Coming of Age

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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The time of Exodus had finally come. It was the time when all young dragons left the world they had been hatched on to claim a world of their own. After four centuries worth of fighting and scraping the efforts of all the surviving hatchlings that had managed to grab greatness would be rewarded. Not all dragons were meant for this. Many dragons remained little more than slobbering beasts and most were banished to other worlds to test if they were safe for other dragons to settle on latter. No world that could support life was ever found to be a threat to dragonkind. It was actually amazing how many worlds had trouble with the tiny four legged failures that the great dragons sent out into the universe. That was probably why no one had ever so much as slowed down the draconic conquest of the universe over the last million millennia.

Mirialus had felt the calling only an hour before. Doubtless, all of her siblings had felt the calling by now as well. What had once been a contest between them was finally over. They would each be sent off to their own worlds and the next time they would see another dragon was when they meet their mates. Their parents would be happy to see them go. Dragons are possessive creatures and they never like sharing anything with anyone except their mates even if that thing is an entire world. Young dragons are wise to remember that and avoid their parents until it is time to leave. Mirialus had lost more than one sibling to her large and hungry parents. The only reason it was safe to approach her parents during this time was because they would be happy to be rid of any other dragons on their world for the next six hundred years and she was nearly their own size now, maybe larger. They would not dare try to kill all six of their surviving children. If they had all survived this long they were smart enough to know to team up and kill their own parents if need be. Then it would be a real test to see which of them would be strong enough to seize control of this world.

Mirialus had accumulated more than enough power to feel secure enough about defeating her siblings if it came down to that. She could sense them through her abilities like she could all things on this world. If she was right and no one was deceiving her then she just might be powerful enough to take on her siblings and her parents on her own. Situations like this were rare. A dragon does not normally become as powerful as her parents until she gains a world of her own. If she was that strong it meant she was more likely to gain a better world during the Exodus. The other dragons might strike out at her due to fear, but it was likely they would just want to see her gone. They must all sense she did not want to stay her too. This world was far too small for her, she did not like the way it was colored, and she had grown tired of the taste of the rabbit people on this world. Mirialus thought it would be nice to get one of those green worlds she had heard of in her memories. It was a good thing dragons passed down so many memories to their hatchling or Mirialus would not have much to look forward to. When she had first hatched she liked how this red world had matched the color of her scales. Now, she wanted to stand out more instead of looking like a part of the landscape.

A proud scarlet dragon like herself deserved to stand out. Her scales made it look like she was trying to hide on this world. The only thing that made her stand out at all was the jet black mane that ran down to the middle of her back and the glorious crown of spikes jutting out the back of her head. It had taken a bit of effort, but Mirialus had managed to tip those spikes with gold over the last century. Like all dragons she did have a taste for shiny things and those gold tips were not the only pieces of decoration she had acquired over time. Three earrings of silver and gold decorated each of her long pointed ears. She also wore various bracelets of gold around her wrists and right ankle. A necklace imbedded with various rare gems hung around her neck. Those gems were not just for decoration though. They had been crafted to produce various forms of protection that were capable of shielding her from any weapons the lesser races were able to produce. Those gems would also be of great help if she did have to fight her parents and siblings as well.

Mirialus was nearly to the lair of her parents when she caught sight of two of her siblings gliding through the air on their large bat like wings. She flew over to join them and was pleased to see them both cringe a little. They were probably hoping that she did not notice, but the reaction was enough to convince her that she had not underestimated her own power compared to their own. The two were silent and waiting for her to speak as was they were supposed to do before their superiors. Mirialus had observed these two many times. They had chosen to stick together to increase their chances of survival over the past four centuries. Mirialus had noted they needed to do that or they probably would not have survived those early years when competition from their non-sentient siblings had still been a danger. That weakness had left them a bit more sympathetic toward the lesser race that inhabited this world and they did something dragons normally did not do. They actually befriended the inhabitants of this world and helped to protect them when they could. Mirialus snorted at the very undragon like behavior of the two. They were two of a pair, the only twins in the clutch that had hatched. It was not until they grew older that differences finally started to develop between them since they were brother and sister. Both of them were a brilliant shade of blue and had stunning platinum manes. They were not nearly as well decorated as Mirialus was since they refused to loot the local population of their wealth. "Greetings brother, sister. How are you this fine day?" asked Mirialus.

"Thank you for asking sister. It has been a long time since we have spoken. We are doing very well. And I see that you have become a fine example of our race during our time apart," responded Terekal, the brother.

Mirialus knew that was part compliment and part insult. Terekal just acknowledged her strength, but he had never approved of how dragons treated other sentient races. She was willing to let it pass though. That first century had been rough for all of them and the two of them had been nice to talk to on cold, lonely nights. "It has been at least three centuries since we talked brother. I'm actually a little surprised to see both of you survived, but I can't say I'm unhappy about it." Mirialus was not lying. She did like both of them even if they were weak and did not know how to act properly. Both of them loosened up a bit at her words. That was like an admission that she had no hostile intent toward them.

