The Joining

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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Mirialus had not been expecting this so early. It could sometimes take a mate hundreds of years to appear. For one to arrive only a few hours after she had was an extremely rare occurrence. This was also very convenient as far as she was concerned. Mirialus had planed on destroying only one more city for the next couple of centuries or until she felt the people of this world would react the way she wanted them to. If he had shown up after that city had been destroyed the act of intercourse involved in the Joining would have been much less fun. To the people of this world the pair of dragons approaching the city of New Haven was truly frightening.

Both of the dragons were of an impossible size. Standing at over 3500 feet in height, either one of them dwarfed all artificial structures on the planet. The scarlet female had already destroyed one city and it was only midday. The destruction of Valence City had been broadcast all over the planet. Its population had been reduced to food and toys used for the pleasure of the female. When she had finished with them she had disposed of them as if they were insects. Some scientists had argued that she had spoke close to the beginning of her rampage. Many people found that hard to believe. They did not want to accept that another thinking being could do that to other people. The adornments that were definitely jewelry argued in favor of her being a sentient being though. Many had gone to work trying to figure out what she had said and were terrified when they managed to translate the females booming voice. That was when they found out the name of the dragon and that she considered them nothing more than her toys. No government was willing to let that information become public knowledge. The destruction of one city was already causing a wave of panic to spread across the planet and no one wanted to make things worse. Some governments were even going so far as to claim the reports of the destruction of Valence were a hoax before shutting down all further news about the dragons. The appearance of a second dragon, a male, had come as a complete shock to many. Then the way they had just stood there and embraced as they were hit with the full fury of the second most powerful military force on the planet had been disheartening to say the least. The decision to forgo the use of nuclear force was being seriously debated behind closed doors. If something could not be done then they would soon have no choice but to use every weapon available to them.

Mirialus was still leaving a trail of red footprints as she walked. It would take a while for all of the blood and bodies stuck to the bottom of her feet to get rubbed off on the ground. A number of military aircraft were attacking her and her mate. They were not even a nuisance to her. She and her mate were busy taking care of other things at the moment. Since she had let these people witness what she had done to one of their cities they must know about her little barrier by now. Once she started forming a barrier around the new city they would try to escape it like rats abandoning a sinking ship. Since she was not suppressing her powers nearly as much at the moment and she had while she had formed that barrier and her mate was now with her it was much easier to form a barrier. It only took a few minutes to completely surround the city and make it escape proof. The people in the city found themselves cut off from the outside world and they new what was coming. It was hard to miss the approach of the two titans even when they looked like they were still a few miles away.

It was not necessary for Mirialus to introduce herself to the male. They would find out each others names during the Joining. Mirialus had been looking forward to getting a mate. This first time would be especially fun. A female dragon did not become fertile until 1000 years after claiming a world. That meant she would have all the fun without having to worry about a bunch of little dragons running around all over the place. And it would be fun. Dragons could touch each others minds and that made it really easy to tell just what caused pleasure for a mate. The lesser races were fun to play with, but all the pleasure they caused was a forced accident. This male would now just how to pleasure her and she would be able to return the favor. The reason they were headed to the city was because they could both sense they liked the use of toys.

When they were still about 20 miles from the city they both sensed something coming and they smiled. "Looks like they're finally getting serious," the black male said. There was a nuclear device of some kind cruising their way. The dragons just smiled at each other. Much stronger weapons had been used against her in her 400 years of existence. "How powerful do you think it is, one maybe two gigatons?"

"I'd say closer to two. They really do want us dead. An explosion of that force would wipe out the city and everything else for miles around. We can't have that now can we?" Mirialus asked deviously. When the missile carrying the bomb was close enough to detonate they sealed it within a different kind of barrier. Anyone watching would have been amazed to see the might of one of the most powerful weapon ever built on the planet contained within a sphere that only had a diameter of 200 feet. Besides one bright flash the attack had been completely neutralized. "I hope that wasn't overdoing it. They have to have some hope if we don't want their civilization to completely collapse."

"They'll be fine. The use of weapons like that should be discouraged though. I will admit their weapons aren't as dirty as the ones on the world I came from. The fallout from their weapons could last for decades while the ones here should only last for a few days. Still, we can't have them wiping themselves out before we can do it," the male said with a smile. He was right. There had been more than one world were the people had broken down and panicked after realizing there was nothing that could be done about the dragons that had arrived on their worlds. A few of those occasions had lead to wars breaking out. On the worlds were they had yet to crack the atom that was not much of a problem. But on worlds like this it could take an annoyingly large amount of effort to keep the lesser races from wiping themselves out.

