Central New Year #1- Introduction

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#12 of Exploration

I was woken on my birthday to the sound of Gareth cooking. Oh dear. I'm being nice in all respects when I say Gareth can't cook. It was a Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about work, this could be a perfect morning. Then Draco as picking me up tonight to take me to Central. Apparently they had a surprise for me. I heard voices, and judged Alecto was talking to Gareth. This could be potentially interesting. Alecto had a view on Gareth's cooking.

I drew my bed sheets off me, and got my clothes on. My rifle, my backpack of things I might need, and a pair of black sunglasses sat on a chair. I felt euphoric. I was now nineteen, and I looked like having a interesting weekend. I got my combat boots on, and went over to the door.

They were all there, none of them looking this way. Tufty and Simba were playing battleships, watched by Draco, and Alecto and Gareth were trying to make, pancakes. Alecto was offering helpful advice, like, every second. I stood, looking at this fresco for a second, and then leaned on a pillar.

"Cheers for the wake up call."

They all turned, and gave me a rousing cheer.

"Hey, it's the birthday boy!" Draco rumbled, his smile wide. Alecto became distracted by Gareth's pancakes, and he and Gareth turned away. I came over to the table, and sat down on a chair.

"So what's this all about, invading my house are we?"

"I just thought it would be nice to spend a day here."Simba replied. "G5."

"You sunk my biggest ship!" Tufty sighed. I smiled.

"It's if he sinks your smallest one when you're in trouble."

This reminded me of something I had thought of, and I went over to my pile of games. I selected Pirate's Cove, and set it down on the table. Everyone looked at it.

"This is my favourite game, and I'll teach the lot of you.It's five player, so Gareth or Alecto can join in."

"Gareth can." Alecto called." I'll make sure your breakfast doesn't burn." Gareth sighed loudly, and came over. I gave them the basics of the game, and we started the game. I drew a parrot for my first card, and thus an advantage, and soon we were getting tactical at one another. When he heard about battles, Draco spoke.

"The loser strips." he said, simply.

"That's no fair."I replied," I'll cane the lot of you, Besides, what if someone runs out of clothing?"

"Have a guess."

We guessed.

"I'll scupper my own ship then." Tufty laughed. But no one objected, and so it became the rule. true to my prediction, by the end of four rounds, two of us, Draco and Gareth were down to their last item of clothing. Draco had walked into a six gun salute from one of my broad sides, and Gareth was double teamed by three attacks from Tufty and Simba.

By the end of the game, four of us were stripped completely. I was not one of the four, for my ship had never founded. Then those who had been sunk more then their clothing quota, Gareth and Tufty, ended up in a sixty nine, while everyone else cheered. I left the table, and went over to the kitchen. Alecto was a good cook, and he was putting almost perfect pancakes onto plates. Beside them were rashers of bacon, and a selection of fruits.

"You cook well." I looked at the feast being prepared.There was a bang behind me, and ignored it.

"Thank you.It comes to me naturally." he said with a smile.

"What are they doing now?"I said, not daring to turn around.

"It looks like Simba and Draco have taken a fox each." Alecto laughed at my despondent face. "What's wrong?"

"Why am I not getting involved?" I laughed."So are you going to this Hunt?"

"Of course. Practically everyone's invited, and besides, it's almost always a good time."

"How many have you been to?"

"Twelve, I think. The first time, Draco caught me after about twenty seven minutes."

"So do you chase?"

"Not really. I just watch."

"How do you watch?"

"There is a camera hovering over each competitor, and their signals are relayed back to the main hall, so we can see what each is doing. When a competitor is caught, the signal turns off, so you don't need to worry about the entirety of Central seeing you being raped."

This hadn't been expected. We were going to be filmed? Down elevator feeling in my stomach.

"How long does the average last?"

"Between half an hour to forty five minutes.And despite what Draco says, everyone who chases a Hunted person, unless they only want one, chases any they can see. So if you're spotted by anyone, run for it, because they take what they get."

