Humans are Fun

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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It was a great day for a walk. The wind was blowing pleasantly through my black and white fur and there were a lot of interesting people around. Of course all those people meant that there was an even greater variety of scents around. I don't know how my two legged companion managed to keep from getting as excited as I do by our daily walks. That tiny nose of his must be responsible for that problem. There was just no way it could compare to a dog's magnificent snout. As much as I love him I do wish that he could show a bit more enthusiasm for our walks. That way I would not have to half drag him along with me everyday. I swear that if it was not for this leash attached to my neck he would get left behind.

My human needed to stop to tie those ridiculous things that most humans wear on their feet. While he was bent over and presenting himself I took the opportunity to show how much I really loved him. I padded up next to him and proceeded to placing my front paws on his back for balance and tried to hump his leg. My human reacted the way he normally did when I did so and just shouted, "Come on Ringo, stop that you big dumb husky." He tried to push me off while attempting to maintain his balance at the same time. It was a loosing battle for him. If I thought he really wanted me to stop then I really would, but he tells me that he loves me all the time so I figured that he was only trying to stop me due to some bizarre mating ritual the humans had that I had not figured out yet. Humans are complicated creatures, but they can be a lot of fun. Even squirrels cannot provide as much entertainment as humans can.

He eventually managed to pry me off of him before commanding me to sit and stay. Those were a couple of the only commands that he gave that I really listened to. A near fatal encounter with one of those things humans call a car convinced me that I should listen to those two. When he was finished we were off once again. He was as slow as ever, but I could tell he was getting tired. I made sure to do my business while we were out. When I was a pup I always had a hard time understanding why I had to go outside instead of in, but now that I was older and wiser I realized it was because it made sure the place we slept in always smelled good.

The walk was over all too soon, but I knew my human needed to rest. The poor thing really had no endurance at all. At least this new home the human had acquired was much better than the last one. The last one had only two rooms and a single floor, but this one had multiple levels and a lot of rooms to run around in. It was nice having the extra space to explore, especially when my human had to go off to work in a place he called "the city." Those had always been distressing times for me in the smaller home but my human had also managed to get a lot more things to keep me entertained along with this new home. It was no substitute for him though and I would follow him if I could, but there were too many cars out there for me to risk it.

The rest of the day was pretty standard for me. We played a little game of fetch, we ate, he petted me every so often, and then he spent some time in front of the television playing video games while I laid in his lap. He told me that I was getting to heavy to lay on him but I ignored him since I had liked laying in his lap since I was a pup and I saw no reason to change now. His lap may have been a little small for me now, but it was still comfortable to lie across. Then it was time for both of us to bet some rest. We went off to bed with him sleeping under the sheets and me sleeping at his feet. Personally, I would sleep under the covers with him if it was not for this thick layer of fur of mine. It was just too hot under there to make for a comfortable night. I curled up in a ball while he turned off the lights and sleep quickly took the both of us.

My sleep was interrupted by some activity outside. There was some activity in my yard and I decided to go investigate. I felt no need to try and wake up my human. As long as the moon was up he slept like a rock. There was no way of waking him up unless I bit him. I swiftly walked downstairs and looked around for the intruders in my territory. It was dark outside, but I could still see well enough by the moonlight. The window that showed the back yard was blocked off by curtains but they were easy enough to nudge aside with my muzzle. When I did so I discovered that there were a couple of humans I had never seen before pacing around nervously in my backyard.

The humans were having a silent conversation with each other and even my excellent hearing could not pick up on what they were saying. There were a couple of lights outside that I thought looked like they came from flashlights. Whenever those lights came near my yard the humans would stop talking and duck down. I wondered if it was some sort of game and my tail started to wag excitedly. It would be nice if I could get involved, but this glass window was in the way and the humans had not even noticed me yet anyways.

"Hey, I think I heard them over here," I heard a human yell from beyond my yard. The two humans in my yard looked in the direction the voice had come from and then bolted in the opposite direction. They tried to jump the fence in my yard but one of them did not quite make it. His jacket got snagged on the top of the fence while the sudden activity excited me. I wanted to bark at them to get their attention so they could involve me in their game, but barking in the middle of the night had been drilled out of me a while ago. The human that was caught on the fence managed to free himself, but a pocket tore and something fell out of it and into my yard. He did not seem to notice as he was preoccupied with trying to run away.