With the failure of the nuclear attack, the military had renewed its effort to attack the dragons by more conventional means. Those were just ignored by Mirialus and her mate. The roads leading in and out of the city were abandoned of traffic with the exception of a few military vehicles. Those vehicles were in retreat. None of them had been designed to get stepped on by something of the size of a 3500 foot tall magical reptile. Mirialus also noted that her mate was inadvertently messing up the military's ability to come up behind them. He was walking along what looked like a major road. Each time his foot came down on the road it was turned into a small gravel pit. The military was going to have to go off road if they wanted to come from that direction.

The people of New Haven could see that the military was not going to stop the dragons. They started looking for places to hide or places to die. Others just started to get things done that they wanted to get done before they died. There was also a lot of looting. The police were no longer out in force so there was no one to stop the looting. It was not like that was important anyways. There was not going to be much time to enjoy stolen goods. When the dragons were close enough to the city that people could feel each step they took it sent a fresh wave of panic through the city. Many people tried to get as far away from the approaching beasts as fast as they could. Others did not see the point in doing that. The dragons were just as likely to go after a large group of people as anything else and it would only take them a couple of minutes to walk the entire length of the city. A small number of people tried to stay as far away from other people as possible. They counted on being to insignificant for the dragons to care about them while they were on their own.

Mirialus was pleased to sense such a large number of people congregating on one side of the city. That would save the trouble of having to herd them into one area herself. Her mate would probably want a snack before they began the Joining ritual as well. A group like that should help to reduce how long it would take him to eat. The ones trying to hide could be dealt with later if they still felt like it. Then they were through there own barrier and in the city. The military tried to follow them in but found the barrier was impenetrable to them. All they could do was sit back and watch what Mirialus and her mate decided to do with the inhabitants of New Haven.

The destruction of the city began almost instantly. Mirialus alone was far too large to walk along the narrow city streets. Even one of her feet was not small enough to fit in any of the streets. Buildings wound up being crushed as if they were made of cardboard. They provided just enough resistance that Mirialus was able to notice crushing them, but that was about it. The buildings on this side of the city were virtually deserted. Nobody had been willing to stick around in a part of the city that was directly in the path of the dragons. Without anybody in this area of the city there was really no thrill in destroying the buildings. Mirialus did not want to waste time destroying empty buildings and she thought about getting rid of them using other powers available to her. Then she thought better of it. These people were already terrified of what she could do. The last thing they needed was to see even more of her abilities or how large she really was. So, Mirialus and her mate contented themselves with crushing every abandoned building beneath them so no one would try to hide in the area later on.

Mirialus and her mate split up and started to approach the group of people cowering on the far side of the city. With titans approaching from each direction the people did not know what to do. Some tried to flee back to the middle of the city, but that route was soon cut off by Mirialus as she lay down in their path. A scaly wall of flesh longer than any skyscraper was tall made for a formidable roadblock. Mirialus looked at the male and positioned herself to let him know she was now available and crooned welcomingly to him. His eyes took on a hungry gleam as he looked her over and the crowd of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of people crammed on one side of the city. Mirialus liked that look, but for many people in that crowd it seemed like the look of death. And they were correct.

The male hesitated for a moment. He did not know where to begin. There was food and a mate being presented to him all at once. Then he decided to go with both. All of those people were packed in on one isolated side of the city. A lot of them could not run even if they wanted to. All he would have to do was run his tongue over the ground and he was bound to catch a few thousand people. His tongue was good enough to procure dinner while he used his hands to pleasure his mate. He licked his lips one time before getting to business.

When the male bent down and started reaching for people they tried to back away from him but they had nowhere to back away to. Between buildings, a red dragon, and an invisible barrier, they were trapped. Some tried to hide in those buildings but that was only a temporary decision. The male grabbed a handful of people. He had not been very gentle about it either. Nearly as many people had been crushed as had been picked up. Then his tongue followed up his hand. He could sense the people hiding in the buildings. As his tongue ran over the streets it also went through the buildings. He may not have had the control to make his tongue go through the front door of a building but it was strong enough to go through brick and concrete as if they were paper. Since his tongue was as wide as many of the buildings they were not able to remain standing long after getting hit by the massive pink muscle. People were diving on top of each other to escape the oncoming sticky wall of flesh. It was only now that they realized how big a mistake it was to gather in a group that was so large they could not move more than a foot or two. Hundreds of people had no hope whatsoever of avoiding their fate and were bowled over by the colossal tongue. A few were crushed as they were dragged across the ground and through buildings by the tongue as it continued to gather people and then returned to the dragon's mouth.