"We appreciate your kind words sister. I always knew you would survive to see this day. The people on the world chosen for you should bask in your glory," said Vellith, the sister. Vellith actually had told her she would be one of the ones that survived all those centuries ago, so Mirialus knew she was not saying that now just to get in the favor of a dragon far superior to herself. Mirialus was also certain that the last thing Vellith had said was a roundabout way of asking her to be kind to the people on her new world. You had to let people live if you wanted them to bask in your glory.

The three of them flew on until they were over their parents' lair. It was a pretty drab place, completely devoid of life. Nothing would dare live this close to her parents since they were not exactly the kindest of dragons. Mirialus made a note to be a least a little nicer to her people, or force them to live closer to her lair, whichever was more fun. It just seemed like such a shame to be surrounded by such boring surroundings. Mirialus could sense her other three siblings in the lair already. There were no surprises in who had made it to this time. Zantrail was like a less intelligent, less powerful, male version of herself with grey scales and white hair. They were so alike that they could not stand to be around each other that often. Yevental was the only other female to survive. She was probably the smartest of the brood, except for Mirialus, it was a shame her body could not keep up with her mind. Her scales were an aesthetically pleasing shade of violet while her mane was black like Mirialus'. Then there was Planark. He had wonderful golden scales and hair the color of the sun. His appearance was rather noble, but looks could definitely be deceiving. The creatures on his world would be as unlucky to have him as a ruler as the worlds that had Terekal or Vellith would be lucky to have them as a ruler. Mirialus gave him a century before he wiped out the inhabitants of his world, at most. That happened every once and a while. In an event like that a dragon could trade some of the wealth one world had for the inhabitants of another.

It normally helped to have siblings available to make trades like that since they were more likely to make a reasonable deal. Terekal and Vellith would probably turn him down completely though. They would not be able to turn over creatures under their rule to a dragon like Planark. And they would rule their perspective worlds. Even as kind as they were they could not help but yearn to rule a world of their own. That type of desire was ingrained deep within each and every dragon. A dragon's maximum size has nothing to do with their gender like many of the other races. Instead it was determined by their power. All dragons could make themselves smaller than they really were by suppressing their power, even if they would never do so in front of each other for safety purposes. Terekal and Vellith were only waste high compared to Mirialus, but even weak dragons like them would seem like titans to any of the other races dragons had encountered so far. All they should have to do in order to take over a world is show up at their maximum size and wow them with a portion of their power. The people should come to worship them as gods and those people should live happily ever after under the protective eyes of their new rulers. That would be a real departure from most dragons, which were cursed as demonic beings on the worlds where dragons let the people talk about them like that.

Personally, Mirialus was going to show up on her world at a reduced size. She wanted the inhabitants to think they stood a chance of resisting her at first. That would give her an excuse to level a city or two without looking like she was doing it just to be cruel. That might cause the civilization on the world she arrived on to collapse if they decided to evacuate all their cities and go into hiding. She had to let them get used to the idea that she would destroy a city every once and a while for the fun of it and that would take a few generations of breeding. Dragons were long lived though and Mirialus had the patience to go through with a long term breeding process like that. She just hoped her mate would too or else they would have a rocky start to their relationship.

Mirialus, Terekal, and Vellith circled in for a landing. Mirialus was delighted by what she saw. Unless everybody was manipulating their size she was the tallest one here and she was making herself seem shorter than she really was. Even her parents were a head shorter than she was. Dragons could normally sense when other dragons were manipulating their size and Mirialus sensed nothing. She was almost giddy with pleasure. Terekal and Vellith were not nearly as happy. They were the shortest ones here as Mirialus had expected them to be. The other three were around the same size. Mirialus' smaller blue siblings were sticking close to her. If the others should decide to attack them, which a certain over aggressive gold dragon might do, then they must be hoping Mirialus would defend them. She just might do it to as a demonstration of her own power. Besides, she had always liked the color of their scales and she would not want to never be able to see them again.

"Greetings my children. It is rare to see so many of you survive to the time of the Exodus. I trust you are all as anxious to leave this world as I am to see you leave," said Wallasar, the father of this brood of dragons. He was a handsome bronze dragon with brown hair. Most dragons did not care much for their children. That is probably for the best. If they did there would be far too many dragons in the universe by this point in time. A dragon could lay up to 300 hundred eggs. Only a third of them would be like Mirialus and her siblings, but having a hundred extra dragons added to the universe every millennium by each female dragon that was alive at the time would have led to some serious population issues. It was only common courtesy that kept dragons from invading each others worlds right now. That would change incredibly fast if dragons grew too numerous and no world wants to be the battle ground of an army of dragons. Most worlds do not even want the two that normally live on them.