A few minutes passed by and no one returned. I thought the humans would return for whatever they had dropped, but they never did. With no one around I started to get bored and as the excitement faded I felt tired once again. I would investigate what the humans had dropped in the morning when my human let me out. When I returned to my bed my human was still asleep as I expected him to be and I curled up at the end of the bed like I normally do. Even when I hopped up on the bed it was not enough to get much more than one silent grunt from my human. I gave him one little affectionate look before drifting off to sleep once more.

When morning came I was the first one up as usual. I contented myself with sitting around and waiting for my human to wake up. It was always that annoying alarm clock that managed to wake him up and that had always made me a little jealous. Not even I could wake him up that easily. I planned on getting my revenge on that alarm clock like I had on the previous three. There was a nice spot in the yard I had already picked out to bury that cursed thing in. It never managed to keep him awake anyways. That was my job. When the alarm went off my human turned it off after questing for the off switch for a few seconds and then he tried to roll over and go back to sleep. That was when I pounced on him and gave him a nice tongue bath.

"Alright, alright, I'm up Ringo," he half groaned half yawned. I stayed by him to make sure he was telling the truth. It took him a little while, but he managed to drag himself out of the bed and get ready to go to work. I stood by the door leading into the yard so I could be let out to do my morning business. When that finally happened I went straight to where I saw the humans drop that thing during the night. At first sight it was a strange blob like substance that glowed in this strange bluish color. I sniffed it a little and did not find out much that way. The thing was pretty much scentless even to me. So I did the only other thing I could think of and licked it lightly. To my surprise the thing was unbelievably delicious.

That led me to make the decision to eat the thing. What else am I supposed to do with tasty treats in my yard? The thing was only about the size of a small mouse so it was not difficult to scarf the thing down in a couple of gulps. My human happened to watch me do that as he was sitting my breakfast onto the floor. He yelled, "Ringo, what are you doing? Don't eat that!" Then he ran over to me and tried to pry open my mouth open and I did not cooperate. I had already swallowed the thing and he would not have been able to get it out of me even if he could do more than pull my lips apart. It was good he thought he could do something about it though because I was enjoying the extra attention.

My human gave up after a couple of minutes and looked me over carefully. "Well, your fur isn't falling out and you still look healthy, so I guess you're alright for now. We're still going to the vet to get you checked up when I get home though," he said while pointing at me. I just yawned in response and went off to eat my morning meal. My human petted me along the spine before biding me farewell and leaving for work. And so I was left to my own devices for yet another day, just like normal, or so I thought.

I wish I had learned how to read the numbers on clocks. All I could tell was that it was few hours later and the clock displayed one straight line, a curvy snake like line, and two more things shaped like donuts. I was only looking at it so I could hide it until the moment was right for me to bury it outside. That was when my body started to feel a little bit funny. I dropped the clock as muscles in my body began to spasm and I fell over, unable to maintain my balance. The felling passed after a few seconds, but I was left wondering if I really did need to be checked up like my human said.

I did not think too much about it though, not until I noticed my body changing. The toes on my front paws were lengthening and I was even growing another digit on those paws. It took me a little while to figure out that my paws were starting to resemble hands. The process stopped after a little while and my front paws had turned into a sort of hand paw hybrid. My fingers were thicker than a human's would be and my hand paws were still padded and tipped with claws, but they definitely seemed like they could handle something like cup as easily as a human could.

Other changes were occurring too. I could feel them going on inside of me. Those changes were making me strangely uncomfortable, as if I should not be on standing around on all fours. That was solved easily enough by standing up on my hind legs. I had always wondered how humans managed to walk around in such an awkward looking manner, but for some reason it seemed like a perfectly logical thing to do now. Even the position I should hold my head seemed to be a bit more human like. I thought I might actually be becoming a human. Those types of changes stopped after that though and as I looked myself over I thought I looked like one of those werewolf monsters. Actually, I would say I was nicer looking than a werewolf with my cute curly tail, but I looked just as tough. There was a change of a different kind occurring though. I was getting taller by the second.

