Tranquility Moonrise (Second Eternity - Eps 10)

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#10 of Second Eternity

Adventuring throughout many lands where both humans and myths dwell, one may find their second eternity or at least an alternate hell. (This is episode ten.)

NOTE: This was written back when my writing skills were still in development. Therefore you get this as-was.

Enjoy the story.

SE-10 Tranquility Moonrise By Darrel James Vanwinkle (Writing as Ratseye) 10/20/2002-12/21/2002

The late December winter snows were extremely horrid in the National Scenic Riverways, and the City of Rocky Falls region was not spared the icy chill at all. Dominic Bastian Vanlyone huddled closely to his Fifth Circle demon beast friend under the many thick comforter blankets on his bed. The mansion was currently without power and had been so for several days. Most of the city was likewise without power. The mansion's generators were not being used so their fuel reserve would remain filled in the case of a real emergency. Damon Horse opted to return to Agassia to avoid this frigid weather. Jago Fox and Jonie Dreamsea moved in with Reed Huxley for the duration. Even Gotaki made haste to vacate back to the Furry Realms when the mansion's power went out. Dominic and the beast were the only ones to remain behind to hold down the fort.

The hellhound beast, whose name turned out to be Devyn, provided Dominic with enough heat to keep the temperature under the blankets at a nice toasty seventy to eighty degrees. Devyn likewise and often bodily cuddled with Dominic to keep him warm and entertained during this cold weather.

Devyn smiled as Dominic awakened, nuzzling his warm muzzle and tongue into Dominic's chest and neck. "Another frosty morning, Dominic."

Dominic nodded and hugged Devyn. "Very. I am pleased that you are here, however. Everyone else seems to had fled the icicles for warmer climates."

Devyn replied, "And I remained to protect my friend and ever loving companion from catching cold." Devyn licked Dominic's mouth.

Dominic giggled. "You are feeling playful this morning, aren't you?"

Devyn nodded his head gently. He pawed Dominic under the blankets for several minutes. Dominic murred and gave Devyn a return massage. It was while they were playing that the power grid for the area suddenly came back on, once again. Devyn and Dominic both got out of bed immediately. Dominic headed downstairs and kicked the furnace back on, and soon, the mansion began to get warm and toasty once again. Dominic later took a hot bath with Devyn, dried them both off, and together, took up residence within the office/den. Dominic turned on the television and watched a special news report on KJAG-TV about the winter weather and the city's return to operational status.

Acting almost like a beacon of life, Dominic's activities within the mansion seem to herald visitation within the hallowed halls of the Vanlyone Estate. Jago and Jonie soon returned, followed by Damon and Evin Thain, and Gotaki as well. Shane Wayne also arrived within the mansion, delivering hot food and drink for the household's consumption. Dominic smiled as the mansion began to once again take on its semblance of the strange and the bizarre.

Dominic glanced over Jago and Jonie's newest project casually. "I hope you two enjoyed your stay with Reed these past few days. Looks like you really got a lot of work done on this project."

Jago smiled. "Reed was really nice, Dominic. And yes, we got quite a bit done on this one."

Gotaki lifted her head as she sipped her tea. "It feels so good to be back in the mansion, King Lion. However, I am starting to get edgy. Do you have another mission for us to do?"

Dominic smiled. "Missions usually drop in my lap unexpectedly, Gotaki. Until then, we conduct our business however we can, and enjoy the life we're given."

Gotaki hummed and sipped her tea some more.

Shane chuckled, "I just hope the next one doesn't take five to six months to complete."

Dominic laughed. "At least you didn't have to be there every single second."

Damon gazed over at Shane from his easy chair, while holding his can of beer. "Shane, Dominic went through some pretty grueling experiences to get those tokens. (See F1) Maybe you think that you could do a mission like that without Dominic's aid."

Shane glanced at Damon. "As long as I had all the help Dominic had I might be tempted to actually do just that. I am good, but I don't have near as many experiences as Dominic has had."

Dominic hummed. "Maybe you could do a job for me, Shane. I mean, I am sure there will come times when I cannot be in two places at the same time. In times like that, it would be best if I had someone I could rely upon to do the deed. Besides, you are one of the family now, Shane. You are here often enough. I can't always rely on my sisters, as you know, so there does need to be someone worthy of filling in for me."

Devyn nuzzled against Shane's leg, saying, "An excellent idea. I for one know that Shane is worthy of completing missions of such natures."

Shane uh-oh'ed, as he looked down at Devyn. "I think I stuck my foot in my mouth. There -IS- something you need done, isn't there?"

Dominic smiled. "I am afraid so, Shane. Your offer couldn't have come at a better time."

Shane sighed, shaking his head. "All right, what have I so stupidly walked into this time?"

Dominic explained. "Follow-up work. I am forbidden to do this, but you are not. Do you remember Sexen Reinhard?" (See F2)

Shane huh'ed? "Isn't he that werefox who was staying here about a year or so back?"

Jago and Jonie both looked up in surprise. Jago exclaimed, "A Werefox? Really? I wish we could have met the guy."

Jonie nodded her head in agreement. "Maybe we still can, Jago. Right, Dominic?"

Dominic stood up and went over to his filing cabinet, pulling out a thick folder marked "Lycanthropy". He then handed the folder to Shane. "My old mage friend, Valerian Mouse, wants someone to do follow-ups on werebeasts. Because I made a promise to some people not to reinvestigate the lycanthropes, I need someone else to do it for me. Someone like you, Shane. And if Jago and Jonie want to come along and help you succeed in this mission, they can. Gotaki? If you would like to help them, that is allowed as well."

Gotaki blinked her eyes. "Are you not coming with us, King Lion?"

Dominic shook his head. "I cannot. This is one of those have to be in two places at one time situations. In two days, I am supposed to go with Ren of the Northern Herd to the hill country of Thessalonika as his escort so he can attend a huge centaur gathering with relatives and friends. Circe cannot escort him this year and she asked me to escort Ren, or be turned into a donkey for a year. And Circe is not someone to challenge by saying no."

Shane started looking through the folder. "So I do a follow up on every lycanthrope in this folder? Just the ones in the folder?"

Dominic chuckled. "You should know better than that by now, Shane. If you can find any others, record their backgrounds too. And remember, always reassure them that you mean them no harm. It is extremely important that they know that you are their friend."

Shane tilted his head and smiled. "Okay, fearless leader. You got yourself a lap dog. I'll run your errands for you. But I swear to you, Dominic. After this, you are going to owe me BIG time."

Dominic, Shane, and Devyn stood within an empty secondary den, as Dominic prepared Shane for the trip. Devyn sat to one side and watched the preparations.

Dominic changed himself into a white stag before Shane's eyes. "What I am about to do is grant you the ability to create and use shimmering air portals at will. Normally I would need my mentor's permission to grant this to anyone, but I am a spirit brother to his herd now. So it should be okay to grant this to you. All I ask is that you not abuse this power. Do you agree, Shane?"

Shane took a moment to recover from the goosebumps of seeing a transformation, let alone a white stag, then replied, "I agree, Dominic. Um, if I catch you, do I get three wishes?" He was clearly joking.

Dominic smiled. "I only have the form, not the wishes, Shane. But I think I would grant you three wishes, if I could. Now, hold still. This will tingle a bit." Dominic approached Shane and touched his hind hooves to Shane's feet, his front hooves to Shane's hands, and his forehead to Shane's forehead. Then Dominic concentrated. Shane felt something passing into him and awakening. Then Dominic stepped back looking exhausted. He shifted slowly back into his human self and collapsed on the floor.

Shane and Davyn were at Dominic's side immediately!

Shane gasped, "Dominic! Are you okay?"

Dominic panted and rasped, "My mentor never mentioned to me how much of an energy drain that was. We live and we learn. After a good night's sleep, Shane, I should be fine."

Dominic explained to Shane of how to create and use shimmering air portals. Shane listened attentively to the full explanation. Then he helped Dominic upstairs into his bedroom and put him to bed. He turned to Devyn and said, "Keep an eye on him, Devyn. And by the way, I forgive you for pouncing me a few months ago."