"If you'll come with us we will see you off as soon as possible," said Jenyan, the mother of this happy little family. She was a rare white dragon with dark blue hair. Jenyan had watched over her eggs as diligently as dragon was supposed to and then made sure her mate did not eat any of the hatchlings until they had made it about a mile from the lair. After that point even she considered her young fair game. Those had been frightening times for even Mirialus. As a dragon she had perfect memory and it was a little strange seeing this lair from such a different point of view. She had been so small then. Everything had been so large and frightening until she had managed to get out in the local population. Now she was the one that towered over everything and everyone. It was so nice to see how much things could change in four hundred short years.

They were herded into a chamber that none of them had been in before. That was not unusual since Mirialus had not been in half the chambers and tunnels that riddled her parents' cave. It was clear what they were seeing when they entered this chamber. All dragons would recognize a place like this through racial memory alone. A portal of swirling shifting colors was hovering slightly above the ground. It was many times the size of all the dragons present. Even one of the great ancient dragons would have been able to fit through something like that. It was the portal that would transport the young dragons to their new homes. Mirialus was not sure exactly how they were generated, but it was said they could only be generated by the oldest and most powerful of the dragon race. There was no way of forcing the portal to make you go where you wanted to go unless you had already been there before or you had direct family members in the location you wanted to go to. Since Mirialus had never been anywhere else before and she had no desire to check up on her older siblings from previous generations she would let the portal take her where it pleased. The portals were supposed to make sure more powerful dragons traveled to better worlds, but that was not guaranteed.

"Now if you would please step through the Dennisian Gate so we could be rid of you that would make your parents very happy," Wallasar mumbled. The other dragons started to make way for Mirialus. Even Terekal and Vellith were baking off from her to let her be the first through the portal. Mirialus had something else in mind though. She wanted to see if she really was the most powerful one here. Terekal and Vellith nearly jumped out of their scaly hides as Mirialus seized them by their arms and started ushering them toward the Dennisian Gate as her parents had called it. Everyone had to know she was making sure they were the first ones through. If somebody was faking their level of power right now they would not be able to stand for the weakest among them to be the first to get their worlds. Not even Planark tried to stop them despite how angry he obviously was. The two blues were obviously uncomfortable and they turned before Mirialus could shove them through the portal. At first she thought they were going to try and run away and wait their turn, but they actually hugged her.

"Enough of this, act more like dragons you two. And remember not to be too nice to the people of your world. It would do a disservice to the entire race if they were to walk all over you," Mirialus said. A few of her memories from much earlier in her life started to flood back to her and she realized she would actually be sad to see them go. She would have to remember to check up on them every two or three centuries. Then she ushered them through the portal and wished them the best of luck on their worlds. Finally it was Mirialus' turn and she stepped through the portal without a single glance at the rest of her family. She had never liked them much anyways.

Travel through the portal was not instantaneous. There were things, some might call them creatures, in these portals. For the lesser races those things would have been incredibly dangerous, making travel through the Dennisian Gates impossible for them. To dragons those things were barely worth their notice. There was enough time for Mirialus to change her size before reaching her new world. She made it so she was only a fraction of her normal size so her arrival would not be noticed by anyone not in the immediate arrival of her new home. Then she was there.

It had been in the middle of the day when Mirialus departed her parents' world. It was in the middle of the night here and she found herself in the middle of a forest, a nice green forest. The portal closed silently behind Mirialus. Another one would not appear until she had found a new lair capable of storing such a powerful force or her mate arrived. Finding or creating a lair was not her top priority right now. It was finding out more about this world. Mirialus sent her senses racing across this world, trying to find out what she could about this world and the people that inhabited it. The first thing she found out was that this world was larger than her parents' world, much larger. It had to be at least 85,000 miles in diameter compared to the 8000 mile diameter of her parents' homeworld. Mirialus knew the gravity on this planet should crush any lifeforms like a grape until she sensed it. There was an ancient object of great power on this world. It had probably belonged to an ancient dragon before its death and it had scattered a few of its protective charms across the universe to keep other dragons from claiming them. Dragons could be possessive even in death. These people were very lucky a new dragon had appeared on this world. The charms charge would only last for another two thousand years, three at the most, and then it would no longer protect the people of this world from the gravitational forces that sought to wipe all life from this planet. It would be a simple matter for Mirialus to recharge it every couple million years.