"Mind you, everyone will be going for me anyway." I smiled. Tufty was moaning behind me.

"That doesn't mean much."

"It does when Draco and Silverine had declared to the entire food store they're going for me."

"Again, that just ups your value. Several will want to get to you first to beat Draco, some because they find you immensely hot, the rest because they came across you."

"So what am I allowed to use?"

"Anything you have on you, but no backpacks. Anything you find. You can go anywhere, but don't hide in an office, because that trick is too tired to work."

I took all this in. Tufty was moaning louder.

"Is Draco fucking Tufty?"


"Thought so.Oi! You guys, come and get your breakfast!" I shouted over my shoulder.There was a pause, and then they came over.

Breakfast was eaten noisily, and everyone was talking. The majority of the conversation was on the Hunt.

"Of course, Draco holds the record for most captures. Fifteen, isn't it?"

"About that. Of course, it's going to be sixteen."Draco gave me a roguish wink at me, and this time I rose to the bait.

"It might be, but that's only if you can catch me up. I bet I'll go for an hour."

"An hour? Doubtful." Draco laughed.

I sipped a cold Milo."We shall see."

Actually, we teleported to Central after lunch, just so we could do a bit more. It was getting a bit boring in my humble flat.As we arrived in our familiar quarters, a new figure came through the door.

This was quite clearly Devlin. As soon as I saw him, my hope at surviving two hours went down. A long way down. He was eight feet in height, and his red scaly seemed to glow with heat. His tail flicked idly, and his jet black claws rubbed together in anticipation. His wrists and ankles were covered in strange markings, almost like runes, and his muscles tensed as we arrived in the room. His razor teeth formed into a smile when he saw Draco.

"Ah, cousin, how are we?"

"Excellent. This is our mark for tomorrow." He clapped my shoulder. I grabbed my forehead in a 'how did I get into this?' pose. Devlin laughed.

"Who is this?"

"Alduin." I said." I have heard much about you, Devlin."

"Oh, good. At least you know your chances."

"With you, him and Silverine after me?Couldn't you fight one another?"

Devlin gave a roaring laugh." Silverine's after you as well. I think we'll work together on this one, Draco.Rather us then him."

Draco went over and hugged his cousin in greeting, and the two went into another room. Simba looked at the closing door, but before he spoke, I did. Determination pulsed through me.

"Is that how it is?Right."

I walked out into the corridor. The foxes followed me. I shrugged off my backpack, and loosened my muscles.

"You training for tomorrow?"

"I'm going to."

"How can we help?"

"By trying to catch me." I smiled." Give me five seconds."

I closed my eyes, counted to ten inwardly, and then got into the starting position.

"And here we go."

I rose like a bad curry, and took off down the corridor. My rifle swung dangerously from my shoulder, and I came to a T-junction. Remembering my run through the corridors during when I was poisoned, I figured that the corridors were actually quite slippery, and I slid sideways around the corner, and sprinted ahead. As I looked behind, I saw Alecto ten metres behind me. All of them ran in barefoot, their furry paws sliding around the corners. I dodged down several corridors, Alecto right behind me. He made little ground, but he kept up.

Gareth appeared at the end of a corridor as I turned into one. I ran directly towards him, and then slammed on the anchors. I slid to a halt, and then I ducked as Alecto skidded past me, his arm trying to grab my shirt as he shot past. Gareth overtook his brother, and hared after me. Then as I came to yet another long corridor, Tufty positioned himself in the centre of the exit, legs wide and hunkered down. I ran full tilt towards him, my bulk blinding the foxes of each other's presence. At the last second I dived forward, underneath the fox's legs.My rifle clipped his leg, and he moved in a jerk reaction, straight into the path of his brother. There was a thudding noise, and an expulsion of breath, and I got to my feet and turned. Gareth and Tufty were on the ground, both looking slightly dazed.

