katt and Krystal who looked furious.

Evan smiled softly before going back to his book and started to read once more.

A little while later he was walking alone down the hallways looking worriedly at his watch seeing that it was close to sunset. He heard soft sigh from a room. He looked inside seeing a plain bed with Krystal lying on it alone. He blushed as he realised that this was her room and slowly walked inside befoe saying "knock, knock!"

Krystal spotted him as she frowned saying "what do you want?"

Evan frowned as he sat on her bed and replied "nothing, why do you feel off?"

She sighed and answered "somedays I feel sick of being the only one in the universe after my home planet was destroyed. Other times I just feel guy trouble..."

He smiled softly and added "there is a way to create life without sex, after all the Common Wealth has this technology to pluck an embryo from a female and seed it with there one to grow in cryo chambers. However not many people like it at all. Do you mind if I rub your chest?"

He asked her making her raise an eyebrow saying "okay, just becareful where you roam your paws alright?"

He smiled softly as he placed a paw on her chest and began to rub it cautiously making sure to stay away from her breasts. She murred in delight before saying "you can rub my breasts I don't mind!"

He felt his arousal grow and he blushed before saying "I'm sorry you got me a bit horny!" he joked before slowly removing his under armor and placed it at the side of the room along with his pants.

She eyed the large bulge and added "that is a monster!"

He smiled saying "it's 8 inches long and thick as my wrist, my wife loves it and I do have a knot. However I won't have sex with you unless you want it."

She gently stretched herself feeling a pleasurable feeling as he stroked and massaged her keeping his paws away from her breasts as he did. She almost pouted making him cock his head and ask "I'm sorry did you wanted me to rub or fondle them well alright!"

She blushed before smiling as he gently stroked them and never groped her. She moaned softly at the feeling before saying "you never grope do you?"

Evan frowned and answered "no, unless it is with permission. Even my wife fondles our daughter and sleeps with her sometimes because she wanted to. I never grope unless it is with permission or finger, in fact she enjoys it when I masturbate her cock for her. She deserves everything and anything we can give her."

She shook her head as he continued gently creating slow circles with his hands making feel very relaxed.

She asked him "I've been meaning to ask, how are you so fast?"

He smiled as he gently kneaded her with his paws and answered "I'm always training to protect my family. However it also because I'm an energy manipulator in fact everybody can do it if they train enough. The thing is I don't channel it often to adjust my speed that often as it hurts like hell because of my energy channels..."

She raised an eyebrow and he explained "Photon energy, ki, chi, and zordiarc. Photon energy is magic, ki is life energy and far more destructive. Chi is physical energy or the bodies spirit, zordiarc is unknown and I can't for life of me describe it but its far more potent then the last two energies. However unlike most naturals I have very bad control for having to much!"

She smiled softly before moaning feeling his paws spread to her thighs and replied "aw that's a nice feeling getting rubbed. It seems like your nearly seducing me , could you fuck me?"

Evan blinked rapidly saying "sure, but first what about your hymen?"

She blushed and added "I lost it in an accident when I was little!"

He smiled before nodding as he used his right watch to materialize a condom and explained "my right watch is where I keep a shit load of inventory but mostly weapons. Right now however it's filled with tools for checking or repairing anything on my jet along with several boxes of specially made condoms. It's a bit finicky when it comes to looking good sometimes..."

She rolled her eyes as she raised her hands to help him slide it on. She licked her lips eyeing his length and answered "your wife, daughter, and friends are so lucky to have you!"

He smiled before saying "I'm nowhere as big as Kobe and he has a massive rod but it honestly depends on what you do during sex. Anyways this is a special condom meant for carrying massive loads and it will not burst due to the material it is made from. Along with the special spermicidal it contains there is only 1% of it even happening if your in heat that is!"

He slowly rolled it down all the way to the knot at his base and replied "there we go. This way I don't feel so bad doing this because of Fox. He's really shy isn't he I mean it just takes a direct nudge!"