Mirialus moved onto the people of this world next. There was a wide variety of animal life and thriving civilizations across most of the planet. She was pleased to find out there was a wide variety of sentient lifeforms on this world. Humans, furs, scalies, avians, this world had them all. They were not as advanced as the rabbit people on her parents' world had been when they had arrived on that world close to five thousand years ago. That world had been the center of an intergalactic civilization and even they had been helpless to prevent the subjugation of their own capital planet. The rabbits had made periodic attempts to liberate their homeworld every two centuries for two thousand years and they had failed every time. Then other dragons had arrived on other worlds in their possession. Now it was just their policy to try and evacuate any worlds a dragon appeared on before the dragon could decimate all forms of space travel on the planet. These people were barely advanced enough to put two people on the closest of the 16 moons that orbited this planet. Mirialus' eyes widened when she discovered how small these people were. On average they were barely six feet tall. The rabbit people from her parents' world are about 23 feet talon average. Mirialus had decided to show up at about 80 feet in height, but that would be a little too tall for her purposes on this world at the moment. It was a good thing that no one else was around to see her now as she shrunk down to 30 feet in height. Even as a hatchling she had been 40 feet tall. It felt odd making herself smaller than she had been at any other point in her life. Mirialus did one more thing before going off to explore her new world. She absorbed every spoken language on this planet so she would actually be able to make these people understand her.

Mirialus could sense a few people living in a cabin in the middle of the woods. She would be able to gain information about this place she could not gain through her senses alone and then she would enjoy her first meal on her new world. As she neared the cabin she found out she was mistaken. These people were not living here unless four people that were around the same age lived in cabins together here. It was more likely that they were just vacationing out here. It really did not make much of a difference to Mirialus though. These people were hers to do with as she pleased now. One of them was even nice enough to come outside all on his own. It looked like a brown haired teenage human coming outside to smoke. If she got to close to the human he might run off screaming and alert the others. It would be inconvenient to chase down each and every one of them if they ran off into the woods so she made enough noise to attract his attention without getting close enough to him to let him see what was hiding in the dark depths of the woods. There were a few other things she could have done to make sure all or them were contained, but it would be a blow to her ego if she could not capture four people without having to use her powers.

She was pleased about just how bad a human's night vision was. He had no clue she was there until he was within a couple feet of her. Red is almost as hard to see in the darkness as black is after all. The human was not able to make out that what he thought was a strange tree was actually a clawed four toed foot until it was far too late to escape. His eyes scanned upwards, making out a long heavily armored tail, bat-like wings, a scaly belly and two large breasts, before meeting the amber eyes of what he could only think of as a dragon. As Mirialus reached for him he stood rooted in fear. He did not even attempt to run as her strong fingers tipped with black talons raped around him. Mirialus took a moment to take a deep breath, inhaling the heady scent of his fear before rubbing him gently with a thumb claw and speaking. "Calm down little man. I just have a few questions for you. You will answer my questions for me won't you?"

The human nodded his head jerkily. He was still working up the nerve to talk. "What is the name of the world I find myself on?"

He gulps audibly and says, "The name of this world is Pyren. Are, are you an alien?"

"You could say that. What is your name and how old are you?"

"My name is Dylan and I'm 19."

Mirialus' eyes widened and she said, "Oh my, you're an adolescent and you're only 19. I'll bet you wouldn't live to be a hundred at that rate. Is everyone on this world that short lived?"

"A few people live past the age of one hundred. How long do you live, I mean you look so young to be surprised about my age Miss, um?"

"My name is Mirialus and I am 400 years old young man. I will live to be at least 50 million years old unless something manages to kill me, which is very unlikely." He looks surprised by Mirialus' statement. The little man would have something else to be surprised about soon. She could feel that his muscles had loosened up since she had started talking to him. For some reason he thought he was safe just because he was being talked to. Mirialus had already satisfied her curiosity about these people for now. It was obvious they were lesser creatures from what he had said and from what she could sense about them. They would have nothing that could stop her from taking control of this world. Now the only thing she had to do was see what her subjects tasted like. She opened her hand up to let Dylan stand in her palm. He looked even more at ease when Mirialus let him have some extra freedom. Then she snapped him up in her jaws with lightning speed and played with him on her tongue. He was screaming that she let him go, but she was really enjoying the taste of something that was not a rabbit for once. When the man had gone through a thorough tongue bath she finally swallowed him and enjoyed the sensation of live prey being pushed down her long throat. That was one down and there were three more still in the cabin. The scent of rabbit was not in the air so Mirialus thought she was really going to enjoy this.

Lights were on inside of the cabin and there was some loud music blaring. There was no way they would detect her coming. Mirialus extended her senses inside of the cabin and located all of the people inside of the cabin. They were all inside of one room. That was going to make catching them pretty easy. Mirialus placed one hand gingerly under the roof and summoned up a little extra strength to tear the roof off of the building. Needless to say the people inside of the cabin were stunned to see the roof of their cabin go flying off into the night. Then the sight of a dragon that was even taller then their cabin was just added to the surprise. A leopard woman fainted, a jackal man lost control of his bladder, and a zebra woman started jabbering incomprehensibly. Mirialus grabbed the two conscious people right out of the cabin.