Devyn lay on the bed with Dominic, saying to Shane, "Thank you, Shane. I like you too." Then settled down to protect Dominic.

Shane then headed out of the bedroom and downstairs into the office/den where the others were awaiting.

Shane sputtered. "What do you mean you are not coming along?"

Gotaki sipped her tea. "I serve King Lion; not his lackeys. My services are to him and him alone. I mean no disrespect to you, Sheridan Wayne, but my honor and duties are specifically to King Lion's service and aid. And King Lion said my going with you was by my choice. And I have chosen not to accompany you."

Shane growled loudly, "NEVER CALL ME SHERIDAN! CALL ME SHANE!"

Gotaki smiled. "You must learn to accept who you are, Sheridan Wayne. Most lycanthropes respect the truth over what you would like to be called. Especially those of oriental descent."

Gotaki walked into the dark corner that she had claimed and was simply not there any more. Shane blinked his eyes. "Great. I was counting on Gotaki coming along. Now what do we do?"

Damon chuckled and finished his beer. Shane glanced at Damon and started to open his mouth, but Damon quickly exclaimed, "I said I would help, Shane. I did not say I would come along. There IS a difference." He opened another beer.

Shane slowly sighed. "This isn't fair. I need one of Dominic's usual companions and everyone is backing out." Shane thought, then hummed aloud. "I wonder if Reed would like-"

Reed Huxley poked his head through the portal gateway. "Don't even think it, mate! Ah've got me a full work load with me cures this Winter. 'ad you 'elped me like the other good folks, Ah would be more inclined to 'elp ya now. Wot Ah can do for you is give you a follow up on werekangaroos." He smiled. "But you gots to 'elp me in the shop. It's an even trade."

Jago smiled, with his dufflebag draped over one arm. "Don't worry, Shane. Jonie and I will be there with you on this adventure."

Jonie nods her head as she packed up her laptop computer.

Shane smiled. "Thank you guys. But I was hoping someone with supernatural powers would come along. The three of us are sitting ducks if any of us gets infected by these werebeasts we will be visiting. That's why I wanted someone with supernatural powers to come along with us."

Damon set an eye on Shane. "Dominic's first adventures never had supernatural aid. Perhaps you should earn the aid you get and eventually make lasting impressions."

Shane shrugged his shoulders and walked outside to the snow covered deck.

Shane stood there in the frosty cold air, his breath noticeably rising from his mouth in the still air. "This just isn't fair. If it were Dominic doing this, he would have 20 to 30 volunteers from everywhere at once. I'll admit that I am not as well known as he is, but I need an experienced adventuring companion. Otherwise, my stupid actions will get Jago and Jonie hurt."

It was then that Shane's eyes caught the sight of something fur covered crossing the river evidently heading toward the mansion. Shane hopped off the deck and carefully headed down to the river shore. There lying in the snow was what appeared to be an anthropomorphic raccoon. Shane turned the raccoon's body over, and a glint of recognition crossed his face. "Freeway?" (See F3)

Shane picked up the near dead wereraccoon and carried him back to the mansion. Once inside, everyone took notice and began helping Freeway to combat his near hypothermia. Reed was called in, and soon, Freeway was resting comfortably.

Reed smiled up at Shane as he closed his medical bag. "Ya saved 'im, mate. Another few minutes, and 'e'd 'ave perished." Reed was smiling as he patted Shane's shoulder, then hopped off to his apothecary lab.

Shane sat down on the edge of the bed and helped Freeway sip some hot tea.

Freeway sort of smiled at Shane. "Thanks, Shane. You saved my life."

Shane smiled and kept supplying Freeway with hot tea. "I had to, Freeway. I don't know any other wereraccoons. Besides, I had to uphold Dominic's hospitality even if he isn't around."

Freeway accepted the hot tea and body rubbings happily. "I am lucky you saw me make the crossing, Shane. That river water was colder than I was expecting."

Shane smiled, while petting Freeway's fur. "Were you coming here to the mansion or were you just passing through?"

Freeway sighed. "No, I was trying to get to Reinhard and Kingston's homestead in Mississippi for New Year's Eve, but there is no way I'll make it now. I'm too weak to make the trip."

Shane hummed. "I will get you there, Freeway, or my name isn't Shane Wayne."

Damon giggled. "It isn't. It's really Sheri-"

Shane yelled, "DON'T SAY IT!"

"-dan." Damon finished. He smiled and winked.

"I cannot believe we're traveling this way." Jago said for the 14th time. Jago, Jonie, Shane and Freeway had a private car on the AmTrak Express. "Shane, why didn't we just use the shimmering air gateway?"

Shane, from behind a Rocky Falls Gazette newspaper, casually replied, "Three reasons. First of all, I have never been to Reinhard and Kingston's Mississippi home. Second, travelling through the shimmering air is like being in a gale force blizzard wind. Freeway is recovering from excessive cold. That would be kind of stupid to force him to get sick again, now wouldn't it? And third, Damon was right. I need to earn the trust of those I need information from. Getting Freeway down there alive is more important than getting down there fast. Wouldn't you agree?"

Jago and Jonie both nodded their heads in agreement.

Shane put the newspaper down. "Another thing. I am sometimes crazy acting, but I am not stupid. Dominic gave me that ability to see how much I'd abuse it. I would say his 'white antlered friend' put him up to this. I'm being tested after all this time to see if I am worthy. And I am not going to blow it on the first day. Besides, I promised Freeway I'd get him there."

Freeway poked his nose out of the upper bunk. "I have never traveled this way before. The other wereraccoons will be jealous." He smiled and settled back into the warm bunk.

Jonie excitedly said, "I can't wait to see the werefox and wererabbit!"

Jago chuckled. "Talk about your contradicting matches. A fox and a rabbit. Together."

Shane yawned, climbing into the bunk with Freeway. "We'll be there in a few hours or so. I'd suggest getting some sleep. Someone will wake us up when we arrive." Shane cuddled with Freeway to give the wereraccoon his next body rubbing therapy.

Jago and Jonie climbed into their own bunk.

Several hours later, Shane and party were driving along a lone highway in a Chess issue sportscar just 10 miles East of Brooklyn, Mississippi, in the De Soto National Forest. They had just passed Moody's Landing and were looking for the faded silver mailbox with the Reinhard name on it. They were not sure if they had already missed it or not, until Jonie called out and pointed at the mailbox they were searching for. Shane pulled the car unto the private road and another mile later, they arrived in front of Sexen and Pablo's modest little home.

As Shane was unpacking the car, Freeway went up to the door and rapped the lunar crescent shaped door knocker. After a few moments, the door opened revealing Sexen Reinhard. For those who don't know him, he is a werefox. He looked to be a red fox, being approximately 5 foot 11 inches tall, and looking to weigh about 139 pounds. His eyes were light green. He was wearing a long bath robe and had a pair of reading glasses propped up on his forehead. He smiled at Freeway and hugged him. "Good to see you. We were afraid you weren't going to make it." He then noticed Shane, Jago, and Jonie unloading the car. "Shane Wayne! Why this is a surprise! Freeway, Pablo is in the kitchen. Why don't you go on in and say hello to him."

Freeway smiled and entered the house.

Sexen went out to the car and hugged Shane fondly. "We don't have any snow for you to clear, but you can help yourself to Pablo's clam chowder, hot blueberry muffins, and some cold beer." He looked to the other two, still smiling. "And who are the two of you?"

Jago and Jonie both shook Sexen's paw, introducing themselves with smiles, then Sexen led everyone into the home. Jago and Jonie were given one room, while Shane was given another room. Then everyone regrouped in the kitchen. Shane explained why they were there, and why Dominic couldn't come this time. Freeway also told of how Shane saved his life. Shane actually showed some modesty by blushing just a little.

Pablo smiled, "So Dominic wants you to do follow up work on lycanthropy and werebeasts, and he can't do it because of a dumb-dumb promise some other humans made him make. Well, you're in luck, Shane. The Tranquility Moonrise Festival is being held on our property this year. You can meet and speak to almost every known werebeast in the world."