I did not want to risk doing any damage to my house so I walked to the back door and stepped out into the yard. Suddenly I remembered that I was wearing my collar and I was worried that it might strangle me, but when I felt for it the thing seemed to be growing with me. It was a good thing I decided to do that because I had already reached my humans height and I was still growing. Not knowing what else to do I just sat down in the yard and tried to think of what to do. All the while I just kept growing and before I knew it I could see over the fence into the neighbor's yard even while sitting. My expanding body began to fill up the yard that I had once thought seemed kind of large. I wished that my human was here. He was usually the one that was good with problem solving. My back and paws came in contact with the fence and it started to creak and groan as I continued to grow. The wood soon splintered and shattered as I grew straight through the now flimsy looking barrier.

My human probably would not be happy with that one when he came home. He was going to scold me more than he ever had before. And that was when inspiration hit me. Why should I have to wait for my human when I could go to him? I may not have known where or what the city was, but I did have an excellent sense of smell and I intended to use it. All I had to do was walk into the front lawn, put my nose to the ground, and take a good whiff of air to find my human's scent. I had expected it to be harder to do know that I was getting so large, but my sense of smell seemed to be getting better as my size increased. I stood back up and was a little surprised to see that at my full and still increasing height I was taller than my house.

It was easy enough to tell that my human must be in the large set of buildings off in the distance. Something like that cluster of buildings seemed like it would be called a city. That was definitely the direction his scent was leading so I started walking that way. Since I am a dog, or maybe I was a weredog now, I had trouble concentrating on doing multiple things at once. When I walked I only had to avoid things that would cause me too fall. I know I had bumped into tables in my home very often and drinks my human had on his table would often spill because of me. It was only every once and a while that I paid attention to the damage my walk was doing to the area around me.

To me it was just a normal walk, except without my human. I thought it would be a little more fun to enjoy a walk on my own, but it seemed like something was missing without him around. While I was thinking about that I stepped on a car. It was easily crushed by my weight, but it did cause me to loose my balance and I fell right on my furry rear. Other cars that were close to me bounced slightly as I hit the ground and the street cracked beneath the impact of my body. As I was about to rub my sore bottom I noticed something was trapped underneath my sheath. To my surprise it was a tiny human, it could not have been much larger than a testicle to me.

I was going to help it out from underneath me since it seemed to be yelling. The human was doing something odd though. It did not even cross my mind that it might be trying to escape; I just knew that his movements were causing me a good deal of pleasure. That lead me to the conclusion that the human must be trying to pleasure me on purpose. I thought that humans might just find mating with me more acceptable now that I was larger than they were. That must have been the reason why my human had never wanted to mate with me despite telling me how much he loved mw all the time. I just sat there to see if the human would stop.

Not only did it not stop, it managed to stimulate me enough to get my member to emerge from its sheath. I was moaning lowly to myself while the human was kind enough to cause me so much joy. It was time to stop being selfish though. If the human wanted to mate with me and it was trying so hard to cause me pleasure I should return the favor. I reached down and pulled the human from beneath my sheath while remembering to carefully pull off its pants so we could mate properly. That was when I noticed another problem though. The human was far too small for my cock to fit inside of it and I was still getting larger. It looked like it was just going to have to be content with being rubbed against my shaft.

When I pressed the human against my cock it pushed back with its tiny little legs and feet. It was like the human was trying to massage my cock so I thought it found me acceptable as a mate. Then, as I started rubbing it up and down my member it started to put even more effort into massaging my cock. Between the human's efforts and my own I was able to blow a load all over the street within mere moments. I never noticed the crunching noise in my paw as my hand paw tensed around my shaft and my seed shot out of my member.

It came as a surprise to me when I opened up my paw and could not find the human. All I could find was a bloody mess that smelled kind of like a human, but did not even come close to resembling a human. I tasted it like I had the stuff I was fairly sure was responsible for my growth. The stuff tasted kind of like pork so I concluded that the human had left while I had been spreading my seed around. It must have decided to leave me with a gift for mating with it and I accepted it gratefully since I was starting to feel a bit hungry again. I licked the meat off my hand paw and bent over to lick it off my cock as well. The stuff was delicious and I wondered if I could find more humans to give me some of this stuff if I mated with them.