Alecto turned the corner, but I raised my hand.

"O.K., I think we stop here for just a second. Tufty, you alright?"

I hauled the stunned fox to his feet.Gareth got up.

"Right, I think that's gives me the basics." I said smiling.Gareth gave a short laugh.

"If you can pull off that sort of fancy move against an entire horde, you ought to do well."

"Indeed. Now, where are we?I still don't know my way around here."

"That's not a surprise. You have to be here, in Central, for a good solid few months.That's a slight disadvantage, but if you're running from, it won't make too much difference."

We headed back by the wisdom of Alecto, and then Dev and Draco announced we were going to the food store. Dev hadn't arrived until ten minutes before we had, and was rather hungry. We headed down a myriad of corridors, and then came to the familiar food store. As soon as Devlin entered, everyone looked at him.Draco followed him to a table, and the remaining five entered together, discussing things in low tones. Draco ordered us some type of food, and I drew out my water bottle from my back pack, taking a swig of it.

Oh joy, not five minutes later, Silverine entered.He looked surprised, but it was me who spoke in the silence.

"Oh look, all three heavy weights, in the same room."

Devlin looked up, and laughed.

"Silverine, good to see you!" Silverine smiled.

"How are you?" he came over to us." I hear you're here for the Hunt."

"Wouldn't miss it.So who are we all after?"

Draco pointed at me. Silverine pointed at me. Devlin pointed at me. I pointed at the door. Everyone else in the store laughed, and we joined in.

"Should we work together?" Draco suggested.

"Oh come on." I replied. Devlin chuckled, but Silverine shook his head.

"I work alone, I'm afraid." I made the sign of the cross, in mock relief. This prompted more laughter. Then we all ate, talking merrily. The food was brilliant, as usual, and we cleaned our plates with rapidity.After a good twenty minutes of talking after the food was finished, we all got up.

Alecto was whispering something to Gareth as I stepped out of the store.

"Five seconds."

I turned.





I saw Devlin, Draco and Silverine looking in interest at this new turn of events. I shot away past the foxes, and they turned in pursuit. I got about fifty yards, and then, with them at my heels, slid to a halt, ducking low. Gareth slammed into me, and went over me, and both the other two shot past, trying to turn around. I spun, and sprinted back the way I had come, past an approving Draco. Silverine shouted after me.

"Nice move, but you're not going to beat us that easily."

Devlin prodded Draco's shoulder.

"He's got a fair turn of speed, and he's wily. This could almost be enjoyable."

Draco nodded, then called to me, as I came to a halt, checking where the foxes were. Two headed into different corridors, and Gareth got off the ground, and headed towards me.

"Don't go too far."

"That's the point!" I called back."If I don't know where I am, how are you supposed to find me?"

I turned, and sprinted for it. Devlin managed a chuckle as I sped away.

"He's got a point."

It turned out that I again outwitted the three brothers, but then spent the next half an hour wondering where the devil I was. Thus about an hour and a half later, I actually found Arachno's room, and seeing as the spider wasn't busy right then, he led me back.

"I hear you're in this Hunt?"

"I am, Arachno. Are you going to chase me as well?"

"No, I don't get involved. Besides, I have to perform an operation on a G'zara, so I won't go."

"That's a shame.What's a G'zara?"

"A mammalian critter about so high." he lowered a hand to about two feet off the ground. I looked at the height.

"That's not very tall."

"No, but they make excellent scouts and thieves."

He dropped me off, and walked away. I entered, to find Devlin and Draco discussing something in low whispers. I heard Devlin say.

"Has that been done before?"

"What?" I said, shutting the door. Draco looked up.

"How'd you find your way back?"

"Arachno.I found his office by fluke.I lost Alecto and Gareth just after Tufty described an arc into a wall."

"How'd he do that?"

"I flipped him over my shoulder."

Draco's eyebrows raised.Devlin laughed.

"Well, I think it's safe to say anyone apart from us chasing you will not get far."