Krystal chuckled softly before grabbing his length which felt like rubber and added "I guess so, no come to momma!"

She pulled him onto her and he quickly slipped inside her making her gasp. He wrapped his arms around her waist and replied "I don't like pinning, embracing yes because it's much faster!"

Soon enough the entire room began to shake which each thrust as she panted and moaned while he grunted. He moved his mouth down to her right nipple and began to suckle quickly as he pounded her hard causing her to pant heavily. He gave a soft mewl before saying "shit, I forgot you're a virgin even with a condom are you hurt?"

The pleasure was increasing as her bodies core grew in heat before adding "not really, I'm going to be feeling that for a while. Are you normally this rough?"

Evan grunted as his thrusts increased in speed and explained "no, I just want to finish fast because I promised my daughter I will be back home soon unless you want me to slow down and do slow sex of course. By the way the Starfox crew can get their paperwork filled out at Enforcer head quarters if you want to visit! I am sure my daughter wife and friends will be very curious about you guys after all!"

She grunted feeling his rubberized cock slip through her cervix and moaned loudly. The pleasure was increasing making them pant and groan as his balls smack against her ass. He stiffled a groan as his knot began to inflate before ramming home slipping it within and released inflating the condom.

She gasped in The after glow as he rested on her before asking "did you wanted me to go slow? After all I am sorry for being so rough..."

She panted as she licked her lips and answered "no, you're still releasing?" she finally spoke after the soreness went away feeling the girth inside her with a paw.

He blushed and explained "when a wolf or canine knots someone they release until they are dry. For me it's 30 minutes or more at least. You're a still very beautiful vixen!"

She slowly sat up as he did while wrapping her arms around him. She smiled softly and whispered "tell me did fox ever regret pushing me away?"

He sighed and answered "Krystal, Fox has no one, and it truly did hurt him when he made that mistake. Its just he is so shy sadly after all it takes the direct approach!"

Krystal blushed saying "so after all this time of flirting or trying to woo him it takes the direct approach of a deep kiss on the lips?"

Evan nodded making her snort saying "your ridiculous, how did you fall in love with your wife?"

He sighed before saying "it took weeks or two months, I comforted her, I chatted with her. I would find ways for her to relax or enjoy herself. True I sort of drive her up the wall but it's more for our enjoyment. You see we don't have normal mornings and they tend to always end up like a comedy, oops I'm done!"

His knot had deflated and he pulled out before slowly removing the condom and she stared wide eyed at a massive black condom the size of her stomach. She whistled saying "you weren't kidding were you about load sizes. Jeez you could easily impregnate somebody!"

He smirked before adding "due to my bydo genetic code I could also impregnate a man by turning there colon into a artificial womb due to my own seed as well. That is why I would always sterilize myself around friends and those I love!"

She shook her head in disbelief saying "your just, your bizarre and in a good way!"

He chuckled before slowly walking over to a trashcan in her room and dumped the condom into it slowly. He shook his head having seen his load for the first time and added "that's the first time I have ever used a condom. My friends don't use them and neither do I unless I have to for someone."

Krystal smiled before asking him "do you have to leave?"

Evan deflated before saying "I'm afraid so my daughter might be worried sick. The last time I was away for so long I was hospitalized because of being hit by a cement truck, I really don't want to think about that as I nearly went insane and slaughtered everyone because of it. What I meant by not sane is that I have an extremely twisted and genocidal split personality named Yami as that is where all my dark feelings go. He has an effect to make me more cruel, angry, or deeply hurtful if I become very spiteful for a personal reason..."

She gently moved off the bed and walked over to hug him and kissed his neck saying "thanks for everything..."

He smiled as he blushed as he turned around to kiss her forehead and answered "your welcome, if you excuse me I have to leave before my daughter gets worried again!"

She released her arms and watched as he slowly exited the room before her thoughts went to Fox and a way to get him attracted to her as well.

In the hangar Fox and the others watched him jump onto his wing and asked him "so your leaving us?"