The ones that were not dead had a terrifying descent down the dragon's throat and a short stay in his belly before being converted into energy for his mammoth body. After his first mouthful the dragon started absentmindedly passing his tongue over the ground using only his senses to guide it. Each pass of the tongue was giving the people more room to dodge it, but he was still gathering a few thousand people each time his tongue gathered food. His main concern right now was the pleasure of his mate though. The people in his hand had some time to wonder what he planed to do with them until they saw they were being moved toward the female. Mirialus awaited the male's gift on her back and let out a little moan as the package was thrust into her waiting pussy. She could feel the little people frantically moving around inside her as the male fingered her insides. They were trying to avoid the male's fingers. Mirialus did not know whether it was due to a lack of light or if the fingers questing around for her pleasure centers were too large to avoid, but the people inside of her were coming to a premature end very quickly. She could feel his senses taking in her pleasure and his fingers moved to all the right places at the right time. This was new for Mirialus. She had fun with her lessers whenever she felt like it, but it was nothing like being pleasured by a mate. Her climax was sudden and intense. People were able to hear her ear shattering cry of ecstasy for miles around. The people in her immediate vicinity were stunned by the noise.

The male withdrew his moist fingers. Miraculously, a few people were still left alive and stuck to his fingers. There were not enough to have fun with, so he casually flicked them off his fingers and to the ground. Even bent down like he was a fall like that was easily fatal to those few survivors. The male gathered more people and started filling his mate to capacity. Mirialus was getting off on just having all those squirming bodies inside of her. If he did not finish what he had planned first her body would turn them into paste on its own. The male had finished feeding and was able to change position to do what he wanted, but he gathered one more mouthful of people and kept them there for later use. Mirialus looked into his deep amber eyes as he knelt a short distance away from her. His arousal started to become physically evident as he looked her over. She was pleased to see that he was as generously endowed a male as she was a female.

Mirialus was surprised when he actually went for a kiss instead of pounding right into her. He knew she was a patient dragon and he was trying to show her he could be just as patient. When he stuck his tongue into her mouth the wriggling bodies on it came as another pleasant surprise. He exchanged a little of his meal with her as they locked tongues in a sensual dance and the thrill of prey descending her throat helped to get her even more in the mood. The other people within her seemed determined to get her to climax before he could finish though. Mirialus tried to let him know it was time to move on but was only able to mumble around his tongue. He was able to get the message since he could tell what she was feeling and he broke off the kiss.

The male grabbed her around the waist and began to insert his cock slowly into her. Mirialus could feel some of those inside of her being crushed against the walls of her pussy while others were being shoved even deeper inside of her. Mirialus braced her hands on either side of her. One hand came down on a crowd of people and it only registered to a very small part of her mind. The male was moving in and out of her at a teasingly slow speed at first. He was speeding up very gradually and Mirialus was having trouble containing herself. The people inside of her were being reduced to pulp under his constant pounding, the entire length of his member was dyed red by his efforts, but they could both sense a small number of people were left alive. Then they both came together. Their names and details about their lives flooded into each others minds as his seed flooded into her. The impact of the male's seed was enough to reduce the last survivors into nothing more than broken bodies. Mirialus' hands clenched into fists and the people left under her hands were crushed without being noticed by a single one of her keen senses noticing them in her moment of rapture.

Mirialus was panting as the male withdrew from her. The information that had just entered her mind began to sort itself out. His name was Devarian and he was every bit as powerful as she was. That was probably why he was sent here and she was glad of it. Their personalities complimented each other very well. He was definitely someone she could spend a few million years with. The planet was large enough that she could have avoided a mate she did not like until it was time to reproduce, but that would mean few moments like this in their time together on this world. When Mirialus had stopped panting Devarian started to move onto her breasts but she stopped him and said, "No lover, it's my turn now. On your feet."