Jago arched an eye. "What is the Tranquility Moonrise Festival?"

Sexen smiled, as he refilled Jago's glass with tropical punch. "That is the time of the year when all werebeasts set aside their differences and reassemble as one unit. This is done in honor of a great werebeast in ancient times that rallied all of our kind together to fight against a common foe. And yes, the white stag made an appearance at that time to signify that he approved of the gathering. That gathering has been sacred ever since. Once a year, werebeasts from all over the world gather together at a predecided location. It is usually a four to eight day event. New Year's Eve is an important night for the attendance. It is on that night that a white stag appears and grants his blessings over the gathering. There is tons of food and drink, and many events occur. A lot of those who gather merely rest, while others provide musical and magical entertainment."

Shane smiled, "And we're going to meet them all? I hope you remind them that we humans are not to be infected. Reed Huxley doesn't have enough ingrediants to cure 3 people of lycanthropy."

Pablo said, "I'm glad you told us that, Shane. Reed isn't one to make up things like that, so if he's lacking ingrediants then we will inform everyone of what your presence is. Who knows? Your visit this year might be a prearranged test from the white stag to see if we're worthy to be gathering. But don't you worry a bit. We'll all be on our best behavior."

It was later in the afternoon when Shane was looking over the Reinhard property by himself. He muttered softly, "I still can't believe I'm down here in Mississippi doing Dominic's work. I must be more crazy than I thought I was. I am no where near Dominic's level of handling things like this. Why me?"

He wasn't expecting an answer, but a familiar voice was heard, "Because he trusts you."

Shane blinked his eyes. He knew that voice. It was the White Stag. But where was he? "I didn't think you wasted your time on people not on your list of favorites. Where are you?"

The voice replied, "I am very close. Come over to the two dark oaks and step into the swirling air."

Shane walked over there and into the in between space. He blinked when he saw not just one white stag, but three white stags. "Oh! Since when do you travel with others of your kind?"

The White Stag ignored Shane for a moment, talking to the other two, who looked ready to bolt away. "This is Sheridan Wayne, though he prefers to be called Shane. He is friendly and reliable to our cause. He is resourceful and can keep his mouth shut to what his ears may hear." The other two white stags approached Shane and sniffed him over, then withdrew again.

Shane understood what was going on immediately. "Oh, I see what's happening now. You're training new white stags."

The White Stag smiled to Shane. "You are sharp to realize the truth. That is what I am doing today. As for my checking on you..." He came over and licked Shane's cheek. "I thank you for showing the wisdom to not immediately abuse a power that was given to you. Traveling by AmTrak was very resourceful and showed a great deal of caring and respect to Freeway. When I heard that Dominic asked you to do this, I realized that Dominic may have forgotten how dangerous meeting that many werebeasts would be. And you were right: Reed does NOT have the supplies to cure three people."

Shane hummed. "So you're here to lend me some sort of aid or protection. Am I right? As you know, I do not owe a vow of silence to you as Dominic does and I have my own methods for doing things. But I'm smart enough to not drag Dominic's nor your name through any cess pools. What is the price of this aid or protection you are offering?"

The White Stag continued to smile. "I would be disappointed if you weren't a little wiser than Dominic was, Shane. Yes, there is a fee for this service. But it isn't what you think."

Shane smiled, "If you know I'm wiser, then you also know that I won't agree to a vow of silence to not say the words 'White Stag' together. I know to not imply they really exist without having to be forced into a promise. So what is the fee?"

The White Stag replied, "I want your promise to help me train other white stags."

Shane BLINKED his eyes! "Gee. Well... That's quite an offer."

The White Stag replied, "I know. Will you help me?"

Shane recovered from the shock pretty fast, as he inquired, "That sounds too easy. What's the catch?"

The White Stag replied, "You are very suspicious, Shane. Again, I would disappointed if you were not suspicious. Training any young white stag is not an easy task. As much as it pains me to admit this, I need help."

Shane was taken aback that the White Stag needed HIS help. He smiled and jokingly said, "You could've asked Jo Tanner for help. She can't catch you twice." Shane winked with a smile. (See F4)

The White Stag snorted in distaste. "Hell No!"

Shane chuckled, then replied, "You got yourself a helper, White Stag. I'll help you train these two. I just had to hear you say something foul one time. I have never heard you ever say any kind of explicit remark ever. Until now."

The White Stag blushed a bit. "Jo Tanner is not one of my favorites, though I will admit that she is as resourceful as you are, Shane. And I do keep an eye on her."

Shane was still chuckling. "I know what you mean. It is always better to know where she is than to not know where she might show up." He calmed down and said, "Now, what sort of aid are you going to give me?"

The White Stag concentrated and an ivory ring appeared on one tip of his antlers. "Take the ring and wear it, Shane."

Shane reached out and took the ring, examining it all over. Then he slid it on his finger. Once on his finger, the ring glowed and Shane felt something inside him. Then the ring seemed to vanish. Shane leveled a gaze at the White Stag. "What just happened?"

The White Stag replied, "Two things happened. First, you became immune to lycanthropy. Second, you became a White Mage." (See F5)"You now have the protection you need to help Jago and Jonie in case they are infected. In any event, you'll probably never have to use your new powers at all. But a deal is a deal. You promised."

Shane nodded his head. "A Wayne strives to keep all contracts. And a Shane makes sure the deal is done right." He smiled. "I better get back to the others now. When will you need me?"

The White Stag replied, "Do the task Dominic asked you to do first. I will contact you later."

Shane hugged the White Stag, then departed the in between space. Once back outside, he turned to the shimmering air and exclaimed, "I hope you realize that even a hug counts as catching you." He grinned and awaited a reply.

There was a chuckle. "True, but you haven't asked for anything. Until we meet again, Shane Wayne, I leave you with this parting arrival." And at that moment, Reed Huxley came bounding through the shimmering air right into Shane's arms.

They both fell to the ground.

Reed smiled at Shane and hugged him, licking his face. "'ello mate!"

Shane noticed that Reed was in full werekangaroo form. "Hi Reed. You're heavy but I'm glad to see you. I am also glad that the White Stag has a sense of humor."

Reed smiled and got off of Shane helping him up. "Got me work load finished early, mate, and 'eaded me fuzzy butt down this way. 'ow are things, Shane?"

Shane filled Reed in on the events so far, as he escorted Reed into the Reinhard home.

Jago and Jonie were sitting in Shane's room with Shane discussing the events so far.

Jago said, "So you've been blessed by the White Stag? That's great."

Jonie smiled, "And Reed is here too. Jago and I will finally get to see a normal gathering." She giggled. "Well, as normal as a Vanlyone gathering might be."

Shane nodded his head. "I am still surprised that he gave me that much praise. The White Stag isn't one to lay such heavy praises on just anyone. He even said he watches Jo Tanner, which is a shock by itself."

Jago nodded his head. "Maybe he is wanting to be more social. He's seen how caring and family like Dominic and those in his household are. And Dominic really misses him too."

Shane hummed. "Dominic does love the White Stag. Yet... the other day, Dominic took Wendy Gliddle, owner of the Witches Brew Restaurant, out on an expensive date. I think Dominic is beginning to give up on the White Stag."

Jago and Jonie blinked their eyes at Shane's comment.

At that moment, two hunting hounds came padding into the den that was Shane's bedroom, and they plopped down in front of the fireplace. Everyone sort of looked at the two hounds.

Shane finally exclaimed, "These two are probably more of Sexen's guests. Weredogs."

One weredog raised his head and stated in an obvious Southern plantation accented voice, "Charlotte and I just barely got here."

Charlotte raised her head and replied in a similiar Southern voice, "We're actually among the first this year, Beauregard."

Beauregard looked over at the humans. "Sexen told us that you're here to do a story or report on the gathering. As long as you mean us no harm, we'll be more than happy to help you."

Shane smiled and introduced themselves to the weredogs, then said, "Maybe you can tell me about your history as weredogs."

