Pika-adventures 5: Forest Troubles

Story by gabumonkid on SoFurry

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#5 of pika-adventures

Update # 2: all done now :P

5 of my pokemon story

Author's note: part 5... i am really lazy but at least its better than waiting and getting nothing. Its a WIP so of course its not finished but I hope you like it so far and it will be finished soon...i promised my mate XP. But thank you for your time for reading this. Helpful criticism is highly recommended and welcomed. ^.=.^. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As i ran, i dodged and weaved all the trees and bushes i kept looking back to see if the 'whatever' was still chasing me. i saw nothing and halted to a stop.

Looking around i saw nothing but shrubs and the bark of a tree a few feet away but past that all i saw was darkness and blurriness. I'm a bit near-sighted so its a problem at a situation like this. I stood still and tried to listen again. Nothing but silence this time so i relaxed a bit. But it was too soon for that. As soon as i took at least a breath of fresh air i was tackled to the ground and without realizing it i was flipped over back side up.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." said the figure. "A small rodent with an...'interesting scent' as well as alone for that matter."

"Urk...get off of me damn it!" i yelled out but did nothing to get my assailant off.

"Why would i do such a silly thing like that. You might escape and i wont have my fun." said the Pokemon with a sensual tone.

"wait...WHAT!?!?!?" I began struggling to get out but the Pokemon held me down. It seems like he was a dog Pokemon. could not see him in the slightest so i figured he was as dark as the night. only one Pokemon that is like that.

"YOUR A HOUNDOOM AREN'T YOU!!" I said a bit too loud and with my voice cracking like weak glass.

"Ah so your one of those rats that live in that shitty place you call a village." the houndoom said as he pressed closer against my back.

"I am not a rat and what are you doing?"

"Like i said im going to have some fun with you." As soon as he said that i felt heat from his lower legs and then something wet. Then it hit me.

"GAH!!! GET OFF!!! GET OFF!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs but my scream fell on deaf ears as he began to position himself lower to my tail-hole.

"oh and why would i do a thing like that? you'll love it just like the slut you are!" the houndoom whispered with a tone so evil it made my tail curl a little. As i felt something wet behind me i began to struggle more but a friendly flamethrower near my head said not to move.

"NEXT TIME IT WILL BE YOUR HEAD!!!" he almost yelled as embers slipped from his mouth. I became very quiet and still after that, heart beating too fast and it was all i heard. I must have blacked out since all i remember was his rock hard member rubbing up against my tail-hole...then some screaming and then silence then black. I woke up on a tree trunk in a daze. i looked around to see where the houndoom went but he was nowhere in sight. 'how did i get here?' i thought. 'did i even get rapped? even though i don't remembered what happened. weird.' i began to check my tail-hole to see if it was ok. other than it being covered in pre-cum it felt fine. 'OK now i wanna know what happened.'

Then as if on cue Jorge popped out in front of me from the dark with a leaf full of berries. "oh thank goodness your awake."

"huh? what are you doing here? and whats with the berries?" i asked.

"well there for you. i saw you wander in here in the dark and i thought i should follow you and i think i should be asking the questions here." he placed the berries down. "so what were you doing here?" placing his paws on his hips.

"I uh...needed time to think about something." i said sort of lying. "something that is very personal to me and i guess i thought too much and wandered in here."

"at least you didn't go far or I would have been lost myself." Typical Jorge. "So where is that dog Pokemon? I remember him on..." My voice trailed off, my head going down in shame.

"What? That bastard? I shocked him with my most powerful ThunderShock Attack. Why was he on you? Were you fighting with each other or something?" The questions were relentless as Jorge kept asking more. I had to stop him so I stuffed a Oran Berry in his moving mouth. I wasn't quick enough to pull my mouth out as he ate the berry and the juices coated my hand.

"ewww its all sticky. What the hell?" I said looking for something to clean my hand. "oh stop whining and give it here." Grabbing my hand he started to lick my fingers starting with the thumb and index. I couldn't help but let out a small shiver as he explored each digit with his fat tongue suckling the juices and making them spotless.

The more he licked the more I started to like his tongue on my fingers. Then out of nowhere my mind began to make up images of his tongue going into other places. Which confused me but also stimulated my lower regions and made my cock peak out of my pouch. I tried my best to hide it but I was too slow as Jorge finished my hand and saw what was peaking out.

"ummm..." Was all he could say.

"i..uh...umm....well" Was all that came out of my mouth when Jorge knelt down and began to smell it. I could feel his breath against my now throbbing member, all 4 inches of it. He smelled it and said something, he was so quiet even I couldn't hear it. I couldn't move or even speak, all I could do was stand there and hope he doesn't do anything. Boy was I wrong. After a few minutes he grabbed for it with his paw and began to stroke it gently. I couldn't help but let out a gasp, he had a tight grip over it but was also gentle with it. Little moans started to slip out and Jorge kept stroking.

'I cant believe he is doing this, it feels so wrong but right at the same time.' I thought 'Why is this happening and why am I liking it. This is too weird'

"Do you like this?" Jorge finally spoke after all the silence. I really couldn't say anything, my mind was conflicting my answer and all that came out was a nod. "well if you want to we can try something else." All I did was stare at him.

"Ill take that as a yes I guess." Jorge said. He started to inch his was closer and leaned in.

"WHOA WAIT WHAT ARE YO-AHHH" It was all that came out of my mouth when I felt something wet and warm around my cock. I saw that Jorge was licking me and bobbing his head up and down my shaft. I started to breath more heavy by the minute as he continued to suck and lick my cock. Up and down his tongue went, feeling his warm breath on my hips and the way he worked...its as if he did this before. Using his tongue to lick from the base of my cock to the tip of the head sent shivers throughout my entire body.