Devarian responded as Mirialus expected him to. While he stood up she got on her knees. He was still erect which went perfect with her plans. Mirialus just hoped he had good reload time. There were plenty of people left behind too. Mirialus picked up a handful of them as gingerly as she could and tried to drop them into the narrow slit of Devarian's member. The people were small but it was still a little tricky getting them all in. She had to resort to using some of her power to nudge them in. When that was done she moved her head closer to his cock. It was still soaked in gore from what he had just done and Mirialus was more than willing to use her own tongue to clean it off. As she did so his member hardened ever so slightly. Mirialus then took it into her mouth. This time it was her senses that ran over him. She matched the speed of her sucking to what she felt aroused him the most. There was something missing though. Then it hit her. Mirialus grabbed another handful of people and used them to start massaging his now exposed testicles. The rough, scaly hide surrounding his seed filled sac shredded the frail bodies of those being rubbed against it. That was enough for Devarian. He grabbed Mirialus' mane as he shot his load down her throat. Mirialus was happy to accept his warm seed, especially with the little beings adding extra flavor to the mix. Devarian had quite a load too. This was her first time giving a blow job and the amount of cum a virile male dragon had in him was simply amazing and it gave her an idea. When he had finally finished she looked up at him and asked, "Do you think you can do that again?"

"As many times as you want," was his response. Mirialus smiled and grabbed a couple more handfuls of the terrified people. She used one hand to caress his member while she used the other to rub his ball sac again. It was a little harder getting him off this way, but she wanted to have a little fun with the surviving populace. Her senses helped her do a very good job though. It was too bad the people she was using to aid her could not appreciate just how much they were helping her as they were turned into a fine paste against Devarian. Her hand pumped vigorously and she massaged the red paste into his glands. And finally, he came once again. Mirialus made sure that his spurts of seed were landing on the various crowds of people that dotted the cityscape. She chuckled a little as buildings were knocked over and people were washed away by a tidal wave of cum. By the time he was done well over a third of those that remained were stuck under a milky white sticky lake. Devarian's seed was too thick for the people to swim out of, so even if they had not been killed by the impact of his seed they were slowly drowning in the musky substance. Mirialus and Devarian enjoyed the show and waited until they could sense no more life within his seed before they moved on.

Mirialus was still on her knees and she started to lie down on her hands as well. Countless people were crushed under her arms and others had an interesting view as Mirialus lowered her mountainous breasts on them. They also learned why many people did not like interesting things as they were crushed like ants beneath her. Mirialus enjoyed the feeling of their tiny bodies popping under her weight as well as their puny forms brushing against her flesh as they tried to get as far from her as they could. The ones in front of her did not have much to worry about at the moment. It would have been a little odd for Devarian to try to grab them while reaching over her. The ones to her side were fair game though. When they noticed Devarian reaching for them and Mirialus sitting still they tried to crowd in front of her. Most of them moved too slow that. They were once again packed into Mirialus' femme while others stared on in horror. When he was done Mirialus really poured on her pheromones. It had the affect she thought it would on Devarian and she was also surprised to see it was having an affect on a number of those trying to get away from her. Those people were even more mesmerized by her pheromones than Devarian was. They only had a mild affect on him, but those people acted like they were acting against their will as they started to approach her. Mirialus smiled at them as she realized they were hers now. It was also proof of just how pitiful these people were if they could be dominated so easily. Mirialus actually felt a little sorry for them. Sorry enough that she considered keeping them as pets after this was all over. Mirialus gave those that were approaching her a little wink and then Devarian was in her once again. Any thoughts of the people around her vanished as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her. This was actually better than before for her as she let out a happy roar. Then it was a simultaneous climax again and the people in her not killed by Mirialus' climax were killed by Devarian's.

As Mirialus came down off of her pleasure high she remembered the people that had been gathering around her. They had dared to get closer to her even while she was mating. Some were even touching her at the moment. It was kind of cute to Mirialus and she formed a special little space around each individual that had been affected by her. To the people outside of that space it would have looked like those people disappeared. In reality they were safely encased in little spheres that Mirialus had hover about 2000 feet off the ground. They would be perfectly safe, unless Mirialus changed her mind about them later.