That was when I noticed that I was surrounded by humans. They were all staring at me and some were running away screaming. It was the ones that were running away that really interested me. They had to know that I loved chasing small animals and they were playing a game with me. I stood up and started chasing the closest human to me. It was a short chase because humans are so slow. When I grabbed the human with my hand paw it moved around just like the human that had wanted to mate with me. That must mean that all the humans that were running away wanted to mate with me as well as play with me. That was a good thing because the treat the other human had given me had not been much of a meal and if I wanted to satisfy my hunger I was going to have to work for my meal. It was a good thing I had plenty of love to spread around.

I was large enough to mate with multiple partners at once now, so I started to chase down a few more humans. My tail wagged excitedly behind me as I got into the game. Once again I did not notice the things that were going on around me as I played. One human that was frozen in fear was crushed beneath a paw as I ran after another one and my tail brushed along the roof of house, tearing off shingles and causing a visible dent. Seeing one human reduced to a blob of broken flesh by my carelessness was enough to shake the rest of the humans out of their state of shock and they all started running. I had personally concluded that the humans had started running because more of them wanted to mate with me as I continued to get larger.

It was not easy picking which humans I wanted to chase with so many of them around. I probably ended up accidentally stepping on as many humans as I caught, but I did not see it that way. The bloody pawprints that littered the ground only assured me that I was doing the right thing. If so many humans were leaving me treats how could it be otherwise? I did not stop with my little game until I had six or seven humans in each hand paw. Their bodies were wriggling furiously in my paws and I thought I knew what that meant. I decided to get on with my business before they lost interest in me.

One hand paw was used to massage my cock once more while I used the other to cup my sac. The humans went to work almost instantly and for a minute I was content to just stand there and let them go at me. I did eventually start to do my part though and the humans wriggled even more as my hand paws went into action. One human felt nice against my cock, but over a dozen of them were just plain ecstasy. Every stroke sent new sensations of pleasure through my body like the which I have never felt before. If I could speak I would thank them, but all I could manage was a satisfied bark. It was not until my member erupted once more that I noticed my paws were slick with blood.

I wondered were the humans had managed to get off to. The humans should not have been able to get back to the ground and leave the treats in my paws that quickly. Then again, humans could do a lot of things I could not explain so I just stopped thinking about how they did what they did and just enjoyed the treats they had given me. I could see why they gave me the treats while I was still stroking my member. Its salty taste added a bit of flavor to the pork like meat when I licked it off my cock. Those humans sure are some clever and kind creatures. And these humans were not even my humans. Speaking of my human, I still had to find him. Maybe I could stop for a more satisfying bite to eat once I actually got to the city.

Thus I continued on my little journey to the city, growing all the way. I had to keep myself from looking at the ground so I would not notice all the little fleeing humans. It was nice that so many of them wanted to mate with me, but I had other things to do. That caused about as many problems for the humans as looking at the ground did. Stepping on cars was no longer a problem for me since I could have, and did, crush them with a single toe. Humans could not move out of my way fast enough and as a result dozens of them wound up as broken bloody smears in my pawprints as I continued on my way, blissfully unaware of the death and destruction I was causing.

It did not take me that long to reach the city. My large size really sped up the trip. I wondered how large I really was and decided to take a good look at the ground to see what I could compare my size to. That turned out to be not such a good idea. I was able to tell that my paw was about twice as wide as my house was, but I saw all of the little humans on the ground when I did take a look. Every last human in the city must have found me irresistible because they were all running away from me. There were far too many humans for me to count, which is not saying much since I can only count to 34 and I am rather proud of that. My mother could only count to 20.

I wanted to find my master, but it was just impossible to resist the temptation of so many potential mates. But how was I supposed to choose which mates? The ground was literally alive with humans. They should understand that I could not possibly mate with them all in one day even at my size so I just decided to go with the humans whose scent I liked the most. I let my tail wag excitedly as my mind settled on a course of action and knocked over a small building with it while doing so.

It was easy enough to take in the scent of the humans at my size and the smell of fear that permeated the air puzzled me. I wondered if the humans desired me so much at my enhanced size that they were afraid of not getting the chance to mate with me. That seemed like a reasonable conclusion to come to at the moment. I would have to come back to the city some other time if my human let me. For now, I thought it would be best to find the most fearful group of humans since they must have wanted to mate with me the most. That meant wading through the humans though and I did not want to crush anyone. I figured the humans were smart enough not to walk underpaw though.