Evan smiled softly as he looked at them saying "I'm a family man, however that won't stop me from visiting every once in a while. Like I told Krystal you need the proper paper work and I am sure I could tell my boss to file your papers if you want to visit. I'm sorry I got steamed at you Falco by the way!"

The avian chuckled before waving him off and replied "it's no big deal!"

He chuckled before shouting "hey Fox! I know you're a shy fellow but come on, Krystal has her needs and she wants you!"

Fox blushed heavily even as Krystal grabbed his cheeks and gave him a deep kiss on his lips. They laughed as Katt asked "your such an ass!"

Evan smirked as his canopy opened and he tossed a black thick disk of which krystal caught before jumping in before shouting "later!"

With a whine his jet slowly rose from the hangar bay as the doors opened and with a soft roar it made a sharp U turn as I exited the Great Fox and with a sharp crack it blasted off into hyper sonic speeds back to earth.

They waved him off politely and Fox wrapped his arms around Krystals waist and added "what is that?"

She shrugged her shoulders before smiling as she saw a note attached to it.

He released her as the rest of the crew gathered to read it

"To the Starfox Crew, what I have given to you is a communications array meant for connecting to either to me or the Enforcers HQ located in this quadrant. Only use it for dire emergencies for the latter or simple chat with me as it is connected to my holophone. I'm sorry if I had to leave soon but my daughter needs me. If you ever need anything just be around that same large blue planet you stumbled across by accident. Also are you sure you don't want to lose that cherry Fox?"

Fox blushed deeply as everybody else burst into hysterics except for Krystal who stifled a giggle. She smiled at Fox before asking "are you shy?"

He smiled softly before giving her a deep kiss and added "I was but not now, did he fuck you?"

She smiled as she replied "he used a condom, I think he wanted my first time to be with you lover boy!"

He nuzzled her before adding "not now, maybe later if you really want to have fun hmm?" making her smile as she swished her blue tail.

Evan cursed as he landed in his backyard and guided his jet to the back of the house and opened his canopy. As he jumped down he smiled seeing his daughter waiting for him and rushed over to hug her.

Kris let out a soft squeak as she was hugged and replied "daddy where were you?"

He chuckled before answering "I was in space briefly and I stumbled across the Starfox crew from the nearby system. Maybe I can introduce you to them someday after all I gave them a communications device connected to my phone to create a much larger hologram for us to see. Now come here I want to spend all my time with my baby girl and your brother and mother!"

She giggled softly as he carried her inside and nuzzled her as she did the same. He smiled softly in thought as his mind was elsewhere, knowing that this wasn't the first time he was going to meet the starfox crew as he made sure the communications array was connected to the Enforcers signal and his own signal that was connected to his holo phone.

He smiled softly as he embraced by his friends and wife who replied "did you enjoy yourself?"

He shook his head and answered "I used rubber, I would never cheat on you even if you gave me permission!"

Sheana smiled softly and replied "aw you're a big softie also thank you, it matters a lot to me..."

He was released even as Zume gave him a lick and Evan smiled as he looked into his friends blue eyes and answered "I know, I sort of gave the Starfox crew a communications array connected to my holophone and Enforcer HQ. I don't want an interstellar incident on my hands so they will have to sign the permission papers..."

Zume groaned as Kobe replied "those papers are a real hassle, but do you feel like you want to relax?"

Evan smiled before saying "well yes, but of course after my alone time with my lovely daughter, she's just so cute!" he teased Kris who blushed up a storm and giggled as she smiled brightly. He did promise he would be with her after getting his jet repaired and cleaned and now he won't be spoiling it for her.

She wrapped her arms around her fathers neck and replied "father can you take it slow please?"

He smiled softly as he rocked her and added "I will go as slow as I can if that is what you want?"

She sighed saying "father are you still feeling guilty about when you lied to me?"

He grimaced as he looked slightly pained and explained "Kris, I promised I wouldn't lie to you instead I broke it that one time!" he yelped as she lightly smacked him on the back of his head with a paw.