"So you're still expecting to catch me?"

"Of course. We were actually going to decide who get's which end."

I laughed, very loudly." Well, Draco loves doing it anally, so that doesn't leave you much choice." Draco laughed.

"You make it sound as though we'll only have time for one go."

"Oh, I think more than that.But when you catch me, I said when, it'll be short on time."

"Whatever." Draco stood and went into another room. I took Draco's vacated seat, and leaned back, looking at the hell fire dragon across the table. Damn he looked hot, and yes while that is a lousy pun, I meant he also looked incredibly sexy.I spoke.

"Just for the record, Dev, are you like Draco vis sex?"

Dev laughed." Is that how it is? Yes, I am."

"So you fuck the life out of the person in question?"

Dev stopped laughing.

"No." he reversed mentally."I am not as brutal as he is. I prefer to go slow."

"Good." I smiled."I should like to have sex with you, if it weren't for the fact that Draco will be at the Hunt too."

"What about now?" Devlin suggested, making to rise.

"No." I shook my head."After the Scouter's ball, yes, but I think I'd prefer to be kept waiting. How big is your member, following that path?"

"In your measurements, three inches by twenty."

I whistled loudly." Actually, maybe you should just take me right now. I'd love to have that inside me."

We laughed loudly together.

Alecto arrived.

"I wondered where you'd gotten to."he wheezed. He looked slightly out of breath.Devlin nodded at me.

"You're not going to evade us forever, but I think you'll be more than average."

I smiled. "I still reckon you'll get me about ten minutes before the end."

Suddenly the place became rather busy. Tufty, Gareth and Silverine all entered within a minute of each other. Tufty was definitely impressed with my technique, Gareth was rueing the fact I had given the slip again, and Silverine wanted to talk to me privately about the Scouter's ball. At his office, if possible.

I wasn't going to refuse. My back still ached. Dev gave me a knowing smile, which I returned, and followed Silverine down another maze of passageways. We said little until we arrived at his room. The door was plain, and he opened the door for me, pulling it to behind him and locking it.His main room was a library in it's own right, every wall was covered in bookcases. We sat down in two armchairs, and Silverine spoke.

"That was quite an impressive display of fighting."

"Thank you. It was a mixture of martial arts and blind rage." I replied, grinning. Silverine laughed.

"Of course, even the smallest can be dangerous in a berserker mood. I was exceptionally impressed when you hurled me over your shoulder."

"Thank you."

"But, officially, I brought you here to talk about the ball. You are aware of the procedure?"

"Not entirely."

"O.K. The ball starts at eight. Then there is an hour and a bit of conversation and food, although my suggestion to you is not to over eat. Then, at ten to ten, I will call you and the other newcomers forward. You getting this?"

"Clear as crystal."

"Good. I will explain the tradition behind this, and give you a few minutes to prepare. As the clock finishes it's chimes for ten, you have two minutes to get out of the hall and run. After two minutes, every else can chase you.You have to try and survive until midnight, although no one has ever managed that.

"Never?" I said, aghast. Silverine shook his head.

O.K., this was worrying.

"Of course, the numbers involved are a factor. There are just too many hunters. What your main objective is is to try and stay free for as long as possible. You know about the cameras?"

"Yes, Alecto told me. Do they still record after capture?"

"Yes, but no one in the great hall sees.Normally the newcomer gets his own recording, to see how good, or bad, he did."

"Oh good, I'll get to see myself ravaged by two dragons. No offence, Silverine, but I think they'll beat you to me."

Silverine gave a laugh, and nodded.

"I think so too, Alduin.I probably don't have the skill to manage both of their skills at once. Two can set a trap, one can only chase."

"Or lock me in their office?Is that also why you wanted to see me, unofficially?"

This time, Silverine let forth a burst of roaring laughter.

"I can see how you beat Draco, now.Were you thinking I would rape you?"


"Well I would."He smiled wickedly. I laughed.

