Pretty toy chap 4 Aeonic Rape

Story by Necrowolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Pretty Toy.

Ok this one is not going to be prefect grammar wise because I DO NOT HAVE THE FUCKING TIME! OK!?!?!?!!? So lay off! Be glad you got it...I am so fucking busy right now it is not even funny but I fucking adore the people that like this series so I made time and wrote a short bit..

Oh yeah and all the legal bull 18 or go blow your head off.


Pretty toy chapter 4:

Aeonic rape

"Not dead but sleeping"

The room was dark, save for the candles that burned in a circle but even their light seemed to be absorbed by some unspeakable shadow that seemed to choke the whole room. Solid walls and floor of stone in cased the wolf. The texture and coldness of the stone floor against his fur gave him a chill; reminding him that he was and not nothing though his mind screamed it. His body felt as if it was floating above the physical him, tethered by an invisible chain. The room smelled of fresh earth and old blood both of these twisting and turning in the air like a serpent tempting the mouse into its whole. The air was cold and dry and it seemed to grab at him and rip at his flesh. Gargled voices cried in his head all screaming the same thing.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

Over and over they cried screaming the same chant. Driving the wolf mad, he retched for his knife but found that he had no clothing of any type on, let alone his knife. He began to howl and scream twitching and convulsing on the hard cold stone floor as the candles burned on, their light flickering and seemingly hissing at the black shadows of the oddly cornered room. The voices grew louder till they hit a deafening pitch inside his head but there seemed to be a growing voice chanting the same thing from the room that he was in. The wolf pried him self up off the floor howling at the incessant screams in his head and fell to the cold hard floor again in a fit of pain finding only enough strength to open his eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the minimal light of the candles he saw nine figures robed in black with eyes that glowed red like dying embers of a fire. They slowly stepped closer to the wolf all whilst chanting

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

Over and over again in a deep monotone voice that came from all but seemed too only come from one. They came closer, all coming from a corner of the room as the grew within six feet or so of the wolf the figure that was closest to the wolf drew a large dagger that seemed to glow green in the dimly lit room. He rose the dagger above his head with both hands and slightly raised his head so that a glimpse of his ungodly faced showed itself to the wolf by the dim candlelight and the glow of the dagger combined. A horror the world had not seen for aeons was shown in that face. What a unspeakable horror for there was no skin on this being only muscle and from that crawled hundreds of insects burrowing in and out of his face. The wolf flinched in horror from seeing such and horrid thing and vomited on him self.

The chants grew louder in the room and drowned out the ones in the wolfs head.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

The figures in black screamed, as the figure close to him began to say in a deep and hissing voice,

"Lord Cthulhu we call you on this night when Marduk doth sleeps and you are restless in your deep chamber under the sea! Hear our call Lord Cthulhu we your servants bring you a sacrifice!"

The figure brought down the dagger on the wolf bringing a howl of pain and horror from his throat. The dagger sank into his stomach, gushes of blood pouring from the new wound as the chants became louder and louder. The wolf squirmed in agony as the blood began to pool on the floor. The life draining from him as he noticed a green shimmering light forming to the wall in front of him and behind the figures. His blood began to lift from the floor as a great turning vortex began to appear in the green light and with that came a great wind that tore the black robed figures into the void that was the vortex bringing unnamable screams and cries from their unspeakable faces. As the last figure was pulled in a large tentacle of black color with green mucus shot from the middle of the vortex grabbing the wolf brining new screams from him as it pulled him to the vortex. Clawing at the floor and walls the tentacle finally pulled him threw and into a black void where there were no walls, no up and down, and no time at all. Where even his wounds that would have killed him distorted and convulsed and spewed a black sludge instead of blood.

His mind recoiled when he saw what had grabbed him. There before his eyes was an unspeakable monster with innumerable amounts of tentacles all moving and seething with some chaotic rhythm. The black abomination twitched and cried in a tongue the wolf had never heard or could understand. The green mucus dripped from the tentacles as they wrapped his body filling all of his holes. Three of them shot into his mouth as he screamed from the five that shot up his tail hole all stretching him and filling him beyond his limits and as he thought he could take no more another one shot down his now erect cock making it twitch and pulse even fast as the monster worked its tentacles in and out faster and faster bringing muffled screams of pain and ecstasy from the wolf. The green mucus from the tentacles lubricated the holes as they violated the wolf. Slowly changing color from the blood and shit that they were bringing from the wolfs body.

The wolf cried out over and over again as orgasms hit his abused body but his load was backed up behind the invading tentacle in his cock. Soon his screams of pleasure turned to pain again as the tentacles began pushing deeper and deeper and pulling outward and pulsing faster and faster. Soon a high pitched scream filled the air from the monster and a acid bile shot into the semiconscious wolf eating away at his body and bringing screams of pain and agony from him as slowly the acid dissolved his body.

The wolf woke with a scream. He was covered in a cold sweat and was breathing hard. He looked to his right and left seeing only his room and Trent beside him snoring like a diesel engine.

"Holy fucking shit!"

He yelled out loud, raising a moan from Trent to shut up in drowsy speech that was barley understandable.

"Fuck you!"

The wolf growled as he grabbed the slumbering horse by the throat pinning him down on his back.

"Fuck you!"

He screamed again as he placed him self on top of the now awakened horse.


Choked Trent and the wolf wrenched the horses tail away from his ass as he positioned him self at his hole.

"You fucking slut horse you are going to fucking pay!"

The wolf bellowed in a tone that Trent had never heard before. The wolf slammed his fully erect cock in the horse knot and all ramming it in and out bringing choked moans and cries of pain from the horse.

"Who's the fucking bitch now you filthy slut!"

The wolf moaned as his eyes radiated bright green with flashes of red. The room seemed to fill with a green haze engulfing the two fluctuating in brightness as the wolf dove in and out of the horse. The wolf pounded harder bringing shit and blood from the horses' ass and evoking his giant cock from his sheath. The wolf lowered his other hand down to the horses member and began jacking him off in a lighting fast manner up and down precum shot over the wolfs body and over his paw. The wolf pumped the horses cock in rhythm to his fucking his ass and in rhythm to the growling green haze. Soon both furs where breathing hard and close to the edge of pure ecstasy. Their cries of pleasure filled the air as they both came at the same time the wolf ramming him self in to the hit of the horses ass as he reached down and took the horses member into his muzzle in time for the horse to shoot his hot load down his throat. The haze brightened and seemed to dance when the two came and faded slowly as the two parted and was gone when they laid tired next to each other.

"Tomorrow, we will get that boy toy."

The wolf panted.

"By the way fuck you."

He said short of breath.

"You just did, you idiot."

The horse chuckled, as he grabbed the wolfs flaccid cock.

© ® Necrowolf AKA James R. Corkle March 16, 2008

Pretty toy chap 5: The purity of carnage. The divinity of death. The arousal of the slaughter

Greetings all, Tis been to long! Time and life has yet again hindered my dark side to wallow in its depraved diatribes and in that deprived you the reader of the story. Any way here is the next chapter, in which I think you, may find some...

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Pretty Toy. Chapter 3: What shadows lie in the void of the wolf's mind?

If you are not 18-21 then please go away. I really would rather not be thrown in jail, thank you. Yes, it is short and yes there maybe a few errors that all is a given. I am an amateur writer so there is going to be fowl ups. If you would like to...

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Pretty Toy. Chapter 2 The smell of a whore.

You know the drill, if you are not 18-21 fuck off! Again this is pure fiction and I do not condone illegal activity of any sort. So let the blood bath begin. Inspired by Dead (Victory in Hell Brother!) and Mayhem. And thanks to all that read...

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