Mirialus was thoroughly enjoying herself, but it was time to get onto other parts of the Joining ritual. They needed to create a lair. There might be a few caves that could be used for their purposes on this world, but that was doubtful. A dragon would usually have to carve out a cave using there own power. That was why a lair was normally created in an area that a dragon normally liked. The dragon that arrived on a world first would normally create a temporary lair and then when the second arrived they would create a permanent lair in the location of the completion of the Joining. How much time they spent in that lair together depended on how much they liked each other. Mirialus looked around the area and thought it was very pretty. She looked up at her mate and he nodded in agreement. Then he said, "We do have to take care of a vermin problem first. The last thing we need is a bunch of squishy little creatures running around underfoot and getting their blood all over the place." Mirialus knew it would be easy enough to banish all the remaining people from the area, but that would be no fun for her and Devarian had not had the chance to demonstrate his power yet. No dragon would be happy until he or she had demonstrated what they were capable of. It was too bad for the people that dragons considered it a privilege to let the lesser races witness them during mating and did not count it as a demonstration of their power.

Devarian began doing a little house cleaning while Mirialus started brushing a few broken bodies out of her pussy. People were really in motion now. There was finally enough room for them to move now that so many of their number had been reduced. The problem was that so many buildings had been knocked down and there was so much cum in the streets that it was hard to get around. It was also difficult trying to dodge a foot that was as large as a city block. Mirialus just let Devarian have his fun for a few minutes since she had already had a whole city to herself. Besides, it was a little fun watching somebody else wreak some havoc. The buildings did nothing to protect the people that had built them. They crumbled into rubble under Devarian's foot and the people faired no better. Broken little bodies would stick to the bottom of his foot or get caught in a loose scale only to tumble of on other people or get pulverized even further with his next step. Devarian looked like he was having so much fun Mirialus decided to let him take care of the large groups that still remained in the streets while she hunted down those hiding elsewhere in the city.

The people Mirialus had ensnared hovered around her as she walked, invisible to anyone except another dragon. A few people were hiding out in their skyscrapers and other large buildings. She thought about using them as a dildo like she had done in the previous city she had destroyed. The problem with that at the moment was that they seemed woefully inadequate after just having mated with Devarian. So, she just contented herself with lightly kicking the buildings over as she passed. Most structures did not take a lot of force to knock over. Besides the skyscrapers, all of them could be destroyed with a single toe. Mirialus did not have any trouble sensing where people were. The people would just wonder how something so large could notice them. Something the size of Mirialus should not have been able to see an individual so much smaller than she was. Those people only had a few seconds to think about the impossibility of it all before being crushed like ants.

Mirialus could sense the number of people in the city decreasing fast. Devarian was snuffing out the city's population at a fairly rapid speed. They must have all been horrified, but it could have been much worse. Many dragons did things much more slowly. Getting crushed underfoot was a fairly quick way to go. The people that Devarian and Mirialus had swallowed probably would have wished for something as quick as being crushed. There was only one sign of life left in Mirialus' part of the city. She had already let one person survive from the previous city and she had a bunch of other survivors from this city hovering around her. Mirialus was through giving out mercy for one day. She laid down in front of the building she felt the person hiding in, crushing a few buildings that had managed to survive thus far. She reached over and stuck a single claw in the building. Its walls tore as if they were not even there and she started dragging the claw slowly around inside of it. The person, a chestnut colored horse, came running out as the building collapsed around him. His path was carrying him directly in Mirialus' direction before he stumbled to a stop and tried to run in the opposite direction. Mirialus blocked his path with her hand. He tried to run off down an alley, but the buildings were knocked down in his path. The only direction he could run in was back towards Mirialus. There was one escape path for him that way though. A loose manhole cover was in the street and he thought it would be possible to escape into the sewers. He tried to get to it before Mirialus could notice it and was quickly disappointed when a black claw was stuck into the sewer entrance. The horse looked into the eyes of the smiling titan and was paralyzed with fear as claws larger than most buildings reached for him. He was picked up between two claws much more gingerly than he would have thought possible. "Nice try little man," Mirialus said as she crushed him like a flea.

It did not take Mirialus and Devarian two hours to wipe out a city of well over 20 million people. When they were done Devarian finally noticed the people floating around his mate. "Are you keeping a snack for later?" he asked.

"I thought I'd keep a few pets. It'll be convenient to have a supply of them on hand in the cave. Maybe we can train them to keep the lair clean while we're away," Mirialus said. "Plus, they should be able to help clean out all the bits of concrete and body parts that get wedged under my scales."