"O.K., I'm keen.But could I ask one question first?"

"Fire away."

"Has Draco had it off with everyone in Central, you included?"

Silverine glanced at several points in his room.

"If the rumours have it, except the newcomers.He's definitely had it with me, except I was drunk at the time."

I got off the chair.

"O.K., then."

Silverine stood.

"Er, point of importance, could you make it difficult?"

"You want me to try and avoid you?"

"Well,I like the capture, the challenge. Forcing them to submit." I smiled at this.

"Draco tried that with me, and I cuffed him for his pains. But how do you get people's clothes off when they're struggling?"

"Rip them. It's my nature, I'm afraid."

"Whoa, this is a good T-shirt, I don't want it damaged."

Silverine managed a smile." I consequently made a device that instantly fixed anything put in it, so your T-shirt would come out perfectly made."

I hunkered down.Silverine did the same, claws extended.He dived forward as I ran sideways, and he turned and lunged. He was lightning fast, but I kept him honest. Time and time again I felt him brush past me, and heard his grunts of concentration. But after five minutes, I bumped into the corner of the room, and was crushed againsts the two walls by the Lupogriff. He grabbed the belt of my trousers and my underwear, and pulled hard. The seams broke, and my only protection was torn away, and Silverine threw it away.Assured he had me pinned, he removed his own trousers with no less savagery, and forced me down against the wall. My head and shoulders were forced against it, and he hunkered over me, one hand holding my chest in place.

Then he raped me.He forced his cock deep into my anus, and I cried out in pain.He grabbed my body in his claws, and gripped tightly. Such was his strength, he tore the skin,and I screamed in pain.As my blood ran down my body, his claws raked down my sides, drawing a lot of blood. But this was what Silverine wanted. He leaned down, and started licking at my wounds, all the while slamming his cock deep into my ass.I struggled, trying to force him away, but he was in such a good position I couldn't do a thing.

The pain rocked my body.I cried and moaned in agony,His wings encircled my lower half, and his hands pulled me inwards, so he could easily lick my blood and hammer my insides at the same time.I could now see why Alecto had been so depressed when Draco had said Silverine wanted him.The Lupogriff abused my anus as hard as he could, and he drained my blood slowly. As he did so, he also drained away my will, until I could no longer struggle against him.But when I stopped making noise, he jabbed his claws against my skin, making me scream again.

It became clear, he thrived off the cries of pain, the complete domination.He wanted me to suffer, and I suffered.His cock awoke the bruises left by Draco, and waves of pain took control of my voice. Then I was crying, imploring him to stop.As I did for the umpteenth time, he finished. With a primeval roar, and a moan from me, he thrust all the way inside me, and flooded my rectum with cum.

As he finished, he removed his cock, and then leaned down over my exposed member. He took the limp penis in his mouth, and firnly clamped his teeth around it, trapping my balls firmly inside. Again he drew blood, and as he licked my throbbing cock, he also drunk.

Draco, if ever a time you could have came in, this was the perfect time. He had followed us silently, and had heard my abusal.

"Damn it, he's not that strong." he shouted, slamming his shoulder into the door, breaking it down.He took in the scene, and folded his arms.Silverine released his grip and looked up.

"Come on, Silverine.I don't mind you fucking him, but be a bit gentler. You've practically mauled him.Come on, Alduin.We might need Arachno, Silverine. Why did you do this?"

"He said he didn't mind being attacked."

"Yes, but I think he did mind being used as a scratching post." Draco picked me up, and carried me towards the door." I think we both forget just how delicate Alduin is. He may look tough, and he fights well, but he's no reptile." he walked down the passage, Silverine jogging alongside.

"How did their species survive?"

"They learnt to use tools, and quickly developed. He has his rifle, and his swords, but he bleeds easily. He has no scales to defend blows, no natural camouflage." Draco hissed back. He was annoyed at Silverine, no surprise, but he was also annoyed at himself, because he had forgotten how fragile I was.