A long slender tongue snaked out of Mirialus' mouth and ran over the jackal. He knew he was being tasted and he tried to beg for his life. In four centuries no one had ever given her an excuse good enough to keep her from making them a part of her meal. The jackal was no different. It was in the mouth and down the throat for him. Next was the Zebra. Mirialus noticed that she was doing something that looked an awful like praying. Dragons had never encountered a divine entity before. The closest thing to a god that most races would see was the dragons. If any of these divine beings did exist then they must favor the dragon race because nothing ever came to the aid of the people ruled by dragons. And nothing came to the aid of this Zebra as she slid down into the belly of a hungry dragon. Finally, there was the leopard. It was no fun eating something that did not know what was happening, but the second the leopard touched her tongue the woman came alive again. Mirialus let the leopard struggle for a little bit. Her claws helped to scratch an itch on her tongue before being swallowed whole.

With four morsels digesting in her stomach that was enough for the night. At her present size they made a pretty decent meal. Morning was still a few hours off and Mirialus laid down to rest beside the cabin. She could sense a small town a short distance from here and a large city was beyond that. When she woke up she would eat breakfast in the small town and get a little warm up destroying what she did not eat. Then she would be all geared up for an attack on the city itself. Mirialus could sense the life being drained out of those inside of her as she drifted off into slumber. According to her way of thinking they should be honored to have been the first ones to feed a dragon of her standing on this world. Sure, many more would follow them as time went on, but they would always be the first. Besides, getting eaten was a much less humiliating way to go than what she intended for many people on the next day. Mirialus yawned and fell asleep while those within her would fall into a very different type of slumber that they would never awaken from.

Mirialus was woken up by the first rays of the morning light hitting her eyelids. She was feeling hungry in more ways than one. It was a good thing she had a busy day ahead of her. By the end of the day one small town and a medium sized city would cease to exist. It was time for that small town first though. Mirialus began to make preparations for a proper rampage. She reached out with her powers and surrounded the town with them. A sort of tear in the universes began to form around the town and would take at least an hour to complete, which was the same amount of time it would take Mirialus to walk there. Anyone trying to leave the town would find themselves right back in the town where they had left. Other people would be able to see into the town, but if they entered they would be stuck there as well. Mirialus also wanted some alone time with this town, so she began severing communications within 15 miles of the town. That should keep anyone from calling for help for a while.

On the way to the town there was little for Mirialus to do. The occasional slow animal found itself on the breakfast menu, but Mirialus preferred more intelligent prey. Dumb animals had never been very satisfying for her. When she came within visual range of the town she could feel the fear of the people in that town. They had not spotted her yet, but her barrier had been discovered. When that was combined with the failure of all their communication devices they definitely had reason to fear. Mirialus paused at the edge of the woods and just past her own barrier. The 40 to 60 foot tall trees were still tall enough to hide her from them at the moment. Then she waited until a small group of people was looking directly at her before growing herself to a respectable 90 feet in size. Trees were pushed aside and toppled as if they were a child's toys. The sound of wood snapping grabbed the attention of even more people and a small crowd gathered to watch the winged scarlet reptile grow.

That was a foolish thing to do in Mirialus' mind. If a large predator started to grow right in front of you it is a wise idea to run. Mirialus thought she would be doing this world a favor by keeping these people from breeding again. Many of the people that had watched Mirialus grow remained rooted in place by a combination of fear and awe as she approached. A few people started to back away from the crowd and looked for a place to hide. They new they were trapped like rats and the sudden appearance of a dragon made them realize what had trapped them. Mirialus had already decided not to eat this group. This would be the perfect opportunity to use these people to satisfy a different type of hunger. After she started it was doubtful many of these large groups would remain. She reached down and grabbed what people she could. Having a large sharp toothed reptile was what managed to get most of the people running, but by the time she was reaching for them it was too late. Mirialus grabbed a handful of people in each hand and listened to them scream in terror.

All Mirialus did was move one hand with three people in it to the cleft of her pussy. The three are forced inside of her screaming and kicking all the way. Being able to feel it as something struggled inside of her was sheer bliss. The stomach just did not have enough nerves inside of it to compare to this feeling. It must have been incredibly dark inside of their new prison. They were kicking and rubbing up against things that were only causing waves of pleasure to course through Mirialus. There was one individual that seemed more than preoccupied with her clit. Mirialus moved the other handful of people up to her breast and started rubbing their flailing bodies against it. Only a few people remained to watch the dragon use their friends and neighbors to pleasure herself. There minds had just shut down and refused to accept what they were seeing. Mirialus was in no condition to pay attention to those people paralyzed at her feet, she could only think about the growing sense of pleasure inside of her. She could feel her juices swelling up inside her as she began to press the people in her hand even harder against her breast, their bodies breaking against her. She let loose a roar of pleasure as the people inside of her finally did their job and sacrificed themselves to her pleasure. Her powerful muscles closed in and crushed the frail bodies of the people with the force meant for something of much greater size than them.