"Oooh Jorge..." I moaned, placing my paws on his head to keep him from pulling out. He started to work faster as his head picked up the pace. Covering my shaft with saliva, the sounds of slurping and moaning filled the forest. The air around me began to smell of musk and I think it started to get to Jorge. He began to moan himself, it was muffled due to his mouth being full but it was still as clear as day to me. The more he moaned the more I did. I don't even know why I was liking this so much but now I don't want it to stop. Then Jorge picked up his pace even more and began to suck on my cock harder. I could not help but moan louder and instinctively began to thrust in his mouth. He had a tight grip on my head and shaft and kept bobbing his head up and down by my thrusting and I take a quick look at him and I see his cock erect and him stroking it vigorously, somehow him doing that turned me on even more and then I began to feel weird around my hips.

"Uh...Jorge *pant* maybe we should stop. I feel weird now." I told him but all he gave was a muffled no and started to pick up his pace even more. My moans became louder and flowed more fluently from my throat as the weird feeling got stronger by the second. Then it the feeling got the better of me and I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Ahh Jorge I..i feel...like something...is coming out..." I said and he stopped his bobbing and held my twitching cock in my mouth. Then I felt something coming out, it felt like I was peeing but I know for sure that wasn't it. I pulled out of Jorge's mouth to see what was coming out and a white liquid spilled out. As it did I felt something I felt when Jorge was sucking my cock, It felt so good I couldn't help but let out a moan as my cock squirted out more of the white liquid on Jorge's cheeks and mouth since it was open. He grabbed most of it and swallowed it while the rest hit his cheeks and fell on the grassy floor. I slumped down on the bark of the tree and began to feel really tired. I Look at Jorge and I see he is too, also I saw his cock covered as well in white liquid. I think that came from his own body.

All I could do was lay slumped up against the tree trunk as fatigue settled in and I fell asleep.

The sun arose from the horizon as the sunlight hit my face, waking me up from my slumber. I looked at my surrounding as I got up from the floor. I was still in the forest but somehow I wasn't laying on the tree anymore, I was laying down on the grass with Jorge right next to me sleeping peacefully. Getting on my feet I stretched and loosened my limbs and began to search for food. Halfway into it I stopped and thought of last night's 'escapade'.

'Did all of that really happened...did Jorge really touch me and suck on my cock...' thinking about everything that happened started to stimulate me down below and I tried my best to push the dirty thoughts away. Finally after walking for an hour or so I find a small tree with fruit on its branches. I pick a few of the big ones down and take them back to where me and Jorge were sleeping at. But when I got there he seemed to disappeared.

"Jorge? Hello? Where did you go?" I called out when I set the fruit down. "Jorge...did you actually leave? Hello?" Nothing but silence.

"*sigh* did I do something wrong?" I said to myself softly as I flopped flat on the grassy floor. I grabbed the apple that I picked and took little nibbles on it. But as soon as the flavor hit my tongue I immediately spat the pieces out. "GAH THATS REALLY SOUR." I quickly got up and kicked the apples I picked away from me and threw the one I ate. It hit a tree with a loud thud and broke in half. I began to feel something wet down my cheeks. I looked up to see if it was rain but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I touched my cheek to see what it was, it was clear and I followed the path of water up to my eyes.

'Am...am I crying?' I thought to myself. So many emotions flooded throughout my body and mind. Anger, sadness, regret. So much is going through my mind I couldn't process. My head began to throb and before I knew it I started to see nothing but darkness.


I felt a cold liquid splash over my face waking me up from my dark slumber. The shock woke me up and I sprawled upward.

"Ahhh what was...huh? Where am I?" I said to myself as I looked my my surrounding. The landscaped changed completely and I was not in the forest anymore, instead of it being the morning it was early evening. The horizon was colored a lovely orange mixed with red and pink with the sun setting while clouds tried their best to block out the sun without prevail. The grass was a bit higher here than the forest and was more luscious and greener. Looking around in front of me I saw some trees from the left and nothing but empty plains to the right. Then I realized that I was in the meadow where I met Jonathan.

"Hey are you ok? I saw you in the forest and brought you out here to see if you were ok." said a voice from behind.

I turn around and I saw a familiar face and color. 'Speak of the devil' I thought to myself as I saw the now somehow chunky totodile standing before me. "Jonathan? How long was I out?"

"Well I don't know. I was just taking a walk in the forest not to long ago, then I saw you there on the floor and I thought you was hurt so I brought you here." Jonathan said. "But it looks like your fine now....Sorry I hit you with my water gun."

"No no its ok. I needed that, thanks." Getting on my feet I began to walk home but I felt a paw on my arm. Looking back I see Jonathan with his eyes all water eyed.

"Jonathan....are you ok?"

"well...*sniffles* maybe I should tell you before I lose you." he said a tear fell from his eye.

"What do you mean? I'm not hurt." I tilt my head confused as Jonathan motioned me to sit down.

Pika-Adventure Chapter 4: The Begining Part 4

**Author's note: part 4 :D well now its getting good XD. its still in free style format..... i did not want the work of thinking up stuff and writing it down and editing and stuff...XP. well comment, rate and fave cuz i would really appreciate it...

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darkness within

i feel like the world is shifting back and forth....its as if i have no control over my body anymore.....my mind has nothing but emptyness, sadness and hurt as well as my heart.my soul now lost in the abbys of darkness and feels like it will never be...

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Pika-Adventure chapter 3: the begining part 3

Author's note: part 3 :D well i think its going good so far....do you think? i hope so :P. its still in free style format so i don't know where this story will go as of now (still) i might plan it out from now on but that is still buzzing around in my...

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