Beauregard smiled and sat up on his haunches. "That is quite a tale. Charlotte and I are lovers from the civil war. We are true lycanthropes, of course, and very loyal to the South, to this day. We don't hanker to a yankee's bad mouthing of our glorious South. We have kids, as well, though they are being babysitted by Charlotte's pregnant sister this year."

Jago smiled, "Weredog puppies would've been nice to see, but I can see why you'd leave them home. They're not old enough to make a trip like this."

Charlotte smiled at Jago. "You folks are really nice."

Shane smiled. If half the werebeasts were this nice, then his job down here should be fairly uneventful. But he just knew that something bad would happen. Anything the White Stag has an involvement in cannot go through without something bad taking place.

That evening, Shane was helping Pablo clear some of the yard and brush for the obvious tents and pavilions that would eventually occupy that area. A Dodge minivan arrived in the driveway and honked it's horn, which sounded more like a clown's air horn. Pablo smiled, "The seagoing werebeasts are here."

Shane blinked his eyes and smiled.

Pablo and Shane went over to greet the new arrivals. The side door of the minivan opened, and two old wereseaturtles emerged. The two smiled when they saw Pablo and hugged him. Pablo introduced Shane to them, and Shane got hugged, as well. Then, the driver of the minivan hopped out and headed to the back doors of the minivan. Shane and Pablo followed him. When the back doors were opened, the portable salt water aquarium containing the two dolphins was revealed. Pablo smiled to the young teenaged driver and exclaimed, "Nice to see you again, Bosco. How was the trip from Seaworld?"

Bosco smiled. "There were some bumps in the Florida panhandle, but afterwards, the whole trip was pretty smooth. Kipper and Lilah never complained any, but Zaratan and Zorana bitched aplenty. But when you're old, I guess you have the right to complain if you really want to."

Pablo giggled, then explained to Shane. "Bosco is a wereseal. He lives in Seaworld with Kipper and Lilah, these two weredolphins. The old wereseaturtles you've met. Those were Zataran and Zorana. They've been married for close to 9000 years. All the seagoing werebeasts here today are true lycanthropes."

Shane smiled and shook Bosco's hand. "I'm Sheridan Wayne, but all my friends better call me Shane." He winked and smiled.

Pablo said, "Sexen has the saltwater swimming pool all set up in our indoor recreation room. I'll show you where you and the dolphins can enter at." Pablo took Bosco off around the house.

Shane approached the aquarium and smiled to the two dolphins. "Pleasure to meet you."

Kipper changed into his weredolphin form and shook Shane's hand wetly. "I'm Kipper. Pleasure to meet you. I didn't realize we were going to have human guests this year."

Lilah changed as well and also gave Shane a wet handshake. "I'm Lilah. Would you be a good boy and carry me inside to the indoor pool? Please?"

Kipper giggled. "Will you carry me too? Please? Pretty please?"

Shane giggled, then nodded, "Okay you two, hop on the Shane express. I'll carry you both in there."

Both dolphins said, "YAY!" Then Kipper hopped on Shane's back, as Lilah hopped into Shane's arms.

Shane was thinking, They are heavy, but I have to make a good impression. He carried the two off around the house where Pablo took Bosco, then entered the recreation room's doorway. Shane tripped over Pablo who was checking the pool's temperature gauge, and Shane and the two dolphins fell straight into the swimming pool. Bosco was heard laughing right after the splash. He was in wereseal form. Pablo got knocked flat from the tripping, but even he smiled when he realized what had happened.

Shane was all wet, but he wasn't hurt. He climbed out of the pool and headed off to the bathroom to get rinsed and dried off.

Jago and Jonie smiled as Shane explained what happened to him.

Jago said, "At least you made a good impression and no one was hurt. That's the important part. Right?"

Shane took a breath and released it. "I guess it is. Well, I got my bath for the day."

The three got a good laugh out of that.

Soon, Shane was outside helping Pablo again in the yard, setting up camping tents and pavilion tents. Suddenly, they both heard a whistling diving sound from above! They both looked up. Spiraling downward out of the dark sky was a very huge wacky looking bat creature.

"Wide! Yield! Watch out! Am crazy I! Whoo Hoo!" The creature crash landed in a thick bush!

Shane asked, "What was that?"

Pablo giggled. "That is General AchTung Weirzauptman. He's a retired world war one German werebat. He's so crazy he shouldn't even be flying. If he's here, then the other aerial were-troops should be arriving soon."

A voice announced, "Not soon, but now." Pablo and Shane looked up and saw two American wereeagles, two German wereowls, and one French-Canadian wereduck coming in for a landing. They were all wearing the uniforms for their countries, modified for their were-forms.

Pablo smiled and greeted the arrivals, introducing Shane to them, then Pablo turned to the wereduck. "You are new here. What is your name?"

The wereduck saluted, then replied in a french accent, "I am Corporal Mallard Etiennes from Quebec. I've been hearing about these gatherings for years, but this is the first time I've been invited to one. I am gracious to be invited." He bowed very regally.

One wereowl asked, "Dominic Tanner is not here?"

Shane replied, "Dominic had pressing business in Thesslonika and would want me to convey his apologies for not being able to meet with you himself."

The wereowl said, nodding his beak. "Oh. Then I have to assume he is attending the yearly Anetaur Faire. Humans are not normally allowed to attend that event, but he must've had special permission."

Shane asked, "How is it you know Dominic?"

The wereowl replied, "We met several years ago in the Black Forest in Germany. I was pretty rude to him. Then later I started hearing about all his good deeds. I felt badly that I was less than hospitable to him and wanted to convey an apology to him."

Shane blinked his eyes. "You're THAT wereowl? Dominic mentions having met you often when he gets to remembering his old Chess days."

The wereowl sighed. "He still remembers me. Its hard to forget a rude werebeast. I simply must meet with him and apologize to him."

Shane smiled. "I'm Sheridan Wayne, but I prefer to be called Shane. I help Dominic often. I'll personally arrange it so you can meet with Dominic as soon as the werebeast gathering ends."

The wereowl smiled. "I thank you very much."

Pablo and Shane were soon working another part of the yard. Pablo smiled to Shane. "That was a nice offer for you to make, Shane. Helping that wereowl see Dominic really cheered him up."

Shane was raking leaves as he replied, "As Dominic would probably do, I had to make the offer. Am I not supposed to be making a good impression?"

Pablo smiled, "This is true. Therefore..." He got serious. "I was wondering if you could help me with a request."

Shane stopped raking and looked at Pablo. Pablo stood about 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighed about 89 pounds, maybe more. He was still in his wererabbit form, and wore a leather apron tied in the back. Pablo's fur was both white and brown, although he was more brown than anything else. His long ears extended above his head a good 7 inches. Overall, Pablo looked like a realistic version of Brer Rabbit. Shane exclaimed, "What task are you wanting me to do?"

Pablo sighed. "I really miss my friend in Texas. I'd like you to go find him and bring him back to me. Nothing more. Its a simple task."

Shane asked, "Who is he and how can I find him?"

Pablo replied, "His name is Ponce Hartwell. He is my age, roughly 19-20, I guess. He has black hair, grey eyes, and the usual Mexican tan skin. He and I lived in Langtry Texas, but he is most likely now living in Del Rio. He stood about 5 feet 3 inches tall, and probably weighs about 97 to 114 pounds. He and I were a lot alike until I became this. If you can find him, Shane, please bring him to me. I'll pay you, if you want it." Pablo wiped away a tear.

Shane smiled to Pablo. "If you'll excuse me from yard detail tonight, I'll go find him right now."

Pablo smiled and hugged Shane tightly. "I love you, Shane. Go find Ponce. His nickname is 'The Pouncer'."

Shane nodded and put his rake away, then headed off to tell Jago and Jonie where he was heading to.