The humans began to part as I took a step forward, but many of them looked like they were not moving fast enough. I tried to put my paw down slowly to give the humans enough time to move. It did not look like all the humans managed to get out of harms way fast enough and when I felt the sensation of tiny little bodies crackling underpaw I was horrified. I thought I had just crushed all of those poor little humans, but when I lifted my paw up for a look all I saw was that tasty meat treat the humans had been leaving me with. That was a great relief for me and it made me feel much more comfortable walking among the little humans.

It was a good thing to. Nature was beginning to call to me and the only suitable place to answer it was still a little ways off. There were some tall structures in the distance and a living carpet of humans between them and me. Since humans seemed to be capable of moving far faster than I thought they could when they wanted to I had no fear of walking straight toward those buildings at a normal rate of speed. Every step I took must have been causing the ground to shake because the crowd of humans near to me seemed to falter each time my paw hit the ground. I had not noticed it before, but I seemed to be heavy enough to cause the ground to crack beneath me. That was not the only thing going happening on the ground either. I felt tiny things cracking and popping beneath me with each and every step. The one time I looked behind me all I could see was my pawprints filled with that red meat the humans liked to give me.

I was happy that no one was hurt as I arrived at one of the tall human structures. When I tried to lift up the leg I normally lift up I lost my balance and felt myself start to tip over. I put my leg back down to try and keep myself from falling but I was only able to keep myself upright for two quick crunchy steps before falling on my side among a large group of humans. The humans swarmed all around me and some of them had somehow managed to get into my fur. They kind of reminded me of fleas except the humans tickled more than itched. I would have stopped to enjoy the sensation, but I really had to attend to business. As I stood back up I could see that the side I had fallen on was just covered in meat and I tried to brush it all of, but my fur was stained red. It was going to take a good licking to clean myself up. That would have to wait though.

I had to marvel at the height of some of the buildings for a little while. They were just so large, even compared to me. It was hard to believe humans could make things like that. Those buildings were also the only place that looked appropriate for my use at the moment as well. When I went I was surprised when I heard glass shattering on the building. Even though the building looking large and strong it seemed to have a fairly weak shell. The building was still standing though, so I just kept going until I was satisfied. It was nice getting all of that out of me and a few moments later I noticed some humans stumbling out of the building. That did not seem too odd until I noticed that a few of them had my scent on them. I guessed a few of them had been in the way when my fluids broke through the glass on the building. They must have thought their building would protect them like I had thought it would. I hoped that nobody had been hurt by my little bathroom break.

It was time to clean myself off now. I found a nice little building to sit down on while I licked myself clean of the red stains. When I applied my weight to the small building it seemed to creak in protest just like a really old couch. It held though and that was good enough for me. It took a few minutes before my black and white fur looked presentable again and the humans had still not managed to run that far. They were all packed in so tightly to the streets that I was surprised that they could move at all. I was about to get up to pursue a couple of them when the building I was sitting on seemed to groan loudly and collapsed right out from under me. That caught me completely off guard and I fell backwards and rolled into another medium sized building with teeth jarring force.

As I reached up to rub my head I could feel little impacts hitting the top of my head. Then something larger hit my head and I realized the top of the structure I had rolled into must be collapsing. I shielded the top of my head from any further impacts as best I could and that was a good thing too. Something about the size of one of my hand paws hit me pretty hard and I thought that I might have been knocked out by the impact of something so large. When the stuff stopped falling on me I started licking the tip of my nose clean but stopped shortly thereafter when I noticed that concrete and steel were not the only things that had been falling on me.

There were a couple of humans running around on the tip of my nose trying to avoid my tongue. Now that I was paying attention I thought I could feel a few more things that were most likely humans running around on my tongue inside of my mouth. I made sure not to swallow while the humans on my snout were telling me what a good boy I was and that I should not do anything hasty. This kind of reminded me of a little game my human liked to play with me where he would place a treat on my nose and wait until he said it was alright before I would flip the treat in the air, catch it in my mouth, and then swallow it. Then I heard on of the humans clearly say in a comically high pitched voice, "Alright boy." I did not know why the human wanted me to treat all of them like treats but I played along. A quick flip of my nose sent the humans on my snout flying into the air and I expertly caught all of them, but I did hesitate before swallowing. It seemed odd that they would want me to swallow them, but one of them did give me the command to do so and so I did. I felt no more movement from within my mouth and knew all of them were making a quick trip to my stomach. It was definitely an odd command so I assumed they had some way of surviving the experience just like they had been surviving everything else so far.