She huffed rolling her eyes she replied "father I was annoyed briefly but you did it so I could be closer to Jayce. I love my cuddly yellow furred fox very much and you don't have to apologize for everything!"

Jayce blushed even as ume nudged him saying "Jayce and Kris sitting in a tree K-I-S-SING!"

He rolled his green eyes saying "oh shut up zume, she's more dominative then you!"

Evan rolled his eyes listening to their bickering and replied "Kobe, if you want to want to fuck me during our fun in the master bedroom I will be more than happy to oblige as monkey see and monkey do here are acting like kids!"

The Doberman smiled at that offer before following after them even as Jayce and Zume gave him a dirty glare. Evan looked over his shoulder saying "oh you want this silver furred ass hmm?" making sure to rotate his bum ever so slowly making Kris giggle as her mother rolled her eyes and mouth 'man-whore!' before he entered the master bedroom followed by Kobe as well.

Kris smiled as her father placed her onto the bed gently and removed his under armor and boxers as he did the same to her jeans and boxers. He slowly removed her shirt and gently eyed her breasts before starting to suck on one of them as he entered her wanting tunnel making her moan. He smiled feeling Kobe place his hands on his hips and replied "so do you want slow or rough like crazy?"

Evan answered while rolling his golden hazel eyes "rough please! It's been a while since I had rough sex with your large rod!"

He licked his lips before resuming his sucking even as his eyes widened in pleasure feeling him slowly enter his anal rings before making a sharp thrust. He murred and panted before meeting his thrusts by humping backwards as the Doberman slammed home.

Kobe gritted his teeth and asked him "tell me do you have a crush on Zume? Just want to know!"

Evan answered "of course I do, and a crush on you and Jayce. However mostly Zume after all he is a very gentle guy unless you get him mad!"

Just as he returned to gently sucking on his daughters left nipple making her sigh in bliss. She smiled feeling him thrust again except more slowly as she moaned and panted. His left paw was gently stroking and rubbing her other breast making her ask "would you have mother join in as well?"

He smiled kindly saying "of course I would let her join, I don't want to be selfish and have you two hog me nearly everyday when you can!"

Kobe rolled his blue eyes saying "I don't hog you, I mostly hog Zume! After all I am his boyfriend as Jayce keeps pointing out!"

Evan rolled his eyes and added "so what? It's his own way to have fun; you can't blame him for being a bit childish right?"

Kobe rolled his eyes before smiling as Evan replied "still it's great to be back with friends and family!"

They chuckled softly as he returned to having sex with his daughter. He blinked as his thoughts went elsewhere to a certain blue furred vixen as her green eyes stared at him. He blinked and mentally shook his head knowing that he would do anything to protect a friend even if they are new, and a poor lonely vixen who just wants to love Fox.

Kris looked at her father and asked "is there something wrong?"

Evan shook his head saying "no, just thinking..." as he said that his eyes hidden from them began to grow even colder then an arctic storm as did his hesitance about killing those who deserve there fates shattered. As they released Evan hugged his daughter with a smile on his face before getting up to leave after he placed on his pants before they went into the kitchen.

As he embraced his wife and smiled softly at her as she hugged back gently. He nuzzled her softly rubbing his cheek against her own making her murr softly. He chuckled before his thoughts went elsewhere and he internally frowned as he thought "why do I feel so concerned about Krystal?"

A cold feeling was felt as everything clicked into place as a chill crawled down his spine. When he had comforted her briefly he could easily see that she had a mask an emotional mask impossible to see through. She was in deep pain judging by her eyes as her heart was scarred very deeply, and he didn't want her to take her own life. Having lost her planet, her people, her emotions were starting to crumble into sadness and apathy and that worries him greatly.

As he gazed out the bay windows he could hear the roar of the Arwings in the distance as they came for a visit themselves as they headed for Enforcer HQ quickly before the military began to respond.