Fortunately for Shane, Jago and Jonie agreed to stay at Sexen's home to keep watch over any other new werebeasts arriving and report them to Shane when he returned. Shane got dressed in his Marines uniform, then headed outside to the two dark oaks and used the power Dominic gave him to open the shimmering air gateway. He didn't have time to drive to Texas and back this time, thus this was the fastest way to get there. A few minutes later, Shane was walking around Langtry inquiring about Ponce Hartwell. Shane was fortunate that Ponce hadn't actually moved to Del Rio at all. The trail lead Shane to run down boarding house for juvenile delinquents.

Shane was soon knocking on the door to apartment 2C: Ponce's place. Some movement was heard within, then the doorknob was heard being gripped. "Who is it?"

Shane responded, "A friend of Pablo Kingston. He sent me to find Ponce Hartwell."

The voice replied, "One moment." Unlocking sounds were heard, then the door opened enough to allow Shane inside the room. Once inside, the door closed and locked again. Shane turned to look at his host. The boy standing there appeared to be an anthropomorphic rabbit, entirely naked, and somewhat dirty and semi-covered in sweat and sex. The rabbit blinked when he saw the uniform. He stuttered, "I-I-I'm P-P-Ponce..."

Shane saw that the uniform had more than the desired affect. The boy was terrified. Stupid, Shane. He's scared. Do something. Shane rested a hand on Ponce's shoulder and escorted the rabbit to the bedroom, where Shane saw the second boy, also a rabbit. Shane exclaimed, "How many people have you infected, Ponce?"

Ponce trembled and sat on the bed with the other boy. "T-T-The w-w-whole t-t-town... I didn't mean to..." He stared at the floor.

Shane sighed, sort of glancing around the room casually. Then he came over and sat with Ponce. "Okay, relax. I wore this uniform so the locals would cooperate with me. Pablo really misses you. I'll bet he has no idea that he infected you. He sent me to find you and take you back to him. But you look like you're in a lot of trouble here."

Ponce nodded his head. "I am. I didn't mean to infect everyone. It just happened."

Shane gently hugged Ponce. Ponce surprisingly hugged back. Shane then asked, "How did it happen, Ponce?"

Ponce sighed as he looked up at Shane. "I touched them."

Shane blinked his eyes, now glad that the White Stag made him immune to lycanthropy. "That's it? You touched them? No biting or anything like that?"

Ponce replied, "That's it. I touched them. You're probably infected too. You touched my fur. Several times. I'm really sorry if you are. You seem really nice."

Shane smiled. "My name is Sheridan Wayne, my friends call me Shane. And I am immune to lycanthropy. That's why my being here is okay. So the whole town is infected? Do you think they'd let me cure them? Well, those who wanted to be cured, that is..."

Ponce also smiled. "Shane. I like that name. I can't just run off with the whole town under this affect. They'd probably let you cure them, that is, if you can. But I like being a wererabbit. I don't want to be cured."

The other boy now spoke, "I like being a rabbit too. And I like Ponce. We're buddies."

Shane frowned, but understood. Now he knew what Dominic had evidently had to put up with in the last three years. "I'll cure them, but it has to be tonight. I have to be back in Mississippi with Pablo by tomorrow morning. I have more yard work to help him with."

Ponce asked, "Can you spend the night here with my friend and me please? He and I will go with you back to Pablo in the morning. Please?"

Shane was finding it hard to say no. The two look like life sized plushies that he had in his bedroom at home. "Let me cure the town first, then I promise I'll spend the night with you."

Ponce smiled. "Thank you, Shane. You're nice."

Shane spent the next two hours asking the townsfolk if they wanted to be cured of the wererabbit curse. Shane was surprised that none of them wanted to be cured. They all wanted to stay as they were. Shane then returned to Ponce's apartment and told Ponce what the townspeople decided. Ponce no longer felt as sorry as he had been once he heard the news, though he still felt responsible. Shane headed into the bathroom to get prepared for bed. He got undressed, brushed his teeth, and shaved his stubby face. Then he returned to the bedroom and sat with Ponce and his friend again. "Where do I sleep at?" Ponce and his friend pulled Shane into the bed and make him very comfortable. Then, they cuddled on both sides of him and went to sleep.

Shane lay there thinking, I am straight. I am straight. I am straight. Why do they have to be so damned cute? I am straight. He fell asleep finally.

The next morning, Shane awoke feeling rested. Both boys were already up and in the bathroom bathing in the bath tub. Shane just shook his head, going in to join them.

An hour later, after cleaning the apartment once and for all, Shane, Ponce, and his friend, Ramon Rodrigez, traveled through the shimmering air gateway to the Reinhard backyard in Mississippi. Shane escorted the two rabbits to Pablo in the backyard. After he explained who they were and about their decisions to stay wererabbits, Shane excused himself to go inside the home to change out of his Marines uniform and back into his casual clothes again.

Inside, Jago and Jonie informed Shane of Digeru Hanson, a weredingo, who arrived just that morning, evidently a friend of Reed's. Shane nodded, then returned outside to help Pablo and the others with the yard work.

Pablo hugged Shane tightly and kissed his cheek. "I owe you, Shane. Thank you. Seeing Ponce makes me very happy." He hugged Shane some more, rubbing him all over. Shane was starting to feel fuzzy in his stomach from all the attention.

Shane smiled and noogied Pablo's head fur. "I enjoyed helping out, Pablo."

The rest of the morning passed by quickly. All of the yard and field were properly cleaned and prepared for the arriving guests. Tents and pavilions were set up at various locations, while other areas were kept open and clear. Shane was about to find out why.

Around noon, the caravan of were-herds began arriving. Shane, Jago and Jonie were impressed to see so many trailers arriving. Sexen stood out front with a pencil and checklist, directing the incoming traffic. "6 werehorses. You guys have lot 4A." "4 weresheep. Lot 2B is yours." "3 werecowboys and werecowgirl. Lot 1D this year." "3 werereindeer. You guys get to stay in our stable suite this year, like I promised." He winked. "3 werezebra. Lot 4A with the werehorses. Their already waiting on you." "2 weregoats. You are sharing Lot 2B with the weresheep this year." "Oh, hello Vard. Harold. I wasn't expecting you two during the Winter skiing season. Hi Paul. I see you came too. And Raul Wolcott too? Excellent. I'll get you all some rooms." (See F6)

Shane smiled as he helped Sexen carry extra cots and mattresses from the storage room into the existing bedrooms. "This is turning into quite a large gathering, Sexen. I am impressed."

Sexen likewise smiled. "Its like this every year. And we keep getting more attendees. I really appreciate the help you did for Pablo. You made him very happy."

Shane blushed slightly. "I was glad to help him."

Sexen smiled, "Could you maybe help me then?"

Shane leveled a gaze at Sexen. "If its not too difficult and doesn't take too long, I could help you. Who do you need me to go get?"

Sexen replied, "Three tasks, actually. Two are escort services. The third is more personal. In San Francisco, California, there lives a clan of wererats under the leadership of Kim Shou and his brother Ryu Shou. They've been wanting to attend one of these gatherings forever, and well, I think they should be allowed to attend this one. This is the first time this gathering has been held in the United States. I'll give you something that marks you as a friend to were-beasts so they don't attack you." (See F7)"In France, a foursome of wereunicorns live. They usually never miss one of these gatherings, but they have no way to get here this year. I'd like you to escort them to the gathering. They will know I sent you."

Shane nodded his head. "And what is your personal request?"

Sexen smiled. "Find my brother and bring him to this gathering. If he's dead, then bring what you can. I will still appreciate the effort, Shane. Please?"

Shane asked, "What is his name and where do you think he would be?"

Sexen replied, "His name is Linux Reinhard. I last heard a rumor that he was in the South Carolina, Charleston area. That's not much help, but I can only rely on you, Shane."

Shane smiled. "I'll do my best, Sexen. Now, let's get these cots and mattresses out, then you can get me prepared to go get the other guests."

After getting the ribbon collar with tag that would mark him as a were-beast's friend, Shane headed off through the shimmering air to San Francisco first. He was fortunate to emerge in Kim Shou's lair and even more fortunate to tell them that Sexen Reinhard sent him before they could attack him. The wererats were certainly edgy. He escorted them back to Sexen's place, then it was off to France to find the wereunicorns. Again Shane was fortunate to emerge in their grove, though this time he could see that they were slightly depressed. It was evident that they thought they were finally going to miss a gathering. Shane gathered them together and explained that Sexen Reinhard had sent him to give them escort to the gathering. They were very pleased and very happy to be going to the gathering after all. Shane was pleased that he could help them.