Silverine was rather ashamed at himself,and rushed ahead. I spoke my first coherent word.


"Alduin, speak to me. What the devil did he do?"

"Raked me." I coughed.

Arachno's treatment took a good three hours, and I was unconscious for most of it. Finally I awoke.

"Ah, Alduin. What were you thinking?"

That was the good doctor himself. I looked blurrily towards the sound.

"What do you mean?He's a bloody vampire, the way he did that!" I could feel anger rising quickly through my system. Every bitter thing I was thinking multiplied by a thousand. Arachno didn't have the foolishness to argue, but gave my repaired clothes to me. I put them on, and after thanking him warmly, walked straight outside.

The entire group was there. The foxes were waiting in nervousness. Draco was calm, Simba was scowling slightly, and Silverine, well, he was looking disappointed in himself. He had every right to. I was completely racked off by this time, and did something rather dumb. I walked away. Silverine and Draco tried to follow.

"Er, Alduin, this may not be a good time..." Silverine began.

There has only been one other time I lost it completely like this. The other was during a stupid struggle with a friend of mine at school. I did the same then as I did now. I whirled, and kicked out as hard as I could. There was a solid thump, and Silverine's eyes crossed. Draco winced, as did the four still at the door.

"Keep your balls to yourself." I muttered, and as Silverine keeled over in the foetal position, stalked away. Draco looked at the kneeling wolf hybrid. I had just kicked him in the unmentionables, and even a creature resistant to pain knows that hurts.

Gareth ran after me, the others didn't want to. I needed some time out.I had no objection to sex, not even from Silverine, but he had over stepped the line.Gareth jogged alongside as I turned a corner.

"Begging your pardon, master, but that was a damn good shot."

"Thank you Gareth. I am not your master at the moment, and I do have a name."

"Sorry Alduin, I was trying to remain humble.You are, possibly over excited."

"Possibly doesn't call it, Gareth.My skin is unblemished, but he mauled me, and I am seriously P***ed off."

"Alduin, let me take you back to your quarters. We don't want you wandering, not right now."

I laughed coldly.

"What, scared I'll beat up some poor soul?" Gareth didn't nod.

"Not entirely, although you probably would." he replied."But Silverine knows now he did something stupid."

"A bit bloody late for that."

"He will want to say sorry."

"I'll only accept his apology when I've fired a bullet through his side. Then he might understand just how much it hurt." I snarled. Gareth gave me a look.

"Alduin, you know that's a dumb thing to say."

I calmed down. Gareth was right.

So Gareth led me back to our quarters, acting the diplomat as he went.I had been heading in the wrong direction, and so Draco and company had plenty of time to beat me there. They stood outside the door as I approached. Draco saw that I was no longer a vengeful maniac, and spoke.

"Silverine's inside. You can guess what he wants to say.I'll stand here, the others will go to the food store." He made this quite clear. At his words, the others walked off, giving me a few looks. Draco nodded at me, and brought out my rifle, becasue there was no way in hell I would go in there without it, just for safety, and I walked to the door, and opened the door.

Central New Year 2 Pt 4 Aftermath

Valmeero staggered in not fifteen seconds later, and locked the door behind him. "Fuck me sideways!"he exclaimed."What sort of right thinking individual set that thing loose?" "This right thinking individual." I replied, waving a hand. "Oh, that...

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Central New Year 2 Pt3 And all chaos breaks loose...

Everyone started moving about, talking to one another. Covington and self came over to the gently held Alecto. He had his arms folded, and was waiting patiently for the plant to let go. Javid came up. I asked which pocket Gareth's leash was in, and...

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Central New Year 2 Pt2 The Hunt

The meal dragged on as those not Hunting filled themselves.People started to move about, and I noticed an upright piano in the back corner, the musicians had broken off for something to eat. "Silverine,mind if I play some music?" I asked. "Music...

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