
Story by techfistWolfguy on SoFurry

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#1 of Short Stories

"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home." The prisoner across from me announces.

His statement is met with silence.

I lift my head, gazing back at the Nord.

"Home?" I reply, the heaviness of the cold air filling my lungs.

He nods.

"Do you not have a home, Khajiit?" he questions, an oddly genuine tone in his voice.

"My home is this plane. I wander these lands, taking the lives of those who have wronged the innocent. I redeem myself for the past which I do not remember. I strip this world of those who seek to sully the intricate beauty of the soul,the purest gift granted to us by the Gods." I respond, studying his facial expressions as I continue.

"I find solace in knowing that those who I rob of life will never harm another living creature again. That too, is my home. A place to which I can escape when this life burdens me with more than I can bear. I know that what I do will earn me no righteous place in the life after, but to aid the living and to better the lives they life I will gladly give all that I have, even a peaceful existence after I pass on to the land which lies beyond this world of mortal men." I continue, my gaze drifting to the heavens.

"That is my home..." I reply, smiling.

The Nord sighs heavily, looking toward Helgen.

"May your end be swift and painless, friend." he responds, looking back at me.

I nod.

"I appreciate the gesture...it brings tranquility to my mind..." I whisper, exhaling.

"May the Gods have mercy on me." I mutter in my native tongue.