Now Shane set off for Charleston, South Carolina. Once he emerged, he made some inquiries about Linux Reinhard, then traveled to Seabrook Island, South Carolina, to an almost hidden one room cave. Shane entered and looked around the furnished cave, then saw his quarry lying in a bed looking very sick and weak. Shane approached slowly and exclaimed, "Are you Linux Reinhard?"

The weak looking werefox coughed and rasped, "Don't come too close. I'm very sick. I am Linux. What do you want?"

Shane replied, "I am Sheridan Wayne. Shane to my friends. Your brother, Sexen Reinhard, sent me to find you and bring you to his Mississippi home for the Tranquility Moonrise Festival."

Linux seemed to brighten at his brother's name. "As you can see, I am too sick to move. And I don't want to cause all those other were-beasts to get ill. Tell Sexen to forget about me. I'm a goner for sure." He coughed some more and turned to face the wall.

Shane sighed. He just couldn't leave this werefox to die. Sexen was very specific. Again he knew what Dominic must've been put through meeting people like this. He knew he just had to help. Shane walked over and sat on the bed, laying both hands on the sick werefox and mentally tried to cure whatever ailment Linux had. He thought to himself, By Artemis, please work. The White Stag said I could do this. Please cure him. Linux peeked over his shoulder at the now glowing Shane as a pale light of healing miraculously cured Linux of his illness. The glow subsided, as Shane about collapsed from the energy drain. Now he knew what Dominic felt when using a special power. Shane needed some rest. Linux scooted over and lay Shane out in his bed.

Linux smiled, "I didn't know you were a White Mage, Shane, but you've cured me entirely. I feel great. You just sleep and when you wake up, I'll go with you to see Sexen. Thank you." Linux kissed Shane's cheek and then lay back down with a furry arm over Shane and slept.

That night, Shane awoke, finding himself petting and scritching Linux's fur. Shane was glad the fox didn't take advantage of him while he slept, although there was something likable about werefoxes. Linux soon sat up and with Shane's help, packed up the cave's belongings for the move to Mississippi.

Sexen was extremely pleased with Shane when he saw his brother Linux once again. Shane merely smiled and slightly blushed. Then he walked back into the house to his bedroom. In the bedroom, Shane encountered Beauregard the weredog, Dane Gervase the werepanther, and a Canadian werebeaver. Shane chuckled and sat on his bed. "Hi there. I'm Sheridan Wayne. Shane to my friends. Who are you?"

The werebeaver chittered then shook his head, slapping himself a few times. When he spoke, it was with a shrill whistle. Those buckteeth certain made his accent fun. "Howdy sonny. My name is Ambrose. I'm from the greater Northwest. A pleasure to meet you. Looks like I'll be bunking with you and the other boys." He winked.

Shane was thinking, Oh boy. I hope this doesn't turn out like I'm thinking its going to.

Shane shook Ambrose's paw, then leaned back in his bed. "Does this gathering get any stranger?"

Dane Gervase smiled. "Much stranger, Shane. The more interesting werebeasts haven't even arrived yet."

Shane rolled his eyes and set his cowboy hat over his face to get some sleep.

Shane felt his shoulder being shaken at about 4 A.M. He lifted his hat and saw Pablo standing there. Pablo whispered, "We got more work to do, partner." Shane nodded his head and got up quietly, following Pablo into the kitchen. Pablo poured Shane and himself some coffee, and then served them both some breakfast. "Sexen told me you found his brother. You've made us both very happy. I wish you could stay with us."

Shane sipped his coffee, "I wish I could too, but my brother can't run our ranch by himself. He needs me."

Pablo nodded his head and sat with Shane to eat some breakfast. "You like us, don't you?"

Shane smiled and hugged Pablo, scritching his sides. "Yeah, I do."

Pablo giggled and tickled Shane right back. Shane was laughing in no time.

Later, the two were once again outside setting up more tents, tables, and a scoreboard. Shane looked at the scoreboard and asked, "Pablo? What is this used for?"

Pablo smiled. "That's the scoreboard we use to record the winners of certain werebeast activities that are held during each gathering. It's as important as the gathering is."

Shane nodded, then tilted his head and listened. Pablo heard it too. They both turned toward the driveway. Shane asked, "More werebeast guests?"

Pablo said, "Most likely. Let's go have a look."

Pablo and Shane headed around the house and saw the police car driving up. Pablo hid immediately. Shane was thinking, Oh god! I hope its not real policeman. Shane walked out and waved to the two police officers as they were emerging from the car. "Greetings Officers. Can I help you?"

The Captain smiled. "I certainly hope so. Is this the Reinhard residence?"

Shane likewise smiled. "Yes, it is. I am Sheridan Wayne, Marine Corp Officer. Do you have some business with Mr. Reinhard?"

The Captain seemed to lose his smile. "Can I see some ID please?"

Shane was glad to show his Marines ID card and badge. The police officers seemed to back up when they realize that it was very real. Shane exclaimed, "As I asked before, do you have some business with Mr. Reinhard?"

The Captain responded saying, "We had a report that a congregation was occuring out here. We wanted to ask Mr. Reinhard if he had his legal permit for conducting such a gathering."

Shane said, "Mr. Reinhard was unaware that he needed one on his own property. And I might add that his gathering was approved by the branch that I represent. Do you need to verify this?"

The Captain backed up again. "Uh, no. That is alright. Thank you for your time." The police officers got back inside their car and drove away. Shane watched them go. He didn't trust that they were impressed. They never asked what branch he was with.

Pablo came out of hiding and stood near Shane. "Thank you for defending us, Shane. We really do appreciate it. What's going to happen how?"

Shane replied, "I need to make a phone call."

Shane was soon talking on the telephone in the private study. He was speaking quietly to a PSI representative in Mississippi's capital. Shane asked several questions, reciting off the license plate of the police car. Then, he waited for about seventeen minutes. Finally, his patience was rewarded with the information he had asked for. He didn't smile when he heard the news.

Pablo finally asked after Shane hung up the phone receiver, "What is it, Shane?"

Shane turned to Pablo and grimly replied, "Were-Hunters. If I hadn't been here, there would've been a lot of trouble. There might still be a lot of trouble. They weren't expecting me to be here, but because I am, they have to change their plans. I think you should warn your guests."

Pablo nodded his head. "They somehow always know where the gathering is being held. We've usually fought them off every year."

Shane hummed. "They always know? That sounds suspicious. I hate to say this, but one of your guests must be telling them where the gatherings are."

Pablo scoffed at that statement. "They couldn't be... They wouldn't... Shane, these people know how important these gatherings are. Why would they betray our sacred trust like this?"

Shane replied, "That's a good question. One I aim to find the answer to."

Later that morning, Garanti-Khan arrived with five other weretigers. Four weretigresses and one young male weretiger. With them was Nikon Procyos and Gomi Oki'nathi. Shane just chuckled when he saw them. Shane greeted Garanti-Khan, then informed him of what had happened that morning. Garanti-Khan was thankful for the news that Shane had given. An hour later, Nikon and Shane were taking a walk in the garden.

Nikon smiled. "So Dominic is in Thessalonika and he's having you cover the were-beast gathering. From what I've heard, you're doing a great job, Shane."

Shane smiled. "Thank you. I was surprised that Garanti-Khan invited you along on this adventure. And I see you brought your video camera and your trusty camera. I sincerely hope you aren't planning on being set up again."

Nikon grinned. "Actually, I am not covering the gathering. I am doing another segment on poachers." She winked and smiled.

Shane laughed.

Nikon smiled. "It's true, this time."

Shane got serious and told Nikon what had happened so far.

Nikon hummed. "So, they've made their first move. I am here now, Shane, so you have my support against these people."