"Those do get uncomfortable after a while. Good idea Mir," Devarian said as he muzzled Mirialus gently. "We'll have to remember to leave a section for them in the lair. I wouldn't want to forget about them and end up stepping on most them. Now, let's get to business." Mirialus nodded and they both closed their eyes. A couple of news helicopters that had flown in from different cities were able to capture a spectacular sight even though they were stuck outside of the dragon's barrier. Mirialus started to glow a faint shade of red while Devarian started glowing black. The land around them began to warp and shift. What was left of the city was swallowed by the land itself and a deep cavern started to form. The size of the opening was huge. It filled a good portion of the area that the city used to stand. Many of the military vehicles around the city started to back away in the event that the cavern entrance started to expand in their direction. It was a wise choice, but a little late. Many vehicles were swallowed up as the cavern entrance did expand extremely rapidly. When the dragons opened their eyes again the cave extended for miles to each side of the dragons and they let their barrier disappear. The cavern even dwarfed them in its size and the people in the helicopters wondered why they would want something so large.

"That looks about right. It even has plenty of growing room. We shouldn't have to worry about expanding it for another million or so years," said Devarian.

"True, but remember not to return to your normal size until we're out of view of those observation devices."

"How about we give them a little peak? Besides, I'm anxious to see the real you," Devarian said.

Mirialus thought about it and she smiled mischievously. "Alright, just a peak though. We don't want them to lose all hope of fighting us and going into hiding. We've got to let them think they can invent something that can beat us if we give them time." Mirialus thought of some of the things that had been used against her over the course of her life. One of her favorites was the robotic version of a dragon. It had been really entertaining seeing all the gadgets that could be fit in something like that.

"You're right of course," Devarian said with a sigh. "It's too bad we can't have fun with a city like that for a while. Sure, there are plenty of small towns on a planet of this size, but there is nothing like destroying an entire city in less than a day."

"We still have a few million years with these people. What's a couple hundred years to beings like us?" Mirialus asked. The two dragons held each other as they walked across the threshold of their new home. When they were sure the people observing them would only get a fraction of a second to observe them they stopped suppressing their power and grew to their true size. Mirialus noted that she was two feet taller. That was not much of a difference in power, but it was still nice to know she was the more powerful of the two.

Far away one news crew was stunned into silence by the brief glimpse of the dragons they received before the scaly monsters disappeared into the shadows. "Did you see that?" a reporter asked after five minutes.

"Sure did," responded the pilot.

"We've got to get in closer and see if we can get another shot of that," the reporter said.

The pilot glared at the reporter before responding. "I first started flying when I joined the air force 20 years ago. Since then I've flown multiple combat missions before retiring and I can tell you right now you are not getting me any closer to that hole in the ground than we are right now."

"But we have to," the reporter started before being interrupted.

"What we have to do is survive. Have you received a single reporter about a survivor coming out of New Haven? Did anyone except that one person that the red dragon let live come out of Valence? You saw what it did. Those things were killing people for the fun of it and if you didn't notice it, let me tell you they really enjoyed it. You had to see those footprints in Valence. People were reduced to little puddles of red goo. The government is denying the use of nuclear weapons right now but I'll bet you that missile we saw earlier had the most powerful warhead in our arsenal on it. What I'm trying to say is that I did not survive a war by doing stupid things. Something that large with that much power is beyond our ability to deal with and you don't get closer to something like that."

The reporter looked like he was about to agree with the pilot. Then he quickly changed his mind. "If you don't get us in closer I swear I'll have you fired."

Laughter filled the cockpit of the helicopter. "Fine, I planned on moving as far away from that cave as possible. Besides, I'd rather be alive and without a job than join in with the little red stains on the bottom of someone's foot. I haven't seen mountains that were a fraction of the size of those monsters. If I had to guess they were between 50 to 60 miles in height and they could be larger. We only got that little look after all and I bet they planned it that way. That makes us look microscopic next to them. And I have this new policy against getting close to something that makes me look like a germ. I call it common sense. However, if you want to go in for a closer look I'll land this thing and let you walk there. Then you can ask them to pose for some pictures. I'm sure they'll notice you just like they did every poor bastard in Valence and New Haven."

The cameraman that had been quiet until then spoke up, "He'll be walking alone then. You can't pay me enough to get within a 100 miles of those things."

The reporter was fuming a little bit but it was obvious he would have no story without the cameraman as well. "Alright, take us back home."

"I was going to do that anyways," said the pilot. "The only thing I'm worried about right now is what I should take with me when I move and which part of the planet I think those things would avoid the longest."

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