The people standing beneath Mirialus were rained upon by Mirialus' feminine juices mixed in with more than a little blood. As she reached down to clean out her insides Mirialus finally noticed the people that remained. Mirialus cocked her head at them in surprise. Surely they must have realized they should have run by now. She wondered if it was like this for the rabbit people on their world before her parents had arrived. It was a real possibility that many of the people on this world had no instinct for flight when faced with danger since nothing actively preyed on this people. Mirialus wondered how long it would take to weed all of those people out of the gene pool before everyone ran at the sight of danger like any proper species should. Just in case they had some type of illness that could affect her, Mirialus decided not to eat or pleasure herself with these people.

She raised her foot and started to bring it down on each person that did not run. The sound of bones being crushed filled the air. Mirialus enjoyed the sensation of crushing things beneath her. It was not just the feeling of the bodies flattening beneath her weight that did it; it was the type of power that it implied. Even if these people had not been curled up in a ball trying to deny what they were seeing it would have been impossible for them to support her weight and she was not even close to being her regular size. After she was through with those people it was time to hunt down the rest of the town's population. That should not take long since there were no more than 70 people living here when Mirialus had arrived. Three of them had been crushed during her orgasm, three more bodies had been horribly contorted as she used them to fondle her breast, and ten of them were nothing more than stains in the ground. Not even an hour had gone by yet and these people had nowhere to escape to.

Many of the people were trying to hide, but Mirialus' senses were more than enough to detect where each of them was. There was a small gang of them that was collecting weapons and seemed intent on fighting her. If they wanted to try it was fine with Mirialus. It would be fun to crush some armed resistance to show the rest of them just how helpless they were. They were kind of slow getting prepared, so Mirialus walked slowly in their direction to give them the time. Mirialus could sense they were lying in wait for her. That should have been an easy thing for them to do. She was easily taller than anything else in the town and all they had to do to find her was look up.

When Mirialus encountered the group of would be defenders they immediately opened fire on her. Mirialus noted that the weapons they used did not trigger her defensive charms. Those weapons were too weak to do any damage to her hide even without the charms. Mirialus smiled to herself. Even if these people did not represent their military these weapons did not speak very highly of their capabilities. Mirialus started to make a chocking noise in the back of her throat that she could see was terrifying the little people before her. That made it even harder to contain the laughter that was the source of the chocking noise. When Mirialus felt she could contain herself, she started to go on the attack. These people were not stupid or brave enough to try and fight her as she strode toward them as their bullets bounced harmlessly off of her. Mirialus' height advantage meant she could walk faster than the people in the streets though. They did not even try to hide in the buildings; there was no way the structures would be able to keep a creature of her size at bay. Mirialus did not spare a single man as she walked up to and on each fleeing individual.

The next thing to do was find all of the hidden people. Most of them were hiding in their own homes. That did them no good. It was easy enough for Mirialus to knock a building down on top of the occupants just for the fun of it. If she wanted a tasty treat all she would have to do was hit the building hard enough to cause some damage but not knock it down and the occupants would run right out. They would usually run right into her open hand to be tossed past glistening fangs into her greedy maw. A few of the townspeople left the safety of their homes after observing the destruction of their neighbors' homes. A few became stains in the ground while others became a part of her breakfast. Soon only one man, a young raptor, remained. Mirialus watched as he threw himself against her barrier only to return a few seconds later. He kept doing this since the only other direction he could run was back towards Mirialus. As amusing as it was for Mirialus watching the little raptor try to run away, she still had a city to destroy. She bent down so she was close enough to the raptor that she knew he could feel her breathing on him. He ran through the barrier one more time and Mirialus opened her mouth and positioned it close to where the raptor would reappear. When he came running back through the barrier he did not have enough time to stop himself. He ran right into the jaws of Mirialus which she promptly snapped shut. With one toss of her head she threw the raptor to the back of her mouth and swallowed. Now it was time to move onto a city.

Mirialus decided she would let the city broadcast its own destruction to the rest of the world. This time she formed a different kind of barrier as she approached it. This time the barrier would not only keep people in, it would also keep them out as well. The barrier would take a little while longer to form, but it was not like the city would be evacuated in that time, especially since they did not know anything harmful was coming. This would keep the military at bay. If they knew their military was as ineffective as she thought it would be against her they just might loose hope of actually fighting her and just abandon their cities to hide in the wilderness. Then again, there just might be plenty of those fools like the ones from the town that would remain in one big target until she had the chance to get ride of them. It did not seem like it would be fun to only go after fools though.