Shane nodded his head. "Thank you, Nikon. I am confidant that this gathering should be okay, but I am still going to keep an ear open."

Nikon also nodded her head. "As will I, Shane. As will I."

The safari SUV vehicle was the next to arrive at about noon. Within were Katahnuk Kennison and two other werelions, two weremeerkats, two werecobra females, and one werespidermonkey. Shane and Sexen greeted the arrivals and directed them to their allotted tents. Shane still couldn't get over how many were-beasts were arriving for this festival.

Within two hours, the were-bikers arrived at the residence. Six wereskunks, three weresquirrels, one weregopher, and one werehedgehog. Pablo and Shane greeted these arrivals and directed them to their rooms and tents. Again, Shane was amazed by the variety of the different werebeasts.

Later that afternoon, Shane, Pablo, and Sexen heard a helicopter approaching, and a landing pad was designated immediately for the Navy Seals arrival. Wereotters. Six of them. One of the six smiled at Shane and shouted, "Shane Wayne! I never dreamed I'd see you here!" He ran over and hugged Shane tightly!

Shane oofed, as he got caught in an enthusiastic hug. He looked at the wereotter curiously.

The wereotter smiled, "I'm Lieutenant Stuart Watterson. We met at the last Navy-Marines volleyball game? You and I snuck out for some lobster and local beer. Remember?"

Shane laughed! "I remember! You're a wereotter? I'd have never guessed! It's great to see you again!"

Stuart grinned and hugged Shane again. "Of all the places on Earth to encounter you, I never dreamed that you'd been chaperoning the Tranquility Moonrise Festival."

Shane smiled and explained why he's there that year, and of the events he's put up with so far.

Stuart nodded his head and took all of this in like a true friend. "Well, you can count on me, Shane. Come on. Let me introduce you to the other wereseaotters."

And the remainder of the day passed into the night rather uneventfully.

It was about midnight. Shane had walked down to Sexen's mailbox to check his mail for him. As he was pulling the mail from the mailbox, a black van with red flame decals pulled up along side of him. The driver asked, "Can you help us? I think we're lost. We're looking for the Reinhard place."

Shane looked at the driver and about messed himself. The driver looked like a hellhound. "Uh... this is the Reinhard place, right up this driveway. Who are you?"

The hellhound driver smiled, then sniffed at Shane. He grinned, "You smell faintly like a Fifth Circle Demon Hound." He chuckled. "As for who we are, we're the rock group, The 13th Hour. We're werehellhounds. All three of us."

Shane blinked his eyes. He'd heard of The 13th Hour. They were supposedly a European rock group that had a small spooky cult following all over Europe. "Um, yeah. It's right up this road."

The Hellhound smiled. "Get in. We'll give you a ride back up to the house. I assume we're the last to arrive this year." The van door opened, and Shane got inside and was nose to nose with another werehellhound. That one also said, "He does smell like a Fifth Circle Demon Hound."

Shane blushed as the driver pulled the van into the driveway, and pulled up to the house. They all piled into the back of the van on top of Shane and pretty much forced him to sleep with them until morning. It was impossible to get away from a werehellhound when you smell like a Fifth Circle Demon Hound. (See F8)

By the next morning, Shane no longer smelled like a Fifth Circle Demon Hound. He smelled like the property of the werehellhounds. They were impressed that he could not be infected and played with Shane even more, until Sexen and Pablo actually knocked on the van's side door.

Shane handed Sexen his mail, then headed off to get another bath. By now, Shane was thinking, (By Artemis, I hope this doesn't get any worse. I keep getting pounced.) He undressed and settled into the bath tub to take a well-deserved bubble bath.

While Shane was bathing, Felyna the werepersiancat stage magician arrived at the home, and reported on who would not be attending this year. Shane continued with his bath in peace, until Stuart the wereotter and Bosco the wereseal joined Shane in the bath tub. Shane's eyes shot open immediately! "Guys! I'm taking a bath here!"

Stuart and Bosco just giggled and helped wash Shane thoroughly. Shane was pleased that everyone was in a pleasureful mood. He hoped Jago and Jonie hadn't been infected by anyone yet.

After his bath, Shane returned to his bedroom settled down on the bed for some much needed rest. According to Sexen, the festival was to begin that night, and Shane wanted to be rested in case those were-hunters tried something else. Fortunately for Shane, no werebeasts were to be seen when he got in bed and finally fell asleep.

Late that evening, Jago was shaking Shane's arm. "Shane? We got a problem."

Shane opened his eyes and looked to Jago. "What's going on, Jago?"

Jago sort of rolled his eyes a little and replied, "It's Jonie. She was chatting with Felyna the werepersiancat, and she, well, she accidentally got infected."

Shane got up and grabbed his hat. "Take me to her. I was wondering when this was going to happen."

Jago and Shane went to the kitchen where Felyna was sitting back in a chair repeatedly saying, "I am very sorry. I really am." Jonie was in the form of a persian cat on the floor.

Shane knelt and lay his hands on Jonie, using his White Mage powers to cure Jonie of her condition. Jonie was returned to normal. Shane gasped and stumbled, though this time he didn't pass out. He seated himself in the closest chair and tried to catch his breath. "At least I did not pass out this time."

Sexen brought Shane a glass of citrus drink, then served Shane some dinner and gave him a cold beer. Shane was thankful that Sexen was being so helpful. Jonie thanked Shane, then left the room with Jago and Felyna. Shane ate his dinner, then smiled and sipped on his cold beer.

Shane asked Sexen, "When do the festivities start?"

Sexen smiled and replied, "Within an hour or so. You slept all day, Shane. The 13th Hour was asking about you, as was some of the herd and a few of the biker werebeasts. And your dolphin were-friends asked if you were well. You've impressed a lot of people here, Shane."

Shane smiled himself. "I was uptight several times, Sexen. But I guess I did earn my friends this time. Makes me feel kind of nice." He knocked on his chest. "A nice feeling right here."

Sexen chuckled. "You are a lucky guy, Shane. Some people showed up while you were asleep."

Shane looked to Sexen questioningly, but then realized that Sexen wasn't looking at him. He turned his head to see who Sexen was looking at.

Gotaki Riverclaw and Damon Horse were standing there.

Gotaki smiled, "We heard about what all you did, Shane. Damon and I came to help you."

Damon tilted his head and smiled at Shane. "Didn't I say you had to earn your supernatural help? Well, you've earned it, Shane. Gotaki and I are here to help you now."

Shane was pleased to see them both. He slowly arose and hugged Gotaki and Damon both. "I understand what you meant now, Damon, about my having to earn my supernatural help. I am extremely glad you both came. The festival has a slight problem. Well, they don't, but, heck... just let me explain it to you both."

Shane, Damon, and Gotaki were sitting in Pablo's workshop. Damon and Gotaki had just been told about the were-hunters. Shane sipped his beer and added, "I wasn't sure what I was going to do about them before, but now that the two of you are here we might be able to do something about these bad people."

Gotaki smiled, "King Lion would want us to protect these people. Therefore, I will use my skills for that purpose. Excuse me now while I go hunting for non were-beasts." Gotaki stepped back into the shadows and was simply gone.

Damon smiled at Shane. "And I can help you patrol the festival grounds, just in case. Um, by the way, is there any more of that beer?"

Shane chuckled, "Sexen has a whole refrigerator full of beer. I'll show you where he keeps it." Shane took Damon back to the kitchen and gave Damon a cold beer.

Damon was a happy demon horse now.

Shane chuckled and escorted Damon outside to begin their patrol of the festival grounds.

The first night passed by without interruption. There was much singing, dancing, and a few games conducted, and appropriate prizes and medals handed out. The following night was just as quiet. More similiar merry-making occured as it did the night before, and more prizes and awards were handed out.

The next evening was New Year's Eve. If the were-hunters were going to make a move, that was the best night for them to make their move. Needless to say, all of the were-beasts were very very edgy. Most were afraid that the white stag would not show up this year. It became Shane's job to assure them all that the white cervine would appear even if he had to go drag the stag's butt to this gathering on a pike. That got several laughs and helped to lighten up the mood, but the werebeasts were still nervous. This was the first festival they ever conducted in the United States. The werebeasts were afraid that the white stag would not make an appearance this time.