There was another little surprise for me as I was about to stand up. A bunch of humans were trapped under my rump and the ones that I could see that were not blocked by my fur were trying to get out from under me. I hastily stood up before they started scolding me. It would not have been a good thing if all the humans suddenly started thinking that I was a bad dog. I could still feel a few humans crawling around in the fur on my rear and I thought that was a good sign. If they wanted to play around back there it was fine by me since it was causing a rather enjoyable sensation. There was yet another big red print where I had been sitting down and I was starting to wonder why the humans were giving me treats for pretty much everything that I did. Maybe it just had something to do with my size. This whole turning into a giant thing was turning out to be the best thing that had ever happened to me and I was still growing. I just hoped my human thought the same thing.

I thought that I could mate with one more group of humans before I really had to get to my master. Just about every human in the city looked like they wanted to mate with me and I wished that I could, but I would not even be able to mate with a fraction of them until I had to see my human. I just walked up to the group of humans closest to me and started gathering them up in my hand paws as best I could. Even I was surprised by just how man humans I could fit in a single hand paw. I tried to maximize how many humans I could get involved in this process by pretty much dropping the first handful of humans into my sheath and let them play around until they started to make my shaft emerge. When that happened I sat down on the crowd of humans so that my ball sac was resting on top of as many humans as it could. By the way they wriggled and squirmed it was easy to tell that I had done good.

My legs were stretched out in front of me and I could feel many of the humans crawling all over them. It was kind of like being petted all over my legs at the same time. I felt rather content as I reached into the crowd of humans and started gathering them for the main event. The humans in my sheath had already made sure that my cock made its appearance. Those humans did seem a little tired though so I just let them sit there and watch as their fellows were used to complete the job. I was trying to be careful and not drop any of them, but they were wriggling so much that it could not be helped. The only way I could have kept from dropping any of them was to hold them so tightly that I would have ended up crushing all of them.

Something good did come out of dropping a few of the humans. As I held them above the head of my shaft a few fell directly down my cock slit. I was about to try and get them out until they started moving around from within my shaft. It was like getting petted from inside my cock, except it was far, far better. I was happy that the humans knew that petting me from within my shaft was even better than petting it outside of my cock. Stuffing my member to capacity just served to enhance the experience and I wondered how things could get better.

Then I actually placed a hand paw full of humans against the exterior of my cock. It was like pure pleasure had manifested around my member and decided to spread through my body. And I had not even started stroking my shaft yet. It took a lot just to make my arms start working with my mind focused on my pleasure. The only way I was able to do so was because I did not want the humans to get bored just sitting still. I had to be a good mate after all or they might find a more suitable mate. I did not regret it when I started stroking either. As the other humans had done, these humans squirmed even more when I did start stroking. These humans may have been smaller to me than my previous mates, but there were a lot more of them. Their tiny hands felt like they could stimulate every last bit of my cock.

Every stroke sent a new level of pleasure that I had not known or imagined existed racing through my body. I wanted to howl my pleasure to the world and I think I might have too. It was a little hard to tell everything I did while I was concentrating on mating. My member was throbbing, almost begging me to let it release its cream to the world but I held back. I wanted to drag this out for as long as possible. Sure the humans might like me now but there was no telling for how long in the future they would be interested in me. Each stroke made my throbbing member throb all the harder. I could feel something powerful welling up within me just waiting to be released until it finally became too painful for me to hold back any longer.

It is hard to express just how hard I came. I barely had enough sense of mind to use a hand paw to try and catch the humans that would be shot out of my cock. Besides that, I was just lost in the heat of the moment. Spurt after mighty spurt issued forth from me in rapid succession. A few city blocks and the people in the streets were covered in my cream even with my hand paw blocking most of it. It took five or six long hard spurts before I finally felt depleted and I was left panting from the effort.