Panic was once again spreading through the people as they found themselves sealed behind an invisible barrier. Mirialus started to increase her size once more. If she remained at 90 feet in height it would take way too much time to destroy a city of that size. Within a few minutes television cameras were broadcasting the approach of a rapidly growing dragon. It only took a few seconds for Mirialus to reach a height of 3500 feet. That would make her three times as tall as the tallest structure in the city. The mere sight of her was causing panic in the city and they had not even seen her real size yet. There was a major highway to Mirialus' left and she thought about walking along the road to get to the city. But, she decided to cut the motorists on that highway a break and just winked at them as she walked to the city. The people hoped that whatever was causing the barrier surrounding the city was there to keep the dragon out.

Mirialus stepped through the barrier and onto the first block of buildings in the city. Structures crumbled under her foot and people were crushed by the dozens. And that was just one step. Mirialus continues to walk through the city and ignored the people beneath her for the most part. When she was this large it made the people seem so insignificant. It was hard to have fun with them this way. She normally did not like to be more than 500 feet tall when playing with people, but she had to make due on her parents' world for safeties sake. If she had been caught at a smaller size by another dragon she would have certainly been killed by one of her siblings, unless it was Terekal or Vellith. Now, she only needed to use her extreme size to make a point or have fun with things too large to mess with at any smaller size.

There was something Mirialus wanted the world to see before she really began the destruction of the city. She walked toward the center of the city and positioned herself over its largest skyscraper. A path of carnage had been left in her wake. Nothing could have survived getting stepped on by Mirialus' massive foot. Then everyone in the city received a view they never would have expected to see even from a giant monster. She lowered herself onto the building beneath her. Then she started riding the building as if it were a dildo. People inside of the building were puzzled by what they were seeing. Of course they had seen the dragon come into the city and they knew it was above them. It was hard to miss a pair of legs thicker than the skyscrapers in the city. Then the sun had been blocked out by countless tons of flesh and the only light in the building came from the artificial ones already in the building. For some they would have preferred not to have the view they had. The pulsating pink walls around the building and the strange scent filling the building made it impossible to mistake what was happening to the building. Some hoped that the building would be able to hold up to what was bound to happen.

The skyscraper was one of the newest ones on the planet. It had been designed using the latest technology and construction methods. It could withstand hurricane force winds without any trouble. It could go through an earthquake and not take any significant damage. It was even possible for it to survive any sort of fire emergency the designers could think of. It was crushed like an egg when Mirialus climaxed. The people inside the building did not stand a chance. Bodies just exploded after all that pressure was applied to them. Mirialus could feel the despair of the people in the city as they watched the skyscraper crumble. If a structure like that could be so easily destroyed then what chance did anyone stand.

Mirialus stood up straight and surveyed the area. She smiled at the sight of what she had already done. Then, she addressed the people of her new domain and hoped that there were enough cameras still rolling to send what she was about to say out to the rest of the world. "I am Mirialus. You may think of me as a goddess or a demoness, whichever makes you feel better about the new way of things. The only reason any of you live is because I choose to let you live. You are not my slaves; you are my toys to do with as I please. It does not matter if you like this or not. This is simply the way the world works." There was no way the people in the city would be able to understand her deep booming voice when she was this large. Some clever news person should be able to figure out how to make the recording understandable though. With the formalities out of the way, it was time to have fun with some of these new toys.

Mirialus started taking a stroll around her city. Tiny structures were crushed underfoot. Blood and bits of bodies dotted the sole of her feet. Whenever her foot passed over people, debris and bodies would rain down on the people underfoot. Her claws would dig great furrows in the land whenever she took a step and her claws momentarily dragged across the ground. Mirialus made sure she targeted the buildings first. People noticed that and started to congregate in areas Mirialus had already destroyed. It did not take long before every last building in the city had been knocked over or crushed. Mirialus was pleased to sense that a little over half of the city's population was still alive.

Some of them had chosen to hide underground. With all this debris in the way, that might have been a good idea if they were dealing with a giant version of one of their own kind. Since they were dealing with Mirialus that just made them easy targets. She got on her hands and knees and found an opening to the underground spaces they were hiding in. Then she shoved her tongue, which was over half the length of her own body, down into the opening. Her tongue was a little wide for the opening, but it was strong enough to force the opening wider. The sticky saliva on Mirialus' tongue easily trapped anyone it came in contact with. When Mirialus withdrew her tongue the subway tunnel that people had been hiding in had been emptied of the hundreds of people that had been in there just a few moments ago. Mirialus swallowed the mouthful of people and then moved on. There were other tunnels to be emptied. No one else that could see what Mirialus was doing tried to get underground. They just watched in horror as the subways, sewers, and any other crevices were scoured of life and turned into a meal.