By that evening, even Shane was beginning to have those same feelings. He knew for a fact that if the white stag was attending to one of his emergencies, then his appearance would not occur.

Sexen and Pablo dropped in on Shane a few minutes before the festivities were to begin.

Pablo said, "Shane. The white stag should have been here by now. We are very worried. If he doesn't appear before midnight, then the were-beasts will think that they have lost his favor and not even try to have these festivals any more. We're begging you to do something. We need the white stag."

Shane rubbed his face a little. "Somehow I knew you were going to come to me to get a white stag. I'll go to Cervine Valley and inform them of the urgency."

Sexen smiled. "I knew we could count on you, Shane." Sexen kissed Shane's chin, then he and Pablo departed the room.

Shane took a breath and released it. This doesn't get any easier. By Artemis, I said I'd do it.

Shane was once again at the two dark oaks and had just cast the shimmering air spell, when he was surprised to feel the gun barrel in his back. A voice said, "Well done, Mr. Shane Wayne. I knew if we waited patiently long enough, someone would open this gate to Cervine Valley."

Shane blinked his eyes. He cautiously exclaimed, "You guys aren't were-hunters at all. You are deer hunters. Oh damn."

The other voice amusedly replied, "Yes and you stupidly did exactly what we wanted you to do. We've been hunting the white stag for years. And we are FINALLY going to get him. And all the wishes we want. All thanks to you." The voice got more serious. "Now move! You're going to lead us there. Get going. And if you try anything funny, my partner will pull that trigger."

Shane was thinking, Damn! I can't just let them win like this. Dominic wouldn't just let them win. By Artemis, there has got to be a way to get out of this. Shane sighed, and led the two into the shimmering air gateway. The in-between space had not changed at all. It was still as psychadelic as it was during Dominic's first visit. Shane continued to lead the two evil men.

Soon, Shane heard a mental voice in his head. It was a very familiar female voice. Do not despair, Shane. They haven't won yet. Just keep leading them. When you emerge on the other side, keep walking straight into the forest before you. I will handle the rest. You have been very reverent to me lately. I will help you. Shane blinked his eyes. Who had he been reverent to?

Upon emerging on the other side, Shane continued to walk straight into the forest before him. To Shane, this forest seemed very familiar to him, but his conscious thought could not place where he had seen this place before. The two evil men continued to follow Shane, prodding him now and then with the gun.

Soon, Shane again mentally heard the very feminine voice. This is a warning, Shane. The moment I appear, please cover your eyes and don't uncover them until I tell you it is safe. And whatever you do: please don't sneak a peek at me. This is the only way I can keep you safe.

Shane was starting to get the feeling that he knew who was about to appear, and part of him was glad for the help, yet the other part of him was very afraid. Her vorpal arrows were not made for fooling around.

After another few yards, Shane led the two evil men into a vast clearing with a waterfall and a crystal clear pool of water. A literal paradise in the center of the this forest. There were Greek styled marble columns partly encircling this clearing. Shane was certain he saw a unicorn here, or was his mind playing tricks on him. Then it happened.

The perfect woman appeared rather suddenly. Shane's hands were immediately over his eyes, yet as fast as he was, he still caught a burning image of the woman in his memory. A memory he wished he had never seen. He could not argue that she was beautiful, yet he did not need to see her in that sudden condition.

Artemis had appeared - entirely naked.

The two men were already ogling Artemis naked form, having already forgotten Shane. Shane could hear the lewd and provacative comments being made about Artemis' body. This was beginning to piss Shane off. He knew that Artemis told him not to look, but these two were being very disrespectful to a lady he respected. Then, fortunately for Shane, he heard the gun drop to the ground, and he heard the two mean groaning in obvious pain and agony. Shane winced and sort of crossed his legs. He was thinking that Artemis had severed their prides. Then he heard Artemis speak,

"Like Aecteon before you, the hunters now become the hunted. Such is a punishment for seeing a goddess naked, yet because you were so rude to me, this punishment will not be temporary, as it was for Aecteon, but yours will be permanent."

Shane kept his eyes covered until he got bumped very hard and knocked to the ground. Even on the ground, Shane kept his eyes closed. He heard more cries of fear and pain, and finally, Shane decided to peek at the two men and avoid gazing at Artemis if at all possible. What he saw were two partially transformed deer-men, although one of the men was being transgendered, as well. That was enough for Shane to avert his gaze and close his eyes again.

Finally, Shane heard Artemis say, "Okay Shane, you can look now. I am clothed."

Shane opened his eyes and Artemis helped Shane to his feet. The new buck and doe were nervously looking at each other. The men's clothing were lying on the ground ripped and torn. Shane turned to Artemis and asked, "Thank you for helping me. How did you know I was in trouble?"

Artemis smiled and escorted Shane around the waterfall's base. Standing there was the White Stag. Artemis replied, "He called me."

Shane let out a sigh of relief. " saved me... I guess I owe you now."

The White Stag smiled. "You owe me nothing. If you feel a need to do someone a service, then Artemis can use your services. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have just enough time to make my appearance at the Tranquility Moonrise Festival. Artemis will escort you back to Sexen's place." The White Stag simply vanished.

Shane looked to Artemis. "How long are you going to keep those two like that?"

Artemis replied, "You heard me. Its permanent. I don't misuse my words, Shane. They threatened your life and were going to do harm to the White Stag. When you mess with the supernatural, you are subject to the supernatural laws."

Shane smiled. "Do you think it would be misappropriate if I hugged you?"

Artemis also smiled and hugged Shane gently and kissed him very deeply. (See F9; hee hee)

Artemis and Shane arrived back in time to see the White Stag make his appearance at the festival. Gotaki, Damon, Jago and Jonie were enjoying the food and drinks. Nikon approached Shane and Artemis, and the three talked about the so-called poachers and of their fate. The old year ended and the new year began, and everyone sang a song to welcome in the new year.

The rest of the festival passed by quietly with much partying, with more games and events. Then the morning arrived when the were-beasts were to return to their homes. Fortunately for Shane, they were all willing to give accountings of their lives in writing, then the were-beasts departed once again for their homes. Shane once again escorted the wereunicorns back to France, and the Shou clan of wererats back to San Francisco, California.

A few more days were spent helping Sexen, Pablo, and Freeway clean up the yard and packing away all the tents. Then finally, Shane, Jago, Jonie, Damon, and Gotaki were given Navy escort back to Rocky Falls, Missouri, by Shane's wereotter friend, Lt. Stuart Watterson.

Several days later, Shane and Dominic were out taking a walk near the deer stand.

Shane suddenly said, "Dominic, I have a special gift for you."

Dominic turned to Shane, as he stopped walking, "Really? You have something for me?"

Shane smiled and lay his hands on Dominic's chest and there was a definitive glow. Shane released and felt a slight dizziness, then looked to Dominic and smiled again. "I just cured you of the lycanthropy that Reed accidentally infected you with."

Dominic blinked his eyes! He hugged Shane tightly! "Thank you, Shane. I really owe you for all you put up with. I do hope you had fun on that outing."

Shane smiled and winked. "Shane didn't have any fun at all..." He paused for affect. "...but Sheridan Wayne had a blast."

They both ended up laughing!

Footnotes: (F1) Tokens of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Void. (SE-09) (F2) Sexen Reinhard was first met in SE-02. (F3) Freeway is a wereraccoon first met in SE-02. (F4) Jo Tanner legally 'caught' the White Stag in SE-03. (F5) A White Mage is a magic user specialized in healing, illusions, and alterations. (F6) Vard and Harold are both weremoose. Paul is a werebear. Raul Wolcott is a werewolf. All four first appeared in CT-02. (F7) Kim Shou and Ryu Shou are wererats. They also first appeared in CT-02. (F8) Shane was pounced and plundered by Devyn in SE-09. (F9) Let us just say that Shane and Artemis made whoopee.