I looked at the hand paw I had used to try and catch the humans only to see those treats seemed to be mixed in with my seed. The mixed meat and cum had an odd but not unpleasant smell. Tasting strange things had worked out pretty well so far for me today and I decided to taste this mixture as well. One little lick told me that I was once again being rewarded for my adventurous nature. The stuff was delicious and I quickly licked my hand paw clean. It was then with great regret that I finally decided it was time to go see my human.

Ignoring all of the potential mates on the ground was a difficult thing to do, but I was going to give it my best try. I knew that the humans were leaving me a lot of tasty treats on the ground because I could feel them popping beneath my paws as I walked. At least it was a pleasant sensation. Those little treats were far nicer to walk on than grass, carpet, or concrete. When I had finally homed in on the area where my human was it was hard to tell which one was him. He had to be somewhere among the teeming mass of humans on the ground before my paws and I was just going to have to use my nose to find which one was him.

My first few attempts at picking out the right human ended in utter failure. Picking out individual humans at my size was just an exercise in frustration. I must admit that I started to loose my temper and started tossing the wrongs humans aside instead of putting them carefully back down. The humans thinned out to the point where I could finally see my human but it still was not easy to pick him up specifically. It did not help that he seemed to be trying to dodge my fingers. I did not want to play with him at the moment but he seemed to want to play with me so I played along and then found myself starting to enjoy the game. He must have done that on purpose since he had seen me getting frustrated. When I finally caught him I let out a little satisfied bark and I could have sworn the scent of fear in the area suddenly spiked.

I tried to give my little human a greeting lick and was surprised to see him missing from my hand paw after being licked. It took me a little while to notice my human's taste was spreading slightly across my tongue. I realized I had licked up my master and quickly spit him back out into my hand paw. He was covered in drool and a little disoriented so I just sat down and waited for him to get himself together again. I did not pay attention to the humans that happened to be under me as I sat or the humans that were scattered by my tail as it wagged excitedly across the ground. It took my human a little while to notice the collar around my neck before saying, "Ringo?"

I gave a brief affirmative bark and then started to move him down to my cock since I had already let so many other humans mate with me. It did not seem right to not let my very own human get the opportunity. But my human said, "Ringo, no. Bad boy." My ears dropped in disappointment and I cocked my head questioningly at him. I could not believe what I was hearing. "Ringo, you've been a very, very, unbelievably, God awful bad boy." All I could do was whine in response. I had no idea what I had done wrong, but my human seemed to think I had done something bad and I did care about what he thought about me. My human spent the next few minutes berating me and he would not even let me get up to walk us home.

Three months later...

My growth finally hit a stopping point when one of my paws was large enough to crush half a human city. I had a new home with my human in a colder place than we had lived before. There was snow as far as I could see pretty much year round and there were barely any other humans around which I found kind of disappointing. I really would have liked to mate with some other humans since none of the ones around me seemed interested in doing any such thing. I still could not figure out what I had done wrong back when I started to grow, but my human still seemed a little upset with me. None of he other humans in the area seemed that pleased with me about the incident either. Maybe the humans clad in those white coats that liked to poke at me and the ones clad in green uniforms that always seemed to be watching me were just mad that I had not mated with them. I was sure my human was infuriated that I had not mated with him first like I probably should have. We were supposed to be close after all. Well, maybe I could find a way to sneak out one day and find some other humans to play with. Even at my size they could not possibly watch me every second of every day. When they finally slipped up I would take my chance to find some other humans to have fun with.

Discovery of a Lifetime

January 1 It had been an amazing start to the new year. Somehow, a strange creature had appeared out of nowhere. No one was sure where it came from or how it had managed to show up right at the front door of a research facility. The creature was a...

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Pranks Gone Bad 2

Deep within a medical waste disposal facility some bored late night staffers had a little plan to liven things up a bit. There usually was not much to do on the graveyard shift and things tend to be a little more lax at this time of the night. Most of...

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Pranks Gone Bad

"This is the place," Kevin said to himself as he checked the directions to Neil's new house. Kevin was a fairly tall and well muscled anthro panther in his mid twenties. He was supposed to attend a house warming for his friend Neil, an average sized...

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