When Mirialus sensed no more life below ground she looked to the people left above ground. They had scattered to four separate areas of the city. Mirialus moved swiftly over to one of those groups. As she had expected they had been surprised to see her move so fast and they did not have enough time to scatter. Mirialus had only been walking slowly since they had seen her. She sat down and cradled the people between her pillar like legs and the barrier she had created. Mirialus reached out a hand and started moving them closer to her nether region which she was holding open with her other hand. The skyscraper that Mirialus used as a dildo earlier had been able to hold thousands of people within it. Now that there were no walls and concrete in the way all she could fit even more inside of her. Mirialus did not stop forcing people into her femme until no more people could be forced in without crushing the ones already in there. The struggling, squirming mass of people within her was ecstasy. Juices began to fill her insides and many people started to drown, but many more were left alive. Their bodies caressed the entire length of her femme, massaging it as they beat against it. Under those conditions it took no time at all for them to cause an orgasm. The people were crushed by Mirialus' vice like muscles and juices shot out of her along with a fine paste that used to be living, breathing bodies.

Some people were drowned by what came out of Mirialus. Many more remained. There were still hundreds of thousands left between her legs and Mirialus thought she would need every one of them before her lust was satisfied. Nobody inside of the barrier could see what is happening but many of them recognized moans of pleasure when they heard them. They remembered what had happened to that skyscraper earlier and it was easy to picture what was happening to the people caught by her as the day went on. They tried to find a whole in the barrier they were trapped behind, some even tried to dig under it but no exit was forthcoming.

Mirialus eventually found that there was no one left in between her legs. She had had her fun though. They were good every once and a while, but it was never fun having to clean out all those tiny bodies that littered her pussy. The other people in the city had to be dealt with though. Mirialus flexed her toes as she decided to deal with them quickly. People that were on high ground could finally see the milky substance that had a lot of red mixed into it when she stood up. But, what they could not see were any survivors moving around. They expected much the same fate. Then Mirialus stepped on her first group of people. The feeling they made as their bodies popped under her feet was delightful for Mirialus. It was enough to send a person into shock on the ground as they were squirted with the blood of crushed bodies and listened to the screams of people only partially crushed by the massive foot. Mirialus raised her foot above every group of people she could find and brought their existence to an end. Some people she crushed slowly, some she just brought her foot down as casually as if she were walking, and some people she stomped out of existence. Her stomps were enough to cause an earthquake of a respectable magnitude. People were knocked off of their feet and lost precious time to try and escape. Bodies were shattered by the force of an impact like that. Almost the entire area beneath Mirialus' feet was dyed a different shade of red than her scales. Many people could dodge one or two footsteps, but they eventually added their own bodies to the stain on Mirialus' foot.

It took a while, but Mirialus eventually sensed that all but one person was left alive in the city. That was surprising. Whoever had survived must really have a strong will to live. She thought about having some more fun with the individual, but she decided that the person should be rewarded for surviving this long. Mirialus located the person under some debris and mangled bodies. He looked like a fur, he was stained red with blood but it was still possible to identify him as a husky. The dog was curled up in a ball and obviously expected to die. Mirialus said, "Good job little dog. Do your species a favor and try to breed. I promise I won't harm you for the rest of your short life. Farwell and try not to get killed doing something stupid after surviving this. That would make me look bad." Then she kissed the dog lightly and departed the ruins of the city.

As Mirialus dropped her barrier and prepared to deal with the military forces that had arrived in the area, she sensed something. It was another portal opening and she felt another dragon approaching. She could feel the male that was to be her mate in the portal. There was just a little time to touch his mind and ask him to make his size match her own. She shared her plan with him to maintain civilization on this world. To her relief he agreed with her plan. Then he was here. Mirialus made her way toward him and she could feel him doing the same. It took Mirialus a couple of seconds to realize she was being attacked. She had no time to spare for them right now. It felt like it was much more important to meet up with her mate. If any of them happened to get underfoot then it was their own fault.

Then he finally came into view. He was like an inverted male version of Mirialus. His scales were so black that it looked like they absorbed to light around them. He had fiery red hair that swayed gently in the wind. Mirialus found him very pleasing to the eyes and she could tell he thought the same of her. They wrapped their arms around each other and placed their heads on each others shoulders. The two started crooning sweetly to each other as the military continued to try and find a chink in the dragons' defenses. Mirialus was the first to break the embrace and tug on the new males arm. "Come, let us get to know each other as we complete the joining ritual. One of the largest cities on this planet is close to here and I am sure they would be very interested to see what the ritual entails." Mirialus could sense the males arousal as he let himself be ushered to what would be the scene of another massacre.

The Secret World of Furs

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Humans are Fun

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